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Embassy compound Iraqi Security forces calling it a rocket attack near the celebrations area inside the green zone the another incident happened in the neighborhood in a residential apartment off baghdad and the 3rd incident and north of baghdad inside i have been province and ill balad base where some store rooms were headed and weve also heard from one leader of the militia has been has been our brigade which has been deemed as a terrorist organization by the United States that all iraqi forces should distance themselves from u. S. Bases from sunday on birds so it is a state of high alert for Iraqi Security forces as they brace themselves for what they expect is going to be some sort of a reaction and weve also seen a flurry of diplomatic activity to try and deescalate the situation in that region this is being spearheaded by others foreign minister who went to the iranian capital and met not just the president but his counterpart as well iran insisting that this attack which happened in baghdad is a flagrant violation of international. Norms and law which is something that we saw in the telephonic conversation between Sergey Lavrov the Russian Foreign minister and the really and foreign minister that was something that was repeated as well and throughout the day here in baghdad the situation remains tense but calm as protesters mourned the death of their leaders in the iraqi capital their funeral procession took place here and then the bodies will be taken from baghdad to karbala and najaf and there is where the end mohan this will be buried the other headlines libyan medical sources say at least 30 people have been killed after an airstrike by forces loyal to the warlords early for her after a military academy was targeted in the capital the latest attack in half the ongoing offensive to seize tripoli from the un recognized government after us forces are backed by egypt the u. A. E. And saudi arabia most of the victims believed to have been young cadets who were not on active duty and up the one who has been to the hospital with the students are being treated. And medical sources there say that it was so difficult for them to identify but it is of the dead victims because most of the dead bodies were either burned or torn apart by the attack now. Medical sources also say that they have been calling the Health Ministry has been calling on people to go to the hospitals to do neat blood most of the victims are. Aged 18. 00 to 22. 00 and their military students from all cities and areas in libya. Studies bushfires have claimed another 2 lives the men were trapped along a highway on solve a strenuous Kangaroo Island when flames engulfed their car further east in the state of victoria fires are threatening dozens of communities and strong winds have been whipping up flames in New South Wales as well where 150 fires are burning. And china has replaced its top representative in hong kong as protests there are about to enter an 8th month state media says the head of Beijings Liaison Office wang john mayer has been removed it is the 1st major reshuffle since the demonstrations began in june of last year you have today with the headlines on aljazeera a feature documentary precrime starts right now. And the term precrime comes from this movie minority report in which a prediction is being made about something any individual has not yet done but is going to do and a preemptive arrest is made of someone before they performed an act. If you would have asked me 37 years ago if we would have gunshot detection or video cameras in neighborhoods or be able to predict where crimes occurred i would have said youre crazy. Claiming to us and future of the future is already in the present right now is the securitize ation of fossil sciences. I have no idea what the next 5 or 10 years is going to be to Law Enforcement in terms of technology advancement. Just look in a world weve come so far its going to be mind boggling. Can we predict an actual crime. Now thats just before it occurred. To. Our strategic subject list or called the s. S. L. Is a system that we worked with a professor from the Illinois Institute of technology an academic partner here in chicago to be able to assess and analyze those people that are at the greatest risk of being a party to violence this system is able to prioritize and tell us those individuals that we really have to focus on the work with to try to prevent that violence when you have so many different datasets or you have so many cameras watch which ones do we watch social media right so many Different Social Media communications out there how do you know what the concentrate on thats what our predictive aspect towards is for teaching subjects list thats what i thought. When i heard of this story for the 1st time i thought now its finally happening hollywood has eventually merged with real life. Software that predicts where and when the next crime occurs police that arrive at the crime scene before the perpetrator computers that generate lists with tomorrows murderers. Precrime they called. A friend writes to me theres something foreign looming on the horizon and we can only guess that a question a person tired one day. They experimented with a with a little bit in 20122013 is really when it took off they came the Police Department came up with. More than 400 names of people who fit that bill. Individuals who are most likely to be prone to violence and either as a victim or perpetrator each of the 22 Police Districts came up with 20 names and they were chosen i dont know the science of it but it was all through mathematical algorithms basically and it didnt have anything to do so much with them being hardened criminals as much as it had to do with who are they arrested with. Mr makes no difference ties im commander west and im with the 15th it is common place to fire me. May we come in. Like take Robert Mcdaniel for example he was not a hardened criminal he had been arrested for many minor offenses like gambling shooting dice or smoking marijuana minor offenses but the people who he was arrested with during those crimes some of them or at least one of them was a victim of violence so the logic was that while robber belongs on the list because he has a relationship with somebody. Whos been a victim of violence because hes been arrested with that person before. This unemployed. A School Dropout it was either both get work or see a drugs in the street and sell in june 1 from. Trying to get my ged that in. And then a misdemeanor trying to get my z. The. Star giving falling home and started. Having Police Officers walk up on me rattled on the salmon a government aimed where i have been and like just days like this there. I am is over so wes and a social worker i cant remember his name but they had them on home they stopped at my house in some pain and told me that i was put through some type of test this and i was. Supposed to be a ls going to shoot somebody or give also said dad i was put on a heinous a phony people as a god mr mcdaniel as part of our violently dungeon strategy i saw for his generate a list of potential criminals actors and that. We are here today to inform you in effect that our computers have placed you on the hit list of the Police Department now since should you decide to continue to engage in criminal activity you know were going to charge you and we will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law. I guess we was associated or carefree as this was to be and a straight out as an aerial go but was put through a test and before it came out the most top the like telephony they just people ask out now yet again i ask you how can i be dangerous for smoking leadership. Who does this or. The timeline shows all the criminal activity that their person is associated with if you see on the bottom those are all interactions hes had with the police either is an arrest is a contact is a victim and with it so you know who we hangs with you know where hes been everything to do with him that weve documented through Police Interaction scroll down please were 1st got that this shows this is what theyll compile and put together and get back out into the field within 15 minutes so if this person is the victim of a shooting or of Violent Crime theyll pull of their its got their personal history. Everything you saw before was all the criminal history involved with an individual so theres probably maybe about 2530 arrests that you saw on the subject the associates people that theyre documented is having an affiliation with. Thats again pretty comprehensive list certainly we can actually do even like a link analysis to be able to show how that network interacts. The idea that you could essentially connect all of the data streams that government collects in different ways everything from you know your arrest records to your contacts to your foreclosures to your Mental Health records to your social benefits and put them in a particular computer database and then be able to do one canalis us where you connect a phone number from all the different sources and go out you know several links and be able to see the world is something you would never imagine that is technologically possible now. Lets summarize. Firstly they are quite serious about fighting crime with the algorithms. Secondly Robert Mcdaniel. On the wrong side of the algorithm. Thirdly apart from its developers nobody knows how the algorithm behind the heat list works fourthly in 2016 statistically 2. 0876 people are killed every day in chicago. Good enough points. To create a new image. And ive got a yard the thing is whats on the schedule for. If only. Those contacts to. Meet up once in full. And the fukushima just as you dont know what else they pulled off an actor paul asked if. Dont pull the neck to see if. You cant be sued if the consumers. They have like a ranking system which shows how many times more likely are they than the general population to be prone to violence so all robert had a rating of 215. 00 which meant hes 215. 00 times more likely to be prone to violence but robber wasnt i mean that paled in comparison to a number of other people on the list there were a lot of people on that list who were more than 500 times more likely to be party to violence and again thats not because of their criminal history thats because of the people theyve been arrested with. You know this is whats really frightening is that there are companies now scoring every subsides that informations out there its not really out there whether theyre a felon or not but it is out there and so what the police here are doing is theyre literally just purchasing information other people already have now that scored society of course is frightening of course its not just a privacy sense that youre giving out this information its about a government owning this information right its a different situation in america were pretty willing to let Big Companies like google and apple know pretty much everything about ourselves but were more reluctant to have a government thats a good line to draw whats happening. There is this sort of data convergence where youre really seeing private companies clutching this information and then essentially selling or offering it through Different Services to Law Enforcement and people do know that information in the police dont have it the private companies do have it and thats part of where we are now as technology is collecting as much information about us as i can. Facebook like click safe. We deliver the data which generates information about us that circulate on the internet until the next update create yet another data set and so on. Data mining endlessly. Somewhere fairly lost at the bottom of the digital food chain there are people like Robert Mcdaniel. Privacy what privacy. If august will influence this unto whom this appeal comma and says its now almost next month and you still have a democrat up just in time voyager does. He compared to this will you doesnt screw up the consul vs him to news and for hobby sponsors sponsors so he had a human and point just on top. Of the bill is up a friend was jim dobbins still a guy i admit is often spikes baby because one wins one exemption of the obvious own to leave us out at number 5 events of. The 21 does. Dean on t. V. A tough act to take on the gun in finding jamelia school for dustman mit has the initial data with him scoring myth of the vietnam from mention c. F. E. Good for dean come on having just about some good chefs some of it was so good ill of course an intern it can gun owners of the leaping smoke on t. V. And in the trash he picks mock alstom silly can bet me. Your. Money. Whenever someone fills out an application for a loan theyre going to be providing certain information. The be where software they Access Databases and Financial Institutions the courts any type of loaning institutions the where has the ability to access all of those databases simultaneously so when a call comes into our dispatch center and it is categorized as a life threatening call henri in progress crime then and there is an address attached to be where software automatically searches all of these databases and then provides the operator in the Real Time Crime Center information specific to that address the people that have lived their lives there their cell phone numbers prior addresses associates the other piece that be where allows for is to Research Social media and and to gather any type of information that might be in there in terms of threats. The theory behind the wear makes a lot of sense if i was. On the street and i was entering a house and i didnt know who lived there i want all the information i could but the problem is if its so worse through these data brokers there just isnt really much accuracy so you might be arriving at a house in the address alert says a dangerous place that may be so many lives there maybe the dangerous person moved the problem is accuracy i mean the wrong catalog in the mail and why did someone send me but i dont have children why do i have it thats the inaccuracy that comes along with these data brokers right they dont need to be perfect because what theyre really doing is trying to sell products to people. Well if the algorithms used in the private sector allow them to become more successful in targeting their audience. Then we should take advantage of that same algorithm that allows us to become more successful in. Preventing crime. In the case of the beware software i think the bad. Potential good and i can see how. It could help make Police Officers safer the problem is. Nothing is perfect is one of the things that the Software Company says that it looks at our postings on social media such as facebook and twitter there was one woman in another city who was flagged in the software for making comments on twitter about rage rage she has a very specific meaning in terms of anger violence but the raise she was talking about was a card game called rage that had nothing to do with violence or aggression or anything like that yet she was flying this being a possible problem because she had some of these messages about rage and what if someone is making some its about that they dont trust the police is that going to flag them as being a potential problem so there are too many opportunities for the computer to get it wrong. And if they get it wrong coupled with a Police Department that already is much more likely than other Police Departments to shoot citizens thats a recipe potentially for disaster. Taking up one question again. Why are we forcing these technologies upon ourselves. The silicon valleys of this world are making a lot of money with them ok. We the users have enjoyed the comforting google land fight and thats it. What if the internet fed by the permanent feedback of its users already had its virtual awakening. What if it developed its own needs and interests if it was always leading us to more convenient technologies because we pay for it with private data. What a freedom was just an illusion. Metropolitan Police Territorial police said but consider for a safe bet on that they may cause that much problem Police Service and one of his own is a commits energies in that gang crime. Information indicates that you have or associated to a gang days of the crime if you have all the credit and you know stuff. If you have all the crap and you know stop your name being targeted by police and Partner Agencies under a piece of legalization would join and oppress you may be convicted of a crime and prison for just being present when a serious crime is committed or even with those persons you commit a crime and you dont try to stop it. You will need to change a less though we can help you to do this for you can speak in confidence to a Police Officer and or any of the organizations listed at the end of this no i would encourage you to speak to them as they can they hope you break any gang links your since you are a commando. The doctrine joint enterprise was actually brought in over 200 years ago to stop people encouraging jews so if 2 people are judging whether its by pistols or swords theres seconds or there to support them they can be done for joint enterprise if someone is killed so that doctrine is not actually lol it is doctrine adopted by the courts but it has an operational and tactical implication in terms of the matrix. Ive worked it out as a regular since its launch as a principal presenter and as a correspondent with any breaking news story more to hear from those people who would normally not get their voices heard on the International News channel one moment ill be very proud all was when we covered a new poll of quake 2050 a terrible not sure of the stock stuff and the story that needed to be told from the heart of the affected area to be then to tell the people story was very important at the time. More than 10 years after the Global Financial crisis youve taken home more than 480000000 dollars your company is now bankrupt our economy is in the state of crisis i have a very basic question this is where millions lost their home to leave us alone whos held responsible i will be fabulously wealthy and i will not take in christ for thank you lord the man who stole my good will on aljazeera. Millions of workers a big in slaved in the bridge jones of india what i want to waste explores how Satellite Technology is now helping to set them free on aljazeera. Aljazeera. And. Half past the hour here on aljazeera im Kemal Santa Maria with a reminder of the headlines and there have been several rocket attacks across iraq with targets including baghdads heavily fortified green zone and an iraqi air base where there are u. S. Troops this is just days after the assassination of one of irans top commanders kassam so many in a u. S. Air strike in iraq meanwhile thousands of iraqis have attended the funeral procession for southern money and the Iraqi Militia leader the hyundais who was killed alongside him u. S. President donald trump has warned against any retaliatory action he says his country would hit 52 iranian science if iran attacks americans mike hanna with more from washington now so a very Strong Language there from President Trump raising the whole history of the iranian hostage siege which was between november 1989 january 1981 lasted for 4 140. 00 days in which 52. 00 hostages were held so President Trump is referring to that referencing that in terms of announcing that 52. 00 targets have been isolated in terms of a reaction should any action be taken against u. S. Assets the other headlines libyas Health Ministry says at least 30 people have been killed after an airstrike by forces loyal to the warlord Khalifa Haftar a military academy was targeted in the capital the latest attack in half the ongoing offensive to seize tripoli from the un recognized government most of the victims are believed to be young cadets who were not on active duty australias bushfires have claimed another 2 lives the men were trapped along a highway on south australias Kangaroo Island when flames engulfed their car further east in the state of victoria fires are threatening dozens of communities and strong winds have been whipping up flames in New South Wales there are 150 fires burning there. You know tens of thousands of indonesians are stranded in emergency shelters after some of the worst floods and landslides in years devastated entire communities the death toll stands at 60 but that is expected to rise and more rain has been forecast and 14 people have been killed in 1000 others wounded in a roadside bomb attack on a bus in the fast so the bus drove over an improvised explosive device in tourney area of sort of province. News out for you in 25 minutes time on aljazeera. The term precrime comes from this movie a minority report in which a prediction is being made about something an individual has not yet done but is going to view and a preemptive arrest is made by someone before they form. The london my tricks works like that he closed in chicago identify individuals connect them detect patterns and social networks calculate this statistic all possibilities. Score people issue warnings keep an eye on. Im doing an end to gang projects in the local area here in east london i have clients who are saying i have never been involved in the gun but the real issue is the subjectivity to get people on the criminal Intelligence System the trim system and then how that then goes into the matrix to then associate people in certain kinds which are questionable so that the thing is whos checking the data entry whos checking those offices who commit those they to entries. I dont see myself as i was looking them up on the maasdam level you know and said im so caught on the support of us oh cool. Its a problem which always gets the dog you know her name. And always will but. If you are not in the game there as you were community are you from or from the answer community ok those are body snatchers of you know those are folk want to ask you a phone how can you hear me what i am because of my address because of our state is probably why i can only afford to leave that makes no sense i just honestly theyve got a job to do and they want to do it if they had a brief crime if they had to make criminals if they got to see here convince you to a criminal in provoke you to do it they are doing actually i had a friend killed a couple like a couple months couple weeks prior to that so i have only partly i can say is it a they they label in a gang male. Now i guess thats how i got affinity because me and a person that was murdered was so close but other than now i actually dont know the legacy im the a none the next q. They havent told us what the algorithm is that theyre using to identify people they havent told us what that data is and theres no way to get off the lists that were up once youre on it so that. Thats scary to a lot of people its frightening to not know how the list is created or to be able to get all that on the back end and they can say that you know were using meth for use in science is a way to do it math and science arent always right. If you use it will fail dont think it was just frank and hes been stubborn. But i just because you deceived him you can thank him off and stern says that avoiding the 2nd place to. Ski you could feel as if the instructor he still collected for the bulk of emotional for you the most welcome. All data is biased but Police Department data Incident Data has the potential to be biased in a number of different ways and we cannot eliminate us but we can potentially offset it to some extent i incorporate in other data we have a number of different components of the software one is either as a component that someone can use at a Police Station the 2nd component of the software is a mobile version of the software that can be in a car or other vehicle on the Police Officers able to see as the car moves around are they inside one of these Priority Mission control areas. Is actually using the g. P. S. From the tablet to track our location and as we enter boxes is going to update the display with information about them so we actually are just driving through a box right now which is about robberies and if this was our final destination we would start patrolling for about 10 to 15 minutes in this area is still relatively unlikely for any crime to happen in that location at that time is just that this is the highest risk location amongst all the choices that we have available and so its the best place for the officers its been that free time. While we are positioning an officer in a particular place which means that theyre going to be paying attention to that place that should not give them the authority to assume that anyone in that place is a criminal unless they see something thats actually criminal in nature. So give up and put in a good mood good stuff to see if you do theyre going to keep you. Bugging me did you do to me when are you going to meet the people in the. They doing the all the old exadata limited you did and then it was good to make it but only in some respects him and some from little to. No one thats the law is even mentioning that. I thought i said i dont want to trust in a machine or. In jamaica myself last night but. Going. To shows you that just because social skills. I dont care about. So skills and the most consequential is that people are. Double theyre open thats all humans and im going to let go of the good will do but. We have generally been very cautious about any incorporating any kind of person centric data into our models we believe theres a number of substantial problems with this whether thats a Privacy Concern or just that accuracy of the actual modeling. Were not using Surveillance Data and im slap i think its a key question that our society is going to be asking and under what circumstances is it reasonable to take advantage of that kind of data. Big data we the users and our privacy well. Who could have imagined years ago that good can algorithmically calculate what i will do tomorrow. Similar tenuously we activate things our person island until now everything that once was quiet starts communicating with the world and sending our data to the internet my tooth brush my t. V. Set the trip under my skin my fitness tracker the toys of our children. I was not aware of these kind of technologies quote unquote being implemented by the police etc its not particularly surprising because the Technological Developments in terms of policing domestically or globally is developing all the time and its something that were all privy to we can all see it on our t. V. Screens especially when it comes to Foreign Policy and conflicts the rest of conducting abroad i dont feel about it im really concerned because i work with a lot of young people and young adults and children who are or have been or will be unfortunately in the shorts and most likely to be involved in the criminal Justice System because they come from troubled backgrounds or the working class and the black people so if you can use some kind of Predictive Technology and software its not going to predict anything but thinking positive for them but if you want to make Money Software they have algorithms to give to the police just its its it is indicative of how awesome sightsee is is progressing away from human solidarity and human approach to just squeezing people as hard as you can in any and every which way. Thats one time and. Then this is the one time that over that. This one camera over there you see it yeah. And then theres another camera just by then you see it. As a remote as in the last year in the park so what. This time is the. Be used to so much as then obviously theyve got some kind of. Purpose really hit the ball to save people or were doing something here and if you look at these cameras theyre not the kind of ordinary c. C. T. V. Cameras i think i definitely think its the kind of books attached to you see think about it 3 murders happening here you know right as kids play its crazy my house and my sort of played last really lovely day here and thats why no instance happened here when they do in this light and they are going to find them think about how small this park is and how many cameras there are theyve got full coverage of it. And so you know where these gun murders a happening is with that theyre not able to prevent in the intelligence they have. A sting ray triangulation do this kind of stuff im not surprised that its on this scale and i think theres actually we probably dont know most of you know the kind of surveillance abilities they have i think its interesting that maybe some of the way that they experiment on gangs in the black community is also. Be used in political protest and Political Organization as a way of so pioneering in developing i mean of course its just reflective of the way in which a new piece many target black now us when it comes to crime and how theyre disproportionately stopped and searched you know. We in london and the other parts of this country our Place Service so youve got to know what that means means accountability and transparency and all of your processes and practices. Now i challenge that when i was in the met when i was chair of the black places of station. I also gave evidence to theres inquiries that said that piece of this was institutionally racist because of the way in which they conduct themselves now the matrix for me isnt on the form of institutional racism it is pressure profile it is unaccountable and as far as im concerned that has to be a way in which you can get off this system whether its the matrix the d. N. A. Database you know it got to how you know a process where people believe that the Police Service can be held to account. Mad tricks strategic subject list no fly list so i like to list terrorist watch list ones on the list always on the list because the computer says so because due to the algorithm nobody is directly responsible because there is no regulator procedure against the errors of the machine because lets be honest nobody cares about what consequences the decisions of a program have for the life of Robert Mcdaniel are smart. Is wrong is wrong to be profound is wrong to be saying that your son they should not is wrong to say you are a killer like. Oh no. You mentioned so school im just pushed him to listen something kind of human nature can twist. He doesnt mind the forced to for his house im for so much and for still for idea. Of. Having Facebook Facebook likes also has become to be a season many wish see like Britney Spears desperate housewives season plans of. Desert in from its all in the end up collided. Likes to the end didnt even enter the levant annoy him for months on the fear just came undone by myself so i listed stand for 4. Months almost 6 as on their money im. Off to list them it until this other even the most science of sports and to give a shyly since he does. Emotional see my sponsor. And it does it im told cool but so going to test as it is a russian ill die from it but. We dont have the personal capacity to keep in touch with millions of people thousands of people social media does this a double a sort of how do we try to navigate and i think the stay in the piece a fully aware of this. I think ultimately theyre going to be one step ahead theyre going to know exactly how to band or how to limit for example thousands of people attending a demonstration or lets just cut off all their own voice lets just not let it be imprinted on social media lets fix the algorithm. Whos sending the messages whos posting more right is no for us we use it with the intention of we dont care were going to begin to know anyway so we organize openly but practically i think is a really worrying thing because we have no way to monitor what theyre doing and we have no idea of the scope in which the powers they have and the technology they have in terms of mass surveillance and databases. At some point i have stopped thinking about who might know when and who might story what about me why and since when. Probably because it doesnt make a difference anyway its like with hollywood Computer Games and Television Everything is inextricably interwoven with reality reality being just the medium of the basic code 01 like dont like buy dont buy guilty not guilty just to remind you code has no conscience. You know what was fun. When i say a best friend bravo. I watched him sleep his mind on the rule of like it to me. My dad put the end to me. Is that i was a kid. When. My friend was 18 and i can. Get a song right now. Thats the a look at the. Way i think im his d. N. A. I now know. Is wrong is is is too much. If policing is going to use software to predict what these people do in the future its assuming that certain people with a certain history are going to do certain things and thats not necessarily the case because humans can change according to what support i want us to decisions they make according to that support but again its a metaphor for that but its also its its it what policing is policing is not preventative its no its no its not just in any kind of way and so its just that as a punishing mechanism as a criminalizing mechanism and as a punishing mechanism. How did so they start off a couple months ago a full 100 but now skip to 1500 thats a big no hes made 11 limo crims right there so yeah who is they good for is it good for the street was it good for the police you got more criminals who are good you got most cases to solve you guys who think youve got more problem. Seemed lost or might not mean that nobody because it wasnt you but what about when a guy shows him when he got youll do it a young chap you know when hes you now its a ball. Now everybody want to make you say my ok lets kill it on the face nobody has really come out you know you know dont. So right now i think people are willingly giving up this information right not just what youre giving up on the internet but as we move into a world of the internet of things your smart house will reveal when youve left for the day when you take your shower you know what temperature your bath is your television can listen to you your car will be able to monitor where youre going if you have i can on star system tells you where to go your cell phone knows all of those things and what youre doing and the conversations going on like were just giving up this data to private companies in a way were not really thinking about the consequences were not thinking about what these data trails mean and for Law Enforcement you could see just how valuable that information would be why do you drink cold coffee on a hot car surveilling some guy when you can just use Internet Things to track them all the way through right this is the new world and right now the policy makers and even the lawyers have annoyed thought through the consequences of having to figure out how to forth and about how to privacy laws a death how do was so we have about Telephone Technology in a world where suddenly your watch is talking to the world and giving them your heartbeat and and the rest of it are we havent figured that out yet and its important i think to ask these questions now i think were at the very beginning of a very Big Conversation about what we should do with this new data. In this nomination and for. Us via it and i insist in the end. So ill stand and even have a home. And im sick i have. Robert still has a score of 215. Smurf has left tottenham the internet as ever learning and evolving observers surveys collects ses above the city as a friend wrote to me the sky is the color of a television tuned to a dead time and. Time to say farewell and go back home. Back to my smartphone my ip address my emails my bookmarks my twitter account to my facebook timeline. Welcome to the mattress. Hello there not about picture told across much of the United States i mean the 7 and eastern areas that rain clouds moving its way right rapidly really up towards the fall and all they said the Central Plains a pretty good we have also when warnings in place across northern states very strong winds also the snow is pushing into the cascades and then really its sunday into monday when we see that snow working its way further but thats really when the rain pushes in as you can see quite heavy along this coast area so a wet day in a seattle but elsewhere a quiet picture. In atlanta fairly quiet as well through much of Central America and the caravan one to bits and pieces of cloud weve also got a shot really all the way from southern mexico right across towards panama and also a line of showers working their way steadily through the bahamas sunday and on into monday taking a few showers certainly into more eastern areas of cuba weve had some very heavy rain particularly into southern areas of brazil and this rain has led to problems weve actually had landslides and also some mudslides lots of rain through the streets this is a say in the Southern States they had about a 3rd of the january total in 24 hours so in terms of whats honey next if you will showers in the forecast on sunday certainly what day in rio with the high the over 25. On counting the cost 2020 we pick through what could be the whole geo political a geo economic topics of the year for the most important election in the free world and we ask if the world will come together to tackle Global Warming inequality a globalized. Count of the cost on aljazeera. Leak stories generate thousands of headlines these protests are saying down with the system and down with all of the parts with different angles from different perspectives just because we came to prison doesnt mean right stuff that the gate separate the spin from the facts the western media jumps on stories without giving them the misinformation from the journalism its about telling the stories of those human beings on the ground with the listening post on aljazeera. We understand the difference is an similarities of cultures across the world so matter how you take a aljazeera bring their needs and Current Affairs that matter to. Countersteering. This is al jazeera. And this is the news from aljazeera donald trump says 52 iranian lined up. At the assassination of top come on the car some sort of money but revenge is exactly what mourners demanded funerals were held for so many and killed in iraq. Also in the news forces loyal to the libyan warlord. Strikes on a military academy killing at least 30 people. In the daytime sky darkens to an eerie blood red in australia after another day of bushfires likened

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