A Press Club of India employee was held along with a Delhi Police head constable for allegedly cheating a physically-challenged man to the tune of several lakh rupees on the pretext of providing him a job in Indian Railways.An FIR was lodged .
Andrei ‘Andrusha’ Sawoniuk was the only Nazi collaborator to stand trial in a British court for his crimes. A gripping new book tells the remarkable story of how justice was finally served, 50 years late
Fedor Zan was 18, working on the river closing sluices, when, on a winter afternoon in 1942, he saw his childhood friend Andrei Sawoniuk standing in a clearing outside Domachevo, their town in Belarus. Sawoniuk had lined up 15 terrified women, all wearing the yellow Jewish star. As Zan watched, hidden behind the pine trees,
Maligaon, November 6 (MExN): In another step towards tourist-friendly digital initiative, Darjeeling Himalayan Railway (DHR) of Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) has become a partner with digital payment platform Paytm.