I subscribe to the Reporter-Herald, and I look forward to the crossword every day, and I read with some interest all the comments about the puzzle being too hard for people, and I'm sad to see that it has been dumbed down now. There is no challenge at all. You can whiz right through it, and it's not fun anymore.
Brent Smith writes, Considering the scope and magnitude of our problems, I was deeply disappointed when 10 Montana Republican Senators derailed the efforts of thousands of Montana Patriots to save our Republic by voting NO to pass a Convention of States Resolution (SJ-2).
Recall the Rick Santorum visit to Pierre a month ago to promote the Convention of States measure they keep trying to push in South Dakota? No. I didn't either since it received little to no notice in the media. However, I had a reader who went through a video on his speech, as well as some…
Recall the Rick Santorum visit to Pierre a month ago to promote the Convention of States measure they keep trying to push in South Dakota? No. I didn't either since it received little to no notice in the media. However, I had a reader who went through a video on his speech, as well as some…
The Convention of States North Carolina (COSNC) has over 89,000 North Carolinians who signed the petition calling for a Convention of States. COSNC also has over 2,500 North Carolina volunteers working to get the N.C. General Assembly to vote for the Convention of States Resolution, and polling shows that 62% of North Carolinians support their