8:30am-9:15am: UK politics 8:30am-9:15am: Roger Awan-Scully, Professor of Political Science at Hong Kong Baptist University 8:30am-9:15am: Sandra MARCO COLINO, Associate Professor, Faculty of Law, Chinese University of Hong Kong 9:15am-9:30am: cycling 9:15am-9:30am: Chan Ka-leung, member and spokesperson, Hong Kong Cycling Alliance On Wednesday's Backchat, we’re looking at chaos in UK politics. It’s just Liz Truss’ fifth week as premier, but her short stint has already seen chaos in the financial markets, she’s sacked her finance minister, and performed a U-turn on her flagship tax policy. And despite apologising for "going too far too fast" with reforms that triggered economic turmoil, there’s speculation the Prime Minister won't even last this week as the party's leader, let alone lead the UK Conservatives into the next general election due by January 2025. Several governing Conservative Party MPs have publicly called for her to resign this week. Just how much credibility is left in the Liz Truss government? Can she survive this? If not, who can replace her? After 9:15, we will look at the New Territories Cycle Track Network, as Hongkongers are being asked for their views on the final 17 kilometres of the cycling track network connecting New Territories East to West.