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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The Kelly File 20160614 01:00:00

tomorrow. again, thanks for watching us today. i m bill o reilly and always remember that the spin stops right here. we re definitely looking out for you. breaking tonight, the feds are looking at the possibility of an accomplice now as they chase down hundreds of leads in the orlando nightclub massacre trying to determine if the man behind our nation s worst terror attack since 9/11 had any help. welcome to the the kelly file . i m megyn kelly from orlando. a mad man bust into a well known orlando nightclub and opened fiefrmt fox news has learned that authorities are now looking for direct evidence that omar mateen may have scouted out other locations for his ram pain including an area known as disney springs at the walt
disney resort. a people magazine source told us omar s wife said he did scout that area. it s still unclear whether that s true. however, disney world tell ss us they have increased skurecurity. we re getting details from inside those who survived and those who know those who did not. one of those killed, 25-year-old amanda alvear. it shows her having a good time and ends with her mouthing the word shooting. wei m at the club. i m at the club.
that s hard to watch. a young life cut tragically short. another man, norman shot four times survive. he hid out in the bathroom. watch. reporter: when you were in the stall, what were you hearing? what did you see? inside the staal i saw everyone s face genuine fear just terrified. no one was doing a lot of talking. we were trying to be quiet so he wouldn t find us. outside you could just hear bullet after bullet after bullet after bullet just going off as it got closer and closer to our stall. did you hear this terrorist saying anything? he never spoke when i was there. he laugh when he was shooting inside of the stall.
reporter: was he laughing a lot? it was like a laugh of like satisfaction like i m getting done what i came here to do. it s imprinted in my head forever. reporter: how are you feeling? where were you shot? i was shot four times, twice on my side right here and then twice on the opposite side and i m just i m in pain i m ready go home and relax and try to not forget but put it in the back of my head at least for a few hours. tonight there are also questions about how authorities handled the rampage given the three-hour window between the first shot and when the s.w.a.t. team actually rammed the building. busting out holes for the hostages to escape through. and then the terrorist escaped
through one of those very holes, guns ablazing and part of what occurred was caught on video here. watch. we have a huge show lined up for you tonight starting with trace gallagher on what the terrorist s family is now saying. trace? megyn, his father says he does not believe he was rad kazzize kazzize callized. he has been widely quoted as saying god will punish those involved in homosexuality. but a short while ago he said while god says marriage is between a man and a woman, he has nothing against homosexuals. listen. it s a free country, freedom of choice. anyone lives the way they like more than welcome. who am i to approve or
disapprove. he talks about how great americans are but he speaks out against america and in favor of the taliban who he call, quote, our warrior brothers. when we questioned him about that he reversed it calls the taliban the terrorists. and we asked him if he ever talked to his son about shari a law. watch. that means you re to promote good behavior serving people. that s why i m out to say to the whole people that what my son did was the wrong act. clearly different story. and atz for the killer s first wife saying she left him because he beat her repeatedly siddique
mateen said she never came to him for help. noor zahi salman said omar had been scouting disney springs and now we re getting our first look inside the shooter s home which appears normal. couches, tv, cartoon character, even a hello kittsy clock and a wall of family pictures. no signs of a tell tear terror and the hatred within. megyn? it s incredible to see as he took the lives of 49 others with families of their own. thank you. joining us judge andrew napolitano. what do you make of it judge? the fbi put us into an am big
was situation. we know he was employed by a security contractor one of whose principle clients was the federal government of the united states and when they have that kind of relationship they re required to perform certain background checks which at a minimum ask about contacts with the f biibi. so there was a breakdown. stated differently, had they communicated it s extremely unlikely he would have been found suitable to have the licenses necessary to carry the military hardware that he brought into the building that night. and on top of that we know the authorities have been scouring his apartment looking at his electronics. i m sure they re looking at his devices and anything else he had and now they re coming on the record and saying they re
looking for other polices and saccomplices and see if there are others. it s their civic duty to see if there are confederates. fit s derived from the constitution itself i don t doubt for a moment that there are hundreds of fbi agents not far from where you are now looking for every tidbit and evidence piece of evidence they can to know about him. quick question. he had two wives, ex-wife and one he married. they say he had scouted other locations including this disney springs. could she be in trouble? i didn t hear that she went to authorities and told them about this prior to the event. she s certainly a person of interest the fbi would want to talk to. if you held this back what else do you know? we need to know everything you know because we re putting the pieces of the puzzle together.
judge, good to see you. thank you. we re also getting new information about omar mateen including those who knew him personally including a high school teammate who was with him on september 11th 2001 when they were in the ninth grade. he said omar mateen celebrated and lafd on that day. he joins me now along with co-worker dan gilroy. good to have you both with me here. thank you. dan, i want to ask you because you worked with him relatively recently. when did you work torkt? march 2014 to march 2015 approximately. in that time frame how often was it you heard him make bigoted remarks? any time i saw him. half hour an hour to shift change it was only him and i. he made horrible statements every time i saw him. did you go to the boss or how
soon? it took me about eight months before i went to the boss. why? i wanted to make the job work, i wanted to keep the peace, i wanted to not be the troublemaker at work and after realizing this gentleman had some serious issues i went to the company. did they fire him? no. you quit. yes. why? because after four months of asking for a transfer to get away from him, they simply were dragging their feet and not complying and double talk. why do you think that is? they actually said it was for financial reasons, they didn t want to have to train two people. so when you heard the news you were not surprised? no not at all. robert you knew omar mateen when you were in high school ninth grandparents day togethereth grade together. you heard the remarks he made on the day of attack.
tell me what you heard. i rode the bus with him. when he got on the school bus, he would act like a plane, hold his arms out and make plane noises and when he got to his feet he would make an explosion type of sound and fall into his seat. on that day he fell into his street and made screaming-type noises and laughing about it like it was a big joke. were there any religious reference references? on that day, not that i can remember no. didn t mention allah or any of the terms that we ve come to understand. not to me personally no i don t believe he mentioned allah or anything of that nature. not to me anyway. did you believe he did you believe he might have been a kid horsing around? did you think there was anything more to it? i thought so back then. yeah i thought like maybe he was trying to gain friends or
trying to make himself more popular maybe because he really didn t have a lot of friends in high school as far as i knew, but my friends and i kind of didn t really take it for granted. we kind of joked around like man, this kid might grow up one day and be one of those people. that s why i was shocked find out it was somebody i knew but at the same time i wasn t because we spoke about this in high school. somebody else in your classroom said the same thing, said they made similar references. what happened to him? was this reported up the line? i don t really know i nojt know what happened. like i say, maybe he was trying to impress people make people definitely made my whole school bus mad. and i ll ask you as well whether you ever heard any religious references or whether it was all bigoted remarks or sexist remarks. our conversations weren t.
but he d brick a prayer mat and neil down and make gees turs and kiss and put on a hat. he did that for about ten minutes. he was a devout muslim. a devout muslim making several bigoted remarks at a time we know the police were looking into this man. thank you very much for being here both of you. as you just heard his former classmate said early warning signs pointed to trouble with this man. but his faerks histher his imam and ex-wife say he showed no signs of radicalism. so which is it? thank you so much for being here tonight.
the father you know coming out and saying i condemn this i have no sympathy for him and trust me when i tell you this had nothing to do with religion and he was not radicalized, what do you make of it? one would think the father is afraid he might get charged himself. this is why i don t like using the term lone wolf. we know from our own empirical studies and also anecdotally, those attacks are rarely alone even if they re not operationally directed by group, they re not ideologically linked. clearly his father sympathizes with jihadism or he wouldn t have praised the taliban. the fact that he comes out as a 14-year-old and celebrated on
9/11 that s not something a kid does. that s got to be learned. of course. there s an atmosphere. people that celebrate death over 3,000 people must find encouragement to do fwhaus it s not normal behavior. he s not getting that from his clatmates. we heard from them. there s an atmosphere that must have moved him that found that the death of 3,000 people over 15 years ago was something to laugh about and he s continued that since. but his imam comes out and says he was very pro-american he was a cop, a security guard. he said something along the lines of we thought he was more aligned with you than with us. your thoughts. yeah rks megyn, look. we re constantly looking for the wrong signs of radicalization. let s not forget the possible 9/11 hijackers were found in
bars and strip clubs. let s not forget that the san bernardino ataerks were also government employees. in fact with these other examples that i mentioned, the one commonality they all share is these are people who worked in inconspicuous circumstances and then turned their guns on their own colleagues and in this instance we know omar mateen freaked the pulse nightclub himself. perhaps he had those ten decies or was scouting it out for himself. we know that these jihadists have attacked areas that they re familiar with either where they worked or visited. it s no surprise because that s exactly what jihadists do through their self-starter manuals. that s exactly what they instruct their followers to do. what do you make of the
history of the wive one said she was abused badly shortly after they got married and the second telling police she knew he was scouting locations. my sympathy goes to the first wife. when you re a homophone, you re a misogynic, when you re an extremist, you re a wife beater. they take medieval attitudes to religion and with women. i extend my solidarity to her. she must have suffered. the second wife however, bears a responsibility. whelp she found that her then husband was scouting areas for attack that s what she confessed to it was her loyal patriotic duty to report that. in fact people who don t report such things whether it s of their husbands siblings or friends, they give muslims like me and everyone else bad nachlt it was her duty to report that
the minute she became aware of it. thank you so much sir. great to see you tonight. thank you. pleasure. well also tonight, some critics are suggesting that the orlando s.w.a.t. team waited too long to move in. they re coming under fire this evening for the three-hour delay before they went in. mark furman is here on that. plus former cia director james wolfcy is here. first we have james calendar on why he thinks the feds are in over their heads here. he s next. don t go away. our work is very challenging. we re looking for needles in a nationwide haystack but we re also called upon to figure out which pieces of hay are nightles. that s hard work. if we can find a way to do that better, we will. let the real you shine through? introducing otezla apremilast.
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learning more how terrorist omar mateen may have slipped through the cracks of the fbi s investigation. james comey taking to the microphone and how he came to their attention in 2013 what tay did about it and why they ultimately decided he was not a threat. listen. our investigation involved
introducing confidential sources to him, recording conversations with him, following him, reviewing transactional records from his communications and searching all of government holdings for any possible connections, any possible derogatory information. we then interviewed him twice. the killer s name surfaced again in an indirect way. our miami office was investigating the florida man who had blown himself up for the nisra front. and he knew him casually from attending the same mosque but we turned up no ties between the two of them. we will work all day and all night to understand the path from that terrible night. we re going to look hard at our own work to see if we could have done something differently. so far the honest answer is i don t think so. this is at the time he s working as a security against
according to our guest at the top of the hour. fbi investigating him, meeting with him, doing all this stuff when at the same time he s working working as a guard. pivot we go to our chief intelligence correspondent katherine live. it was a critical period after the fbi investigation concluded in march. the men went to the same central florida mosque. asked if anyone else was radicalizing a witness identified omar mateen to the fbi and claimed he was watching videos of anwar al awlaki. the cleric lived a double life and this mugshot comes from a san diego arrest for prostitution. readingal alal al alal his sermons.
this is what they were watching before they kill 14d last december. the czar major nadal ha son exchanged e-mails with the clerk before opening fire. today a leading democrat said the bar was high in the orlando case. if there wasn t evidence of material support for terrorism, if there weren t over acts and supported conspiracy if there wasn t evidence that an actual crime that was committed, they were not in a position to arrest the suspect. the new evidence that mateen was directed by a foreign terrorist group, but this in so many ways is an old-fashioned concept. you don t need a phone call or text because they give you standing order to act. isis says do it wherever you are and if you do it in our name
we ll claim you as a soldier of the caliphate, megmegyn. it s unbelievable. thank you. joining me now the former assistant director in charge of the fbi and a senior counterterrorism adviser after september 11th. here we are again and this guy s watching aill awlaki videos. the fb i says there s no there there. your thoughts on it. i ve known jim comey a long time. he s a good man. of course i know the fbi. i know the agents support people the analysts. they re all good people. they don t want anything like this to ever happen. but, megyn, they re weighed down with this wet blanket of political correctness, number one. their training manual has been deleted of all words that were objectionable to the people so-called educated people of the
national security council and the white house. they don t have the resources to keep up. why that case was not flagged to stop him from getting weapons, why it was not flagged, why he wasn t on a no fly list i don t know the answers to that. this terrorist task force is around the united states. you know i spent 4 1/2 years with governor pataki to get every police force in new york state from a four-man force to the biggest in the state to be tied into the task force even if they weren t in their jurisdictions. that s one of the questions, isn t it jim? whether they were inform. you guys have to keep an eye on it. i don t know. i don t know if port st. lucie
had a clue. these things should never, in my view never be closed. they should have some sort of activity. but director comey talks about hundreds of cases around the states. i can tell you, megyn. i can tell the people watching the show, i was instru mental not bragging but instrumental in setting up the surveillance both technical and physical. they cannot keep up i m not going go into great detail but they can t keep up with the number of cases that deserve surveillance. right. you can t do 24/7 surveillance on all these people. no you can t. and the hoops they have to jump through, sometimes which are, you know just a private citizen could do things the fbi can t do. crazy. you know i saw all these congressmen today, you know in a moment of silence on the
stones. the hypocrisy. they ve done nothing to make the fbi s job easier. i m sure they ve tried, but nothing has happened. you know i can t say enough about at 50,000 feet you know you ve got people associated with the administration in the muslim brotherhood. you ve got high ranging people in the muslim brotherhood. you ve got monies from saudi arabia and the other from qatar and others going into the clinton foundation and you ve got this connection going on and there are also connections with iran which is the other big supporter. the saudi arabian government i want to say for the record though jim, i realize you ran the surveillance program for two decades but those facts are in
dispute. i m not taking a position on it. i want for the record the viewers the know there are controversial claims and there s been pushback on the voracity. i want to ask you about loretta lynch i understand it s your opinion. i want to make sure the viewers understand it s opinion and controversial. you have it s not an opinion. you ve got loretta lynch out there go ahead. yeah. loretta lynch soon after the last one before this out in california you know came out with this statement about how they were going to prosecute people that said bad things about muslims. anti-muslim rhetoric. she said the doj will take action against anti-muslim red lick or violent talk.
what about violent talk from black lives matter talking about roast ing roasting cops on a spit. we need to go to the next dimension, megyn. understand i understand. you know but the truth is it s a matter of public to both the bush administration and obama administration have had some very controversial come in and advice them clerics and others advise them on this islam problem and the record is clear on who that is. i ve got to go jim, but thank you, sir. it s always a pleasure you being here. yeah okay. well t former director of the cia james wolvescy is next. plus the gunman showed up
at a mosque and what happened there. donald trump goes to war with the washington post over how they re covering his terror remarks. stay tuned. 4 it s more than the cloud. it s security - and flexibility. it s where great ideas and vital data are stored. with centurylink you get advanced technology solutions from a trusted it partner. including cloud and hosting services - all backed by an industry leading broadband network and people committed to helping you grow your business. you get a company that s more than just the sum of it s parts.
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only tena lets you be you. test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test . breaking tonight, the kelly file just stopped in to omar mateen s mosque and spoke with
the mosque s spokesman. it s right here that the dead may shooter reported. it s where an american homicide bomber who killed hymn and others in syria last spring went to pray. the mosque spokesperson called that a coincidence and said he s in shock over the nightclub terror attack. it s a horrible thing. what happened to his mind there s no explanation. as i mentioned to you, i m shocked. i can t understand how it happened. he had a loving father. he would come here with his son. he would play with his son. he would kiss his son. he would hug his son. it never came. former cia director james woolsey. good to see you, sir. good to see you tonight. so the story tonight from this gentleman, this man was not
radicalized. there were no signs of it. he went to pray four times a week. he d pray he d leave, do you believe it? well in san dernbernardino that couple had been to party their co-workers organized for them. there are a lot of circumstances in which i think we have radicalized people but they re playing their cards close to their vest. one just does not necessarily have with someone who s ideological and heavily driven and very committed, they can also be clever and hide their emotions and payapparently this may be what happened in this case. now, the fbi is taking all sorts of heat because they had this guy twice on the radar and they let him go. the thing is we have a bill of rights in this country and they say if this thing didn t rise to the level, they wish they could have done what the rest of america wishes they would have
done. exactly. this is the federal bureau of investigation, not the federal bureau of protection. they can t just go out and arrest someone we have habous corpus in this country. they can t just pluck someone out of the system that they believe might do something wrong. even if they re saying crazy and emotional and jihadi things. even if they re watching anwar al awlaki videos. exactly. i think the bureau did the best it could under the circumstances it had to operate. the problem is the president and the administration for 7 1/2 years have not been even breathed the idea that we re at war. they re perfectly willing, i suppose, to let the islamists, radicals believe and function that they re at war with us but we should not function as if we are at war with them.
can you please explain that? explain why that term matters, why using the term radical islam matters because the president said that s what they want us to say. it s not important to use that language. i think what s crucial is to be accurate. you can t fight something effectively unless you can describe it. and this administration has been all along on i think on the notion that what they want to sell is the story that everything is fine, we ve killed bin laden, everything else is going to work out. we can contain isis we re getting it done. when something comes along like ben gadi that doesn t fit in the narrative as we call it they fiddle around with it. it comes closer to the narrative. they get so far on this sometimes that the political
correctness is ridiculous. it sounds like something coming out of ray brad bury or george orwell novel. they really lose it sometimes. former cia director james woolsey. thanks for being with us tonight. good to be with you tonight, megyn. up next see how donald trump went nuclear with the washington post of their coverage of him and the terror attack. plus hillary clinton has change of heart when it comes to radical islam. watch. whatever we learn about this killer his motives in the days ahead, we know already the barbarity that we face from radical jihadists is profound.
coverage of him and the terror
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from his campaign events revoking their press credentials and accusing the paper o having no integrity. trump did not explain what caused the embargo exactly but there appears to be a headline that suggests donald trump sulgs president obama was involved with orlando shooting a headline that referenced some trump remarks referenced earlier in the day. watch. recently just this morning on a different network you said about the president he doesn t get it or he gets it better than anybody understands. what you do mean by that? well, there are a lot of people who think he doesn t want to get it. a lot of people think maybe he doesn t want to know about it. i happen to think he just doesn t know what he s doing. there are many who think he doesn t want to get it he doesn t want to see what s really happening. joining me now, katrina pierson. she s the trump campaign s spokesperson and regina. good to see you both. it started on an interview with
fox and friends where trump said people can figure it out themselves what he meant when he said there s something going on. that s what he kept saying. there s something going on something going on with barack obama when he isn t forceful in his response. i ll give it to you. well look. if you re implying that the president is doing that that s quite a statement to make. look. this is not a new thing for donald trump. he implied he didn t release his birth certificate because he could be potentially a muslim. this has been a dog whistle that s been going on for some time. now it s no longer a dog whistle. he s saying the president is sim sympathetic to isil. i think it s unfair.
this is not the cleric union. we re not russia. this cannot happen in this country where you ban an outlet you don t like. katrina t washington post later softened its headline from donald trump suggests obama was involved in the shooting to suggest president obama that he seemed to connect president obama to the orlando shooting and they didn t call attention to it. they said we did it on our own. the trump campaign didn t ask us to do it so there. you know, megyn, this has been going on for quite some time. mr. trump has already talked about washington post asigning these hits to him. this is what they do to drive traffic. it s called click bait. just because you re a media outfit doesn t mean you get a
front row seat. he s not going to make it easy for them. to insinuate that donald trump says the president was involved with what happened in orlando is absolutely absurd and offensive. what did he mean katrina, with there s something going on. that s what i was going to say, megyn. he s obviously right. something is going on. here we are 48 hours after the fact and even today president obama refused to even say the word islam when talking about this incident. he refused it. what do you mean. domestic terrorism. he means that something is wrong. why do we have a president that refuses to talk about the problem. we just had americans butchered, murdered and he refuses to acknowledge the radical islamists. he said that. he said the reason. he said the reason julie, which he doesn t feel the language is important, that it s going to play in the terrorists hands. my question is this. your thoughts on donald trump
banning the washington post and whether hee deserves it. the first time he said it i might give him the benefit of the doubt. but when you go back to 2010 a mentoring candidate, a potential muslim then i have to say, no it s not something you given benefit of the doubt to because it consistently happens. whether you like the washington post or not, you cannot continue to ban public outlets like this. but this is also a president who has gone out in public speeches and said we ve got to leave it at that. debt to islam. what does that mean? okay. we ve got to leave it at that. thoughts to ponder when we return with mark furman.
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and from the hostages and people inside, we believe further loss of life was imminent. i made the decision to commence the rescue operation and do the explosive breach. well, that was the orlando police chief defending his department s decision to send in the swat teams three hours after orlando terrorist omar mateen opened fire on the pulse nightclub. while some police experts have suggested that the decision to wait may have cost people their lives our next guest thinks that decision is not as simple as some would have you believe. mark fuhrman is a fox news contributor former homicide detective. some say the protocol, mark, would have been to interim immediately and say this is a risk averse swat commander. you say not so. tell us. well, you can t interim immediately. the shooting spree had ceased at that moment and there was silence. and then the game changer
once swat and officers set up a perimeter make any kind of assessment was when the suspect called 911 and claimed that he was an isis terrorist. that is a game changer because of the possibility of ied explosive devices at the entryways suicide vests and multiple suspects, so they had to get some kind of eyes and ears, electronic eyes and ears in the location. they had to interview some witnesses. the officer that exchanged fire with the suspect they had to have some intention before they gained entry. so you think this is a case of monday morning quarterbacking where people just say hey had you three hours, you should have gone in there. absolutely. it s monday morning quarterbacking pause these swat officers trained specifically for incidents like this looking at paris and belgium and san bernardino and every other terrorist attack in the world that has a confined area in a civilian location with civilian hostages. can you imagine if they made
entry quickly and they had a wall of hostages between them and the suspect? the suspect gets to fire, officers can t. this is said to be an elite squad that knows what it s doing. this gentleman making most of the criticism is firing at the chief. not so much the actual guys. mark, great to see you. thank you for your insights. we ll be right back. don t go away.
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experience the thrill of the lexus is f sport. because the ultimate expression of power, is control. this is the pursuit of perfection. two nights ago more than 100 people were shot in a nightclub 300 yards up the road. half of them were taken to a hospital not far away. tonight the hospital says all those patients have a problem prognosis and appear to be improving. i m megyn kelly. we ll see you tomorrow. [sirens] orlando to command we have shots fired on scene. [gunfire] oh my god. they re all shooting back and for the. gunfire gunfire gunfire. [sirens] boom, boom, boom, three
shots right in there. and then he was change, another ammunition. and then change, another ammunition. he said he was doing this for the leader of isil, who he named and pledged loyalty to. hearing the bang, bang, bang. and then when you turned around the person next to you screaming there is blood splattering i didn t know if it was mine or somebody else s. you could just hear bullet after

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Transcripts For CNNW New Day 20160829 10:00:00

leading into l.a.x. and passengers back inside the airport now facing delays as airlines work to get things back on track. the scare at l.a.x. comes just two weeks after a similar incident caused widespread chaos at new york s jfk airport. both incidents highlighting how on edge travelers are following recent terror attacks abroad. and just where did this start? l.a.x. is shaped like a large horseshoe. at the end of one of those horseshoes, this would be terminal eight, gate 82. they say a passenger who had made it through tsa said that he had heard this loud noise that sounded like gunfire. back to you. and paul, in an unrelated story, police found a man in a zorro outfit that they thought might have been connected to this. reporter: not connected as of yet. he was surrounded.
several officers around him, up to as many as eight, and him saying the whole while that this is not a real sword. we ll see what in the world this had to do with anything. but clearly panic had set in at l.a.x. as that initial report sort of hopscotched throughout other parts of the airport. got it, paul. thank you very much for all that reporting. . and guess where he was headed. vegas. you don t say. we will keep you apprised of all the developments on that story. now we want to turn to the 2016 race. donald trump planning to give a major speech on immigration this wednesday. many questions about trump s policy after he softened his signature position of forcefully deporting more than 11 million undocumented immigrants. trump s campaign also says that he will start taking his message to black voters directly in the inner city. cnn s sara murray is live in washington with more. give us the latest, sara. reporter: good morning, alisyn. donald trump s campaign originally said he would do an immigration speech. then they said he wouldn t do an
immigration speech. now it appears the speech is back on this week in arizona. and it may be an opportunity for donald trump to clear up some questions after he s taken nearly every tone on immigration over the last few weeks. there are many wondering whether he is wavering on a foundation of his candidacy, this pledge it deport millions of undocumented immigrants living in the u.s.. we are going to get rid of the criminals, and it s going to happen within one hour after i tack office. believe me. reporter: donald trump announcing he ll deliver a highly anticipated immigration speech wednesday in arizona after all. if you want to be here legally, you have to apply to be here legally. reporter: the trump campaign insisting it won t amount to amnesty or include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. at least 11 million people in
this country that came in illegally, they will go out. reporter: even his allies appear unclear on his stance. what about the millions in this country right now? what happens to them? i think drump will articulate what we do with the people who are here. well, he already has. reporter: the gop chairman even saying deporting all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the u.s. is complicated. he s reflecting on it, and his position is going to be known. reporter: this as trump plans a labor day weekend church to a predominantly black church in detroit, part of his ongoing effort to woo minority voters. african-americans, hispanics vote for donald trump. what do you have to lose? it can t get any worse. what do you have to lose? reporter: the republican nominee sparking controversy over the weekend for politicizing the death of chicago bulls star dwyane wade s cousin, tweeting, just what i
have been saying. african-americans will vote trump. an hour later, trump offered his condolences. this tweet just the latest example of trump facing criticism for touting his political positions in the wake of tragedies. it s horrible. and it s only getting worse. i say vote for donald trump, i will fix it. reporter: as trump continues to blame the democratic party and hillary clinton for minority hardship and racial tension they ve run the inner cities for years and look what you have. they re like war zones. how quickly people have forgotten that hillary clinton called black youth super predators. remember that? super predators. reporter: both trump and clinton s campaigns using their opponent s own words against each other. what the hell do you have to lose? reporter: now, as the trump campaign aims to close this gap with hillary clinton in key battleground states, they are
now preparing to throw a little bit more money at this problem. they re going to go up on the air in nine states with a new ad buy worth $10 million. we should have more details on that later this morning. back to you, alisyn and chris. sara, please let us know when you have that. we appreciate it. so what is trump s deportation plan? let s discuss this and much more with our panel. cnn political analyst and national political reporter for the new york times, alex burns. and anchor of time warner cable news, errol louis. great to see you. he has announced wednesday he ll be giving this immigration speech. do we have any idea yet if it will have a coherent plan in terms of the deportation piece of all of this. we don t. what we know is he s been talking in somewhat greater detail about the mechanisms you would use to enforce our existing immigration system, mechanisms like e-verify to track the employment of people, to track the immigration status of people who are employed. but those are all measures that every presidential candidate has
either endorsed or talked about. that s stuff jeb bush and marco rubio were talking about. the big question here hanging over trump this week and i think really for the remainder of the campaign is, what do you do with the 11 million people who are already here illegally? and does he stand by the idea of rounding them up and deporting them? we just don t know the answer to that right now. and just to be clear, the only reason we don t know the answer, errol, is because he changed. we re in the spin cycle right now. we re trying to be convinced by people that he didn t change. we wouldn t be having this conversation if he hadn t obviously changed on this part of the piece. is there any other interpretation? no, of course not. he is changing in a way that actually makes him more of a traditional politician. you know, normally what you see is in the primary season, promises are made to the base of the party, whether it s the democrats or the republicans. then you sort of come to the middle and see if you can sort of trim the sails, adjust it a little bit, broaden the appeal to bring in some of the undecided voters who are not part of it.
that s an idea he hates. what you just said is exactly what he doesn t want to be. so that, i think, has been what the finesse point here is. how do i do what i need to do without being what i never want to be. exactly right. just as alex suggested, he s moving towards the bush/rubio sort of stance, which is really the only place you re going to end up. john kasich said during the primary system it s not an adult conversation to talk about deporting 11 million people. it s not realistic. it s not reality. it s probably not legal. the resources aren t there. the public doesn t support it. there s no reason to even talk about it. but that was the trump position. and yet, even this weekend, his top people, his vp nominee mike pence, and his campaign manager, kellyanne conway, were not speaking from the same script about the deportation. listen to what they said this weekend. his position and his principles have been absolutely consistent. we re going to secure the border. we re going to build a wall, have a physical barrier. we re going to enforce the laws of this country. we all learned in
kindergarten to stand in line and wait our turn. he s not talking about a deportation force, but he is talking about being fair and humane. okay. so his position absolutely consistent, mike pence says, with when he said we are going to have a deportation force, which was in november. and now kellyanne conway saying we re not talking about a deportation force. what they re trying to finesse here is making the case that his principles you heard pence say his principles are totally consistent. his principles of being tough on immigration, cracking down on the border, those remain the same. the mechanisms are going to change. i don t know that s how it works for a candidate who has really staked his entire campaign on being tough on up graimmigratio. you heard kellyanne conway say he s not talking about a deportation force. no, but the position is on his website. he s talked abouted aboued abo the campaign. you ve seen trump do this in a couple places where he got pretty far out on a limb during the primary.
it s not that he explicitly said, i m not for that anymore, it s just that he starting talks about something else in hopes people forget the previous position. should we talk about medical records? donald trump has called for hillary clinton to release her medical records. isn t the answer for her to say, you first? well, that s one answer. the other answer is to say that, you know, federal law sort of provides some pretty serious privacy protections to anybody s medical records. she doesn t have to release anything she doesn t want to. correct me if i m wrong, haven t previous presidential candidates released more than what hillary clinton and donald trump have to date? yes, that is certainly true. if they could both get beyond the point of, you know, five minutes scrawled out while somebody s waiting for you in the limo outside, that would probably be good. alisyn cannot let that aspect of this story go. i believe what you re referring to, errol. we were all trying to get trump to come on record. this letter sounded very
trumpian, the way it was written. now it turns out there s a doctor that said he wrote it. this kbas tgastroenterologis he wrote it. so here is that doctor now. i thought about it all day, and at the end i get rushed and i get anxious when i get rushed. i sat at this desk and wrote that letter while the driver waited for me. go ahead, errol. there you have it. case closed. the next surgeon general of the united states of america. could be. the quality of the medical information and the source of the medical information clearly matters, right. so anybody who feels more assured about donald trump s health condition based on what this gentleman has done, i
think, is really going in a different direction than what most of us want. the reality is we have, through the process the process sort of works. we all complain about the long presidential campaign season, but the reality is the stress test of it, all of the different rallies, all of the traveling, all of the going back and forth, people can look with their own eyes and see whether or not somebody is tired, whether or not somebody is fatigued, whether somebody is physically sharp. by the way, both of these candidates appear to have stamina for this election. it goes to the authenticity of transparency. this gentleman writes the letter and has this bizarre excuse for what it is. but donald trump says we don t know enough about hillary clinton s health records. she should release them. when he knows this is the man who is standing it testament to his own health in this crazy letter. he says, we don t know enough about her. that s the nature of the dynamic in this election right now. 100%.
you ve really seen especially since the convention, i think, every time hillary clinton goes at donald trump on a specific issue, he comes right back around and says, i know you are, but what am i. when she was saying he is a potential dictator, he s out there saying she wants to be an imperial leader in charge of the country. when she was questioning his when tim kaine was questioning donald trump s stability and temperament for the presidency, donald trump says, i don t think she s all there. so making that gesture. i think you re going to see a lot more of this, and the health it may be the most hilarious example, but i don t think it s the last one. well, i can t get enough of this doctor. i love you guys, but if i could have swapped one of these chairs this morning. we have more. you ll be very happy throughout the program. we have more from the doctor. stay tuned for that. guys, thank you very much. all right. there are also new developments in the shooting death of nba superstar dwyane wade s cousin. two brothers, described by police as gang members who are
both on parole, are now charged with her murder. we have cnn s rachel crane in chicago with the latest. reporter: chris, today this family still in mourning. yesterday nykea s friends, her family, her loved ones came together to hold a beautiful vigil to honor nykea s wife. i had a chance to sit down and speak with nykea s mother diane in a very emotional interview. she had a powerful message for the shooters. chicago police say these are the two men responsible for killing a mother of four over the weekend. brothers darwin and durren charged with first-degree murder. when will enough be enough? reporter: police voicing outrage over the shooters lengthy rap sheets, saying they re both gang members and convicted felons out on parole. duran, 22, was released from prison just two weeks ago with six felony arrests. darwin, 26, got out of prison in february. he had been serving a six-year
sentence for a felony gun charge. we need to put them in jail and keep them there. reporter: caught in the deadly cross fire was 32-year-old nykea aldridge, cousin of chicago bulls superstar dwyane wade. the tragic death in wade s hometown shining a spotlight on chicago s ongoing gun violence epidemic. just sat up on a panel yesterday talking about the violence that s going on within our city, chicago, never knowing that the next day we would be the ones that would be actually living and experiencing it. reporter: aldridge was pushing her baby in a stroller when she was struck in the head and arm by stray bullets. she was on her way to register her older children for school. it s just heartbreaking. it s really oh, god. it s heartbreaking. reporter: but through the
pain, nykea s mother had this emotional message for her daughter s killers. i truly, truly from the bottom of my heart, i forgive them. reporter: dwyane wade tweeting under the hashtag enough is enough, writing, another act of senseless gun violence. four kids lost their mom for no reason, unreal. reporter: now, chris, it s very difficult to hear and see the pain that this mother is going through. and just remarkable that despite that pain, she s still able to forgive these shooters. unfortunately, this is not the first time that diane has lost a child. she lost her eldest daughter about ten years ago, also to gun violence. oh, my gosh. what a history, rachel. what a statement from her of forgiveness. thank you for all of that reporting. well, the trump campaign is
planning a direct appeal to voters in detroit s black community. will the new outreach work? our panel on that next. before taking his team to state for the first time. gilman: go get it, marcus. go get it. .coach gilman used his cash rewards credit card from bank of america to earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. at places like the batting cages. [ crowd cheers ] 2% back at grocery stores and now at wholesale clubs. and 3% back on gas. which helped him give his players something extra. the cash rewards credit card from bank of america. more cash back for the things you buy most.
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millions of jobs, far better schools, safe communities where you can, in fact, walk outside and walk down the street with your child, with your wife or your husband, by yourself, and not be kill and not be shot, not be mugged. there s donald trump. he says he s now planning to do what many say he should have done from the start, which is make his pitch to black voters directly in front of a black audience. let s bring back our political panel. let s do the plus/minus on this. he s going to go to detroit. we re doing this with the backdrop of the latest example of the reality in chicago and other urban areas like it of dwyane wade s cousin nykea getting shot by gang members
supposedly on parole. how can he make advantage by what he wants to do now? the upside is he has almost nowhere to go on the downside. he can t do quite as poorly with black voters as he appears to be doing in the polls. in 2012, mitt romney lost to barack obama in seven states. the black vote was the margin of victory. listen to which seven states it was. it was florida, it was ohio, it was michigan, it was pennsylvania, it was virginia, it was key swing states. maryland as well and nevada. these are key states that he can t afford to write off. so he doesn t have to get all of the black vote, but he can t do you know, if 6% of the black vote, which is what mitt romney got, was not enough to win in all of these various states, he can t come in with 1%, 0%, which the polls have suggested in ohio and pennsylvania, and hope to get anywhere. he s got to make some kind of a gesture. it also, frankly, gets him a lot of sort of moderate white voters who don t like the antipathy.
they don t like seeing all of the protests. they want to feel like their candidate has some kind of a connection and is frankly not a bigot. so he s got to do something. he has, in some ways, a pretty small task to accomplish in detroit. he s got to hope that it s going to be a controlled situation where there won t be a lot of protests, where there won t be a lot of antipathy, where he won t be branded once again as the guy that black america has no interest in. alex, donald trump has been criticized for the tweet that he sent out about nykea aldridge s murder. i m going to read that for everybody. dwyane wade s cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago. just what i have been saying. african-americans will vote trump. an hour and a half later, he sent out this tweet, or his account did. my condolences to dwyane wade and his family on the loss of nykea aldridge. my thoughts and prayers. does that clean up that original tweet that seemed insensitive?
i don t think it does. i think if you read the two tweets, you see there s been this consistent pattern on trump s twitter feed where he himself will go on and type something that is intemperate or doesn t fit the mood. then a staff member will tweet something much more conventional. how do you know a staff member? because we ve never seen trump himself speak or write in language as conventional and measured as that. and also because there are ways of checking what device a tweet was sent from, whether it s an android or iphone. there is a pattern that the hotter tweets tend to come from the android. but look, i think the bigger picture beyond just these tweets is that the attitude that trump brought into that first tweet is why it s been so hard for him to broaden his base in general. he s not particularly interested in massaging or recrafting his message in order to meet communities on their own terms. he wants to point to the message he s been delivering all along and point to public events and
say, i m right and this is why black voters or hispanic voters or women ought to vote for me. the challenge of him going to a place like detroit is can he add something to that message and persuade people who have taken a look and said, that s not for me. i think delivering the same message over again in starker, more alarmist terms, is not the way to do that. your analysis is right in terms of how much worse can he do in terms of the polls, but he has a couple challenges. one, what we see in this tweet, this dynamic might be new to him. he thought it was an a-ha moment to see dwyane wade s cousin get shot down in chicago. but that s the social condition in chicago. it s new to trump, but it s not new. the second challenge is he s going to go to detroit, which is a place with a pronounced back and forth with the police. he s on record all over the place making it the community s fault when it comes to what happens with police. he has to overcome those two
things. otherwise, he could wind up cementing a position for himself that might leave him worse off than romney. if he comes in with more than promises, he ll have to do exactly that. the reality is i don t know if he or his staff understand fully how insulting it is to suggest that people in black communities, somehow they forgot to care about, you know, good schools and safe streets. it habsn t worked for the last 0 years, 60 years, whatever he s talking about, and here he is with some solution. that in itself is insulting, but let s get past that. fine, what s your solution? he ll say jobs, better schools, and you don t get shot. yes, but that s an end point. that s not a method, that s not a process, that s not a program, that s not a plan. if he s got a plan, i d love to hear it. school choice is what his vp nominee told me, mike pence, when i put that question directly to him. he thinks they, through their
other policies, will be bringing jobs back and school choice. and flood these communities with cops. he s suggested all those things. there s of course an operational question about how much of that can you do from the oval office. these are quintessentially local issues. something like 18,000 police departments, schools we know are locally controlled. so again, the mechanism sort of matters. if it s just bombast and promises and sort of saying, you know, democrats have run this town for decades and the town s in bad shape. i think it ll be a pretty short conversation, and it won t end favorably on his terms. alex, errol, thank you. great to talk to you both. nfl quarterback colin kaepernick says he s standing up for victims of racial injustice by sitting down during the national anthem. so we will debate that controversy ahead.
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like @pigskinsusan15, who writes, now my boyfriend wants to talk on sundays. just so many words. your boyfriend s got it bad. maybe think about being single until the start of the season.
did you know people can save over $500 when they switch to progressive? i got your nose! i got your nose right here. i know that s your thumb, grandpa. talent! learn about it! breaking news now. isis claiming responsibility for a deadly suicide attack
targeting military recruits in yemen. an official with doctors without borders says the attack killed at least 45 people in the southern port city of aiden. a car bomb exploded inside a training camp for forces loyal to yemen s saudi-backed exile government. clashes are now intensifying between u.s.-backed groups in northern syria. this happening as syrian rebels keep advancing after driving isis out of the border town of jarablus with help from turkish air strikes. turkey and the u.s. insisting syrian kurds must withdraw east of the euphrates river, asking them to give up control of areas they seized from isis fighters. a tropical storm watch is in effect for north carolina. florida bracing for severe weather as well. let s bring in meteorologist chad myers with the latest. good morning, alisyn. looking not too bad. the waves are going to be big in the atlantic. certainly the outer banks could see something from what will be ermine, if it gets a name.
right now, just tropical depression number eight. it makes a run at the outer banks and turns to the right, but it does get to about 45 miles per hour. that will make rip currents. we ve been talking about this storm now for what seems like weeks. the storm that kind of skirted cuba all weekend long. that will make its way into the gulf of mexico. if that s already hermine, this will be ian. it could be a significant storm now that it s in the gulf of mexico. hot water down there. models are all over the place. we ll keep watching it for you. it s the middle of the week for this one. all right, chad. thank you very much. you re the best when it comes to tracking these storms. some political fireworks in maine. the governor just went off on a state lawmaker that he claims accused him of being a racist. there s some substance here as well. the lawmaker is going to join us to talk about the fallout next. well she loves to say, well, fantastic! a lot.
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maine s governor, paul lepage, under fire for leaving a threatening voicemail filled with expletives for a state lawmaker who he claims called him a racist.
i would like to talk to you about your comments about my being a racist, you [ bleep ]. and i want to talk to you. i want you to prove that i m a racist. i ve spent my life helping black people, and you little son of a [ muted ], socialist [ bleep ]. i need you to i want you to record this and make it public because i m after you. thank you. well, he got his wish because it is now public. the governor refusing to apologize to that man, who received the voicemail. he joins us now, democratic state representative drew gattine of maine. good morning. good morning, alisyn. what was that about? what was that message about? well, that message was left on my voicemail about 1:00 in the afternoon on thursday last week. the previous evening the governor had been at a town hall meeting that he was holding at a
small town in maine. someone had asked him some questions. they were talking about maine s heroin crisis. as this governor has done repeatedly, the governor immediately became hyper focused on his point of view that the majority, the vast majority i think he said 90% of people who engage in criminal activity in maine are black and hispanic. actually, that s not true. the next morning i was asked by a local tv reporter on those comments. what i told the tv reporter is that i didn t think that those kinds of racially charged comments were really helpful in our effort to try to solve this terrible crisis we re having up here in maine that is killing lots of people. did you call the governor a racist? no, absolutely not. i think the words i just said to you are exactly what i said. i said that those kinds of racially charged comments are not helpful in solving the
crisis. again, this governor likes to throw stones. i try not to throw stones back. you know, i was being very careful in terms of what i said. here s what the governor says he himself said. so let me read it to everyone. i made the comment that black people are trafficking in our state. now, ever since i said that comment this was back in january, he originally said that. now, ever since i said that comment, i ve been collecting every single drug dealer who s been arrested in our state. i don t ask them to come to maine and sell their poison, but they come. i will tell you 90 plus percent of those pictures in my book, and it s a three-ring binder, are black and hispanic people. so is that is he wrong? well, i think the evidence shows that he s wrong. to be honest, you know, nobody has updated statistics. the statistics that we have show that perhaps 14% of people who are arrested in maine on drug charges are black and hispanic. at the end of the day, our law
enforcement response has to be measured and very strong, and it s not going to be based on what color the skin is of the people who are committing crimes. the other most important thing we need to do here in maine is invest in treatment and education, which again this governor is not doing enough of. so that was really the basis of what i said that led to that voicemail. do you feel like what you re experiencing in this altercation with the governor is sort of a microcosm of what s happening nationally about all these conversations about race and racially charged language and accusations of racism? well, i think there s a relationship. we ve been dealing with this governor up here in maine for the past six years. i think he would say, and i think the people in maine would say, if you want to know what a donald trump administration would look like, you really don t need to look further as to what s been happening in the last six years up here in maine. the issue with our governor is it just keeps getting more and
more extreme. just when you think he can t cross another line, he crosses another line. even the day after he left me the voicemail, he held a press conference. i think the you know, in an attempt to explain what he had said. he actually doubled down. he actually said that people of color are the enemy to the people of maine. again, i think those kinds of comments need to be condemned in maine, and i think they need to be condemned across the nation. so what are you calling for this morning? do you want the governor to apologize to you? no, i mean, i don t expect the governor to apologize to me. that is absolutely not his style. i think maine people are getting extremely concerned after six years and these kind of escalating events with respect to our governor that he s now at the point where he isn t fit to be governor. he really probably needs to get some sort of professional help and that as a state, we re not going to be able to solve our problems, including this very
serious problem we have with heroin under the leadership of this governor. you know, we re just concerned that we can t move our state forward with this man as our governor. let me just quickly end on the statement that was put out by governor lepage. he said, it made me enormously angry when a tv reporter asked me for my reaction about gattine calling me a racist. so i called gattine and used the worst word i could think of. mr. gattine, thank you for joining us with your side of the story. obviously we ll continue to follow this and continue the conversation. thank you for having me on, alisyn. another story we re following this morning, what happened on cornell university s campus. there was a large fight. it ended with a student being stabbed to death. we have new details on what happened next.
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police are searching this morning to find the attacker who stobed an ithica college student
to death in new york. it happened on the campus of cornell university. chris, the two victims ithica college students. they were attending an event organized by students at cornell university. it was after that event that a fight broke out and then this stabbing. police responded there about 2:00 in the morning on sunday. two people injured, one seriously, and then that other person killed. 19-year-old anthony nazir. he s from brooklyn. a statement from ithica college s president said anthony is a business administration student. he was a sophomore. he was a member of the executive board of brothers for brothers, a student organization dedicated to empowering men of color on our campus. of course, a serious loss there. now, the investigation turns to what exactly unfolded during that fight. a weapon found on the scene there. police also think there s a lot of cell phone video. so that s what they re looking at right now, guys.
okay. thank you so much for that update. well, niners quarterback colin kaepernick sitting during the national anthem. he says he s taking a stand against racial injustice in america. we ll debate that next. .clear for take off. see ya! when you re living with diabetes. steady is exciting. oh this is living baby! only glucerna has carbsteady, to help minimize blood sugar spikes. and try new glucerna hunger smart to help you feel full. t-mobile s coverage is unstoppable, even at 30,000 feet. now get free go-go inflight wifi on your smartphone. lift off, power up, text it, browse it, work it. we got you covered. and we won t stop.
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represent and this country is representing people the way that it s supposed to, i ll stand. and now he has a problem. that s san francisco 49ers quarterback colin kaepernick, defending protests of the oppressed in this country. he sat during the national anthem before his preseason game. his actions sparked a lot of anger. we re going to continue a debate about this issue. let s discuss. we have cnn political commentator, host of b.e.t. news, and author of nobody, marc lamont hill. and cnn political commentator and host of the ben ferguson show, ben ferguson. ben, let me start with you. we hear about a lot of protests in this country about a lot of people who are upset about a lot of issues, specifically the idea of policing in poor or african-american communities. he does this, outrage from a lot of different sectors of the sporting world and america, burning his jersey after this. why? well, one, even his own
colleagues are saying that they have a problem with this because the national anthem is something you stand for, for what is right with this country and continually evolving country. you re standing to honor that we re always trying to become a better nation. what he did was, i think, really an issue of hypocrisy. he didn t stand up against anybody in the nfl when there were many people that were abusing minorities and african-american women. he didn t stand up and call out players when they beat their wives on hotel videos. the nfl reinstated them. he didn t call out the nfl for their hypocrisy, standing up and saying they stand up for women, when in fact the players in their league are able to come back after abusing minority women. so this is an opportunity for him, if he wanted to be consistent, he should have been consistent and actually fought within the nfl to have a culture of change there for these athletes that are paid an incredible amount of money that had done these things it, and he had a microphone for that. he didn t do it. but all the sudden he says, oh, america is a terrible place.
look at his own life. what an incredible american story. adopted, comes out from a tough situation, has parents that don t care about the color of their skin or society, what they may think about them adopting someone who s biracial, ends up making it to the nfl. this is a story that should be celebrated about what s right with america, and that s why you stand. instead, he says, i don t like america. well, if you don t like it so much, why are you playing in the national football league, america s game? you said over the weekend that you agreed with colin kaepernick sitting during the anthem. why? just a couple things. one, i didn t hear him say america is a terrible country. colin kaepernick never said america is a terrible country. he said he has critiques of america. we can laugh, but it doesn t change the fact he never said that. it sounds like a generous explanation. he said this flag doesn t represent what it s supposed to. he outlined the condition of going on with policing in black communities. he said i m not going to stand
until it does. that seems negative. it seems critical. oftentimes when black people critique america, it comes off negative. when trump says he wants to make america great again, he doesn t get critiqued. no one accuses them of not liking america. they all stand during the national anthem. none of those people get accused of hating america or having a problem with america or thinking america is terrible. they simply have a critique of it. his particular way of critiquing america is to sit down. that s his particular form of resistance. i think it s a principled one. i think it s not offending anyone. it s also not true to say all of his teammates disagree with him. many of his teammates who i ve spoken to, and some of which have been on the public record, stand in solidarity with him. for some people, the national anthem is a way of saying we re getting better. oftentimes for african-american people that, hasn t been the case. the song itself, the land of the free, home of the brave, is
create ed in the midst of slave. there s a long tradition of black people resisting some of the symbols white people see as freedom. yet we corrected it. this is the point that i think is being lost. i didn t say that everyone in the nfl doesn t like what he s doing, but there s an awful lot of players that have come out and made it clear that america has evolved in a pretty incredible way. he s a personal story of how incredible the change has been in this country. the second part is this. in politics, you have many people that protest. you have many people that go out and protest, but they all seem to stand during the national anthem because they all understand that in a country find another country that has corrected their wrongs in such an incredible way like this country has. find a country where you can do the things that colin kaepernick is describing that blacks live matter is doing, that any protester is doing, where you and i can have this conversation and it not be limited by a government or either of us be shut out by political power. that is what true freedom is. that s what the national anthem is about.
and most importantly, i find the hypocrisy here in colin kaer nick for the fact he s never once come out and criticized any player in the nfl that s gone after a minority. i get you on that. he has a couple problems right now, this young man. one is a legitimate one, which is he chose now to come forward when there were things much closer to home in terms of what he represents as a professional. why is that closer to home? i don t understand. because he s playing for the nfl. but he s also a black person. no, no. i know. this is my point, chris. again, white people so are the people who were doing lots of abusive things in that league. he could have spoke out and he didn t. i agree with you, but to decide what s closer to home to him is often another example of white people defining for black people what s most important. let me make the point before you disagree. for many black people, walking down the street, you re a threat, right. for many black people, you are also threatened by state violence. before he puts on his pads, before he puts on his uniform,
he has brothers, cousins. so for him, that might be closer to home than what happens in the nfl. also, i think it s a little unreasonable to say, if you haven t critiqued this now, then you can never critique anything again. by that logic before, you mean. exactly. by that logic, he can now never critique anything in his life again but a he didn t critique something he should have before one more point. i disagree with it. he also said you and i obviously disagree. let me go back to the point hold on. let me hear what he disagrees with. he also said america has corrected its wrongs. to the extent he s right, and i don t think he s entirely right, but it has done so because people have resisted, because people have sat down, because people like mohammed ali, who we just celebrated for doing the same things, although back then we called him anti-american. that s how america corrects its wrongs, resistance. we ve called a whole bunch of folk anti-american. i m here to celebrate colin
kaepernick now. ben, final word. i m not going to celebrate a guy that sits on the sideline while making hundreds of millions of dollars because of men and women of all races and colors that have fought for the freedom to be able to play a game in america for an incredible amount of money. i m not going to celebrate colin kaepernick because the guy, i think, is a fraud. if he truly believes this much in change, why won t you put your career on the line and criticize the nfl for players that have gone after minorities in the same way he claims is happening every day in the streets of america. he s never had the guts to do that because it would have cost him a paycheck. there are people in the league that would have listened to him as a player, who if he would have come out and said, i m ashamed to take the field with people that commit these types of crimes against minorities and african-american women, who cannot defend themselves against guys like us that are huge and incredible shape, and i m embarrassed to take the field with them. i would have more respect for today. but i think this is a situation where he says, you know what, i can sit on the sideline and
there s no repercussions for me financially. but if i said something about the nl and the players i play with that do the same things i m saying are happening in the streets of america, i might lose a paycheck. and that s why i think it s hypocrisy. and i have no respect for him. i think he may lose a paycheck now. this ain t easy. i think he s catching hell right now. ben, marc, thank you very much. what do you think? you ve just heard both sides of this controversy articulated. tweet us @newday. post your comment on there s a lot of news this morning, including this scare that sent people running out of the doors and on to the tarmac at l.a.x. what happened? let s get to it. chaos overnight at los angeles international airport. reports of a gunman sending travelers running through terminals. a flood of people came running into the bathroom, saying there s a shooter. everyone is in a huge panic. on day one, i m going to begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants. he s not talking about a
deportation force. he is talking about being fair and humane. his real message seems to be make america hate again. we have bad schools, no jobs, high crime, and no hope. what do you have to lose? it s just heartbreaking. the tragic death of nykea aldridge shining a spotlight on gun violence in chicago. these kids are screaming out for help. when will enough be enough? good morning, everyone. welcome to your new day. we begin with breaking news for you because of this chaos and confusion at los angeles international airport. it was following the reports of an active shooter. there were loud noises that sent frightened travelers running to the tarmacs. police had to shut down the airport. they didn t find anything major that we can report to you this morning. they did detain and question a man who was dressed as zorro. a little bit of levity here.
he had nothing to do with the incident. he was just in a costume and going to vegas. however, the faa did have to temporarily issue a ground stop. there are a lot of people s lives inconvenienced by that. paul, as you laid out very accurately, this may have been nothing, but it is a reflection of something, which is people s anxiety. reporter: that is exactly right. and panic went through this airport. in fact, some 68 arriving flights were delayed. they re still trying to sort out how many departing flights were delayed or possibly canceled. it s calm right now, but it sure wasn t last night. chaos overnight at los angeles international airport. reports of an active shooter sending travelers running out of several terminals. we just saw people sprinting the other way. i was in the bathroom, and all the sudden there was a flood of people that came running into the bathroom saying there was a shooter. i mean, everyone is in a huge
panic. reporter: panicked passengers using emergency exits to get away, some ending up in restricted parts of the airport. the scare leading to a full ground stop of air traffic as police searched the airport. l.a.x. later confirming that the source was likely a loud noise. the false alarm causing a ripple effect of headaches for travelers. massive gridlock on the freeways leading into l.a.x. and passengers back inside the airport now facing delays as airlines work to get things back on track. the scare at l.a.x. comes just two weeks after a similar incident caused widespread chaos at new york s jfk airport. both incidents highlighting how on edge travelers are following recent terror attacks abroad. and the spark that set this all off emanated from terminal eight. it was gate 82. that s united. from a single reporting male who had made it through the check point. before that, that s where they
detained, this is chris favorite subject, zorro. he was part of what they call cos play, or costume play. they determined he had nothing to do with anything and his sword was plastic. well, it is a good ending to the situation only because it s nice to inject a little bit of levity into something that wound up being a nonevent. we have things that wind up being real so often. it s good to have one that wound up being nothing. paul, thank you very much. let s turn to the 2016 race. donald trump s long-awaited immigration speech is coming this wednesday in arizona. the big question here is actually kind of one that s easy to answer. did he change his position? remember so forcefully saying i m going to deport all 11 million. the answer is yes. now maybe he might be going back. certainly trump is going to explain in his own words. he s also going to make a direct appeal to black voters later this week. cnn s sara murray is live with all the developments in the trump campaign. what are we expecting? reporter: good morning, chris. the trump campaign went back and forth on whether to even deliver
this speech this week. now it is back on. the key question, as you said, is what s going on with druonal trump? is he just softening his tone when it comes to talking about immigration, or is he going to come out this wednesday and outline a new plan on how to deal with the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u.s.? and is he going to backtrack on that pledge to deport all of them? we are going to get rid of the criminals, and it s going to happen within one hour after i tack office. believe me. reporter: donald trump announcing he ll deliver a highly anticipated immigration speech wednesday in arizona after all. if you want to be here legally, you have to apply to be here legally. reporter: the trump campaign insisting it won t amount to amnesty or include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. we all learned in kinder gartn to stand in line and wait our turn. reporter: but as questions mount about whether trump is softening his hard line position from the primaries. at least 11 million people in
this country that came in illegally, they will go out. reporter: even his allies appear unclear on his stance. what about the millions in this country right now? what happens to them? i think donald trump will articulate what we do with the people who are here. well, he already has. reporter: the gop chairman even saying deporting all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the u.s. is complicated. he s reflecting on it, and his position is going to be known. reporter: this as trump plans a labor day weekend trip to a predominantly black church in detroit, part of his ongoing effort to woo minority voters. african-americans, hispanics vote for donald trump. what do you have to lose? it can t get any worse. what do you have to lose? reporter: the republican nominee sparking controversy over the weekend for politicizing the death of chicago bulls star dwyane wade s cousin, tweeting, just what i have been saying. african-americans will vote
trump. an hour later, trump offered his condolences. this tweet just the latest example of trump facing criticism for touting his political positions in the wake of tragedies. it s horrible. and it s only getting worse. i say vote for donald trump, i will fix it. reporter: as trump continues to blame the democratic party and hillary clinton for minority hardship and racial tension they ve run the inner cities for years and look what you have. they re like war zones. how quickly people have forgotten that hillary clinton called black youth super predators. remember that? super predators. reporter: both trump and clinton s campaigns using their opponent s own words against each other. what the hell do you have to lose? reporter: now, donald trump s campaign is looking to put a little more pressure on clinton this week. they re going up on the air waves with a new $10 millioned a
by $10 million ad buy. sara, appreciate it. we have that ad. we re going to play it for you in just a second. first, let s discuss some of the issues on the table. cnn political commentator and former donald trump campaign manager corey lewandowski. yes, he is still receiving severance from the trump campaign. and former governor of michigan and senior adviser for correct the record, jennifer granholm. good to have you both here. let s start off with something, corey, that should be simple. what helped you guys distinguish yourself early on, and you deserve credit for identifying the issue, was not just immigration as an issue. it was a very specific stance. everybody says get rid of the people who are criminals here in the country. everybody says you want a strong border. everybody says you need e-verify so these employers who are enticing people to come into the country, often helping manufacture them to get into the country, have to be held accountable. everybody says that.
you said something different. you said, we re going to get rid of all of these 11 million or whatever the number is. we re going to put together a force. we re going to get rid of them. and it helped trump immeasurably. he moved off that position last week. that s just true. is there any other way to look at it? well, you know, chris, if you look at the conversation with anderson cooper, he said, look, here s what we re going to do. you have to go out before you can come back and become a citizen. he was very clear about this. he was in manchester, new hampshire. what we re going to see this wednesday from phoenix, arizona, he s going to lay out in specific details his plan. he said, i ll work with them. not to cut you off, but this matters. it s getting confusing. why does he need to give this speech to clarify something if he never changed from what it was. he did, and that s okay. it happens all the time. i don t understand why the campaign wants to have it both ways. when you look at this issue and get past building a wall, which he s going to do, and he s talked about securing the border. what the issue is right now, our government doesn t know how many illegal immigrants there are in
this country. they don t know if it s 11 million or 20 million or 25 million and where they are. you have to identify these people. that s the most important thing. he said, i m getting rid of all of them. and. allowed him to beat back his competitors. that s right. whenever they said anything like what you re saying now, he would look and he d go. you got to find them. i ll find them. i ll get rid of them. you re weak. convicted felons, criminals, gone right away. he said that first hour, out the door. everybody says that. the other problem is, other government doesn t even understand who these people are. we don t know where they are. we have to find them. this take time. then we have to understand how humanely everybody says that. he said there is no path to citizenship. he s been very clear about that. very different than what everybody else has said. not that different. you know what, jennifer, maybe i m wrong. he is, jennifer. you know that. corey says i m wrong. you weigh in. you be the moderator.
you know what, chris, i agree with corey. i don t think he s changing his position. i think what he is doing is just, you know, katrina pierson said last week he s just changing the words using to describe his position, but i think that s actually what s happening. he s using words like humane. he s using words like, we ll work with them. what does that really mean? when somebody is i think lawful, in his plan, they re going to go out. how do they go out? you use a deportation force. he s not going to do that. he s going to beef up enforcement. but he s saying the same thing he s been saying all along, which is the 11 million people, good luck with this, go out. and they apply for citizenship and they come back. how long does it take to get citizenship? it takes years. essentially, he s saying the same thing. we re going to deport 11 million people. let s get to a different issue. he s going to make a direct outreach to the african-american community. he s going to detroit.
in the past he s been criticized, he was giving that call to a white audience. what s going to be his message to those people in terms of how he can make the lives better for african-americans? look, so there s a couple things. we saw this in another terrible tragedy this weekend in chicago. what we ve seen is from 2012 to 2016, more people have died in the city of chicago than in afghanistan from 2001 to 2015. our cities aren t safe. we need to do something to allow the police to do a better job. african-americans predominantly in the south side of chicago are getting killed. when he goes to detroit, he s going to go with dr. carson. what he s going to talk about specifically is 26% of the african-american community right now lived in poverty. that s not even a question. that s true. a quarter of the african-americans in this country are living in poverty. so what do you do about it? you think he ll put meat on the bones? he ll absolutely do that. the earn the median income right now is less for african-americans than it was four years ago. food stamps are up by 4 million from when barack obama took office from 7.4 million to 11.3
million. we have to give opportunity. we have to give everybody a job. a rising tide lifts all boats. i think what you re going to see, very specific plans, how african-americans and low-income people across the country are going to have more opportunity under a trump administration. there s a new ad out to that effect. i believe we have it. here s a part of the new effort of the trump campaign to actually get wbr id wbr44059 on with paid media. this goes to these issues korco is talking about. here s the ad. in hillary clinton else america, the middle class gets crushed, spending goes up, taxes go up, hundreds of thousands of jobs disappear. it s more of the same but worse. in donald trump s america, working families get tax relief. millions of new jobs created, wages go up, small businesses thrive, the american dream achievable. change that makes america great again. this ad is called two americas which is an interesting wbr id wbr44359 play off the original reagan narrative of the shining city on the hill. /b
how do you feel about this comparison to your candidate, jennifer? well, first of all, he s going to detroit, and it is a largely african-american, vastly african-american city. believe me, this is why he s about 1% to 2% in the polls in african-americans. he s painting this dystopian view, and he doesn t have any policies to remedy what he s saying. he s not talking about raising the minimum wage. he s not talking about a living wage. he s not talking about the people who gained access to health care through obamacare, which millions of african-americans did. he s not talking about any specific policies to attract investment and manufacturing in the cities like hillary clinton is. he s not talking about any of those things. and he s certainly not talking about the fact that american unemployment has been cut in half under barack obama and millions and millions of jobs have been created. that commercial is like a totally it s the donald trump view of the world but it is not reality. look, chris, donald trump in the last poll with the
african-american community had 8%. that s not a great number, but john mccain got 4% and mitt romney got 6%. in the nbc poll, donald trump is getting 8% of the african-american population. he s getting 28% of the hispanic population, outperforming most people who said he wouldn t do well at all. the difference is, right now african-americans have been taken for granted by the democratic party for a long time. i think what you see is they re tired of it. they want a change, and hillary clinton is not doing anything to help them become a better organization better in their lives. that s what this is about. governor? chris, i just want to say, donald trump was i don t know which way on the bailout of the auto industry, but the bailout of the auto industry made it possible for african-american unemployment in michigan to be cut in half. this is why i mean, even rick snyder, republican governor, had a statement on friday which completely disagreed with donald trump s vision of detroit. he was suggesting that detroit was a manufacturing wasteland.
detroit has, because of the assistance to the auto industry, because they had record number of cars built, which hugely benefits the african-american community in detroit because they have jobs in those factories, it s as though donald trump doesn t recognize anything like that, that has happened. for the african-american community in detroit, and i hope you send people there on the ground to talk to them, what donald trump is describing is a world that is completely foreign to what people are seeing on the ground. the excitement about detroit coming back. i just think it s not a good strategy for him to be telling the african-american community that they re essentially living in hell when he does not describe the lives of the vast majority of the people who are living in southeast michigan. certainly there are pockets of challenge in detroit. but their situation has improved and not worsened. chris, you know this, the governor knows this, the trade deals of the obama administration and the clinton administration have destroyed a lot of our manufacturing base, particularly in the state of michigan. we ve seen it time and time again. we ve seen what tpp has done. we ve seen what nafta has done.
these are policies the clinton and obama administration have supported. donald trump has been very clear, this has been devastating to the economies of places like detroit. his plan is to put americans first. one of the things the politicians neglect very often on this issue, and we can end on this point, just get a quick thought from both of you. the trade deals are a problem. losing jobs are a problem. but that was going on before trade deals. it was going on when this economy changed and america did not prepare for the change. it did not change how it trains workers. it did not change how it educates people in general. innovation within manufacturing wound up leaving a lot of these workers with nowhere to turn. we didn t prepare for it as a society. so that matters, that education piece, that training piece. because you can t bring jobs back that people here aren t ready to do. do you think donald trump will speak to that? i do, and look, innovation is a huge thing. what used to take ten people to do, a machine can now do by
itself and run 24 hours a day. the difference is, right, we need to be able to compete with other countries. these trade deals that put us at a disadvantage are egregious. they re taking our jobs, taking our manufacture, putting them in mexico, and allowing hem back i country, no tariff. we ve seen major manufacturing companies move to mexico because of cheaper wages. that s not right. look at the policies hillary clinton has put on. she doesn t disagree the trade agreements have been a problem. that s been a problem for jobs in michigan. that s true. she wants to renegotiate nafta. she s not in favor of tpp. she wants to beef up trade enforcement so our trade partners are not taking us for granted. she wants to invest in research and development. she wants to invest in training to be able to allow people in michigan and other industrial cities to get the training to be able to take on those technology jobs. her policies are very specific. donald trump just makes broad
statements. he doesn t have specific strategies for how he s going to lift people s skills to be able to take on the advanced manufacturing jobs of the future. she does. well, governor go ahead. we got to go. the governor knows this. hillary clinton said tpp was the gold standard for trade deals. she s opposed to tpp corey. like every other politician, in favor before they re opposed. you shouldn t be talking about that this week with your candidate. governor, that s why we call the show new day. every day it s like something new happens on the campaign trail. appreciate the arguments, as always. alisyn? chris, is donald trump taking the election seriously? our next guest is not sure. up next, we ll talk to republican congressman carlos cubello, who thinks trump is not in it to win it. i have asthma.
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donald trump announcing plans for a major speech on immigration in arizona on wednesday, but our next guest is not sure that trump is interested in policy or even winning the presidency. joining us now is republican congressman from florida, carlos
curbelo. congressman, thanks so much for being here this morning. alisyn, good morning from miami. thanks for having me. so you told a radio show that you are not convinced that donald trump really wants to win this thing. here s what you said at the time. put trump s recent conduct together with the fact he s a close friend of the clintons, they attended his wedding. donald trump spoke to bill clinton three weeks before launching his campaign. again, i don t have any hard proof, it may be nothing, but is this the conduct of somebody who s trying to win? i just don t see it. do you stand by those comments that you don t think donald trump is trying to win the presidency? well, look, alisyn, when i said mr. trump was campaigning in connecticut, a deep blue state that i don t think any republican is going to win any time soon, at least not for the presidency, and the point is that there really habit been a serious discussion of issues in this campaign.
i think any winning candidate is going to talk about the issues that are worrying the american people, whether it s the economy, whether it s the fact that a lot of young people graduate from colleges and universities in this country and can t find quality jobs. all the problems overseas. instead, i think the campaign was embroiled with the khan family and that back and forth. it has been frustrating at timing. yes, i understand your frustration, but do you really believe if he s not trying to win, what is donald trump doing? i don t know. i can t get into his head. i just observe people s conduct and jump to conclusions. now, for sure the campaign has made some improvements in the last couple weeks. i think the change in leadership was very important. some of us had concerns with the previous leadership. what can the country needs, what the american people deserve is a serious discussion about the issues. to be fair, neither candidate is doing that.
every week it s a back and forth on who s more corrupt, who s more dishonest, and that is simply just not good for our country. so i know you have said that because of all that, you can t vote for donald trump. would you consider voting for hillary clinton? no, look, like most americans, i m very disappointed with this election. i told a lot of people, don t trust these candidates. well, i m one of them. my message to the american people is make sure you elect strong representatives in the united states congress because i believe in january of 2017, the role of the congress is going to be more important than ever. i m willing to work with whoever gets elected, but i m also willing, and i will, hold either of them accountable. right now i m not prepared to support either of these two candidates. i think they both have some very serious character flaws. i don t think they re going to be able to improve that situation from now until election day. so what they should do, both of
them, is focus on the issues. let s have a real debate on how we re going to reform higher ed. let s talk about serious immigration solutions. let s talk about how we re going to keep the american people safe and all the instability in the world. that is what the american people deserve to hear over the next 70-plus days. do you worry that donald trump will have an effect, a negative effect, on your re-election campaign? i think you re going to see record ticket splitting in this election with both of the candidates being so unpopular. they are the number one and number two most unpopular candidates for the presidency in the history of this country, at least since we ve been doing polling. so i think you re going to see voters really go down the ballot and choose the best candidate in every single race. i have worked hard for my community in the congress. i have put partisanship aside to try to get things done. and we have had some wins this congress.
the media don t talk about it very often, but, for example, we had a major highway bill pass this congress. that s very important to south florida. we reformed k through 12 education, returned a lot of power back to the states while protecting education as a civil right. so we have gotten things done. those are the types of people that i think increasingly americans are going to turn to it send to congress, people willing to sit at the table, have a discussion, find solutions, and restore the trust and confidence that the american people want to have in their government. congressman, very quickly, marco rubio, who of course ran for president himself, republican senator, his primary race is tomorrow. what do you think is going to happen? will he win this primary race? oh, yeah. senator rubio has done a wonderful job for our state. he s very popular here. i have worked with him on reforming refugee benefits programs.
we ve been working very closely in recent months on this whole zika issue and making sure that the federal government long term funds this response effort, so i m confident he s going to do very well tomorrow, and i m confident he s going to win in november as well. he s a very important asset to the people of florida and the united states senate. you brought up zika. what are you doing to combat that in your state? as far as i m concerned, alisyn, the number one and number two priorities for congress in september when we reconvene are to fund the government, make sure we don t have any kind of shutdown after september 30th, and also to fund the zika response. zika is not just a public health issue here for the state of florida. it is also an economic issue. we need to make sure that we continue containing this threat so that obviously we protect people s health, especially women who are pregnant or who could become pregnant, but also so that we protect working
families and small businesses in south florida. some parts of our local area down here have already taken a hard hit because of the advisories that the cdc has had to put out. so we want to make sure the government has all the resources at its i did pdisposal to fully this response to zika. congressman, thank you for being on new day. thank you, alisyn. let s get to chris. all right. they re talking about donald trump. he s going to speak himself. our next guest is questioning trump s sincerity. so will this new outreach to blacks make an impact? let s debate it next.
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nothing means more to me than working to make our party the home of the african-american vote once again. used to be. donald trump ramping up his pitch to black voters with a visit to a black church in detroit on saturday. is it too late? only 71 days before the election. some critics question whether he s being sincere. one of them sitting next to me now, congressman gregory meeks. great to have you here. you don t buy it. not at all. why? by his own words, you know, there s no solutions. you look at who he has been, what he has done, the words that he s utilized in this campaign from the very beginning. he is starting out when barack obama was elected president, why was he not an american citizen, according to trump? i think because of the color of his skin. you think there was a racial component to the birther movement? there s no question in my
mind about that. what do you think when he swings the stick back and says hillary clinton started the birther movement? do you buy that? no, i don t buy it at all. to me, you know, when you see and you hear donald trump, he talks and goes back and forth, he s trying to con people. that s what s happening now. he s a con man. he conned his way to the nomination of the republican party. he says the same thing about your party. he says democrats have been in control of these cities. the situations are still unacceptable in so many of them. how do you not hold the democrats to account for what happened and give us a chance instead? well, look, let s look at the facts. if you look at the facts and you see the unemployment rates, for example, with african-americans, which is far too high under anybody, but still we ve been better under democrats. see, to me, it is an insult to the african-american community saying that we don t know how to vote. when if you look at the african-american community, it always votes its interests. and you can go back from the
60s when we began to have the right to vote. african-americans voted and votes democrat in this particular instance because democrats have put positions together that support where they want to go. but the continuation of despair in inner cities, white, black, green, yellow, people who live in impoverished conditions in inner cities are living in away that is still unacceptable. isn t there something there for donald trump or for the republican party to make some hay out of and say, look, how can we not do better for you than they ve done? look at the levels. i think what we ve got to do, and we need to make sure we do more about poverty in america. you can say the same thing about appalachia, that there s a huge poverty. those are republicans. so the argument would be that then you should not vote for any republicans in appalachia because they have not done anything for them. america has to do a better job on poverty and making sure that we re preparing people for the
economy that we have for today and tomorrow. when donald trump says you walk down the street, you get shot in your communities, there s been a real revulsion among democrats when he says that. what is wrong with making a case to african-americans that they should be safer in their own communities, the crime rates are too high, disproportionately high? why does it bother democrats when trump says that about african-americans? number one, it s because he is using the typical the stereotypical aspect of what african-americans are. and that s why i said he has been playing to the individuals who want the worst out of our society. he s playing to a stereotypical image in a predominantly white audience to say, you come support me because those blacks over in these communities, they are not they re lazy and they
are unemployed, they are all criminals. just basically same thing he said about mexicans when he began his campaign in the first place. the same stereotypical types of statements that has come out of his mouth time and time again about whether it s african-americans, whether it s mexicans, whether it s muslims. it s the same thing. he swings back by saying hillary clinton called young blacks super predators. now, they just did a fact check online, this independent organization said she was talking about gang members in places like chicago and how they needed to be addressed and she said in context they re super predators. we re not talking about just kids. we re talking about these gang members. why does she take so much heat from african-american leadership, even if your own party, for having said that if she said it in that context and it seems to be what everybody is saying about what s going on in
chicago? well, i think that if you take individuals, especially those that were around at that time and living at that time, because a lot of this i think is taken out of context of what was going on at the time. so a lot of and i was just having a conversation with someone in the green room because i believe in the black lives matter, the issues they re raising are very important. but many of them were not alive in 1996 or the 90s, living through what was going on then to understand the context of what she was talking about, as many folks in the community. if you talk about chicago, you talk about many folks in the community, they re saying enough is enough. so the new police chief in chicago was saying that he s looking for other ways to try to make sure that some individuals who were continuously committing crimes, that they are not released. we ve got to redo and relook at how we re doing things. in donald trump s response, what we ve heard thus far, is give
everybody guns. so the answer in chicago is surely not more guns. and if you listen to donald trump, at least from what he s talked about earlier, is everybody should have a gun. so that s not going to be the answer clearly in chicago or any place else. and there s no real solution to policies coming out of donald trump s mouth with reference to hillary clinton, when she was working with the eagle academy to try to make sure young boys are getting a proper education, she s talking about vocational schools to give people skills. there s vast differences between the two, and i think african-americans understand that, and that s why donald trump is at 1%. congressman gregory meeks, appreciate you being on the show. alisyn? where is donald trump on deportati deportation? last week he seemed to be softening his stance but he said he wasn t softening. our panel will be looking at what s coming up in his speech.
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donald trump says he ll unveil specific policy proposals for his immigration plan in arizona on wednesday. so will trump s plan include deporting all 11 million undocumented immigrants as he has said in the past, and what about questions on the other side? those questions that are surrounding hi ining hillary cl her family s foundation. let s discuss all of it with our political panel. ladies, great to have you here. good morning, alisyn. will donald trump clarify his
plan on deportation this wednesday in his speech? oh, i think he ll be saying what he s been saying all throughout the primary and since he entered this race, which is there is no amnesty, no one is getting citizenship unless they follow the rule of law and go backseat to mexico first or wherever they come from t and come back in the country the right way. so every single one of the 11-plus million undocumented immigrants will have to leave the country? in order to get citizenship, absolutely. you re putting a caveat in there that he didn t put in there during the primary. he said they all have to go, we ll have a deportation force. he meant deporting all of them, citizenship or no citizenship. does that stand this week? what he s said this week is he s listed his priority. with any major policy, you don t get any agenda don t. you set your priorities. he s navigating this like a ceo, which is number one he s going to make sure people follow the rule of law. number two, he s going to put up
a wall, mexico is paying for it. number three, american workers will be prioritized. he s setting priorities. his priorities are those that reflect the voters he s speaking to. maria, he has said he s going to do this in a humane way. the word humane was used many times this weekend. what is the humane way to deport people? that is the question, alisyn. what does that mean, that there will be cushions on the buses and they ll get milk and cookies on the way to the border? who knows. i am very curious to see what donald trump says in his speech because he has been in a huge conundrum ever since he became this general election candidate when he realized that he needed to get additional support froms had from hispanic voters, from women, from moderate republicans. that s why he supposedly talked about softening his stance, which we now see as not really softening his stance. he s going back to his priority of deporting all of the 11 or 12 million undocumented immigrants.
but who knows how he s going to do that. you know, one of the things that i think we should all be very clear about is that donald trump has no idea how immigration law works. he talks about enforcing the existing laws. then he says if people want to get citizenship and get right with the law, they have to go back to their home country, then we ll bring them back in an expedited way. guess what, that doesn t exist. if you are here without documents and you go back to your home country, you cannot do anything for the next ten years. so again, we re talking about a candidate who is clueless on immigration policy. he has his finger up in the wind to make sure he doesn t lose hard core supporters who supported him because of his draconian stance. and he wants to try to attract moderates. it s just not going to happen. so i see you shaking your head. can you answer that? what is humane deportation? what would that look like? first of all, i think it s inhumane the fact we ignore people who are in mexico and these latin american countries who have relatives here who want
to come into this country, but they can t do so. they re big displaced essentially by illegal imgrants coming into this country. people waiting to go through the process correctly and you want to talk about clueless immigration policy, i m sorry, but we have to go back to the obama administration who last year alone, according to i.c.e., released 20,000 criminals, 200 of which have murder convictions, 800 of which had sexual offenses. that s under this president. hillary clinton will continue those policies p. you guys owe an explanation why a sanctuary city killed a beautiful girl. do you want to respond to that? yes, i do. she continues to bring up this figure. the fact of the matter is that under both the george w. bush administration and the obama administration, there are some convicted criminals who have been released, but guess why. it is because many of them, most of them, in fact, have actually served their sentence here in the u.s. jails. in addition, many others have been forced or have been granted release by immigration judges and immigration courts. additionally, there are various countries, china, cuba, vietnam,
who don t accept deportation, who don t accept removals back to their own home country. so again, cluelessness what we are really facing in terms of the solutions that are needed. yes, we need more coordination between ice and federal law enforcement and local law enforcement to make sure criminals aren t out on the street, criminals, undocumented immigrants aren t out on the street, but that s not what donald trump talks about. he talks in platitudes, not real solutions. ladies, thank you for that debate. i did promise our viewers we d get to questions still surrounding the clinton foundation. we want to give a lot of time to that, so we ll move that to our 8:00 hour. thanks so much, allison. gun violence hits close to home for dwyane wade, who tweeted, enough is enough, after his cousin was killed, but will his call for help lead to change? next.
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dwyane wade speaking out against gun violence tweeting out enough is enough after another act of violence. two men were charged on sunday. she, dwyane wade s cousin, is one of nine people killed in chicago just this weekend. 40 others have been wounded just this weekend. joining us right now is kenny
williams. he s the executive vice president of the chicago white sox. he s also a friend of dwyane wade and his mother kenny. my condolences to your friend and his family. i m sorry to have to talk to you under these circumstances. how are they doing, as far as you know? well, you know, i have not spoken with either one, but i will say this, the elegance that she has shown, that the family has shown, the forgiveness level is unbelievable, you know, i m not so sure in the same circumstances that i could be so forgiving, but that s just a testament to the type people you re talking about. for it to happen to this family on the heels of a panel in which we re trying to have discussions to help the cause is just tragic and, you know, a mother children are without a mother, and you just the pain that i see every monday morning, chris, every monday morning i wake up
in chicago and see the pain on mothers faces and the statistics come in of how many people have been shot. much less murdered, it s sobering beyond belief. it s something even her mother in her time of pain has been very sure to mention, nikia is something that is personal and singular to that family, but she does not represent something unique to the situation in chicago, and you have said that even her death should not be the straw that broke the camel s back. that should have happened long ago. you referenced that 7-year-old boy that died recently, but as we both know, this has been going on for decades. they thought they d get rid of green and the robert taylor holmes and the gun violence would go away. it s only gotten worse. what do you think the role is for athletes in a situation like this? stars like dwyane wade? well, you know, let s take just a step back here, because i
think that there s a role for everyone to play. i think that now that it was a courageous act, in my opinion, for those four men, speaking of dwyane wade, chris paul, lebron, and carmelo. it was a great act for them to get up carmelo, right to get up and express their views at a time we re not used to seeing, so i m really proud of the young people that are now stepping forward to do that. but in addition to that, i think it s gotten to the point to where the rhetoric is what it is and it has been that. you just referenced, you know, the statistics going back years and years. well, i think now it has come to the place where these cities, you know, especially this city, is starting to recognize that it s a stain on the entire city. it s not just a south side thing, not just a west side thing. it s a city of chicago thing, and there are some great stories
coming out of the city of chicago that some superstars that aren t on the athletic field, that are in programs called b.a.m. is one of them, the president served, the owner of the chicago white sox and the bulls did one this saturday talking to young men about how they feel about the whole situation, and some of them expressing it s hard enough for them to walk out of their house and feel safe going to school, much less study when they get there. so these programs and others like them, there s a school called urban prep here, graduates 100% of its students, 100% go on to college. these are getting left behind in the shadows. these stories are not being told because we re so inundated with these monday morning statistics of murder. and i would just love to wake up one morning and feel and hear that no one s been shot, much less killed, but the athlete s role in this, i think, is key
because if you look back for to the jackie robinson era, and i m fortunate to know rachel robinson and sharon robinson, have served on panels with them, and served on panels with martin luther king iii and malcolm x s daughter and one thing is common, common thread here, everyone s tired. and everyone s ready to move on from the rhetoric and move on to actionable things. and actionable things by my standard is a business plan, a citywide business plan that s comprised of kind of a think tank where you incorporate the social aspects of it, the business aspects of it, and merge all of the things, the power, the resources you can to effectively go neighborhood by neighborhood and change the conditions for people. not gentrification. that was the mistake, they just moved the poor people out of those big buildings and the gangs went right along with them.
now you have the gangs reached out like tentacles in the communities where they never had access before. kenny, the virtue what you re saying to people, you re speaking to the complexity of the dynamic, not just the violence, it s where the violence comes from and what makes it stop. i m sure for the family nothing is going to replace who they lost, but this dialogue and any kind of progress at least makes them feel their loss gave birth to something a little bit better. we hope that for the wade family, as we do with all these families that fall victim to this condition that s existed for too long. thank you for having the conversation. let us know how we can help. thank you for having me. all right, kenny williams. thank you very much. we re following a lot of news. there was chaos and confusion at lax. people running for their lives. what happened? now we know. flood of people that came running into the bathroom saying there s a shooter. everyone was in a huge panic.
chaos at los angeles international airport following the reports of an active shooter. people sprinting the other way, we had no clue what was going on. we re going to get rid of these people day one. nothing has changed about donald trump s position. the policy of hillary clinton have created this high crime and crushing poverty. there has been a steady stream of bigotry coming from him. we re going to have safe communities again. so you can walk down the street and not be killed and not be shot. when will enough be enough? these kids are screaming out for help. the tragic death of nikea aldridge shining a spotlight on gun violence in chicago. heartbreaking. good morning, welcome to your new day. it s monday, august 29th, 8:00 in the east. let s start with the breaking news at lax, there were reports
of an active shooting. passengers just scrambled like you re seeing on your screen right now, some of them ran out on the tarmac after hearing what was described as a loud noise. police shut down the airport but found nothing except for a man dressed as zorro carrying a sword, but he was not connected to this security situation. paul is live at lax with the breaking details. what do we know, paul? reporter: well, we now know there was some 281 delays all because of this, there were 27 diversions, and there were two flight cancellations on a harrowing night here for passengers at lax and a confusing one at that. chaos overnight at los angeles international airport. we just saw people sprinting the other way. . i was in the bathroom and there was a flood of people that ran
into the bathroom saying there was a shooter. everyone was in a huge panic. reporter: panicked passengers using emergency exits to get away, some ending up in restricted parts of the airport, leading to a full ground stop of traffic. lax later confirming the source was likely a loud noise. the false alarm causing a ripple effect for travelers, massive gridlock on the freeways leading into lax and passengers back inside the airport now facing delays as airlines work to get things back on track. the scare at lax comes just two weeks after a similar incident caused widespread chaos at new york s jfk airport. both incidents highlighting how on edge travelers are following recent terror attacks abroad. and so where did all of this start? lax is shaped like a horseshoe and at the end of one of the horseshoes, this is terminal 8,
gate 82, united, be on tsa or the security checkpoint, one man said he heard something that sounded like gunfire and they still have no idea what that was that touched all of this off. back to you. what a mysterious story, paul, on so many levels. thank you for that reporting. let s get now to the 2016 race. donald trump says he ll give a major speech on immigration on wednesday. still many questions about trump s policy after he softened his signature position of deporting more than 11 million people. trump s campaign also says he ll start taking his message to black voters directly into the inner city. sarah murray is live in washington with more. sarah? good morning, allison. the trump campaign wavered on whether to give the speech this week, but now it appears their immigration speech is back on. what we ve heard from the last couple of weeks from donald trump is just a softening in the way he talks about immigration policy or whether he s actually backtracking on this pledge to deport millions of undocumented
immigrants living in the u.s.. we are going to get rid of the criminals, and it s going to happen within one hour of when i take office, believe me. reporter: donald trump announcing he ll deliver a highly anticipated immigration speech wednesday in arizona after all. if you want to be here legally, you have to apply to be here legally. reporter: the trump campaign insisting the proposal won t amount to amnesty or include a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. we all learned to stand in line and wait our turn. reporter: as questions mount if trump is softening from the primaries. at least 11 million people that came in illegally, they ll go out. reporter: even his allies appear unclear on his stance. what about the millions in the country right now? i think donald trump will articulate what we do with the people that are here he already has articulated. reporter: the gop chairman even saying deporting all 11
million undocumented immigrants living in the u.s. is complicated. he s reflecting on it and his position is going to be not. reporter: this as trump plans a labor day trip to detroit, part of his ongoing effort to woo minority voters. african-americans, hispanics, vote for donald trump. what do you have to lose? it can t get any worse. what do you have to lose? reporter: the republican nominee sparking controversy over the weekend. for politicizing the death of chicago bulls star dwyane wade s cousin, tweeting, just what i have been saying, african-americans will vote trump. an hour later, trump offered his condolences. this tweet just the latest example of trump facing criticism for touting his political positions in the wake of tragedies. it s horrible. and it s only getting worse. i say, vote for donald trump, i
will fix it. as trump continues to blame the democratic party and hillary clinton for minority hardship and racial tension. they ve run the inner cities for years and look what you have. they are like war zones. how quickly people have forgotten that hillary clinton called black youth super predators, remember that? super predators. reporter: both trump and clinton s campaigns using opponents own words against each other. what the hell do you have to lose? reporter: now, the trump campaign is aiming to keep the pressure on hillary clinton this week. they are going up with a new $10 million ad buy, it s focused on the economy and very critical of clinton. back to you. sarah, thanks so much. joining us to discuss trump s pitch to african-american voters and much more, political commentator, cory lewandowski, who is still receiving severance from the trump campaign.
great to have you both here. this coming weekend will be donald trump s first campaign event directly to a black audience. he ll be interviewed by the only african-american owned christian tv network. basel, what do you want to hear from donald trump? well w i d like to hear more than what he tweeted the other day. i found his tweet in the wake of this death to be both insensitive and smack of political hubris. let me read it, because he did send out this tweet about dwyane wade s cousin shot and killed. dwyane wade s cousin was just shot and killed walking her baby in chicago. just what i was saying, african-americans will vote trump. a half an hour later this was sent out, condolences to dwyane wade and his family on the loss of nykea aldridge, they are in my thoughts and prayers. so the second tweet did not, you think, sort of cover up for the first one? not at all.
first of all, what i want to say is you have to congratulate the community leaders, the community, and the police officers, who seem to bring the shooters to justice there, to individuals charged. and i think that s an important nuance donald trump doesn t get and needs to get if he s going to make a serious pitch to the african-american community, that you have to engage the issues that are impacting the community. there s a lot of good work being done with community leaders in the fight for a long time, with police officers, with parents, and he doesn t address gun violence, which is endemic in communities of color. instead, he wraps himself in the fight. nra. those are the issues that he needs to address, and if he doesn t do that, i think his pitch to african-american community, 70, 71 days away from the election will ring hollow. people are criticizing donald trump because they feel the tweets should have been reversed. his initial reaction should have been sympathy and not exploiting
it for his campaign. here s what we know about chicago, in the last 21 hours, 21 people have been shot in the city of chicago. that s insane. this is an american city you can t walk down the streets. we ve seen a woman walking down the street with her baby and she s shot and killed. more people killed from 2012 to 2016 than american soldiers died in afghanistan. we need to bring law and order back to our communities. you know what the answer is, more community policing, put more resources in so the people have a right to be safe in their communities. this is leadership at the very top. what that means is meeting with the community leaders, not just the african-american communities, but across the areas where predominantly the democrats have controlled the major cities for 30, 40, 50 years and this type of violence is absolutely unacceptable. what i think, cory, and the campaign fails to understand, these conversations have been happening for decades. this is not something that s
new. what is new is that donald trump is going to go to the african-american community, i think he goes to detroit later this week, but is he talking about gun violence in our community? has he gone to an african-american church in harlem? basil, he is talking about gun violence, more police, more policing, isn t that the answer? the law and order message has particular sigci stigma in our community because a lot of times, especially for someone who used language like trump has used was not about working with community leaders, wasn t about bridging a divide between police officers and the community, it was about more aggressive policing. it was about doing things that fractured the community more than brought it together and that s the fear when he uses language like law and order. i think basil will agree, we ll all agree, we want our cities to be safe, whether baltimore, chicago, there s absolutely no reason a woman has to walk down the street and get killed. it s unacceptable.
we need more law and order, more community policing. we need to make sure every community is safe. that starts at the top, local communities have the resources they need to protect our citizens. number one job of our government. i want to talk about what s going on with the clinton foundation and the nexus between that and hillary clinton s state department. this weekend, donna brazile, interim head of the dnc was on sunday shows and said no big deal. listen to this. this notion that somehow or another someone who is a supporter, somebody who s a donor or activist saying i want access, i want to come into a room and meet people, we all think criminalized behavior that is normal. i don t see what the smoke is. when republicans meet with their donors and supporters, they call it a meeting. when democrats do it, they call it a conflict. basil, what do you think about that explanation, all big donors of major foundations expect and meet and greet?
it s an interesting comment, because, look, i think if you can t control the behavior of some of the folks that want to get meetings, but what you can do is look at the individuals who were being asked, there is no pay to play, there was no quid pro quo. there was access. feels as though they made a big donation and got some access to the secretary of state. they didn t necessarily get the outcomes they were looking for. and i think that s the in terms of policy. in terms of policy, but also, i think, it s important to say and i think donna has said this, the foundation did tremendous and still does tremendous, tremendous work. and if you look at the e-mails, if you look at anything that had been discussed around this, there were individuals asking questions, but they were rebuffed. that s not true. the head of the rockefeller foundation asked to be seated at the vice president s table in january of 2011. doug band made that request to huma abedin, that request was filled.
so you re seated somewhere at a dinner, who cares? you know how many people would die for the privilege to have the doesnopportunity to ta him? do you know policy was affected? power is power. why do they want to meet with secretary clinton? something they want to talk about. moreover, crown prince, also know there was a message relayed in e-mail regarding the ambassador of malta that they want to make sure this message was provided to the ambassador and huma abedin said we ll take care of that. that was done through the foundation, not state department channels. it s inappropriate at best. number one in the e-mails there s specific language about them having to go through proper channels, number one. number two, let s talk about the republican platform, for example, that took out language with respect to russia because the former head of the campaign had dealings with russia.
and the ukraine. so that, to me, is a far more clear sort of impact on policy by individuals in positions of power. basil, is it inappropriate that there was no firewall, that when hillary clinton went through her nomination process or whatever to become secretary of state, they were very clear, people in congress expressed concerns about that and it was very clear there was going to be a firewall and doesn t seem there was a firewall between the foundation and the state department. i think there was an appropriate firewall and if you look at a lot of the reporting and a lot of the folks that have looked at the foundation as a charity and rated it very, very highly, they did a tremendous amount of work, the overhead was pretty much within norm, so the point i m making is i think there was a very clear firewall. you do, even though the e-mails? the e-mails state, as i mentioned before, anyone asking a question, there was a response
which was, you have to go through proper channels. major media outlets not on the right, the conflict of interest is clearly too high. what they ve said is if she s elected president we ll remove ourselves from the foundation. do it now. this is a pay for play scandal. can t close it down right away. of course you can, sure you can. people s lives are at stake. merger with the gates foundation, they are doing great work, too. there s too much conflict here and what we know is that they ve known about this for a long time, so integrated that it s pay for play. thank you very much for your perspectives, great to have you both on. chris? chicago s epidemic of gun violence is heading the headlines in a different way because of nba superstar s nba family s loss. two brothers described by police as gang members on parole are charged with the murder. rachel crain is live in chicago with the latest and this is something that is unique, a
celebrity s family member being affected by something that is all too common. well, chris, today this family still in mourning. yesterday s nykea s friends and family came together at a beautiful vigil to celebrate her life. i sat down with nykea s mother diane in a powerful interview. chicago police say these are the two men responsible for killing a mother of four over the weekend, the brothers charged with first-degree murder. when will enough be enough? police voicing outrage over the shooters lengthy rap sheets, saying they are both gang members and convicted felons out on parole. derren, 22, was released from prison just two weeks ago with six felony arrests.
darwin got out of prison in february, serving a sentence for a felony gun charge. caught in a deadly crossfire was 32-year-old nykea aldridge, cousin of chicago bulls superstar dwyane wade. the tragic death in wade s hometown shining a spotlight on chicago s ongoing gun violence epidemic. just sat up on a panel yesterday, the undefeated, talking about the violence that s going on within our city, chicago, never knowing that the next day we would be the ones that would be actually living and experiencing it. reporter: aldridge was pushing her baby in a shoulder when she was struck in the head and arm by stray bullets. she was on her way to register her older children for school. it s just heartbreaking. oh, god, it s heartbreaking. to raise her own children.
reporter: but through the pain, her mother had this emotional message for her daughter s killers. i truly, truly, from the bottom of my heart, i forgive them. reporter: dwyane wade tweeting under th the #enoughisenough, writing, another act of senseless gun violence. four kids lost their mom for no reason. unreal. just heartbreaking, chris, to hear and see the pain that this mother is going through. really remarkable that despite all that pain, she s still able to send out that message of forgiveness. and unfortunately, this is not the first time that diane has lost a child. she lost her oldest daughter about ten years ago, also to gun violence. allison? oh, my gosh, rachel, all is so heartbreaking. to hear her raw emotion there and the first instinct is to forgive them, what can you say?
she s made of different stock than the rest of us. her faith is a real gift right now in a time of profound hardship like this. often people like her who believe in something bigger often tap boo that. hopefully it helps them through. we re going to be talking to a former chicago police officer what he thinks the problems are and the solutions. also donald trump getting ready for what he calls a major speech on immigration. will he clamp down on deporting all undocumented immigrants? what s at stake when it comes to the latino vote. now my boyfriend wants to talk on sundays. just so many words. your boyfriend s got it bad. maybe think about being single until the start of the season. we were in a german dance group. i wore lederhosen. so i just started poking around on ancestry. then, i decided to have my dna tested through ancestry dna. it turns out i m scottish. so, i traded in my lederhosen for a kilt. .one of many pieces in my i havlife.hma.
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wbr id= wbr85514 /> wbr id= wbr85214 /> /b>
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donald trump s big speech on immigration is back on. it will be wednesday in arizona. what s he going to say? we have also a new look at trump s big campaign ad out this morning. this is the new wave of the campaign. we ll look at it and discuss its impact. we have two great reporters for you. cnn political reporter sara murray and philip rucker, a political reporter with the washington post. what an interesting fix the gop finds themselves in, mr. rucker. they now have donald trump saying the kinds of things they wanted him to say about immigration during the primary when he was beating the rest of the field like a pin yat that for expressing weakness on the rounding up of all 11 million. what does he do now? well, here s the problem, he s not been consistent all week in what he s saying and this speaks to the tension within his campaign. he has some advisers like rudy
giuliani saying move to the middle, moderate your positions, try to be more compassionate about the documented immigrants. and trump doesn t know what to do. so what he s doing is waffling day by day, hour by hour in public and, you know, hopefully by wednesday with this speech we ll have a clear position from him on immigration and deportation policy, but right now one does not exist in his campaign. sara, it s interesting, because it would have been hard to see this coming. a leader often is judged by having his or her own head, and if anything else, he had shown that he does what he wants to do. and now it seems like what is going on? well, and it s not abnormal for your typical politician to veer toward the center in a general election, but trump has run on not being your typical politician. he s run on immigration really being the cornerstone of his campaign. it s worth noting he hasn t wavered on his pledge to build the wall.
that s a chance his supporters get the most energized about, but he called for this deportation force, said he was going to get rid of everyone in the country illegally and let the good ones back in. and that s not the kind of thing he s been saying for the last few days, so this is something there are two things you need to watch for, how he s going to deal with the 11 million undocumented immigrants in the u.s., but also remember, chris, he called for an end to birthright citizenship, saying even if you were born in the united states but your parents were undocumented immigrants, you should not be allowed to be a citizen. he was also talking about working with them in quotes. what does that mean? something else that is going on in the campaign that s an exercise in clarity is this new ad that donald trump has out. it s called the wbr id wbr88151 two americas. here it is. in hillary clinton s america, the middle class gets crushed. /b
spending goes up. taxes go up. hundreds of thousands of jobs disappear. it s more of the same, but worse. in donald trump s america, working families get tax relief. millions of new jobs created. wages go up. small businesses thrive. the american dream achievable. change that makes america great again. i think this is going to be some nine or ten states it s going to run in. it s a $9 or $10 million ad wbr-id wbr88451 buy, big move for them. phillip rucker, how do you see it? it s an effective message and a lot of republicans will tell you if donald trump had been talking about what the ad said all summer long he might be in a better position in the polls now. it s a real contrast with clinton. one thing it s missing is any sense of compassion with donald trump. i m surprised because he s been obliterated in battleground states all summer long by clinton talking about his tem r temperame temperament, judgment, character, and he s not found a way to respond to that in ads.
so it s interesting. maybe we ll get to that later. one thing, one challenge at a time, phillip, one challenge at a time. sara, another problem with the ad, as all ads face, is going to be political fact check. you re going to have a lot of economists who say they believe his plans as thus stated so far will actually take jobs from those communities. that s right. there is always going to be this difficulty when it comes to comparing economic policies and there have been a number of economists, both republicans and democrats, who criticized donald trump s economic policies, particularly on trade, saying when you have that sort of protectionist view it s actually worse for american workers, but this is something the republican party has really struggled to convey to their base, part of the reason donald trump rose in the primaries. wasn t just immigration, it was also his message on the economy and on trade. chris, the other thing that s interesting about the ad, it s running in nine different states, but the states include new hampshire, virginia, colorado. these are places where donald
trump is not doing very well at all in the polls. he s trailing hillary clinton by relatively large margins, so that says the trump campaign is not ready at this point to cede any states to clinton. strong point. we also see that in his push for african-american access. the margin of victory between romney and obama in big states like florida, ohio, now nevada, which will be a playing field in this race, were often the same margin as the margin difference in the black vote. do you think that s playing into the calculus, phillip rucker? yeah, certainly. look, donald trump is trying to improve his numbers with african-american voters. he doesn t really have anywhere to go but up, and we re going to see him over the weekend speak to a black religious audience in detroit and do other events like that. i don t know it s going to work, but the campaign feels if they could make inroads with a couple of percentage points, it could make a difference in a state
like north carolina, which is a key battleground this fall. good, smart reporters help us all in the morning. thank you so much. dwyane wade s cousin was killed this weekend in chicago and her tragedy is getting a lot of attention, but she s just one of several victims who were killed in a surge of gun violence. a former chicago police officer joins us next to talk about what s fuelling this crisis and what the solutions could be. soon, she ll be binge-studying. now she writes mostly in emoji. soon, she ll type the best essays in the entire 8th grade. today, the only spanish words he knows are burrito and enchilada. soon, he ll take notes en espanol. get back to great with the right gear. from the place with the experts. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great.
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deadly shooting of a young mother of four in chicago last week got the media s attention because she was a cousin of dwyane wade. nine people killed and more than 40 others wounded in chicago, so why is this city being plagued by gun violence? we re joined now by dmitry roberts, he s a former chicago police officer. mr. roberts, thanks so much for being here. before you and i start, let s just look at the numbers so that everybody can understand the enormity of the problem in chicago, because the numbers are staggering. i want to pull these up for everyone. last year, 2015, there were
2,988 shooting victims. this year, though it is just a little more than half over, there are already 2,808 shooting victims. meaning, murders are up in that city by 43%. shootings 48%, robberies up 27%, sexual assaults up 20%. what do you think is going on in chicago? well, this has been a problem for a very long time, and what we see playing out on the streets of chicago is the fallout of a lack of resources in underserved communities and the lack of focused effort and sustainable solutions from both political leaders, as well as policies that can help to engage these issues at the grassroots level. let s talk about those in more specificity, because i know you say lack of resources, meaning what? if there was more money, what would it go to to help stop the violence? well, first of all, after school programs, putting kids
into summer employment, and allowing them the opportunity to go from a place where they are hopeless in most cases in these communities, to a place where they can truly understand that their dreams are just as important as the dreams of other members of other communities that do have more resources. you also say there s an influx of guns coming into the inner city. where are they coming from? well, they are coming from multiple places, and it s the technology that we can roll out and the policies that we can put in place to help stop the influx of guns into the city of chicago and more so the technology that we can use to track things like ammunition and things to track who are purchasing the ammunition, as well as the guns, and getting them into the hands of folks that are doing these very horrible acts. what do you mean by technology? well, i ll be holding a press conference tomorrow talking about coding ammunition, but that s just one piece of it,
there s also social media, there s also applications that can be rolled out to thoughtfully engage the community and allow them to bridge a better divide and communication between law enforcement agencies, as well as help them to be armed with the information they need to address some of these community issues on their own, and i think that s where we ll have a real opportunity to focus on some solutions when we can arm the community and give them the resources they need to address the tough issues they have to deal with and live with every day in their own space. i was interested to read you also blame social media. you think that these shootings are connected to social media. how so? well, absolutely. what i know from working in these communities is that there are gang members, there are gang activities at play here, but in a lot of cases, these are social issues that spill over into the communities and because there s no leadership in the communities, there s no programs in the community that can actively engage these young men and women in a positive way and help them to resolve their issues, they take this to the
streets, they lean on violence, and unfortunately, it spills over into issues like we see today and the unfortunate killing and devastation in the communities that plague these areas for way too long. so a fight breaks out, say, on twitter or on facebook and then because kids don t have coping skills or, you know, whatever, they haven t learned, they then act it out in real life and violence erupts. so, mr. roberts, what is the answer. i mean, i know you have a multi-tiered approach, but if you could have, you know, sort of one wish granted or a couple, what is the answer to stopping this right now in chicago? well, we have to allow cultural competency to be built in these communities that have dealt with these issues for way too long, both in the police agencies, as well as in the communities. and if i had one wish, that would say empower those members of the community, empower me
with the resources necessary to go into these communities, who understand the issues that are there, that have been plaguing these communities for way too long and allow us to go into these communities and engage them with the right level of resources and with the right programs that we can take community members into a place where they want to be. and that is not in the space of violence. they want sustainable jobs, they want solutions, and more so they want to live a healthy, happy life and they want to live out the american dream, just as all of us do. of course they do. if people want to learn more about your plan and the resources you re looking for, you are the president and founder of sevenstar consulting and they can check that out online. thank you very much, dimitri roberts. let s go over to chris. all right, we re going to see this latest wave of violence in chicago playing out everywhere, even at the vmas. we have a look at the best moments of it and some of the controversial ones, as well. beyonce, rihanna, but also kanye
talking about chicago. how did that go over? next. is it a force of nature? or a sales event? the summer of audi sales event is here. get up to a $5,000 bonus on select audi models.
time now for the five things to know for your new day. first, chaos breaks out at los angeles international airport following reports of an active shooter. police shut down the airport. fortunately, false alarm. donald trump set to deliver a major speech on immigration wednesday in arizona. the trump campaign also says he plans a direct appeal to black voters with events in the inner cities. hillary clinton attending a series of fundraisers as questions swirl about the influence of the clinton foundation. the gop accusing the former secretary of state of engaging in pay to play politics. two brothers described by police as gang members on parole charged in the shooting death of nba superstar dwyane wade s cousin nykea aldridge. she was caught in the crossfire friday as she pushed her baby s stroller. fans of mexican superstar juan gabriel mourning his sudden death. the six-time grammy nominee died
hours before he was supposed to perform in el paso. juan gabriel sold more than 100 million albums in his career. he was just 66 years old. for more on the five things to know for your new day, go to for the latest. all right, guess what, it is time for cnn money now. chief business correspondent christine rowe mamans joins us. what a nice belt. thanks, chris. i have a couple important stories for you, not fashion related, i m afraid. trouble in obamacare, problems shrink i shrinking. fewer insurers could mean higher premiums. insurers say they have been losing money providing insurance to the obamacare exchange. skies open to business for drones now. new faa rules take effect today, drones have to be licensed, can t fly higher than 400 feet,
and must always be an operator to in sight, so don t count on drones delivering packaging any time soon. allison, lovely frock. thank you, i appreciate all the fashion talk and it s fitting for the next segment because it s billed as music s most provocative night and very fashion forward, as well, the mtv vmas did not disappoint. we ll show you the best performances and most bizarre moments next.
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okay, did we speed up that video, or was that in real time? that s the real deal right now. whoa. the vmas proving to be a huge night with beyonce, of course, at the top of the list. joining us now, brian selter, who attended the mtv video music awards rally last night.
entertainment tonight host and contributor nischelle turner, great to see you. good morning, guys. brian, what was it like to be in the room? beyonce really is in a league of her own. i felt the arena, madison square garden, great setting for the event last night. it was a little bit sleepy until beyonce came on. did you puff up? did you emulate it? brian threw out something. i did, threw out something, not sure what yet. she really is extraordinary. you see her, about to whack at the cameraman there, pretend to break the camera, then finished with lemonade, such a moment of empowerment, 15, 20-minute performance, and it was the standout of the night. oh, my gosh, nischelle, tell us. hat is on fire. she s wearing the hat of flames. that s the dance i did when they called me, get up at 4:00 a.m. and get up and talk to me this morning, but brian is right, i was taking notes last
night and what i wrote down, beyonce, beyonce, beyonce, rihanna, beyonce, beyonce, beyonce, and did they give out any awards? that s actually what i wrote down. go ahead. i was just going to say, but she also took, you know, her message off the carpet, too, because she made a very political statement when she walked the red carpet before she did any of this and brought the mothers of mike brown, trayvon martin, oscar grant, and eric garner with her on the red carpet, so she s been on this blazing trail she has and coming to her own as a woman. beyonce definitely has a voice we haven t heard from in a long time. kanye did his thing last night also, took to the stage and went into what s the right word? i guess kind of a rant about what s going on. can you find a word for it? how did it play there? let s watch it, then we ll discuss it. my role models are artists merchants, less than ten that i can name in history.
truman, ford, hughes, disney, jobs, west. but if you think about last week, it was 22 people murdered in chicago. you know, like, people come up to me, like, man, that s right, tell taylor bro, like, i love all y all. what was his point exactly, other than pay homage to himself, along with henry ford and steve jobs? i reread the transcript but wasn t sure. there were a few hecklers, but he did get his due. instead what they got was sort of a jumble of words. there wasn t actually throughout the whole show sort of dangerous, shocking moment that mtv likes to have happen. a lot of great performances, but no real stunning moment. nischelle, what do you make
of that moment by kanye? i still don t really get what was going on. you know, he tried to make a couple points about the gun violence in chicago. he came back to it a couple different times, he started talking about where 22 people were murdered last week, then came back he was speaking at the art institute, people were saying my friend died last week, i think i may be next and started to go into a valid point about how it can cause apathy and fatigue and hopelessness, but then again he went on another taylor, kim kardashian west rant, so i really don t know what he was talking about. it s too bad, missed opportunity. whenever kanye speaks yeah, absolutely, chris. this time last year he announced he was running for president in 2020. didn t bring that up last night, so that s notable, i guess. there weren t political themes besides the gun violence moments you were talking about, nischelle. mostly female performers, many
women of color on stage. had fallon, though. fallon injected good levity. and nick jonas, but didn t have people wrestling with the tensions of the election. didn t hear about trump and clinton. that was notable, nice break. why talk about trump when you have ryan lochte? let s watch, ryan lochte, this moment. who had the best video of the year? i can t tell you that. they are all so great and so talented, i could never choose. i couldn t tell you even if there was a gun to my head. which there isn t. another moment there, nischelle. how did that go over? i thought it was fantastic. he had everything down pat, the outfit, the medal, the green/blue, whatever color hair. i think there does need to be levity injected. they had key and peele hosting last night, they were in character for most of it.
i didn t think a lot of that worked. this worked very, very well. jimmy fallon is every man to everyone. he always kills. so true. he is so talented. all right, guys, thanks so much for watching. for those who had to go to bed early, glad to see the highlights and lowlights. thanks to see you. thanks to you for watching this morning. newsroom with carol costello picks up after this short break.
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happening now in the newsroom, chaos at one of the nation s busiest airports. passengers at lax running past security and on to the tarmac. all for nothing. plus, trump set to set the record straight on his immigration plan. on day one, i m going to begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants from this country. but what about that deportation force? he is reflecting on it and his position is going to be known. and more death on the streets of chicago. they said they want their mom and their mom won t be in their lives anymore. police charge two men in the murder of dwyane wade s cousin. when will enough be enough? let s

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160620 10:00:00

home owner chases a very bashful bear out of his dumpster. hey bear, bear, get out of here. hey, bear, scat. it climbs out and runs away into the colorado wilderness. that is not a small bear. fox & friends starts right now. we ll see you tomorrow. good morning to you and your family. we hope you had a great weekend and fathers day. it is june 20th. it s the first day of summer. i m ainsley earhardt. attorney general loretta lynch making her case to america, the orlando attackers allegiance to isis will not be released when the 911 call transcript comes out today. what we re not going to do is further proclaim this individual s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups and further his propaganda. wait until you hear why not. i think i ve heard enough. meanwhile as the white house
removes the radical references, donald trump has a different idea about how to prevent terror. we really have to look at profiling. we have to look at it seriously and other countries do it and it s not the worst thing to do. profiling? would that work here? we re going to talk about it coming up. and it turns out grown men really do cry. really tough request men too. lebron james letting it all after the cavs historic comeback that ends a 52-year drought and now the new title land which we call cleveland. congratulations to them and the nba with 1:00 left, tied at 89, game seven. you can t ask for something better than that. i ll give you something better than that. fox & friends starts right now. hi, everybody. welcome to the show. it is as ainsley said, the first day of summer and, of course, yesterday, father s day. yeah. it was a time for kids to give their parents cash for a change
and let s first stop, doocy land. that s right. we re out at the lake and as you can see my daughter mary came up from washington along with sally. we went to one of the first of three buffets yesterday. we started with a golf lesson. we started with an ice cream cake from dairy queen. ice cream cake, what flavor? chocolate and vanilla and on the inside there s an oreo. you are looking at my father s day. this is the first year we actually had a pool. that s caitlyn s idea. there s my wife dawn and sister-in-law karen and those are my two dogs exhausted because they are getting so much attention. and this is moving through,
that s brian,s that s my nephew jack. brian in your zoo shirt. and my brother jim and my nephew oren. i roasted and i grilled. i still have that smell on me. he said he was having a party. our invitation got lost in the mail. you were getting the pool ready? we went double, my brother s surprise party, he turned 50. and you watched the nba finals and the u.s. open. first things first, you have a question, ask ainsley. mothers day was a while back, but i m sure at your house you probably celebrated fathers day. it was fun. there is my husband will. we ll make a contest to see whose head is bigger. she has a very large head. she does. we keep getting it measured every time we good to the doctors office. perfectly proportioned.
she has an ivy league brain. there you go. i love that picture. it s a great selfie. we would love to see some of your pictures. send them our way. you could email them or facebook us or tweet us. we re talking about orlando. we know 18 people are still struggling for survival in the hospital. we know this, today is the going to be the day and tomorrow orlando is going to be visited by the attorney general but today is the day we re going to get excerpts from some of the calls, all three calls from the terrorist inside that club the night of the attack. before we talk about that, we re talking about gun laws and gun rules and the senate is going to take a vote on several new gun laws today. there are two are suggested by democrats, two are going to be suggested by republicans. but with election year politics and the nra, the prospects are
dim that any of them will actually pass. you need 60 votes. and here s the thing, on the republican side, what they worry about is you wind up with no due process. it s one thing to say we don t want guns in the hands of people who shouldn t have them but if urbaned by the government, you should have your due process. what s curious is senator murphy was on one of the chat shows yesterday and he was talking about his proposal to end the gun show loophole and the interviewer said, wait a minute, that would not have stopped what happened in orlando nor in newtown nor in san bernardino why are you pushing something that would not have made a difference? a lot of people are saying at least it s a step in the right direction. let us know what you think. i know two republicans came up with some of these bills and two democrats are sponsoring these bills as well. everybody can agree that nobody wants terrorists to get guns.
somehow if you are investigating a guy, i don t think they should be walking in and buying the smallest or biggest gun. even the nra was saying, hey, listen we don t want this guy to get a gun. we don t want him to be able to get it. we want communication to go through that allows that gun that gun shop owner to stop. the nra is saying we don t want terrorists to get guns, period. i think everyone would agree with that. on that topic, he walk into that nightclub last sunday and he walked in saying that he s tired of what america is doing to his country, bombing his country, and loretta lynch was on all the sunday shows yesterday talking about this. as it turns out, the government apparently thinks we cannot handle the truth because they are going to censor what omar mateen said in orlando and remove all references to radical islam. it s unbelievable they feel as though we have to hear what went on inside that club but they feel as though we re going to be furthering his message by
hearing what exactly he said which was pledging allegiance to isis and al baghdadi allegedly. they are going to edit that out. perhaps, because they don t want that to be the main story, they want guns to be the main story when we all know when it comes to san bernardino and this attack in particular, major hassan in ft. hood. let s listen. what we re announcing tomorrow is that the fbi is releasing a partial transcript of the killer s call with law enforcement from inside the club. including the hostage negotiation part of this? yes. it will be primarily a partial transcript of his calls with the hostage negotiators. you say partial. what s being left out? what we re not going to do is further proclaim this individual s further allegiance to terrorist groups. we re going to avoid
revictimizing those who went through the horror. it will contain the substance of his conversations. here s the thing about it, if you are going to release the transcripts so we can see what this man said to the police officers from these three calls, release the transcript. they are censoring it and in effect they are removing the motive. the reason he did this. right, exactly. we want to know why did he it. if he s going to pledge his allegiance to the guy who runs isis or rail about anything, we re grown-ups. we ve been through it a lot longer and much more mature than they give us credit for. unless you have an agenda that this would push forward. they do have an agenda and the president of the united states made it clear last tuesday, they want me to use radical islam. i m not gonna, that s a political talking point. if you disagree with him, you have to be a lunatic.
donald trump says he s looking what s going on in the country. i think we have to start profiling to a degree. he hates to do it but we have to. listen. i think profiling is something we re going to have to start thinking about as a country. other countries do it. you look at israel and others and they do it, they do it successfully, i hate the concept of profiling but we have to start using common sense and we have to use, you know, we have to use our heads. so maybe that s a trial balloon, get people talking about that. you know, he has famously talked about a temporary ban on muslims from hot spots coming into the country. what about profiling? what do you think? email us at fox & friends if you are waiting on people inside mosques to say there s a crazy guy sitting here in the third row, we re going to call the cops. don t hold your breath. it s not happening. somebody knew mateen was a crazy guy and they didn t say
anything. guns don t kill people and it s the person behind the trigger and this individual was pledging allegiance to isis, saying that he wanted america to stop bombing his country. let us know what you think. do you think it s the guns that are the problem or the people behind the gun? heather nauert has more news to tell us. fans and hollywood mourning today after the sudden death of star track actor anton yelchin. just 27 years old. he was killed by a freak accident at his home in california. his body was found crushed between his jeep grand cherokee and a brick mailbox. the car was in neutral and the was engine was running. questions were raised after
there were recalls. nascar driver mike wallace and his daughter brutally attacked. he said three drunk men kicked him in the face repeatedly. his adult daughter also kicked in the ribs. the three men arrested in charlotte and now charged with assault. dustin johnson celebrating the biggest win of his career, hes first major tournament victory. his ball moved very slightly on the green. that s against the rules. he ended upping by three strokes after sinking the winning putt on fathers day. he hugged his son and hugged his fiancee, who is wayne congress gretzky s daughter.
while that was closing out, game seven of the nba finals. tied with a minute left to go. lebron james on the road was able to win game seven leading his cavaliers over the defending champion warriors. watch this lay-up and watch lebron james block this shot at the end. it wasn t even his man that he covered. that s why they call him the king. kyle irving would hit the winning shot. everyone this morning was talking about lebron james crying, brian. yeah, he was. talk about that. they couldn t believe it. he promised a win and a very emotional lebron james right there. i was happy for him.
our house was divided. we had a friend over and he was pulling for cleveland and my husband was pulling for golden state but i could have made the case for both because i like a lot of the players on both. i like the fact that he went to cleveland and he promised cleveland that he was going to win. it s been 52 years since any team in cleveland has won a championship. congratulations. congratulations. we ll be in cleveland in a few weeks so hopefully he will get on that. i m going friday. you are? i m going friday. starting the convention early. why are you going? i m shooting a story for the convention week. good. they will all be talking about this. i m going to bring everybody a t-shirt. good. straight ahead on this monday. liberal celebrities crying for gun control like susan sarindon, tweeting prayers are not enough. time for a ban on automatic weapons. do democrats really know what they are talking about? and could the u.s. supreme court make a liberal shift to the left? the brand-new threat to the
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sarandon. she wrote prayers are not enough. time for a ban on automatic weapons and there is only one reason they exist and that is to kill our fellow man. here to react to that is larry king. thanks for being with us. what s your reaction to that? these politicians, many politicians, i should say, and many celebrities are totally misinformed. you are completely right. they are totally misinformed. they are ignorant and they don t know what they are talking about. rifles base onned ar 15 platform are semiautomatic rifles they have been on civilian possession for over 100 years. it is not an automatic weapon. there s no such thing an assault weapon. it s a political term. they have been effective because you turn on the mainstream media and they are talking about assault rifles and stuff like that. when you say machine guns are automatic weapons.
correct. they have been banned since 1930. since 1934. they have been heavily regulated. what is the difference for the audience that is watching that doesn t know the difference between a semiautomatic and an automatic? a smook fires one biological a semiautomatic fires one bullet with each bull of the trigger. automatic weapon or machine gun fires as many rounds as are in the magazine with one press of the trigger. you hold the trigger and it keeps firing until it runs out of ammunition. assault weapon is a pejorative political term. vox, the block website put up some images of, you know, the ar-15, and people the internet because they said wait the average person can t get a grenade launcher for that. right. it s a semiautomatic rifle. it functions no different than
any other smook rifle. it is not an assault weapon. that is a political term by the gun control community expressly for the purpose trying to ban semiautomatic rifles. if we make people to think they are machine guns, they will be easier to ban. ar is the company. not assault rifle? ar stands for armor light rifle. modern sporting rifles are the most popular rifles being sold in the united states today. there are 12 million of them. just since 1990. they have been able in the commercial market since the 1960s. larry king, thank you very much for giving us some answers. thanks for having the opportunity to explain the facts to the public. straight ahead. mother finds her screaming five-year-old son in the mouth of a wild mountain lion in her
own front yard. how she manage to save him? we know the orlando terrorist pledged allegiance for isis. who do we blame for the attack? not radical islam. i think i have to put it more on the republicans. 100% the republicans. guns, republicans, islam. with s range of properties, rebel and key can wing it all the way to jordan and chelsea s wedding. rumble! road trip. there she is. uh oh, oh, oh, oh, what?
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she found disc sports too stressful. hold on. let me ask you this. what s she gonna like six months from now? who do we have on aerial karate? steve. steve. steve. and alexis. uh, no. just steve. just steve. just steve. live business, powered by sap. when you run live, you run simple.
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male. is it unfair to say islam played a role? yeah, really. i don t think it was fair that islam played a role. i don t think it was an islamic crime. it had nothing to did with islam. great. those answers despite the fact that the alleged attacker do we say alleged still pledged allegiance to isis and al baghdadi. let s talk to al. you went to brooklyn. when did you go? a few days ago. and how many people did you talk to? i would say i talked to 20 peopleover all. that s pretty much the reaction you got? across the board. it was 18 out of 20 people answered exactly that way. even though he pledged allegiance to isis, we ve seen this written. al baeg baghdadi says he s the man and there s a link to the suicide bomber from the same area and the mosque. on the left, there s this
bizarre need for cultural relativity to say one culture isn t superior to another. if you are bog to besmirch them, that he pledged allegiance to religion and they are not interested in doing that. let s to find out who is to blame for the attack. let s see what else they said. republicans or islam, who would you blame more? i think i have to put it more on the republicans than islam. 100% the republicans. guns, republicans, islam. guns way more than islam. way more. if you are going to blame islam, you got to blame all the religions. buddhists? yes. really. those radical yoga people. i don t think homophobia and islam islam is like a very
peaceful religion, very peaceful people. unbelievable. wouldn t you say that? i say that we make a mistake when we say these are fringe leftists who take this position because let s not forget that our attorney general loretta lynch was on cnn, fox news and nbc, what does she say, she refused, just like they did, she refused to say that radical islam was the motivation behind this. she talked about home foe phobia, anti salsa dancing. the paper of record, who do they blame, they blame the republicans, the new york times. there should have been a laugh track if it wasn t so brutally sad. she s going to be releasing transcripts of the interaction of the three calls the killer made with cops. they are going to edit out all
the references to isis and al baghdadi. they are trying to twist the reality what it is. ami horowitz, thank you very much. 27 minutes after the hour. tech giant apple reportedly pulling all funding from the republican national convention because that company that does business with china and saudi arabia doesn t like donald trump. that story next. and a huge public university no longer requires students to take math classes. wait till you hear what they are replacing it with. and lionel richie turns 67 today. we ll play one of his songs. i laugh, i sneeze.
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i found myself hanging out down here. little did i know this would be my perfect year everything was going and is going better than it ever could better than i thought it would amazing. that s your shot of the morning. country music superstar craig morgan serenading me on stage friday. he writes the songs. he s so good at it and it takes a very tal end person to do that. absolutely. he said well because ainsley asked him what s it s like to write a song? you just talk about things that you know personally and he asked a couple of questions of ainsley and kicked out this song. he is going to in two hours you ll actually hear his impromptu fox & friends jingle we ll be using the rest of our
lives. who else is on stage? that s his son wyatt. this is the after the show, when you went to do radio, he told me tell me about your last year. i told him i got this show and i had a baby. i m pretty sure there s going to be some royalties. gosh, he looks a little submiten by you, ainsley. oh, no. steve, brian, who? good morning to all of you. had a great weekend. first off out of colorado, a hero mom prying a mountain lion s jaws off of her five-year-old. the mom heard her son s screams and she found her son s head inside the mountain lion s mouth. she pride the animals jaws open.
the green older model lexus just buzzed me going like i would say 105. all right. that must be the dude with his son who got attacked by the mountain lion. that little boy was playing with his brother when he was attacked. he s expected to make a full recovery. we re grateful for that. is conservative supreme court justice clarence thomas about to retire from the supreme court? the washington examiner said that thomas never planned to stay on the supreme court until his death but he s expected to step down after the election. with the n president expected to appoint a replacement for judge scalia. we re working on that story on our own. we ll bring that to you. not good at math. wayne state university is the college for you. one of the largest public universities in the state of michigan dumping math as a requirement and guess what they
replaced it with? diversity curriculum! what do you think about that? and a world record in patriotism, the daughters of the american revolution collecting more than 100,000 letters to send to our troops overseas. their original goal was only 10,000 but the letters kept coming in from folks around the united states. they plan on sending them out on wednesday or thursday. love to bring that story to you. those are your headlines. let s head outside to maria more molina. the big story is the heat across the southwestern u.s. we re talking up to 123 degrees in places like palm springs, other areas like arizona and nevada also forecasted to be very hot, well into triple digits and well above average. phoenix, that heat is forecast to continue until the end of the
workweek. because of this heat, we have excessive heat warnings in effect and keep in mind that that will also keep the fire danger high. temperatures also climbing across nebraska and across parts of texas. it s going to stay hot out there. northeast, parts of the midwest today, we have the risk for possible severe weather, including the risk for damaging winds. back inside. thank you very much. the latest trend is couture and it is called duct tape. it s being used to make everything from handbags and necklaces, and hats. in her new book, duct tape bags the author is here to show us how you can turn a kol colorful roll of duct tape into a beautiful beach bag.
first, you get a long strip, about 18 inches long. how many different colors do they make? a lot. i believe duct brand, they constantly rotate the colors. because of you, you ve written four books about making things with duct tape. because of the popularity of duct tape. these are day-glow colors. they come in glitter. they come in glow-in the-dark, all different patterns. what are you doing now? what we re going to do. we re going to take the trip, lay it so the sticky side is up. what we re going to do is make it double sided. what you are going to do is make a faux weave. she was working on one earlier. you would lay the strips
vertically and lay strips on top horiz horizontally. and it actually works. it holds a lot. when did you start doing stuff like this? i started doing stuff like this when my kids were really little and i needed crafts with them to keep them occupied as we went from paper crafts to playing around with boxes, we found duct tape and we started wrapping things with duct tape. because your husband was complaining because you were buying too many bags, right? he was not happy with my bag obsession, and honestly when i make my own bags, i can make it to match the outfit that i m wearing. look at what she s made. this one is amazing. look how cute that is. that looks like something that would cost you several hundred
dollars. how much is a roll of duct tape? $5. and you could make with one roll of duct tape, you would make one bag. one big bag. her new book is called duct tape bags thank you very much. that is so cool. coming up on this monday, apple pulling the plug on funding from the republican national convention because they don t like donald trump. if you own an iphone, how does that make you feel? and you go on vacation to leave your troubles behind, right? did you know taking a trip can fix those troubles as well? where to go to fix a rocky relationship? straight ahead. olay luminous
illuminates skin with pearl optics science. your concert style might show your age, your skin never will. with olay you age less, so you re ageless. olay. ageless. . . . .
. . . . . . wlap when consultant josh atkins books at he gets a ready for you alert the second his room is ready. so he knows exactly when he can settle in and think big. and when josh thinks big you know what he gives? i ll give you everything i ve got and then some. he gives a hundred and ten percent! i m confident this 10% can boost your market share. look at that pie chart! boom! you ve never seen a number like that! you feel me lois? i m feeling you. yeah you do! let s do this! watch out he just had a whole thimble full of coffee. woot! woot! the ready for you alert, only at la. quinta! yeah!
it was one of the most action-packed episodes of game of thrones ever. hbo streaming service crashes right before it started. the problem was fixed after the episode was over. go figure. and it was the laughter heard around the world. [ laughter ] the chewbacca mom is being i am immortalized with her own action figure. brian, thank you. apple taking a bite out of donald trump. dropping their support for the republican convention because of the presumptive nominee. why, apparently? it s in protest to some of trump s comments in the past but
should the company be getting political? let s talk to wayne alan root. he s the author the power of relentless. he s also a trump supporter. how are you doing? i m doing okay. apple does not like donald trump. they have had a brilliant business model. they have got gizmos we all love but as it turns out they don t like the republican nominee. very big mistake. tragic. i think tim cook will regret this decision, the ceo of apple. i m very political but i don t mix it with my business. i don t tell my customers how they should vote. i don t tell the democratic party what they should believe in. if i did that, i will be out of business really quick. apple has a big problem now, there are 60 million odd republican voters. if every one of us pulls our support of apple products or sells our apple stock, i think
the board will very quickly to make a decision to fire tim cook. disastrous mistake and i would call for a boycott. every republican in america should boycott apple products and pull their support of apple stock until this decision is made to fire tim cook. what a terrible, terrible, prejudiced biased mistake by the ceo of apple computers. while we love the design and everything else whether it s an ipod or ipad or whatever, it s made in china. isn t this really the kind of company that donald trump has been talking about they ship the jobs overseas where things are cheaper? that s exactly what i was thinking. he s bringing attention to the practices of silicon valley which i think in many ways are bad business practices but again i m very libertarian oriented. free market oriented. you have the right to do what
you want as a company. i m somebody who supports donald trump and i believe in america first. i believe companies like apple are shipping jobs overseas where they pay people subhuman wages, but on top of that the workers in the united states are very often brought in on hv 1 visas and they are replacing smart americans that graduated from great american universities. apple offended me in various ways. i have an apple desktop, an apple laptop. i have four kids and i ve got multiple businesses. they all use apple products. i don t know if tim gets it, you just offended people like me, never republican in america, i no longer want to buy apple products. if they don t make a decision, a change in direction very quickly, as this week, they have lost me as a customer forever. it s interesting. i know you told a producer who talk to you yesterday when hillary said last year businesses don t create jobs,
government does, did i ask apple to boycott the dem convention? and there are a number of companies that are pulling their sponsorship from the rnc. there s apple, ford motor company, hue let packard, u.p.s., motorola, walgreen s, wells fargo. what does that say to the average republican or conservative or somebody who leans to the right about those companies? look, i have a new book coming out in september, it s called angry white male i think it sums up how a lot of us feel. you can be prejudiced against one group in america. white males. nobody ever pulls out of anything if you say something nice to nas nasty to a business owner, or a white male. i m angry at barack obama that he won t say the words islamic
extremist or sclawk terrorist in the same sentence. why don t they pull out of the democratic convention because americans and westerners are being killed all over the world and barack obama is extremely sympathetic to the muslim cause or religion, that offends me but i ve never asked any business i do business with to get involved with politics. this is a very big mistake. you ve offended millions of people like me whether you want to call me an angry white male or you want to call me a republican, a conservative, a capitalist or a constitutionalist. what about my rights? my views? does anybody care? because i spend a lot of money in america. i think you better start caring. there you go. wayne alan root who just called for a boycott of apple until they change their decision. we reached out to apple for comment but they did not respond. wayne, thank you for joining us from las vegas. we look forward to your new
book. thanks, steve. i m not surprised they didn t respond. me neither, ul actually. democrats put their push for gun control in overdrive, ahead of a vote to ban more guns today but the nra not going down without a fight. let me say something to every political hack pretending you know the difference. stop talking. will they take that former navy s.e.a.l.s advice. he s on the program. you go on vacation to leave your trouble behind. did you know taking a trip can take care of those troubles too? where to go to mend a rocky relationship at home and she s next. the assault weapon ban controversy after the horrific orlando attack, is it time for
veterans to speak now about gun safety. we have asked servicemen to take aim at both sides of the issue. join me, gretchen karlson, we re debating the ban on the real story at 2:00. i go through periods where it s hard to sleep at night, and stay awake during the day. learn about non-24 by calling 844-844-2424. or visit real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing
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it is summer and we re getting into the heart of vacation season. did you know that a get away can totally change your relationship. today we re kicking off our week long very case series. we may take a issue that you may be facing and it s a perfect fit for you and your partner. jo what are we talking about today?
we re going to talk about vacation and reslapgs. the first question is have you been to europe yet as a o couple and experienced it together? if you haven t, it s definitely a recommendation. the reason being is that europe is known to cultivate romance, scenery. even if you don t get along, you re going to come home yeah and my recommendation is canning a european river cruise. so this is if you have not experienced it yet. yeah, you get to do the cities, towns and cultures and by the river. that s unique and romantic. which ones will you see? well the two that i like are
are rome and italy. then there s one known as the majestic and that goes from paris down to borromd bordo. you re selling this very well. now, what if you have been to europe? i would like at the tropical skragss from mexico, bahama s and japan that. the thing about all inclusive is that you get to spend time ton relationship. all of the hard who recollect is taking out. what do you need to look for in an all inclusive or not to look for? if you don t know what we re looking for i recommend down chill travel sites
they have a search and save. some inclusives you go and restaurant onen they say site but you have to book now because they fill up fast. that happened to us and all of the restaurants were gone and then i went to another all inclusive and then it was amazing. how do you know what is good or not? well, you can go on and pick and choose the things that you re interested in with the kids, water sports. when you get there, it s all set up and ready for you. thank you. see you tomorrow for self-esteem. thank you. attorney general lynch about to release the 911 call made by the orlando terrorists.
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good morning. it s 7:00 here on the east coast and it s june 20th, first day of sum is er. the leader to isis will not be released when the 911 transcript call is going to be released today. we re not going to further proclaim the pledge of allegiance and prop gan adah. wait until you hear why not. we re live in washington with that story. did the kwhiet house remove the radical references. donald trump has a different way to prevent terrorism.
we have to look at profiling and other countries do it, and it s not the worst thing to do. will profiling work in the united states. vince takes a huge swing at socialism. you talk about giving everybody something free and all of a sudden there s no food to eat. who do you think the richest daughter in venezuela? the daughter. letting it all hang out o. that s not all. we will continue to talk about it because your mornings are all together when you re with friends. okay. so look at that. it s 5 feet long. grill masters to mange 750
breasts at a time and the 6,000 pound lid on the grill from an eight foot handle is opened by a hydraulic system. they have food that they re cook up for us. we all get behind that grill and take it down to the university of south carolina for tailgates this time of the year. sure. everybody there it would be such a hit if we drove up to the university with that. we would have a lot of grilling to do. when boy meets grill. they re in front of the building, and we will go out there in a while. can t wait. we have a lot of news to talk about. a killer in his own words. transcripts and terrorists omar mateen made a week asking will be released in a few hours. the white house is blocking key parts of the transcripts for
coming out. details on that. reporter: good morning. the parts of the transcripts include the terrorists comments on american policy, but they will not include the thoughts on gay people because he did not say anything about that. they will not include the pledge of allegiance to isis because the administration is redacting it. we re not going to hear him make the allegiance on that. this will not be aud yes but a printed transcript. it will be the back and forth between him and the negotiators. we want to get as much information out about this as soon as possible. reporter: we know it was hours that he had leaning and the transcripts are going to leave references to thei islami state out. they do not want to victimize people of the attack.
they 3r07promise that there s t substance and there s the motivation and the partial transcript provides the details that we have not heard about what omar mateen said about sending a s.w.a.t. team into the night club for three hours. attorney general lynch is supposed to have a press conference and it s going to be the first update that we have gotten from the feds in a while and the last q&a in orlando was on wednesday. back to you. okay. seen live outside of downtown or lan doech orlando. thank you peter. they do not want the bad guys to be able to use this as propaganda. the curious thing is when you think about it apparently they
don t think that we can actually handle hearing the motive on why the guy killed the people. it seems that it is what the government is doing by centering the positively desk. and that s exactly what s been brought up. if you think about it and 9/11 do we victimize people and talking about 9/11 and the attack. what about ft. hood? we did prevent that. i like what you said at the top of the show at 6:00. you said that we re all adults. just release the transcripts. yeah. we re all adults and can read them and make our own judgment. it s a remort. you decide. well, the senate is voting now on several new laws or voting today and trying to control gun laws. look at the things that they re looking at. denying gun sales due to reasonable suspension. if you re suspicious of someone, the government is going to
decide. nationwide 72 hour waiting period and i actually like this one. the fbi can call the gun shop and say don t sell it. the next one is is required background check approximafor p sells. they can viinvestigate. yeah like the part of that was senator murphy s suggestions on expanding to close the gun hole loophole. here is the thing. closing it would not have prevented what happened in orlando or sandy hook or san bernardino. they did not buy them at a gun show. this guy went through the background check and he passed up in newton. adam stole the gun. how do are you control that. you have to be responsible and you have to factor that in. there are gun checks at gun
shows. the fbi cleared him. maybe there s something if you have been investigated three times and maybe stay on the list for five years. you have to say sorry buddy. there s a tag on here and we have to wait for them to clear you. you don t get the gun until you re cleared. some people wind up on the terror watch list because they make a joke. there s a due process and that s what the nra says. a lot of these celebrities and lawmakers do not understand because they have never owned the guns and fired the guns. you should really ask the experts about this before making judgments. i will be the first to tell you about that. i don t know much about guns. don is a navy seal and nra guy and say s this. we need to get the weapons of war off the streets.
stop making it easy as possible to buy asalt rifle. stop talking. every word not only exposes the ignorance but the americans trying to survive in an age of terror you won t fully recognize. so why are they focus canning on all of the enjergy. they don t want to talk about terrorists. and lynch does not want to talk about islamic terrorists. the guy that runs nra and says the thing about the terrorists is that they don t follow the laws. looking right in the face of what the people are that we re facing. they don t care about the laws. laws did not stop them in boston and san bernardino when there
was every gun control that you had. it did not stop them in paris where people could not own the guns. they had i cd s and these bad guys do not say they pasted a law. i don t think that they can do it. it s like what we re doing on the debate is like trying to stop a freight train and a meese of kleenex. that s a unifying moment and that s how you re pro-american and it s not who was in the clurks but it s been used for the white house as a divisive moment. you re antegun and everything but antiamerican and this guy was. i know that there s a long line and those called antiextremist. donald trump says that it s not about the gun but the mentality and what they re thought. it s radical islam. he say that is they do need to
profile. listen to this. i think that this is something that we re going to talk to think about and other countries do it. you look at others and they do it. they do it successfully. i hate the con concept of the profiling. i do think that we have to do whatever it takes to stop the terrorist zwls whatever it takes. carol writes and says anyone can be a terrorists. profiling is a start. just so you know the germans have been changing the way that they handle terrorists since 9/11. they conduct mass identity checks on numerous occasions and 25 to 30 mosques. france is in a state of
emergency. they admit that had they have been taattacked so they re goin in the area to see who the bad people are. donald trump made the comments after what p happened in orlando and said something to the affect that some of the people in the club would have had guns and 20 minutes ago he put out a tweet. when i said that you if you had some people with guns i was obviously talk aing about additional guards and employees. people are worried about protesting the terrorists. what about protesting our people. if my child was in there i would say protect my child. one guy did have a gun and there was a off duty cop in full uniform. we don t know when he was over powered. i m not sure, and that s up in
the air. it s 7:11 now in new york city and heather starts with a traffic store reerie oy out of yes, sudden death of star trek accident. the 27-year-old was killed in his home in california over the weekend. the car was in the neutral position and the engine still running. thousands of jeeps were recalled and there was no alert to tell them that it was in neutral and no word if his was one of those affected by the recall. we will keep on watching it. mike wallace and his daughter brutally attacked after
a rascal flats concerts. his 28-year-old daughter kicked in the ribs as she tried to protect her dad. the three men were arrest and now charged with assault. the championship drought is over thanks to lebron. it s over. it s over! cleveland is a city of champions once again. the cavaliers are nba champions. the cavs coming backwarriors. lebron falling to the court and then raising the first trophy in 52 years. thousands of fans celebrated the big win and all night long getting started. the cavs are going to return home and the victory parade is on wednesday. those are the headlines. cleveland rocks.
okay. thank you very much. our attorney general is redacting the 911 call. former un spokesperson is here with a warning for her. you dobts care if sanders is still running, but you may if you hear this. it s costing you money, and a lot of it. fa specially made for fast relief that goes to work in minutes. the only advil with a rapid release formula for rapid relief of tough pain. look for advil film-coated in the white box! relief doesn t get any faster than this. advil.
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today attorney general lynch making her plea to america why the white house won t release some parts of the orlando 911 calls. what s being left out? when he pledges allegiance to isis and the leader were. rick, what s the problem with that? save america from the trauma? well, i they it has policy implications. we have 51 diplomats that are confused and they do not understand it. the reason why is that we re not naming the enemy. this has policy implications and budget everyone la cases. who is the enmir?
the fact is bryan that radical islamists are hiding money in islamic charities. we need to know that this is religiously based. they have to know how to go after the funding and finding. the fact that lynch is redacting the enmir and the specific enemy that s being called out here is really a pr move. you only redact was that the same in 9/11? yeah. how does she not understand a terror attack 15 years later. letting us know who the terrorists is fighting for is important. you only redact information when it reveals sources and methods. our intelligence gathering techniques that we don t want out there. we have the same problems in the hillary e-mails. they re redacting for pr purposes. you also say that your information tells you that the
lgbp are arming themselves like never before. yeah, we know that woman are targeted, gays and lease becanadians are targeted and they want to fight back. they re getting trained with guns and realizing that they can not sit around and wait. we have terrorists that can walk into any club across the united states is a target. that s the reality. what are we going to do sit around and wait for were the police to come four hours later? no, you want to have individuals that are armed and trained and ready to respond. we know that gays and lethey targeted. we re losing the secrete on drugs is that because there s nothing to fight the disease.
we do not have enough addiction counselors and this years republican convention is unlike any other, and it all starts with his wife. that s life. you diet. you exercise. and if you still need help lowering your blood sugar. .this is jardiance. along with diet and exercise. jardiance works around the clock. to lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. this can help you lower blood sugar and a1c. and although it s not for weight loss or lowering systolic blood pressure, jardiance could help with both. jardiance can cause serious side effects including dehydration. this may cause you to feel dizzy, faint, or lightheaded, or weak upon standing.
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. time for the news by the numb numbe numbers. $38,000 is how much you re shelling out each day for the bernie sanders security detail as long as he stay in the presidential race. the world aes fastest computer and it s the first time that they have done so using chinese design processors. that s how many letters they collected for troops over seas. the original goal was just 10,000. they re setting a world record. thank you. the numbers are staggering and overdose deaths rose 16 percent from 2013 to 2014. that s prompted a shortage of mental and behavior counselors and that s why hundreds of them met with lawmakers and pushing them to pass legislation to
address the shortage. vickie is there and we re with the behave cereal ior of health. good morning. good morning steve. we ha . we have a lot of people addicted to things and there s a short fall of those that can can take care of them. why is that? well, there are many workforce shortages but right now we re only managing to treat 20 percent on a good day of the people that actually need care. so as we need to increase that capacity with an opioid epide c epidemic. the pay is a median salary and less than $40,000 and there are amazing super heros working in the communities for little pay. they need more education. the insurance companies are
wanting master level people. on those salary, cannot go back and get the masters. we need programs like loan forgiveness and need to say to the pay ers this is a priority. absolutely. and just pay for it. we look at the numbers and the one that you gave us is staggering. 16 million adults suffer from alcohol abuse disorder and 2 million suffer from painkiller addiction and half a million addicted to heroine. okay. so you went up to capital hill and said look, we need help here. we need better as you detailed a moment ago a loan forgiveness and better pay and things like that. how are you received on capital hill? well, i think that there s more interest than working in my field. there s more interest whether it s the epidemic and opioids
and this is a brain disease. over 250 medipeople are dying everyday from the issue. that s like a major airplane falling out of the sky everyday. with we have made people understand and now i think politicians and community leader are beginning to understand that we have to address this issue and mostly by making sure that care is available in every single community. sure. so i think that you have detailed pretty well what you need in the future. the other component that we have not talked about is the human element of the rehab worker. this is a personal interest and when you apparently what i have read is when you re dealing with somebody in a rehab situation, you take a lot of the problems home with you at the end of the day. it s a tough job. it s a very difficult job. you re dealing with people that
are in a very bad situation with a devastating brain disease. it s hard. we need to make sure that we re taking care of them also. we need to make sure that we have policies and ways for them to help. i am a former teach the eeteach. i know the breaks and i got some peace. we re asking because we don t have enough people in the field. i hope that young people will realize that it s a great field to go into. amazing what you can do and amazing how you can help people get back into the community and manage this disease, but we need help from the government and in terms of the pay ers and insurance pay ers and medicaid to pay rate that is will allow the providers to pay a decent sal are erie. yeah, there are a lot of people suffering and need them in the business. vick vickie, thank you very much. thanks for putting the
spotlight on it. you bet. sounding the alarm. you have to. this day apple you will approximate approximate out of the rnc because they don t like apple. who needs an iphone when you have melania trump. hello. they say go big or go home. we re welcoming the summer season and that starts today with the massive 65 foot grichlt you have to see it to believe it. you have to see it to believe it. r have to see it to believe it. i u have to see it to believe it. l you have to see it to believe it. l you have to see it to believe it. i accept i m not 22 i accept i m not the rower i used to be. i even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. but what i won t accept
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real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close. real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing apple dropping all support for the rnc and not providing
technology and funding for donald trump. here to react on the fox s netwo network. good morning. so tim cook is becoming political? well, they re political and politisized company in america. they have just with drawn any support from the gop suspension. before that they were public on gay marriage and tim cook told people that are climate change skeptics that they don t want the business. they would not open the a phone for the san bernardino ter rursruriss and now the gop convention. well, that s according to a report that came can out over the weekend. if you re in the business of selling something, it would seem if you want as many people to buy it, you don t cut off half of the customers. yeah, they have trouble in
china where they want to sell a lot of iphones. they have a trumped up charge and it s about the design of the apple app apple a phone and saying that cannot sell that in beijing. china is tweaking apple and tweaking american politics. that s what they re doing. apple stock has gone from 130 down to 97. it was once the darling of investors. yeah, we re waiting for the next move and we re waiting for it. tim comes out against trump and comes out against republican and they re big getted in a way. tim cook has no problem doing business in the gulf where they
execute gays and yet he has this response to trump and the gop. the irony is that we love apple and designed in california, approximate but this is what donald trump is talking about. they ship off all of the manufacturing to china where wages are much lower than the united states. that s the kind of story that donald trump says that if he is president of the united states, he wants to turn that wheel around. he has called fair boy could the of apple products. today we talk about a rally. two hours from now the stock has gone down 200 points. why? there was a political assassination last week and jo cox was murdered on the street and part of the stay campaign. britain should stay within the union. the brits have recoiled from that and now give the campaign more votes.
that means more stability in the way of money and wall street goes up. that assassination did go up and does affect our money. we re going to be watching you at 9:00 in the morning. i m glad to hear that steve. i have not seen it before. and now to heather who has the headlines for us. all right. good morning to all of you. an alarming terror warning that we just got in to the news room. i s isis is calling for more lone wolf attacks. this coming from a south korean spy agency. they have collected information on 7 bases around the globe and hackers sharing information like addresses, google maps and all of that and calling isis supporters to move in. they re ramping in security at
military insulations as a recaution. melania trump about to take her as the next jackie kenny. she has said in the past she she would want to be like kenny and she is fluent in several languages and something is that jackie o was admired for. legendary dodgers announce ers takes a social swing at socialism. the country venezuela is dealing with massive shortages and there was a player up up at the plate and plays for the you brewers and that s when he started to talk. socialism and failing to work as it always does and this time in venezuela. you talk about giving somebody something free and there s no food to eat. who do you think the richest person of venezuela?
the daughter. any way, 0 and 2. well, that major slam came during the game on friday night. someone could bring attention on what is going on down there. those are the headlines. let s go outside. i am so jealous because i love brauts. this great big grill is touring the country and today they stopped by the plaza to cook up a spread. i hear of a safety tradition and then it s grill master and then murray is here and he is a point guard for the kentucky wild cat and top nba pick. good job. there s a change on thursday, right? so let s bring the camera around. tell us what we have cooking here? well with, we have the
original brauts here and then we have the grill ers here. this is the new thing and we love them. these are bacon cheddar and then the onion steak house here and then more over here. there s a little bit of cheddar in there. wow. what s your favorite? my favorite is the original br braut. why? because of the smell. by the way, he cooks them in beer. have you ever been on the to a football game and taking this thing? it takes up a footprint. why you use such a big grill? why? it s 55 feet long and you can fit 750 brauts at a time. do you understand what people
are doing when they re getting ready go play. they re waiting for you to play especially in college. yeah, the it s really something that people love to do and it s the first day of summer officially and a lot of people are looking forward to grilling. you re one of the top five, how does that feel? that s so amaze something. it feels good. what did you get from watching the game last night? anything can happen. they made a come back. yeah, they did. this all looks good. can you prepare it? you would definitely have some. they dwrus the product and you mainly like to eat it. yeah. good for you. never too late to learn. thank you so much. i love coming out. we love to have you here. thank you so much. we will hear from the grill masters later.
blowing the whistle when the white house said to stop investigating because they were muslim. now that former homeland security officer has a warning. joining us live, and that s next. and all of time square take over. that is the amazing church choir and they belted with the musical message. next up and first they re stopping by our plaza. they re right over there. 7,000 people in the church. we can not wait to hear them sing. we have sot brauts. okay. thank you. if you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis, and you re talking to your doctor about your medication.
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today the 911 calls made last week by the orlando terrorists will be released. one key part will be left out. well what we re not going to do is further proclaim this individual s pledge of allegiance to terrorists groups. so we re not going hear him talk about those thing sns. we will hear him talk about some of those things but not the assertion of allegiance. the next one says that this is the exact thing that puts us at risk. the author of this book out now, see something say nothing joins us right now. i am sure that you re not surprised by the stunning stance that we saw yesterday that s going to be leased today. it s dejavu all over again.
redacting was set back in 06, 07, o 08 when i was an active duty officer and started to remove intelligence information. bush was in the white house. who gave him the directive? that s right. there are issues of the investigations that i endured that are opened to this day. what were you told to sensor from us? in 09 i was told to take out information from 850 records that were relate today the muslim brotherhood network. that was the first time. it happened three years later and then the group that was aaffiliate window the mosque and i say group but mean network. they completely removed them. why do you think that they did that? protection of civil rights for those affiliated with the organizations. where are they worried about
that and not the individuals of citizen. the first thing is to protect america with the threat. on the network last week on the kelly file and said this about the pc culture. the rules of engagement what the bureau is being told but what they can do and can t do. they can t go sniffing around anything to do with the muslims. they can not go around to a mosque and do things that they would normally do. i m not talking things of the chats but things that would normally be done. they come down from the white house and the same people that took all of the language out of the people and documents and can t be used in my memorandum. you re shaking the head? yeah, that s correct. it was set years ago and now we re seeing it in open public and before it was behind the scenes and now it s out in the
open. we also hear see something and say something and the title of your book is see something say nothing. why is that the title? well, you notice that we re told not to say nothing. i was investigated nine times be by taking my vow serious limit this is not just my story but america. these are the things that have happened science 9/11 and now. the elements is pc running a muck. yeah. it s a full blown disease. where are the others coming out? that s a question. i can t answer it. hubie: that there are more and will be in the future. for now i took my vow very seriously, and e i go where my vow leads me right here and right now. well, you re telling a story. thank you phillip. meanwhile it s monday.
donald trump is in big trouble. he is about to get a serious lecture from joe biden. call it a time square take over. right there in front of the american flag the church choir with the musical message. next up the hall and first they re stopping by the plaza. there they are. welcome. we re going hear from them in the next hour. this day bbryan adams was tg the charts with heaven. . it s reformulated to feel lighter on your skin, but still protects and stays on strong. new coppertone sport.hell.
bp drilling teams train in virtual reality simulators in here, so we re better prepared for any situation out there. because safety is never being satisfied. and always working to be better.
welle the belleview baptist church choir has topped down and they have taken us by storm and the big a. f. the choir is traveling from the country from their home in memphis, tennessee where they lead worship for 7,000 church members and the next stop is tonight with natalie grant. first they re here in the plaza and joining us now is the choir director and ladies and gentlemen and belleview i choir. [ applause ] fantastic. mark, you re the minister of music there and what s it like to lead them? privilege. they re an amazing group of people dedicate today the lord and work hard to prepare to lead and worship and then to get on plans and come to new york and
share the love of christ. how do you get there? practice practice practice. you were singing in time square, when was that? that was saturday and we did a flash mob and just a lot of fun. what was the response of new york? awesome. people are so friend economy we find this city to be a wonderful group of people and so kind. speaking of video cameras our friend that works at fox news is off camera you see him. yeah, we host his american christmas and the seeing christmas tree and several other events. so we have seen them before. we don t just sing about religious songs and in an hour, you re going to be singing about the king, elvis. well, we sing about the king
of king and then elvis. we re is from fmemphis and it s sweat tea and elvis. so most of these folks have never sang before. well, they have sung in church choir but most of them do not read music or have training. it s a volunteer choir and they work. so you work with them. we practice about an hour to an hour and a half a week. we practiced a little bit more for this trip. if you re over here, stop over real quick. great. thank you so much. nice to have you. coming up next on fox & friends the mayor of america is going to be talking about all things terror. and the choir is going to be singing for us. you want to stick around for that.
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. good morning to you and your family. it s monday first day of summer. attorney lichb getting the message out on begiguns as we h the transcripts of the orlando
shooter and they re redacted. we re not going further the pledge of the groups. what the white house is you pulling from the public record. as they redact, donald trump reacts and says that we need no use all means necessary to prevent more tacks. perhaps even and we really have to look at profiling and look at it seriously and other continseri s seriously countries do it, and it s not the worst thing to do. a push for profiling. will that work. and grown men really do cry. lebron james letting it hang out after the cavs pull a historic win. this ends a 52 year drought with sports. ti the indians are in first place
too. morning are better with friends. you ain t never caught arab bit and you re not friend of mine just a lie they said that you were high class and that was just a lie well you ain t never caught ar a rabbit, and you re no friend of mine . that s the belleview baptist choir out of memphis.
7,000 people go to that church. fantastic. rudy giuliani is going to be with us in a moment. right now heather is joining us with the headlines. big problems for donald trump. donald trump preparing for a major scolding today from joe biden. set to be the main focus of biden s speech in a security conference in washington. according to knewly released excerpts they re going paint him as a trump and stop short of naming him. trump is recently calling on an immigration ban on muslims and said that profiling is common sense in the wake of orlando shooting. new questions being raised after the sudden death of star trek actor anton yelchin.
that 27-year-old actor killed in a freak accident at his california home over the weekend. the body was found crushed between his jeep and a brick mailbox. the car was in neutral and the engine still running. the cars were recalled and the drivers saying that there was no alert to tell them that the car was in neutral and park. no word if his was one of those on the recall list. clearance thomas about to resnir retire? maybe that could happen. reporting that he never planned to stay on the high court until the death and planning on stepping down after the election. the balance could further shift and making it three conservatives to four libel rals. that coming on the same day that
two major verdicts could come down on immigration and abortion. we re working our own angles on that. it s a celebration and more than five decade in the makes the for cleveland fans. it s the five final seconds! it s over! the cavaliers are nba champions. the cavs coming back from the 3-1 deficit to beat them and that s the first time that s happen in the nba finals. lebron james falling on the court with tears of joys. the cavs raising the first trophy in 52 years. massive celebration in cleveland and got a little rowdy. fans jumping on top of a fire truck and others destroying a police car. no one was with inside of it. those are the headlines. they were happy. but there s a way to celebrate. they should not be destroying
a police car. how about four yankee world championshi championships. only been one. only been one since i left office. and then the stanley cup. mr. mayor we did not have anyone breaking up cars. since we did not lose when i was mayor. well we did the yankees lost in 2001. i don t get breaking up cars when you win or were lose. mayor, let s talk about politics. after the 15 hour filibuster er in con anecticut and they re gog to vote. when you look at them, none of them would have prevented what happened last week in orlando. yeah, some of them are okay.
i think that it s sending the wrong message right now. this is a big gun control issue. vote on them a month from, but the problem is that it s not a gun control issue. this is an issue of islamic extremist, terrorism. not the tax administration. we have had four of them, knives, box cutters, bombs. they have chemical and biological weapons, ask they got guns and gun control states that are heavy and countries that are heavily gun controlled. right. never let a crisis go waste. that could be why they dispatched loreta lynch to five
gun shows yesterday. the bombing and murder. yeah, that s not necessarily the merits of the legislation. the reality is that they are changing the narrative. what s the narrative? it s a weak president and the last four years and in the last four months and five months they have had more terror attacks than we have had since i don t know when. the weakness is unbelievable. they refuse to identify the enemy and refuse to do anything for five years. some people are saying that they create something in which this happened. he is is trying to get the pressure off of them. he is sending out lynch to talk about the shows and during the appearances she talks about altering the transcripts. cleaning them up. from the guy in orlando and
we re saying that we re going to talk out islamic terrorism. what we re seeing tomorrow is is that the fbi is releasing a partial transcript of the calls with the law enforcement inside of the club. putting the hostage part of this yeah it s a partial transcript of the calls with the hostage negotiators. you re saying partial. what is being left snout. well, we re not going further pledge the allegiance to the terrorists groups. we don t want to revictimize the horror, but it s the substance of the conversation. that was difference than what you had. that would mean during the second world war if i called up and said that i m part of the natzi movement and i m going kill 49 americas and we left out the natzi movement, there s a
degree of deninl here that s terrorists to be encouraged to dmit fcommit m attacks. what s the opposite? well, the thinking is proven wrong with paris, san bernardino, by this attack. i don t know. in a period how many attacks have we had like this in the past? a lot. too many. we don t have a period compared to this. this is in direct response to our weakness and now this is almost impossible to explain. but mayor, if you remove all references, you re removing the motive. yeah. yeah. i mean if i did that in court as a prosecutor my boss would fire me. the jury wants to know the
moti motive. the killer has told us the motive for the crime. it would be like removing i m killing my friend because he cheated me out of money. that s the motive. he announced the motive. if he cheated me out of $2 million. they re saying that angry guy and der ranged and. why don t they do it for the mafia? to spare the italian americans. why did they remove all references of the mafia? if you did it and did not see the connection, cannot bring them down. what do your think of donald trump saying that he wants to think about profiling individuals? we always profile. not officially. when i was involved in police work and u.s. district attorney and you call me up and say a
6 2 man with blond hair and blue eyes is the killer, i go and look for hum. you give me a larger amount like that i start to look for the group. i say is the kkk here in new york. of course you profile. that s where policing is about. here is when it s wrong when it s based on sex, orientation and that region just because you don t like them. if you re doing it on hard facts that lead to protection of the public like a group of one type. so you have no problem in what he said? of course you should profile based upon hard facts. do we have hard facts? he gave them to you on the telephone and loreta lichb ynch she is taking it out on the phone call. it s fparis and san bernardino
and ft. hood. we re doctoring a transcript. that s a gun conversation. yeah, this is very very dangerous what they re doing. it s dangerous and leads to more attacks. the more that you pull back, the more that they push ahead. rudy, thank you. good see you. we just told you about the gun vote and now the nra is firing back with a navy seal. every political hakt and saying that you know an ar 15, stop talking. will congress listen to him? he will join us live next. just call him the bear whisper. hey bear. bear. did that work? wait until you see the size of that beast. (avo) after 50 years of designing cars
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we need to get the weapons off the street. let me say for those pretending to know the ar 15. stop talking. every world not only exposes the ignorance but the con attempt for ordinary americans trying to provide the age of terror were that you won t recognize. a new attack aide and it s releasing on those bans and weapons like it and in the wake of the orlando shooting. this is going be the gun control measure and as many as four today. why should gun owner be like that or are certain guns better off not speculated. here is former navy seal don. when you said stop talking what is the most ignorant statements that you have heard about guns
since the terror attack? well, great way to start the week with a mind set and educating people. that s the number one thing. when you say assault weapon and weapons of war, it shows the level of ignorance to what we re talking about it. i ve had enough. the gun community has had enough. the people that want to protect themselves has had enough. the trigger for those that don t know what s going on and how i should be thinking about this and the knee jerk reaction, the trigger should be that if i am listening to someone say assault weapons and weapons of war you should figure out that they are try to go say what people want to hear or don t know what they are talking at. yesterday you had on seth and i just watched the interview and it was painful the lies coming out of his life and talking about nine out of ten people don t want aassault weapons and weapons of war. he is saying what people want to
hear. a politician, i m tired of them. f with we need a real leadership and everyone knows what s going on. we re having a problem with guys saying what people want to hear. i want an ar 15 and democrats and republicans will say athat you don t need that to go and shoot a deer. why do i need an ar 15 on the street? well, the bottom line is if i talk to someone that says that, my first question is have you ever been in front of a bad guy? the percentage of something happening to us is probably really small, but guess what? it s there and life threatening. i want to give people the opportunity and chance to deal with that. is it making sense and first of all it has dmog with hunting. when we have a response in the country and first of all i give my up most respect to law enforcement and first respond
er ers. when we call it s a three minute response time on a good day and we re hoping that they show up with a gun that we re talk thing about banning. how does that make a sense to be able to have it myself? the people that i train with and when you have the proper mind set, it s not about writing off the accountability and embracing it and knowing that there s a response time. i want you to be prepared in the event that the small percentage props up. i am glad that you re on our side. as things move forward, we will have you back. maybe this week. if people want to find out more, just go to our web page. thanks don. the middle of a flag folding
ceremony. it s a white stars and blue field and the new consolation. the reason that he spoke about god and first is the belleview baptist church and evan now. every time a pga tour professional sinks a hole-in-one, quicken loans is giving one lucky winner reason to celebrate. one shot from them. one mortgage-free year for you. it s the quicken loans hole in one sweepstakes and you could be the next winner. enter today at for your chance to win a year s worth of mortgage payments. hello welcome to holiday inn. running our own business, we ve been traveling a lot. a hotel looking to help small businesses succeed is incredible. thank you. holiday inn is an extension of our team.
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time for mu quick money headlines. isra islam taking the fight under ground. they will build it under the strip under ground. it s helping to block immigrants from sneaking. it s the third type of wall of the kind. six flags is bringing the
roll roller coasters and planning to expand to the arabic kingdom. no word on when it s going to happen in saudi arabia. caught on camera an air force veteran thrown out of a retirement ceremony because his tribute to the flag mentioned flag. it s the stars and strips and it s the white stars on a blue field and then the new consolation and each star remits one individual state and together we re united indy visible. joining us now on the right is the man in the video and air force veteran and retired master sir along with mike and the first liberty of institute. thank you for being with us.
thank you. thank you. after seeing you removed, what happened? why did they come and remove you? i was invited by the master sergeant to recite a flag ceremony that he had heard in the past. he told me that it would be a highlight of the retirement if i did that, and that s what i was attempting to do for himself and his family. just because you used the word god you felt that you were removed? i believe that there s an issue with the speech because not only does it mention god on one occasion, but six times. okay. so you have given the speech and said i want you to come and give the speech because it s meaningful to him and it was about him on that day. mike, you how did you get involved in that. when you watch the video, what s the reaction? well, when i see that video
as a veteran myself i can t feel but outrage ared and disgust at what i see. he has the freedom to express it when he is invited there to give the speech by the retiring airman and so first liberty institute and we got involved with he was reached out to us and to hold the air force accountable. so what are you asking from are the air force? well, what i would first like is an apology. to see something transpire like this in the nation and we have people that serve the nation like chuck did for 26 years and his family is there to witness this, it s something that is just hard to imagine. i would want an apology for chuck, me and to be able to
looeat least the air force throwing someone out and to have a speech like this and then thirdly that those the people that did this be held accountable for the actions. well, mike berry thank you for being here and master sergeant, thank you and for serving the country. thank you. thank you. and god bless. never forget after the 9/11 attac attacks. is it forcing us to lose sight of the darkest day? our next guest says yes. we re ushering with a 65 foot grill. we re out there enjoying it and grabs it before we meet some special grill masters and more from the belleview baptist church choir. man, my feet are killin me.
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was the performer on friday and we were talking to him about writing songs and he wrote a song in prompt two and then i said hey greg, how would you like to write a fox jingle. without a pen and paper, he came up with this. we are your favorite show on the tv everybody likes to make fun steve all bryan s pretty smart and he s nowhere near as pretty us get it on right here on fox and friends very nice. they don t make fun of you.
i don t care. it s a fun show. that was really cute. does he want money. do we have to get that. we should play that everyday. yeah, i will see if i can can get it in the budget. apparently we get it on. i love the we re your favorite show on tv. thank you very much and it s time for the headlines with her. thanks. good morning to everybody. that was such a great song. nice job. some serious news to bring you right now and we all remember the horrific sandy hook school shooting. less than an hour from now the maker of the rifle that was used will ask a judge to throw out a lawsuit claiming that the weapon should not have been sold in the first place. families said that it s meant for the military and too dangerous to sell to everyday people. a federal law shields them from
most lawsuits over criminal use of their products. a hero mom prying a mountain lion s jaw off her child after she hears the screams this in front of their home in aspen, colorado. literally prying the son s head and her husband rushing both of them to the hospital. it s a green older model lexus going 105. okay. that must be the dude with a son that got attacked by a mountain l lion. the boy suffered injuries to the face and neck and the mother has injuries trying to save him. you re going to want to see this one. a man remains cool as he can
when he come cans face to face with a giant bear as it goes through the dumpster. hey bear. bear, get out of here. look at that massive thing. he gets out of there and the bear does as it s told and climbs out of the trash and then takes off. powering through the pain. the super fan is not letting a little bit of surgery stop here from seeing beyonce say. she had her wisdom tooth pulled out and tweeted out the picture of here s and ice packs and medicine and said we have wisdom teeth at 6:00 and beyonce say at 7:00. those are the headlines. we will see you back here shortly. that was amazing. quiet a fan. did you get the wisdom teeth out? no. it s painful. a deadly heat wave in the
southwest and four have died in arizona where temperatures were 120 degrees many phoenix and dry conditions and wild fires across four states. maria is here tracking the d dangerous heat. yeah, it s going to last for a big chunk of the work week. it s going throughout friday today and temperatures 120 degrees in places like california and even into parts of nevada. so the excessive heat warnings are in place there with the elevated fire danger and also because of the hot temperatures with the dry conditions. i want to take you east ward now and extending across the northwest we have the storms today and it s going bring in delays at the airport and also the possibility of the severe weather and damaging winds. anywhere from missouri and new
york state we re going to be dealing with the storms. now over to ryan. thank you. appreciate it. we re lighting up the grill and we have brats and everything else and hamburgers and everything else. here to talk brats and basketball a pair of grill masters. playing the roll of bret and then murray for the kentucky wild cards and top pick of the nba coming up this week. this guy you have to respect him and he comes up with a great idea and the commercial is a big success. what was it? i m a big lover of cars, so i wanted to incorporate cars so why not incorporate the big taste grill in the car. the goal is to understand that they re chasing the big taste grill and they won t to know why. they smell it and people are chasing it.
you get to go the football games and tailgate. well, i don t drink no beer but i will having them burgers and the grill ers and going to the game with the team. enjoying the fans. well football is known for the tailgating and last night everybody watched the game. what is is the thought of the v back three games to one? it s a come back and they stuck to the game plan and major performances and curry is one of my favorite players and the cavs got it. tell us things to make it better? well, you want to make sure that it s low and slow heat. you want to get a even cook.
you never want poke the brat. let the flavors out, and that s the way. this has been basting in something. we have beer sitting on top over there on the side. this is all natural. this is only johnsonville. okay. i have to ask you to help out. we have to feed the choir. we re going feed the choir in just a moment thanks a lot. coming up straight ahead tell me what s coming up straight ahead? okay. america said never forget after the september 11th attacks but is the president s refusal to say islamic radical terror forcing us to lose sight of the darkest day? the next guest says yes and joins us live. singing on our plaza and singing us out winonce gain is
belleview baptist church choir. (woman) one year ago today mom started searching for her words.
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and while we re at it, let s give you back your do and give her back the guy she liked before you hey, that s the power to turn back time. (vo) get the ultimate all-included bundle. call 1-800-directv. our next guest voted for president obama and now michael goodwin is handling the president s war on terror. this job is is to lead the nation go victory. he has not because he refuses to see it as a war.
welcoming goodwin. you voted for him to be president of the united states? one time. one time. after 9/11 where as you re talking about how we all pledged and we will never forget and people have forgotten and this president in particular has forgotten that we re at war. well look i think that he has always down played and i site the speech in cairo in 2009 and that s a road map to everyone that it s done. he offered himself as a broker in the islamic world and he taught that he would be able to heal the breech. as you quoted the president of the united states is not a broker. especially with a foreign enemy. he must lead the nation to victory.
we re at war, but he does not see it as a war. therefore, there s no victory. in the column you said that he gave himself the assignment and then the cairo speech and sighting theize lam i c islamic does that impact? well, any of us can put ourself in the position and growing you up with fathers both of the father and step father were muslims and it had an impact on his life. he has talked about that and i m not suggesting or saying that she a muse lirges bmb, but the d is shaped and he wants to heal the breech. in fact, it s only godden worse because of the terrorism issue that he will not admit. the even the president of egypt says that the ideology is driving so much violence. our president simply won t admit it. you look at the news to today
and where loreta lynch went on and said you know what, we re going to release the 9/11 transcrip transcripts. in this case it s 911 not 9/11. yeah. 911. we re going to gedt rid where h pledges allegiance. the excuse that i think is not truthful is that we want to spare the families. well, how are you sparing the families by censoring the facts and why he is doing what he is doing. i think that he is part of the obama administration and does not want to acknowledge the role of islam at all. they will do it in the most modest way to down play, but in fact we go back to 9/11 and this is all continuation on what happened on 9/11 and started before and we pledged that we would never forget and the
president is now trying to down play the significance of that event and the role of islam in it. i think it s leading a, to distrust because americanss know better and b, they re getting more lethal and happening more around the world. the president s ideas are simply wroo wrong. that s a good one. you should read the column. . okay. you met them last hour and the belleview choir sings songs from the hometown of memphis and then from the king elvis presley. they re doing the wave. so is martha on the 12th floor. good to be back everybody. we have decisions that are expected in about an hour from now on president s obama executive actions on immigration and the texas abortion clinic.
loreta lynch says that they will edit the allegiance pledge to isis. what s that about. trump says that he does not like it but it s time to profile. paul ryan say that is he will not stop in and we will see your here at the top of the hour. real is touching a ray. amazing is moving like one. real is making new friends. amazing is getting this close.
real is an animal rescue. amazing is over twenty-seven thousand of them. there is only one place where real and amazing live. seaworld. real. amazing
so you got them in the last hour and they have been playing us out all morning. now before the debut they re back with a mash up of songs and memphis s favorite songs. ladies and gentlemen, belleview baptist church choir. all right. let s get out of the way and they re going to do two
different elviss.
thank you. thank you very much. . i can t stop loving you i made up my mind to live in memories of such a lonesome time well i can t stop loving you it s useless to say so i will stay in my life and dreams of yesterday with those happy hours that we
were doing they were gone gone gone but they still make me blue it s the broken heart but my conscience is still when we re apart i can t stop loving you i ve made upy mind to live memories of such lonesome time well, i can t stop wanting you i said it s useless today as yesterday so i will just live my life in
dream of yesterday yesterday [ applause ] awesome. awesome. we will be right back with the belleview baptist choir. when cigarette cravings hit, all i can think about is getting relief. only nicorette mini has a patented fast-dissolving formula. it starts to relieve sudden cravings fast. i never know when i ll need relief. that s why i only choose nicorette mini.
. we had a young elvis and a later elvis. what is your name? tim. do you have a last name? elvis. and? andrew robinson. being in memphis and doing a
imper nation is daunting. don t forget about donald trump tomorrow. have grate bill: good morning. a week after terrorist guns down 49 people in orlando, the senate takes up gun rights in america. the senate takes up four gun bills today. martha: i m martha maccallum. as congress takes on guns, trying to prevent another massacre like orlando, the senate will vote on four bills today. gun rights advocates say it would not stop a terrorist like omar mateen. they don t care about laws. laws didn t stop them

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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW FOX Friends 20160909 10:00:00

his owner. what are we doing? when he was confronted the great dane asks like there s nothing to see. turning the puppy dog eyes to blame as being the culprit. thanks for joining us. fox & friends starts right now. bye. have a good weekend. good morning to you and your family. it s friday. september 9th. guys, we only have 60 more days until this election. counting every minute. i can t believe this. donald trump closing the gap in those all important swing states. the new numbers that could be game changers in this race. then donald trump unleashes a brand new line of attacks on hillary clinton s character. it s all about hiding, criminal enterprise and that s what it s about. criminal enterprise? that s new. today trump will take his case to conservative voters.
will it work? we ll tell you shortly. then bill clinton says make america great again is racist. what it means is, i ll give you the economy you had 50 years ago. i ll move you back up on the social totem pole and others down. dog whistle. maybe he forgot he said the same thing and not just once, he said it many times and he was rolling his vcr. he let us use the vhs tape. let me remind you, it is friday. get dressed. your mornings are better with friends. why do you always tell people to get dressed? because i always feature them we don t want to know what you feature. put on aftershave. women get zipping up their boots and just running out the door. so, in other words, you
envision america as stubbly and there s going to be a and they all over slept. all right. anyway, thank you very much for joining us on this very busy friday. let s get right to the very latest. the race for the white house and it s a dead heat in four swing states. that is exactly right. brand-new battleground polls show hillary clinton s lead is shrinking. it is game on. john roberts at trump tower because it s nice. reporter: brian, ainsley, steve, good morning to you. i have to be honest with you, brian. i m still trying to decide whether to buy vhs or beta. beta is better. reporter: it s a good day. you can believe it will be a good day on the 14th floor. quinnipiac polls. 47/47 in the state of florida.
hillary clinton leads donald trump now by only .3 of 1%. let s take a look at ohio. donald trump actually up by a point, 46/45. pennsylvania still problematic. hillary clinton continues to lead by five points, 48/43. in north carolina she s up by 4, 47/43. take a look at this. a suffolk poll shows the opposite, donald trump up by 3 points, 44/41. they attribute this to the fact that donald trump is on message, pretty disciplined in a pretty disciplined fashion. yesterday when he was at the charter school in cleveland talking about opportunities for young people in poverty to get an education he prefaced the whole thing with a sharp attack on hillary clinton. listen to this. hillary clinton s staff deleted and digitally bleached, which is acid cleaned, her e-mails after receiving a
congressional subpoena. she also and her staff destroyed some of her 13 different phones but this time with a hammer. i ve never done that. reporter: so some evidence in the polls now that those attacks and hillary clinton s problems with the e-mail and other issues related to the clinton foundation may be beginning to stick in the minds of the voters. donald trump will continue to promote his new opportunity scholarships that he unveiled yesterday at this afternoon s values summit he has a 3:30 meeting. he ll talk about the importance of promoting supreme court justices. and a presidential ticket on the republican side has attended the value voters summit since it was created in 2006. brian, steve, ainsley. john roberts, thank you so much.
here s a little something of what i did after the show. went up to brian s radio show. at about 9:40 i said, boy, hillary really had a terrible commander in chief forum yesterday because, look, she was having a press conference and she was having a press conference alongside her plane. they called it a press conference but she only was there for 16 minutes, six questions. is that really a press conference? i don t know. there was a loud motor in the background. nonetheless, she had to get there and do damage control and mop up. that s the third press conference this year, but all three of them have taken place this week. that s right. apparently the hillary in hiding thing didn t work. you know what s the most important thing? i have a different take on the same reason. the reason why she s doing a press conference is the polls.
she was planning on raising money, getting ready for the debates but because the polls are closing, because the fbi investigation is progressing, because donald trump has gotten more organized with kellyanne conway, she has to play ball which will be better for the country. donald trump felt she had a disastrous news conference on the tarmac and tweeted just that. hillary just gave a disastrous news conference on the tarmac to make up for he s saying because he got the last word at the forum. she does the press conference last night and that was his tweet. plus, she really got grilled. for seven minutes she was grilled relentlessly by matt lauer who is being completely decimated by the political left. he was too rude to her. he was too hard on her and he did not destroy donald trump so they re saying do you believe also an executive nbc came out and said
it was disastrous? no. it s unbelievable how they jumped on him. i watched the whole thing back. on reel to reel. i thought it was very fair. i thought it was, too. he did the best he could in a forum in which he only has a half hour with these candidates. he hammered donald trump as well. i thought it was very fair. going back to the press conferences, donald trump has talked to the press over and over and over. if you look at the press conference, the number of minutes they ve spent with the press, actually standing there taking questions, he s spent 4:38 this year talking to the press answering questions. she this week alone has spent 41 minutes answering questions. if you circle that number, ainsley, you ll understand why donald trump is creating controversy. you can t talk for 4 hours and however many minutes that is. 38. and not get yourself into trouble. at some point you re going to create some controversy. he s willing to take that risk. he wants to be transparent.
sure. the trump number does not include hours that he s appeared on network television answering questions as well. right. yesterday when he was out in cleveland he unveiled something new. the clinton situation is tied to a criminal enterprise that has put the nation at risk. listen. she put the country, and i mean the entire country at risk in order to cover up her pay for play scandals as secretary of state. these include scandals giving up uranium to russia, doing favors for ubs bank and selling contracts to friends and family in haiti. it s all about hiding criminal enterprise and that s what it s about. do you know what it s also about? do you hear the tone? very calm. very deliberate. i think that s part of the presentation. part of his new temperament? teleprompter temperament?
the sports analogy without people turning on me, don t drop the ball. you don t go for the. boomer: the bomb or the hail mary pass. sports analogies, i don t get it. sorry. let s talk about this. donald trump s motto, slogan, is make america great again. right? bill clinton was down in orlando, florida, giving a speech saying, that slogan, how dare he say it? make america great again. that s a dog whistle and it s racist. here s bubba. that message, make america great again, if you re a whot southerner you know exactly what it means, don t you? what it means is i ll give you the economy you had 50 years ago and i ll move you back up on the social totem poll and other people down. so he s saying that that slogan trump is using, make
america great again, is racist. unfortunately for him he has made that same slogan on behalf of himself and his wife. and it dates all the way back to 1991. listen to some things he said. i believe that together we can make america great again. to secure a better future for your children and grandchildren and to make america great again. i want to attack the problems and make america great again. it s time for another comeback, time to make america great again. he didn t say it once or twice. he put an ad. in an interview they asked the last one was him on behalf of hillary clinton. so he was saying hillary clinton would make america great again, which he says is racist. so what does that say about about the clintons? yeah. donald trump has always had his critics but no one s ever brought up racism in donald trump until he started running as president. that s why jesse jackson praised
him in 1999. what do you think about bill clinton saying make america great is racist even though he has used it. e-mail us, facebook us or tweet us. i don t think bill clinton is racist. thank you, brian. let s hand it over to heather with more headlines. good morning. happy friday. headlines to bring you now. a sheriff s deputy is in critical condition after he was shot in the line of duty. he was responding to a call near san jose, california, when a suspect stepped out of the home and fired right at him. listen to what happened when his fellow officers found out that he was going to survive. there was probably 30 officers out there in the hallway and the elation from them to see and hear that he s going to recover was outstanding. it just made my day. of course it did. the deputy s partner shot and killed that suspect. while you were sleeping the obama administration quietly shutting down a prison at guantanamo bay, cuba.
a military official confirming to fox news that the site known as camp 5 will now be turned into a medical clinic. that s where problematic prisoners, those on hunger strikes and war criminals, had been housed. they will be moved to another area. 61 prisoners remain at gitmo now. more disrespect for the red, white and blue. on the nfl s opening night. watch this. that is the broncos linebacker brandon marshall taking a knee during the anthem supporting his friend and former teammate colin kaepernick. in the meantime the president of the ncaa comparing colin kaepernick to rosa parks. it s a lofty name but it s not a stretch. we ll let history be the judge
how consequential kaepernick s actions is. what do you think of that, rose is a parks? the whole seahawks team wants to do that this sunday. on 9/11. they want to do something to support our officers prior to 9/11. they re thinking about taking a knee or sitting down. wow. stand by for that. meanwhile, matt lauer hammered by the political left because of asking hillary clinton for her e-mail scandal. ryan lock by is banned fr from lochte is banned from visiting the white house. what?
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think in part because she s got decades of record where there are some inconsistencies. there are times when she s tried to pander to her base. there are some positions she s held that might be a little bit damaging. she got in trouble by trying to split the difference and pander to the base while talking to the middle on the issue of whether illegal immigrants should have driver s licenses. this is a moment that got panned. now that she s on the stage for a general election debate, you know, this will actually be the first time that she has made it out of the primary and on the stage debating against a republican. it will be very interesting to see how she tries to manage those past positions. absolutely. they weren t head to head, but they were on the same debate stage separated by half an hour. jessica, what do you think? i think the debates actually favored hvg as long as she really feels like she s coming
in there as an underdog. she s the underdog now? no, she needs to feel that she is. i think that s critical. she shines when she s in that position. contrast with someone like hillary clinton is a policy wonk. she s not a fantastic campaigner. maybe not joel benneton. the rest of us know that. if she stands up there and goes for the substance. her style will not be the same. he might not like it as much but if they re deciding who should be commander in chief, it favors her. kristen, real quick. matt lauer has been absolutely pulverized by the political left because he asked hard questions of her and apparently did not destroy donald trump. don t you think what the left is doing, this is the lightning round, quick answer, they re working the rest for the future debates? this bias the media has isn t towards the left, it s towards
big flashy headlines and stories. i hope this will get to stories as well. for me? i thought the issue with matt lauer s interview he spent 1/3 to half on her e-mails. he didn t push back on donald trump when he pulled his famous line out that he didn t support the war in iraq which we know he did. she voted on the war and he was a business guy. it doesn t matter. he s running on his record as a businessman. she s going to talk about his bankruptcies, accusations of racism throughout his career. these are things that she can bring up. he has a record, too. you know, he built this big company. he s going to have to defend it. the e-mails is fair game obviously but it needs to be fair. the election is 60 days away. kristen and jessica, thank you very much for joining us live today. thanks. good talk. meanwhile, we ve heard hillary clinton say this before. i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. there is no classified material.
well, we just got a brand-new report and it says exactly the opposite so that s not true. football players say a prayer after their win and now the team is under investigation. we report, you decide. i m claudine and i quit smoking with chantix.
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you only have so much. that s why we want to make sure you won t have to wait on hold. and you won t have to guess when we ll turn up. because after all we should fit into your life. not the other way around. all right. back to politics. and brand-new bombshell this morning blowing a massive hole in hillary rodham clinton s latest excuse for how she mishandled classified top secret information. this as former secretary of state colin powell responds to democrats claims that he taught her how to skirt government systems. he s speaking out. dan henry joins us live from washington with the latest on these ever unfolding scandals.
hey, ed. after dodging the press for months, hillary clinton has talked to the media several times this week. donald trump declaring she s trying to change the subject from this whole e-mail controversy as she took questions on a tarmac no reporters asked her about her e-mail as a government source told fox in one e-mail examined by the fbi, virtually every paragraph has what are known of portion markings. they re used to signify it s classified information. that could undercut clinton s claim to the fbi she did not know what any of these markings meant. clinton had a new examination that there were no headers, clear markings of any kind telling her they were classified information. watch. secretary clinton, how can you expect those such as myself who work hard to trust america s most sensitive information to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national
security. there was no statement secret, top secret or confidential. i communicated about classified material on a wholly separate system. i took it very seriously. now colin powell is clarifying an e-mail he sent to clinton in 2009 that seemed to lay out a roadmap for how to evade recordkeeping laws. powell is now saying he was not trying to influence clinton. he was talking about going around the state department servers with private e-mails from friends. he said the official e-mails were captured by state department servers. this controversy goes on. ed, it does. thank you very much. meanwhile, it s one of the most talked about tv shows.
netflix stranger things is already getting ready for a second season. that means it was good for the first season. fox light, michael tammero who sat down with stars of the show. hey, michael. that s right. noah, caleb gave me the inside scoop on what it was like to film season one. check it out. i love stranger things. how does it feel to be part of the hottest show this summer? it feels great. unexpected definitely. when they first started writing the show it was supposed to be a mini series. i didn t think it was going to be much of a big deal. now it s the hottest show of the summer. for those who haven t seen this show how would you describe it? it s a show about a group of friends who go out to find their best friend who gets lost in this other dimension. it s like a sci-fi thing. what was life on the set like? play a lot of dungeons and dragons.
we were all caught up in the hype of being on the set for the first season. dragons? running to the craft table. every weekend we got off we were like, falla sleep. any scary moments on the set, particularly in your character, the upside down? oh, yeah. there was this one time we were filming the scene where i m running back into the shed before i skip into the nether and i pick up the phone and it was the first time i heard the monsters like roar creepy sounds so they ended and there were these big speakers, huge speakers like right next to me but i didn t see them. i picked up the phone and they played the sound. i was like, what! it scared the hell out of me. it was so scary, that noise. do you know will? do you know where he is? hiding. from who? great stuff. congratulations, guys. thank you. big success to you. all the best. nice meeting you. nice to meet you. season two! yes.
the language. they cuss. the show is so good. so addicting. mark and i started on saturday night. we finished by sunday at like 2:00. it s a total 80s throw back. the goonies meets stephen king. season two is coming on netflix. check me out on fox news or find me on twitter or instagra instagram @foxlightmichael. coming up, be careful if you charge your cell phone in the car because that right there to happen. could catch on fire? yeah. i m no longer charging. could donald trump blasting president obama for crushing our military leadership. remember this? i think under the leadership of barack obama and hillary clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. wow. so how can we rebuild from the rubble if, in fact, our top press military panel agrees with
donald trump s assessment? we ll find out because these men are reporting for duty this morning. she spent summer binge-watching. soon, she ll be binge-studying. get back to great. this week 50% off all backpacks. office depot officemax. gear up for school. gear up for great. try duo fusion!ing antacids? new, two in one heartburn relief. the antacid goes to work in seconds. and the acid reducer lasts up to 12 hours in one chewable tablet. try new duo fusion. from the makers of zantac. i know more about isis then the apprgenerals do. age. john mccain, a war hero. he s not a war hero, he s a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren t captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country?
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understood, brake bias back 2 clicks. giving them the agility to have speed & precision. because no one knows & like at&t. listen to this. fox news alert now. north korea intensifying its show of force overnight. the communist country carrying out its most powerful nuclear test yet meant to send a message today so-called hostile u.s. the latest show of force that triggered a 5.3 earthquake. south korea calling kim jong-un s latest efforts fanatic. president obama says it will meet with serious consequences. doesn t he always say that? that coming after president obama doesn t listen to his generals.
we ll ask retired rear admiral casey cohn and retired major general, tom cutler is here. all of them are part of mission readiness. what is the sense, generals, thanks so much for being here, your message is so important for the next generation of our military. what is going on between the military and the civilian government? we live in a country where we respect the fact that our president is the commander in chief and we all respect that and i believe all of our generals, all of our admirals consistently provide their very best advice. at the end of the day you have that decision and that our commander in chief owns it. i would say, too, admiral, the commander in chief owns it, but i would also add to the fact that if they don t listen or if they continue to speak up, they also get told to retire. well, we serve at the
pleasure of the president so if, in fact, you find yourself in disagreement with the president, you may find yourself unemployed. right. that s the deal. i guess that is the deal, but what s in the best interests of america, general? well, i think in in the best interests of the country is that the generals and admirals and flag officers feel free to be able to speak their mind to the president and give him their best advice. that s why he hired them. i want you to hear what donald trump said the other night. i want to get your take because it strikes at your home and what you do for a living. here s him talking about the generals. i think the leadership of barack obama and hillary clinton, the generals have been reduced to rubble. they have been reduced to the point where it s embarrassing for our country. i m not sure what he means that they ve been reduced to rubble. if i had been at that presidential discussion, the question i would have liked to have asked both of them is as we
look to the future, we have perhaps concerns today, as we look to the future we re concerned that only 29% of our young people are even eligible to join the military. our generals provide advice, but it is our men and women of the military that do all the hard work. you re talking about readiness, right, admiral? and what is going on with the next generation? absolutely. that s what we focus on is the next generation. i have absolute confidence that our generals and admirals are giving the president good advice. i d like to be more confident in the next generation. some of the numbers are staggering about the next generation. it s an all volunteer fours. one in four have criminal records, one in seven nationwide are not enrolled in college and not doing anything in the work force. 71% nationwide can t qualify for military service because they can t pass the entrance exam, math and problem solving skills beings or overweight.
that s absolutely correct. there are solutions to that. what is that? well, early childhood education is a big piece of that. we believe strongly that we have to educate our youth and get them started on the right path. that s parents, isn t it? well, it s parents, but it s also our school system. it s also the government support for those school systems and for parents. general, in particular you re saying the school system s dropping the ball? in some cases, yes. right now with nutrition standards, 98% of the schools are in compliance. there s 2% that are still struggling. the child nutrition act is about to be reauthorized and we re actively promoting that the standards that were set be maintained, nutrition standards. there s fewer schools that have required physical education and all of these things add up to this complex obesity problem that affects 70% of those who are not qualified to go in the
military. we tend to take a long view. we re not we re not looking at next week, next year serious. we re looking 10, 15, 20 years out. if we re to maintain this really strong, really strong worldwide capability, we re going to have to have this the youth come forward. we need to make them ready. shouldn t there be some message within the schools that the military is a viable option? are you convinced in the primary schools they re getting that message? i don t know that they hear it in the primary schools. certainly we have recruiters that go to each of the schools and present the opportunity. when i was a wing commander, i was adjutant general of michigan, i had a very direct role in recruiting. it s very difficult to do so because a lot of young people would like to serve in the military, but they simply can t pass the entrance exam. there s clear evidence that if young people go to preschool, as
we all many of us have sent our own children to preschool, funding for preschool education at the state and federal level can make a lot of difference and help those young people get on the right path educationally so that they can join the military. we hosted a quality preschool education helps not just with education and lasts long into high school and beyond right. but we also know that it keeps kids away from crime. we have good statistical evidence to support that. i would say this. i know what you re saying about preschool. i see very few people that will push back on the need for preschool. i sent my son to public school, you re taking two periods of gym. in public school, it s not taken nearly as serious. it s moving the other way and we think that needs to be reversed. thank you all very much.
thanks so much. appreciate you joining us. heather, tell us what else is happening in the news. i will. good morning. good morning to all of you. one of the nation s largest banks, wells fargo, is under fire this morning accused of using its customers information to open new accounts and issuing new credit cards with fees. the problem with that is the customers never even knew about it. 5,000 bank employees have now been fired. they re accused of taking money from those accounts for five years in order to meet sales quotas. the bank is slapped with $185 million in fines and they ll be forced to pay back those customers. an suv up in flames. look at this right here. what on earth caused that? a smartphone. it s the galaxy note 7 reportedly sparking a fire that completely torched this jeep in florida. the phone was charging in that suv when it blew up pretty much like a ticking time bomb.
the owner had just had it for four days. surprising to me how quick the dash caught on fire. once it got the dash, the airbags went and started a 6.4 liter. wow, completely destroying that car. this coming as the faa issues a brand-new warning about the cell phones telling users to keep them off while flying. 2.5 million were recalled over battery issues. army football team prays and now they re under investigation. playing our brand of football. well, the u.s. military academy now investigating whether or not the team prayer violated religious freedoms of the players. that prayer edited out this video on the team s youtube page after 90 people registered complaints. one concerned person writing, quote, coach monacan has no business telling my son and his
army teammates to get on their knees and pray to jesus. this violates the constitution and to think this happened at west point. e-mail us at friends at fox we ll read some of those later in the show hopefully. those are your headlines. i ll see you soon. unreal. west point. wow. there you go. thank you, heather. meanwhile, straight ahead, this guy says he s the son of a prince and he s worth millions of dollars, so why is this guy on food stamps? royalty doesn t pay like it used to. the new iphone now available for pre-order. but is it worth the hype and is it worth your money? what about those headphones, wireless headphones? kurt, the cyber guy s advice, that you re going to want to hear before you hit the buy button. this is journey. why they broke up, i don t know. or did they break up. any way you want it
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all right. time for some news by the numbers. first, $1.7 billion. that massive payment from the united states to iran for freed prisoners may not have been the first. experts saying any prior payments in cash could not have been traced. there you go. next, millions, that s how much a man with ties to iranian royalty is worth. problem is, he s on food stamps. cops in ohio raiding his 8,000 square foot home complete with horse stables and luxury cars and he is on food stamps. finally, number one, yale university topping colleges college factuals with a best of colleges in the united states. is that a good school? yale? pre-orders for apple s new iphone starting overnight just days after the company unveils the seventh generation of its product, but is it worth all the hype and is it worth your money?
you would never ask me something like that, would you? you would ask chris, the cyber guy that point. that s a good point. 12:01 in the morning overnight is when pre-orders lit up at apple. they re not about to tell us the numbers this year. they said it s not about demand, it s more about supply. here s the phone that people are talking about. it s the apple iphone 7. it is now available regardless of which carrier you have and the features that are coming out here, well, they may not be the kind of break-through things that steve jobs would have tauted on stage but it is a solid upgrade from where it did come from. let s go through them. the camera is outstanding that you re looking at. cameras. dual lens on the front side. 12 megapixels. it takes spectacular images. that was proven. it has a lightning earpod on the bottom. the ear phone jack is now gone from the phone and everybody is just blazing online about criticism about this.
well, they ve also been upset about a lot of things apple has done in the past. remember, they removed the cd or dvd drive from computers. what are you doing? we all got used to it. wireless. those are the worst because i m going to lose them. these little things, those air pods, those will be in the bottom of i can t tell you how many airplane seats because they re tiny but, look, they work. they are a really good product. you have to pay for them. $159. they re not free. they don t come with the phone but the other head sets do with the adapter. because they re so little there is going to be a piece of software where it s find my ear buds. actually, there is. there is. can you rewind a little bit? you said you will get the ear phones free. you will get the wired ones. the lightning head set. on the bottom of the existing iphone here this audio jack goes bye-bye and the lightning jack that you charge with now becomes
the plug for the head set. that will come with the phone but not the wireless. you can t charge and wear your headphones at the same time. correct, except if you spend $39 and get an adapter. what about if we want to upgrade? i ll tell you what. if you go to fox & friends website right now or if you go to the facebook page, i will show you if you go on facebook and hit cyber guy, you can find this. you can see right there if you qualify for an upgraded iphone right now or just any phone. your phone company, there s a process. we have every phone company listed there. you just follow the instructions and in a matter of seconds you ll find out if you qualify or are eligible for the old phone? wipe out the old phone. there you go. no matter what you do, if you decide to get a new phone at any point, make sure you wipe your old phone. right. have a plan for the old phone. are you trading it in? crush it with a hammer. no, because you can sell it. of course he had to do that. he had to do that.
thanks so much. thank you, curt. still ahead on this friday, hillary clinton says isis wants donald trump to be president. can you imagine if donald trump said that? we re talking to trump campaign manager, kellyanne conway in the next hour. do you have a college savings plan for your child? if not, is it too late? not for ainsley. e open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me.
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are you trying to figure out how to save and invest your money but you re not exactly sure where to start?
well, guess what, you re in luck. here with answers to your money questions is the host of the national radio show chris brown s true stewardship, chris brown is here. honored to be here. we have some viewer questions and before we get to those about saving money and setting up the kids and things like that, i want you to share with the audience your personal story. well, the thing is all the way back when i was a kid, i can remember growing up in a roach infested apartment and being completely alone. having no hope and sleeping under a bridge in southern california for a long period of time. just a single mom, multiple divorces, lots of violence and poverty. growing up i realized i don t want to do that when i grow up. i graduated from college and i started my life off with kicking tail, rocking and rolling. next thing i know i bought a bunch of investment homes back in 2007. how much did you buy? eight. right before the bust and next thing i know i m paying mortgage payments on eight vacant homes i can t rent, i can t sell.
so i went bankrupt in 2011, so now i feel like my goal is to help people not fall in that same trap. all right. we ll listen to your advice. the first question is from kristen. she s from oklahoma. she says to you, chris, i have three children who need college funds started. they are 5, 7 and 9. where should i start? the best instruments for this is the 529 plan or a 529 plan or an esa education savings account. the thing i want to tell people on this one is make sure that you don t do that before retirement. you don t want them taking care of you after they graduate from college and they probably have about a 50% chance of graduating and using that degree. almost 100% chance of retiring. so take care of retirement first. michelle from texas says i have personal loans of $14,000 and $8,000 in pay day loans which are high interest rates. the pay day loans worry me a lot. we don t make a lot of money, i don t know where to start or
what to. that s a horrible feeling. pay day loans are brutal, stay away. she has to kick it in the teeth. she has to go after it, she has to sell some things. she has to live on a very small budget. take an extra job. both take an extra job. but you can fall into debt but you can t fall out of debt. you have to attack it. what are those pay day loans? they re absolutely brutal. where you get a huge loan for 21, 30, 40, 50% interest. the only way you can get out of it, you re making $500 payments, $1,000 payments. you have to kick it in the teeth. those are the check cashing places, they cake your paycheck when i walk by them, i start to cringe. i know the bondage tied to those places. you re right, kick it in the teeth. thanks, chris. good to see you. thank you. still to come, hillary clinton says isis wants donald trump to be president. trump s campaign manager kellyanne conway is here to react to that.
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when it s time to go for business, book on and get a free night when you stay with us two times. book direct at well, good morning to you and your family. it s friday. it s september 9th. we are now 60 days away from the election. donald trump is closing the gap in those swing states. the new numbers that could be a game changer in this race. then bill clinton says donald trump s slogan make america great again, well, that s racist. what it means is, i ll give you the economy you had 50 years ago and i ll move you back up on the social totem pole and other people down. well, maybe bill clinton forgot he said exactly the same thing a bunch of times and we have got the tape.
and the libertarian candidate, his name is gary johnson. he has a major meltdown on morning television. and what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. aleppo is in syria. imagine if that happened to donald trump? think about that for a second. we ll ask kellyanne conway, but again, i told you to think about that for a second. while i review the slogan mornings are better with friends. all right. thank you very much for joining us. we have a very, very busy friday. kellyanne conway is going to be coming up. we have a whole bunch of questions to ask her about trump s numbers. she hillary clinton s numbers are going down, his is going up. that didn t make the new york times. four negative donald trump stories on the front page. are you surprised? a little bit. they squeezed in one anti-matt lauer story. only one? there were a bunch of them. we ll talk about this. we have the latest polls,
yeah, they re getting neck and neck in the swing states. but first, we hand it over to heather who has some headlines for us. some important news from overseas overnight. it is a fox news alert. north korea intensifying the show of force overnight. the communist country carrying out the most powerful nuclear test yet meant to send a direct message to what it considers to be a hostile united states. the latest blast was so strong that it triggered a 5.3 magnitude earthquake. south korea calling kim jong un s latest move fanatic recklessness. president obama promised the provocative actions will be met with serious consequences but we have heard that before from the president. a sheriff s deputy in serious condition after he was shot in the line of duty. he was responding to a call near san jose, california, when a suspect stepped out of the home and fired right at him. listen to what happens when his
fellow officers found out that he was going to survive. there s probably 30 officers up there in that hallway right now. and the elation from them to see and hear that he s going to recover was outstanding. just made my day. well, the deputy s partner shot and killed that suspect. the fbi issuing a disturbing new terror warning for stadiums across the country. isis inspired terrorists in america are planning attacks at soft targets including sporting events and also concerts. 75% of the terror attacks in the last year in the united states has happened at soft target places including the pulse nightclub in orlando. that coming from the fbi. well, more fallout for u.s. gold medallist ryan lochte. he and three others are banned to a post olympic trip to the white house after being involved with the drunken incident in rio. the decision has some folks scratching their heads since he went to the white house after he was caught on camera smoking weed and then getting a dui.
rick ross was invited to the youth empowerment forum even though he was arrested for assault and his ankle monitor went off at the event. it s not the white house saying don t go. so the whole olympic team was invited to the white house and the olympic team said, everyone can go, but ryan, you can t go. he s been suspended from going swimming. he s not suspended from dancing with the stars. thank goodness. he can dance. he got one endorsement. heather, he ll lose to governor perry. it s his to lose. now for the latest on the race to the white house. it s a dead heat in the swing state, guys. quite a few of them. brand-new battleground polls show hillary clinton s lead is shrinking. all right. and they re cheering over where john roberts is right now. he s outside of donald trump s office and house, the trump tower. reporter: good morning to
you, steve, ainsley, brian. yeah, they re feeling good at the trump campaign after a slew of quinnipiac polls that came out yesterday that showed the big turn around in the polls that they were expecting over the last few weeks finally is beginning to happen. take a look at this. first of all, quinnipiac poll in florida tied up 47-47. in the state of ohio, so incredibly important on the path to victory if you want to become the president particularly if you re a republican, donald trump now leads hillary clinton by a point. 46-45. still some trouble in pennsylvania where she leads by five points, 48-43. and in north carolina where the quinnipiac poll shows her ahead by four points. but take a look at this. a suffolk university poll taken shows donald trump up by three point, 44-41. so some conflicting information coming out of north carolina this morning. today donald trump will be at the values voters summit in washington, d.c. he ll reach out to social conservatives, trying to energize them.
he ll talk about the importance as he sees it of appointing strict constitutionalist conservative justices to the supreme court. people that he likes would be in the mold of the late antonin scalia. he ll talk about the plan for school choice for those children who live in poverty. planning to repurpose $20 billion existing federal dollars in the form of block grants to the states which would be then doled out as scholarships. worth about $9,000 to $10,000 to more than 2 million families initially so they could pay for public schools outside of the district, parochial schools, charter schools, even private schools. here s what he had to say about that in cleveland. if we can put a man on the moon, dig out the panama canal, and win two world wars, then i have no doubt that we as a nation can provide school choice to every disadvantaged child.
reporter: his running mate mike pence will be joining him at the value voters summit in washington, d.c. significant because it s the first time that a republican presidential ticket has appeared at this summit since it was created back in 2006. the goal to energize social conservatives millions of whom stayed home in 2012. you ll hear ted cruz talk about it in the year running up the primaries that you need to energize the social conservatives, they can help propel a republican candidate to victory in 2016. ainsley, steve, brian? thank you very much. i heard somebody give a stat yesterday or the day before that donald trump s standing now with republicans is in the 80 s which is a step in the right direction. i heard it was 90 as high as 90% in the last poll that came out and i believe that was the the cnn poll. 90% of republicans are supporting him? although a lot were sounding off against him yesterday.
meanwhile, you saw the commander in chief forum a couple of nights ago over on nbc and msnbc. matt lauer has been absolutely pulverized by the political left because he asked her seven minutes worth of important questions about the e-mail stuff. and as it turns out, he s pulverized because he did not try to kill donald trump. what s interesting, somebody did the analysis. he did interrupt her seven times and they said he was too mean to her. he interrupted her a lot. he interrupted her seven times in a polite fashion. interrupted donald trump 13 times in a more confrontational way. i watched it. i thought it was completely even. i thought he interrupted he seemed fair. i thought he interrupted donald trump several times and i 13. right. i thought it was very even. you watched it too. i watch it too. here s the thing. this is first time that she s been answering questions directly with a follow-up question directly about the e-mail situation. he was very, very prepared.
when her answers did not add up, he followed up. when she decided to explain it away as a partisan attack, he came back with james comey s review and she had no answer. and that is the problem. and her presentation was not strong. as other people have brought up, people say it s not a sexist comment to say when you re being looked at as a president it s not only what you say it s how you say it and how you presented it. hence, al gore. he had all of the answers but he came off arrogant and self-important. therefore, he lost to a more authentic george bush. that s the people talked about her presentation and her anger yesterday. two days ago. that is part of being a president. how are you going to act under pressure? i thought that if you look at the news that came out, the negative news that came out, more negative news came out on donald trump from that forum than on hillary clinton. from vladimir putin to his review on the generals, to his take on the iraq war. those were three themes being used where yesterday everyone was trying to defend hillary
clinton. did you know that they re even using this as a fund-raising tactic? they sent out an e-mail matt lauer. about matt lauer. they re hoping more people will feel sorry for hillary clinton and give her more money. you know what s interesting, yesterday rather than talking in if up until noon or 1:00, rather than talking about what a terrible appearance hillary clinton had at the commander in chief forum where you know she was grilled for seven minutes nonstop, they were talking about gary johnson, he was over on another channel. he was asked about a place, an important place that he should have known about. he did not. and he spent they spent the whole day talking about gary johnson. why? well, here s how it started. what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. aleppo is in syria. it s the epicenter of the refugee crisis oh, i thought he was talking about an acronym.
i was thinking of an american american i don t know. a.l. you re going to make mistakes going forward also. i would make mistakes as president of the united states but i d be transparent in that, hey, i made a mistake. shouldn t have said what i said or whatever it happens to be. move on. whether or not that disqualifies me as being president of the united states, that ll be for people to determine. here s the thing about politics. you make one mistake and it can change the trajectory it s a big mistake. it s a huge mistake. he was hoping to get on the debate stage. if you get 15% or more, you can participate in the debates. i m not sure this is going to help him. right. not going to help. not going to help him. i thought greg gutfeld had a great point on this. what s worse not what s going on in aleppo or knowing and then doing nothing? that s what the president has done and in and around aleppo, 400,000 people have been killed during this administration. do you know what s curious about this? the day before gary johnson messed up the answer on aleppo,
mitt romney said i would like to see gary johnson on the debate stage. i wonder if mitt romney feels that way today. yeah. it s all about timing. yes. yes, we ll find out where mitt romney stands sooner or later. meanwhile, 12 minutes after the hour. coming up, they were put up to show support for police officers. now, they have to come down until you until you hear why wait till you hear why. it is disgusting. plus donald trump wants a wall. you know that. everybody wants the wall. we ll have the wall. we ll have the wall. well, that s very nice. well, now the united kingdom wants to build a wall of its own. and we have a brit who lives here now and he s next on fox & friends. it s easy to love your laxative.
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well, there is a big new war wall that is being built on the border to stop illegal
immigrants from entering a country. really? but it is not where you might think. the uk now announcing a plan to build a wall to stop migrants from sneaking into britain from france. so this could this be a big told you so moment for donald trump? here to discuss is former strategy director to british prime minister david cameron and the crowdpac ceo steve hilton. great to have you. great to be here. when donald trump said hey, when we re building a wall and mexico is going to pay for it, some people say he s crazy. you can t build a wall. but now, great britain is talking about it. what s the reaction? i think i there s nothing unreasonable about a country wanting to protect its borders. and as you said, when you hear people critics of trump talking about the plan it s as if he s talking about building a wall on the moon or something. this plan in the uk shows that countries have a perfectly good right and responsibility to decide who comes into their
country and to protect their borders. i think if the uk is doing it it shows that the u.s. should do it and other countries too. i don t understand. i think it shows actually why so many of the things that trump says seem so strange and crazy to people pause we have got so used to because we got so used to government being useful and income me tent and people can t cope with it. the president built a wall around the white house. if you buy a house, a lot of people put a fence around or a brick wall around the house. israel s got a wall. that s right. if you talk to the political elite their turn their nose up at it. and we should vet the people that come into our country. to make sure whether they have terrorist connections, whether they are committed to american values. what s wrong with that? again, people think that that s some outlandish, unreasonable thing and it s not. this gets people angry, not
only did people disagree with you, but they call you names. xenophobic, you re not tolerant, you don t like hispanic people. people sit there and they simmer. donald trump walks out and they cheer. and that i think there s a linkage there. exactly. there s no contradiction actually between being an open and welcoming country to people who can come here and contribute to our economy and our society. as well as protecting our borders and making sure that the kind of people we don t want in america don t get in. sure. it s interesting because in your home country in the last couple of months they had the big brexit vote which you were involved in. absolutely. on the winning side. absolutely. it was all about choice. we don t like the direction we re going. right now, coming up, november 8th. we have a choice as well. which path are we going to go and these two candidates are two completely different choices. i think that the thing that connects those two big votes is this sense that people have had for many years now that it
doesn t matter who they elect in england whether it s conservatives or labor, here democrats or republicans. it s as if nothing really changes in their life. whoever is in government. then when you get a candidate like trump who really looks like he s going to make a big difference, people really respond to that. just as in brexit where they felt finally we can take control of our country and make a big change. finally they re listening to us. yeah. here s the other thing. you re stupid if you re vote for brexit, and naive and do you mean if you vote for trump. you re racist, xenophobic, you want to put up the wall. to your country, and not be welcoming to anyone at all. that s not what that was about. it s not what it s about here and i think people will be surprised when they see the outcome just as they were in the you re predicting that trump is going to win? i think it s already we can see from the poll, it s so much closer than people predicted even a few weeks ago. steve, thank you. good to be with you. well coming up, bill clinton
says trump s slogan make america great again is racist but maybe he forgot that he said the exact same thing. we re going to roll the tape on that. and we re going to get trump s campaign manager to respond. kellyanne conway, live here, coming up shortly. millions of women worldwide trust tena with their bladder matters. thanks to its triple protections from leaks, odor and moisture. tena lets you be you afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose.
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nasa launches a rocket to stop the potentially dangerous asteroid from colliding with the earth. three, two, one liftoff of osiris rex. seven-year mission to boldly go to the asteroid bennu and back. wow. what a week. look at that thing. see it again in seven years.
it s an $800 million mission. it s going to take two years it says just to get to bennu. the goal is to get a sample of that asteroid like in a ziploc bag and then bring it back here to earth for research. who is? bruce willis? i doubt it. a visa loophole that allowed the 9/11 hijackers to remain in the u.s. is still here today. officials say many people are coming to the u.s. legally, but we re not really sure if they actually leave. sully, sully. sully. sully! where are you? where are you, sully? the new movie called sully reveals the untold story on miracle on the hudson. i hear it s great.
should we go see it? i m not going to go unless the guy from tells me to. kevin mccarthy. steve, i see what you did there by saying it s landing in theaters. i m not going to lie, that made me laugh. definitely made me laugh. that was very clever. this looks like a great movie, but we have heard people say that it s not accurate. well, the film itself is basically the untold story in regards to it it picks right up after the events of the plane landing on the hudson and then it s more about what sully went through in regards to the hearings, the ntsb saying he could have made it back to laguardia. but clint eastwood directed this movie. i had the insane rare opportunity to sit down with him. when i sat down in this room, all i wanted to know is how do you recreate the plane landing on the hudson? and while he was answering this question, he decided to eat peanuts. watch this. how are you making it look like they re actually hitting the water. how do you film that? i don t know how i did that.
you just do it in pieces. we shot all the point of views of the boats coming in. all this. then we shot back in the lake here in california, we shot where the plane the exact same plane, same type of plane. and in the lake on a gim bell and we can move it around. that s awesome. it is. you surround yourself with the people who know a lot of stuff, then you can do all kinds of stuff. okay. that was the man with no name. a man with no name. that s called experience. you can do whatever you want when you re clint eastwood, right? eat peanuts in the interview. 86 years old. he s 86 years old. wow. he looks great. think of all the films he s made, american sniper it s
phenomenal. and it s only about 90 minutes long. they recreate the plane landing about three or four times from different perspectives. and tom hanks does a brilliant job of playing captain sully and laura linney who plays sully s wife is fantastic as well. i gave it a 4.5 out of 5. my only problem with the film there was a bit of dialogue issues early on and some stories didn t play out the way i wanted them to. but overall a very solid film. i knew nothing about the hearings and the story that he went through. ntsb has a problem with it. you sat down with sully, didn t you? yeah. this was an incredible honor. this was before my clint eastwood interview. the eastwood interview wasn t supposed to happen, but i saw him in the hallway. and captain sully i spoke to him about watching tom hanks play him on camera, does that give you any insight into yourself?
do you learn things about yourself, mannerisms wise that hanks picked up on? sure. it s almost an out of body experience the first time i watched the film. to see someone else portraying me and saying my words. it s like wait a minute, that s me, but that s not me. kind of weird. but you re right. i began to notice things about did i move my hands or how much did i blink, something about the little things he does to portray me that aren t things you really think about. but in aggregate they really as a whole mean that it seems like sully. it seems true, it seems real. sully shaved his mustache. he lost his mustache. yeah. and tom hanks grew out his mustache and they actually painted his mustache white to make it look like that. if you want to see more of clint eastwood eating peanuts follow me on twitter and i ll post the
full interview there. great job. have a great weekend. 30 minutes before the top of the hour. straight ahead, as we get ready to honor the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks i got a tour of the tribute center which is relatively new and i discovered a powerful attraction with my guide. that story, coming your way. looking forward to that. and hillary clinton says isis is praying for donald trump to win the white house. isis spokes people rooting for donald trump s victory. unbelievable. now imagine if donald trump said that about her. his campaign manager, kellyanne conway, is here to react. come on in kellyanne. there s something out there. that can be serious, even fatal to infants.
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the libertarian candidate gary johnson he s the former governor of new mexico, gary today you might want to hold your yeahs, he got himself demoted from third party candidate to maybe fifth party candidate with this. what would you do if you were elected about aleppo? about aleppo. what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. aleppo is in syria. it s the epicenter of the refugee crisis okay, got it. got it. okay. i hate to say it, but that could cost him the election. again, does he know who he is now, i guess? ironically the thing that put gary johnson on the map is not knowing the map. jimmy kimmel. that was pretty clever. that last line. look who s here, kellyanne
conway who is donald trump s campaign manager. do you think mitt romney who came out the day before and said i really hope gary johnson can be on the debate stage, do you think he still wants him on the debate stage? i m sure he does. romney and a lot of the consultants are swinging at us every day. they can t believe what s happening and they can can t believe the republican party is trying to veer towards the elites where it was going and over to the party of the worker. i can t believe that mitt romney wants people to vote for somebody other than the republican. yes. that s a great point. because, you know, everything that we re doing over at the trump campaign in particular mr. trump is done without the full support of the republicans. he has them taking swings at hs embarrass him at the rnc. we re working with the rnc.
working on the ground game and i know there s professional jealousy, as goes mr. trump. because he s taking the case to hillary clinton in the way that you see the polls tightening, doing policy speechers. he s an excellent debater and the way he s preparing is as unconventional as he is as a candidate. the quinnipiac polls has him up in ohio, dead heat in florida. back on top according to the polls in north carolina. it will force him off the bench and into the game. in the big picture though, when you look at the criticism that matt lauer s gotten, do you believe it s justified? are you unhappy with the way he approached his forum last night? no, i think it s completely unjustified to be criticizing matt lauer and to suggest that people in the media thought their immediate colleague matt lauer should be protecting hillary clinton and not asking her the tough questions about her report. brian, the rest of the country agrees with matt lauer. they obviously have a problem with her lies, restart with libya, with boko haram and benghazi. look at her polling numbers.
why isn t this woman putting this race away? she has the perfect d.c. resume and this would be next. by way, they act like matt lauer is being attacked in a way as if he put the private server, you know n the house. like, guys, he didn t, she did. it s as if he deleted 33,000 e-mail, he hid another 17,000 from you. so people have a problem with her. her honest and trustworthy numbers have gotten worse. there were no headers! matt lauer is someone else to blame if someone attacks her. let me ask you about this. she said that isis is praying for donald trump to become president. what if he had said that? listen to this. isis spokes people rooting for donald trump s victory. the jihadists see this as a great gift. they are saying, oh, please, allah, make trump president of america. bizarre. now, what if the roles were
reversed, what if he said that. what would have been the reaction of the mainstream media? well, it becomes the loop on the chyron for three straight days. there s evidence to the contrary that the way that the media covered donald trump is the way that americans look at donald trump. that s the greatest disconnect, the greatest story not told in this campaign in my view. when you go to the rallies when you go i was at the fair in a county, mahoning county in ohio on monday with governor pence and mr. trump. that s not even a rally where you have a ticket and you re going to sit and you re waiting. it was a fair. people were eight and ten deep. they couldn t get him through. secret service wouldn t allow him to do his interview outside because of the security concerns. 80, 85,000 people. she doesn t get that. because she she doesn t get that. she doesn t do rallies and fairs because she doesn t get the crowds. here is donald trump walking
past the funnel cake. i wanted to stop and he kept walking. for the funnel cakes. it s unbelievable, people who say that rallies or fairs don t matter, they need to look. he s build a movement and people are happy to be part of the movement. you see it reflecting in the polls. of course the slogan make america great again. who knew it was racist? that is what bill clinton said down in orlando this week. listen to this and then we ve got something embarrassing about mr. clinton. that message where i ll give you america great again, if you re a white southern you know exactly what it means, don t you? what it means is, i ll give you the economy you had 50 years ago and i ll move you back up on the social totem pole and other people down. really? is that what he meant when he said this, bill clinton, for his wife and for himself? listen. i believe that together we can make make america great
again. to secure a better future for your children and grandchildren and make america great again. i want to attack these problems and make america great again. it s time for another comeback. time to make america great again. so when trump says it, it s racist, but when he says it s not? that performance is really something. bill clinton is known as a very strong campaigner, a great voice in politics. and not this cycle. i think she s going to ask him to stop campaigning again soon. look, this is what happens when you have been in public life for 30 some years. chances are, you have said something that contradicteds what you re saying now and i actually the idea that he s calling, you know, millions and millions of americans racist because they support donald trump is really a disgrace. i think it s part of how we ll win. people are so tired of being told who they are, and what they think and how to believe and how to vote. and also they re tired of the political correctness. they tired of people presuming what s in their heart. i think this is a big mistake on
their heart. just like hillary clinton saying that, you know, claiming that donald trump he talked about the national security. in 2008 she came out of the national security briefing. she said i m getting the national security briefing, i ll not confident about our military readiness. now she attacks him. my faith is in the voter, i think the reason that the polls are tightening is because the people see mr. trump giving specific policy speeches, she s still talking about him. i know you re off to washington, d.c. thank you. look at who s hanging out in our greenroom, this donald trump. he s like alike. he s taken the country by storm. he s saving his best impression just for us. it will be huge. don t go anywhere. we get ready to honor the mark 15 years since the 9/11 attacks. i got a special tour of something you should be doing too and i discovered a powerful
connection with my guide, joe connor. that story, coming up. nexium 24hr is now the #1 choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. for complete protection all day and night make nexium 24hr your #1 choice.
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yet up 90% fall short in getting key nutrients from food alone. let s do more. add one a day women s gummies. complete with key nutrients we may need. .plus it supports bone health with calcium and vitamin d. one a day vitacraves gummies. 2,977 people died on september the 11th, 2001, and behind each victim is an important story. the 9/11 tribute center in new york city is a project designated and designed to bring each of those stories to life forever. and brian toured that center the very special with a very special guide. yeah. joe connor, he s familiar to the fox & friends audience. he saw the planes hit the world trade center on 9/11. his cousin steve shlag died that
day. now 15 years after the terrorist attack that brought down the twin towers he s working for the 9/11 tribute center to share his story and tell others and help them understand and remember what happened 15 years ago. we took that tour. when i saw the planes hit out my window i never dreamed they might fall. even though it s been 15 years since 9/11, 2001, that s a group of people making sure we never forget. joe connor is one of these people. thanks so much. can you orient me into how it was before the attacks. sure. if you want to look at this picture here, you can see the north tower that has the antenna on top. it s outlined over here. the south tower is next to it which is right over here. and here s the marriott hotel which would have been right in this area. a week after 9/11 when we came back down to work, this is what we saw. and the amazing 110-story towers were a few stories of rubble.
now to tribute that, the footprints are outlined and ringed with the names of those who lost their lives. they re put in meaningful adjacency. meaning that the people who knew each other, their names are next to each other. so there s something else. 343 firefighters lost their lives. there s something special for them. here s the firefighter memorial. this depicts when the planes hit the trade center over here. their faces are without detail. their helmets don t have the fire company on it because it could be anybody. it s a tribute to all firemen. but the names of all 343 are at the bottom. so joe, where are we now? we re in the 9/11 tribute center. what i love about volunteering at the tribute center we can talk about the individuals,
their lives. everyone had a story. everyone had a family and everyone had a loss. i think it s much more impactful for people who visit here. there s not an inch here that doesn t mean anything. even from the floor we re standing on has the layout of the streets. it s the grid of the city. we think about it as thousands of people died. everyone had something that was important to them. you think it s only a holster or a coat, but it was incredibly important to the families. this is special here, i think. this was his brain child, this contribute center. this was founded by lee in 2006. and this was his son s uniform and his helmet which meant everything to the firemen. and to think that his son was found and his equipment like this, you see how it literally was torn off his back. it s that is to me about the most touching thing that i have seen of in this museum.
so here s the main room on the first floor. yeah. what are we seeing? we see about 800 pictures of loved ones. we do happen to have my cousin steve s picture. steve shlag right here. he s 41 at the time, three kids. like i said, everyone has a story. tim finnerty a friend of ours is over here. number ten. let s see tim. and he married my wife s cousin. is that right? that s true. really? yeah. so you know tim? i know him well. yeah. great guy. you know, that was the thing, right? so you didn t wow. you didn t know that he knew him? tim finnerty is my wife s is my wife s cousin. tim married. he was over at the house all the time. he was at cantor fitzgerald. we helped to get the dna for, hopefully he would survive but
sadly he didn t. so for joe connor to see 2,797 pictures, by the way, here s tim finnerty i rode to work with. and you knew him. a great guy, a basketball player. how is theresa doing? well, she s doing well. she s moved on, gone, but not forgotten. now you all know about the tribute center. walk in, unbelievable. quite moving. believe it or not, it looks like pictures up here, you can find your loved ones. good job. thank you, brian. all right. of course we ll be live on september 11th right here on fox & friends. meanwhile, we ll switch gears and it looks like donald trump is hanging out in the greenroom. reading a book about himself. yeah. after the break, meet the trump impersonator who s taking the country by storm. hmmmmmm...
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every once in a while, we have a special guest show up in our studio and look who s here. ladies and gentlemen, it sure looks like donald trump. yes. good morning. good morning. fantastic. i m so happy that i followed kellyanne. she s absolutely amazing. doing a tremendous job. tremendous. how are you? i m great. i feel fantastic. i m crushing crooked hillary clinton. i m doing so well. just across the board, i really am. you have to admit. you could end up in the white house. i am going to end up in the white house, i m telling you. i m not going to live there though. why? because it s very old. we re going to demolish that and
put up something much newer. a fantastic trump property. 42 stories or something. will there be a wall around it? there s going to be a tremendous trump wall. everyone is talk attack wall street along the southern border. 55 feet high with an amazing trump hotel on top. and the windows are only going to face the american side. the american side. let me tell you. and on go ahead. who s going to pay for your wall, the one in washington? i m self-funding everything with donations from you people. that s who s going to pay for it. fantastic people. what about the e-mail scandals? does it bother you? it absolutely bothers me. earlier on, she said she did it for convenience, she didn t want to carry two devices. turns out she had 13 devices and two ipads and a cup with a string between them. this woman is ridiculous. do you travel with a flip
phone or i don t travel with anything. i talk to people telepathically. but you love twitter. i love twitter. 2:00 or 3:00 or 4:00 in the morning. you love your hair. this is real hair. i have to tell you. the impersonation is fantastic. john did domenico was here how long ago? 2006. doing? doing trump right when the apprentice was exploding. you have four more years 4, 8, 12, forever. i m not going anywhere. let me tell you anything. win, lose you won t get rid of me. you re the healthiest person to run for president. have you seen my doctor s note. i m the healthiest to run in any country. how do you that with the hair? it s eight inches long and we flip it back. it floats back. can you impersonate geraldo? yeah.
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good morning to you and your family. it s friday, september 9th. it feels so good here in new york that we decided to move the show outside. beautiful. your decision. it was my decision. i decide everything on this show. yeah. matt lauer gets trashed by the left for how he handled the town hall style of debate, but there s one journalist hillary clinton seems to be happy to take questions from. i love you, andrea. you are indefatigable. you re my kind of woman. look at this. i know. go ahead. we have a live report straight ahead.
then bill clinton says donald trump s slogan make america great again, well, that s racist. what it means is, i ll give you the economy you had 50 years ago and i ll move you back up on the social totem pole and other people down. but maybe bill clinton forgot he said that same thing about make america great again, not just once, but many times and we have the tape and geraldo rivera is going to weigh in on that promptly. yes. then he ll reveal his weight. and judge jeanine finds out how hard it is to destroy a blackberry like hillary clinton. jim comey, if this ain t intense, then there s no such thing. the judge holds hillary s count court this hour. we ll talk about it. it s hammertime. yes, it is. indoors or outdoors, your mornings are better with
friends. wow. inside our building, 1211 avenue of the americas you have al and challenger the eagle who has been on this program many, many times. as our program will spend a whole weekend talking about 9/11. yeah. 50th anniversary on sunday. we ll be live here as well. one word to describe an eagle, what would it be? for me, majestic. yeah. in the 70s they talk about how they would be extinct. now we have got them off the list. let s talk about the race that everybody is talking about, the race for the white house. don t ask tough questions, the hillary campaign will attack you. the left is in an uproar over matt lauer s questions at the
commander in chief forum. too hard on her, not hard enough on him, donald trump. meanwhile, standing in front of donald trump s world headquarters is john roberts. john? reporter: you know, i can almost hear you from here, steve. in the background. but i ll wave to you guys. good morning. the clinton campaign is working this commander in chief forum all it possibly can. you know, especially the point of they believe that matt lauer did not treat hillary clinton fairly. i mean, they sent out a fund-raising letter yesterday under the title of matt lauer which said, quote, not only did the mediator matt lauer fail to fact check trump, he kept the conversation moving. the new york times columnist nichol nicholas kristof tweeted about the forum, feels like an embarrassment to journalism. now compare what the clinton
campaign is saying about moderator matt lauer to what she said yesterday about his colleague correspondent andrea mitchell during that plane side press availability yesterday. listen to this. i love you, andrea. you are indefatigable. you re my kind of a woman, i ll tell you what. look at this. i know, go ahead. reporter: now in fairness to andrea mitchell she was being persistent. wanted to ask hillary clinton a question. i mean, i remember being with her in belgrade. she got on her hands and knees and crawled in between tripods to ask jesse jackson a question. she is nothing if not persistent. but matt lauer really being dinged for not following up on donald trump and correcting him when he said that he was against the iraq war even before the war. even though he s on record as telling howard stern i guess we should go in. but don t forget matt lauer were very quick to follow up on the question on the sexual assault in the military where he challenged donald trump on it.
seemed to rock him back on his heels. i mean, my feeling is i think lauer did a fine job. i feel the same way. i was stunned about the backlash. let s talk to geraldo rivera. did you think matt lauer was too hard on her and not hard enough on him? one quick story. in haiti, covering the earthquake, i was in the position where i wanted to get to hillary. she did everything to duck me. i swear to god, i was over there, she started to walk behind people like this. you know? finally i m reaching out to her, madam secretary. she s very, very she s good at dodge ball. tactical at this. in terms and also, i must say, i think in fairness to matt, i love matt. that donald is very charismatic, charming. it s not that easy to be mean or harsh with donald trump. he actually interrupted donald trump 13 times, her seven. take me at my word and my experience, he s he s a
chummy guy. you elbow up to the bar with him. hillary on the other hand is like the schoolmarm who kept you late. i think the humorlessness in her campaign is one of the strategic deficits that she s facing and i think it s wearing on the american electorate. i think it is part of the reason he s surging in the polls. was matt lauer fair or unfair? it s a tough scene, you have 30 minutes each. i think he did a fine job. huge ratings. i want to see more of it. but when they re face to face in the debate the american people can judge who s well versed on the issues, who s the most articulate. what s the most reasonable and trustworthy and who gives us the comfort level they ll give us national security and, you know, a firm hand at the tiller of running the country. hey, geraldo, bill clinton was down in the important state in this election of florida. speaking in orlando this week. he said make america great again, the slogan donald trump s slogan, is racist. listen to this.
that message i ll give you make america great again is if you re a white southerner you know what it means. don t you? what it means i ll give you the economy you had 50 years ago and i ll move you back up on the social totem pole and other people down. here s what s ironic about it. back in 199 1 and for years after that, he used the exact same slogan. listen to this montage. i believe that together we can make america great again. to secure a better future for your children and your grandchildren and to make america great again. i want to attack these problems and make america great again. it s time for another comeback. time to make america great again. and the last one is cure use
because that curious because he s saying that hillary clinton would make america great again. if trump is racist when he says it are they racist when they said it? i don t like that slogan. i have to tell you that it s very easy and the first thing i thought of was make america white again and i don t like. trump uses its, clinton uses it. do as i do, not as i say. it s totally appropriate to use it if you like it or dig it. i think that s hypocrisy involved. i think we re way or antennas are up for the racist lingo and people want to get labeled. if i want to make the mets great again, what am i saying? one thing that s undeniable is that this is the one of the most racial elections in modern history. look and listen, i m not blaming anybody. i m merely pointing out that when the votes are tallied and everybody is one thing and one side and another thing on the other side, there s going to be a huge healing process that whoever wins has to deal with. yeah, we ll all provide the back teen. let s talk about gary johnson.
you can find aleppo. you probably have been there. i have never been to aleppo. biblical city, wonderful, ancient. at least you have heard of it. gary johnson locked up on this. and what is aleppo? you re kidding? no. aleppo is in syria. it s the epicenter of the refugee crisis. oh, i thought he was talking about an acronym. i was thinking of american i don t know. i m going to make mistakes going forward also. i would make mistakes as president of the united states, but i d be transparent in that, hey, made a mistake, shouldn t have said what i said or whatever it happens to be. move on. whether or not that disqualifies me as being president of the united states, that ll be for people to determine. i m sorry, i bombed albany instead of aleppo. i made a mistake.
there s a picture from aleppo of a 5-year-old boy there it is. this picture has given me nightmare, has given america nightmares. it s the personification of what aleppo is exactly, steve. and what the war is. the largest city in syria, the epicenter of the suffering. that young kid, the 5-year-old whose sibling died that that bombing says everything about it. i think it is unforgivable of gary johnson and i think it s disqualifying. i think he revealed in a sentence how thin his background is. you know, that maybe it comes from the smoke from when he was a real libertarian, but not to know what aleppo is or what stalingrad was in the second world war ii, not to know the battle of the bulge or the landing of normandy, so utterly ignorant. i don t mean to be harsh on the guy but you are. he may not be president. he may not be president.
there you go. geraldo, thank you very much. thank you. and great to see you. you look so sharp together. see you on the radio. i ll be there. ten minutes after the top of the hour. let s go inside where it s quieter for some headlines. it is. good morning to you. a fox news alert right now. serious story from overseas. president obama now promising what he calls serious consequences after north korea s latest show of force and this is a big one. the communist country carrying out its most powerful nuclear test yet. that blast so strong that it triggered a 5.3 magnitude earthquake. south korea calling kim jong un s latest move fanatic and reckless. we ll keep you posted. well, while you were sleeping the obama administration quietly shutting down a prison at guantanamo bay, cuba. a military official confirmed that the site that s known as camp five will now be turned into the medical clinic. that s where problematic prisoners like war criminals and those who were on hunger strikes
will be housed now. they will be moved to another area. just 61 inmates now remain at gitmo. and an suv up in flames. take a close look at this. the cause of this fire a smartphone. the galaxy note 7 sparking a fire that completely torched a that phone was charging in the suv when it blew unlike a bomb. the owner had only had it for four days. very surprising to me how quick the dash caught on fire. once i got the dash, the air bags went and started exploding. well, that happening as the faa issues a brand-new warning about the cell phones telling users to keep their users off when flying. 2.5 million phones were recalled over battery issues. and a nice story to bring you. a high school football team in california making its most important play before taking the field. all 57 members from foothill high school laying an orange
rose at the feet of a cheer leader who had been diagnosed with leukemia. orange is the color for leukemia awareness. then look at her as she seems to break down in tears. well t opposing team is asking fans to wear orange in honor of the cheerleader. we re wishing her the very wish and a strong recovery at that. oh. ashley strong. we have to tweet out about that. thank you for sharing that, heather. all right. we have heard hillary clinton say this before. i did not e-mail any classified material to anyone on my e-mail. there is no classified material. yeah, right. we just got a brand-new report that says the exact opposite is true. ed henry has details. you re only going to see it here, next. and this guy says he s the son of a prince. and he s worth millions. so why is he collecting food stamps? i m looking at you. you moocher.
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60 days until the election and brand-new bombshell this morning, blowing massive hole in hillary clinton s latest excuse for how she handled classified information. these a colin powell this as colin powell responds to how he handled the e-mails. reporter: good morning. hillary clinton has talked to the media several times this week alone. donald trump declaring she s trying to change the subject from the e-mail controversy by talking to reporters finally. interesting no reporters asked about her e-mail yesterday. as the government source told fox in one e-mail examined by the fbi, virtually every paragraph had what are known as portion markings used to signify it s classified information. that could undercut her claims that she didn t know what the markings meant. when confronted by a military vet, clinton had a new
explanation, there were no headers or markings of any kind telling her it was classified. watch. secretary clinton, how can you expect people such as myself to have any confidence in your leadership as president when you clearly corrupted our national security? there was no statement, top secret, confidential or classified. i communicated about classified e-mail on a wholly separate system. i took it very seriously. reporter: now, colin powell is clarifying an e-mail he sent to clinton in 2009 that seemed to lay out a road map for how to evade recordkeeping laws. powell now says he was not trying to influence clinton s approach to official e-mail, but going around the servers with private e-mails. he says the official e-mails were captured by state department servers. by the way a republican congressman mark meadows is slamming the state department for giving democrats that colin powell e-mail five days after they asked for it in order to make a political point.
meanwhile, there was a freedom of information act request for that same e-mail from colin powell that was filed in 2014. state department did not turn it over for a couple of years until democrats asked for it. guys, back to you. isn t that convenient? all right. eddie, thank you. good to see you. coming up on a friday, west point football players said a prayer after a big win and now the team is under investigation. we ve got this story coming up straight ahead. and there were many incredible stories of heroes in the wake of 9/11. and you re about to hear one of them. the story of the man in the red bandana. it will change your day.
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we ve got some quick friday morning headlines for you right now. a disturbing new terror warning as sports fans plan 9/11 memorials across the country this weekend. the fbi is warning that stadiums could be targets prime targets for isis inspired attacks. sporting events and concerts packed with innocent people now becoming their focus instead of government buildings. they are soft targets. and a failed white house attempt to rescue two professors
kidnapped by the taliban. navy s.e.a.l.s coming up short in a raid to save the professors, an american and an australian working in afghanistan for the american university. troops killing several insurgents but not finding the hostages. a previous rescue mission was aborted because the white house would not give their approval. ainsley and brian? thank you. one story captured the attention of the entire nation that s the story of welles crowther. only known as the man in the red bandana. in his brand-new book the red bandana tom rinaldi talks about this young man and his sacrifices. tom rinaldi now joins us. great to see you. thanks for having me. how did you get linked with this story? we first told the story ten
years ago for the tenth anniversary. five years ago, rather. drew gal ager, a friend of welles crowther wanted to tell us about the sacrifice of 9/11. what is the story of the red bandana? when he was a boy, 7 years old on his way to church service, his father gave him a red bandana and he kept it with him the rest of his life. wore it under helmets when he played on hockey and la crosse teams. when he wore suits and worked in finance in the south tower, he kept it in his back pocket. when the second plane hit, flight 175 hit the south tower he made his way down from 104 to 78 and he encountered an undescribable scene of horror there. up to 200 people dead and dying. in the smoke and the flames he tied the red bandana over his
nose and mouth. he led 20 people down the flights and he carried a woman across his back, and he went back up and did it again. the only thing that the survivors recounted about him was he had a red bandana. a couple of things. he loved being a firefighter. volunteer firefighter. he had an application filled out, ready to hand in. he probably was going to do that next. he told his dad, hey, dad, i don t think i want to do this anymore. i think i want to make a career change. that s right, brian. a month before 9/11 he set up he s in finance. he s 24 he s in he s at the equities trading desk at a powerf powerful firm. he calls his dad, i want to join the fdny. and a heart breaking scene, his dad and mom go to clean out his apartment and they find that application filled out. where did we find welles when we finally recovered his body? in march of 2002, he was found surrounded by the remains of other firefighters.
which means he made it down to the lobby, 75 feet, guys, seconds away, but did not leave. instead, he went to try to help the fdny. his parents didn t know his son had saved so many lives until they read so many accounts. the people he saved said a guy saved us with a red bandana. they red a long feature story in the new york times and his mom saw this detail, a man with a red bandana. she thought, i found him. that s my son. and the third part of the book traces the detective story of her finding his identity. you tell a great visual story every day when you work on television. but this story really rolls because it also writes itself because it s so amazing. guess what, tom, you might have to expand your book. in paper back. this is going to expand. you had someone come up to you last night. last night we had a book
signing and remarkably at the gathering afterward somebody said my dad talked about several people who we had not found in the reporting of the book who said they were saved by a man with a red bandana that day. it s just a remarkable story. he was 24 years old. he would have been 40 years old this year. hard to believe it s been 15 years. have you kept in touch with his parents and how are they doing now? saw them last night. i spoke to them probably 25 times this week. remain very close with his family. his sister anna wrote a wonderful children s book about him. it s been incredible to see the way this legacy has spread. right. you i mean, what you re doing to keep his name alive is fantastic. but i know it s a tough day for everybody on sunday. no question. amazing to think, 15 years have passed. a quick point, there s so much division in our country and so much discord. this is a piece of common ground. this story that we can walk on and be proud of i think as a citizenry, that goes well beyond
9/11. thank you for sharing that story. please go on amazon and buy his book called the red bandana about welles life and what he did to save people. meanwhile, hillary clinton said that isis is praying for donald trump to win the white house. isis spokes people are rooting for donald trump s victory. can you imagine if donald trump said that about her? judge jeanine here to weigh in. and look who else is in our green room. how challenger the eagle is changing people s lives for the better. [alarm beeping]
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when the stars and stripes and the eagle flies there you go. good morning, challenger. for over 200 years the bald eagle has been the symbol of our freedom in america and no other bird takes more responsibility than challenger the eagle who joins us live. steve, he s honoring the fallen heroes of 9/11 and he s helped to raise the spirits of all americans across the country. and here with us is president of the american eagle foundation, al sisari and challenger the eagle. good morning. what are you doing together on 9/11? 9/11 we ll be at at the baltimore ravens game, september 11th tribute. honor the heroes the fallen heros and challenger will fly into the stadium during the star spangled banner. challenger has become a symbol since september the 11th. explain. well, he was invited by
george steinbrenner to be at every home yankees game and we flew him to honor the firefighters and the police officers and the soldiers that helped with in the fallen from the trade towers, but we also went around manhattan to visit fire stations and police stations and lift the spirit of those doing the rescuing. most people go their entire lives like me, i ll never see an eagle in wild. to see it is amazing. now on sunday, you re going to be at the baltimore ravens game? that s right. 15th anniversary of 9/11. were you invited by the owner? by the team, yes. how complicated is it when you re you know, in the unscripted situation with the wild animal to have him take off and land in the same place? we do rehearsals. we don t go in out of the moment of the game. we do two rehearsals. one the day before and one before the gates open. so he s challenger is pretty familiar with where he s going. i hope everyone stands for at
least the national anthem. exactly. hopefully they will. thank you, al. god bless you guys. challenger for president. oh, yeah. here we go. see his platform, try to get him a running mate. i d like to thank our supporters too that support the foundation. there we go. so would challenger. thank you very much. that is incredible. who needs air conditioning? look at that wing span. yeah. awesome. heather, take it away with some headlines. i m ducking over here. fantastic. like a chopper. all right. good morning to you. all outrageous story to tell you this morning. involving one of the nation s largest banks wells fargo. 5,000 employees from branches across the u.s. fired after allegedly opening millions of illegal accounts and using customer information and also customer s cash. those customers had no idea this was taking place. it spanned the course of five years. listen to this.
a week after i went to go pull some money out it was gone saying it went to pay off another account i had that i never opened. what s going through your mind? that i want to close my account, actually took the rest of the money out. can you imagine that? two accounts, you only knew about one of them. wells fargo, opened the second. why on earth did they do that? to satisfy sales goals. wells fargo has been slapped with $185 million in fines and they have to pay back the customers. this man is worth millions of dollars and why is he collecting food stamps? miss in raid police in radio raided his home in ohio. he gets 300 hard working taxpaying dollars each month in food stamps and welfare. he s linked to the swiss bank
account and he s not facing any charges. what s up with that? blue ribbon supporting police must come down. the wives of state troopers have been putting up the simple ribbons across the state of massachusetts. but some people want them taken off government property immediately. it s just something we re very proud of. and for this to happen, it really kind of stomps on the heart a little bit. the group must take them down tonight after some residents complained. what do you think about this? and army football players pray after an upset win and now the team is under investigation. watch. we played our brand of football. well that is the u.s. military academy at west point. now investigating whether the team prayer violated religious freedom of the players. that prayer edited out of the video on the team s youtube page after 90 people registered complaints.
well, the mother of one army football player said this. quote, coach moniken had no business telling my son and his army teammates to get on their knees and pray to jesus. my son was very upset about this. this violates the constitution and to think it happened at west point. those are your headlines. what do you think of that story? lots of folks talking about it this morning. they are. judge jeanine is joining us. good morning. good morning. i m sure you saw hillary clinton had what wasn t impromptu, but a press availability outside of her plane yesterday out in westchester which is where i live. questions of over 15 minutes. i don t know if it was a press conference, but whatever. on the way out, we were unable to hear it on the microphone, a correspond end for the daily mail essentially asked her to explain how what she told the fbi how she blamed her lack of memory on the concussion and instead of answering the question, she walked away and
said, read the report. well, the interesting thing is there s really nothing in the report that discusses her concussion. other than the fact that she said 40 times 4-0 that she didn t remember. now, i know when i used to try criminal cases that whenever i cross-examined a defendant and he or she didn t want to lie, they would say, i don t remember. and the fact that hillary clinton said it 40 times to the fbi and then now blames it on her concussion, and then a possible blood clot. yet, we don t have the neurological report or the records to back that up is just another excuse, another lie that she s not willing to explain. you know, she wants donald trump to be forthcoming with x, y, z maybe she needs to be forthcoming with her medical records that people need to be concern about. she had about 13 blackberries. one is i think an ipad is lost in the mail. oops.
the other is in the trash can because it was bashed with a hammer. right, what are you talking about? i ll show you. judge takes to the streets and tries it herself. i m looking for a hammer that is strong enough to get rid of a blackberry. do you have any of that stuff? american made or import? i like american, although i don t know what she likes. but let s take a look. if you want to do the damage yeah, i m interested in damage. we have this bad boy. that s four pounds. now, i m going to make believe, i m hillary destroying the evidence. so for them to destroy the blackberries with a hammer it took a lot of work, a lot of intense. jim comey, if this ain t intense there s no such thing. i m glad they re wearing the safety goggles there.
they wanted to give me them. i m pretty strong, i am. i had to hit that thing several times. this is the intent to destroy and conceal evidence after a congressional subpoena is served. you tell justin cooper destroy the evidence. any of us would be in jail. 86 times before we got to that point. especially two tech operators, they got immunity to got to the bottom of what was happening there. something else we wanted to switch gears. if you keep yelling your mom is going to call you again. i know. i know. that really happened. meanwhile, hillary clinton had a chance to we know for example that start over, brian. let me start over. who does hillary clinton think wants donald trump to win? let s watch. isis spokespeople rooting for
donald trump s victory. the jihadists see this as a great gift. they are saying, oh, please, allah make trump president of america. all right. so she says that isis is praying for donald trump what do they do? send her an e-mail on the private server? if anything, they want her elected. they ve become the biggest, baddest terrorist organization under her foreign policy. they want you. they don t want donald trump. there is video of barack obama looking at the enemy. george bush being the enemy. everybody being the enemy. for her to go there with an israeli television station makes in sense. yeah, none at all. welcome back from vacation. thank you. yeah, welcome back. thank you. coming up less than two months to go until the election. what better way to get the pulse of the people than to send steve out with donald trump himself. the dooce is on the loose again. we love this segment, judge, don t we? we do. let s go. now she writes mostly in emoji.
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so call 855-874-7743 or visit to turn us back on. and up. how many times have you seen a donald trump town hall and said to yourself, i wish i could ask him questions? well, this could be the closest these people here in new york city on vacation come. a guy who looks like donald trump, have a town hall. first off, what is your name? you look absolutely fantastic. thank you. elliott. oh, elliott. where are you from? mexico city. mexico city. i love, i love, i love love love the mexican people. i know your question. really? i really do. fantastic culture. i love your food. i love chimichangas, oompa
loompas. what s your question for me? are you really going to build the wall? i m going to build a fantastic wall and your president is going to pay for it. i believe it. thank you very much. this guy right here? hi, how are you? you are? alex from dallas, texas. fantastic city, dallas. absolutely. are you in the military? i was. you were in the military. thank you for your service. no problem. what is your question? whenever you find hillary s e-mails what are you going to do with them? i m going to put them on the front of a newspaper, fox news everywhere. everyone is going to see these terrible, terrible e-mails. this woman doesn t know the difference between confidential and classified. awesome. awesome. so what s the thing you like about me the most? your hair. my hair. see that? the hair. always the hair. it s my brand. it s my brand. fantastic. it is real. you have a real quick question?
you have a question? is it true that you e-mailed hillary your tax returns? no, no, absolutely not. my tax returns are fabulous tax returns. they re going to be on very, very soon. i guarantee you. they ll be incredible. fantastic. well, you do a great job. yes, thank you so much, steve. you guys are the best. i love fox news. only watch fox. not any of that other stuff. they re terrible. thank you very much. ladies and gentlemen, a round of applause for the donald trump impersonator. thank you very much. 25,000 people. that s right. john d. domenico. meanwhile, over in our headquarters we are cooking with ice cream. it s fox & friends. there you go. curtis stone. but first, let s check in with martha maccallum up on the 12th floor of our world headquarters. hey, pan up! thank you, guys. good morning, steve. so the clinton camp says that
make america great again is a quote racist slogan but it turns out they liked it a lot not too long ago. and congressman trey gowdy has new revelations about the clinton e-mail inconsistencies. and wells fargo comes to ripping off customers and fires thousands of employees. it s a huge story. bill and i will see you moments away. the lexus rx, rx hybrid and rx f sport. this is the rx, elevated. this is the pursuit of perfection.
ice cream? you scream. we all scream for ice cream. today we re celebrating the 150th anniversary of breyers ice cream. before that there was no happiness in the world. we have one of our favorite chef, curtis stone.
he s a celebrity chef which mean he s performance. a round of applause for curtis. we just had the donald trump impersonator. you know him, you were on celebrity apprentice. i certainly was. i didn t make ice cream cakes with donald trump, but we should have. let me give you a job. i m going to make an apple tart. it s rally really simple. you pick up the slices of the apple, and at the same time, i ll do some milk on the outside. curtis, are we going to actually cook with ice cream? it would melt. what did you do first? this is almond paste on the bottom of the pastry. you spread your apples out. then bake it in the preheated oven for 25 minutes. it is that simple. it comes out like this. so the last thing you do is stir the sugar and cinnamon together. dump that over the top. help brian with this. spread out the apples. he s a little challenged. while he does it, you guys can taste it.
so this is the breyers all natural vanilla ice cream. if you want a taste at the top while brian makes a mess of the other one. how does a guy like you stay so fit, eat stuff that s considered maybe calorie centric? moderation. every now and then you have to spoil yourself in moderation. my wife lindsey right. we partner up often and we partnered up with breyers to celebrate their big birthday. 150 years. where can we find these recipes? go to or in is basically a this is basically a small pie i call it. so this is the meringue on top of the ice cream cake. has this been done before? you go ahead, get a little blow torch. then you just go ahead and
scorch it. caramelize the is that how you make creme brulee? yeah. you should don t this around the gas grill, right? right. don t do it around the gas grill. but we did a recipe for every month of the year. so you can celebrate with ice cream, you know? doesn t matter what the season is. you bought a shell, just buy it you probably made it homemade. and then you fill it with ice cream? put meringue on top. i wish we could try that. you can. oh, here we go. look at that. here we go. i think he meant try using the flame, right? delicious. we ll step aside and be back with curtis stone. in about two minutes. get your ice cream! happy birthday, breyers. you know, to show the importance of saving for the future. so you re sort of like a spokes person? more of a spokes metaphor. get organized at
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more of curtis stone s recipes log on to by the way, go to facebook because we re going to be doing
facebook live for the next ten minutes. what are you doing? going out with the donald trump impersonator? what are you doing? i m going to do radio. see ya. have a fantastic weekend, everybody. a round of applause. see you monday. bill: a possible nuclear game changer in the showdown with north korea. some analysts claim the nuclear test was for a bomb more powerful than that dropped on japan. i m bill hemmer. welcome to america. newsroom. martha: this blast was so strong it had the magnitude of a 3.4 earthquake. they are boasting that pyongyang can put a nuclear war head on a ballistic

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Transcripts For MSNBCW Morning Joe 20160914 10:00:00

former president bill clinton campaigns for his wife in las vegas. chelsea clinton is also back on the stump holding four events for her mom today, two in north carolina and two in virginia. so that does it for us on this wednesday, i m the money that is put into these accounts can also be spent not only on child care but also child enrichment activities. see. we ll start with that child. that will be our first child. that s cute. the circle of life and it moves us all
my gosh. i want this one. he held a baby a long time. thank god for donald trump because the concept of child care is finally coming to the fore here in america. when is hillary clinton going to do that? talk about child care. that s what trump said last night. when is she going to do it? it s been decades. may 14th. what are you talking about? don t be mad. i don t understand. i found it on the google. what are you talking about? explain this to me like a fourth grader. what are you talking about? i don t know. it s early. donald trump said that hillary should come to a plan.
why won t she? she s got one already. and tweeted in the middle of his speech here it is. it s wednesday, september 14th. we have some people that obviously that whole donald trump and lion king. i thought it was fantastic. mike barnicle. former communications director for president george w. bush nicole wallace. co-founder of politico, and in washington, former government of vermont and former chair of the democratic national committee, howard dean. good to have howard onboard. how many times have parents around this table seen lion king. i cry every time. i ve seen it 47 times. my two older boys wanted to see it like 25 times so i did and kate and jack have seen it the
other 22 times. that and cars and toy story are on a constant loop at our house. here we go. we re going to talk about children. it s good to hear both candidates care. hillary clinton is set to return to the campaign trail tomorrow as she continues to recover from her bout with pneumonia. her campaign says she spent the day reading briefings and making calls but her wide network of surrogates has maintained her present in the field. yesterday her husband picked up her events and chelsea was on trail in winston-salem and president obama hit the stump in philadelphia. he took his 58% approval rating on the road praising clinton and mocking trump. i keep on reading this analysis that, well, you know, trump has support from, like,
working folks. really? this is the guy you want to be championing working people? this guy who spent 70 years on this earth showing no concern for working people? this guy suddenly is going to be your champion? you want to debate who is more fit to be our president? one candidate who has traveled to more candidates than any secretary of state ever has, has more qualifications than pretty much anyone that s after run for this job, and the other one who isn t fit any way, shape or form to represent this country abroad and be its commander in chief. this is not reality tv. the donald. who just last week went on russian state television to talk down our military and curry
favor with vladimir putin. he loves this guy. and when the interviewer asked why do you support this guy? he s a strong guy. he has an 82% poll rating. saddam hussein had a 90% poll rating. i mean, if you control the media and you have taken away everybody s civil liberties and you jail dissidents, that s what happens. y the pollster calls up and says do you support the guy who you didn t support, he ll throw you in jail, you say, yes, i love that guy. i have to do business with putin and russia. i don t go around saying that s my role model. can you imagine ronald reagan idolizing somebody like that. so donald trump hit back at
the president. hold on. wait. what do you all think of that? it s so easy for him. this race might be close between trump and clinton. the surrogate race forget it. her surrogates started with the president, vice president and everybody else she has out on the trail. did i hear 58% right? yes. you know, you go through you talk about football teams or president of the united states, a lot of time it depends on who follows you. you don t want to follow bear bryant if you re a coach at university of carolina. i think it was andrew johnson that said of abraham lincoln heroes know when to die, right? this is that in reverse. barack obama could not be luckier if he s worried about his legacy and his approval ratings to have these two candidates with approval ratings
in the 30s following him. everybody is looking around and going, okay, not so bad. 58% approval rating. and good economic news. it s all not only does he enjoy it, swagger he has, he says this is so easy how come you can t do this, hillary? he likes traking trump apart bu he loves showing how much better he is at this than hillary. the distance between him and how he articulates and prosecutes the case against trump and her is very effective. he can have a lot more fun and be a lot looser. i don t think she views it as a competition between i mean, listen, i think she should get a doctor s note saying it s contagious and needs ten more days in bed and he s superb on
the stump. the president s line in the speech yesterday was let me get this straight, one foundation gives out money and saves people s lives and others uses the money to buy a six-foot portrait of himself. clinton folks try to say he s ridiculous but president obama tried to show how he s ridiculous. politics is so basic. any story telling. show, don t tell. he does it intuitivy. vladimir putin on state-run television when you have the president of the united states saying going on state-run television and talking down our military, he s a strong surrogate. the trigger line in the clips we showed. vladimir putin has 82% approval rating. saddam hussein had a 90% approval rating. everyone gets that. trump benefits from her inability to make the case as
president obama did. there s an argue case she should be making. donald trump hit back at the president posting on twitter, russia took crimea during the so-called obama years. who wouldn t know this and why does obama get a free pass? i don t get that. and also he said this. why isn t president obama working instead of campaigning for hillary clinton? zinger, howard dean. i would also like to argue in terms of these surrogates doing such a good job making the case against donald trump, i think hillary clinton ought to do something that a lot of women are really bad at and she ought to talk about herself. she has a lot to say about what she s done and about what she can do, and quite frankly, i think america is ready and it is time and refreshing to hear a woman saying here s what i can bring to the table and say it in
a way that really penetrates the voting electorates minds and makes them realize there s someone really qualified here, someone that will stand up for you in a way that connects. women struggle with this. especially in this kind of race where you have to constantly go after donald trump. you forget to talk about yourself. that is incredibly insightful. i have to say. i really do. the thing that makes me that i think about immediately is where sort of the feminism or whatever you want to call it is. hillary is the generation of slaughter who wrote a great book about this which is insightful and then comes sheryl sandburg 25 years younger and has a very different experience and i think the younger millennials have even a different experience. young women today because things have changed so much and the
point you just made is extraordinary. i haven t really thought about it before. it s true. historically women, especially of my generation, don t like to talk about themselves. the truth is i m not saying this for partisan reasons for a change, the truth is it makes them really good managers and it makes them able to do things that men can t do where their egos get in the way. team players. all that stuff. that s an extraordinary you said something important. that s something that you do all the time when you go to your value conferences, you always tell women it s a generational thing. we can t talk about ourselves. we don t talk ourselves up but we talk up our co-workers. we talk up people our children, our families. we fight for everybody else. we re less comfortable when we start talking about ourselves. she has to find a way to do it. here s how i have fiercely defended children across the
country since i was 25 years old. here s how i have fiercely defended veterans. here s how i have fiercely defended this country and represented the state of new york. here s how as secretary of state there s an incredible list of accomplishments. she s got to nail them. you can take a negative and turn it into a positive. yes, i fiercely defended my husband. some people think i went too far. you know what, maybe i did. after all we ve been through. after all of the years, we re still together and you know what? i am so sorry for mistakes i made but my instinct is always to fiercely defend my husband, to fiercely defend my children, and to fiercely defend your children and everybody else s children. here are some e-mails where i working on a, b and c and where i went to this country and dug in on d, e and f. look at my e-mails. look at all of the work i ve been doing. that s one of the keys, i
think. if you talk to a lot of people, you get the sense that s one of the keys. it s what we talked about yesterday. the baggage that comes with the clintons. 30 years worth of baggage. when she talks about her husband, she frames it up as we. i agree with you, joe. she should say i. i made a decision to stay with my husband. i love my husband. is it a problem that she also made the decision to protect her privacy? it s not that she doesn t show us good things. it s that she doesn t show us anything. the instinct is to hunker down this way and hide. i don t think she has a 60% sense among voters, all voters, not just republicans that she doesn t tell the truth because she doesn t. i ve been to all of your conferences. i can t do it. it s hard to advocate on your own behalf. mike and i have the same problem. that s why we keep going.
we guys don t like talking about ourselves. the other coin is because she can t do that, it s not that she doesn t make her own case, people suspect she s hiding something bad. there s an incredibly long list, decades of work that she s done. she should be proud of it. she should be nailing it. that s something else she does too. she hasn t said this yet. just like i fiercely defended my husband in the 90s, i did that first. i asked questions later. i got embarrassed. we all got embarrassed. we fought through it together on these e-mails i made a mistake. you know what? my family has been attacked for 35 years by right wing republicans. my child has been hurt by attacks against our family by right wing republicans. they take you know, they called my husband a murderer in the 1990s. now they call me killry.
these are people on the same night that barack obama, first night a black men in history was sworn in and we re trying to figure out a way to destroy him. maybe i was too aggressive in protecting my family and myself. while i was doing this, these are things i also was doing. the question is how receptive are people to hearing that? the frustration they have is this campaign is off. the coverage of it, the tone of it, it s kind of a joke. if she were to prosecute a case of what she s done, she s done that effectively but getting people to pay attention to it. bring donald trump into it. bring in the shiny object. how about do a time line, when i was 22 i was already doing this. donald trump was doing this. when i was 24 i was graduating from this and i was already
doing this. donald trump was doing this. by the time i was 30, i was doing this. i would hammer it home every day. her career is incredible. what mika is talking about is exactly right. what she s talking about jim is right in the sense that the stage has been set. she can change that narrative. she has to control the narrative. trump has been controlling the narrative since the beginning of the campaign how he beat 16 other republicans. most of whom were better qualified than he is to be president of the united states. mika s point is not only do women not like to talk about themselves particularly in that generation but in order to talk about yourself, in order to control the narrative, you have to be able to talk about yourself. you guys are dead on. you know, i think this is an extraordinary thing to think about. i don t think it s been explored very much during the campaign partly because she hasn t controlled the narratives and she needs to do it and she needs to talk about herself.
i hate to say this, joe, but i actually think you could be her speech writer. it s exactly what she should be saying. i m sure you don t want that job. i m just saying i ve gone to mika s know your value conferences and i m struggling through my fears to talk about myself. i m getting there. don t act like joe. as we go to break here before we do, a couple weeks ago in washington, d.c. i asked everybody where do you think the race is at this point. it was end of august. i said it was a tossup. it s a tossup now. two weeks later, it s amazing the bad run she s had, the good run he s had as far as being more disciplined than before. you know, i guess the usc tracking poll yesterday had trump up by three points. i think what we re going to see in the coming weeks, we ll see a
lot of those races tighten up. you ll see ohio probably tighten and maybe go in duonald trump s favor by a couple points. i mean, this race is getting tighter by the day. i can t imagine any debate in presidential history this side of the 1960 debate and 1980 debate between carter and reagan being bigger than this one. the race is basically a tie now, isn t it? i don t know if i totally agree with it. on a national level it looks like it s a tie. if you look that he can t win virginia, colorado or new hampshire. make this race very, very, very difficult for a republican to win. don t you think those state polls tighten up? if you take colorado and virginia, two states that should be swing states. there s a big gap right there. even if it tightens, there s an advantage for hillary clinton. you look at the maine poll in
the boston globe that has maine tied and bloomberg shows trump up in ohio. you say maine is tied. and then in ohio he went up three in the bloomberg poll this morning. i didn t know about those polls. i would put the money on hillary clinton. do you have a pile of money? when i do, i would put it on hillary clinton to win. we were talking about this off set for debates. if i was donald trump, i would go off like rocky did in rocky iii and train in a barn for three weeks getti inting ready that debate. if he could exceed his expectations, if he did his homework i don t think he will. i think he can. i think he s going to surprise a lot of people. i think expectations are low. let s put up that maine poll again. 1984 the last time a republican
won maine. maybe 41 won maine in 88. howard, mike, since you are the only ones along with me old enough to remember this, i hate to keep going back to it, but people forget what a joke ronald reagan was perceived by elites all over america. he was a clown in their eyes. that debate with jimmy carter was won as much on expectations as anything else. people this is a problem. you paint donald trump as this crazy maniac that s going to start world war iii. he guess out and looks rationale for two hours. he s not that bad. i think that was probably the biggest fear of the clinton campaign that if donald trump in the first debate doesn t like the stage on fire, he wins because of the expectations are so low for him. if he s able to give the
impression that he s a moderate, sensible, not a loud mouth, not a crazy person, because of the expectations game, he s going to do fine. it s all expectations. it is. obviously there s a very different standard that hillary clinton is held to because she s been in politics for 30 years and so forth and trump has held low expectations. trump has done well on a teleprompter. there s no teleprompter in the debate. he doesn t know what s coming next. he doesn t control the narrative. so there s a big difference between ronald reagan it s true what you said. the elite in washington, ronald reagan, my god, ronald reagan was governor of the largest state in the country for eight years. that should get you fairly close to being able to actually compete well in the presidency. i m talking about again expectations. the media painted reagan as such
a dunce that he exceeded expectations and made all the difference in the world. although i think hillary has a core to her of things that she deeply believes in. she doesn t always express them as well as she could. i m just thinking of the reagan versus carter and the way it looked on stage. reagan is this big guy. carter immersed in policy is struggling and country isn t feeling good about itself. i think the country is feeling better about itself. if it wasn t, barack obama wouldn t be at 58%. it s a little bit different. reagan is a much more substantial person than donald trump is. when we come back, howard mentioned it. huge economic news. of course there are some dark sides to the economy still as everybody reported on this yesterday suggested. man, family incomes rise after a
lull. over 5%. i think it s the biggest jump in mod he were history. income still below where they were in 2008 but what a great advance for the american working family yesterday. still ahead on joe scarborough morning joe, mr. pence goes back in for a meeting and colin powell s e-mails out in the great. e-mails are amazing. also this morning, the top democratic in the u.s. house congresswoman nancy pelosi is with us on set. that s exciting. former president of mexico vincente fox. we ll be right back. it s not a banner that goes on a wall.
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it s time to free ourselves from the baskets that politic n politicians try to put us into and always have put us into and instead to work together.
okay. i don t want to get pounded. i m getting pounded. everyone is going to say the expectations are so much lower for donald trump. what if they are? if they are, i m saying he s getting better on a prompter. write your blog. he s getting better. it s like they don t want to hear what s happening in the election. two weeks ago when i said it was going to get tight, everybody went crazy. it got tight. he s performing on a way in stage that s going to help his cause. write your articles or whatever but it s the case that he s getting better on stage, all right. and what that means is if he sucks on stage and he s a couple points behind and he gets better on stage communicating in a more
disciplined way at least for today, he s probably going to do better going into fall. you ve given that too much time. donald trump s running mate mike pence met with house republicans yesterday in an effort to promote party unity. according to the new york times, pence faced resistance from some house republicans and behind closed doors some of them reportedly told them concerns about trump s performance with women. he said his young daughter came up to him and said, daddy, donald trump hates women. the new york times reports that while meeting with senate republicans he received a firm repute from senator john mccain who called vladimir putin a thug and a butcher and according to a source said trump s embrace of putin was unacceptable. congressman peter king commented to reporters that many members are supporting a trump ticket largely because of pence.
a number of people said that when they were asked at home why are you supporting donald trump and they said because he picked mike pence to be vice president. that shows the quality of person he picked. pence faced resistance from lee and cruz, neither of whom have endorsed trump. given the tone of this race, i wonder if you re any closer to supporting donald trump in november? it s absolutely clear that hillary clinton is unfit to be president of the united states. the meetings on capitol hill came a day after pence refused to call david duke deplorable during an interview. he was pressed on the issue again during a news conference yesterday. for all of the world i have no idea why this man keeps coming up. donald trump and i have denounced david duke repeatedly. i was asked a question about that. i repeated that again.
the simple fact is that i m not in the name calling business. i m also not going to validate the language that hillary clinton used. we live in a free country. people of ill motives can associate themselves with politics. i would draw no more conclusion of that man s expressions of support than i would the fact that the father of a terrorist who killed 49 americans was seen at a hillary clinton rally cheering her on and said he was there because she was good on national security. just curious. it s really tough. it s almost it s like something david blaine couldn t get out of. they re in this really sort of trap that is impossible for them to get out. i have no idea how they could get out of that.
is david duke deplorable? yeah. you have a choice. you either answer the question and say, yes, absolutely right away or you chew on the word salad. how stupid is it? there s no choice. why can t you say he s deplorab deplorable. in your kid came home and said i heard about david duke? he s deplorable. he s deplorable. name calling exists. it gets a bad rap. mike pence has a loss of words. of course he s deplorable. it shows part of what trump does is contagious but it shows contagion hasn t spread that
far. those members were really, really harsh on him. republicans. because they do go home and face questions. people don t like what they say. for people that ask what s happening to the republican party, look at that meeting yesterday. the republican party tore him to shreds when he went in there asking all of these questions because he s hearing it at home from their wives, from their children, daughters, sons, everybody. this is just a fascinating turnaround because trump, who i do think is getting better on the stump with a teleprompter and that, the issue of him violating republican orthodoxy is extraordinary. it s not just sort of the hard conservative positions he s not taking that upset them. the relationships with putin who may or may not be a thug and dictator but he s certainly not our friend, that s a core not only republican but kind of inside the beltway diplomatic
tenant of our country since the cold war with that brief period after the collapse of the soviet union, putin restored the cold war so for trump to be buddy, buddy with vladimir putin. can you imagine what that must be like? you served there. can you imagine what they re talking about on the foreign relations committee? can you imagine what would happen if a democratic candidate for president went on russia state-own television and then ran down the men and women of the united states armed forces. imagine if hillary clinton had gone on rt? look at the front page of the new york times website. there are four stories about russian mischief. one about them hacking into u.s. athletes. one about them being linked with d.c. leaks, which is the lead suspect in the colin powell leaks. russia has not been particularly constructive in their constructions with this administration over syria.
it s like he doesn t we know he doesn t read the paper. russia is getting worse and not better and his love for him grows. is this new for mike pence? the trump contagion. i don t think mike pence spoke russian before he started serving with donald trump. is he scared of trump? he is just in lockstep with whatever trump says? mike pence, as you said, as governor and also as a member of congress would have been the first to condemn in the harshest of terms vladimir putin. never compared vladimir putin to an american president. so yesterday byron york picked up on something we ve been saying around the table. i thought you were the only one. apparently there are others. let me find it here. byron york was talking about the deplorable strategy actually being positive for hillary clinton as i did because it s going to get people talking
about the nature of some of his support. sure enough look at these headlines byron york used to prove that it actually fits right into their hand. huffing ton post mike pence refuses to call david duke deplorab deplorable. daily news, mike pence refuses to describe david duke as deplorabl deplorable. abc news, mike pence denounces david duke but won t call him deplorable. there are about 30 articles just like that all over the country and you can t help but think that they ve walked into a trap here. it s a simple question. we can go over is he deplorable? yes. i think the deplorable comment was deplorable. look at that name pomaine poll?
why is the race tied? north of portland he s beating hillary clinton by 20 some points. you have a group of people who are really frustrated and hate all of us. they hate government. when you give them more reason to hate and feel distance from everybody else, let s say hillary clinton wins, you have a huge block of people who are even more angry, feel even more disenfranchised and more misunderstood. i don t know how going after a big block of voters help. i agree where byron calls it clunky. she can score points. it s too broad. she s created a community now of people that are obviously not deplorable. the people that came up on stage with him two nights ago look like great people. not deplorable. i wouldn t go without having deplorables. it s way too broad. howard dean, i want to show you the maine poll one more time. a neighboring state of yours
that you governed for a long time. george h.w. bush was the last republican, almost 30 years ago, to win that state but donald trump is in a dead heat with hillary clinton. what explains that? it s a very clear explanation, which is fascinating. it doesn t have a lot to do with the race. there is a minority governor in maine who is essentially a clone of donald trump. he s very much of a conservative populist. he has said outrageous things about black people and all other kinds of stuff. the northern part of maine is a working class place. a lot of loggers and people whose jobs have been displaced by various economic dislocations that we talk about on this program all the time. paula paige is there because democratic split their vote.
that s what s going on. paige is under enormous attack. he said inflammatory things recently. so the state is bitterly divided and therefore they are rallying around trump. i think that s what s going on in maine. i expect hillary to win maine in the end. these folks feel like they re being persecuted. a new poll shows that donald trump is pulling ahead of hillary clinton in ohio among likely voters trump is at 48% while clinton is at 43% in the poll taken from friday through monday. bloomberg notes that polls party breakdown is close to what the state looked like in 2004 opposed to 2008 meaning a higher gop turnout. what do you think? it s what i said 15 minutes ago. the national polls and here 15 minutes later it s the case. national polls tighten up. trump ahead in an l.a. tracking
poll by three points. that s a leading indicator of these polls coming out. this race is a tossup. with him up that much in ohio, watch pennsylvania. this all moves together. pennsylvania has to be tighter now. maybe it s two, three points. florida has to be tight. i expect to see a poll over the next two or three or four days if dynamic of the campaign don t change that show trump up in the state of florida. everyone that said two weeks ago this was over and had maps that showed that hillary had 380 electoral votes, they re going to have to erase a lot of blue and color in a lot of red because dynamics of this race have changed. why do you think the president was in pennsylvania. howard dean, thank you very much. coming up, house minority leader nancy pelosi joins us in just a bit. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back.
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some say there s hope. you outline a potential course of action writing there could well be too many players with conflicting agendas for a cease-fire to hold. such an approach would not end the war but that is beyond anyone for the foreseeable future. neither a national cease-fire nor a transition to a post-assad unity government is on the cards. more realistic would be safeguarding various enclaves to reduce the humanitarian toll. such a goal may seem too modest but in the middle east even what is modest can be ambitious. i couldn t agree with him more. you talk about the conflicting interests obviously in the cease-fire holding. what about the safe zones? is there an area? is there a no-fly zone that you
can get turkey? you can get assad s government. you could get russia. you could get america to agree. i don t think you can get everybody to agree because there s too many. we think of syria as a conflict, there are multiple conflicts. obviously we re going up to isis with a local al qaeda offshoot. the problem with trying diplomacy like this is it can t deliver everybody. if you push diplomacy long enough and hard enough that s the answer so i think it s to create safe zones. where do we create safe zones? where the sunni population largely lives. you don t try to make the entire country safe. you choose certain areas. will russians go along with that? assad won t want it. you have to ground the syrian air force and that means uses cruise missiles to take out aircraft. you tell russians to go to the syrians and say you need to
let them know we re going to get safe zone to refuge es can come back and if you don t like that, there s nothing you can do to stop it. it s not a national solution. if you hope for diplomatic solution or anything else, you missed a chance to make a bad situation less bad. would russians be agreeable in splitting syria into two parts? i don t think a formal split. syria, iraq, libya, you name it. almost all of these countries are not going back to what we would call governments. nominal government with nominal borders. the reality is it will look very different. are you disturbed that this crisis rages on. you spent a lot of your day thinking about it. the current administration spends a lot of their hours working on this in the same way the one i worked in spent most of our time in meetings with iraq and afghanistan. are you at all troubled there s
been no debate between the two candidates in a race that joe just described as a tossup? almost no debate about america s role in the world. to the degree there has, it hasn t been encouraging. be careful what you wish for. i m not sure that policy debates is uplifting and people can say things they may come to be if they win. north korea nuclear missile tests. situation in syria. we had a situation in russia and ukraine continuing and venezuela is imploding. a trade agreement is sitting out there. no shortage of stuff that will greet the 41st president in his or her inbox. ed what we would wake up where you have major internal challenges in china. stay with us if you will. we re going to go with survey of your tests. i was born ready. america s youth has done so
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donald trump, of all of the strange things he s done, and he s done a lot of strange
things. this is how he started his speech yesterday in asheville, north carolina. there ain t no doubt i love this land god bless the usa i think he just fondled the flag. did he do that or was that edited? it looked real. coming up next, hillary clinton off the trail for one more day. president obama took care of things for her yesterday in pennsylvania. plus, new overnight, former secretary of state colin powell has been put in the 2016 spotlight after leaked e-mails reveal he called donald trump a national disgrace. do we have to get that out of someone s e-mail? also with us, the most powerful woman on capitol hill. congresswoman nancy pelosi is here in the studio and the new
york times columnist maureen daud joins us with the latest swings in the presidential race. ok team, what if 30,000 people download the new app? we re good. okay. what if a million people download the new app? we re good. five million? good. we scale on demand. hybrid infrastructure, boom. ok. what if 30 million people download the app? we re not good. we re total heroes. scale on demand with the number one company in cloud infrastructure.
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you want to he debate foundations and charities. one candidate s family foundation has saved countless lives around the world. the other candidate s foundation took money other people gave to his charity and then bought a six-foot tall painting of
himself. he had the taste not to go for the ten-foot version. he s not going let you on his golf course. he wasn t going to help you buy in his condo and now suddenly this guy is going to be your champion? that was president obama on the campaign trail for hillary clinton in philadelphia yesterday one part of the wide network of surrogates maintaining her presence in the field as she continues from pneumonia. it s fair to say that most of the people in that audience could not play on the golf courses and go to the clubs and live in the neighborhoods where barack obama golfs, where he lived in the past and where yeah, but out of step. can we have a golf course
exclusion? welcome back to morning joe. thank you, joe. it was a good speech. it s wednesday, september 14th. still with us on set did i offend you and your sensibilities? because your hero may have been just a wee bit hypocritical there. he s using it well helping hillary clinton at this point while she s fighting pneumonia. you can t ridicule people on golf courses where other people won t play when that s where he ll golf for the rest of his life. if you want to be offended by it, you can. she gets really upset whenever i say anything about barack obama. joining the conversation, kasie hunt and on capitol hill, former ted cruz communications
director now msnbc political contributor, rick tyler. you were there yesterday. how was the audience receiving such hypocritical terms that president obama was laying out for the audience. in fairness to the president, he didn t come from that originally. look, president obama i know. to tell you the truth seriously, the exclusive prep school he went to in hawaii was only the best prep school in hawaii. that s a rough start. it ain t queens but go ahead. president obama clearly has a blast on the campaign trail and everyone there was having a blast. i cover hillary clinton every day. there s a contrast to be made there. you can see them there. i m so glad to be back on the campaign trail. yes, we can. all of it.
and i think the challenge for him that you can hear is to tell people that i m really, really into hillary clinton because a lot of people that got excited for him aren t going to be excited for her. the poll that is out is the assumption built into his speech yesterday. rick tyler, i want to give you two numbers. the first one, barack obama s approval rating 58%. pretty strong. in fact, you would to go all of the way back to bill clinton being impeached to have a president with approval ratings that high other than w. right after the war. this president is riding high in the polls. does that translate for hillary clinton? i think it absolutely will. if she could extend her sickness
longer, and send barack obama out because he clearly really enjoys and is really good at getting crowds excited and 58%, he also i think it was mentioned earlier in the program, but i think he s benefiting from the fact that he has hillary clinton and donald trump to go up against. he s looking pretty good. looking pretty good. that s like batting third after two guys that are batting .173 and .195. i want to raise another truth this morning. preach it, brother. what did donald trump do yesterday? he proposed another welfare program. it s unbelievable to me that conservatives are out there now because the very children whose parents would benefit from this welfare program will be the same ones that will have to pay it off. we have a $20 trillion
operational debt. let s just add more money on it and why go six weeks, 12 weeks. why not just make it until you move out of your parent s basement. we talked about it before. republicans don t want to hear it. people that support trump don t want to hear it. he s not a conservative. he s not even a republican. he s a big government liberal from manhattan who has been a big government liberal for 65 he s a big government liberal. he always has been. and he always will be. so for conservatives to say you re not a true conservative or a republican, you re not falling in line with the nominee, no. no. give me a break. one of the most striking things about this campaign. we lose focus. liberal democratic hijacked a party. that s why mike pence talking in the last segment about him not being quick enough to condemn what david duke was saying.
i think as bad as that for conservatives the fact that you have mike pence who is a really, really, really conservative guy. not anymore. not anymore. that s where it gets contagious. he s pencing. we can make it a term. this was all conservative orthodoxy for 30, 40 years and you have a repudiation of this by their own nominee and that s one of the reasons that republicans in those closed doors meetings are so harsh on pence and trump. not just stylistic things but he s moving the party in a direction that has to scare the hell out of the party. i could argue she s more conservative than he is if you think of where she is on foreign policy and on trade, she s more conservativ conservative. you ll enrage a lot of
people. i ll tell you this. hillary clinton s positions are far closer right now on trade and on foreign policy to paul ryan and to george w. bush in 2000 and 2004 and every other conservative in between on capitol hill. you know who would agree? george w. bush i would bet. there s not a debate on this. if anyone tries to debate it, they re fools. i cut you off. trump is onto something else. his supporters have moved. the big debate in the republican party is not small versus big government. it s open versus closed. they want big government because they re pro entitlements. he s against immigration and against free trade. that is where most of the energy is in the republican party. by the way, that s where a lot of the energy is in the democratic party. we had david stockman on
yesterday. a guy that s been a libertarian. i asked him the big question. what about entitlements? that s kind of bad. kind of bad? five years from now, ten years from now. every dime that goes to washington, d.c. is going to be going to pay off medicare and medicaid. we borrow everything else. we have a $20 trillion debt. we have something like 50 to 60 trillion worth of debt obligations coming up over the next, 50, 60 years. heading to an economic catastrophe. how does a conservative come on and gleefully say i m voting for the guy who refuses to talk about the drivers of debt that will cripple this country. that s right. the whole thing is an alternate economic reality. the fact is, parents, if you want a refundable tax credit, you re asking your children in the future to pay that off.
that s what s going to happen. you can condemn your children to endless debt or, you know, look, i grew up in a single parent household. my mother worked full time and raised four children. it s hard but a sacrifice. focus on children. leave it to the market. a lot of companies will offer maternity leave and i know that i ll get a lot of e-mails saying that s not an option for people, but we just can t keep piling on debt after debt after debt and leaving it all to our kids. it s just wrong. i m going to look at the ohio poll in a minute and ask you what the heck is happening. this is what happened in washington. donald trump s running mate mike pence did his best to shore up support with weary gop members on capitol hill yesterday and according to reports how did that go? it did not go well. really? what happened? top republicans were very, very concerned about trump s candidacy and where pence stands on things. according to the new york times, some house republicans expressed concerns about trump s
performance with women. jeff fortenberry told mr. pence that his young daughter came to him and said, daddy, donald trump hates women and the new york times reports while meeting with senate republicans, he received a firm rebuke from senator john mccain who called vladimir putin a thug and a butcher and i bet he would say that he s deplorable. i am thinking mccain will go there and that trump s embrace of putin is unacceptable and senator mike lee of utah insisted to pence that republicans must identify david duke s racism as deplorable. and others left completely unconvinced. can i ask you, senator, given the tone of this race, i wonder if you re any closer to supporting donald trump in november? it s absolutely clear that hillary clinton is unfit to be president of the united states. the meetings on capitol hill came a day after pence refused to call white supremacist david
duke deplorable. he was questioned again yesterday. i have no idea why this man keeps coming up. donald trump and i have denounced david duke repeatedly. i was asked a question about that. i repeated that again. the simple fact is that i m not in the name calling business. i m also not going to valid ate the language that hillary clinton used to describe the american people. that ladies and gentlemen is called pencing. paul ryan does it. mitch mcconnell does it. i think mitch mcconnell does it a lot less than anybody else. when you re pensing, you re schilling for your nominee even
though deep inside you do not agree with anything says and he makes you sick but you don t have the guts to say it because you re afraid for your job and don t have the foresight to see that will hurt you in the long run. that s pencing. what s going on in ohio? i was going to say did you it s not name calling. why can t you just say, you know what, he s deplorable. of course he s deplorable if somebody asked me that question i would say of course. what are you a bigot? why do you have to ask that question? why can t he answer? because somehow it happens in politics where you have to defend your guy. it s deplorable. say it s deplorable. going back to more conservative, think about his position on russia and why they re so mad about it. it s not just about ronald reagan but mitt romney said putin was the number one strategic threat to the united states and you have him buddying
up with him and neither person on any side would say he s not a butcher and thug and he has no power, he has a crappy economy, a terrible country, and the fact that that s someone they would hold up, that s why these conservatives get so mad and why people like mitch mcconnell try to say nothing and he s going to keep saying nothing because one thing people are missing in the last two weeks, senate went from looking like it would flip to democrats to looking better for republicans because there are candidates who aren t saying anything about trump and getting money from donors who aren t republicans don t believe donald trump will win this election and they lling the o bs rebuilding what s left of the republican party. the cultural conservatism here is the fundamental split in the republican party. that s what s going on. that s why you have people that
believe in entitlements and want medicare and medicaid but they are conservatives. it doesn t line up. that s what you re seeing play out. look at the new poll from bloomberg, mika. it shows donald trump pulling ahead of hillary clinton in ohio among likely voters trump is at 43%. clinton is at 38% in the poll taken friday through monday. gary johnson takes 10%. and jill stein 4%. bloomberg notes their poll party breakdown is close to what the state looked like in 2004 opposed to 2008 meaning a higher gop turnout. what is going on there given everything we ve been talking about. this race has been tightening up after the democratic convention donald trump had an abysmal two to three weeks and hillary clinton has had a rough two to three weeks and her numbers are falling. that s exactly right.
americans are paying attention and right now you have a tightening of the national race and of course the state races always follow. wouldn t you expect pennsylvania to get closer? donald trump to move ahead two, three, four points in states like georgia and nevada. some of the states he s had trouble pulling away in. she s had an advantage because she couldnshouldn t be competitive in georgia and arizona but she is. virginia now seems to be back in play because we have a lot of activity across the river here in virginia. you could expect it to get tighter. then it will turn out for turnout and turnout operation. donald trump doesn t have one. hillary clinton does. i should mention the rnc does have a turnout operation. so we ll see. i do think two things. i think that hillary clinton s health episode, which they made a mistake of sending someone with walking pneumonia to an
event where she would be expected to sit for three hours produce that video. it s devastating. it s bad to look at. people are uncomfortable with it. it also feeds into the idea she had walking pneumonia. she knew that on friday. her campaign never released it until sunday. they never seem to learn. they never seem to learn that transparency will earn you more credit than continuing to hide and hide the truth because it leads into her worst liability which is people don t trust her. former secretary of state colin powell is confirming the authenticity of e-mails in which he has harsh words for donald trump and other leaders. according to his personal e-mails seen by buzz feed, powell called trump a national disgrace. in an e-mail from august 21st, powell wrote of trump s demand that president obama release his birth certificate. the whole birther movement was
racist. that s what the 99% believe. when trump couldn t keep that up, he said he also wanted to see if the certificate noted he was a muslim. as i have said before, what if he was? muslims are born as americans every day, powell wrote. powell explained why he chooses not to speak out about trump. to go on and call him an idiot just emboldens him. that s a good point. powell a retired four-star general has confirmed authenticity of the e-mails about trump to nbc news and says the hackers have more. d.c. leaks is suspected by intelligence officials of having ties to russian intelligence. awkward. i feel awkward. you just can t type anything. everything comes out now. the hackers. what is the united states doing to put defensive measures up against countries like russia which may in this election over the next couple months, they may
be able to determine the outcome of a united states presidential election. the truth is that offense is ahead of defense here. there s no amount of defense we can put up that would make our systems invulnerable. get rid of the word invulnerable. there are degrees of vulnerability. is there adequate focus? it s every system and every state and computer and so forth. there will be vulnerability. doesn t there have to be a role for the federal government? the north koreans look at it as a national strategy. china is looking at it as a national strategy. why don t we look at it as a national strategy. we have elements both cyberdefense and cyberoffense. this is the wild west, joe. no sheriff out there. no rules. lots of players. this is what the situation we re going to be in. it s all those countries you mentioned. various groups and individuals. we ll do stuff to defend. and at times we ll do stuff to
attack like iran and their nuclear program and we ll use it against north korea. this is the most unregulated domain. we mentioned that council on foreign relations teamed up with national geographic in quizzing college-aged students about global events. what did you find out about what they knew and where they get their information? what they didn t kn know was lot. a real information deficit. the reason is in one part they get a lot of information from social media which is self-selected. it s always right? social media is always right. almost every college in america offers courses on these things. almost no college in america requires that you take them. you can navigate your distribution requirements and you can graduate from america s colleges as globally illiterate. we re not graduating enough people to fill critical jobs. we need a national debate in
this country like we had about s.t.e.m. we need to see what a college degree should represent. they are entering this global world. why are we not preparing the next generation of americans for it? they should be taught more about where to navigate where they get their information. you pay 50,000 bucks a year at these schools, why can t we ensure that a degree means that you re ready to navigate and operate in the world you re going top enter into it. people graduating with degrees from m.i.t. who can t tell you who the vice president of the united states is. more than half of the kids got minority half of the questions wrong. this is global illiteracy on a global scale. a war in iraq. 90% didn t know the amount of foreign aid we give. 90% didn t know canada was a
principle trading partner. if you were a freshman entering college this year, the united states of america has either been at war or has been dealing with the dramatic consequences of what happened in 2003, which means 15 years of their life or 12. have been involved in iraq and they can t place it on the globe. you might as well be talking about the pell peeshian war. richard, thank you very much. rick tyler, thank you as well. still ahead on morning joe when democrats had written off chances of taking the house, donald trump won the nomination for president and now democrats like nancy pelosi find their
party within striking distance. is she ready to take the gavel again. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. more americans are working. more have health insurance. incomes are rising. poverty is falling. and gas is $2 a gallon. i didn t even thank you for reminding me. thanks, obama. like how hard it . (engine revs) the things it does to your parade. we ve got a saying about rain, too: when it rains. it roars. the all-wheel-drive charger. domestic. not domesticated.
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i m going to roll out a plan to help our mothers and our families get affordable, quality child care for their children. and my daughter, is going to be involved. she s smart and right. for many families in our country, child care is now the single largest expense. even more so than housing. very little meaningful policy
work has been done in this area and my opponent has no child care plan. she never will. and if it ever evolves into a plan, it will never get done anyway. it s amazing all of the years hillary clinton has been involved in politics and focused early on in her career on young children that she has no child care plan running for president. that is shocking. this the true danger of pencing. when you are acting like mike pence and you are sort of parroting your candidate because you re too scared to say what you think, you are going to parrot things that are untrue, wrong, immoral, often ignorant. donald trump is calling for six weeks of paid mandatory maternity leave. 12 weeks for mothers and fathers paid at least two-thirds of their salaries is hillary clinton s plan. the clinton child care plan has
been in place since before she announced her candidacy in the spring of 2015, which her campaign pointed out last night posting the website link and tweeting, it s literally right here. with us now, we have congresswoman nancy pelosi of california. nancy, it is always great to see you. thank you for coming. talk about what you re wearing today. this is not a fashion it s about a tribute to one of your members. yes. today we will have a memorial service for our colleague from hawaii who passed away. he asked us to wear aloha to his service. beautiful. i love it. because of redistricting, i don t think anybody thought the democrats had a shot of taking the house back. donald trump has changed all of that, hadn t he? he s the gift that keeps on giving every day that he says
something that helps us mobilize at the grassroots level. he s been good. here s the thing. don t get too carried away by redistricting. when we took the house in 2006, which you know was not something that anyone predicted. it was a shock. we had just been the victim of a mid decade redistricting in texas. a difference of 14 seats. nonetheless we came in and won. it s on obstacle but not insurmountable. you don t win if you don t fight and we ll fig for every seat. how many seats would you say are up for grabs every two years usually? out of 435, isn t it usually about 30 or 35? maybe double in play. depends on the environment. we need 30 seats to win. what i m saying is that i think at the end of the day, that being election day, we ll have there will be a single
digit difference. we ll make tremendous inroads in terms of the number of democrats in the house. let s talk about hillary clinton. i was arguing this morning she needs to know her value and communicate it more effectively. she s got these incredible surrogates who are out there punching donald trump. maybe she ought to think about doing something that i don t think comes naturally to her because when you talk to her in person, she s incredible. she s really nice. she really connects. i don t think she enjoys campaigning. she said it herself. does she need to talk more about her own accomplishments and her career more aggressively about what it is that she brings to the table and stay away from this garbage? she s a very accomplished person. we know that. when she walks into that oval office, she ll walk in as one of the most experienced, accomplished, prepared leaders
in a long time with all due respect to the last three presidents. even barack obama said it yesterday. so what s important to people is what it means to them in their lives. her values, her vision, her knowledge and judgment, her plan for the future. how does that connect with people in terms of their lives? and when you hear all of this back and forth and this and that, if your normal average person in our country, what does that mean to me? what does that mean to my ability to make a living, educate my children, own a home, retire with dignity. that s our secure our country and our economy and democracy by getting rid of money in politics addressing some of the concerns that people have. i just say throw away speeches
and throw away the teleprompter anding hi ining be hillary. she has it in her. when you talk about children, you talk about their health, their education, their well-being but the economic security of their family, the environment in which they live and world peace in which they can thrive and nobody does it better than hillary clinton to make that case. you know, speaking about normal, average people and their concerns and concerns that affect their lives, a lot of people wonder why when something like zika arrives, a health emergency, that there seems to be such difficulty in the congress of getting more money for more zika virus to deal with the emergency. what is the problem? what is going on here? as you know president obama in february on the basis of science and evidence and data asked for 1.9 billion for the
zika virus to fight the zika virus whether it s through research for a vaccine or vector control prevention, all of that. it s just a philosophical difference between democrats and republicans in the congress. they would not pay for the money and put up the money and, b, the zika virus is a terrible thing because it is also sexually transmitted. they have said no matter what we do, we re not going have contraception as part of so opposition is they don t want to fund it or it cost too much? it s both. when you have an emergency and joe knows this whether it was a natural disaster or anything, you have an emergency spending bill. it is not you don t have to say how are we going to pay for it when we have a natural disaster as we have now in louisiana. so they made a departure from
what would be the normal regular order which is let s just do it. instead they said take the money from ebola, which eventually the nih had to do because there was no money. this comes back to the real basic difference between democrats and republicans. you have trickle down economics which gives tax breaks to wealthiest people in our country. let it trickle down. if it creates jobs, that would be good. if it doesn t, so be it. that s the free market or middle class economics. an economy that works for everyone. why it relates to this is because when you have the trickle down the same crowds you go balance a budget. you go balance a budget because they cost money. so then you take it out of cut pell grants. don t expand some of our investments into the future and when something like this comes along, we have opiodes.
they would say we re $19 trillion in debt. we ll do this but we have to pay for it first and that really has been for some time a battle between republicans and democrats alike. i think tom one time even refused to pay for relief in his home state of oklahoma until it got offset. republican argument to be fair is we ve got $19 trillion debt. $4.5 trillion budget. we ought to be able to find money to offset these expenditures. they never want to offset a tax cut for the wealthiest people in the country which doesn t do anything to create jobs except it increases the deficit. so it s inconsistent. i agree with pay as you go. if you have something you want to give somebody a tax break or make an investment, pay as you go. that s our democratic mantra. pay as you go. when you have an emergency, you
have an emergency, it s going to end up costing you more if you avoid the investment. obviously. you keep talking about this difference between republicans and democrats. hillary clinton, your nominee, is out on the trail saying the difference is between normal conservatives, republicans, democrats, and donald trump. is that argument helpful for you trying to take back the house? answering for myself and not hillary, there s not a great deal of difference between what donald trump has said on the campaign trail that people find appalling. climate change is a hoax. we don t hear every day in the congress of the united states. hillary clinton is saying the opposite. every day saying the opposite. i will say this. as we know, in the history of our country spectrum from left to right has been the legitimate debate in our country.
i would say that donald trump is off the arc. but there are many people in the congress who are off the arc too. so i don t think that you can just say that he s different from the people. from some in congress. i don t paint them all with the same brush. this beautiful debate that we go to congress confident in our views, ready to debate, willing to negotiate, is something that s gone from the republicans in congress. house minority leader nancy pelosi. thank you for being on the show this morning. still ahead, the new york times maureen dowd joins us about why it s not hillary clinton s problematic about her campaign, it s their stealth. morning joe is back in a moment.
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he s a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. sage. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. he s not a serious adult. i can t wbr id wbr62663 vote for donald trump given the things that he said. trump should not be supported. i believe he s disqualified himself to be president. i just wbr id wbr62963 cannot support donald trump. /b
in election season, you will often hear crazy stuff. but i got to say this year we ve been hearing a little more crazy than usual. joining us now, bestselling author and columnist for the new york times, maureen dowd. her new book is the year of voting dangerously. also at the table, nbc news correspondent katy tur covering the trump campaign. the two candidates just never learn. they never, ever learn. everything is upside down. you ve got the republican cozying up to the evil empire and democratic cozying up to goldman sachs.
you have a democratic as a republican nominee. two new york democrats running for president. this is screwed up is what it is. you chronicled the clintons so for long. what is it about bill and hillary clinton that they just never learn. never learn. they always most of the wounds are self-inflicted. and you say they aologyipologiz when a political gun is pointed at them. i started covering hillary when she was running as bill s wife and then i went up and covered her health care thing and when i was rereading my book this weekend, i was sort of gushing about her and very supportive and trying to explain that the first lady was this ridiculous tight rope that no modern woman could do.
i read a bunch of other hillary biographies trying to figure out what happened to her and what happened to that girl. mika saw a clip extraordinarily tough over hillary clinton. saw a clip from 1992 on the today show. my god. she was so far ahead of her time. right. what happened? so pure. i think the problem is that hillary has you know, i m not a gardener. i don t know the right metaphor. that shocks me. i see you out working the weeds every day. there s a vine, a killer vine around a tree. it s like she s a wonderful public servant who wants to save the world. always had that part of her and still does. but then there s a darker place that she makes decisions from a place of fear and insecurity. and that kind of trips up the public servant side.
so you always have the good side and then she gets you know, i was thinking it s like donald trump as his wall. she has her wall. and you saw it with the health thing. defensiveness. secretiveness. that is so self-destructive to her. speaking of donald trump, early on in dump s campaign, you seemed to take special delight in trump tweaking the establishment. as did we. we would mock all of the people that said there s no way this guy could ever win. you seemed to enjoy it for a while because he really did make fools out of the entire political establishment. and media. it was really fun to see someone kind of upset the golden apple cart of the consultants and all of the money and i really enjoyed that. i also kind of enjoyed him puncturing the neocons saying w
didn t protect us before 9/11 and even if he didn t do it when he said he did it, at least to critique the iraq war belatedly. he was kind of a truth teller in the beginning until, you know, he turned into a not truth teller. that would be a liar. yeah. i think in his case i ve been trying to think how to describe it. it s worse than truthiness. it s more like wishful thinking. like he wished he had been against iraq from the beginning. i do have to give him credit. he turned against it. there s something in the book where i talk to him about it in 2006. he turned against it way before a lot of the he did. you could borrow that it s the rear of magical thinking. the world is what donald trump wants it to be.
he s in his own alternative universe. i wonder about covering that, katie. i mean, it s not as easy as it looks, is it? as it looks, is it? no. it doesn t look easy when everybody s screaming at her. let me just tell you what i mean by that because we get the same thing on the show here on a different level. why don t you ask him the follow-ups? why aren t you reporting on this? how many it is like a cacophony of fantastical thinking and name-calling and untruths coming out of his mouth. why do you cover it and not get criticized for not covering it as well? he has policy briefings every week. there has not been a day where we can focus on the policy speech because there s another controversy, more questions about his business ties. so people are mad at you for not exactly. there s a lot to talk about when it comes to donald trump because he s as transparent maybe not transparent, as well known
public figure as he s been for the past 30 years. there s still a lot we don t know about what s going on behind the scenes, especially when it comes to his business dealings and his corporation. who exactly is he tied to? what sort of money does he have invested? how do you ever get to that? we do but he doesn t answer it. we would know more of this if he released his tax returns but that is something he s not doing. you know, you can sort of track trump though through the years by reading the book, by reading your columns because like a lot of us, it begins trump is amusing, he s funny, you love the fact that he sticks it to like the neocons, as you said. then you come to the end of the trail in the book, we re not at the end of the trail yet. it s no longer funny. no. little muslim kids and muslim women start getting attacked. you know what, i met katie in iowa. i told her what an amazing job she s doing on this campaign because i m sure it s hard, but the way i ve always thought of
trump is like who killed jessica rabbit. you ve got a movie with tunes. that makes it hard because he s a tune. you re trying to cover him as a human, right? my question to you is we have the concept of maybe what is going on in the country when he leaves an area. when it comes to little kids screaming down their hispanic classmates or muslim women getting their head scarves pulled off their heads in brooklyn. does he see any of that that s going on? saw a clip of a 69-year-old woman that was actually punched outside of a rally yesterday. yeah. i asked him early on how he felt about this violence at the rallies. he goes, you know, i like it. it adds a salt of excitement. i think he is the ultimate huckster who is selling in the moment. it isn t ideology, it isn t
values, he s just trying to make the sale. you know, it s his ego and everything is supplemented to his ego. one other question, do you think he wants to be president or does he want be to be called mr. president? our reporters debate this constantly. some think he doesn t want to be, some think he s self-destructive. i think he does want to be because whenever i have met any man or woman who s told they can be president, it s like a virus in the blood. they want to be the president. they want the toys, they want air force one. does he want to be called mr. president and the toys or does he want to get into office and be a civil servant? i think that he you asked a question that answers itself. yeah. he well, he certainly doesn t want to shrink back to new york as a loser, right? then his whole brand is gone, yeah. the book is the year of voting dangerously. the derangement of american politics. maureen dowd, it s always great to have you on the show. katie tur, thank you.
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up next, hillary clinton side lined with pneumonia turns to her deep bench. president obama, her husband, her daughter, and her running mate with a full-court press on the campaign trail. plus, he s called donald trump a false prophet, menace, nag, and potential threat to world peace. that was just on monday.
former mexico president vicente fox joins us with the thoughts on the man who wants to wallop the man who wants to be president of the united states and make mexico pay for it. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. ning your perfect record. yeah. now you would think your insurance company would cut you some slack, right? no, your insurance rates go through the roof. your perfect record doesn t get you anything. anything. perfect. for drivers with accident forgiveness, liberty mutual won t raise your rates due to your first accident. liberty stands with you. liberty mutual insurance. i thought my bladder leakage meant my social life was over. wearing depend underwear has allowed me to fully engage in my life and i m meeting people.
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that s just hoisting it up. oh, my god. i want this one. i don t think he s held a baby in a long time. thank god for donald trump because the concept of child care is finally coming to the forefront of america. that s right. good morning. when is hillary clinton going to do that? talk about child care? when? until last night. she s got to get to these issues. he s right. it s been decades. been decades. oh, wait, may 14th. what?
sorry. what are you talking about? i don t understand. help me understand. they did it in may. no, he said when is she i found it on the google so what are you talking about? they have to have that at trump tower. washington, philadelphia, explain this. you re like a fourth grader. what are you talking about? it s early. donald trump said that hillary right. had a plan. why won t she? because she s got one already. she s done it already. like tweeted in the middle of his speech, here it is. yeah. right here. with us on set, we have some people that obviously i don t know what they do in the middle of the night, that whole donald trump and the lion king, very good stuff. i thought it was fantastic. mike barnacle. legendary. former communications director nicole wallace. jim van dehy.
former governor of vermont and former chair of the democratic national committee, howard dean. good to have howard on board. how many times, like parents around this table seen lion king ? i cry every time. i ve seen it 47 times. my two older boys wanted to see it like 25 times so i did. and kate and jack have seen it the other like 22 times. that and cars and toy story are on a constant loop at our house. well, here we go. okay. because we re going to be talking about children. let s do it. it s good to hear that both candidates care. hillary clinton is set to return to the campaign trail tomorrow as she continues to recover from her bout with pneumonia. she ll have events in north carolina and the nation s capitol. her cap pain said she spent the day reading briefings and making calls but her wide network of surrogates has maintained her presence in the field. yesterday her husband picked up her events in california.
chelsea clinton was on the trail in winston-salem. tim kaine campaigned in ann arbor, michigan, and president obama hit the stump in philadelphia. he took his 58% approval rating on the road praising clinton and mocking trump. i keep on reading this analysis that, well, you know, trump s got support from like working folks. really? that be like this is the guy you want to be championing working people? this guy who spent 70 years on this earth showing no concern for working people. this guy s suddenly going to be your champion? you want to debate who s more fit to be our president? one candidate who s traveled to more countries than any secretary of state ever has has more qualifications than pretty much anyone who s ever run for this job and the other who isn t
fit in any way, shape or form to represent this country abroad and be its commander in chief. this is not reality tv. the doctor who just last week this guy who just went on russian state television to curry favor with vladimir putin. he loves this guy, and when they interview him, ask him, well, why do you support this guy? he s a strong guy. look, he s got an 82% poll rating. well, yeah, so did saddam hussein, had a 90% poll rating. i mean, if you control the media and you ve taken away everybody s civil liberties and you jail dissidents, that s what happens.
if the pollster calls you up and says do you support the guy who if you don t support him he might throw you in jail you say, yes, i love that guy. i mean, i have to do business with putin. i have to do business with russia. that s part of foreign policy, but i don t go around saying, that s my role model. can you imagine ronald regan idolizing somebody like that? no! so donald trump hit back. wait a minute. hold on. wait. come on. what do you all think of that? it s so easy for him. this race might be close between trump and clinton. the surrogate race, forget it. unbelievable. her surrogates starting with the president, the vice president, everybody else she has out on the trail. did i hear 58% right? yeah. yes. you know, you go through whether you re talking about football teams, whether you re talking about being president of the united states, jim, a lot of times it depends on who follows you, right? right. you don t want to follow bear bryant if you re a coach at university of alabama.
you don t want to follow the coach of leicesterster city. this is that view of votes. barack obama could not be luckier if he s worried about his legacy and his approval ratings to have these two candidates with approval ratings in the 30s following him. everybody s looking around going, okay, okay, yeah, not so bad. 58% approval rating. and some good. some great news, right? you can tell. not only does he enjoy it, the swagger that he has, he s basically saying, this is so easy. how me you can t do this, hillary? not only does he like taking trump apart like he did at the white house correspondents dinner, i think he likes showing how much better he is at this than hillary. the distance between him and how he articulates and prosecutes the case against trump and her, i think it s
enormous. a very, very effective he s in a very different position. he can have a lot more fun and be a lot looser. i think he knows that. i don t think she views it as a competition. listen, i think she should get a doctor s note saying it s contagious and she needs ten more days in bed. he s superb on the stump. the foundation is in the news, the suit against trump. trump s line the president s line in the speech yesterday was so let me get this straight. one foundation gives out money and saves people s lives. the other one uses other people s money to buy a six foot tall portrait of himself. he boils it down. the clinton folks try to say he s ridiculous. what president obama did is try to show how he s ridiculous. politics is so basic. it s like any story telling. show don t tell. he does it intuitively. and talks about vladimir putin going on state-run television. we have a president of the united states saying that going
on state run russian television talking down our military, it s a he s a strong, strong surrogate. yeah the trigger line in those clips that we just showed, you know, vladimir putin has an 82% approval rating. pause. saddam hussein had a 90% approval rating. everybody gets that. trump, we talked about trump benefits from her inability to make the case asus singtly as president obama. i m going to argue there s a different case she should be making. donald trump hit back at the president saying russia took crimea during the so-called obama years. who wouldn t know this? and why does obama get a free pass. what do you mean? and also he said this. why isn t president obama working instead of campaigning for hillary clinton? ohhh, xinger, howard dean. who doesn t like to argue in terms of these surrogates doing such a good job.
hillary clinton does something that a lot of women are really bad at. what do you say about what she s done? and about what she can do? and quite frankly i think america is ready and it is time and refreshing to hear a woman saying here s what i can bring to the table and say it in a way that really penetrates to voting electorates minds and makes them realize that there is someone really qualified here, someone who s going to stand up for you in a way that connects and women struggle with this, but especially in this kind of race where it s just you have to constantly go after donald trump, you forget to talk about yourself. i think that is incredibly insightful, i have to say, i really do. the thing that makes me i think about immediately is where sort of the feminism or whatever you want to call it right. is. hillary is the generation of ann
marie slaughter. exactly. she wrote a great book about this which is incredibly insightful. then along comes sheryl sandberg and has a very different experience and she s 25 years younger. the younger millennials have even a different experience, young women today, because things have changed so much. and the point that you just made is extraordinary, and i haven t really thought about it before, but it s true. historically women, especially of my generation, don t like to talk about themselves. the truth is, i and this is i m not saying this for partisan reasons for a change. the truth is it makes them really good managers and it makes them able to do things that men can t do. i could talk for her. in time. it s amazing.
here s what i say. here s how i fear for his country. secretary of state, there s a negative. i fiercely defended my husband. some people think i went too far. they re still together.
my husband. fiercely defending your children and everybody else. you want to see some e-mails, mike barnacle where i was working on a, b, c. here s some e-mails where i went to this country and dug in on d, e, f. yes, look at my e-mails, look at all that i ve been doing. you get a sense that that s one of the keys. it has to do with something we began talking about yesterday, sort of jokingly, the baggage that comes with clinton s 30 years. unpack it. when she talks about her husband, she always frames it up as we. i absolutely agree with you, joe. she should start with i stay with my husband. isn t this a problem that she also made the decision to protect her privacy? yeah. it s not just she doesn t show us the good things, it s that she doesn t show us anything. the instinct is always to hunker
down this way and hide. i don t think she s got a 60% sense among voters, not just republicans that she doesn t tell the truth, and nobody s i ve been to all of your conferences and i still can t do it. it s very hard to advocate on your own behalf. micah mike and i have the same problem. guys don t like talking about ourselves. she doesn t have the time. that s half of the coin. the other part of the coin is because she can t do that, it s not that she isn t making her own case, people suspect she s hiding something bad. that s something i m sorry, there s this incredibly long list, decades of work that she s done. she should be proud of it. right. she should be nailing it out there. that s something else she does, too. we ve said it all along. she hasn t said this. she needs to say, you know what, just like i fiercely defended my husband in the 90s, i did that first and i asked questions later. i get embarrassed, we all get
embarrassed. we fought through it together. on these e-mails, i made a mistake. my family s been attacked for 35 years by right wing republicans. my children my child has been hurt by attacks against our family by right wing republicans. they take you know, they call my husband a murderer in the 1990s. now they re calling me killary. these are the same people on the first night that barack obama, the first blackman ever in american history was sworn in were figuring out how to destroy him politically so, yes, maybe i was too aggressive in trying to protect my family and protect myself. i made a mistake but i hope you can understand. while i was doing that, these are the things i also was doing. i mean, the question is like how receptive are people to hearing that, right? not that she shouldn t make that argument, but i think the frustration that they have is that, listen, like this campaign is often like the coverage of it, the tone of it is kind of a
joke, right? it s very hard for if she were to prosecute like a very substantive argument of what i ve done, different cases she has done that and done that somewhat effectively getting people to pay attention to it. well then bring donald trump into it. bring in the shiny object. how about do a time line. you know, when i was 22 i was already doing this, donald trump was doing this. when i was 24 i was graduating from this and i was already doing this. donald trump was doing this. by the time i was 30 i was doing this. i would hammer it home every day. her career is incredible. howard? what mika is talking about is exactly right. what she s talking about jim is right in the sense that sort of the stage has been set. she can change that narrative. she has to control the narrative. trump has been controlling the narrative since the beginning of the campaign. that s how he beat 16 other republicans, most of them were better qualified than he was somewhat to be president of the united states. mika s point is not only do women not like to talk about
themselves, particularly in that generation, but in order to talk about yourself you in order to control the narrative you have to be able to talk about yourself. you guys are dead on. you know, i think this is this is an extraordinary thing to think about. i don t think it s been explored very much during the campaign partly because she hasn t controlled the narratives and she needs to do it and she needs to talk about herself. still ahead on morning joe, why can t mike pens say the word deplorable. it s like fonzi being able to say i m sorry. why can t he say anything? plus, politics in 2016. in what other year would there be a video with the former president of mexico whaling on a pinata of donald trump. vincente fox joins us later. check his left hook out. president obama s tenure in august, median incomes jump by 5.2%. that s big.
we ll talk about how that could reshape the race. first bill karins with a check on the race. who thought we d look like the normal ones this year, right? two tropical systems, one s a huge beast. the biggest of the year. the other is a baby storm. that one is located off our coast line here in florida now nearing the georgia border. yesterday brought squalor winds to areas around daytona beach, jacksonville beach. this morning the storm is weak. only 40 mile per hour winds. not a beautiful beach day for the beaches and coast lines of charleston, savannah, all the way back down to brunswick, georgia. this one went past taiwan last night. 180 mile per hour winds. was producing epic waves in the region. the eye went just south of southern portions of taiwan. that s going to go into china during the day today. here s sort of pictures of those waves. incredible stuff. we ll get damage pictures. the only other weather torey is the cold front in the east. record highs in washington, d.c. watch out for a stray shower. we definitely need rain in this region. pretty bad this summer.
it continues now as we look at fall in the weeks ahead. leave you a shot of new york city. probably the warmest day we re going to have until next summer in the big apple. high near 90 degrees. you re watching morning joe. we ll be right back. comfort food, you ve had a good long run.
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and it starts with foster farms simply raised chicken. california grown with no antibiotics ever. let s get comfortable with our food again. from the baskets that politicians try to put us into and always have put us into. instead we need to try to work together. now he s going to say, oh, the expectations are so much overdone. what if they are? so if they are, i m saying he s getting better on the prompter. go ahead and write your little blog. he s getting better on a curve. i ll forward you my hate. but you know what, it s like
they don t want to hear what s happening in the election. two weeks ago when i said it was going to get tight, everybody went crazy. it got tight, okay? he s he is performing in a way on stage that is going to help his cause. write your little articles in vox or wherever you want to write your little articles. oh, my lord. but it is the case that he s getting better on stage, all right? yes. and what that means is if he sucks on stage and he s a couple points behind and he gets better on stage, communicating in a more disciplined way, at least for a day, he s probably going to do better going into the polls. you re giving that too much time. that s all i have to say. donald trump s running mate, mike pence. but it is true because everything i say is true. to promote party unity. according to the new york times, pence face resistance from some house republicans. behind closed doors they told
them his concerns about trump s performance with women. jeff fortenberry told mr. pence that his young daughter had come up to him and said, daddy, donald trump hates women. and they said while meeting with senate republicans he received a firm repute from senator john mccain. trump s embrace of putin was unacceptable. congressman peter king commented to reporters that many members supporting a trump ticket largely because of pence. they said when they asked at home why he s supporting donald trump, i said because he picked mike pence to be president. right. according to the times, pens faced criticism from mike lee and ted cruz, neither of whom have endorsed trump. i m asking you if you re any closer to supporting donald
trump in november? hillary keeps getting worse and worse. it s absolutely clear hillary clinton is unfit to be president. the meetings on capitol hill came a day after pence refused to call white supremacist david duke deplorable. he was pressed on the issue again yesterday during a news conference. for all the world i have no idea why this man keeps coming up. i mean, donald trump and i have denounced david duke repeatedly. i was asked a question about that and i repeated that again. and the simple fact is that i m not in the name-calling business. but i m also not going to validate the language that hillary clinton used to describe the american people. hillary clinton wasn t talking about that bad man. we live in a free country and people wil build motives,
associate themselves with politics. i would draw no more conclusion to that man s expressions of support than i would the fact that the father of a terrorist who killed 49 americans was seen at a hillary clinton rally cheering her on and said he was there because she was good on national security. just curious. yeah. now you know it s really tough, this it s almost it s it s like something david blaine couldn t get out of him. they were in this sort of trap, linguistic trap that is impossible for them to get out. i have no idea how they can get out of that. let s try it. i ll try. is david duke deplorable? yeah. well, you ve got a choice. wait. you either answer the question yes, absolutely right away or you chew on the word salad. how stupid how stupid how stupid is it? there s no choice. why can t you say he s deplorable. if your kid said, mommy, i heard about david duke, what s david duke like? he s deplorable.
what parent doesn t answer that question. this isn t like third grade, nanny, nanny poo poo. name-calling exists. it gets a bad wrap but it exists for david duke. he has recently called donald trump a menace who could, quote, even provoke a third world war. former president of mexico vicente fox has that and other observations of the republican nominee for president. he joins us live in just a moment. is it a caregiver determined to take care of her own? or is it a lifetime of work that blazes the path to your passions? your personal success takes a financial partner who values it as much as you do. learn more at
yoyeah, i do.e? you guys are working on some pretty big stuff over there, right? like a new language for crazy-big, world-changing machines. well, not me specifically. i work on the industrial side. so i build the world-changing machines. i get it. you can t talk because it s super high-level. no, i actually do build the machines. blink if what you re doing involves encrypted data transfer. wait, what? wowwww. wow? what wow? there is no wow.
november 8th i m going to stop illegal immigration and i m going to stop drugs from pouring into our country and, yes, we will build the wall and, you re right, mexico will pay for the wall. they will pay for the wall. okay. well, there you have it. they re going to pay for it. they re going to pay for it. i asked him. he says believe me. believe me, that means it s going to happen. absolutely. he said believe me. absolutely. somebody says believe me, you ve got to believe them. donald trump yesterday, that was just yesterday. was that just yesterday? still repeating his claim that mexico will foot the bill for a border wall. believe me. believe him. joining us now from capitol hill, former president of mexico, vicente fox. mr. president, thanks so much for being with us. is mexico going to pay for the wall. do you believe him?
oh, please, give me a break. i mean, it s a crazy, wild, stupid idea. we ve been building a partnership between mexico and the united states. we exchange so much in trade, close to a trillion u.s. dollars. we exchange 1 million people goes back and forth the border. many americans come to mexico. many, many mexicans call me to invest, to trade with the united states. but, sir, what about all the immigrants who are pouring across the border into america and breaking the law? well, you know that today the flow has reversed. exactly. now mexicans are coming back to mexico because we have the opportunities for them and much less of them are coming to the united states so it is reversed. the same crazy idea is going to
a war with mexico. the duke ones, the goiogles. every one of these fortune 500 companies that do business in mexico, how are they going to bring back their businesses. we need strong, great relationship. just for everybody that s watching the show, because i understand there are some people watching, while we have the most educated viewership in america, some people might be dumb enough to think that mika did not know the answer to that. i was joking. which is the point, mr. president. he has people believing this. mexicans streaming across the border when actually it s a net negative right now which makes this entire debate seem even more meaningless, right? yes, it is meaningless and it s meaningless to build the wall like he said the gatness of the chinese wall. this ignorant doesn t even know
that the chinese wall failed, thoroughly failed. the mongols got in and conquered china with the berlin wall. this is a stupid idea so please wake up america. look at the proposals of a false prophet. i don t know what he has against mexico, but we mexicans love and like the united states. we like to keep this strong partnership that we have. if we re not going to be kicked out of here. we contribute to this nation when we buy from united states represents 10 million u.s. jobs for american citizens. if you stopped nafta, 10 million americans will lose their jobs. mr. president, clearly you ve been following the american election and the language of the american election and the proposals that one of the candidates has made during this election year.
democracy has not always prospered in latin america. the demagogues have too often flourished in latin america. does the current election campaign in this country and mr. trump s candidacy specifically remind you of any past demagogic candidates? yes, we suffered from that. chavez, the carrons, demagogery and i m surprised this nation is going back to the old days of the gringo fail, the ugly american but going back to populism. this nation is great already. this nation is great because of the work of these millions and millions of workers. yes, some manufacturing jobs were lost. 30% in the last ten years, but what he is not telling the truth
is that 95% growth in the new economy, in the new jobs, the quality jobs which is what u.s. americans have here so it s wrong on every position. it is wrong on going to a trade war with china, with mexico. he doesn t understand that u.s. economy has a deficit with every single economy in the world and he s not going to go to war with everybody. we are frightened outside. i work with 95 former heads of states. we are now in one solid front against this man. this is not the voice of united states. this is not the voice of a compassionate leadership. this is not the voice of a brilliant leader which would be world leader, not only president of the united states. yeah.
thank you very much. former president of mexico, vic vicente fox. still ahead, it s been a long time coming. after nearly a decade of stagnation americans have finally gotten a raise. the largest in a generation. what impact will that have on the election. could be the curse. that in just a minute. remember here at ally, nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. who s with me? i m in. i m in. i m in. i m in.
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i know more about isis then the wbr id wbr96049 we arapprgenerals do. age. mers. john mccain, a war hero. he s not a war hero, he s a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren t captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost wbr id wbr96349 their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i ve made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i ve had tremendous success, i think. those are sacrifices? /b
it s politics, the scary erosion of the pragmatic center. diminished capacity to make sense of choices when governments are there. and the erosion in the policy
tools available for the effects of the next recession. consequential, very damaging, very scary things. you know, for all of those who tell the children, time geithner, it s really evident. you re sitting there and you have a chance to go to a zeppelin concert. geithner. geithner. talk about quantitative easing. former treasury secretary, timothy geithner you re going to see geithner. his t-shirts. when he was asked. killing me. the challenge is facing which is dumb. time for business before the bell with cnbcs dominic chu. americans got bigger paychecks. it was huge. one big business headline just
developing the last one. bayer is buying monsantos. holy cow. that s bayer aspirin. we ll see what happens there. like you guys said, the paycheck thing don t confuse those two. seriously. keep aspirin in one cupboard and and the roundup i ve mixed the two before. as you can see. i hope you haven t. like you said, it s a big deal. a big piece for us at cnbc. like you said, the paycheck thing is a huge deal. according to the census bureau, financial well-being for americans in 2015, so what they re doing is looking at a measure called household income. it says the average measure of income now stands at $56,500 per family. now that s important because it s over 5% higher than it was
in 2014 and that s like, mika said, the biggest gain in household income since the census started tracking the data going all the way back to 1967 but it s a little too early to declare a victory just yet. we re still below the levels in the 90s during that dotcom economic boom. the number of americans living in poverty dropped to 13.5%. it was 13.8% the year before. that s the biggest drop in poverty rates. they mentioned poverty yesterday in philly, president obama did. it s all about interpretation. we ll see if people do feel richer than they have in the past. dominic chu, thank you very much. we have more on this big economic story just ahead. our next guest says there is an up side of inequality.
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my name is jamir dixon and i m a locafor pg&e.rk fieldman most people in the community recognize the blue trucks as pg&e. my truck is something new. it s an 811 truck. when you call 811, i come out to your house and i mark out our gas lines and our electric lines to make sure that you don t hit them when you re digging. 811 is a free service. i m passionate about it because every time i go on the street i think about my own kids. they re the reason that i want to protect our community and our environment, and if me driving a that truck means that somebody gets to go home safer, then i ll drive it every day of the week. together, we re building a better california. more americans are working. more have health insurance. incomes are rising. poverty is falling. and gas is $2 a gallon. i didn t even i thank you for reminding me! thanks, obama.
did he just say did he just say what? did he just say, thank you, obama? i say it. we got very good economic news. that s what i say every day. yeah, thanks, obama. he s kind of used to being kicked around. he is the change he has been waiting for. no, joe. he s proved he s been kicked around so much by republicans. the seas aren t rising anymore. the earth is going to heal itself, right? the moses of our time. you are taking it out of context. he must hurt his arm patting himself on the back. he was being ironic. joining us best selling author, very ironic, edward conor. his new book is, now listen carefully, the upside of inequality, how good intentions undermine the middle class. i said that. the up side of inequality. author and columnist of new york daily news, mike lupika.
you said that to pick a fight with me. the whole book is you want to do this, so explain the premise of the book. the upside of inequality is. america has a very large pool of highly trained entrepreneurs who are at the cutting edge of innovation creating more growth, more jobs, higher wages than europe and japan by a long by a wide, wide margin. that s the real up side of inequality. how do you create a system that rewards that type of innovation without punishing those at the bottom who don t have the education, that don t have the family connections, that don t have the ability to go to m.i.t. or to go to harvard or to go to what about the down side? yeah, i think there s three different issues that are important to separate. one is how do you get your most talented people out there trained working as hard as they can taking the risks that they can? right. that s one issue. i don t think that affects the poor. their success doesn t come at the expense of other people. the second issue, which the book
addresses, is why haven t middle class wages grown? the rich taking more than their fair share? are they taking it away from everybody else? are there other reasons why we don t see wage growth in the middle class. the third is why is poverty attractable. that s less of an issue. let s go to the second issue. the second issue seems to be the crux of the debate right now. yes. which is why have we had stagnation? wh have average wages stayed about the same constant since 71 or 72? i argued that in this innovation driven economy there are two constraints to growth. one of them is properly trained talent and the other is entrepreneurial risk taking. you spread risk taking over more workers you ll get higher employment, slower wage growth. we have 40 million foreign born adults, 20 million native born adult children and 20 million children. that s going to have an effect on wage growth. right. it will have enormous employment growth. we ve grown employment twice as fast as japan.
we have created an enormous amount of working class and middle class employment. we haven t done it at higher wages. mike, we had which mike? mike barnacle first. we had david brooks on first. he wrote a column talking about how you build the rivers going north of pittsburgh and far fewer workers than there were 30 years ago but the production the same. well, yeah. technology is as much as it s trained. you get steel mills still operating in western pennsylvania that are producing pretty much the same as it did 20 years ago with far fewer employees but it gets to the impact. let me ask you, ed. the impact of the lack of retraining programs state by state that are offered to middle income workers who lose their jobs never to get the similar job back again and technology. the role that that plays in income inequality. yeah. i wouldn t i don t i don t think retraining has shown to be very effective, but i do think
what happens is whirlpool takes a plant and moves it to mexico. and economists on both sides of the aisle says, don t worry about it. the entrepreneurs are coming. they re going to put you back to work. they re going to drive your wages up. they move to california, they outsource their blue collar work to china. the whirlpool engineers who are left are building products and factories for mexican workers. you have a limited amount of properly trained talent. it s a question of what you use that for. it s got to be used for innovation. you can t make for $20 what you used to make for $2 and expect to be prosperous. you can t spread it out over twice as many workers. your guy, the president yesterday kind of referenced my guy, i m sorry, who s that? the president. how did i take no credit for the president. how did how did a 70-year-old rich guy somehow portray himself as the hero of the middle class in this race?
don t you think that s one of the most fascinating narratives. no, it s actually not. when i found out early, never run before, running against somebody who s claiming to be conservative, i was claiming to be conservative. people would automatically say, okay, that one, she s kind of an elitist. people just pick something up and trump has that edge. he s always yes, he s a billionaire most likely. he s always been around manhattan. you look at fox news, people don t realize, that s a long island. their stars, hannity, o reilly, they re all products of long island. they have the grit. there s an element of that. he does touch on an issue which is raising a tremendous amount
of anxiety. trade? trade deficits, low skilled immigration. changing the mix between high skilled and low skilled workers at a time when our economy is driven by high skilled workers. do we conservatives have to look at trade deals differently moving forward if we want to stay connected with working class americans that have voted for us in the past? we, republicans, have to bring the reagan democrats into our fold the way that trump has done that without alienating the rest of the country. i agree with that. that goes to low skilled immigration and it does go i d say more to trade deficits than trade, but we have to be a lot more careful and thoughtful than donald trump has been in delivering that message. all right. the book is the upside of inequality. edward conor, thank you very much. great to see you, come back. mike, thank you as well. mike lupika. we should mention lupica has another new book out it s tied ld last man out. it will leave readers breathless and thoughtful. i have to tell you this,
seriously. jack scarborough, eight years old this one will, too. we actually read lupica s books. we do, seriously. i know i m sarcastic i m going to read you should take this home and read it to jack. no, this is all for me. all for me. mine. mine. anyway all the children get around. mike s podcast and i m posting it to twitter right now. children, the up side of inequality. that by edward conor. it will motivate them. the world as we find it. get the training. that does it for us this morning. stephanie picks up the coverage after a quick break.
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