Hundreds of people are in a standoff with un peacekeepers and Security Forces in the democratic republic of congo after another day of protest its just gone 5 pm in the town of benny with 2 people and they are confirmed killed after crowds tried to march towards an airport where un forces based now theyre venting their anger against the u. N. Forces for failing to protect them from attacks by rebel groups 4 people were killed on monday as protesters attacked u. N. Compounds and set fire to the town hall the unrest has now forced the World Health Organization to pull almost a 3rd of its staff from beni which is grappling with an Ebola Outbreak it warns the instability will most certainly lead to an increase in ebola cases well im a buddhist the head of the United Nations in grand nord benny a little earlier he told my colleague Martin Dennis that the peacekeepers are not firing live ammunition protesters. 1st of course we are aware of the demonstrators who are making their way and we are at the same time making every effort to continue to dialogue with these demonstrators and their leaders as well as to the National Authorities local and in government and in contrast to ensure. And return to peace and security in the region but it doesnt seem to be working so far does it because people in beni appear to be furious at correspondent telling us that people have been setting fire to cars people their young men on the streets with machetes they are claiming that the u. N. That she fired at them there were several casualties yesterday and said that the u. N. Soldiers actually fired live rounds at this at the case. We didnt know of. But demonstrators. We have. Our troops and our Police Officers who are trained in red control who provided protection to our compound while it was being attacked for hours at a time we did not fire at demonstrators we have used our Police Officers who have the capacity and the means to control the. Demonstrators and this is what happened last night that some is going to give me what did they use then what does the un police use and if not live rounds when they are trying to exercising tactics in crowd control what sort of i mean nation do they use. Our Police Officers have to gas they also have the shields they have the batons and they have the tactics to. Address. The demonstrations including when they are very violent it is important to note that these the street sions were very violent despite that we. Made sure that we exist sites the utmost restraint both in terms of our. Reaction to the large crowd that was very very violent and that kept coming towards our base for hours. Lets discuss the situation in benny now with adam de who is the head of programs that u. N. University set of a policy research he was also a Senior Advisor to the u. S. Mission in the d. L. C. And he joins us now from new york where you are perfectly placed to answer this question you were there as a as an advisor clearly the people believe the u. N. Forces of the to protect them and they not doing it whats the problem. Well i think that the 1st point is that this is not a new problem theres been cycles of violence for at least the last 5 years and the Democratic Forces have been there for decades and theres a fairly predictable pattern which is that the Congolese Army will do in a an attack against i. D. F. Positions the idea will then attack civilian populations in the civilian populations will then carry out either demonstrations or attacks in this case against the u. N. And so when last month there was a large and and fairly uncoordinated id say Congolese Army operation against the a. D. F. Most people who follow this situation could have predicted that there would be retaliation attacks against the civilian population so i think one of the one of the aspects of this is a fairly recurrent pattern the other is an expectations gap there is a huge set of expectations around what the un can do in many in particular and the fact that the un for really the 1st time has a mandate that allows it to carry out operations often simple meaning they dont need to wait for an attack by the they can actually attack i. D. F. Training camps or wherever they find them using the force Intervention Brigade which is an innovation in the un this is raised expectations that manu sco will be able to protect the civilian population in a large and very complicated area its one thing for they be for there to be an expectation gap and the people not properly understanding what the mandate these it is another for the un to be firing on people and thats what the people the sign now that they are being fired on as they as they protest and attack the un bisons themselves. Yeah im not on the ground there right now i think omar described a situation where it looked like they were defending a base that had been under attack but i will say that when i was there in congo there were several incidents of stone throwing and a high level of discontent and i do think that things have reached a new pitch now that i have never seen before in terms of the level of discontent and obviously there is a kind of perfect storm of. Difficult challenges including the bold outbreak and the rise in attacks this is not the last the most recent attack is not actually the biggest in the last couple of months and so i think it is really reaching a different level of. Difficulty with the local population and this plays directly into the allied Democratic Forces strategy doesnt it because part of the strategy is when theyre attacked they go off to civilians they make it more difficult to try to treat the ball the sufferers as well they then turn the people against the state so what youre describing here this perfect storm actually feeds into the strategy of the i. D. F. I think thats exactly right and one of the shortcomings i think of many of the views of the a. D. F. Is they treat it as a military only group the a. D. F. Is deeply embedded in local communities in the benny and broader area a military set of attacks is not going to solve the problem something that actually would turn the communities against the a. D. F. In the longer term i think would be a strategy that would work better and i think that the un has tried some some work in that area but i do think that continuing to use offensive force against the a. D. F. As the Congolese Army has is certainly going to continue to fuel this cycle and as you say it is playing into a very very much the sands in this was at a good to have you on the program thank you for giving a shit on thank you scott. Well theres much more to discuss in one of the situation on the ground out jazeera produce a lion or a county has been closely following that story in benny and he joins us on the line so just bring us up to date on what youve been seeing and hearing in benny itself. What we were just. Really trying to experience the determination of these people. Has been raining heavily this morning but you can still. You can still see this people 100000 1 protesters coming group of 100 and you see them 200 more than 200 calling and coming back to the same position to the same block which was set up this morning by local 4 forces trying to protect the line which is taking People Stress to the 2nd u. N. Military bases at the airport or spending so theyre really to 5 because its really raining here but they did launch going back home they did not discourage they had to come in they said that we will call we will cross this place we will finally take over the base of the u. N. Because they feel here and do not stop until theyre released this is what we just want to see. A line so lets be clear about what they want your describing there that they want the u. N. Forces out because they believe that they not being protected indeed but i believe they are being fired upon this is one of the biggest un operations anywhere in the wool peacekeeping operation so where does this go to from here. Yeah exactly theyre saying that this u. N. Normally mandate is giving him capacity and the possibility of engaging i. D. F. We doubt even the i. D. F. The army they do believe that yes the army is organized but theyre saying at least this is a big un mission. In india wed save the capacity they have even on the right not against you and saying that theyre using it equipped to disperse the protesters instead of using the cemetery copters which is founded by the towns and of countries around the world because to support to to protect the civilians but for them un is not really much really using demanded and the capacity that has been given to him by decree Security Council this is why they dont want to un he again because they dont believe it most of the people civilians those who were killed here in the beginning it just near the un compound near the un areas this lady population are saying definitely un is. Dealing they have some connection with the keyless they are now clearly accusing the u. N. To be in connection with the killers here in the bin specially we a. D. F. This is why they dont like us again here they will take over what we did after but they have to finish because of all we did United Mission peacekeepers and all the mission they dont want to see us around the display is a lie move continue to monitor the situation with you thank you again. Now to libya where the current caretaker Prime Minister saad hariri says he doesnt want to lead the next government hes urging president michel aoun to name a new Prime Minister after consulting different parties saad hariri resigned last month after antigovernment protests swept across lebanon people have been voicing their anger against corruption and sick tyrian politics lets go live to zona hotel in by route but its been much backlash from supporters of his baller and others against protesters demanding change we want to get 1st of all resigned the Immediate Reaction that youre hearing and seeing to the news that saad hariri does not want to contest this Prime Minister. Well those in the street the protesters they say well we never wanted him to return to office in the 1st place we consider him part of the political establishment he has been in power for years and hes part of the system and we dont want him to return to office but there is a reality 11 on this is a country divided by sects and he considers himself and he is a leader in this country so if he doesnt return to office and the other camp appoints another a Prime Minister another candidate who is allied to them then you will see anger within the Sunni Community so political turmoil more uncertainty some believe how do you he could be playing his cards saying hes no longer interested in having a new government blaming the Ruling Alliance for blaming him really for standing in the way towards a solution telling them ok you come up with a candidate he knows he has International Standing he knows he has International Support and he also knows he has the support from sundays in lebanon the 1st reaction were getting sources from the president ial palace saying that the president is now going to hold binding parliamentary consultations on thursday sources not the president which makes some believe that this could be also a tactic to pressure heidi. Changed his mind because the Ruling Alliance the hezbollah led Ruling Alliance is very well aware that if they push ahead with their own government it risks International Isolation so what we have now is a situation where you have a political crisis feeding into a National Crisis feeding into an economic crisis and of course as weve seen in recent days as will violence from sheer groups against the protesters its a its a perfect storm that really raises questions about just where the country goes to from here. It is the worst crisis since the end of the civil war in 1998 a deeply divided society you mention violence yes the past 2 nights there has been violence linked to the crisis supporters of the 2 parties are hezbollah theyre part of the governing alliance they were riding in the streets on motorcycles carrying party flags chanting sectarian slogans chanting slogans so in support of their leadership intimidating the protesters who are in the streets theyve destroyed the camp sites really saying that we are ready to resort to force if to protect the political power we have gained they believe that the protest movement has been hijacked they believe that the protest movement is doing the bidding of foreign powers particularly western powers against the hezbollah hezbollah believes that if they are left out of the government they will be weakened what does the street want the street wants an independent nonpartisan government to lead this country. To call for early elections to carry out much needed reforms what theres a Ruling Alliance want they say yes well agree to a few technocrats in the government but we insist on Political Representation so no thank you senator joining us live from beirut well its plenty more ahead on the news out including an election route no concessions from hong kong to end the months long protest against the leadership. This water that you see here is salty water from the. Hated and not causing is enormous damage. Europes Floating City underwater off the record flooding. In sport russias doping problems could see them stripped of hosting major football. Be here to explain. You know at least 16 people have been killed after the most powerful earthquake in decades jolted residents in the early hours of tuesday the 6. 4 magnitude quake struck just north of the capital to run a rescue teams from neighboring countries and easily have arrived to help stephanie reports. The earth shook while most people were fast asleep the power of the quake caught on surveillance cameras. Notability. Me i felt it in my bedroom went to my kids room in the door slammed on me both my arms this is war or. The early hours of tuesday turned into a search for survivors some fatalities are being reported hospitals have been treating hundreds of injuries the 6. 00 magnitude quake with its epicenter 34 kilometers northwest of the capital to donna caused a few buildings to collapse its a 2nd earthquake to strike albania in the last few months the last one in september measured 5. 00 and damaged hundreds of homes Stephanie Decker aljazeera. Is live indoors which is one of the areas affected just as up to date on what youre seeing there right now in the efforts to rescue people and to deal with the destruction. Yes this one is just one of the buildings which collapsed in this early earthquake really big earthquake in which hit. India small months at least 616 people are dead 600 are wounded and we have 41 which are a rescue like this this is actually true or one trying of a rescue mission here we can see not only police and Fire Fighters and army stuff from albania but also from older neighboring countries which are helping them to try to locate the survivors in this moment in duress are 6 buildings like this which are totally collapsed on the other hand most of them are seriously damage and people who are in the streets from the small morning they cannot go back because in the last 12 hours siri of smaller earthquakes hit this area and people are afraid that these buildings small last you mention the series of smaller earthquakes as well i want you to give us a sense of just how difficult this might be the weather seems to be on your side but what are the difficulties in being able to reach people and get the right equipment and the right numbers of people in there to deal with with a disaster like this. Yes its really difficult because in this building right now below it theres a person who is waiting to be rescued but its really really difficult job to reach her because they couldnt you see theyre trying to move the bigger parts because they cannot move and do with their bare hands anymore theyre trying to pick up the bigger parts and then to try to dig and try to reach that person thats the case in all of duress on the other hand the major problem here is that all the being links are really tore up and really close so if it hits again most of these people will be in serious danger actually in one moment like 20 minutes ago there was like a big fear this is the moment when things started to shake and a little bit in all of them started like 2 to run away from the buildings but theyre so close in there so high that it will be definitely a one sleepless night for the habitants of duress and there will be no doubt about that melissa thank you bring us up to date. Tens of thousands of people are struggling to cope with flooding and landslides in northwestern kenya at least 52 people have been killed in the past few days relief teams have been slow to reach the region and some roads and bridges have been cut off by flooding several african nations are being hit by heavy rain and more is forecast mamata dowries that account for displaced people in the village of you know coolly and in the northwestern kenya. This people of lost almost everything they owned their homes crops on livestock they came here 7000 of them seeking shelter from a repeat of the disaster they faced also to try and get help and that help has been very slow in routing them the roads and bridges leading to this area have been swamped by the torrential floods and the government is trying to repair them but it is a painstaking process that is slowed even further by the continued rainfall for this before some of them the loss of their loved ones has been the most profound of losses for them we spoke to people who lost 3 to 4 family members and still have some of the relatives admitted to the hospital in. That is the headquarters of the region and they are saying some of them have had even spinal injuries now these people are not getting much help right now and they say they need tends to ward off the cold nights blankets but above all feel good under water so far they have had a medical team coming from the biggest hospital in this region coming to them and talking to the medical workers they told us that most of the people ive been through to foreigners pertinent does is us. Hong kongs leader has spoken for the 1st time since prodemocracy candidates claimed victory in sundays District Council elections Kerry Lambert knowledge the discontent with the territorys pro china government has set up an independent committee to investigate the causes of the un wrist scott hardly has. There is still anger and frustration on hong kong streets after the landslide victory for prodemocracy candidates in the District Council election but for the most part its been peaceful. For the 1st time since the results were announced hong kongs chief executive kerry lamb appeared in person including deficiencies in governance including unhappiness with the time taken to deal with the current unstable environment and of course to end found us so i said that we will seriously reflect on these views expressed to us and improve governance in the field of our work prodemocracy supporter chancy why was the underdog in the fight for his district seat but he won beating a rising star in the largest pro beijing party. Thing though there was a political awakening among the people because of the ongoing protests. And if you ever meet or chan has one message for kerry lam. How about 5 demands not one less. Never promised. His fellow newly elected councillors have already gone out to voice the change they were voted to front gathering at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University where a handful of protesters are still holed up after this resoundingly message coming out of the elections to the government here some feel that the next move is with beijing to make some changes but that its highly unlikely to happen it would seem to make sense to beijing say lets lets spend a little bit lets see what we can produce they propose some can score from the past maybe they could reintroduce take a step for a more accountable chief executive the problem is that thats not thats not the beijing mindset that mindset remains firmly set on control and the mindset of a frontline protester called wave is equally set she scaled down a rope to escape the siege at Polytechnic University who it is not a matter of being a hot cup protest there are not is that i need to receive and how the government we are defective and they should make a response. The response from the people of hong kong was at the ballot box but that so far has only been met with words from the Hong Kong Government scotland aljazeera hong kong. 20 people have been arrested in georgias capital tbilisi as protesters tried to block politicians from entering Parliament Riot police used water cannon to force demonstrators from storming the building opposition and Civil Society members of been protesting for weeks they calling for a snap election and demanding an overhaul of the electoral system which they say favors the ruling party. Every time the majority of its 11 is really i mean for a general principle they would try to really enforce. Some kind of story you know just decisions in the parliament they will have this kind of this conference around the parliament. Attempting to block functions of the state is not a solution or a peaceful gathering its obvious that the right to peaceful demonstration will be gathered by the government and the state but at the same time of course the state will have a reaction of someone tries to violate the law but at the same time of course the state will have a reaction if someone tries to violate the law and tries to block state functions or institutions. Robert forster would have here was at the protest outside the parliament in tbilisi right now theres a crowd over to my right in front of the Parliament Still there with their placards assembled a collection of Civil Society groups and different opposition parties and they plan to keep up their protest to keep reminding the governing party that they were next on their promise of Electoral Reform i should add that m. P. s have been able to enter the building governing party and these they have held a session this morning and the speaker of Parliament Said that it was time to get on with business and that things should not be allowed to disturb our work that people are expecting us to get on with our jobs but there is also concern constellation amongst them peace who are in those who resigned from government after that vote the other week against Electoral Reform who is saying you know. Its its time to acknowledge that there are a lot of angry georgians out on the streets and that there is a need for compromise we know that the Diplomatic Community is western partners have been urging the government to move forward on compromise that is what were hoping will happen in the coming days ahead because the opposition says they are going to continue their protests outside parliament. Still ahead on aljazeera a day of anger Public Opinions reject the u. S. His decision to legitimize illegal israeli settlements. A stark warning we take a look into what the u. N. Says the world must do to prevent global warming. At its core italian football the power about chile faces move racist remarks this time from inside his own club. And that is still a famous account showing up on the satellite for the middle east a bulk of it really working its way north and east away from kabul so that is the rain instead will continue to work its way through Northern Areas of pakistan as we head through wednesday then you notice the rain and the snow heading from the west heading across the through much of turkey bringing some showers likely to the eastern end of the med 22 celsius and beirut with their shadows 20 a little bit cooler but youll notice this rain working its way then on into northern sections of iraq and also working its way across into georgia some cloud pushing into Western Areas of iran just 12 celsius your high the entire now for wednesday not a bad day generate through much of even peninsula we could just see maybe a shower into these coastal areas of yemen but elsewhere too much is a come back up to some pretty good levels 26 in riyadh and joe hoeffel wednesday by thursday we could then just see that same system further to the north sweeping south was maybe just. That it could also just bring a stray shower i mean may just see one of 2 shows through the northern gulf as well but still pretty 27 and home on a day then down into Southern Africa dry through much of south africa where the bulk of the rains to the north and go on towards mozambique and warming cape town at 24. 00. Aljazeera world meets 2 arabs. Left the middle east but for successful careers in other parts of the world. The lebanese gynecologist turned to him in brazil. And youre occupying the norwegian with industry. Unusual journeys leading to unexpected places. The doctor and the wilma on aljazeera. Aljazeera where every. Chinese casino empire is transforming cambodia green costs money to develop and criminology one i want to. Win is a loser in cambodia. On al jazeera. Youre watching aljazeera heres a reminder of our top stories this hour 2 people have been killed as the standoff continues between protesters and u. N. Peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo thousands of demonstrators that marched towards that you were betting theyre angry about an increasing number of attacks by rebels and they were accusing the peacekeepers of failing to protect the. Caretaker Prime Minister saad hariri says he does not want to be part of any new government hes called on president bush so everyone to immediately call for consultations to designate a new leader and we resigned last month after antigovernment protests swept across the country. A powerful earthquake has hit albania killing at least 16 people aftershocks continuing as rescue crews search for survivalist. Lets return now to our top story the un wrist in democratic republic of congo thats for some of the front line ebola workers do suspend their job the u. N. Health agency had to evacuate some of its Staff Members Christian Lynn meyer is a World Health Organization spokesman and he told aljazeera that this is the 1st time the organization has had to take such a step so its a very dangerous situation right now while the unrest are not targeted against it will the response though its a pure anger against the security situation it heavily impacts our response on the ground you have to see hundreds of staff daily going out to look for patients took contact the contacts of these patients to vaccinate or immunize people. To assist the community was safe perls and most of these operations are not. Not being able to be carried out right now so out of 120. 00 staff we normally have in around binny we had till now temporary relocate a proud to a 3rd of it in 49. 00 staff to continue their operations from from goma. That is the 1st time we ever had to do this so this shows as severe if you have the situation at the same time 71. 00 of our staffs a good 2 thirds actually stay on the ground and will try to continue even in these circumstances the best they can the operations on a daily basis in a much smaller scale and that is exactly the challenge because unable of iras which we were very close to getting rid of already has now a big chance to to continue spreading in a scenario where you dont have control over. And elsewhere in the sea at least 45 people have been killed as floodwaters swept through homs to rental rain hit the capital kinshasa causing landslides the severe flooding is stretched across much of Central Africa and left hundreds of thousands in need of humanitarian aid 13 french soldiers have been killed in mali after 2 of their helicopters collided during an operation on monday the forces were engaging rebel fighters who had been carrying out attacks in the north of the country france and soldiers to mali in 2013 in an effort to drive back rebels in the same hill region 38. 00 french troops have been killed since then fred says it is still committed to its operation in mali. Its a dramatic accident francis position has not changed we are fighting terrorism with high quality soldiers often at the risk of their lives they were stuck to Public Officials have met libyan warlord who leave to have talks a statement says the meeting on november the 24th discussed the steps to achieve a suspension of hostilities and a political resolution to the libyan conflict the frank discussions build on recent talks with the tripoli based officials the aim is to establish a common basis for progress between the parties on the issues that divide them these include concrete efforts to address militias and extremist elements and the distribution of resources so they benefit all libyans but it has more from the libyan capital. This meeting is according to many analysts. Resulting in a very strong statement calling on the war lord harry for have to stop hostilities and return to the peaceful negotiations to end the libyan crisis remember in back in april the overstate might prompt you call dont have to. Retreat and to stop the military escalation in southern and tripoli and since then this is the 1st american statement to. Lake is said to address a stronger statement to have to stop the military hostilities and return to their peaceful negotiations but the question now is whether or not this meeting is going to take it will contribute to end the conflict in southern tripoli unless the United States will address the countries involved in fueling the conflict in libya like russia the United Arab Emirates and egypt iraqi forces have fired at protesters killing at least one and injuring others in baghdad demonstrators throwing rocks at Security Forces from behind makeshift security baritones in the heart of the capital the unrest is the latest in 2 months of protests demanding a new government improvements to livingstone protest through in southern iraq roads were blocked with burning tires in the cities of basra and some are protestors have blocked Government Employees from going to work for days at least 350 iraqis have been killed 15000 wounded since the writers nationwide protests started 8 weeks ago. Palestinians are protesting against the u. S. Reversal of its policy on illegal israeli settlements schools and businesses are closed early in the occupied west bank and gaza the an extension of Palestinian Land is illegal under International Law the u. S. Now says its up to the israeli courts to determine legalities and abraham was at those protests in ramallah in the occupied west bank. Protesters have turned up here today with a league of israeli settlement. In what is known here as a day of rage they are protesting what they say is an american shift of policy last monday by u. S. Secretary of states why pompei o has said the baby was no longer considers israeli settlements a violation of International Law around darwin its a coup for palestinians to unite we want to share with the Israeli Occupation that we stand here united in process injuring confrontations protests have started in the sometimes of towns across the occupied west bank the Palestinian Authority urged people to take the streets were school am Public Institutions were given. To the admin and they got a number of the remarks by the u. S. Administration with a concern in jerusalem or israeli settlements are widely denounced by all sectors of palestinians earlier on tuesday as 36 year old Palestinian Family of a gag has passed away in israeli custody hes been sick with cancer and was not allowed to spend his final days with his family sami is the 5th palestinian to die in israeli custody since january although the calls for podesta want to me before him the way his issue of the to me the scene is very important and high on the palestinian. Made it must military says its launched Court Martial proceedings against soldiers accused of atrocities during the crackdown on the rohingya the troops belonged to a regiment sent to a village where a massacre is alleged to have happened around 3 quarters of a 1000000 fled the military crackdown on the Muslim Minority in Rakhine State 2 minutes ago the Court Martial preceded the International Court of justice starting genocide hearings against me and next month Pakistans Supreme Court has taken a step towards blocking the chief of the army from serving a 2nd term Prime Minister imran khan granted general. The extension in august citing security concerns especially over the disputed territory of kashmir 1st attorney is due to end on friday judges they need more evidence to show that the extension is justified. Is in islam about. The chief judge. Stan took up a red drawl application in a petition that works. Against the Extension Granted to the Pakistani Military chiefs now although this was a draw application and that did your best foundation which had filed their application wanted it to be drawn the chief justice decided to take this up in what he said was the Public Interest it is going to be important to see whether the court is just moving on procedural matters because the chief justice decided to suspend that notification issued by the pakistani Prime Minister earlier on the 19th of august which granted general. Barger an extension because of the extraordinary situation prevailing after the unilateral action by india over the next station of the 2 countries to the word war so all eyes will now be on the Supreme Court but it appears that this is a procedural matter because the attorney general was not able to satisfy the court as to whether the procedure opted for the extension was correct it would need permission and of course the nord of approval from the pakistani president so the next 24 hours will be important and it will be important to see whether this is just a procedural matter or whether it is more than that. More than a 1000000 Indigenous People across india are fighting for their right to live in the forests indias Supreme Court is expected to decide whether they will be allowed to stay some conservationists and politicians argue the forest will is damage the environment and salvor has more from forest in protests forests like these have been home to the Indigenous People of india for generations they eat what they grow drink from the stream and worship nature as their ancestors did its enough they say in fact much better than being subjected to open squalor that they have seen their neighbors and friends those who were forced out of the forests go through this a that they thought that their rights to live of the forests was finally guaranteed under the Forest Rights act back in 2006 but since the courts order vixens fear has lingered in this community now they allege that the authorities are going to use turning the forests into a sanctuary for wildlife as an excuse to benefit themselves and the corporates that they favor but Human Rights Watch report accuses police of using Excessive Force against protesters and serious Human Rights Violations demonstrations against income inequality and police the person have been going on now for over a month to us Human Rights Watchdog says 26. 00 people have been killed and more than 2300. 00 civilians injured despite this the governments announced plans to use the armed forces to protect Public Infrastructure without letting america is really seen human joins us now from capitol santiago and this is this is been an issue that has been around throughout these protests theyve been investigations theyve been allegations about these human rights abuses it really does to the people the Security Forces and the protesters very much against each other. Well absolutely have you see it every day on the streets now the interesting thing about this report remember there was one is an International Last week this one took more than 2 weeks to put together a team of 6 people led by a banker the director of Human Rights Watch and not only are the conclusions of the diagnostic that i know says it is worrisome but also they come out with suggestions ways to try to fix the problem if you like now more than the armed forces the army really does concentrate on the Security Forces the police principally the police and what mr vivanco just said in the News Conference ended just a few minutes ago is that the police has systematically committed grave and serious abuses of human rights also they talked about brutal beatings and a sexual abuses against people who are detained mainly women in fact and also attempts to cover up what has been done by arresting people without an arrest warrant or even without calling it a rest rather a detention so that means no paper trail what mr van gogh is saying is that the police is absolutely unequivocal quipped inefficient and is improvising and it needs to be reformed immediately in order to end these abuses and furthermore that the the culprits must be brought to justice underlining that there cannot be impunity otherwise the chilean state could be held accountable but what about the response from the government itself because as we said before these are allegations that have been around now for weeks and the government citing they could be new to to use armed forces to protect Public Infrastructure. Well you know the public these are 2 separate things the president is asking for the army to be allowed to go out onto the streets to protect our Critical Infrastructure and this has not happened yet because the chilean law until now only allows that to happen if a state of emergency has been declared that didnt take place for 10 days at the very beginning of this crisis starting date 18th of october to literally 8 of october and after that it was just the riot police but the riot police were the ones who according to Human Rights Watch of committing the greatest number of Human Rights Violations using things like. Lead covered rubber rubber covered metal pellets for example when the police was saying that it was just all rubber its unacceptable and unexplainable that the head of police doesnt know what hes shooting people with and taking their eyes out with things like that but now that the president has received this report this morning mr bungle handed it over to him personally and the hope is thats what hes saying and i think thats what many chill chileans would agree after hearing it that the government will take serious note of these recommendations so that these things dont continue this is thank you so much for the soon human life. To accuse Defense Ministry says 17 people have been killed in a car bomb attack in the syrian town of russell and its blaming. The y p g for the attack killed his fathers withdrew from the border town last month under a cease fire deal brokered by the u. S. The Prime Minister of motors chief of staff and 2 of his ministers have resigned as investigations into the murder of journalist definitely carolina intensified Keith Chambery is understood to have been taken in for questioning in relation to the case and police were seen entering one of his properties on tuesday the countrys tourism and economy ministers have also stepped down Investigative Reporter Daphne Carroll wanted to leave syria was killed in a car bomb in 2017 flooding continues to hit the italian city of venice the city suffered heavy damage after being flooded several times in the last month the mayor has previously estimated the repair bill will be a 1000000000. 00 so he diego is in square in venice and explains why the damage is so extensive. At high tides the city of venice continues to flood particularly in areas such as marks square and you can see behind me while there is a sense of normality continuing people going about their daily business tours still visiting the area it is causing an enormous amount of damage because this water that you see here is salty water from the lagoon venice is located and that causes enormous damage to the buildings here the Cultural Treasures such as basilica behind me here the mayor of venice has said already more than a 1000000000. 00 worth of damage has been done thats whats known so far however the full extent of that will be known in the months to come but residents are angered and say that there must be more to protect the city from these continual high tides they blame the cruise ships which they say how close the deal was damage to the bed of the lagoon but also the underwater damming system that was supposed to be completed in 2011 but thats a project thats been my corruption scandals which 35 people were arrested over they say that that has to be revisited because that in itself has done extensive damage to the bed of the lagoon and that requires an urgent lookout. The world will have to make an unprecedented effort to cut Greenhouse Gases to avoid Climate Chaos so says the u. N. In its annual Progress Report looking at the targets set for 2030 by the Paris Agreement that found that despite the pledges Greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere reached a record high in 2018 and that Current National commitments are not enough even if all the bad temperatures are expected to rise over 3 degrees celsius this century the u. N. Says extreme cuts must be made to meet the paris targets and emissions will have to 4 by more than 7 percent between now and 2030 John Christensen is the emissions gap report lead author he says meeting these targets will involve a difficult economic and technological transition. I dont think it needs to lead to disruptions i think we need to look at transformations and i think we have historically seen transformations in many sectors maybe not with the same speed that we look at if you look at the whole i t sicked i mean theres been a huge transformation in the last 10 or 20 years when i explain to my kids or grandkids how the phone was happening when i was a child he went to the exchange the put in a plug and saw the look at me as if im from the stone age of the take out their smartphone so transitions happen the main one were looking at now is in Energy Transport aquaculture and forestry and in energy i mean luckily Renewable Energy solar and wind have become so cheap that theyre fully competitive in almost all the countries with other sources of power supply and i think we are starting to move also in a situation where we can gradually shift to electrified mobility but that of course puts another strain from the power sector but i think its doable i mean i come from a small country called denmark and the government there has just set a 70 percent target for 2030 and it had full parliament back up theyre still trying to work out how to actually do it but i think nobody is questioning whether it can actually be achieved but of course the challenge is big in the same would be even bigger in countries where you have 1st the resources in your own country where you need to get rid of that use over the period of time and theres a lot of issues in the transition needs to be addressed lots of people are working in fossil industries you need to create jobs for them also you need to compensate some of the owners to the extent as possible so its a difficult transition but i think its doable. Still ahead on aljazeera will have sportswear the shah and doze off golden states n. B. A. Season as they win the streets growth. Since its inception in 1961 the kuwait fund has been supporting peoples livelihoods in over 100 countries by funding projects in an array of sectors. Ranging from infrastructure to health and education. These initiatives ultimately help to eradicate poverty. And promote sustainable development. The brazilian journalist investigating a politically struction land grab all the farmers helped yet also not elected and hes repay them thats empowering everyday people to profit from the destruction of the rain forest people are almost willing to give their life away to guarantee the occupation of the land is journalism the last hope in the fight so steep the amazon the system not only a land conflict but a conflict a narrative brazil the age of balsa naro whose truth is it anyway on aljazeera. And now the largest in sport his role found thank you very much the arabian gulf cant begin then under an hour with hard up against iraq theres extra attention on the tournament this year because 3 of the nations blockading qatar saudi arabia the u. A. E. And bahrain all competing well the opening ceremonies carry take various right now at the heart kohli fist. Where are the richardson joins me now and the fact that the u. A. E. Saudi bahrain all these countries taking part in the gulf cup is it the start of relations easing between the blockading nations. It was interesting when those 3 countries decided to might not footballing youd certainly got a statement from beats one of the organizers saying that it was a reminder that when it comes to the gold cup this region is house warming compare that to the situation out of the last gold cup in late 2017 just a few months after the blockade began that sort of a study by kuwaits one of the countries that remained neutral throughout the blockade on one occasion you had saudi arabia for example refusing to talk in press conferences its all members of the cats all media in the room but on monday the saudi team arrived here in tire on a direct flight from riyadh this at a time when there are no commercial direct flights between the 2 countries so it would suggest there is some sort of change in the relationship is to be remembered though that at club level the asia is the for example sames from the countries involved not just you have to continue to play against each other so that sort of footballing relationship has continued whatevers been going on at a political level but then lets go back to the start of fishing i when the cats are National Team out is biggest moments winning be the asian cup its sort of and hosted by the United Arab Emirates while the teams met in the semifinal stage and the castle players were held with also bottles and shoes cheering that game and then when they went on to win the final they had to fly back. Oh man such is the some of the the fallout from the ongoing dispute very different welcome promise for the u. A. E. Players at this tournament the teams will meet cats are in the usa will meet in the group stage on december the 2nd organizers hey all the signage around the stadium and on social media saying that everyone in dar is welcome. Ok the great stuff thank you for the Champions League makes its return on tuesday with 8 Group Matches in a group. Xina danes the band looking for the win that will see them qualify for the last 16 for paris law a win for them will win the true for other if they can avoid defeat brought about christianity now that is set to return for your ventus for their group clash against athletic are in madrid last time these 2 minutes ensuring that was the last 16 last season were now that scored a hat trick as you very reach the quarter finals and jos a marine here will take charge of his 1st game as tottenham head coach as they take on olympiacos in group b. Spurs will be through if they win all if they draw and Red Star Belgrade fail to beat byron munich now russia could be stripped of hosting euro 2020 Football Games and the Champions League final because of its ongoing doping problems a World Antidoping Agency Committee Says russia tampered with lab data and wants them banned from hosting major events for 4 years the International Olympic Committee Says the manipulation of data is an insult to the sporting world and it will support the sanctions but what are stopped short of calling for a blanket ban of russian athletes competing so even if the proposed sanctions do come in not that much will change. Italian football America Balotelli has faced more racist comments this time from his own club Brashear Balotelli was abused by a variety of supporters during a match earlier this month and now russias president had this to say after being asked why he was left out of the squad for their latest going. Hes black what can i say hes working on clearing himself but hes having a lot of difficulty. I didnt buy bell a tele to make more subscriptions or for advertising i bought him because i thought he could add something to the squad but due to overexposure which made him become a weakness if we continue to talk about politically will be hurting both him and ourselves or fully to explain the comments in this state and they were quite clearly a joke said as a paradox they went on to say it was clearly misunderstood and it was said in an attempt to downplay the excessive Media Exposure i was i aimed at protecting the player. England cricketer for us has received an apology from the head of new Zealand Cricket board over the racist abuse he suffered the fast bowler complained of insults from a spectator on the final day of the 1st test against new zealand and mt maunganui by his teams boards have launched investigations into the incidents promising to ban the spectator spectator even when hes found. In the n. B. A. The injury hit Golden State Warriors season has gone from bad to even worse have suffered their 15th loss of the College Campaign against the 250 pound some great plays like this helping the thunder secure the win by 3 points chris paul setting up 3 and here one as of last 10 of the last 11. That is obvious but for now i have more like us that hold thank you for that and thats it for me to this be back dont bother with the guys. Yeah. Its. Does the mind play tricks a damper is always is part right there they really out there half of the family by paula but most are and dragons here act like theyre in the car a filmmaker takes the f. B. I. To court to find out approximately 33120 pages of records and in the process mobilizes her community as long as people are to talk and there is no check against the feeling of being watched on aljazeera. Driven by outrage and spanning generations the rohinton demonstrators gathered on the very day a widely criticised repatriation agreement between the governments of bangladesh and me and more was to begin the anger was all too apparent and the fear was palpable if you dont like why so afraid that if they send one of us back to myanmar today tomorrow theyll send back 10 and the day after tomorrow theyll send back 20 idea if we were given citizenship in myanmar then there would be no need to take us back there we would go back on our own we must remember the rancho among the most persecuted minorities in the world. As flames engulfed pianos and the world watched in horror but behind the smoke screen a murky world is devouring the forest and its inhabitants killin pull the personal Police Standing up and defending the force back elian sends a message to everybody in the community faultlines meets those on the front line of defending their environment and asks who stoking the flames in both scenarios Brazil Amazon burning on aljazeera. Angry crowds target u. N. Peacekeepers in the democratic republic of congo trying to stop a forced to withdraw. This is. Also. Going to says he does not want to be part of any new government. Buildings toppled dozens of aftershocks in albania after 16 people were killed in the strong earthquake. The challenges facing thousands hit by landslides in kenya where

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