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0 car insurance so you only pay for what you need. well use the bible lineas the rise of all the theaters. hey so tonight we re nearing 200 interviews, believe it or not, for tucker carlson today over on fox nation, thesese are extended and very wide ranging interviews with people who d never have time to sit down on a regular nightly d show here on fox that includes some of the most prominent entertainers, authors, thinkers and generally interesting, entertaining people of our timeu . you may have seen a couple of minutes these interviews because we broadcast them at night sometimes. but on this show this evening, we re focusing on just two people. the firstsi is football legendl brett farve and the second is hollywood actor jon voight. we re bringing you two extended portions right now.wo e you can get a sensextende of whr fox station show is all about. here is part one of our conversation with brett favreett . > who s your dad? what was he like? well, as i explained to you la
isn t it amazing how so much of president trump said still rings true ? but schools and the media don t want our kids to hear anything positive and that s why my team created the kids guide to president trump . it ll teach our kids all about president trump s accomplishments and his vision for america. and i want you to have it for free to order your free kids guide to president trump gift bundle. just visit three trump dove .com. that s free trump guide .com. hello, i m mike lindell and as you know, my passion is to help each and every one of you get the best sleep of your life. that s why i created my new dreams bed sheets. i started by using the world s best cotton called giza. it s only grown in a region between the sahara desert, a mediterranean sea and the nile river. it s ultra soft and breathable but extremely durable. i guarantee you they ll be the most comfortable sheets you ll ever own and do not like my fauci i love my shoes. i m interrupting
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