Contributing Writer
As we draw near to the end of the session the schedule becomes fairly routine. We gavel in, we caucus on the bills we intend to debate that day, we wait while Democrats file amendments, then we debate those bills.
One of the more significant bills this week that we passed in the House was the Administration and Regulatory budget that includes many of the state government functions such as the governor’s office budget, Secretary of State, Auditor of State, Capitol building expenses and more. Included in this budget was also the appropriation for the broadband incentive program of $100 million that will be overseen by the office of the Chief Information Officer. This appropriation now goes to the Senate.
By Capt Joseph R. John
An order was issued by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin that all members of the US Armed Forces must take a 60 day stand down, to address “extremism”, he, Biden, Harris with the stealth direction of Obama are falsely accusing some of the 2+ million service members of harboring“ extremists and white supremacists in the ranks”! It is unprecedented, unnecessary, and a dangerous practice that will create instability and worry among career members of the US Armed Forces.
Supposedly, Biden, Harris, and Obama, who is in involved in the decision making process of the issuing Executive Orders, say they want to end Systemic Racism in America. Systemic Racism just doesn’t exist in America like it exists in Communist China, Iran, Communist Cuba, Communist Venezuela, and many African and Middle East Countries. America is the least racist country in the world, yet members of the Biden Administration imply that many members of the US Armed Forces are i
Fundamental Rights at Frontex
Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, considers respect
for and the protection of fundamental rights to be an unconditional and
essential component of effective integrated border management. The agency strictly
adheres to the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the
European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms,
as well as relevant international law.
Fundamental rights are integrated into the Frontex Codes of Conduct, the
Common Core Curricula for border guards, and more specialised training, such as
courses designed specifically for sea or land border surveillance officers or
forced return monitors. These raise understanding of fundamental rights and enable