The commute blended in with the evening commute. We were at this spot at noon today and that side of the freeway was back up all the way to the bay bridge. This side of the freeway is slow going, basically wherever you are going its probably going to take you more time to get there. Rain has been the extra passenger. Riding shotgun all day. Its a good thing that we are getting all this rain. But its a bad thing as far as commutes go. The chp says between midnight and noon, there were more than 100 accidents in the bay area and counting. Thats another spinout call. One vehicle spun out. Some vehicles work better in water than others. The recipe for a wreck, oil slicked roads and unprepared drivers. The number one thing we can tell people if youre going to drive on a rainy day, prepare for a longer commute and allow for slower speeds. The predictable result, twice as many accidents as an average weekday in the south bay it is state route 130 and rennie, a jetta spun off the roadway and w