A Dexter 2006-ban debütált a Showtime-on, a Michael C. Hall főszereplésével készített széria egy olyan fickóról szólt, aki nappal törvényszéki szakértőként dolgozott Miamiban, éjszaka viszont kegyetlen sorozatgyilkosnak állt. A produkciónak idehaza is nagy rajongói tábora volt, ám a Dexter épp nekik okozott csalódást a fináléjával, mely egyesek szerint olyan rossz lett, mint a Losté.
Fans of Showtime s Dexter that stuck with it through the bitter end were rewarded with a series finale that has been described using harsh terms in the past. This is one reason that news of a revival/ninth season on the premium cable network was both surprising and somewhat welcome to viewers. [.]
SHELBURNE FALLS It’s been more than a month since Showtime’s “Dexter” wrapped up filming, and residents have had time to reflect on their experiences, as well as spot familiar landmarks in the recently released trailer.In the trailer, which can be.
Hosted in partnership with the Washtenaw County Health Department, many of the June pop-up vaccinations clinics are open to community members ages 12 and older.