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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180809 08:00:00

court. jackie ibanez has more. reporter: no electricity or plumbing, made of mostly garbage. the 11 children living there had easy access to loaded assault rifles. prosecutors say the 5 adults keeping children of the compound were treating them to become school shooters. local information taking place. we also knew from surveillance there was a shooting on the west side. reporter: according to court documents the adult, quote, transported children across state lines for the purpose of receiving advanced weapons training to commit future acts of violence, police and covering the compound as they search for missing toddler, they believe his father, one of the men arrested kidnapped the boy and plans to perform an exorcism on him.
they think they found the boy s remains but awaiting dna confirmation and the suspect is the son of a controversial muslim imam with ties to the 1993 world trade center bombing. they are charged with child abuse and neglect and pleaded not guilty and are back in court tomorrow. the 11 rescued children are living in foster care this morning. jillian: a police officer rushed to the hospital after being shot outside a waffle house. and officer patrol car, fleeing on foot in jacksonville, florida. two other officers shooting him, jacksonville s mayor says he is strong as an ox and will be okay. the gunman survived but hasn t been identified. police and new jersey released these images of two people of
attorneys reiterating last night that ultimately the president makes the decision. jillian: thank you very much. rob: the president s lawyers ramping up pressure on bob mueller telling him to produce evidence or wrap this thing up. jillian: joe the jennifer says it is not justice mueller is looking for but impeachment. if mueller tries to subpoena him he will have a tough time because according to what we know publicly there is no criminal conduct involving the president, no russian collusion, no crime involving collusion so what is the reason mueller wants to talk to him? he wants to talk to him for purposes of writing a report in referring the matter to mister rosenstein to refer to congress for impeachment. the use of a grand jury subpoena to get testimony from a president for use in impeachment proceedings illegal and
unconstitutional. attorneys wanted ended by september 1st. jillian: the paul manafort trial could wrap up by the end of the we, prosecutors expect the government to rest their case tomorrow. manafort s former business partner rick gates just testified, foreign bank accounts to the fbi, before the investigation began. a former trump campaign manager, he is on trial for bank and tax fraud charges. hitting russia with new sanctions after poising and attempted murder of a former russian spy and his daughter. the us expelled 60 suspected russian spies against sergey and yuliya in britain. and it russian spy died, russia denies involvement in this and
calls the sanctions draconian. jillian: the state of texas wants to end daca asking a federal judge to block the government from issuing or renewing applications under the obama era program. the lawsuit is, quote, vital to restore a lot of the immigration system. texas is one of 10 states to end the program in may. and children being deported. moving closer to a potential recount, 588 uncounted votes giving democrat danny o connor 190 more votes against troy balderson who has declared victory. it is even tighter, candidate separated by 1600 votes as chris, quote, claims victory and jim collier is waiting on
A precursor to Fox News s morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day.
in virtue of that. rob: how realistic is 5% gdp growth? peter moricci crunching the numbers next. the first of its kind that could impact ridesharing services nationwide. stay right there. [ loesch ] this is superbeets and i swear by it. it gives me more healthy energy
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they are breaking into our country coming to our country illegally. let s and forth our border. rob: big bill calls for wall construction to begin by december 2019. jillian: democratic lawmaker said the russians hacked florida voting systems but no evidence. senator bill nelson saying, quote, they have already penetrated certain counties in the state and have free reign to move out. nelson said he wouldn t elaborate since the information was classified. state officials say they have no evidence to back up that claim. rob: it addiction from donald trump on the country s gdp after seeing big numbers in the last quarter. virtually above and again, numbers we can go much higher. jillian: is this kind of growth realistic and what would it mean
for average americans? his chief economist for the international trade commission peter moricci. is it realistic? it is campaign talk, hyperbole, not possible to grow at a 5% rate and politically he will regret it. every president the matter how well he does, i can see that soundbite popping up when he has a bad quarter and democrats using it against him. rob: just like the stock market, you brag about the stock market to live and die by it, it comes and goes. and the last president obama with the gdp. he also has terrible moments down one person. you see 4.4% not very good. and the past quarter, 4.1.
sustainable 5% is possible? this is like baseball. batting averages matter. president obama averaged 1.9% growth. donald trump since he came to office, the economy has done 2.7, 2.8, his batting average is 40% higher. that is what we should be emphasizing. as i see the economy going forward of the trade war doesn t derail us we will continue to grow at 3%. we haven t seen that in two decades. that is terribly good news and that is what they should be running on. unfortunately mister trump is inclined to say the extreme. what economist he has in the white house which are few tend to come up with numbers to justify. a bad way to do economics. jillian: is he being extreme in these numbers he is helpful for
is it being optimistic? i think it is pr trump. it is trump being trump. running the economy, dealing with the chinese is serious business. the bellicose talk only goes so far. this is not the way for a president to be talking to because these words can come back to bite him. my feeling is it is important to say we are doing better, tax cuts work, deregulation works, we have a record number of open jobs for people to take. this is good news and run on that. rob: what do you think of the statement we have heard the past few weeks that this is president obama s economy? he should get the credit? it almost defies logic in some ways. let s look back on the obama presidency, he was 6 years in
and blaming bush first troubles. everything that went wrong in the obama presidency was the responsibility of the republican predecessor and everything that goes right in the trump presidency was facilitated by his groundwork. obama and his supporters are shameless when it comes to this. we had a change in economic policy. let s hope the trade wars don t derail it. trade wars are dangerous things, hot wars, cold wars, two kids shooting with p shooters in the back of english class, someone could get it in the eye. this is serious business, that is where his focus should be, not on selling 5% growth, something that can t happen. that is how you survived in the classroom. thank you. appreciate you coming. 20 minutes after the hour. donald trump has taken direct aim at twitter for shadow banning conservatives. now here from the ceo himself. rob: what jack dorsey has to say
about blocking high profile republican platforms.
interview with jack dorsey. it does not censor users based on political beliefs and conservative politicians on twitter. the company blaming that on a technical glitch. despite jack dorsey s latest comments on social media remain unconvinced, they do shadow ban, we have seen the numbers. elaine says when is jack going to take care of the situation. jeffrey saying even though i disagree with the way they have been treating conservatives, he is willing to listen and adjust a platform instead of hiding like the other guys do, give him credit for going on sean hannity s radio show, they are trying to be better at least. rob: nancy pelosi always for a controversial soundbite.
nancy pelosi says a vote for a democrat in november will make the lives of illegal immigrants a little easier. take a listen. going home for a family funeral can come back into the country. every mom who courageously brought her child across the desert across all those injustices. jillian: not making surprising comments a press conference in el paso, texas. jim on twitter says she is the gift that keeps on giving. democrats want votes to put illegal immigrants interest over americans. black dog chiming in that is not a good thing. what is good is truth. be honest about what is happening to protect our borders, elections and citizens. going down party lines. jillian: oh baby, carly has a
surprise. listen to her big announcements. why is it starting in may? mike and isaiah and i are over the moon and excited, adding fish to the pond. are husband s name is mike fisher, another fish to work on. a lot of babies growing around here lately. nobody that you are seeing right now but the people through the magic of this show building an army. thanks so much. 26 minutes after the hour.
a muslim advocacy group suing the federal government claiming the terror watch list is unconstitutional. do they have a case or is the government working to keep people safe? illegal debate coming up next.
and kill american soldiers in 2015. according to the department of homeland security, and compared to 30,000 people in june. and kirstjen neilsen will learn more about how drones are threat to the northern border. the terror watch list unconstitutional. muslim advocacy group care. the federal government created a secret system that relegated tens of thousands of american muslims, and in the muslim community. do they have a case here? legal affairs reporter alex
sawyer and criminal defense attorney, thank you for coming in. we start with you. who are the plaintiffs in this case who say their rights are being violated? american muslims being represented by the council on american islamic relations brought a suit saying they were disproportionately impacted by the terror watch list and they cited the quiet skies program, no relation to deterring terrorist attacks monitoring people based on whether they look weird. rob: they are watching people you are not seeing that are trying to protect us. seeing people in airports on planes acting nervous and going to the bathroom, sweating it in some cases a cold penetrating stare. people are asking bizarre. is this going too far in trying
to protect people at airports in skies? the issue with the lawsuit is we had recent reports that 50 people every day are being monitored on flights. it targets muslims is questionable, millions of muslims are able to travel without any monitoring or problem with that. that is a big hurdle they have to face and the fact that police officers have been able to legally stop people they see and have reasonable suspicion is on the side of federal government in their program. nothing about it says where you are from. and there is something to be said, maybe a month ago, she
told fox news, 10 suspected terrorists they are stopping from coming into the country every single day, suspected or known terrorists, this is a big problem. a lot of radicalism and people who want to do damage in this country. that start to go the other way? i don t think there has been any link on the terror watch list and stopping people who tried to commit terrorist attacks. there have been 250 terrorist attacks homegrown terrorists, only one person on the list is on the terror list involved in the attack. that person was removed from the list before the attack. it is publicly available and cited in the lawsuit was a larger issue here is it appears based on these plaintiffs they have targeted by relations with somebody else.
a girl who is 9 years old whose father had been expelled and she is subject to scrutiny and excessive scrutiny. rob: this is a response from the tsa. in my view it has been very effective. ordinary citizens should be happy a program like this is in place because everybody expects us to do what we can to do that, protect the privacy and unconstitutional rights of our citizens. to some extent we are all harassed in the wake of 9/11. in the airport somebody grabbing your butt, open your bag, have to take your clothes off. that is a form of harassment. it is irritating and if you did this to people 25 years ago it would be considered harassment. should people learn this is part of the deal if you want to travel? the courts have been getting the federal government broad
discretion in terms of national security interests and we saw that with the travel ban case, the supreme court upheld executive authority to make sure the american public is safe and that is part of the training process at tsa. there are adequate questions about a 9-year-old being subject to extra scrutiny because of her father being on the watch list but at the same time the courts have said being subject to extra questioning doesn t reach a constitutional violation. the young girl is still able to travel. rob: an interesting legal debate and constitutional debate. thanks for coming on this morning. we appreciate your time. longer school days but shorter weeks. one school district is dropping down to four day weeks saying it will benefit the community. could your kid s go week be next.
doctors of the future, so doctors want to diagnose you through your smartphone but is that really a smart idea? doctor siegal will talk about that. my name is jeff sheldon,
so now, we re ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. jillian: we are back with the fox news exclusive interview. us ambassador nikki haley slamming the eu for playing ball with iran. rob: richardson spoke with the ambassador while she was visiting colombia, the pressure she is putting on. the united nations ambassador nikki haley staged a short walk from the venezuelan border declaring it is time for the venezuelan president to go while focusing on the humanitarian crisis in venezuela, flooding into colombia only a few feet away she addressed foreign-policy challenges across the world and questioned how long the us will wait for north
korea to surrender its nuclear weapons. we are willing to wait if they are willing to wait but we are not willing to wait long. reporter: mike pompeo accused him of using sanctions against north korea. state department official for the us is sanctioning russia again for the poisoning of the former british spiders are in england. haley warns of more potential penalties. lots of options we could do this past week so those things will continue to happen until we can cleanup the behavior. reporter: the us began restoring sanctions against iran it lifted as part of the iran nuclear deal in european firms continue conducting business with iran. they can play politics all we want, we wanted to get out of the deal and we did. the eu can do what they want but you can t condone the practice is coming out of iran so there will be a decision to make. chris collins refusing to drop out of his race after being
indicted for insider trading. charges levied against me are meritless and i will mount a vigorous defense in court to clear my name. the new york representative gave information about a pharmaceutical company to his son who used it to make stock trades. they avoided $768,000 in losses when they got that information before was made public. collins is due back in court in october. the new darling of the democratic party, alexandria ocasio-cortez can t name her party s leader. whom do you believe to be the head of the democratic party? i don t think there is anyone head. we are a collective. this is a movement. i don t think parties are ever about one person. they are about how the contributions each person gives to the party. there are exciting folks in the
party. rob: ocasio-cortez is running for congress in new york. jillian: a digital doctor. if you have a cold, the flu or general wellness matter, cvs will diagnose you through an apps on your smart phone. is this a good idea? here is doctor mark siegel. thanks for joining us. $59, what do you like about this? what i like about this is patients don t see the doctor, they know they are supposed to. we might be able to access by telemedicine. a huge clientele, what about people in rural areas? i can t drive to the doctor. what about people who don t want
to wait in the waiting room? just have a cold or sniffle. what is a mole on my hand? access is a big plus that will lead to people getting seen by a doctor that they were seen before. jillian: this could be a good thing but what are the cons? the downside, some of the things i don t want doctors diagnosing over the internet like a cold or somebody says i have sniffled and the doctor feels pressed to give an antibiotic. what about the doctor-patient relationship? someone has a serious thing that might take half an hour or more to get them to reveal. i can t have that same relationship over video that i can have in person. there are intangibles. jillian: chief medical officer on these items, new telehealth offering, patients have an additional option for seeking
care that is more convenient for them. makes you wonder at some point, your traditional doctors office would be extinct if we had things like this. those walk in clinics on every corner nowadays, what do you think of that? things you wouldn t otherwise get to see the doctor for. we doctors feel we are becoming extinct but that is not happening. we wouldn t want to see that happen. they are becoming part of a larger team, physician assistants, there is too much time spent on computers. we are not becoming extinct. we have to worry about telemedicine having too large a role. there is a cautionary flag, it is too convenient. jillian: you have some tips on how to live longer and healthier life. please do tell. number what is what you know.
exercise regularly, cardiovascular exercise, good diet, i like mediterranean diet, weight loss. a lot of our problems are due to being overweight in america, smoking leads to 7 kinds of cancer and emphysema. got to stop smoking. drink less alcohol and we talked about having a regular relationship with a primary care physician that leads to less misuse of medications, holding back on diseases that can be picked up with regular screenings, get your colonoscopy, mammogram, blood pressure checked. we have a lot of high blood pressure we are missing leading to heart attacks and strokes. getting your blood pressure checked and getting regular screening test, getting that cholesterol checked is key. jillian: that op-ed with more information on see me go on telemedicine. jillian: pumping the brakes on
uber and lift. new york city putting new limits on uber and lift, first of its kind rules that could impact ridesharing services nationwide. coming to a screeching halt because this umpire has something stuck inside his ear. wait until you see them pool it out. a raging fire
and lift in new york city. the first one of its kind in the country so this would put back pricing and availability. that is where the services are opposed to this but the city says there has been major congestion in the last few years because of all these ride healing services coming into the city and they want to study this service for a year which is why they are putting a freeze. uber said they would do whatever it takes to keep up with growing demand. they would not stop working with city and state leaders including corey johnson to pass solutions that comprehensive congestion pricing. this could hurt people who are trying to get rides using these surfaces although those in favor of it sated hurting yellow taxis.
rob: that the progress we are looking for. jillian: 10 million ford mustang is revealed. it rolled off the assembly line yesterday in michigan. it has been america s best-selling sports car for the last half-century. it is wimbledon, the 2019 convertible, just like the first one in the 60s, got the number 10 million on its door but for now it is not going to be for sale but on promotional duty, touring around, may end up at auction one day but for now we can just enjoy looking at it. a surge in voter turnout
sparking voter fraud concerns in georgia. 670 people in one precinct voted in the state primaries in may but there are only 276 people registered to vote in the district. making things stranger the election website updated tuesday shows 3700 registered voters so we don t know what is going on. state officials say their elections are sincere. some are looking forward to a shorter school week following other schools throughout the country. the pueblo school district is giving students a 3 day weekend. kids will spend more time in school each day. the district said it will save $1.5 million a year. a 3 day weekend every week. time for the good, the bad and the ugly, army recruiters rescue an american flag in the middle of a powerful storm. video showing soldiers picking it up after a flagpole is
knocked down in deal for screens. recruiters were taking part in patriot week at a mexican shooting range when the storm hit. they brought the flag inside and folded it up properly. jillian: look at the top of your screen. and illegal immigrant falling 30 feet trying to climb a wall in california. he suffered severe injuries and was airlifted to the hospital. the umpire gets a mosque stuck in his ear at a yankee game. something might have flown in his ear. we will be down in umpire. he is in the dugout and they got the bug out. then he headed back into the game. so gross. okay.
coming up, a gre father training children to become terrorists and carry out school shootings. we just dodged what could have been a massive attack. standing up for sacrifice it in-year-old patriot is out of his wheelchair to honor the fallen. avery price joining us, don t go anywhere.

Reporter , Children , Electricity , Garbage , Plumbing , Jackie-ibanez , 11 , Access , Compound , Prosecutors , School-shooters , Adults

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180810 08:00:00

help law enforcement. violence surging in the windy city, candace owens says it is the perfect time for donald trump to go and speak. now is the time for him to make an appearance in chicago. an important issue, he should send the national guard to chicago. it is incomprehensible 71 people were shot over the weekend, it is the perfect time, the rasmussen poll released two weeks ago shows his support has doubled since this time last year which means paying attention to the results of this administration, not the rhetoric accusing him of racism and sexism. now is the time for him to appear in chicago, please do it. rob: what is the solution to combating the violence in chicago? is it time for the national
guard to step in? email us your thoughts or let us know on social media. jillian: the man accused of soliciting people to kill ice agents is on fail bail. he was arrested more than a month after tweeting, quote, i am broke but will scrounge and give $500 to anyone who kills an ice agents. take me seriously. who else can pledge? let s make this work. court documents show he has tweeted about slitting john mccain s the road. prosecutors say enough is enough. we are in need of a basic civics lesson. agents and officers enforcing federal laws are doing their job. those who disagree with their mission are free to say so but there is a difference between public debate and intentionally putting others in fear of their lives. reporter: he is doing court next week.
police say it could take weeks to determine whether human remains uncovered at the new mexico compound belong to a missing little boy. the child as grandfather knows it is him. on my way back here i learned they found someone s body. you can imagine how i feel about that. reporter: investigators discovered the compound searching for the boy, his father is believed to have kidnapped in georgia and brought him to new mexico for an exorcism. he is under arrest for child abuse with four other adults believed to be muslim extremists. they were training children to become school shooters. rob: north korea criticizing the united states for lacking basic decorum, speaking out about sanctions and increased pressure saying they deserve to be
chances on a repeat situation. reporter: it has been nearly a year since the deadly riots in charlottesville, virginia. a day of classes withdrew attention from the alt right movement. in a precautionary move the governor declared a state of emergency and sending resources to help local police. i will tell you it is very clear state police are fully prepared to act on any insightful violence, any acts of violence or violations of law. reporter: demonstration was planned in charlottesville but it was scrapped and permits have been issued for hundreds to gather across the street from the white house. we have people coming to our city for the sole purpose of spewing hate. reporter: the mayor of dc denouncing the planned rally and says she is activating emergency operations.
burning tiki torches, we remember heather hire. it didn t make sense last year and it doesn t make sense now. reporter: last week heather hire s mother returned to the spot where her daughter was fatally struck by a car recalling the promise she made at the funeral. i held her hand and said i m going to make this count. i don t want to be here doing this. reporter: on sunday she will visit that block which is named for her daughter and speaking at an event marking the anniversary. lauren blanchard, fox news. rob: the president ready to take on prison reform after a roundtable with state leaders, the administration looking to change citizen laws and a law passed by the house, provisions with a were sentences for drug families and get rid of life terms, the president said it will save tax dollars and boost
the heroic moments that earned an airman the medal of honor showing john chapman fighting al qaeda militants in afghanistan in 2002. rob: he charges into anybody s before he is knocked unconscious and more than an hour later he is still fighting until tragically he is shot and killed. jillian: he will present the family with the medal of honor on august 22nd. the navy seal who fought alongside him was given the medal in may. rob: 11 minutes after the hour, philadelphia s mayor, the windy city was declared a sanctuary. in a direct result of that policy, an illegal immigrant committed a heinous crime against the child. of philadelphia state representative blasting that city for putting a criminal above the law.
is this as jarring to you to see the story? this person never should have had the opportunity to do this and you have this child who is a victim? it absolutely is and it is unfortunate because this what it comes down to is a public safety issue, not necessarily a democrat or republican issue. democrats for many years have been against sanctuary cities, we have seen president barack obama s administration against sanctuary cities, pennsylvania governor ed rendell against century city and philadelphia s former mayor reversed sanctuary policy but i think mayor kenny is going against the grain of what people across the country want to see happen. they want them gone. they are tired of it and this is a prime example of why these policies are so dangerous.
rob: the former philly mayor tried to make the sanctuary city realize it wasn t the way it reversed that decision in this new mayor took it back to sanctuary and president obama is this part of the trump derangement, trying to do the opposite of the president in every single facet to the point they take it too far like this? i think it comes down to logic and the idea that you can allow illegal immigrants who committed crimes in our city to be released into the street and expect them to not commit another crime which is exactly what happened instead of the mayor and philadelphia being able to abide by federal immigration requests to hold this person, make sure they were not released, come and pick him up.
not just immigrants who are undocumented, these are persons who have committed a crime, they are under arrest and still being released into the community. instead of having federal authorities be notified and apprehend these suspects in a safe environment, and the police department instead of reaching back out into the community, having to actually re-apprehend the individual who in this incident had committed another crime. rob: what happened to this poor child and philadelphia is the responsibility of that mayor. we will see how he responds to this. jillian: dropping the pledge of allegiance, a school backtracking on that plan after massive back lash from the community. carly shimkus has the school s explanation as they face the
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it s the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. rob: gridiron defiance, knees on the ground. jillian: nfl players protesting the national anthem. carly shimkus with serious xm 115 here with the reaction that we expected. players protested in a variety of ways. two miami dolphins players took on the, malcolm jenkins and another player on the team, jacksonville jaguars player did not take the field. the nfl says they decided not to enforce the rules while their discussions continue but their policy remains the same, quote,
the anthem will be played before every game and all players and nonplayer personnel on field are expected to stand. personnel who do not wish to do so can choose to remain in the locker room. reaction to yesterday s preseason game pouring in. that is why i lost interest and not watching until it is resolved. bobby says players still disrespecting the american flag by kneeling, i m canceling by nfl package, no put football again this year. i watch college football. the nfl still locked in this battle between some players and fans. what they decide. and atlantic charter school made headlines after announcing students would be saying wolfpack chants instead of the pledge of allegiance.
the school decided to change that decision saying it started next week, we will return to original format and provide our students with the opportunity to recite the pledge of allegiance during the all school morning meeting, we support our students in their growth and see it as our duty to respect first amendment rights. the reaction on this, i still teach my child the original pledge. one more tweet, i pool my kid from that school, they did reverse their decision. and a mug shot for the boys. remember jeremy meeks? he went viral for this attractive mug shot. here we go again. 19-year-old texas woman going viral for this glamorous mug shot sparking requests from folks on social media for makeup
tutorials, one person says we need a tutorial, why does this mug shot look so fierce? this woman was originally embarrassed, arrested for marijuana possession but sparked a positive thing because she has a budding makeup artist career. positive story. rob: i don t like the eyeliner but she has a good face. what do they call that? you are not a fan of the pink eye shadow? it comes off. i think you call that pretty. call me. jillian: 26 after the hour. this pig farmer has been questioned by the feds 3 times about mollie tibbetts s disappearance but refused a polygraph test until now. rob: california universities required to offer abortion medications but is that something the school should be
providing? jillian: live look at the plaza where cody johnson is getting ready to rock the summer concert series all morning long. the same old thing but a whole lot better
june which you may remember. they had gotten a warrant, turn the person over and nothing like this would have happened. of the city had held the detained of the child wouldn t of been raped. you do see this? it is a tragedy. all they had to do was get a warrant and we would have turned him over. doing a victory dance after a judge ruled over sanctuary policies, the doj opened the case of vasquez who pleaded guilty for returning from honduras, he was arrested and locked up. ice asked the city to hand him over for deportation but the city ignored them and released him. two years later he was arrested and convicted for raping a child, he is serving 8 to 20 years in prison. mayor kenny says the solution is not complicated, william mc
swain says the defendant received a free pass from the city of philadelphia under the part of prisons. the secretary of homeland security kirstjen neilsen had this to say. it could have been prevented and should have been prevented. we know the american people better. rob: the hog farmer questions over the disappearance of mollie tibbetts admits to taking a polygraph test. fbi agents asked him if he had anything to do with the 20-year-old s disappearance, he told them no but doesn t know the results of the test. he denied knowing anything about molly and repeatedly said he thinks some guy probably has her. molly went missing three weeks ago while on a run in iowa. the reward is $316,000. 20,000 people ordered to evacuate as a massive wildfire
closes in on their homes, going to 10,000 acres in just hours. a state of emergency declared in orange and riverside counties. they are fighting the flames. the man who started the fire refuses to show up for work. that is him right there. the chair of the house judiciary committee connected to the anti-trump dossier. bob goodlatte hears from bruce ohr and his wife, nelly and glenn simpson. and simpson hired steele to compile dossier while nelly worked for fusion gps. there subpoenas could come next week. congress zeroing in on people surrounding the discredited
dossier. john solomon says that document is the worst intelligence gathering he has ever seen. there were three spies in the trump campaign, manafort got booted, carter page got booted, michael cohen must ve been the third. he knows somebody in russia. ohr takes it out, runs to the fbi and does an interview. why is this important? the fbi fired christopher steele and said it could not take any information from this office of research operation, bruce ohr walks in the door after the firing. it concerned the fisa court concerning professional intelligence, people i talked to, look at these notes and said this is the worst form of intelligence gathering we have ever seen. rob: most of the steel dossier remains unverified.
jillian: california lawmakers taking up a bill that could make the state the first amended medication abortion as required health service by 2022. is this a good idea or slippery slope for college students? here to discuss is our panel, a student at california state university, radiologist doctor nicole safire and brad nicholas, an attorney. is this a good idea? thank you. providing abortion on college campuses is not a good idea. this is not what universities are for. they should focus on educating students. reports on universities taking on politically charged issues and this is another example of the california legislature pushing their political agenda on university students. not only that, starting in 2022, it leaves the door open for taxpayer dollars and student
fees to fully fund the entire program and they are escalating the private donations that will be provided for the beginnings of this bill, would not be enough to be funding part of this bill. jillian: is this something schools should be doing versus focusing on education of the student? schools have the right to do that. the question is do they have the right the right to choose is woven in the fabric of our society and this is a logical extension of that. jillian: let s look at a statement from california democratic senator, the author of the bill, quote, no woman makes the choice lightly but when you need it you need to have access. for people who don t know, share your story. medical abortion should not be confused with plan b which is
available in ending machines, the morning-after pill you take after unprotected sex to decrease the risk of developing unwanted pregnancy. medical abortion is a 2-step medication you take after pregnancy is confirmed. my concerns are you take these medications, you have to get prescription, sign something saying you are taking this. it causes you to abort whatever is produced and there are some risks with it but they are rare. if taken the right way and under medical supervision. jillian: you got pregnant at a young age. telus part of your story. at the age of 17 i became pregnant in high school and i made the decision myself to have the baby, a single parent in my senior year of college and it was difficult. there are a lot of people when
they have a child in college end of dropping out. i was not one of them but people do that. i won t get into the politics of it but there are abortion medications, services at college campuses, this is just another one. they are talking about public funding of it, it sounds like they need private funds for abortion medication with you agree with it or not. most of the funding issues in college campuses would be considered private funding and most federal funding with this kind of statute is directed to the students themselves. there are billions of dollars that go through research and develop grants. jillian: let s look at this, 2.75 million women in the us used this drug since 2000 according to the manufacturer. it begs the question, if this so accessible for girls, for women in college, does that take away
part of the decisionmaking on behalf of the woman? you always have repercussions from your actions? one thing that is important to remember is although the supporters of the bill say they need more access to abortion there is no lack of access to abortion in california and within an average of 6 miles, public university campus in california so this speaks to the fact this bill is unnecessary and education should be focusing on academics. jillian: thanks for joining us, we will be following this. 39 after the hour, denied, an employee at a cell phone store refusing to help a police officer. what happened to that worker coming up. mike pence outlining the mission of the new space force. it is not enough to merely
have an american presence in space. we must have american dominance in space and so we will. jillian: how will that improve our national defense? our next guest served 25 years in the air force and says we need to go big. it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my hectic schedule and you re gonna love what it does for you too. [ tiffany ] i could definitely use a little more energy, especially if it s from a natural source like beets. [ cliff ] if i had something natural and healthy that gave me energy, i d be all in. [ randy ] energy equals happiness. [ loesch ] beets contain an essential nutrient that makes them one of the most heart-healthy vegetables in nature. superbeets concentrates that nutrient into superfood crystals. superbeets contains real food that helps increase circulation to get more oxygen flowing throughout your body naturally. it supports healthy blood pressure and gives you more healthy energy to make the most of your day.
[ male announcer ] find out how to get a free canister with your first order. plus bonus gifts. call. or go to. [ loesch ] i just mix a teaspoon into a few ounces of water. there s the natural apple flavor or black cherry flavor. it tastes great. [ patti ] it actually is good! [ wayne ] well, that s good! [ shannon ] it s really yummy. [ randy ] it s good flavor, i m surprised. [ rene ] doesn t taste like beets at all. [ david ] i ll finish this, by the way. like, i really like it! [ loesch ] what if you had more energy? imagine the possibilities. [ janette ] you feel strong and you feel healthy and you feel like you can accomplish anything. [ charisse ] if i m doing the things i need to do to give me the energy i feel better not only physically, but mentally. [ katy ] when my cup runneth over, then i can be better to other people. [ loesch ] so do something good for your heart, your circulation, your blood pressure, and your energy. you ll love superbeets or your money back. [ male announcer ] call now and find out how to get a free canister with your first order. plus free indicator strips that show how it s working. and shipping is free, too.
[ loesch ] this superbeets offer isn t available in stores. so call or go online right now. [ male announcer ] superbeets from humann. order your superbeets today. call. or visit.
phone and a tablet it was officially unveiled yesterday in new york city and will go on sale officially in stores on august 24th but they expect preorders today. if you want one of these a lot to offer, some highlights, longer battery, more storage and a partnership with fortnight and spotify, and people want to stream music, a pretty expensive phone. it also doubles as a remote control. jillian: kurt the cyber guy will be joining us in the next hour, stay tuned. i get annoyed when we start with pumpkin spice in august. rumors are already swirling about the pumpkin spice latte coming back august 28th. business insider is reporting
the drink will make its annual debut along with other fall drinks according to an internal announcement of starbucks, their fall menu. join the pumpkin spice latte, the mocha, the earliest launch of this drink was in 2014, august 26th according to business insider but feels like fall is starting sooner every year. jillian: i used to love pumpkin spice fest but now i am not wanting to have anything to do with it because it is ruining summer. rob: more like a pumpkin latte. thanks. jillian: something we have seen in movies and read about in sci-fi novels but soon it could be a reality. donald trump stated clearly and forcefully that space is in his words a war fighting domain just like land and air and sea. the time his come to establish
the united states space force. rob: what exactly is the space force and will it improve our national defense? with insight into this is john venable, a 25 year veteran of the air force and senior research fellow for defense policy at the heritage foundation. when people hear this, they think us spaceships firing at russian spaceships like star wars but that is not what this is about. it is not. a pleasure to be with you. this is combining what we have throughout dod, each of the services have a portion of space assets controlled, 66 disparate organizations that have some influence on this within dod and this is rounding them up and getting them headed in a direction of being able to conduct operations in space in defense of and in support of the united states.
jillian: is this necessary? i think the time is right. you could question whether we would do this now or in two or three years but what the apartment of defenses done has shown great awareness, the methodical approach, you would be proud of it if you read through the document, four steps to use current authorities and we have to wait for congress to come in with legislation to establish the space force. rob: sounds like russia and china escalated this issue and brought us to the point we need this kind of protection because we are so dependent on satellites and can t be put in a position we are vulnerable to attacks on our satellites from foreign actors. there is nothing we do that doesn t rely on space from gps navigation, gps weapons deliveries, we rely on space. the russians and chinese have watched as the last 20 years,
they know that and their moves in space have been significant. what we watched them do, orbiting with our satellites, the things we suspect they are moving into have got to be countered, not just counters but take the lead as mike pence said yesterday. jillian: how do you see this happening? timeline for this? how long might this take? the phased approach, the part of the fence is rounding up the people in each to permit of defense services and they are going to call this space operational force and they will use that as the foundation for what will become the space force which becomes a service. two of the things they do is streamline acquisition, opportunity to not just streamline it but take the lead and develop the assets we need in space. the third major step is
establishing a combatant command where we start thinking about space. those three things the department of defense can do with the president s signature to establish this unified command plan, that will establish the foundation and give congress the legs they need to give legislation in the next two years. jillian: pretty wild. rob: the secretary of defense was against this idea and now he is for, at least everyone is in sync. we will see how it develops, thanks for your time this morning. 49 minutes after the hour. they are known for violent crimes and brutal murders but ms 13 gang members are not all that bad. ms 13 members i have been following are working after school jobs, living with their parents, they get around long island on bicycles. rob: the new video that is spiking outrage online.
jillian: the moment a tsa worker jumps into action as a bag nearly bursts into flames, we are coming right back. are you ready to take your wifi to the next level?
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what they are accused of doing a newly released video. the ms 13 members, working ask after school jobs, living with their parents, get around long island on bicycles because they can t afford cars. it is not the kind of gang you get your money from. rob: the trump administration looking to dismantle this brutal gang. a story of two teenage girls who were murdered by ms 13, they were butchered as they walked home from school on long island. jillian: cell phone store employee out of a job after refusing to serve a police officer. cellular sale beast of boston apologizing to officer dan collins saying the employee refused to help several customers, not just the officer the police department has accepted the apology.
rob: we start with the good, mcdonald s offering a chance to win free food for life, today through august 24th a chance to win a mixed gold card that will get you two free meals per week for 50 years. jillian: a tsa agent removes a smoking bag, running the bag up the stairwell at hilton head international airport caused by a malfunctioning battery. rob: it is so funny. the ugly. a racial justice group selling a tote bag inspired by california congresswoman maxine waters. if you see anybody from that cabinet rob: with a be like maxine bag, fighting spirit wherever you go. it costs 30 bucks. jillian: there you have it.
passing prison reform, donald trump urging democrats and republicans to come to the table to overhaul the criminal justice system. rob: joe borelli says democrats will fight back no matter what the president says. he is live the next hour of fox and friends first . (phone ping) gentlemen, i have just received word! the louisiana purchase, is complete! instant purchase notifications from capital one. so you won t miss a purchase large, small, or very large. technology this helpful.could make history. what s in your wallet?
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Chicago , Donald-trump , Violence , Law-enforcement , Candace-owens , People , Issue , Appearance , National-guard , 71 , Support , Attention

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180821 08:00:00

A precursor to Fox News s morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day.
immigration officers in his salute to the heroes where he read it support for ice and border patrol. my administration will not rest until you have the resources, the tools and the authority you need to do your job and do it properly. reporter: donald trump double down on his push for immigration reform. he vowed to stop sanctuary cities and end american catch and release policies which allow someone with illegal immigrants to be released until there immigration hearing. two of several promises he made monday. we will secure our border once and for all. reporter: the event comes the same day he sent a letter to state and local leaders asking their public support of agencies writing ice agents have been subjected to a nationwide campaign of insulted attacks. lawmakers on capitol hill are concerned about the orders he
handed to the agency. the trump administration s approach to immigration has been a subject of bipartisan criticism specifically the family separation policy. we were coming across the border. we can have border security without bullying. reporter: a federal judge made two rules on immigration, one, temporarily stopping the deportation of families separated at the border, the other approving a plan to reunite immigration children, whose parents had been deported. jillian: donald trump s message to the disgrace cia director, bring it on, i hope john brennan, the worst cia director and our country is history, brings a lawsuit. it will then be easy to get his records, texts, emails and documents to show not only the poor job he did but how he was involved in the mueller witchhunt. he won t sue.
after he hit the sunday talkshow circuit admitting he has been contacted by lawyers and willing to file a lawsuit over his dirty clearance being revoked and hinting at doing the delay cons brett kavanaugh in the senate, something republicans are doing. the first lady preparing her first solo trip to africa, expected to visit several countries them with
information and tools for successful and safe online habits. shannon: cyber bullying is the focus of her be best campaign. the empty video video music awards did not waste time turning political, kevin hart digging into donald trump before presenting the first award of the night. coast-to-coast right now. i m looking at this like game day. do not worry because in this game you are about to kneel or do whatever you want. the old white man can t stop you. bad language, people run to the bathroom and send crazies wes, a typical day at the white house. rob: wrapper logic war a t-shirt
that slammed the border wall as a number of central americans stood behind with shirts that said we are all human beings. his performance protested the trump administration at 0-tolerance immigration policy and we want to know what you think. send us an email to fox was anybody surprised? jillian: 11 minutes after the hour. murder motive revealed, the father charged with killing his pregnant wife and daughter just hours from facing a judge. the bombshell claims he just made. rob: donald trump refusing to give into turkey s demands over a detained american pastor. a problem for a long time. they can t take our people. you will see what happens. rob: our next guest says the president is making the right
move by taking a hard line. stay tuned.
release images of president rouhani witnessing the first fight. rob: donald trump refuses new demand in exchange for the release of american pastor andrew brunson. jillian: the tension erupting into chaos when a gunman opened fire on the us embassy in the turkish capital, the president making the right decision? joining us is the president vice president of the heritage foundation. thank you for joining us this morning. what do you think? is donald trump doing the right thing? if you look at the timeline of what went on here the us has been very disciplined in how they approach this with turkey, they started with quiet discipline, the president raised this with president erdogan and then they demonstrate their frustration. i think the administration has
processed like everybody also the turks want that guy, they have to go after him legitimately because anyone in the united states is considered a us person and that means they have all the rights of american citizens so to through the guy out of the country would be violating his human rights and we don t do that. jillian: what happens to pastor brunson? i think he should be released. you have a turkish leader whose foreign policies are not in the best interests of the turkish people. he started a needless dispute with the united states that wants to partner with him, committed to keeping the us turkish bilateral relationship strong even though we have differences. it is incomprehensible. rob: you are watching the situation deteriorate and
watching them fall toward countries we are not getting away from and they are moving toward the embrace and nato s embrace as well. is it sad to see turkey move in this direction? i don t in the end countries like russia and china and iran can do nothing for turkey but on the other hand we have been through this before. in the early days of nato, france, one of our strongest allies under a wartime partner of the united states pulled out of the nato military alliance and we survived and if turkey decides to make really stupid policy decisions the us will find a way to defend its interests in the region and the country losing here is turkey. shannon: appreciate it, 19 after the hour and so long silent sam.
oh my god! the piece of history protesters ripped down overnight. rob: the major change coming to animal crackers courtesy of peta. stay tuned. this wi-fi is fast.
i know! i know! i know! i know! when did brian move back in? brian s back? he doesn t get my room. he s only going to be here for like a week. like a month, tops. oh boy. wi-fi fast enough for the whole family is simple, easy, awesome. in many cultures, young men would stay with their families until their 40 s. jillian: good tuesday morning and welcome back. a colorado dad accused of killing his pregnant wife and two daughters back in court is willing chris watts told police it was his wife who killed his little girls and he killed her in a fit of rage, jack callahan
has more on the shocking revelations. my office filed formal charges against christopher watts. reporter: charged with killing his pregnant wife and two girls, a total of 9 felonies including one related to the unborn child. a class of felony as a result of her being pregnant at the time of her death. reporter: police discovered watts was having an affair with a coworker. during questioning, he asked his wife for a separation and told investigators she is the one who strangled the children. watts said he snapped and killed her and gruesomely destroyed all the bodies. he filed 3 counts of tampering with the human body each of which is a class iii felony each of which names them as victims. the town of frederick just north of denver has been in the media limelight more than a week
when the she and her daughters were reported missing. the father appeared alongside the district attorney to disgrace attitude for the support. thanks for coming to the candlelight vigil and saying your prayers, it is appreciated. keep the prayers coming for our family. rob: he has been and wife dead after their small plane plummets to the ground, - can video shows the private jet falling out of control and smashing an intersection in phoenix, arizona. both people on the plane were killed in the crash. the homemade plane hit two cars when it crashed, nobody on the ground was seriously hurt. stopping a confederate statue in north carolina.
[cheers and applause] the fictional silent sam has been the target of protesters for decades, the school spent $400,000 on security for the last year. one person was arrested on the first day of classes. animal crackers breaking free, nabisco changing the packaging under pressure from the animal activism group after 116 years, the animals will no longer appear to be inside circus cages, they will be roaming free in the crescent trees. they will be on store shelves now. they look happier there. rob: yes they do. wild and free, 26 after the hour. migrants behind three of the worst terror attacks in europe since 2016 or terrorist attacks, millions of migrants could stay in the uk if the brexit deal
falls apart. nigel farage has a reality check for the uk. we heard the nypd, the military stories and how he never got his eye school diploma. jillian: the honor 7 decades in the making, a true american hero. stay right there. don t stop willy davis, who has alzheimer s. i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink. the shirts were so easy to design on the site. the custom ink team was super helpful and they just came out perfect. seeing my family wearing my shirts was such an amazing reminder of all the love and support that everyone has for my dad. - [narrator] check out our huge selection of custom t-shirts and more, for teams, businesses, and every occasion. you ll even get free shipping. get started today at
third incident where a fourth person was mugged and shot in nashville. a one of the terrorist is heading to prison, marlon hicks spent 15 years behind bars information about explosives to be used in an attack in the name of isis, he was inspired by the 2016 pulse like him shooting that left 49 did in orlando. he begged forgiveness from the judge and a statement i m not a terrorist, i m a teddy bear who got emotional for 15 years. enough is enough, chicago s top cop after 6 people killed and 52 injured over the past week. i showed anger and frustration today mainly because these acts are tragic, senseless, i am tired of it. you should be tired of it too. rob: two of the victims, 15 and 17 years old, 344 people have
been killed in chicago. the jury in the paul manafort trial without a verdict in this defense think that is a good thing. very happy to hear that, he thinks it was a very good day, thank you. jillian: jurors have been considering bank and tax fraud charges against the former trump campaign chairman. he will be back a few hours from now. donald trump with a campaign rally in charleston, west virginia. it is a show of support for the republican challenging joe manchin for his senate seat this fall. rob: koreans reunited with long-lost family members after decades. jillian: benjamin hall introducing people torn apart by the korean war. reporter: after six decades families from north and south korea torn apart by war finally
reunited. a 92-year-old woman cried as she hugged her son for the first time in 65 years. the 75 woman, his stepbrother, she was with him as a child trying to escape the korean war. we were separated, what happened to us? what a world. i m so happy. reporter: 300 south koreans from 89 families to see their loved ones out of an estimated 60700,000 people who have family there. the rare reunion comes after kim jong un and president moon agreed to it. it is part of a historic summit in the demilitarized zone following the us pressure campaign. i could recognize it from the past even though he has gotten old and wrinkled, there is some of them left from my memory. reporter: relatives will spend 3 days in the country but
only 11 supervised hours together. north korea does not want its people learning much about the outside world. and the thing about a firm network towards denuclearization the us once. and in september in pyongyang, high hopes becoming more firm might come from him. millions of migrants to stay in the uk, leaders can t make a deal on brexit. jillian: what is the point of brexit to strengthen borders? reaction, fox news contributor and uk independence party leader nigel farage. how did it get to this point? reporter: somebody negotiating brexit was week. the idea was if we had a deal with the european union on trade, people would be allowed to stay.
now we are told even if there is no deal not only can 3.8 million people stay but they will be allowed to bring their extended families, they have full access to social security and benefit system and even worse, there is no proposed cut off date from which any of this is changing. it is quite remarkable because the british public overwhelmingly voted with brexit, take back control of our borders, reduce the huge inflow coming into this country and they are being willfully ignored by the british government and british parliament. rob: teresa may wants to water it down as much as she can. that is right. a remarkable thing we finished up with a prime minister who voted in may and when asked even today does she believe in brexit can t answer the question. i walked into a shop to buy
something and the one behind the counter said of donald trump was negotiating for us we would have it all sorted out by now. jillian: ties to terror in 32 of 194 islamist plots targeting europe over the past four years that resulted in 182 deaths, and 814 injuries and in 2015 isis exploited refugee roots to go back and forth from syria to germany unhindered. you gave speeches on that point in the past. in april and may 2015 the eu were beginning to say our doors are open to anyone who comes, stood up in the european parliament, when isis say they will use the migrant crisis as a means of getting operatives into europe, perhaps we ought to believe them. perhaps we are to put stock in this, perhaps we are to say like the australians did when they had a similar problem, no one
will be allowed to stay, none of that happened and we do not have a clue how many bad people are being let into europe. it is madness and another reason why brexit is the common sense and safest thing to do for our people. rob: the anti-brexiters will admit you can t know who is coming in if you open this place up to all this migration, you can t know and the proof is in those numbers we just gave and put it to the people again, are we comfortable bringing in a lot of people knowing some percentage of them will try to do horrible things when they are here? the other side of the aisle believe we are all global citizens, lovely and fluffy and nice, we should go wherever we went and move freely around the world and when you link this
directly to terrorism of any kind they simply say you are racist, turnaround and walk away. they are not prepared to engage this conversation but people in this country, people in middle england, they know what they believe. another example of how the elites and much of the mainstream media are completely out of touch with public opinion. jillian: we will keep talking about it, thank you so much. rob: 38 after the hour. socialist cynthia nixon once universal rent control. just one problem, she doesn t appear to know what it means or have any details about it. is it a good idea to run on? you can neil, do what you want, no old white man can stop you. rob: the vma s turn, is
hollywood the left s best bet to stop the president? are political families on deck to weigh in on this topic coming up next. [ loesch ] this is superbeets and i swear by it. it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my hectic schedule and you re gonna love what it does for you too. [ tiffany ] i could definitely use a little more energy, especially if it s from a natural source like beets. [ cliff ] if i had something natural and healthy that gave me energy, i d be all in. [ randy ] energy equals happiness. [ loesch ] beets contain an essential nutrient that makes them one of the most
heart-healthy vegetables in nature. superbeets concentrates that nutrient into superfood crystals. superbeets contains real food that helps increase circulation to get more oxygen flowing throughout your body naturally. it supports healthy blood pressure and gives you more healthy energy to make the most of your day. [ male announcer ] find out how to get a free canister with your first order. plus bonus gifts. call. or go to. [ loesch ] i just mix a teaspoon into a few ounces of water. there s the natural apple flavor or black cherry flavor. it tastes great. [ patti ] it actually is good! [ wayne ] well, that s good! [ shannon ] it s really yummy. [ randy ] it s good flavor, i m surprised. [ rene ] doesn t taste like beets at all. [ david ] i ll finish this, by the way. like, i really like it! [ loesch ] what if you had more energy? imagine the possibilities. [ janette ] you feel strong and you feel healthy and you feel like you can accomplish anything. [ charisse ] if i m doing the things i need to do to give me the energy i feel better not only physically, but mentally.
[ katy ] when my cup runneth over, then i can be better to other people. [ loesch ] so do something good for your heart, your circulation, your blood pressure, and your energy. you ll love superbeets or your money back. [ male announcer ] call now and find out how to get a free canister with your first order. plus free indicator strips that show how it s working. and shipping is free, too. [ loesch ] this superbeets offer isn t available in stores. so call or go online right now. [ male announcer ] superbeets from humann. order your superbeets today. call. or visit.
relationship and knew what they were doing was wrong. the sheriff says ice is aware of the arrest. rob: the music industry s brightest are not wasting an opportunity to trash the president of the mtv music awards in a politically charged -fest. do not worry, you guys are allowed to kneel, you can do what you want. an old white man can t stop you. you never know what will happen at the vma. bad language, people run to the bathroom and send out crazy tweets, like a typical day at the white house. rob: why do celebrities keep waiting into politics? here to debate that is michelle ritchie and new york city gop councilman joe borelli. thanks for coming on this morning. this is the ultimate safe space.
what is interesting is you don t see people engaging in much debate, they go to something like this where you can say anything you wanted everybody cheers for you. in the 90s they want the in your face joke, this is a reality. when you have rolling stone previewing with an article entitled will anyone watch the vma and revenue is down 50%, and they don t want to be pontificated to buy celebrities. rob: i like kevin hart. he is a funny guy. he is a comedian. and humor for comedians, this happened to obama, george bush, remember will ferrell playing him on snl which was fabulous.
you can t look at this as people turning it off. i m a little older so i got into the music but i watch it, wasn t necessarily the politics. we were chuckling. it was a little funny. rob: you are going after the demographic, very young people. we should never stop making fun of our president and elected officials ever. when it gets to the part where if you support the president you are a racist was they novo been being lectured. rob: it didn t seem softer and musical performances, it got into the real nuts and bolts of politics and if you are not towing groupthink you are out.
rob: he is a wrapper and a number of immigrant children, we don t know how they got the story, and the shirt says asked the wall and we are all human beings, he is making a statement about the wall and family separation, the most difficult moment of the night. i would agree. it is freedom of speech, freedom of expression, we don t agree with it. rob: every time we have an award show we analyze the same stuff. let s move on to cynthia next and trying to be governor of new york, she has a plan for universal rent control which if you ask most people would be disastrous for a lot of reasons. and didn t have a lot of details about this. a big housing advocate in new york city, he didn t have a lot
of details. imagine the nerve of these reporters to ask how you are going to pay for this policy. there is consensus among economists that rent control is not working, look at the four biggest cities, new york, san francisco, washington dc, they all have rent control in the highest rental rates in the country. this is something that can t be done. democrats in 2020 are nothing but the party of bread and circuses and it is about what can they give out for free. rob: who are you more comfortable with, cynthia nixon? it is a proposal from cynthia next in, seems fair to take a line from sex and the city were terry bradshaw says in new york city are always looking for a job, a boyfriend and an apartment. the latter seems true for new yorkers. rent in new york city has
increased 33% in less than ten years when we have increased 2%. people cannot afford to live here, they are being forced out and in san francisco people in san francisco make $117,000 a year are able to qualify for food stamps and that is not the direction we want new york state or new york city to go. rob: i don t think rent control there has to be another solution. that would exacerbate the problem. 1 million apartments that rent control off the market there are 2.6 million apartment in the city alone. if you have $100 in rental subsidy you are talking 3 or $4 billion a year. rob: we got to leave it at that. 48 minutes after the hour. coffee shop explosion, the dramatic moment a massive blast
goes off with people inside. and marijuana for morning sickness. the shocking find about pregnant women going to pot, stay tuned.
the corrosion of the bridge s cables reducing its strength by 20%. explosion destroyed the coffee shop with people inside. surveillance video showing debris flying inside the georgia café, two employees and the customer were airlifted to a hospital with serious injuries. investigators say construction crew accidentally had a gas line and something in the kitchen sparked the blast. rob: overnight fresh evidence foreign actors are still trying to interfere in us elections. shannon: the hackers microsoft just caught ahead of the midterm. it hasn t 7 covered a new russian hacking attempt targeting us political groups that of the midterm elections. microsoft said that it removed 6 internet domain registered by a russian hacking group with ties to the russian government that tried to spoof legitimate websites.
two of them are political conservative think tanks, one being the international republican institute and the other the hudson institute and u.s. senate websites that were designed to look legitimate. microsoft said it has no evidence these hackers were successful in their attempt but this is scary considering what happened in the 2002 presidential election. jillian: apple taking preorders. reporter: that is the rumor. they are saying german wireless carriers preparing for september 21st as the official launch date for the new iphones, preorders will start around september 14th with an official announcement from apple. we should know media invites at
the end of august so we will find out when the exact date for the unveiling is. time for the good, the bad and the ugly. an american hero gets a high school diploma. the 90 when-year-old with a graduation ceremony more than 70 years in the making. the nypd, the military story, how he never got his high school diploma. reporter: he was supposed to graduate in 1945, he joined the nypd after the war. a crocodile spotted floating on a pool in florida, very comfortable. this citing happening in key largo. they are using pot to fight
morning sickness. they that says two. to treat nausea and headaches. what do i know? i would not know. 56 minutes after the hour, coming up at 5:00, this is interesting. john kasich wants to run as a republican in 2020 against the president. wiley carter says this is an to play to win the white house. jillian: hillary clinton on the campaign trail but for what? find out in the next hour of fox and friends first .

Rob , Jillian , Vma-goes-political , Man , Fox-and-friends-first , Outside , Morning , Administration , Ice , Tools , Salute , Immigration-officers

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180821 09:00:00

jillian: fox and friends first continue right now. no stopping us now. i was pooled and got a country song. don t know what i am talking about on tuesday morning. unloading on robert mueller, targeting the russia investigation. rob: the president later addressing his role expressing concerns of a perjury trap. jillian: the very latest, enjoyed that singing from rob.
transparency, anyone who needs that much time when they there is no russia conclusion is looking for trouble, and ruining people s lives and refused to look at corruption on the democrat side. there is so much more, mueller s angry dems looking to impact the election, a national disgrace. the president s attorney rudy giuliani downplayed the cooperation indicating he would not be allowed to sit down with mueller sarcastically saying this. you give us the questions, not under oath or q&a. and you write a report that i m innocent before questioning it. if it left any doubts where he stands he will address it in a rally in west virginia tonight. we are looking forward to that. many on the left accused the
president of collusion, obstruction of justice and even treason. at some point democrats have to pick a story and stick to it. some critics have to get their narrative right. either donald trump is obstructing justice or he isn t. the narrative is donald trump obstructed justice, refusing to meet with special counsel and attacking mueller, obstruction of the investigation and found out the president about his white house counsel to spend 30 hours with mueller. he waved executive privilege and attorney-client privilege to do it and they say he made a mistake. the president of the united states is behaving like someone who says i didn t collude with russia and what speed it up and get going. the 15 month russia probe has yet to offer any evidence of wrongdoing by the president. the last known nazi
collaborator in the united states is deported to germany. ice agents arresting 95-year-old at his home in queens, new york. according to the justice department this man served as an armed guard at a death camp in world war ii and lied immigration officials about his role in the war. a judge revoked his citizenship for deportation in 2005. it is unclear he will face prosecution in germany. 95 years old. celebrating the men and women who protect our border, throwing support behind i sent border patrol agents. my administration will not rest until you have the resources, the tools and the authorities you need to do it properly. we love you, we support you and
we will always have your back. the president vowing to stop america s catch and release policy which allows some immigrants who have been arrested to be released by the immigration hearing. donald trump vowing not to make concessions in the release of andrew brunson. the us has done everything right. the us has been disciplined in how they approach this with turkey. they started with quiet discipline, they gradually demonstrate their frustrations. turkey proposed the us will spend billions of dollars of find and drop the investigation into a turkish bank in exchange for andrew brunson s release, the white house rejected that offer, donald trump s message to disgraced cia director, bring it on, the worst cia director in
the country s history, it will be easy to get his records, texts, emails and documents to show not only the poor job he did but how he was involved in the mueller rigged witchhunt, he hit the sunday talkshow circuit admitting he had been contacted by lawyers and is willing to file a lawsuit over security clearance being revoked and hinting at doing the same thing for cia analysts philip mudd after what he called an unhinged tv appearance. rob: the first lady preparing for her first solo trip to africa. she visited several countries in africa in october, more about issues coming on the same day she spoke at an anti-cyber bullying summit. most are aware of the benefits of social media. we still need to do all we can
his performance protested the trump administration at 0-tolerance immigration policy. jillian: we want to know what you think of the latest political digs, send been able to friends first or send your thoughts on social media pages. it is august but feels like fall. we are loving this. much-needed relief, humidity. but i aim to please. rob: you didn t have to say that. i love it when you love the weather. 68, less humidity and getting into the season the temperatures cool, not as much humidity. past 24 hours the potential for showers and thunderstorms across the midwest and that will head
[speaking in native tongue] jillian: the first rocket landing not far from the presidential palace, the second year the us embassy, nobody was hurt, it comes one day after the president announced a cease-fire with the terror group. the world s number one state sponsored terrorism improved its air force around unveiling a new fighter jet overnight as tensions rage in the middle east. state media releasing these images showing president rouhani on hand to witness the first flight. rob: john brennan accusing donald trump of threatening the livelihoods of former government officials if he yanks their security clearance.
some of them serve on the board of directors that require security clearances. this could have a punitive and financial hit against them. rob: brennan upset his colleagues might not profit off of their security clearances after they left the post which are to discuss this is the cofounder of diligence, mike baker. you had clearance at one point, they leave their post and go on and take private jobs where they make a lot more money. they might be in jeopardy with this. in washington dc and the surrounding area, clearances are a currency. we talked about this in the past.
maintaining your security clearance for senior individuals leaving the government in a variety of agencies has always been a bit of a currency. people at my level on the street when you finish your job and leave the cia use her in that back. i didn t have an expectation of keeping my security clearance, i didn t want the responsibility and i was going to the commercial world. the way it should work there are millions of people walking around the security clearances, 4 million. of those over 1.2, 1.3 million have top-secret clearances. i would like to see this bizarre discussion between john brennan and donald trump out in the public, this feud going on that is very surreal, to be used to do something for the greater good. do we need 1.3 million people
with security clearances walking around? i don t think so. what we should be doing is saying when you have no more need to know, when you don t have a position that requires maintaining and handling information, you turn it back and if you go into the commercial sector and get hired by a company, effectively once you to have security clearance do what you re supposed to do, the company that sponsors you for your ticket and they have to go through the process of getting you your security clearance back. rob: numbers like that, 2 million, 3 million people with these clearances and you wonder why so much leaks out of washington dc. the media says this is unprecedented the president would take away security clearance and a lot of the left in the media are up in arms over this but so is john brennan s behavior and the idea of weapon icing the justice department against the former administration to take on your predecessor hillary clinton s
opponent, this is a lot of unprecedented things here they only focus on the fact that john brennan no longer has security clearance. it is unprecedented. even james clapper said it is unfortunate that john brennan is now the issue. he has done something that goes against the grain as somebody from the agency, you don t want to be up front or on the radar screen, you don t want this story. as far as media goes you go back three four years in the washington post was saying they think president obama should fire john brennan. that was when there was the issue of was the agency inappropriately looking at senate computers during an investigation. so as is typical he is in favor, out of favor like james comey, love him and hate him.
john brennan has become the story. for those of us who love the organization, the cia and the intel community, it is a very odd situation. rob: when clapper says bad things about you you probably went too far. mike baker, thanks for your time, appreciate it. 20 minutes after the hour, murder motive revealed, the man charged with killing his pregnant wife and daughter hours from facing a judge and the bombshell claim he just made. is a presidential run in chelsea clinton s future? what the former first daughter revealed about following in mom s footsteps. school. grade. done. done. hit the snooze button and get low prices on school supplies all summer long. like these for only $2 or less at office depot officemax. where we re changing withs? contemporary make-overs. like these for only $2 or less
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rob: hillary clinton coming out of the woods. the former democratic presidential nominee will headline three dnc fundraisers, event scheduled for san francisco, chicago and new york and will likely be closed to the press and this helps the dnc raise big money ahead of the midterms. jillian: chelsea clinton not ruling out a run for office. the former first daughter saying it is a definite nobody definite maybe, who knows what the future is going to bring. clinton criticized donald trump while promoting her new children s book at an event. rob: bill diblasio maybe stealing the campaign slogan, promises made, promises kept. jillian: donald trump use that at his campaign rally, the trump campaign uses it in ads like
this one. rob: the gop uses it in the official website describing his accomplishments, the mayor s spokesperson says it is a common phrase and they are not copyable trump campaign. we will see if he is up to something, why the change in slogan. jillian: french evidence foreign actors are trying to interfere in us politics. jillian: hackers that microsoft just thought ahead of the midterms. microsoft uncovering russian hacking attempts against political groups with the midterm elections. microsoft removed 6 internet domains registered by the russian hackers with political affiliation with the russian government. they were trying to spook legitimate websites from us political groups, think tanks here, one of them is the international republican institute, the others being the
hudson institute and websites from the u.s. senate, trying to make those look real. microsoft says they have no evidence these hackers were successful but they are ahead of the elections. jillian: your next new birth trip to the airport could be more efficient. reporter: airports in new york city where huber is starting this effort, going to laguardia or jfk, users will be asked to select their airlines, that will give a more accurate eta and drivers will get more direct information, and navigational error. this will make sure the prices are more accurate. we start airports in new york city, we plan on rolling this out to airports across the country.
i am in newark guy. and providing his own party, john kasich wants to run as a republican against donald trump but is that the move to make? lee carter, why this is an to play to win the white house. todd. hold on. [ engine revs ] arcade game: fist pump! your real bike s all fixed. man, you guys are good! well, we are the number-one motorcycle insurer in the country. -wait. you have a real motorcycle? and real insurance, with 24-hour customer support. arcade game: wipeout! oh! well. i retire as champion. game hog! champion.
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may increase the risk for low blood sugar. common side effects are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. some side effects can lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. i discovered the potential with ozempic®. oh! oh! oh! ozempic®! (vo) ask your healthcare provider if ozempic® is right for you. jillian: in a few hours the colorado man accused of killing his pregnant wife and two daughters will be back in court as we learn chris watts told police it was his wife who killed his little girls and he killed her in a fit of rage. according to the police affidavit he saw his wife strangling their daughter on it baby monitor and children were dead by what happened to his wife.
and having an affair, charged with first-degree murder. two men being held in nashville, officials arresting an hour before little turned himself into authorities. both convicted felons named as persons left three people dead. another is linked to a third incident where a fourth person was mugged and shot. the man wanted for threatening to kill donald trump spotted in maryland, john christie was seen sleeping in a vehicle near the pennsylvania west virginia and maryland border. he has been on the run since june when threatening the president on facebook, there s a $20,000 reward for information leading to his arrest. enough is enough, chicago s top cop that up after 6 people were killed and 52 others injured over the past weekend. i showed anger frustration of many families today mainly because these acts are tragic, senseless and cowardly.
i m tired of it and you are tired of it too. jillian: two of the victims killed, 16 and 17 years old, 344 people have been killed in chicago this year. brett kavanaugh facing the biggest challenge yet. the supreme court kick sitting down with chuck schumer. the senate minority leader, undercover government records. susan collins seen as a possible swing vote also expected to meet with kavanaugh today, it is on september 4th. donald trump hitting the road at a campaign rally in charleston west virginia to visit a show of support for republican patrick morrissey. these challenges, democrats joe manchin for his senate seat this fall. jillian: running against his own party, john kasich hinting he could take on donald trump in
2020. maybe i will, maybe i won t. i don t know. here s what i do know. my job as a human being ultimately is to serve the lord and if i m helping people to realize their god-given purpose and destiny than i am striking ten and that is good. rob: is potentially stealing your own party s votes the right move? here to weigh in is the partner lee carter. and the republican nomination, we can technically still any votes from donald trump because it would be a primary type thing. historically when this happens the incumbent president doesn t happen. this happened to george hw bush, jimmy carter, a number of different times in the past. what we have to keep in mind is this president isn t like any other president we have seen before, no conventional wisdom applies here. i m not surprised we have a
republican running against this president because we do have a faction of the republican party that is a never trump and the fact that he is doing this is his right, not surprised it is him. i would not be surprised if there are more of them but i don t think it will have an overall impact. jillian: wide you say wouldn t have a big impact? i think trump s base is secure and stolid and immovable. through one controversy after another no matter what happens the flatlined baseline number is enough to carry him no matter what. there is going to be some people who will go, never trump or anybody else comes along, it will be is going to be a distraction. what happened in the past when someone runs against an incumbent.
and it will not have an impact. we have these comments, and what it means to be a republican, i don t think everybody is clear of that. rob: they might have that agenda, the president s base is so strong, or does he need to bring in more people technically independent, there s a lot of people, i like this person more than this person. if the president were to run today he would win again. there is no one who would beat him with any kind of message. it won t happen. two years is a long time.
you think of where donald trump was at this phase in the election process last time nobody thought he was a serious threat. on june 15th the year before the election, the five reasons jeb bush will be the next president, an article in the washington post, people just don t know. we have to take a look and see who that is but i think the president will have to figure out a way to reach out but he does that on an issue by issue basis. the economy is making people give the president the benefit of the doubt despite one thing after another that makes you think this is the thing that will take him down. how do you see the other side using this? there will be criticism. it will not be surprising for the left is a the republican party has an identity crisis, don t know who they are, are you
a trump supporter, a republican, no values by the conservative party. i don t think it would be wise for democrats to do that because what democrats have right now is a huge gap in messaging, nobody knows what it means to be a democrat. they can criticize the republicans all they want, if it doesn t in you are pro-women s rights, where does it mean you stand on the issues, people don t know anymore. you just run on resist, we are not republicans and republicans are a mess. it didn t go so well so they would not be smart to do that. i wouldn t be surprised three weeks from now. rob: the democrat primary looks like the republican primary in 2016, all trying to get a mess out. 37 after the hour. alleged isis killer sneaks into the united states as a refugee. how did this happen? one senator is trying to get to
the bottom of that. turning into a political hit job. you guys are about to kneel or do what you want. no old white man can stop you. jillian: is hollywood the safest bet to stop the president? your comments pouring in and we are sharing them next. crazy make me crazy does that make me crazy
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attacking four minnesota democrats running for congress that are supporting ellison who denies abuse allegations. jillian: remember when andrew cuomo said this about our country? we are not going to make america great again. it was never that great. jillian: donald trump firing back at an event honoring border patrol agents. any politician who puts criminal aliens before american citizens should find a new line of work because it is not going to work. any politicians to get up and say the country is never great are that. i think that is the end of that career. jillian: the governor of new york responding to the president tweeting new yorkers know who you are and we look forward to seeing to it that you find a new line of work.
the mtv music awards turning political. comedian kevin are digging into donald trump. coast-to-coast, looking at this like game day but do not worry, you can do what you want. you never know, bad language, people sending out crazy tweets like a typical day at the white house. rob: wrapper logic war a t-shirt that slammed the border wall. your comments pouring in on this. walt shining in on facebook saying this is why i do not want award shows, for politics and personal ideas. jillian: too bad i used to like him. now i won t watching.
why can t people stay in their lane, first football, now comedy. don t want to contribute to their ratings or pay money for their movies, don t need the negativity, lots of great things happening in america. jillian: don says why? i truly thought you were hilarious, liked your movies, you ruined it for me to not. i m sure it won t matter to you, the last of my viewing dollars, no class at all tonight, disgusted. it is 16 after the top of the hour, passing prison reform. 17 states ready to strike for prison reform today, the same issue donald trump has us pushing for, getting out of the political slammer. our panel is on deck to debate it. rob: let s see what is coming up on fox and friends . the author of the number one book in america the russian hoax, greg jarrett dropping by to talk about the legal peril
and then schapiro joining us live from the west coast. did you see what happened over the weekend? this none stole the show saturday night in chicago. as a strike, sister mary jo, another pitch, with this one, throwing none of us in the dump tank by the conclusion of the telecast. we invite people to call us, right to us, facebook us, who should sit on the duck take? you are doing it? thank you. you just put it aside. tune in. get dumped by the none.
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asylum-seekers entering canada. [speaking french] rob: the prime ministers saying he will, quote, be very clear when people are trying to push politics of fear and intolerance, something canadians expect of me since last year over 32,000 illegal immigrants have crossed into canada, many of them claiming asylum. jillian: 17 states will strike nationwide, protesting prison conditions. pushing for prison reform, the issue received support from both parties. can the president get a bipartisan win? democratic strategists for nyc councilman joe borelli. is there something we can agree
on? reporter: a huge surprise, i can definitely give donald from credit, started by president obama, a bipartisan issue but it is important for legislators to approve something that will have a path, if it does not address mass incarceration. and racially motivated sentencing. african-americans are incarcerated at higher rates based on higher sentencing rates, that needs to be part of it. senator grassley and senator durbin. this is the first step in the right direction. the senate has a version of the bill that includes sentencing reform and there is real ideological opposition to that.
those who oppose it, and not by hillary clinton or barack obama but refused to give him a win outside the traditional republican comfort zones, into something that has been democratic dogma for generation. this is what democrats wanted but a lot in your position, i will give this a win for the president because it is something we have been asking for. joe is right, it is a step in the right direction and we have to consider the fact that a lot of states and cities have seen this working. i worked at the state attorney s office in baltimore city when we started a program to address recidivism in baltimore and also louisiana, they have seen their prison populations decrease as a result of having these programs, we have got to start somewhere
and this is the right direction. an issue of public safety. we want to make sure these men and women, we need to be clear we are talking nonviolent drug offenders, not murderers, people could committed nonviolent crimes. jillian: i want to start with your opinion on this one. new york city can smoke pot on the corner, launch attacks on cops, how do we get our cities back? before you answer that listen to this video from three days ago. [bleep] on every quarter. you piece of [bleep] that is just we saw another video on the street with 6 other officers
getting the same treatment. i wish these videos get played 1 million times. the men and women of nypd and law enforcement around the country, this is what liberals are trying not to tell you, that the police departments are racist, fascist institutions locking people up at random and it is not, they face a difficult job. the ones in the video handled it with extreme composure, representing everything great about new york city diversity and the police department. jillian: what is great about police officers who are doing their job every day throughout the country. i won t take this as a political issue. this is an issue that is near and dear to my heart because of the freddie great trials. what i saw particularly in the video you were showing is indefensible. i cannot defend what i saw, you guys didn t play the video but
this guy followed police officers after he was detained for 15 minutes because of the description of the suspect, he followed the offices and continued to curse at them and everything and i found it indefensible and it angers me as an african-american, if officers turned around and physically assaulted him or shot him it would be another unjustified police shooting. i think the person following these offices is tone deaf. how much do police officers have to take? any other job, and they called the police. this is a conversation we want to continue to have at another time. gold in a different box. and the bandits, well, they got rocks.
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Rob , Jillian , Concerns , Role , Perjury-trap , People , Conclusion , Side , Robert-mueller , Trouble , Lives , Russia

Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180822 08:00:00

rob: sarah sanders defending the epic move donald trump just made. fox and friends first starts right now. good wednesday morning to you. rob: a lot going on. we begin with a fox news alert, illegal immigrant charged with murder after confessing to kidnapping kim jong un one. the mexican man detailing the final and terrifying moments to police. rob: the suspects prepared to face a judge. reporter: a tragic end to a story we have been closely following for five weeks, 20-year-old mollie tibbetts found dead in a cornfield not far from her hometown of brooklyn, iowa. and illegal immigrant admits to kidnapping, killing and dumping her lifeless body after following her on a run on july 18th. here he is, kim jong un to claims he blacked out and came to when he found molly s body in the trunk of his car,
surveillance video helped crack the case. we were able to track his pattern and the roots he took and found mollie tibbetts running on this video and we were able to determine she was found in a cornfield and there were cornstalks placed over the top of her. jillian: a local dairy farmer says he passed a background check even though he was in the us illegally for twee 7 years. the small iowa community is shaken up about it. it is a gloomy feeling, not knowing her personally, it is upsetting because it is such a small town and small community that you don t think that will happen. you feel less safe than normal. reporter: molly s family and friends were devastated, they were holding out hope she would return home alive. every parent s nightmare, so
A precursor to Fox News s morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day.
illegally in our country. the immigration laws are such a disgrace, we are getting them changed, we have to get more republican. reporter: lawmakers nationwide demanding justice for mollie tibbetts. mike pence tweeting we commend this swift action by local state and federal investigators working in iowa in apprehending an illegal immigrant who is charged with first-degree murder. justice will be served. we will never forget mollie tibbetts. offered prayers from molly s family and friends. as california gubernatorial candidate john cox slams democrats for their open border policy saying, quote, those who want to abolish ice need to consider the consequences of their rash proposal. the mollie tibbetts case is one more tragic example of a senseless loss that should never have happened similar to kate steinle s heartbreaking death in san francisco, she was caught
farm. this is the pig farmer. he was considered something of a suspect or person of interest for the time being, that shirt was never confirmed to have been mollie tibbetts s and we still don t know if it was but he is no longer a suspect. you see the pig farm here where mollie tibbetts was last seen going for that run. we advance further, august 14th, maybe a week ago, we home on five locations, you can see them over here, some farmland, a truckstop, a carwash, this is everything started to narrow down and they thought they hold it to a certain location and as we move forward august 21st yesterday the body which has been confirmed to be mollie
tibbetts was found in the cornfield the number of miles from where she was seen so you see why it was so hard to find this young girl s body because the surgery was so big being so far away. even with the search for it is hard to search that much area and we have more on this coming up. shannon: donald trump slamming robert mueller investigation is two former members of his inner circle take a big legal hit. the president s lawyer says the paul manafort and michael cohen news does not wbr id= wbr4530 /> threaten the white house. jenkins live in washington with the latest fallout. reporter: it is not good news for the white house, two major development, first in the trial of the president s former campaign chairman paul wbr id= wbr4660 /> manafort guilty him eight counterattacks wbr id= wbr4680 /> and bank fraud, almost certainly significant prison time. the jury deadlocking on ten other counts, none of the counts related to the president or his campaign. then came this, the president s personal lawyer, eight charges /b>
wbr-id= wbr4800 /> of tax and bank fraud and campaign finance charges from has many payments to two alleging affairs with the president that he denied, cohen agreeing to jail time in the plea deal and his lawyer making serious threats but this is just the beginning. mister cohen has knowledge of certain suspects that should be of interest to the special counsel and is more than happy to tell the special counsel all that he knows. the president s attorney we should the statement there is no allegation of any wrongdoing against the president in the government s charges against mister cohen. the president addressed the news before and during the rally in west virginia. doesn t involve me but i still feel it is a sad thing that happened. has nothing to do with russian collusion. fake news of the russian witchhunt, we have a whole big combination. where is the collusion. democrats were quick to react.
rob: ted williams has been working the scene for weeks and joins us live from iowa next. has alzheimer s. i decided to make shirts for the walk with custom ink. the shirts were so easy to design on the site. the custom ink team was super helpful and they just came out perfect. seeing my family wearing my shirts was such an amazing reminder of all the love and support that everyone has for my dad. - [narrator] check out our huge selection of custom t-shirts and more, for teams, businesses, and every occasion. you ll even get free shipping. get started today at it gives me more healthy energy to keep up with my hectic schedule and you re gonna love what it does for you too. [ tiffany ] i could definitely use a little more energy, especially if it s from a natural source like beets. [ cliff ] if i had something natural and healthy that gave me energy, i d be all in. [ randy ] energy equals happiness. [ loesch ] beets contain an essential nutrient that makes them one of the most heart-healthy vegetables in nature. superbeets concentrates that nutrient
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remains were found by law enforcement after having been led here by an illegal immigrant who had been in this country for at least four to twee 7 years, working as a migrant worker. jillian: you were at the scene, you went to the vigil, got an opportunity to talk to a lot of people. help us understand approximately how far that cornfield is where her body was found from the pig farm a lot of the focus was on and the boyfriend s house where she left to go to that jog. reporter: the actual farm is five miles from where her remains were found. the home in brooklyn is 12 miles
reporter: absolutely. this was excellent police work. what they did was get surveillance tape of various homes in the area and the surveillance tape showed mollie tibbetts running and this black car stalking her and as a result they were able to come upon this guy, kim jong un to. it was at the same stage that cristhian bahena rivera confessed he had something to do with this and took them to the area over my shoulder where her remains were found. jillian: do we know she had any interaction with this suspect? if he followed her on a jog before? that is part of the investigation by law enforcement and they are trying to determine what was the relationship, if he
knew mollie tibbetts. it has been alleged that his daughter or mother may have had some contact on facebook with mollie tibbetts. this investigation is just beginning. we are trying to determine if this guy has been involved in other murders, and wouldn t surprise me at all. rob: thank you so much, live from the cornfield where the body was found yesterday. violence surging in chicago, 350 murders this year with no signs of slowing down. how can police keep the city safe. it starts with gangs.
no old white man can stop you. some brand-new proof that politics and entertainment don t really mix, the all-time lows. while i was in the navy,
i decided that i wanted to go for electrical engineering and you need to go to college for that. if i didn t have internet in the home i would have to give up more time with my kids. which is the main reason i left the military. everybody wants more for their kids, but i feel like with my kids, they measurably get more than i ever got. and i get to do that. i get to provide that for them. jillian: heartbroken father breaking down in tears as a judge reads charges against his son-in-law accused of murdering his pregnant wife and, those charges indicate christopher watts may have killed his kids before his wife came home from a trip, her body found buried in a colorado oil
field, watts claims his wife strangled the girls after asking for divorce and he killed her out of rage. he is not entered a plea and could face the death penalty if convicted. rob: the final two fugitives wanted for ambushing undercover detectives, alexander the jesus and omar hall behind bars, the third suspect was arrested over the weekend. hiring 25 rounds, two detective stopped at red lights having two weeks to go in new jersey. they escaped with minor injuries, all three blue blue charged with attempted murder. police do not have a motive for this random shooting. violence ramping up with 350 murders so far this year. please working to crack down on the deadly street gangs turning the windy city into a war zone. what do we know about these gangs and what else needs to be
done? jillian: judge anthony napolitano, the only republican in the city council, and thank you for joining us. you worry about police burnout thank you for having me. numbers a little off, 375 homicides in chicago. the scarier number would be 1090 people shot in the city of chicago. take the number and continue how many have been shot at so those numbers could be dramatic. that is the fact that people don t know about they don t know what is going on right now. it is scary. rob: it really is. most of this is centered on the south side of the city. you are the loan republican in chicago it sounds like. you are in a very blue place. what is the issue with the
leadership in the city. what are they not doing right? i am sure there are a lot of criticisms. i have some union strength in me but the biggest problem in chicago is a state attorney s office celebrating catch and release system, touting how many people are in the system every day, these are career criminals. the next biggest issue we are fighting with is issues putting time and energy into looking for more oversight on the chicago police officers. we have approximately tween 9 different oversight committees that overlook everything police officers doing looking to add more. the thing we are not doing is putting oversight and accountability on communities. everyone knows what is done for pandering purposes. unless we start holding communities accountable for what is going on for the 1090 people
shot, 375 homicides, you can t go after the police like they are not doing their jobs. these officers in chicago are dying to be the best they can, for end jillian: how do you put a end to crime in chicago? seems we have this conversation almost weekly now. the biggest thing is officers right now are so afraid to be the police. criminal elements in chicago know what is going on with police officers. they know all these officers are so fearful of doing their job, not being protected by the city of chicago coming out, lawsuits of an illegal stop. officers are what i touted from day one, have they don t want that. they want to be proactive. if you don t feel you have the backing of your city, not just downtown but chicago, you can t do your job. committal know that.
when i was a street officer you had tween 9 of every ten guns laid up and hidden somewhere on the street, 9 of every 10 guns driving around because the criminal element those police officers are too afraid to put a stop because they will end up in the next lawsuit. rob: so much scrutiny on the police for everything they do but where s the accountability on communities rampant in crime and gang violence. thanks for your time this morning, appreciate it. jillian: fox news alert, lawmakers demanding answers after an illegal immigrant is charged with killing mollie tibbetts. how can democrats keep supporting calls to abolish ice after this? rob: legal immigrants in this country, a blue wave in november could lead to a crime wave and he joins us next.
illegal immigrant confesses to killing mollie tibbetts. lawmakers demanding justice. kim reynolds tweeting we are heartbroken and angry that a broken immigration system a lot of predator like this to live in our community and we will do all we can to bring justice to mollie tibbetts s,. shannon: greg abbott tweeting in part this is why so many are angry about sanctuary cities in texas band sanctuary cities, it is about safety. rob: here to weigh in his peter lamarche. thank you for coming back this morning. when you see people screaming
about sanctuary cities and are so offended by the idea of deporting illegal immigrants out of this country that they go to the extent of protecting criminals from immigration and customs enforcement. it is wanting to protect somebody who has never broken the law but they are protecting people who broke the law from customs enforcement and then see a story like this, it boggles the mind. what is happening is people came to the united states illegally, yet we are not holding them responsible for what they conduct here. we are promoting chaos. they commit suicide, as a civilization we are on the verge of committing suicide following elected representatives instead of representing you and i, representing illegals. they are demonizing ice instead of protecting the citizenry, or supposed to do that.
giving illegals more rights than you and i. shouldn t even be here discussing this to the kate steinle case. when was the last time the democrats, the media took a position on this and demand our elected representatives change these laws that are hurting you and i and our towns. jillian: the mayor of philadelphia dancing and excitement over the fact philadelphia became a sanctuary city. in the commercial break, in this country it pays to be illegal. i live in connecticut. they give you a drivers license, all the benefits, greater benefits than my family and i get and have no responsibility whatsoever. we are enticing people to come to the united states for the benefit to them.
on the other hand we are afraid to allow law enforcement agencies to get the job done. you name it. federal agency being paid the legal guy who comes to the united states, lives in our community for almost eight years and killed this beautiful woman, this beautiful girl, they will never see that girl again. wonder what happened and the separation of the miners a few weeks ago. we had liberals accusing the president of being a racist, enough so. congress should allow the president to enforce the law.
the ultimate case of irony, called the president a nazi and called to abolish ice, ice just yesterday deported a nazi from queens, new york back to germany or to germany, he was a polish citizen when he committed his crimes, lives in the united states for 70 years, known about this guy, the president comes in, goes fast with the new ambassador. involved in 1993, the other administration 2003. donald trump came to office and made it a priority that an unstable human being should be removed from the united states. we have the proper screening allowing the ones who come to the united states to become americans, tell us the truth, embrace the values they have embraced instead of coming here
illegally after committing horrible crimes and come over here on the fake pretense of becoming an american citizen, it is wrong. rob: millions of people are waiting in line to come the right way. thank you so much. appreciate your time. breaking overnight, wanting to bomb an army base, admit to supporting isis, documents reveal he would watch videos of the headings and suicide bombings for hours every day. the fbi says he met with undercover agency believed were isis members pledging his allegiance while kissing and isis flag. the attorney said he will plead guilty but may be suffering from mental illness. jillian: we could be closer to ending the 17 year war in afghanistan.
taliban terrorists will head to russia for peace talks. other countries including china, pakistan and iran will be there, face-to-face talks with the terror group is not expected at the september 4th meeting. we now know the name of the american soldier killed in a helicopter crash interact. chief warrant officer taylor calvinus was on his life, at the.when the chopper went down after an isis raid, the crash is under investigation. enemy fire was ruled out as the cause. the 34-year-old leaves behind a wife and two children. rob: donald trump takes aim at andrew cuomo s america was never that great gas at his west virginia rally, saying it could be the democrats new slogan. new york s democrat governor andrew cuomo even declared that america was never great.
tell that to our great soldiers. his comments insult generations of brave americans whose blood, sweat and tears build our magnificent country. america was never great. that is the democrats new theme. rob: the president of the democratic new york governor have been in a sparring match for days now. it appears kevin hart s decision slammed the president during mtv music awards, did not please many americans. i look at this like it is game day, do not worry, at this game you guys are allowed to kneel, you never know what will happen at the vma, bad language, people running to the bathroom to send out crazy tweets, basically like a day at the white house. rob: for the second straight year the vmas have the smallest audience ever drawing just 2.2 million viewers and a 1.1 rating with adults ranging from
18 to 49. that is a 23% drop from last year s 5.36 million viewers, that is more than that. the previous record low we might have some numbers but the point is it was an abysmal showing, some sad ratings for something with that much-hyped. jillian: 20 minutes until the top of the hour, sarah sanders sounding off about deporting the former nazi guard. that is not all she is praising, she shut down democrats with one tweet. rob: just in time for back-to-school, nationwide epipen shortage leaving parents scrambling. a pregnant woman getting high to treat morning sickness. doctor nicole safire coming up with what you need to know next.
rob: welcome back. sarah sanders saluting her boss and customs enforcement for a job well done. the white house press secretary tweeting for many years a nazi labor camp guard had been living in new york, a terrible injustice. past administrations failed to deport him. today donald trump got the job done. ice has removed this despicable nazi from our great country. ice does deported pauli to germany, the last known nazi collaborator in the united states. 130 illegal immigrants including children as young as 4 years old were busted in arizona, they were abandoned by smugglers several miles from the mexican border. the caravan includes people from guatemala and honduras, el salvador and mexico. they are in ice custody facing
deportation. jillian: a dangerous epipen shortage, parents scrambling to get there hands on the life-saving medication as their children head back to school. joining us to tell us about it is doctor nicole safire. what to parents need to know about this? reporter: everyone scrambling to make sure they have new epipens. there are severe allergic reactions. they expire every years of people have to renew them every year but we are seeing a shortage. they discussed the fda approved generic that is not available yet, still dealing with a shortage. they haven t given a firm date but possibly in october. what you can do is contact mylan, you can contact them and they can help you get one in the fda just extended the expiration
date on some of the current epipens. not everyone about the epi junior. go to the website and you may be able to use that epipen after it expired. jillian: low carb diet, people think this is an easy way to lose pounds, eating more vegetables and grains, not so much. you will love this one being a vegetarian. low carb diets are a great way to lose weight but a huge study out of the national institute of health showed u-shaped result, low carb and high carb, higher mortality, earlier death. they broke down the low-carb diet because everyone likes to be healthy. they show people who substitute protein with only animal meats had higher mortality, a lot of plant-based derivatives meant tofu and everything else, lower mortality. if you go low-carb do it with land-based proteins as well. that is what i do.
the next thing is we talked about this yesterday. a lot of people have a hard time understanding this story that a new study finds pregnant women use marijuana to treat morning sickness, one in 10 in california. is this safe? it is not so hard to wrap your head around people wanting to take it for severe nausea. we are giving medicinal marijuana to cancer patients so we know it has anti-nausea but additional marijuana is different from street marijuana. we are seeing synthetic marijuana killing people. the american medical association thing do not smoke marijuana because many studies show detrimental effects. jillian: medical marijuana when pregnant is a no-no. don t do it.
thank you very much. lot of stuff. it is 13 after the top of the hour, russian hackers caught red-handed targeting the upcoming midterms. how the trump administration for the kremlin unnoticed. no secret prince harry once kids but won t have custody, the reason why coming up. (woman) learned to play an instrument.
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let s talk about what facebook has uncovered, they removed 650 pages and accounts linked to russia and iran. they are coordinated in authentic behavior that included sharing of misleading political information, this is something facebook has come under fire for following the 2016 presidential election and they have taken steps to read the platform of this type of activity especially ahead of the midterm elections. in addition to facebook finding this information, twitter may have removed 284 accounts with this kind of misleading political information. a lot of is happening before the midterm elections. jillian: we need a new mode of transportation because flying is ridiculously expensive. let us know because united is
finding another way to charge passengers, this time for preferred seats. you won t get any special perks with this preferred seat, no extra legroom, you will just be sitting near the front of the plane. you won t have to walk down the aisle as far, you will be one of the first off the plane after business class, economy class and preferred seats but you will be paying more for this little perk, this is something american airline 10 delta do this, charging you more to sit near the front of the plane. not sure how much united will charge customers. they haven t said that but this will be implement it later this year. jillian: is that 3 minutes going to matter? i agree with you. rob: they just a few in an overhead bin. did you know that? did you fit? i got a bit claustrophobic.
thank you very much. aretha franklin reportedly left no will for her $80 million estate. press reports her four sons listed themselves if interested parties and could split the money and property legally. the queen of soul died after battling pancreatic cancer, she was 76 years old. jillian: a bizarre twist of royalty, megan markel and prince harry won t have custody of their own kids, a royal expert ruling the queen illegal custody due to an ancient law. of the queen passes away custody will be passed to the new sovereign prince charles. the same rule applies to william and kate middleton s children. rob: weird royal so many of them. time for the good, the bad and the ugly.
after spending nearly 30 hours, i can already hear this, trapped underneath the house. [cheers] rob: colorado firefighters pooling the to safety. she got stuck when chasing a rabbit around the yard. jillian: a mom put a sticky note on her baby s head, saying she should dress more like a girl. this photo of baby clementine going viral on line. her parents say her clothes are her older brother s hand-me-downs. rob: this is a bizarre one. the ugly. ten sports car drivers ticketed for driving too slow clogging both lanes, angry drivers called state troopers after they were unable to pass by.
jillian: if you drive slow you want everybody to see it. rob: got the windows down. jillian: a fox news alert, illegal immigrant charged in the brutal murder of mollie tibbetts. liberal laws under fire for the iowa student s tragic death. rob: former nypd commissioner ted williams joining us in the next hour of fox and friends first . - in a crossfit gym, we re really engaged with

Rob , Lot , Donald-trump , Fox-and-friends-first , Fox-news-alert , Sarah-sanders , Epic-move , Immigrant , Kidnapping , Judge , Murder , Suspects