announcer: try tide power pods with 85% more tide in every pod. who needs that much more tide? everyone s gonna need more tide. it s a mess out there. that s why there s 85% more tide in every power pod. -see? -ah. she runs and plays like a puppy again. his #2s are perfect! he s a brand new dog, all in less than a year. when people switch their dog s food from kibble to the farmer s dog, they often say that it feels like magic. but there s no magic involved. (dog bark) it s simply fresh meat and vegetables, with all the nutrients dogs need instead of dried pellets. just food made for the health of dogs. delivered in packs portioned for your dog. it s amazing what real food can do. hello. you just watched civil war which traveled across the united states to explore how americans tell the story of the civil war. haunted by a birth past and the stories it refuses to tell. from flags and monuments in the town square to family photos and cemeteries. we the living continue to
dedicating this cemetery to soldiers who died and we the living have to make their lives worthwhile. i don t think he had to go into specifics, i have a lot of power. i will used that power. and like lincoln said, i m clothed with this 13th amendment power and then you follow up with what you do about video games and gun control and the internet. i think the tone of it was absolutely pitch perfect. doris, john heilemann. one of the things most amazing about the movie, the way in which it kind of celebrates the kind of darker side of politics, right? it shows you this isn t just about nobility, there s a rlot f horse trading to get things
the wake of his speech because we ve become a nation of 300 million social commentator with twitter and everything, there was an astounding number of people who were critical of the president for never mentioning or using the word gun in those remarks that sunday evening at the high school and yet in the gettysburg address, president lincoln never used the word slavery and yet the power of persuasion is such in the presidency that are there similar lines do you think in terms of what lincoln did with his words and what president obama seems to be doing or on the verge of doing with his words? i think you re so right, mike. in a certain sense i thinking of this. think about what lincoln said at the gettysburg address. no word can express the losses that we feel as we are dedicating this cemetery to these soldiers that have died and yet we the living have a responsibility to somehow make
create the contours of the present. and we ve got to hope that we the living can learn from the triumphs and failures of those stories. but even more fundamentally it s stories about people, people who died particularly on this particular day. to the extent we bring them back now, they live on in the memory of others. i think it s all of our hopes that somehow through the memories of our grandparents and our parents, we can make those people who died live on for our children and grandchildren. that s what history is about. that s why i love it so much. the idea that you really can recreate by telling stories that people who live before and learn from their example. isn t it interesting that after world war ii even, the notion of perpetual war is very difficult for people. and in our country, senator john mccain of arizona said to me, he can understand despite the needs we have overseas of the two wars we still have from 9/11, so many americans want to shift the focus back home becaus
unconscionable. it really is. that s one of the things that this film, i think does so beautifully is crystalize that that we the living, there s this bridge between the folks who have gone before us, the dead and the unborn. and it is a bridge we have always the generations are always supposed to give this country, because we are the greatest nation. it is funny, the tea party they are mocked as being stupid, they really get it. sean: anybody that is not a liberal. you know what they get? this is a real crisis. not a manufactured crisis like global warming or the health care crisis. this is an existential crisis. sean: for all the anger. anger and frustration with republicans, you know, they their spending was getting out of control too. they were using money to keep their power. as bad as they were, nobody would have anticipated that in one year barack obama would