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Scared. The silence from saudi arabia as more arrests are reported after the detention of 2 senior princes in talk of a power struggle. Also ahead well be live in the greek island of lesbos were a fire has destroyed a camp for migrants. With the sport just days to go before the start of the formula one season organists announced the 2nd race on the calendar in bahrain will take place behind closed doors because of coronavirus. So there definitely is imposing tough restrictions on a quarter of its population looking down its 2nd largest city and more than 60000000 people to try and stop the spread of coronavirus is just how it is biggest rise in cases since the outbreak began with more than 1200. 00 confirmed on saturday of the lockdown includes the entire region. Long body where they tell him outbreak began and where the most deaths have been recorded home to 10000000 people no one will be able to move in or out of the area and that includes the economic capital of milan the lock down will also impact several other provinces that includes friendless affecting another 6000000. 00 people restrictions a set to remain until early april Victoria Gate and b. Has the latest. In casual in northern italy people rushed to the train station desperate to leave the city before it was put into lockdown but its too good to talk i read 2 hours ago that they may be putting out an urgent to cream putting in the red zone and because id like to return down south to my relatives i decided to go earlier. Prime minister just said picante has signed a decree to impose an unprecedented large scale quarantine in the long bloody region home to 10000000 people to limit the spread of coded 19 theres. Now we have restrictive measures for a much wider area because it wasnt making any sense to say a lot of small red zones while infections have spread all over lombardi and in the provinces we listed. This comes after italy reported more than 1200. 00 new infections in one day theres going to be. Many things that again to be closed like jinns cultural centers. All sorts of areas where people get together in large groups restaurants and bars however appear it appears they will be kept. Pope francis hes fighting a cold his Council Public appearances and will deliver his regular sunday press to crowds at the vatican by live stream and the leader of one of his least 2 ruling parties has announced that he has coronavirus all caught on a so it is arrived i have coronavirus today obviously ill be monitored like everybody else in the situation i feel fine so it was decided that ill be isolated at home also my family is falling all the protocols for the situations italy is the worst affected country in europe but france germany and the netherlands have all reported a rise in the number of cases while malta slovakia and serbia have confirmed that 1st infections victoria gave him the aljazeera. Joins us live now from london a. Very much the focus of things in europe and extreme measures now employed. Absolutely in with more than a quarter of the population effectively under lockdown were just hearing reports also that the president of the piedmont region is also has also now tested positive for covert 19 but essentially what you have now is you have hospice you have schools gyms nightclubs all areas where sort of Public People people can congregate effectively shut down all these public venues closed until april the 3rd across the country it really is quite a Strict Lockdown that there is being imposed in the country to try and contain 1000. 00 as much as possible and of course youve got 2 major cities of it under lockdown as well and venice but of course the economic capital of italy in venice of course drawing so many tourists every year as well and while you have said he our Football Games still taking place but behind locked doors the head of the Italian Football Association has in fact written to Prime Minister conti to stop the games out right another measure that to try and stem further infections as well also religious ceremonies such as weddings and funerals are also going to be about and as well of course with the large numbers of people congregating at certain points is a prime opportunity for infection to take place across large groups of people however Health Care Workers have had their holiday and their annual leave cancelled during this time as a way of trying to be available as much as possible for this crisis that has engulfed the country. But of course its not just italy its also france as well where now 949 cases have been recorded of over 1000 us including 2 National Assembly lawmakers that there are now 16 people who died from cove at 19 as well and thats according to the head of the Public Health Service Germany there more than 680. 00 cases but still as of yet no deaths from the Novel Coronavirus or its only really there for the moment thanks very much indeed for that update so if youre there in london lets take this on we can speak to dr laura tell yani shes a professor of Infectious Diseases at the clinic of infectious and tropical diseases disciplines university of rome joins us on skype from rome though to tell jani 1st of all these measures that have been put in place is this the sort of thing that just has to happen to beat the virus. Well this seems to be very difficult to observe measures but indeed we really need them but its like a kind of war a war makes restrictions our work makes. And this is a war against a virus and the only way we know its possible to control the virus is to restrict. The spread and since we are responsible of the spread. By which the virus passes from the person to another and moved replies the number of infected people the only way we can we have to control the spread of the virus is reduce contacts between humans right because initially there was some criticism of the effectiveness of coron team but it is proved to work in china and today were hearing that china is reporting 44 new infections which is the lowest daily number since the outbreak began do you think thats because of the lockdown that they put in place there. Sure the most effective measure were in china was the parent team and its clear that in a Large Population of 60000000 people that rare the area how who are in all around. Cost reduction the firm strong attraction of an infected old number of infected person and the state of the art yesterday the number of new infections in china was less compared to the number of new infected in in italy and in means that if we really end you gently need to. To impose this kind of restriction right and all the authorities are climbing the need for respecting them and it argues that it all it depends on the attention with which italians will observe these restrictions writes a guide to learn english that italian sound much better than we majored in so i am confident we can apply these measures very effective well not to tell on a given everything youve just said is there for ben something that should have been done sooner in italy and should other cities around the world kind of preempt the spread by going into lockdown straight away. Welcome by the but as a matter of fact the current teen in some areas of lumber he started on the 23 of february so no complaints about what happened because really it appeared to be even a little bit too extreme when did the current team in d. C. Area as rare a plight but now we know that it was a very well there are. Very good decision. Dr gloria tony on is just fantastic to get your professional expertise on this to do appreciate it thanks very much indeed thank you. Lets bring you up to speed on the other crane a virus updates from around the world in the United States cruise ship with an outbreak onboard will dot now in the city of oakland off to San Francisco turned away 21 infections have been confirmed after testing kits were dropped on board the grand princess is carrying 3 and a half 1000 people Mainland China reported 44 new infections on saturday the lowest daily number as we were just discussing since the outbreak began but no new cases were were reported outside the epicenter of a province and at least 10 people in china been killed after a hotel used as a Coronavirus Quarantine Center collapse rescue workers pulled 47 out from under the rubble many are still missing well lets speak now to katrina you who is live for us in beijing lets just start with that Hotel Collapse what more do we know. Right so we know that this Hotel Collapse on saturday evening trapping about 70 people this hotel has about between 5 to 7 stories its a steel structure and its not an old building it was only built in 2018 so were trying to find out the reason for this Hotel Collapse there has been some speculation that some refer bushman being done on the ground floor was a reason behind why the structure gave way and theres been an awful lot of frustration around this because many of the people trapped in the hotel were people who were being told to stay in there to be quarantined an isolated to prevent the spread of coronavirus so they werent there by choice they were there essentially to be monitored for the sake of their health and the health of the community outside so its extremely frustrating that that protective measure has had devastating effects on the people there the Hotel Manager has been other than a lot bigger part and has been detained and is currently being questioned and we know that emergency teams are working around the clock there still several people underneath the rubble and the Central Government has also sent an additional workers to help try to rescue people but yes as you said 10 people have died so far. The flipside to the joint reporting its lowest number of new infections since in a single day. Thats right according to official figures it looks like the spread outside of hoover province has essentially been contained we had 44. 00 cases reported in the last 24 hours 41 of those cases were inside who bay but outside who were there were only 3 cases reported and of those 3 cases they were all cases where people were infected abroad not inside china so the Chinese Government is really latching on to this and and sort of declaring a kind of victory were seeing headlines was she didnt things picture saying victory is at hand at this in this peoples war against the outbreak and its definitely i mean it is a very positive sign considering that 2 weeks ago we were seeing thousands of cases reported in a single day so its definitely good news at the latched onto by the government as a as a sign that their heavy handed measures locking down 60000000 people thats the equivalent of the population of the u. K. Preventing them from leaving their homes has essentially work to shutting down public transport have been people from going to work but of course its also in a way being used to laze some of that criticism that they mishandled the outbreak in the 1st place when it 1st started early in this year wrote well thats a picture of america to you thanks very much lead swim across to hong kong where protests is taking place over a plan to set up coronavirus clinics in residential neighborhoods without consulting the locals today there are 113. 00 confirmed cope with 1000. 00 cases in hong kong and 2 people have died lets get more from sarah clarke who study by force in hong kong. Tell us more about why people are so upset. Well weve had a number of rallies over recent weeks the one on sunday this is in an area called typo which is in the northern part of the city it was yet another community rally in this that the people here are concerned about these Quarantine Centers or the coronavirus clinics being set up in these districts which are of got a quite a high urban density quite highly Populated Areas and theyre simply concerned because number one they worry about the risk of infection in these highly Populated Areas and theyre also and the angry about the government and not consulting the community before setting these clinics up now there are couple 100 people there the right place didnt take long to move in and then we saw a number of other antigovernment or prodemocracy groups join this rally now pepper spray was used on some of the people attending this particular rally and the police tried to disperse the crowd of certainly some chaotic scenes in the area of typo this merely rallies against a crowd of vice clinics but these particular rallies are turning into what most why the movement the Antigovernment Movement is uniting with these communities against the clinics and the police are moving in and being quite heavy handed when it came to todays rally that dispersed the crowd they declared it and Legal Assembly and move those people out now weve also had a Police Press Conference in the last hour where the police have confirmed that overnight they arrested 17 people over what was up by a number of bomb plots across the city where 2 of those bombs actually detonated and one near a hospital another one nations in so its part of a crackdown by the place to try and arrest those people who are part of this bomb plots theyve confirmed 2. 6 tons of chemical devices were found and they describe it as a bomb making factory at some of the homes where these arrests were made so certainly the government still moving in and the police are still moving in to try and make arrests of those people involved in those antigovernment protests or 0 thanks very much indeed a circle out there in hong kong. Spread across to the other side of the world to the United States pretty cold rain is in washington d. C. Where theres been a Significant Development in the coronaVirus Outbreak linked to 2 political conferences held in the city recently. There is news coming out of washington d. C. That is going to have political leaders very concerned there were 2 big conferences in the capital in just the last couple of days one was the conservative Political Action committee thats basically a republican lobbying organization and they had a huge with the American Israel Public Affairs committee or a pac they had their annual conference in washington d. C. Now we are hearing reports that the attendees at both of those conferences have been detected to have the coronavirus so the big concern is going to be did it spread among that group the conservatives and the organization and all of the 800000 attendees that were in that giant Conference Center so this is obviously going to become a great concern for political leaders we expect that the numbers in the United States are going to rise dramatically heres why there really hasnt been very much testing for the corona virus in the United States because at 1st the federal agency that was tasked to create the test sent it out it didnt work they just then a few days a few days ago a lot of private labs to come up with their own test well they sent out their test to the Public Health agencies so there just arent a lot of test kits out there now u. S. President said anyone who needs a task can get a test but were hearing from other Health Officials on the ground and also within the administration that that is simply not the case they hope to ramp up the testing a lot by hundreds of thousands in the next couple of days perhaps by the millions so we should see a pretty sizable increase in the number of coronavirus cases here in the United States but in large america its now reported the 1st coronavirus death filmy told in several countries in the region including colombia chile and peru have all of the 1st cases. Meanwhile israeli and palestinian authorities are continuing their efforts to try and contain the virus thats after 16 cases were identified in the occupied west bank city of bethlehem and tourists have been banned from entering the city and a roadblock has been put up to quarantine quarantine the area and ramallah teams in protective clothing have been disinfecting and the sites countries in africa have been till now escaped the worst of the coronavirus operate but there have been new cases in the cameroon and in togo and at least 45 infections have been confirmed elsewhere on the continent nicholas reports now from senegal where authorities are implementing measures to try and stop the spread. The corona virus is spreading in africa on tuesday a french couple with flu like symptoms tested positive for the virus in this hospital with multiple new cases many of the nursing and medical staff have been sent home hundreds are in selfimposed quarantined pharmacies are running out of masks and sanitizers some are even resorting to traditional remedies and the hope of fighting off the virus is going to individualize you need to eat garlic at least 3 times a day and that will stuff carone of others especially older people have been coming to me hoping that this will protect them when youre going to be i mean dont count on that remedy though the World Health Organization says theres no evidence that eating garlic has protected people from the new coronavirus so far all the cases on the african continent are not coming from china like experts predicted but from europe the outbreak that began in the north of italy is quickly spreading beyond european borders we are not far from the pandemic most on the continent is not enough capacity for example for intensive in senegal an emergency crisis cell has been put in place similar to the one during the 201416 bull outbreak over 11000 people died from that virus mostly in west africa. The government does not want to see the virus spread in neighborhoods like this where theres a shortage of water frequent power cuts and the Sanitation Systems are not up to scratch people here live in close proximity and this is a virus thats highly contagious so help that Authorities Say the way to stop the outbreak is Early Detection this is where blood samples of suspected cases are being tested a facility few african countries have and so for professor county avoiding contact including handshakes is a best way to prevent the virus from spreading we need to explain to. Them that they dont need to be afraid they guess need. Before law or prevention aspect while fear of the virus is spreading faster than the virus itself so was the misinformation on social media rumors that africans are immune to the virus so that hot weather or local remedies can destroy it with some saying that covert 19 is a western invention its a challenge for african states with the epidemic gaining ground and misinformation has become ass contagious as the virus itself Nicholas Hawk aljazeera the car. By moving on a 4th senior prince is reported to have been detained in saudi arabia but the hasnt made any official response from the government has made the report say the former head of Army Intelligence thats prince not been ahmed is among those now being held the wall street journal says dozens of officials and Army Officers have also been arrested alexia bronzes from the Saudi Crown Prince mohammed bin solomon has moved to consolidate power since removing his cousin muhammad bin nayef as edge of the throne and 27 tane now 3 years on the knife is reportedly accused of trying to push out the crown prince and that seen him and his brother detained as well as the saudi kings youngest brother ahmed bin abdulaziz there are some kinds of words and innuendos terrorist turmoil within the family in the form of criticism but that doesnt justify you know being arrested like criminals with mass Security Forces coming to their homes and yanking your out of their private residences mohamed bin solomon known as has a reputation for cracking down on anyone who opposes him 27 tane dozens of senior members of the royal family and billionaire businessmen were rounded up and detained at a luxury hotel in riyadh the saudi government said it was an Anti Corruption dr Rights Groups disagreed. Hundreds of activists including womens Rights Campaign allusion ill have to are also in prison. Hes not worried about people trying to make a call he doesnt want any independent voices that dont agree with him and its not for the. Reason one of the 3 people on the council of royal members in saudi arabia that decides the succession he was one of the 3 who didnt vote for him had been some man to become the crown Prince Mohammed bin solomons most notorious legacy so far is between 18 killing of saudi journalists. In the kingdoms consolation a stent. He was murdered by a hit squad made up of some of been solomons personal entourage his body dismembered and of a found the cia concluded that the crown prince must have known about the operation if not ordered it himself. As the most senior 3 and. Actually overseas for many years came back. Ears ago to kind of try to calm things down. After b. S. Took over and there were some. Kind of turmoil within the royal family prince wades return to the kingdom in 2018 came weeks after he appeared to criticize the saudi leadership during a protest in london against the saudi u. A. E. Led war in yemen one of my you know what does the whole of the al saud family have to do with this there are certain individuals responsible in the king to try and prince and others in the state. Prince ahmed and mohammed bin nayef were both seen as possible rivals to the throne when i say 4 year old king solomon dies reports suggest they now face long term imprisonment or even death brian al jazeera well as now speak to simon mabon whos a senior lecturer in International Studies at Lancaster University joins us by skype simon so lots of speculation out there is whats your take on. Well you know i think what we have that there was is really way through all of this speculation all of the room as all of the conjecture and figure out what we actually know here and we know that a number of troubling meant saudi prince says with close ties to the royal family as your package has just documented have been arrested now the reasons for the arrest are not clear the justifications for those arrests are not clear but we know that that these arrests have not taken place in a vacuum that there have been a range of other things going on inside the kingdom predominantly the longstanding efforts from the crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon to seize power and ensure that he has no pull of internal or external dissent as what we saw with the case of shoji and this latest round of purges against his rule and against the legacy that hes trying to create himself for the next 50 years or so as he becomes king right and so crown Prince Mohammed bin solomon is disappearing from put into context for us if you would what is his his grip on power if you like because the kings to live for as we know. The king lives but he lives in name alone really i mean the room most that suggest hes got hes got a very high onset of dementia and hes very frail you see that when you see images videos of him so i guess from from all the more reports that we hear mohamed bin sultan is the one pulling the strings he is the one with whom power lies and that certainly makes a lot of sense in terms of the killing of jim on his show and this latest round of purges following the ricks cult events a couple of years ago we know that mohammed bin solomon is the one who orchestrated the killing of her mother shoji and we know that yoko straight said the crackdown on that the other princes in the ritz carlton we know that he is the real power there was some. People calling him anecdotally the sun k. The son of the king but the person who is actually the sovereign power in the saudi states is his situation and kind of a youd expect the king approaches the end of his life and it sounds like the kind of power struggles you would have seen in the old royal courts of europe. Well i think thats a good way of putting it because lets not forget that the saudi state was built on on a particular vision of succession and as i think it was there i mean corey was suggesting there is a there is a panel that determines who was to come to become king after the death of the king so its not a case of the son of the king and the kings son and the son of the son that power passes successively down the family line but rather since the formation of the saudi status passed from brother to brother to brother amongst the sons of it and so is the founder of the saudi state but that of course while theres a large number of members of the royal family and prominent princes those initial sons of of it been so dog are all in the eightys or ninetys those that are still alive of course and so there is going to be this this movement from a generation that was the direct descendants of its out to the next generation and thats where we start to see this jockeying for power where we start to see princes trying to rally support for that cause us and i think this is fundamentally what were what were getting at when were looking at what mohammed bin solomon is doing making sure that there is no one in any type of position of power to really challenge his rule as he becomes king and as we move to the 3rd generation of saudi rulers all right simon thanks very much i just wanted to get your expertise on this do appreciate it so i may be on that thank you. Robin standing by with the weather does australia i guess yes the murray darling basin particular the ever changing weather of australia recently theres been a lot of rain in what was of course drug ridden eastern half of australia on the murray darling basin it is dicey is now you might say is not unusual this is a massive pelicans on a bit of river the bobbin river the tough one the feeder rivers into the murray darling system now this was draw it has been dry for a long time so i think theyre just taking advantage of what is supposed to be river but hasnt been now this is a close a major structure theyre very darling basin it comes off more it covers sudden queens and most of New South Wales a. C. T in victoria and the eastern bits of South Australia it feeds the agriculture storage and been in drought affected a trice period last 36 months all record starts to see the rainfall again but even so this whole area this summer has only seen 50 cent of the average rainfall so weve got a long ways to to bring it back up to what would be considered normal for probably wouldnt be seen again to be honest the climate is changing that we have got more rain to come this similary because weve just talked about the east a book just then but most of the rain is now focusing further north so New South Wales maybe had his last gasp but for queens in particular the top end were going to see an increasing amount of rain and eventually flooding right which is normal and of course welcome nic rob great thank you very much needs still ahead here in. Libyas precarious economy we meet the young entrepreneurs determined to build up their businesses despite the move running the country. And in sports fans Melbourne Cricket Ground is the defending champions australia face india the womens team 20 cup final. Much on aljazeera after their own spin on the nation witnessed. Brings a new film this time from africa for International Womens day as yemens war enters its 5th year aljazeera looks at the humanitarian crisis caused by the saudi led invasion studio b. Unscripted brings a fresh approach to discussing contentious issues and finding Common Solutions to everything you need to know about the current Virus Outbreak aljazeera brings you the daily updates from around the wild. The listening post does 6 the worlds media how they operate and the way they cover story. March on aljazeera. Chinese developers are accused of destroying a Pacific Power and i. Want to when ace investigates on aljazeera. And again youre watching aljazeera a reminder of our top stories this hour and a quarter of its population has been put under lockdown as the government tries to stop the coronavirus reason for somebody home to 10000000 people is now in quarantine 11 nearby provinces also affected. China has reported as low as daily number of new infections since the outbreak began and while rescue crews still trying to reach dozens of people buried when apartments into collapse at least 10 people are confirmed dead. A 4th senior saudi prince is reported to have been detained in what may be a new power struggle in the kingdom New York Times says the former head of Army Intelligence thats prince not have been up in a while. Arrested along with 3 others on friday. All right a refugee facility on the greek island of lights bosses cleaning up after a fire late on saturday it happened with operated one happy Family Center for refugees just outside the islands capital there were no immediate reports of injuries more than 1700 migrants have landed on lesbos and 4 other jian islands from turkey over the past week lets bring in john thruppence now whos on lisbon john tell us more about what happened. Well as you can see behind me the school is completely destroyed you can see the melted sheet metal and the buckled steel girders of the school roof underneath that there are steel frames of long benches and long tables where the children used to sit the plywood has been burnt its lying in piles of dust on the floor and theres an acrid smell still in the air the fire service was here earlier to see if they could find any clues as to who or what started this fire it could be an accident but obviously at a time of high Political Tension on the island where right wing groups of clashed with volunteers and n. G. O. S helping the refugees there are also suspicions that it might not be an accident this is the school of peace an israeli and joe that operates on the grounds of one happy family joining me now to talk about that project is im not sure hon shes a volunteer with school of peace and that i know that its been very tense on the island since the government attempted to build closed Refugee Centers which would be Detention Centers to replace morea where people are free to come and go and since then people have risen up against almost any refugee activity on the island can you tell me whether you have had any form of threat to the school before now. The fall and i would be of any follow thoughts to the school and we have a lot of power in the. Local community and in the past 2 weeks its completely different than before we get out of breath and attacked our self and other n. G. O. S but its a big difference than we feel when you say its been very different to the past in the last 2 weeks how do you mean different i mean before we felt safe around here we felt safe to walk in the state we love this place we have a lot of very good friends and in a lot of people that work with us every day in the past 2 days no one is going out of the house people are scared industry everyone is the species of everyone the thwack sound there are some loads we came out the diving them anymore you know what happens if you go into the wrong places or if you talk to the wrong people we would get we would then and our car would get beaten oh they would try to go inside the car have you had any. View of the refugees that you teach tell you that they have been intimidated. And if you have told us many of the ones that lives in with you leaving that theyre worried about going out of the house and into the streets and they dont know how people really react in that they prefer to stay home in these days well obviously this is a very recent Political Development it is difficult to know how long this atmosphere will continue it doesnt help that there is a hostile attitude from neighboring turkey which has intentionally opened its borders in order to promote refugees on the greek church 3 the greek government has seen that as a threat to National Security that has done much to color the political mood on the island as well. Are generally there for now thanks very much the joints are up with their own lives boss in greece or migrants and refugees trying to cross from turkey into greece have described scenes at the border as something out of a horror movie thousands of Asylum Seekers have gathered it take these western frontier off the country declared its borders open for those who plan to enter europe tuscon name has more now from the border city of and ernie. We found home ed in an abandoned building tending to his wounds the iranian amputee says he crossed into greece twice since turkey opened its borders more than a week ago he returned with wounds all over his body. To use the wounded they caught me and beat me while they took me to a cot my back to them and said im handicapped dont beat me leave me alone but they wouldnt listen to them. On the 2nd floor a temporary family has formed bound by trauma and desperation one strangers now linked by the solidarity a feeling ostracized by other media care as we might have come from 3rd world countries but were not 3rd class citizens we also have the right to live and have a future for our children in. Afghan refugee missier has become a kind of father figure he and his wife crossed into greece 3 times twice by climbing through a fence and once on a fishermans boat he says greek soldiers stripped the men to their underwear tasered them and when they collapsed beat them with the sticks ignited the 11 up on the engine of all of they handcuffed him and took us to the river bank and kicked us into the river they said now leave some of us manage to cross like a fish some like a duck 2 of the friends couldnt get out of the river we told turkish fishermen that we left 2 people behind they went to search for our friends and we never saw them again. The greek government has not responded to the accusations it has stopped accepting asylum applications for one month and pledged to expel those entering illegally nazir describes whats happening to refugees and migrants who cross into greece as a horror movie. Yet he and home ed plan to make another attempt clinging to the possibility like thousands others that the next time will have a more humane ending natasha going to name. A dern name on the Turkey Greece border. The only year of fighting libyas capital has taken a heavy toll on the economy many businesses have closed and young people have sought work abroad but some entrepreneurs say theyre determined to carve out opportunities. Reports now from tripoli gibney means a pick me up in the libyan dialect its all right hailing Company Recently launched by to libya an entrepreneur with a move by phone app and Facebook Page jeepney offers rides for people mostly in the capital tripoli technology which figures our driving groups for drivers and calculates the distance and fare is something new in libya we did our soft launch for the application in march 1 month before the attack on tripoli. After about a month when everything happened. We saw a significant drop in our numbers we were a bit worried about that but luckily that didnt continue this Company Provides work space for students and Business Owners who cant find it in their own areas with frequent power and internet cuts in many parts of the city especially in the areas affected by the fighting it also provides a safe place for customers we find that with markets and that there are many people like it. There is a good demand for it. And you know for any business if you have a with the monk then then you are ok. The conflict in libya has foresaid many young people to seek new carriers abroad but despite the challenges in the country some are still enthusiastic about creating their own businesses and bringing new ideas to the market but many here say theyre worried what will happen if the fighting in southern tripoli moves closer to the city center many businesses have been shut down since the war lord hefted launched his military campaign to seize tripoli from the internationally recognized the government in april official figures suggest the war has cost the economy more than 40000000000. 00 that includes losses caused by the blockade of the Oil Facilities by forces loyal to have turned these entrepreneurs say their businesses should be able to with this stand the declining estate trivia news they are now hoping the fighting will in to allow their businesses to grow even further but if the battle for tripoli continues these young libyans are unlikely to have many free species leg the. Tripoli of thousands of women in cities across pakistan have defied threats of violence to march on International Womens day for the modern tougher laws to protect women from harassment rape and Domestic Abuse and lets speak now to. The womens margin is going to come out tell us more about how women across pakistan are marking internationally and more about what its like where you are. Well right now im a pro to come commemoration of International Womens day the order march which is also known as the woman march is being headed by a feminist. Collective and they have called now branched into many ideas they did they started marching and 28 last year they had the march in several cities and today they are all story and that also includes islamabad divisions that there are divisions within society you have a conservative segment of society that does not necessarily see eye to eye read the feminist lot who of course have been using a log in my body my choice and to walk. Through their lot of backlash from the religious right in fact as you can head that shouting in the distance not far away from me is another rally which is again this particular rally where the movement for all the collective is saying that that women need to be protected they need to be given equal opportunities in societies or indeed you can see that theyre wide within pakistan and also ahead particularly when you. Come over whats the argument from the conservative or more religious elements one of these so worried about the small. Religious parties and the legend of nice people of the order d march is a western d one removed from the reality on the ground however there are a lot of women who are working in pakistan who see discrimination and walk also on the streets so this is of course the rallying cry for the femi. David in pakistan border to. The board for many of the men new or old story yeah it did indeed something that they. Never got right now the Women Feminist Movement gathering momentum all right well maybe thats a picture of islam about arkham ohio to reporters. Well protesters in the philippines have called on the government to do more to support womens rights there are hundreds marched through the streets in the Company Manila to mark International Womens day to men and theyre going to what activists here are saying is that the country is a country of conch additions contradictions when it comes to womens causes this the philippines had already 2 female president s the country with the highest number of female executives around the world but also a place where dubai has never been more stark where more than half of women of working age are out of the labor workforce because of childbearing and wearing where the age of consent for girls remains at 12 6 years old the only sense in asia where teenage pregnancy is rising and the last country basically in the World Without divorce now although there has been progress over the past few years recently the expanded maternity law has been signed giving more days for women working mothers off from work when they give birth the repr the health law was passed a few years ago but not much funding is seen poured into these measures to make it effective across the country and what activists are also seeing here is that the culture of miss sargent me a seeped into policies and governance and what theyre saying basically that not just an International Womens day but all the other days around the year that. Policymakers law makers government officials should remember really that the most important factor here to remember is that the advancement of women and girls causes. The karen ethnic minority man man has been fighting for independence for 70 years it is one of the worlds longest running civil wars its displaced hundreds of thousands of people now Community Leaders say that term and to be part of the peace building process created a park to do just that for as many reports now from. The quran of a 2nd largest ethnic minority in myanmar theyve been fighting for an independent state since 949 before changing their demand in 1976 to one for greater autonomy despite a cease fire agreed in 2012 fighting continues but in this part of state as its now called corrent Community Leaders have created a sanctuary the salwen peace park covers nearly 5500 square kilometers and includes villages forest and wildlife reserves here the quran continues that traditional way of life relying on nature for that and practicing customary Land Management to preserve the environment so more hair and internally displaced quran has known war for most of his life. In the past we had to run and hide from the media. It was exhausting when soldiers attacked our village we had to run we took a food supply into the jungle but when soldiers found it they would steal it sometimes they would burn it the village is remote but people here seem content. We live selfsufficient lives we plant ross grow vegetables raise pigs and chickens if me and my soldiers join to attack us we will continue our life this way. But elsewhere in the state peace has intel sporadic fighting still happens sparked by the militarys move to upgrade wrote previously used for military operations current Community Leaders say they are also concerned about the military bases dotted around the pops boundary solution is easy just withdraw you know maybe a couple of camps allowing people to come back and reestablish their livelihoods and you know some interior and you know kind of projects come in and see how you know things you know moving forward and then you can replicate it. The pok is the 1st of its kind in myanmar indigenous led its founded say its an alternative to top down development but protecting it from encroachment will be a challenge the park isnt yet recognized by the government. Democratic transition has opened the door to Foreign Investment that plans to develop the area in and around the park including 2 hydro power dam projects on the south. In the quran struggle to protect their community and their way of life theyll have to be prepared to take on corporations to florence aljazeera yet. Still ahead here around 0. Everyones favorite dog sled race is back joe will have a few feels hes. The consequence of war i got through 6 russia he served in the marine corps for 9 she went to church and that just doesnt go away. For a living out of his truck for the last couple years. Hes homeless. Follows a group of u. S. Army veterans much iced by war. As they struggle to get their lives back shelter. 0. Algy 0. 0. The if. Thats going to transport drugs done well nic thank you very much well there are just days to go before the start of the formula one season and the teams are on their way to melbourne for the opening race but organizers of the 2nd groan prey on the calendar are already taking drastic steps against coronavirus the bahrain grand prix will go ahead a march the 22nd but fans will be shot out of the stands the country says its trying to balance the welfare of supporters and race goes in their statement they said given the continued spread of covert 19 globally convening a major sporting event which is open to the public would not be the right thing to do at the present time but the race weekend itself will still go ahead as a televised event. Italian football is back on sunday after a week of disruption caused by the virus but one of the biggest games of the season we played behind closed doors 2nd place event as hosts 3rd place into man in the match known as italys darby but theyll be no fans inside the stadium it is government decided on much as will be held without funds until at least april 3rd try and stop the spread of the virus. And all important one as usual when you play football in big stadiums it is important to have the fans in the stadium but right now we are in a delicate situation and we need to pay a lot of attention so health comes before anything else for everybody we will have to adjust to that and do things in the safest possible way. Well barcelona have gone top of the league in spain thanks to star striker messi the argentine scored a late penalty against israel saucier that led rail madrid by 2 points but the title rivals can regain top spot if they beat real betis light. Like a genius fans have been celebrating their latest league title the born to sadies club beat him nasty one male to clinch the argentine title on the last day of the season at about tribals river plate havent got the winning goal its because 3rd league title in 4 years. David reckons new Football Team have reached an m. L. S. Milestone theyve scored their 1st goal in the league rudolfo preside over opened up a one mil lead from miami over d. C. United 2 minutes in the 2nd goal from lewis morgan was disallowed by v. A. All for handball at the other end of the pitch i am miami defender Roman Torres Torres also got a straight red card in d. C. United came from behind to win 21. L. A. Galaxy star heavy and numbers also had a bad nights the play known as chito was making his home debut as they face the Vancouver Whitecaps she retired was the m. L. S. His biggest offseason signing but has only had 2 shots in his 1st 2 games and none on go as you can see the white caps winning this 11. A judge in paraguayan has ruled form a brazilian stardom aldin year must remain in jail after being arrested for entering the country on a fake passport the 2002 well cup winner and his brother appeared before a judge in the us on c. N. N. On saturday the pair asked to be released into house arrest but the judge said they posed a flight risk officials have been given 6 months to complete their investigation in years lawyers are expected to appeal in the coming days. As ive been hearing its International Womens day and australia have successfully defended their womens t 20 world cup title against india in melbourne a 6000 fans packed the m. C. G. That in quite the world record for women sporting event which was just over 90000. 00 at the 999. 00 womens world cup but it got pretty close as for the match itself australia won the toss and chose to bat salissa healy and beth mooney lead with the bat scoring 75 and 78 respectively as a straight to finish top 184 for 4 from their 20 overs india were never in the hunt in reply bowled out for 99 megan shots and Jess Johansen joe jonas and getting 7 wickets between them. The n. B. A. Has set a choose day deadline for basketball franchises to have plans in place to combat coronavirus there was no keeping rookie char morons down for the Memphis Grizzlies he scored 24 points as the grizzlies kept their hold on the final western conference playoff spot with one 119201 win over the land to home runs wasnt even born when vince carter 1st played in the n. B. A. Playing for the hawks it was the 43 year old final game at memphis and fans gave their work player a standing ovation. Now to a fiery clash between 2 top and a child teams this was the scene during the wild 2nd period between Tampa Bay Lightning Boston Bruins they combined for 36 penalties and 96 penalty minutes the same conference leading bruins were eventually struck down by the lightning 53 yukito which are off sealing it live in empty net goal. Terrell hatton has survived a tough day at golds Arnold Palmer invitational the englishman takes a 2 shot lead into the final round of bay hill in florida after shooting a one over 73. 00 the 6 under for the tournament and in whats been called the most brutal day at bay hill for 37 years only 8 players remained and apart among them new zealands danny lee chip in for birdie helping him to stay 3 shots behind hatton. Now the run up to the turkey olympics continue some of the worlds best gymnasts have been competing at the american cup which serves as a qualifier for the games one of those in the running to make the u. S. Team is morgan heard who captured her 2nd all around title in 3 years on saturday the 18 year old putting in a stunning performance on the uneven bars and in the floor exercises as she looks to secure her 1st and then pick trip meanwhile 2 time olympic champion Sam Mcculloch won his 2nd all around title he was the top scorer on the parallel bars and on the floor. Everyones favorite dog sled race is back the idea to rod race got under. Away with the ceremonial start in Anchorage Alaska on saturday this year 57 mischas are competing which is the 2nd smallest field in the past 2 decades the real race starts on sunday and will take teams 1600 kilometers through deep snow and 2 mountain ranges to the bering sea coast and the old gold rush town of gnome the winner is expected there in about 11 days and will take home a prize of 50 5000. 05 former champions are in the race all right that is useful for now have to feel like to nick thanks very much they rarely go away and thats it for this news ill be back. With more the days news from c n n. Then natures news as it breaks the fostering service is supposed to start from early next year and the corona Virus Outbreak could put the brakes on the project and slow down construction we detail coverage we know the 540 people were killed in the violence and officially 350 people were injured from around the world they werent enough to create a logistical problem for the greek will sorties but they were enough to make many of the people of lesbos arent sure is. Joining the listening post as we tend the cameras on the media india has more than 424 Hour Television news chops morning talkers and focus on how they report on the stories that matter the most in the states misleads the public to still be here reflects the same thing as Climate Change a cold air editorial show its a dark believe they have anything to apologize for their listening post on aljazeera talk to aljazeera we talk about 2 of the biggest problems facing them they all the endemic corruption. We listen so if you really put place china as an enemy of the world and thats really that yours we meet with global news makers and talk about the stories that matter the no 0 the whole d. N. A. Of sierra is to deliver news on bohol for people who are subject to the sessions made by the powerful there is simply no where to go to ollies people there are only individuals with children the lowlifes believe such stories this place has become a complete trust you have to hear all of them and to treat them as something that you respect. 16000000 people of coron 1000 in italy if it looks down towns and cities including milan and venice over the coronavirus top. Iran reports a shopping precinct coronavirus victims with 49 new deaths recorded since saturday. But on a clock this is answer life and also coming up in the program the silence from saudi arabia as more arrests are reported off the tension and to see me a princes and talk of a power struggle. Also ahead well be live in the greek island of lesbos

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