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A significant drop in new Coronavirus Infection to me breaks a piece and province. And business groups in canada want the government to stop a protest which is shut down the Railway System over a controversial pipeline. Nowhere is safe for civilians in the province that was the message at the United Nations as the Security Council met for a briefing on syria the u. N. Says almost a 1000000 people have fled since the start of december thats the biggest displacement in the nearly 9 years long conflict there being squeezed into ever smaller areas that turkeys border under her rendition conditions the uns humanitarian chief told the council at least 100 civilians have been killed so far this month in and ground strikes 35. 00 of those victims with children the presence of turkish soldiers is complicating the fighting it live and neighboring provinces along with russia was sponsoring a cease fire and the u. N. Special envoy is calling on them to find a way to deescalate the situation mike hanna reports now from the United Nations. We have missed repeated violent confrontations between turkish and Syrian Government forces for its part the Russian Federation is actively engaged in support of the Syrian Governments military operation u. N. Special envoy offers a bleak view of the political crisis in syria which in turn has resulted in a devastating humanitarian situation that continues to deteriorate on a daily basis close to a 1000000 displaced people being squeezed into an ever decreasing space by advancing front lines on all sides i am getting daily reports of babies and other Young Children dying in the cold imagine the grief of a parent who escaped a war zone with their child only to watch that child freeze to death many members contend the crisis is a direct consequence of Russian Support can only and with the plea to our russian colleagues to stop the support of syria if you tell the syrians that there is no longer military support to the Syrian Regime they will have to stop the onslaught on their own population so we will get one schoolgirl again to my german colleague we will not stop supporting the legitimate government of syria which is conducting a legitimate fight against International Terrorists how can you justify carrying out such indiscriminate and inhumane attacks what are you doing to uphold International Humanitarian law what are you doing to protect the people who are fleeing where do you expect those people to flee to and another question posed by the u. S. Ambassador the question i asked before the council today then. What will tomorrows headline be and what are we going to do about it the answer today as it has been on so many occasions in the Security Council before nothing the Security Council has been deeply divided since the very beginning of the syrian conflict russia has wielded its veto on 14 occasions preventing any form of united Security Council action in the face of what is becoming the greatest humanitarian crisis of the 21st century the International Community appears unable to act political interests continuing to take priority over the suffering of millions of civilians mike hanna aljazeera United Nations. Turkeys president has warned he is ready to launch a military offensive against Syrian Government forces if damascus doesnt stop its attack. Reports from hard time at turkeys border with syria. Turkish troops in have been asked to expand their military outposts their presence here is the result of an agreement between Turkey Russia and iran 2 years ago to establish safe zones but these turkish soldiers might soon get involved in the biggest military campaign of their deployment president was up by. A military operation is imminent to get. On the subject of id lip turkey has made all preparations to carry out its own operational plans as with every military operation on the subject ill say we could enter it lip suddenly one night. Undeterred by the turkish warning the syrian army stepping up its offensive government warplanes struck the town of to many in. The attacks have intensified over the last few days earlier this week president Bashar Al Assad said in a rare that his troops wont hold their campaign until it live forced into their hands talks between russia and turkey to diffuse tension have stalled each side is accusing the other of failing to implement the terms of the escalation in which were going to lose the key agreement on it was to separate the Syrian Armed Opposition who cooperates with turkey from the terrorists the terrorist according to the agreements regarding adlib was not be involved in a cease fire regime russia considers heya to have an alliance of rebel groups in it live a terrorist organization and therefore excluded from the ceasefire agreement of 2018 turkey seems to want the Syrian Government troops to go back to the areas behind. The Demilitarized Zone but the president said such zones a no longer but havent since his army has advanced further into it and taken over more territory if theres no agreement by the end of this month the chances the escalation in the fighting might turn into an outright war between syria and turkey with significant increase. Went to his border with syria thats what landis is director of the center for missing studies at the university of oklahoma he says turkey has too much to lose to go to war with syria turkey may lash out it claimed to have killed close to 100. 00 syrian troops in in response to syrias killing about 12 turks. So it could do Something Like that but turkey does not want to get its troops involved in a syrian war turkey has no claim to this territory theyre not going to want their people to die for a land that theyre going to have to give back to assad sooner or later the entire International Community has has said that that syrian sovereignty is important that its integral and integrity is important so its very difficult to see where this can end up but with the victory of the assad troops and theyre pushing hard to finish this battle as soon as they can and we saw the American Administration very divided geoffreys this special envoy to syria was in ankara asking air to want to put more pressure on the Syrian Regime but at the same time as he was doing not. Obrian at the head of than n. S. A. Was advising the president said what could we do we can wave a flag saying dont do it but ultimately it seems very clear the United States is not going to intervene and and neither are the europeans so i think russia and assad feel that there is turkish weakness on this issue the turkish opposition parties are pushing hard there criticizing erno on and saying well how did you can into this istana agreement where you said you were going to divide separate the. Terrorist organizations from the moderate opposition something thats thats impossible for turkey to do and thats the thats the problem for turkey they cannot defend hiatt to head in a sham which is universally recognized as a terrorist organization and the russians are using that weakness for all its worth right now. Former new york mayor and billionaire might bloomberg is confronting rival democrats in a us president ial debate for the very 1st time in nevada the media mogul is a late entry in the race to take on donald trump in novembers election he spent hundreds of millions of dollars on Television Ads 5 other candidates are debating in las vegas days before the states caucus. Bloomberg is up against veteran senator Bernie Sanders who tops of voices poll with 25 percent of registered democrats and independents saying theyll vote for him the former mayor has surged to 2nd place in the poll on 17 percent that puts him ahead of Barack Obamas former Vice President joe biden who started as a frontrunner but now only managed to teen percent pete edged out sanders in iowa and finished a close 2nd in New Hampshire has 11 percent senator Elizabeth Warren of message 2 since will be fighting for her political survival shes currently on 9 percent minnesota senator Amy Klobuchar rounds up the pack with 5 percent she managed 3rd place in the hampshire primary. Well rob reynolds is live for us in Las Vegas Rob what should we be looking out for in this debate. Well kim the debate is underway now and as expected each of the candidates have trained their fire on Mike Bloomberg the former mayor of new york Bernie Sanders came out swinging saying that if bloomberg were nominated donald trump would be the president of the United States for an additional 4 years the questions really revolve around the statements revolve around electability and around bloomberg is record several candidates criticized him for the controversial policy and acted and practiced when he was mayor of new york called stop and frisk that was thought to by many people to have unfairly singled out young men of color for police. Attention and sometimes harassment the other issues brought up included bloomberg saying that he knew that he it was the best candidate to beat donald trump because as a new yorker he said he can tell a con man when he sees one so this is underway right now its expected that bloomberg will take a lot of heavy fire from the other candidates because as the new entry into the into the race as the man with the money and the man who is surging at the moment hes the candidate to try and take down. On tell us a little bit if you can about the state of the democratic nominating contest at a month. Well the Democratic Party has 2 wings theres the more moderate wing and a more left wing. Senator sanders has pretty much sewn up the left wing although senator warren is still in there in the Single Digits according to National Polling as a proponent of things Like Universal Health insurance. Paying for College Tuition out of federal funds and of and a ray of other progressive positions so the remaining can among the remaining candidates its really a battle for the center with bloomberg trying to take away the voting power of those who favor to judge the former mayor of south bend indiana and most especially of biden who has had a really disastrous fade in the polls and in popularity after the past couple of contests in iowa and New Hampshire so at the moment it looks like its a battle for the center after all as you mentioned senator sanders has about 30 percent in the National Polls its only a 3rd the other 2 thirds are what is going to decide this contest and it is all about electability at this point jim thank you so much for that thats rob reynolds live from las vegas. U. S. President donald trump has named a new acting director of National Intelligence replacing Joseph Mcguire Richard Grenell has been the u. S. Ambassador to germany since 2018 and is a vocal trump loyalist the New York Times reports he isnt being formally nominated on the basis he might not be confirmed by the senate and the number of republican senators have privately pushed for a list division of thyca. Or at least 8 people have been killed in 2 shootings in germany they happened a short time pos and she should balls in the western city of frankfurt us police are now looking for the suspects who fled the scene in a car according to a local newspaper one person has been detained. Thank you more head on the news oh including the u. N. Is pushing for more peace talks for libya but the Prime Minister in tripoli says hes had enough. And the e. U. Takes on a ali trying to resolve the real lifetime limits caused by official tells us. And sports back on track formula one drivers take their new cars out for a spin in the box on the road. The chinese province at the center of the corona Virus Outbreak has reported a significant drop in new cases meaning fewer in the whole country china confirmed 394 and fictions on wednesday compared with more than 1700 the day before it also reported 114 more deaths pushing the global total past 2100 that toll now includes 2 people from iran who died on wednesday the 1st deaths in the middle east and south korea reported 31 new cases bringing the total number of infections there to 82 meanwhile more people have evacuated the diamond to princess cruise ship after 2 weeks of quarantine and the japanese poor. Lets get more now from katrina you whos in beijing for us katrina lets talk a little bit about things number is seems quite positive a slowing in terms of new infections what can you tell us. Thats right so we have about 75000. 00 cases total in china but for the 1st time in the last 24 hours weve had the new case number appear to be below 1000. 00 weve only had 396 or so new confirmed cases now it hasnt been that low in a very long time and weve also seen the number of cured patients people cured from the corona virus rising its about 1800 so it seems to be that there is a trend of those who are cured from the current virus of passing those new cases and certainly thats being hailed as a very positive thing from state media here in china theyre saying that there this is marking a downward trend in the disease but we have to also remember to keep looking at this fatality rate weve had more than 100. 00 deaths announced in the last 24 hours and thats been pretty stable the last couple of weeks including new deaths in iran so definitely it seems that this is not the time for china or any other country around the world indeed to relax so lets talk a little bit about the diamond princess this cruise ship i believe more passengers are now leaving the diamond princess and there has been quite a bit of criticism now about how japan has dealt with this given the number of infections continue to rise while the cruise ship was docks. Thats right so in hong kong the most recent activity received is that 100 also 8 passengers from hong kong have a leg landed safely back in hong kong and theyre going straight into 2 weeks of quarantine as expected about 55 of those 300 or so passengers from hong kong. Confirmed to have the current a virus are remaining in japan along with some of their family members now weve seen so far 500 or so of these more than 3000 passengers who have been confirmed to not have the current virus that theyve started to leave the ship not only from hong kong from from new zealand from straight from canada and now all of the people who have left who have been cleared of the coronavirus are now going to their home countries into another 2 weeks of quarantine on top of the 2 weeks that they had in the diamond princess and that simply just seems that these governments just do not trust how the japanese government has handled the whole situation in the corner on the diamond princess as like you said been a lot of criticism of the japanese governments handling of it we have 600 cases now from this cruise ship and the japanese government has come out in defense of itself saying that theyve learned a lot of lessons and they just simply were not prepared for this crisis on this cruise ship and they say that many other countries would not have been prepared either and finally katrina south korea has seen a number of new cases as well. Thats right 31 year cases of south korea over the past 24 hours bring the total case number in south korea to about a c. And this this really the outbreak in south korea seems to be concentrated in the city of daegu which is not a small city about 2400000. 00 people and from what were hearing is that the source of the outbreak there seems to be connected with one Church Inside now the government theyre going to gather today and confirm whether or not theyre going to raise the alert level from the 2nd highest alert level to the highest this theres been talk of a needed paradigm shift in south korea around their approach to this outbreak considering that these numbers are climbing high very fast and also the government indigo has told people that they are encouraging them to stay at home and to wear masks and this is the 1st time weve seen this kind of government instruction. In response to the outbreak outside of china so it is an increasing concern in south korea thank you for that katrina you there in beijing china is a huge part of the Global Supply chain break has businesses and consumers worried about shortages which could lead to price rises that includes pakistan has come a higher explains. Bargain strong largest trading partner. Of the grown are wired in their fear their day will be in our corner very good humor right there which are being imported from china you can see male character multimedia. Electric chair batteries. Primary. Targets gone bald 40 lies and chemicals from drying up under Fire Training and are now under quarantine and production is hit badly the fear is that there may be foreign borders drying is good. Drying are going to do it for more water are. Going to rewrite them to produce or to round the ward and trader ahead and hybrids are. Awarded about their future. And tallying the Prosecutor Says the captain of a lebanese flags cargo ship has been arrested in general and is under investigation for arms trafficking to libya would be in violation of an International Arms embargo its alleged tanks rockets and military equipment were loaded onto the ship in turkey and taken to tripoli and attack on that court the rails peace talks in geneva on tuesday hold up all the head reports. Libyas Prime Minister face sunrise visited the site of an attack on actually police main port. Charge containers a good example of one phase of rice says is the International Communitys feed used to enforce its own embargo National Policy we were questioned the holding of the weapons of bugs 4 years ago not just these days if the weapons of bugger had been respected we would not have been in this situation today if it is to be respected it must be upheld of all outlets land sea and there. Are the attack happened on tuesday shortly after the e. U. Approved a naval appreciation intended to enforce the weapons in burgo. That however will be insufficient according to the government in tripoli as weapons and fighters continue to pour in from those backing the warlord holly for have turned turkish president treasure and has promised to help preserve russias government uncle opposes the e. U. Mission as well. I want to specifically mention that the European Union does not have the right to make any decisions concerning libya the e. U. Is trying to take charge of the situation and interfere in. The conflict in libya has consequences across the Mediterranean Region the Greek Foreign minister has accused turkey and the tripoli government of making the situation worse the attack by half the us forces led to a Prime Minister. From the talks in geneva and he says he wont return to the negotiations until the world firmly responds to what he calls health care surveillance and what are the. Tripoli the uns libya envoy has been trying to convince representatives of the internationally recognized government to stay in geneva and resume cease fire negotiations and diplomatic editor james bass is there. The un has been talking all day to those representatives from the g. S. A. We believe gas on salami the u. N. Envoy has been chatting to them has been meeting but also talking to their bosses Prime Ministers iraj and others in tripoli to try and keep them engaged in this process remember that we have the u. N. Security Council Resolution at the end of last week we had a meeting in munich which had 13 Foreign Ministers representing all the Key Stakeholders and in the International Community including the key supporters of the g. N. There and of general haftar and all agreed there should be these talks taking place and despite that weve seen the same thing that happened back in april last year general haftar going ahead with his military action and basically destroying the peace efforts everyone has said publicly theyre committed to the u. N. Process but clearly some of the countries supporting general haftar gave him the green light in april to march on tripoli and try and take the capital and since then general have to supporters have been sending in of memes to his forces planes have been coming in from the United Arab Emirates weapons of be coming over the border from egypt and theres been support from other countries as well. More than 200 people trying to cross the mediterranean into europe have been intercepted by the libyan coast guard the International Organization for migration says that they 1700 migrants have been rescued and return to libya by the coast guard since the beginning of this year. Battle over control of the Worlds Largest aid operation is putting millions of yemenis at risk thats according to the Associated Press which says who the rebels of blocks hoth of the uns aid programs are pushing for a share of humanitarian funds for months or who these allegedly demanded a 2 percent cut from aid budgets amounting to between 60. 00 and 80000000. 00 a year but aid agencies rejected the demands leaving nearly 300000. 00 mothers and children under the age of 5 without nutrition supplements for over 6 months the a. P. Says at least 2000000 people have been affected by the delays 10000000 people in yemen are on the brink of famine and 80 percent of the population in need of 8. Below is the middle east analyst and editor of the arab digests he says the who these a winning the battle of aden in yemen. The hoodies have been very successful in how they have used the situation and used aid really as a weapon they have withheld aid they have been prepared to allow their own people to do star they have seen situations where children are dying as you mentioned with ruling nutrients from women pregnant women and expectant mothers and children at the age of 5 so they have been very ruthless and how they have played the aid game and of course the u. N. And all of these supporting aid agencies are faced with this almost impossible choice because their duties are saying you know give us more access give us more control or we will simply let these people die and its a very harsh and awful approach but very much a useful tool for the hutus and as i said in the front the humanitarian war front they are winning this battle aid organizations are faced with this really impossible choice and the who these are are playing a very very tough game and in a in a sense calling the bluff of these organizations what are they going to do they have said that they would recalibrate indeed they might lower the amount of aid theyre going to put into into yemen who these are not pushed back on that they pushed back on that very strongly and said you know what we dont we dont really care. So head on aljazeera as a tease process is on the way to end stanley 20 years of war in afghanistan will speak to one family left devastated by a drone strike. The u. K. Is it new plans for immigration after a break said to find out why critics say well for the economy. There was some late drama in south korea fire will be here with Asian Champions League action later in the fight. How i we got High Pressure dominating the weather across the eastern parts of asia at the by was a large a clear and dry bits and pieces of like that but nothing much to speak of you can see this is where we got our area of High Pressure just stay around south korea and it acts as a lid on the atmosphere so you keep seeing settled sunny light winds as well as the folk always a possibility early on in the day but isnt they suppose of sunshine 13 celsius there for tokyo you might just catch the odd rogue shower these will creep away as we go on into friday by friday you could see some wet weather just sliding across the Yellow Season with korea wintry weather possibility towards to the south of that weve got some thickening clapp which will spill in across western parts of china basin pace the sharon but for many its going to be dry and fine and they thought high shanghai getting up to around 70 degrees celsius the sunshine stretches down across the philippines as well but a chance of want to see a shower as human fall between jodi the heat of the day showers the heaviest showers are going to be across malaysia and indonesia and more of the same than this we go on into friday the northeasterly monsoon continue to drive those showers down across the region could see want to see showers gradually pushing into sri lanka but for india is fine dry and sunny. There on the parliamentary election it will intensify rivalries within its political establishment but dr escalating tensions are bigger as i continue to protest the results point to a new direction for next years president ial election join us for coverage from prague as they wont vote on aljazeera. Be watching aljazeera or a minder of our top stories this hour the un has warned of catastrophic human suffering in syria the government and its continue their bombardment of the last rebel stronghold in northwest turkey says it will launch another military operation in syria unless the regime ends its assaults. By bloomberg is confronting rival democrats in a president ial debate for the 1st time in nevada the billionaire media mogul is a late entry in the race to take on donald trump and novembers election and has spent hundreds of millions of dollars on t. V. Ads. At least 8 people have been killed in 2 shootings in germany they happened a short time the possum she should bars in the western city of hono now francis local media is reporting one person has been arrested. Lets go back to our top story now about the democratic president ial debate that is taking place in the u. S. State of nevada is a conservative commentator and political analyst she joins us now live from reston virginia thank you so much for your time what do you think its going to take to unseat donald trump. Its going to take some unity to put it really is short and frankly because this field is reminiscent of the one that was stacked with republicans and teen aged 2016 its a large array of people with very solid background and experience in government and Public Service but one has to wonder does it take somebody who is unconventional to unseat donald trump perhaps the most unconventional person weve ever heard and i think right now the Democratic Party is very fractured so its what it takes what weve seen already so far is a lot of sort of talk about who is the most democratic of the democrats why is that an issue there. Well tonight i suspect the debate of course is happening right now what we continue to see through the night is a lot of the popping out of the chest weve got 2 women on stage and you know the men are feeling like very confident as usual people are going to records and clover charm lets not forget that for any club which our she shes barely made it but shes there and i think thats a remarkable is a superman and warm and and and then look at the ages of these people as well and that he could judge the mayor from and yet as a young guest there is going to be a lot of comparisons made that people essentially want to prove that they are the most democrats on this need and and its actually theyre doing that because you were mayor Michael Bloomberg is now on the stage hes a former republican and Bernie Sanders is an independent and he certainly is a democrat and hes a loser and the rate he wants to assume people are really feeling quite angry quite upset and they want to prove that they are the real democrat in this race how much is riding on this debate full blown as weve been saying he spent hundreds of millions of dollars well how much is riding on this debate and what is his entry mean for the entire race. Now i submit to you that not much is riding on this debate i realize that saying a lot these debates the American Public have a great deal of already from that people are feeling like this is a really long primary there but a lot of people as i mentioned earlier and that leads to a lot of is that theres just so much noise there for the writing turns a lot of people are lutherans entry essentially has been so one thing rational because its money that has influenced his entire candidacy and the iraqi can raise so. I expect it will continue to see that money inject itself in various ways as this primary continues and so regardless of the requirements of the brief i think he is here to stay and you know look its right finding somebody could turn and he made a dent but hes still going to survive it Bloomberg Campaign has suggested that candidates polling below 15 percent should drop out peps on surprising news coming from his campaign but nevertheless can you explain to us you know the sort of reasoning behind that and how it works with proportional delegates you know the proportional delegates system is a bit confusing especially on the democratic side because of superdelegates and thats something the republicans dont have there was a lot of controversy back in 2060 so around the superdelegates and how theyre allocated and that i think actually turned up a lot of democratic voters might be you know do the same this time so i think. Making that sort of assumption at this point in submission actually to say that people should drop out quite early and the doctors have a little bit more of a cue using process the person superdelegate issue and that is going to be very. To the conventions thanks so much for your time there that serene is a conservative commentator and political analyst thank you. New statistics show the u. S. Dropped more bombs on afghanistan last year than any year since 20000 there are signs of hope of a deal with the taliban the families caught up in the crossfire already its too late zain he has this report you. Know b. Says his home and province was destroyed by one of the more than 7400. 00 bombs the u. S. Air force dropped on of coniston last year u. S. Government data suggests it is the highest total of airstrikes in of coniston in 10 years his familys home in the village of song became a u. S. Target during a battle between the taliban and Government Forces on their person it was 1230 at night when the airplane bombed our house it was the day at district and a lot of fighting was going on my brother was killed along with 3 of his daughters one was 4 years old one was 2 years old and the 3rd one was 6 months old fighting came as close as 50 metres to his house after what he describes as a drone strike nobody moved surviving members of his family to gosney the capital of the province they returned last month after repairs to their mud house points to where the bomb struck he says he found his brother muhammad absolved and 3 of his brothers children in pieces so there was a drone bombed our house i lost my husband and 3 children i dont know where the taliban came from and started fighting that an airplane came and hit our house we are in trouble and i am psychologically traumatized my children get scared my nieces and nephews get scared our whole family is scared. Now when they hear loud noises the children say the drones have come back. One of those daughters survived the attack when asked where her father is just she says in the airplane and that her uncle takes care of her for now her answer suggest she still doesnt fully comprehend what happened. An airstrike in both peace province in the north of the country earlier this month meant for the taleban local say killed only civilians. And lost my 3 buddies came to hospital 2 children and they were all dead the more children died on the spot and the local villagers buried them there the latest report from u. S. Monitors says last Year American and Afghan Forces killed more civilians than the taliban for the 1st time since the conflict began and u. S. Officials monitoring reconstruction efforts also found the taliban and other armed groups carried out more attacks in the last quarter of 2019 than at any time in the previous decade. Fighting during this time of year usually moves from snow covered mountain terrain to warmer urban centers but this time theres been more violence in Rural Communities and relative quiet in major cities that is attributed to peace talks with the taliban u. S. Diplomats are hoping an agreement described as a reduction in violence will help bring american troops home winding down the war in afghanistan is something donald trump knows could help israel lection campaign but fighting has continued outside major cities the number of people being killed in provincial districts has continued to rise if the latest round of taliban talks fail worry that the next fighting season due to start in the spring a matter of months could be more violent than ever. Business groups in canada are demanding the government ends demonstrations that have paralyzed the countrys rail network they estimate the disruption is costing the countrys 1000000000 sorry the countrys economy billions of dollars the protesters oppose the building of the coastal gas link pipeline which fosters through the land of Indigenous People all 1st nations as theyre calling canada officer reports from toronto. As the protests move into a 3rd week politicians are scrambling to find a solution to the demonstrations springing up across the country after police moved in to remove a blockade of construction sites for a new gas pipeline across canada part of it goes over land owned by indigenous communities and some hereditary chiefs oppose the project when the camps were moved copycat protests began near vital reliance know a coalition of canadian businesses is warning of the long Term Economic impact rail as the way about half of all goods move in canada and so every day that were not moving the materials and parts greedy and either to consumers but more importantly to mark point of view from manufacturers were starting to kind of we will start to slow down Food Supplies are being blocked because trains arent running theres a shortage of propane gas essential in a bitter canadian winter people havent felt the impact yet but theyre about to its estimated that the real crisis is course the canadian economy somewhere in the region of 5000000000. 00 theres talk of a portal 30 women by the weekend but at the moment thats more hope than expectation many native communities support the pipeline for the economic benefits it will bring theres also widespread public support for the protests one Energy Expert says hes worried the concerns of some in the native communities have been hijacked attacking this particular pipeline makes absolutely no sense by any objective measure and for those who are using this as a means to achieve other other political agenda i think we should leave that for a while. There day already more than a 1000 workers have been told theyre going to be laid off mainly in the real industry but if theres no solution that might start to spread the protesters havent said much in the past few days but their message is echoing across canada alan Fischer Al Jazeera toronto. The u. S. Justice department has refused reports that the attorney general william barr is considering resigning of the president Donald Trumps tweets bar recently called on trump to stop tweeting about criminal cases but the president s comments particularly those about the trial and sentencing of former adviser just on have only intensified more than 2000 former Department Officials have now signed an open letter calling for barr to stand down. As i said during my confirmation i came in to serve as attorney general and im not going to be bullied or influenced by anybody and i said at the time whether its Congress Newspaper Editorial Board or the president im going to do what i think is right but i cannot do my job here at the department with a constant background commentary that undercuts me. Had i call him has more on the controversy surrounding the Justice Department from washington d. C. Roger stone a very close confidant of the president hes going to be sentenced in about 24 hours time so the but is the president going to be able to not tweet well he hasnt shown the ability to do that in his entire presidency but this is pretty classic washington if bill barr what it does is hes under intense pressure within the Justice Department and from outside the Justice Department there was a letter with a 2000 former d. O. J. And department of justice employees that said that he needed to step down there were members of congress has talked about started impeachment proceedings he does have republican backing but he took the unusual step of coming out and criticizing the president s tweet habits on television what was more unusual as we saw the president didnt fire back at him really he kept tweeting but the president facing any criticism his normal m. O. Is to lash out at that person he didnt do that but he didnt stop either so now we see this selective leak to the Washington Post saying that barr might step away that could be a trigger for President Trump he has said repeatedly that he thinks that this attorney generals job is to protect him personally and politically not this is really to be the top Law Enforcement officer for the country because President Trump actually said hes the top Law Enforcement per officer in the country which hes not by habit or tradition. But he has said that he needs somebody to protect him in that world bar has gone a long way to do that so why is that enough to get the president from tweeting well well probably find out pretty soon. The British Government has unveiled plans to limit access to the u. K. The job market for immigrants in the brics the transition period ends in 10 months the government says it will move to a points based immigration system but critics say it will be bad for the economy or each hellens reports post breaks it the u. K. Government insists the country will be open for business but under the new immigration rules outlined on wednesday many kinds of people whove been able to live and work here for decades are having the door closed on them we all know longer going to have a route for low skilled workers to come to the u. K. This will now be a single global system that does not discriminate as to whether or not you come from the you or from outside of the e. U. So how will this new system work well it will be points based no cap on the number of people eligible and no longer will e. U. Citizens get preferential treatment. There off 3 things that incoming workers will need a job offer from an approved employer that job must be at the right skill level and speak english is a must. But workers with all of these will still need Something Else to make up the points maybe theyve completed all their School Qualifications maybe over 33000. 00 or above the going rate for their fields or maybe theres a shortage of workers in their occupation. But theres an issue with shutting out all the highly skilled and many Business Leaders appointing it sounds skilled or low paid jobs are essential for the economy and the u. K. Doesnt have enough of its own citizens willing to do them shut out the immigrants whove been feeding them for decades and youve got a problem if we have a turning off of any access to that lower paid end of the job market care workers laborers on construction sites hospitality workers waitresses. Kitchen workers Food Processors we will potentially see some business is unable to expand and grow and it will affect the growth rate of the economy. The home secretary says the slack could be taken up by the 8400000 british adults who arent working drill into the data though and most students sick carers or retired perhaps only a 1000000 brits are available for these jobs even if they want to reach alans aljazeera london. Hundreds of dutch farmers have driven their tractors through the hague to protest against the governments emissions policy the latest demonstration opposes the governments plans to rein in nitrogen oxide emissions farmers believe theyre being disproportionately targeted saying aviation construction and other industries are also major loses. The European Union is planning to invest billions into Artificial Intelligence of the next decade Basis Technology is vital to the future economy in the e. U. Hopes to forge a different path from that of the u. S. And china have unveiled a strategy that aims to develop Machine Learning without compromising peoples does arise barker reports from brussels. On the tour of the future European Commission chief ursula von delay in bringing. The user to technological crossroads he wants to protect the rights and privacy of millions of citizens but it also wants to compete with china and the u. S. Where access to peoples valuable data is more relaxed Artificial Intelligence is about big data data data and again data and we all know that the more data we have. The smarter our algorithms this is why we want to give our businesses but also our researchers and the Public Services better access to data and the data can be used to create some sort of personally identifiable information about you use personal data so that it can encompass a wide range of Different Things from very personal of history personal character things around your health your genome but also to things when combined might also give information about you in the way that you live access to peoples data is vital for Machine Learning thats a branch of Artificial Intelligence where machines talk to each other without any Human Interaction well the European Commission want to do is increase access to peoples data without compromising their rights they want to create a safe data ecosystem but that requires rules and regulations. 80 percent of all of the information thats digitally stored on people in europe is held outside the e. U. In huge Storage Facilities such as this one in iceland or using base technology but in the near future much data on people their habits preferences and how they interact will be stored on smart interrelated devices from Household Appliances to medical equipment and factory machines that will be used to shape supply chains new technologies and public transport but some high risk data such as medical records or police files requires tighter controls there are also concerns about the potential abuse of facial Recognition Technology chinas mass surveillance of its citizens including the use of facial recognition is well known the e. U. Stepped away from a 5 year ban on the use of the technology in public areas leaving it up to Member States to decide the Commission Also wants to protect Small Companies from the dominance of tech giants of monopolies allowing for fair competition and for data storage to be environmentally sustainable they are Ambitious Goals that come at a price 21000000000. 00 a year over the next decade that level of investment is vital say the e. U. To ensure trust in Technology Needs barca aljazeera brussels so they are now does their big. Heavyweight boxes into end. Records. Time now for sports has far thanks very much josie marinos taught them had been stunned at home by rb live sega in the 1st leg of their Champions League last 16 tie spurs went down one nil team over an hour got the winner the German International scoring the crucial away goal just before the hour mark to seal the victory for leipzig an early exit for spurs would be a stark contrast to last season when they reach the final avalanche have taken a major step towards the quarter finals the italian side securing a 41. 00 home win over valencia. Japanese title holders yokohama marinos have continued their perfect start to the group stages of the Asian Champions League their 2nd straight victory came against sydney f. C. Merinos were easy winners in this one beating their australian opponents cornell the win included 2 goals for last seasons japanese player of the year terrifying to now the. Merinos are now top of group age. Another Japanese Team made it 2 wins from 2 this will kopi scored in the final minute to grab a one no away when against south koreas see one blue waits topped the standings and groom. Man citys chief executive says the club is being unfairly targeted by footballs european governing body fair and soriano denies that city committed serious breaches of the way for his financial fair play rules on friday the english team were hit with a 2 year ban from european football the club were found guilty of overstating it sponsorship revenue and failing to cooperate in the investigation the call is subject to an appeal at the courts of arbitration for sports the most important thing i have to say today is that the allegations are not true the owner has not put money in this club the has not been properly the clear we had a sustainable Football Club we are profitable we dont have that we did cooperate with this process we believe that along least of documents and support that we believe is irrevocable we did these in the context of information being leaked to the media in the context of feeling that in every step of the way every engagement we had we felt that we were going to the guilty. You see someone how it is through to the quarter finals of the dubai championships the romanian was really tested by tennessee is on jabber after getting battered 61 in the 1st she came back to win the 2nd 62. 00 and just picked jabber in 3rd 76. 00 for the match for her 1st title of the year. Meanwhile 2 time grand slam champion garvey muguruza is also through to the last stage she came through a tough match against russias veronica. In 3 sets the spaniard began the season ranked as number 36 in the world shes now cracked into the top 2026 year old is looking for her 1st title since april last year. Running formula one World Champion Lewis Hamilton was the fasces on the 1st day of testing in barcelona ahead of the new season or cities have won the last 6 constructors title so its all surprised to see them setting the pace teammate Valtteri Bottas had been quickest in the morning before the briton eclipsed him in the afternoon session tracks for sap and ended last season 3rd behind the mercedes duo he was 4th quickest after having an early spin we definitely prove the car in the areas you want to do so now we just have to do a lot of laps test all the parts and see what we can improve it further and hopefully its going to be enough golfs world number one rory mcilroy says he strongly rejects the idea of playing in the proposed premier golf league tiger woods says hes also been approached about the new tour that would rival the p. G. A. Tour the Breakaway League would be comprised of 124. 00 man teams that would be required to play 18 events total prize money 240000000. 00 but matador says signing up would mean losing the ability to choose where he plays but money is cheap money is the easy part thats not that its its you know thats not the. It shouldnt be the driving factor look for some people it is im a professional culvers and were right here playing golf to make a living but at the end of the day. I value my freedom and my autonomy over everything else. Now just over a year since their memorable 1st meeting and the ring dante wilder and tyson fury are ready for the rematch the pair have arrived in las vegas ahead of saturdays heavyweight contest kerry is undefeated but the british fighter is without a heavyweight title at the moment b. C. Champion dante wilder is also yet to taste defeat when the pair face each other in 2018 the fight and did in a controversial draw this is living with is that things can happen people can come together and make the best parties happen for the fans to see because thats on the wheel we really truly know who is the best in the division and as a heavyweight and you know its been it was down so many years and now its on fire its amazing really just to be ahead do it right now and thats all your sport for now more later and you can find much more on our website of course the address for that is al jazeera dot com thats it from me can develop this news but to stay with us the world of course you know the rate cap of todays news and just. The latest news as it breaks. The breaks it has just finished reading down to the end of the transition period but its just begun with Details Company doing studies that show that around 30 percent of people in conflict unlikely to suffer from some form of Mental Illness from around the world the government here has said only a cent so workers will return to the others not for another week at least. Thanks love to making loans to some friends because behind the suffering a millions of taxpayers because those taxpayers never go away is a new one born every single day a 19 it is an emerging national in this as its economy could it be officially request rationing of the support mechanism we created together because i happen to live in greece somehow i am a sinner im a bad person with debts machine on aljazeera. In 2009 a torture victim of the brutal argentine bedelia regime confronted his interrogator who tortured. The older daughter until i was in turkey has justice now been served for the atrocious crimes committed decades alyea i do the truth you were telling me and investigation into the dark history of argentina why didnt they kill me in the end rewind interrogating a torture on al jazeera. And. Al jazeera. And. China reports a significant drop in new corona virus infections in the outbreaks epicenter a problems. Youre watching aljazeera live from headquarters and. Also ahead billionaire Michael Bloomberg joins a democratic debate in nevada where voters will decide who should face donald trump in the president ial election. The u. N. Warns of a humanitarian catastrophe as nearly a 1000000 people fleeing syrias last rebel stronghold turkey is threatening an offensive

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