10000 People Killed spike covert 19. And were on the streets when a series for the government is bracing for an expected wave of coronavirus cases. Where the economic devastation caused by the coronavirus is becoming clearer with the u. S. Announcing a major rise in the unemployment rates a record 6600000 americans applied for Unemployment Benefits for the 1st time in the past week now thats 3000000 more than the week before 10000000 people in total in the u. S. Alone some benefits back in march there is a similar story over in spain the auctor investor calls more than 800000 redundancies last month many of them Seasonal Workers such as those in the tourism industry. 3 and a half 1000000 spaniards dont have a job and the number of british people blowing for government benefits is 10 times higher than normal almost a 1000000 brits claims universal credits in the past 2 weeks and thats to spice a stimulus package aims preventing layoffs well lets get more now from kimberly hole kids she joins us live from washington to give us the perspective from the u. S. Kimberly staggering figures there from the United States yeah staggering and i know this is just one piece of the pain thats being felt all around the world but it gives us a glimpse the suffering thats going on here in the United States which is still being realized these numbers 6600000 americans filing unemployment claims adds to the numbers that were staggering a week earlier we had 3300000 so weve got about 10000000 americans who filed these claims but keep in mind many are reporting they cant get through on the internet they cant get through on the telephone so we expect these numbers to be climbing up even higher in subsequent weeks in fact weve been hearing in the 10s of millions possibly as high as 46000000 americans lost their job overnight as a result of social distancing and the guidelines to stay at home so not only have we got these historic new unemployment 2 numbers given the fact that we had previously historically low unemployment but we dont expect a lot of these jobs to come back particularly in the hospitality sector where were told that many restaurants that close will never reopen so we have already the white house and Congress Talking about recovery even packages to include repairing americas infrastructure just to give the ready workforce a job. Meanwhile kimberly theres been some movement on the market some turn to oil price changes or just give us a sense of whats been happening invent regards. Yeah very simply what weve had is a bit of a price war and an oversupply of oil because of a dispute between russia and saudi arabia and now the us president has a relationship with both those leaders Saudi Crown Prince flatterer putin and so he tweeted and gave a lot of optimism for some of the economic instability with respect to oil markets that he may have brokered a truce between these 2 sides and just on the news of a possible resolution to this conflict we already saw the price of crude rise and also we saw a reflection in the markets especially what the u. S. President tweeted is that after conversations with both leaders that he there was an agreement to cut the oil supply to buy 10000000 or even 15000000 barrels why is this important again weve already had economic instability as a result of krona virus now weve also had it in terms of the price of oil was centrally because we have a problem here we have the supply side has been hit and the demand sides been hit it appears now that there has been a resolution as a result of the u. S. President intervening its not a done deal but hes intimated that there is hope ok well well be hearing from president later but for now kimberly hold could bring us up to date from washington thank you. But the u. K. Has pledged to carry out its 100th coronavirus transparency by the end of april this comes after several days of intense scrutiny over failures and testing the Health Secretary matt hyman coke said he was setting out a new 5 pillar strategy for him from 169 deaths have been reported in britain in the last 2 and a whole reports now from london. Britains numbers are increasing exponentially with the death toll doubling every 3 days makeshift morgues are being built like this one on an ice rink in Milton Keynes to meet those groom demands meanwhile Frontline Health care workers continue to make hurried preparations where personal Protection Equipment is in short supply as it widely is there fashioning solutions from hardware shops even resorting to seaside snorkels and schools science class goggles the government insists millions of items are in the delivery pipeline but in many places they arent arriving quickly enough i am now setting the goal of 100000. 00 tests per day by the end of this month that is the goal and i am determined that we will get that. Testing is another crucial part of the u. K. Governments response that for now is wanting this is a drive through Testing Center in an ikea car park in North West London its one of 5 across the country finally allowing Frontline Health care staff to get a test for covert 19 if theyre self isolating at home with symptoms and find out whether theyve actually got the disease and if they havent to allow them to get back to work quickly we spoke to want National Health Service Worker who just been tested she didnt want to be identified by machines when i was moved to the crisis and imaginative and. Out of that which employed only 700. 00 everybodys very ethical slavin. A lot of i think lots of energy is going to get here already were going to come dancing with critics saying its too little too late its emerged that private Research Labs who have valuable testing equipment and expertise have so far had their offers to help rebuffed by the government well i think its not a question of criticizing in order to criticize the sequester policy the government must either have a goal or say that they do not need or do not want help from the sort of decentralized university laps around the country or their policies that would be useful and im not in a position to know how those polls it is going to the girl but my feeling is thats where they need to be clear either were part of the solution or were not and here comes the sun its not all bad news the famous crossing at abbey road studios got a new lick of paint in the unusual absence of beatle fans taking selfies ready for life after coronavirus join a whole aljazeera london. Well the virus has been around precedented test for politicians around the globe Jeremy Corbyn is the Outgoing British Labor Party Leader and the leader of the opposition he joyce been out from london via skype because i have you with us on the news our mr carr ben i just 1st of all how would you rate the British Governments response to this crisis. Very poor and very slow they have not undertaken the testing they should have done in day 3 weeks ago the Prime Minister told me they were going to dramatically increase the amount of testing he hasnt yet got to even 10000 a day when obviously the numbers needed are huge and secondly the lack of personal protective equipment all across the National Health service and the care sector is absolutely serious a friend went to see somebody in hospital yesterday and she told me that the people coming in with patients were better equipped than the n. H. Staff and i just staff in the hospital itself we have had a government that has not done enough to get on top of this crisis and i do hope that the Health Sector is perfect when he says hes going to get 200000 tests but hes got to move very fast enough means mobilizing all resources to do that what more sources do you think the government has not been mobilizing that it sounds like you think theyve been deliberately dragging their feet what would you have done differently there are many tests the cities around the country that can be used in universities and colleges in the private Sector Companies and many others that could and should have been used and its an approach the government took the summer of they didnt think testing is very important even when the World Health Organization said the crucial thing to do was test test test because unless they do that is impossible to know the extent of coronavirus amongst the population as a whole what were doing is identifying it on the basis of peoples self analysis well theyre probably right they might not always be right but we need to know exactly how serious the problem is and it is obviously getting very serious indeed and it has been getting serious for several weeks now but what the government would say and happening saying is there isnt a Global Demand for all these testing products or the Global Demand for a quick men said its not easy to get your hands on the kit that that Everybody Needs to not accept that this. A Global Challenge which all governments are trying to vice saying that theyre doing the best they can a very challenging circumstances of course its a global problem and fully appreciate that we also have considerable manufacturing facilities in britain that could and should have been mobilized much earlier making the necessary equipment but we also had 10 years of a sterile scene meaning that our hospitals were 94 percent occupied before coronavirus came and helped us and once the work done by the n. H. S. And n. H. S. Staff has been absolutely heroic i think theres a big lesson here that you cut Public Expenditure and underfund Health Services at your peril as economies around the world are finding at the present time this grown virus crisis is exposing an awful lot of economic mistakes and been made but also exposing as your programs of often done the Terrible Health inequalities that exist around the world and actually threaten all of us because of that when you touch on that mr corbin that much has been made in recent days of the fact that this is a virus which doesnt respect borders it doesnt care where you are or where you are given the s. What do you make of the collective response to this crisis which appears to be characterized by people not its working together instead of working together. Well the characteristic of it is that the populations as a whole are alarmed governments around the world have said people must stay home and not go to work therefore the economies are all basically in great difficulty say and the package is being prepared by various governments including the British Government to support people whove lost their jobs ive often been inadequate particularly among selfemployed people and so there are huge demands and pressures that we are making as not position on the government to improve that package and support people and also get ready for. The future i hope were going to have an investment not economy not a period of retrenchment after the growth virus but i just want to say this out of the reports on the issues around the world but also in very important because if the people stuck in refugee camps in bangladesh in the middle east in north africa are not protected in some way not given the support they need then grow virus can spread very very rapidly and its impossible to practice social distancing in those kind of situations and so the call made by former british Prime Minister gordon brown through global approach to this world bank approach to this and to 7 approach this is i think a very important one so that we actually do recognize that Health Inequalities around the world are actually putting us all the risk at quite but given the struggles that we see developed countries like the u. K. And the u. S. And the digital age given that the struggles that these countries are facing where do you think the the help and support should be coming from because Countries Worldwide are showing that theyre all struggling to get on top of this crisis Countries Worldwide are showing that they need to sort out their own backyard 1st before they start at donating aid overseas so where does the solution to this crisis lie. The worlds institutions are the ones that have got to step up on this is one and obviously that contributors are the governments of the world so youre talking here the g. 20 youre talking here the International Monetary fund and world bank theyve all got to be part of this because surely the lesson is that were all risk from this virus and i think the heroism of people doing their best to try to stop the spread of coronavirus and treating people when they themselves are being put at risk because indeed in some cases dying because theyve been treating people is something that we should all obviously miles but recognize that this is a desperate battle lets make sure we win it but also lets make sure we recognize what brought it out in the 1st place ok Jeremy Corbyn the outgoing leader of the labor party thank you very much indeed for speaking to us here on aljazeera youre very welcome thank you lots more still to come on the news hour including the u. S. Navy struggles set aside time to handle the coronavirus site break aboard one of its Aircraft Carriers. Short dead. And the philippine president issues a shoot to kill order on coronavirus car feeds. But its been another day of grim news regarding the corona virus from countries across europe the fokker thats the latest. A window on a worsening crisis in this paris intensive care unit its a race against time to save lives. But healthcare workers out of the strain hospitals are overwhelmed. The french militaries airlifted some patients to other regions and even neighboring germany and switzerland spain hits another grim milestone on thursday as the number of deaths there past 10000 the countrys cut 900000 jobs since impose strict measures to fight the virus. In hard hit northern italy a deep cleans on the way by specialist teams from russia moscow sent plane loads of aid to the country a kremlin p. R. Exercise almost certainly but one thats raised questions about the e. U. s ability to support Member States meanwhile the moscow red square was off limits a surrounding street was sprayed cleaned president putins ordered people to stay off work until the end of april to control the spread. Responded to mounting pressure for help on thursday with a proposal to borrow more than 100000000000. 00 to protect a huge jobs the commission chief said it was time for an economic Marshall Plan for europe Many Companies are now left with no income and if we do nothing they have to lay off their workers the employees. And this has as a consequence when the engine will restart when the World Economy will restart they will not have the Skilled Workforce they need to take the office so we will lose markets and this will limit our recovery in the u. K. No longer an easy theres been a surge in the number of people relying on a burgeoning sea food banks 950000 people have applied for welfare support 10 times the average over a 2 week period this is British Airways says it was suspending 80 percent of its workforce thats 32000. 00 cabin and ground crew who will now have most of their salaries paid by the government more than a quarter of all british firms have now star this is a crisis within a crisis some of the biggest economies in europe are all men knees ill prepared for this on relenting virus the barca. Well as made mention spain remains one of the worst hit countries on the continent not to her as a spanish journalist and joins me now from madrid by skype or marta weve had a Record Number of deaths were you are to say just bring us up to speed on the latest on the situation there. Yes 150. 00 people have died from corona virus in the last 24 hours again to day since the ground a virus are breaking in spain with more than 10000. 00 in total writing but theyre afraid to 9. 7 percent and a day weve more than 800 dont you infections 6 days now in a row reaching 110000 people infected from call it 19 but have minister has reported that today the curve is satellites saying and we are in a slower process Health Ministry is now focusing in intensive care units and trying to avoid or prevent the collapse. And also we talked a little bit earlier in the shore but huge unemployment numbers in the u. S. Space facing a similar situation. Yeah very bad numbers very grim figures today in spain since the crowds are break 900000 jobs have been lost within 2 weeks since march 12th until march 31st 2 years of job creation have been lost and there are 3500000 unemployed in spain right now. Everything that got Spanish Government 1 has already committed huge sums of money to help workers and companies but this is not enough European Union has relaxed to borrow more but with download the limits to borrow more money but this is not enough neither so some countries from the eurozone and countries from the euro zone including spain italy and france are calling European Union to issue debt ok martha her brain has a live update there from madrid thank you very much indeed. Now officials in one of the poorest and most populous parts the origin seen as capital bracing for a surgeon coronavirus cases are crisis of the country has been unlocked and since march 20th the city is home to 10000000 people and so far the number of positive cases remains little but local authorities are worried the Health System would cope if the virus spreads as its expected to today is a book has the latest on the situation in argentina. The government has imposed a mandatory lockdown in this country very early on the order has been already around 12 days of imposed lockdown in the Country Security forces are on the streets thousands of people have been detained asking people to stay in their homes not to come out people to work from home because in order to prevent the spread of the virus when you come to places where i am right now this is a slum in what a fight is a around 70000 people live in this area as you can see right behind me theres dozens of them that have come here this is a parish thats run by a priest thats very close to pope francis was also from argentina and all of this people are coming year to find a daily meal there also giving away some food among other things giving national i. D. s for example so people can go and get some extra cash that the government is giving away as i said many of those that live in this places have lost their jobs they live on a day to day basis they cannot make a living in any way and this is what the government is saying and because of the amount of people that were seeing on the streets right now is that theyre rethinking their strategy this is a reality not only in argentina but in many other countries in latin america i look for many of you see people is not an option because they wont provide their rethinking strategy what to do in order to try to make people either stay at home or stay in their neighborhood and try to control the spread of the virus. A 1000 sailors for a u. S. Warship another quarantined ashore in guam days after skaven lesson from the counts and run 200. 00 sailors who room board the future roosevelt supposed to serve for the coronavirus to again be reports. The u. S. S. Theodore roosevelt docked in guam the us territory in the Pacific Ocean for days the captain of the Aircraft Carrier has pleaded with the pentagon to allow 4000 sailors off the vessel because the coronavirus has been spreading uncontrollably through the ships cramped accommodation the pentagon is now planning to evacuate the ship after initially saying the situation was under control there have been a 1000 sailors there they have been taken off the ship approx as a certain percentage of those are in isolation because they d are as positive according to split in terms of lights and films and theyre in the process of being ousted another percentage of that is d in quarantine locally im able basic want groups of sailors will fly in and out of the naval base on guam those who test negative will spend 14 days in quarantine in a hotel anyone testing positive will be placed in isolation are conditions was that they had to be in their rooms they cannot get out of their rooms they can go to their balconies but they cannot Wander Around the Hotel Premises 18 not go to the beach is closed beaches. And they cannot go outside. A core group of about a 1000 crew will stay on board to be replaced after 14 days by those whove already undergone quarantine theyll maintain the ships weaponry and Nuclear Reactor some sailors onboard the roosevelt told the San Francisco chronicle of their admiration for their captain for looking out for their interests rather than their mission i spent 24 years in the navy and i know you command a carrier youre almost guaranteed to work to make out i go on outside of chain of command they were opened the. Welfare are the men and women who work for him ahead of his own career. Navy commanders have refused to comment on whether the ships captain will be punished for speaking out but among the sailors on board theres a sense of relief that the measures he was asking for are finally happening it to be al jazeera. Greece has sealed off a migrant camp near athens after 21 people tested positive for covert 19 they included a mother whod recently given birth at a hospital she was traced back to its own account leading to access to test other people who live there well campuses more than 2300 people all of those who tested positive showed no symptoms according to the greek government. What else are office is in athens he says the migrant camps in greece are still a huge phone ability. The authorities are now testing people who knew the pregnant woman who delivered a few days ago in hospital on on the 1st of april. And was found to be positive for corona virus there so theyre now testing her family and friends and theyre moving outwards in concentric circles as these things generally do to send test the people that they came into contact with and so on its not clear whether theyre going to eventually test the entire camp of about 2400. 00 people but the tests are ongoing today the big worry of course here in greece is not about its own account but about moria camp which is much bigger the largest increase on the island of lesbos at roughly 20000 people that camp now has a Field Hospital placed outside it where people can get tested but as of as of yet there are no reported cases of coronavirus or on the other islands that is the major concern because the 5 in islands that have Reception Centers are now home 242000 Asylum Seekers thats almost half of that of the greeks. So they come here on aljazeera right coronavirus patients in senegal are being treated with a drunk that they w. H. O. Is advise and against and calls for the release of people held without charge shows the coronavirus its indeed administered kashmir. However it still ready or should say its ready again in turkey that has its effect in Northern Syria eventually across the caspian in fact that area produced quite a deep layer of low pressure just east of the caspian sea as you can see but we. Probably more interested in the more populous areas in turkey the old syria and north iraq which will see rain again but its not as cold as it was central iraq or for example is 20 degrees and 22 in tehran south of all this where tensions are rising meccas at 40 the breeze is less than it was nice it will stay that way but this hint of it increasing its more of an old news means it will feel a little bit colder cooler suppose in bahrain and qatar who says come saturday and the rain is gone by that time also they were a sunny day throughout syria and most of turkey thats not true further west mediterranean is full of active weather and i would not effects north africa 1st of all youve got the cooler weather with showers on shore breeze leaving morocco still in there in algeria and in tunisia and notably in tripoli with attempts to draw for 10 degrees the converse is that is the breeze out of the interior which means eastern parts of libya and egypt i think will be increasingly windy with the temperature rising in benghazi and then dropping as the wall is pushed eastwards. From the fields and for me to the polls good kids are renowned for their courage on the phone. When i want to east finds out what it takes to join the elite brigade. On aljazeera. Aljazeera. Every. Struggles full of pleasure to play. A look at it and him what he said to him through a lot of the can listen to her own thoughts about her but i mean the rather well what if an intimate look at life in cuba. Is what. People think that the comment that made a year ago my cuba. On aljazeera. The all. Combined all the headlines for you here on ill just say are the Economic Impacts of the coronavirus is becoming clear a record 6600000 americans filed for Unemployment Benefits for the 1st time in the past week thats 3000000 more than the week before the spain has reporters another new high number of daily deaths from corona virus 950 people have died in the past 24 hours in the countrys top to more than 10000. 600000 Chinese People have been revoked. After new infections were reported near chinas hu bay province. Thats where the corona virus pandemic 1st began but. Life is generally gradually rather returning to normal after local authorities lifted a 2 month locked and theyre expected to lift the travel ban on the city and april or a bird munley has this reports. Thank you who hahn is back a street sign signals the end of self isolation in a city where the corona Virus Outbreak 1st emerged but body temperature texas strict and local authorities urged people to avoid gatherings is a city slowly coming back to life restaurants have opened but only for delivery not yet to sit in. Or we were severely affected by the 2 month closer due to corona virus we are now trying to compensate for the losses but in the same time we take all preventative measures. People who once again using public transport about 80 percent of the citys workforce are returning but locals are still concerned. About i am still worried about the infection as the virus 1st spread from work on i dare not use Public Transportation because ive heard of infected cases but without symptoms its been 2 months since people here were 1st told to self isolate now their merge from their home slowly and tentatively fears of a 2nd wave infection a very much on peoples minds especially as many infected people still dont you symptoms of the disease. Are manly aljazeera. The figures compiled by Johns Hopkins university in the United States show that more than 50000. 00 people have died since the great commercial in china late last year sometime in the coming hours the total number of infections globally were passed the 1000000 mark will to discuss that milestone im joined by peter drawback hes the director of the School Center for social entrepreneurship and joins me now from walks or to via skype good savvy with this on the user heading for 1000000 infections globally do you think that this figure could have a toll been anticipated at the outset of this crisis. Well certainly a grim milestone actually of course is a real underestimation of the actual number of cases which may be 5 to 10 times higher i think there were signs of this risk very early on as certainly as far back as mid to late january that this was a new virus and a virus that was was able to trent to be transmitted with with terrifying speed its still very sobering i think to be at this point it certainly is that it suggests that the world simply wasnt ready for this pandemic why do you think this was to people not take this seriously its all or seriously enough well you know we tend to be reactive about these things and many of us in the Public Health community have long been saying its a matter of when not if the big one will come but every time there has been an epidemic before we respond we react and when it goes away we sort of go back to our business and i think this is really exposed our lack of preparedness for kind of this this new normal in our inability to really respond quickly the countries that have responded very quickly have been very successful in preventing deaths and continuing outbreaks and there im speaking of countries in asia like south korea taiwan singapore. They say that hindsight is 2020 and you mention the fact that taiwan singapore south korea they were all reasonably well prepared do you think that this was predictable in a sense that some countries got it rice and other countries as missing this chaos unfold secondly are seem to be getting it wrong. Well i think because those countries have had the more recent experience of sars and other respiratory epidemics in recent years they had systems in place Surveillance Systems and were sort of ready to spring into action some parts of africa actually as well for other reasons we found that a lot of the rest of the world we were caught sort of flat footed and there was a degree of complacency that really really came back to haunt us quite so now you mentioned earlier that some people wear or wear brand tessa facing the big one was this the big one is this the big one or is there potentially another more deadly variant virus site there and if so do you think the world to be better prepared next time right and well i think its clear that the direction were headed now this could be the most significant president nixons the 1900 spanish influenza so in that sense yes it very much is the big one and we see that we are still very much on the exponential growth curve we have a long ways to go to contain this does this mean this will be the last big one or the last sentiment the answer is no the reality is in a world that is globalized and urbanized in the context of Climate Change events like this if anything will happen more frequently rather than less frequently so we need to make sure that we get this right but also that we take away the lessons from this so that we can prevent the next time what are those lessons what should we be taking away from this because given the economic devastation and certainly the human toll that were seeing by our. People should be better prepared so what should people in countries be doing to make sure were not seeing devastation on a scale like this again. Well the 1st event is investing in Health Systems and any anyone that says that its too expensive to invest in Public Health i think had a very sobering reminder of how expensive it is to clean up the mess when you jones so having Effective Health care systems that are available and accessible to all is the 1st points 2nd point would be a Global Health security agenda we need to have systems in place to be able to to detect and then respond to very quickly new outbreaks of disease and that needs to be a mechanism thats in place you know not in some countries but in all countries and then 3rd is getting ahead of the curve we should be able to be looking at viruses in animal populations that have to tensional to jump over into humans and be in advanced stages of doing testing of potential vaccines and other kinds of things that could give us a headstart should another new pathogen emerge and just finally emma sidra back in terms of what you have seen and the way people have been responds and what do you make of the the international collective response because this crisis appears to be carrots arise by individual countries doing their own thing and not working together and this is the thing i think we should take away from from todays 1000000 case milestone that none of us and no country is safe from this virus until all of us are and we need to really start thinking about global coordination and Global Solidarity i think the World Health Organization has been doing a tremendous job under difficult circumstances and dr tenters has we need more of that and more cooperation we need in wealthy countries even though theyre going through tremendous crisis right now to walk and chew gum at the same time and while theyre responding within their own countries to also be able to support poor countries that are facing a grave threat ok peter drew back their ad joining us from oxford thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and your expertise with us here on alt. Have a drug for treating malaria is being given to patients with corona virus in senegal the World Health Organization warns against the use of coral queen but some senegalese doctors say its a cheaper solution china has also used the drug but in senegal supporters are running out and the country is ill equipped to deal with the break Nicholas Hock reports from the capital dhaka. Senegal and has recorded its 1st death from the global cove in 1000 outbreak. Doof a leading figure in french football died in this hospital in the car moments before he was meant to be flown to france he came to the Infectious Disease unit with flu like symptoms and was quickly put on a ventilator doctors would not confirm or deny whether he treated him with the anti malarial drug clora queen said it has been using it to treat patients infected with covert 19 i cant say. Yes we have some. Because we have. The number of people from this disease is growing up several people have died after taking the drug without prescription in france the United States and nigeria the World Health Organization has warned the public to be cautious of the medication saying not enough tests have been done to prove its effectiveness yet china says it successfully used coal or queen for treatment but it has not made its findings public. Which countries are stocking up on both chloroquine and ventilators leaving african nations ill equipped to deal with the outbreak mali senegal and Central African republic combined have 65 ventilators for 41000000 people compare this with york city alone which has 12000 ventilators for its 8600000 residents for cash strapped countries chloroquine is a cheaper solution than buying ventilators but with a stock of only 800 boxes the drug is in short supply in senegal. This pandemic is revealing the weakness of governments in the face of Health Crisis because the decision to manufacture a drug or even to finance the research to find a cure against Infectious Disease is mostly in the hands of pharmaceutical companies and not african states. This pharmaceutical Factory Manufacturing chloroquine shut its operation in january it said the drug was not profitable the employees that lost their jobs want to go back in production is something yes of course because you can make. People senegalese and africans and you can make it you can produce it you have the knowledge you have to put the competence you have everything while the factories management is in negotiation with the government china is offering to supply the drug in this battle to save lives the death of up to 5 has shaken senegal and millions of sports fans in france and french speaking parts of africa where more and more people are falling critically ill. Because hawk elders here at the card. The president s of the philippines says ordered soldiers and police to shoot anyone in filing its the mandatory month long locked pretty good issued the warning after a protest by villagers complaining about the lack of food. If you want shooting sure if you want her saying i want his or to my orders or for the police the military and the villages in case these trouble end is an occasion with a fight and your life is 3 soon shoot them so lit the spear warning to follow government at this time because its really critical that we have order. All Jimmy Oloughlin dogan is in manila she says Rights Groups are warning the government against relying too heavily on Law Enforcement to contain the virus. This comes after a group of residents came out in one of the bigger cities here basically had like a lightning protest saying that they had not received any food or any sort of assistance from a local mayor here that has triggered a massive arrest more than 20 were arrested yesterday here in manila and a few hours later the president appeared in the recorded message basically threatening and given clearance for police to shoot anybody that will value violate his clearance or his lockdown. Rules here across the region of luzon the Rights Groups are saying basically that the problem with the government is that it is approaching this pandemic mainly through Law Enforcement where according to police more than 17000 filipinos have already been arrested since the lockdown more than 2 weeks ago many are arrested for minor offenses such as violation of curfew manipulation of prices and hoarding but you know largely this has been accepted by the public basically what Rights Groups are saying is asking the government again to not approach this pandemic the same way that the president has also approached his socalled drug war for the last 3 years through brutal Law Enforcement. Policy apart from looking at this as a Societal Health issue. Well as in do observes a nationwide loxton one area has already been under heavy restrictions since last year has been a communications back to an indian administered kashmir since august of 2 new delhi the regions or told me that certain suppressants detained by indian authorities may not be released because of the coronavirus a break ins with purana reports now from the indian capital. The tears of a mother worried for her only child and alone since he was detained by Police Nearly 8 months ago at the big m. Says finds him had gone to the pharmacy to buy her medicine when Police Detained him under special legislation the police found his final who worked in a shop selling water purifiers in indian administered kashmir and was involved in separatist activities but i know you said no you know why does the learner go to if this is not oppression then what is what are we done to deserve this why does a poor widow like me have to go through such difficult times why my subject to so much terror ive been appealing to authorities was several months to look at this case. 22 year old finds it was one of more than 7000. 00 kashmiris detained by the Indian Government since it revoked the regions autonomy last year new delhi has said the detentions are necessary to maintain order and prevent violence it now says its looking into releasing some of the president after the Supreme Court asked the government to prevent the spread of coronavirus in prisons human Rights Groups say the detentions without charge or trial violate both indian and International Law and with many courts now closed the Public Health emergency should not be used to bypass accountability many of them have been simply under you know. d what bloggers are not of the most shocking but actually theres no written document so but. Being relieved of. The daily like strongly bob problematic extremely critical. The government has closed all schools in the disputed kashmir region they reopened in february only to be shot again 2 weeks later after the 1st cases of corona virus were reported in the territory but you include the liberal party it definitely has a negative impact on the children studies although some schools in tutorials to them but the government didnt do anything for children studying in government schools. There was also a complete Communications Blackout with landline mobile and Internet Services cut off a months slow speed 2 g. Internet was only restored last month but 4 g. Is still unavailable Rights Groups are calling for the full restoration of Internet Services so that people have access to Health Information and their loved ones during the pandemic with the setup of the im suffering i want to see him once but i cant afford to i dont know what to do many who can afford to have met their relatives but i cant because im poor im struggling just to live how can i even think of going to meet him. A tikka has had one video call the finds all his friends are giving him money to get by but the lockdown means they can no longer visit her elizabeth aljazeera you danny. Still to come on line years are it may seem hard to look beyond the coronavirus right now but experts say the crisis may lead to significant long term changes are almost never lines. The on. The 2nd few minutes side step away from the crooner virus and states on some of the other stories making news around the world and pakistan the prime suspects jailed for the kidnapping and murder of journalist daniel pearl is set to be released now a court overturned the murder conviction of british born Ahmed Omar Saeed share but managed and maintained that hed helped with the kidnapping by 3 other men have been acquitted its probable as working for the wall street journal investigating a pakistani rebel group when he was killed in 2002. Has been following the story in islamabad and explains just hi we got to this point. Warthen tends to 18 near the goal by a 90 today called along with 3 he was given the death and then were given and life imprisonment however defiant and and ascend the high court that kids had been going on for 18 years but the defense of course arguing that the prosecution was not able to prove its case that most of the witnesses were police men and also the fact that a u. S. Psychologist had mentioned that when he interviewed Khalid Shaikh more mud the mastermind of the september 11th attacks in 2001. He had admitted that he actually wanted in war and beheading down here so the court of course commuting that sentence from the dead pan and Dave Hall Omar say and of course now the 70 ad but because hes already. Hes likely to be released along with the other 3 who were given a life sentence each day of cause have also been very nice by that and the high court. Also making the city afghanistans government says you should release 100. 00 taliban prisoners in exchange for 20 Afghan Security force members the prisoners will present special to happen in the coming days sentence the results of that deal signed between the taliban and the United States back in february james and in nearly 20 years of war no this marks the 1st steps towards a subsequent exchange of 6000 prisoners held by the Afghan Government and the armed group. Ill be one here on friday says hong kong tried to pass a controversial extradition bill that many feared would compromise the citys independent group of war and may have triggered months of often violent fancy government protests even after the bill was withdrawn well streets are quiet but many believe the discontents remains to be a good pollen reports now from hong kong. This became the new normal in hong kong in 2019 almost daily violence between mosque protesters and police. The spark that eventually set the street and emotions on fire with a decision to ignore the outcry of millions of people and push through a controversial extradition bill which would have allowed any suspect in the city to be tried in the court of mainland china. And the people just when lots of people thought if we dont fight now this is our last fight and if we dont fight now well have no chance and were fighting claudia moe was one of the legislators who marched with hundreds of thousands to protest against the bill. Hong kongs chief executive said the bill was needed to extradite a hong kong murder suspect from taiwan but people feared it not only put them at the mercy of Chinas Communist Party controlled legal system but would also allow beijing to seize anyone who set foot in the city. The unrest continued into july and then the protesters from race the stakes aljazeera was one of the 1st International Networks to broadcast mosques young people storming the Hong Kong Government headquarters in an attempt to disrupt any more meetings by the legislature the bill is that and finally 2 months later chief executive kerry conceded and withdrew the bill but the unrest continued as the move in one song the focus changed to Police Brutality and that kind of like making people think the whole course becoming more like an authoritarian regime and that brings war people out as a result. Kelvin lam was voted into office in Historic District Council Elections in november nearly half of hong kong 7000000 people went to the polls giving the citys prodemocracy camp an opposition partys control of a. Political body for the 1st time hong kong will not be the same again because the anger or the disc contends of the other sides who will still be imbedded in peoples minds it has been mostly quiet since the start of the year there are still sporadic protests but instead of thousands on the streets its now hundreds or dozens and police are much quicker to use crowd control measures and make arrests but many fear this could just be the calm before the storm is so much hatred between the protest and its wrapper from. The really government again the protesters here say the government has made any attempt to address their concerns instead its taking a tougher stance against dissent making people fear that its just a matter of time before scenes like this. Once again take over the street. To be gopalan aljazeera hong kong. Well turning to the world of sport snow and the English Premier League Football Players have come under criticism from politicians for continuing to earn large sums of money during the coronavirus i break m. P. Julian once said players receiving hundreds of thousands of pounds each week while other stuff are taking pay cuts night since is written to the chancellor of the exchequer she soon axing clubs should face a windfall tax well a similar discussion is happening in the us between the n. B. A. And the Basketball Players Union though theyre talking about withholding up to 25 percent of the players remaining salaries the n. B. A. Was suspended indefinitely on march 11th after a utah jazz player tested positive since then another 10 players have become infected. All the experts have gotten say you know absolutely we cannot put anything i had a. Sense that thats it and its such a moving target and nobody really has. I mean i havent had any conversations were anybodys even discussed the actual data or. Well the coronavirus pandemic has already changed many aspects of life if you travel work cant we live and experience a warning it might even change some of our cities will look and operate in the future its going to either reports from bangkok. As in nearly every corner of the world there cleaning and disinfecting in bangkoks densely populated low Income Community of clung to it doing everything they can to prevent the spread of covert 1000. 00 from reaching their family and neighbors. Punya has spent all 56 years of his life in klunk doing most as a Community Leader and a volunteer fireman. I am one because we are in a crowded community with lots of People Living here there are 594 households i have to be worried we need to make everyone understand how we should cohabitate use face masks and stay indoors as much as possible. The way disease outbreaks have impacted dense urban areas like during the flu pandemic in the early 1900 has played a role in how our cities look and run today the d. C. s in the way. Trent tend to see the way also shape the city and have been planning so do it if the new standard not new knowledge and new c. M. E. Urban planners reacted to that other outbreaks changing how cities were zoned and led to updated infrastructure like ventilation and improved sanitation but after whats been learned from pandemics in their influences on our skylines and way of life we also need to keep pace and adapt its easy to assume that cities are Fertile Ground for spreading viruses and diseases millions living working at commuting in such tight conditions but one expert says its about much more than just density its about how all this was put together and how its run theres even a. Very clear it was. Creating same density is the problem it is something is much more about the design and management of. That its really me the story so for now in those communities with few resources a great deal of responsibility rests with people like. Everything we do we do to control and make sure the safety in our community. And hopefully at some point soon Community Leaders and urban planners will take what was learned from the spread of the corona virus and stop it from happening again or at least slow it down during the next outbreak aljazeera bangkok well that wraps up this news or to keep it here on aljazeera out be back with you after this very short break. Before any official investigation into the tragedy of flight m. H. 70 was complete outside one citizen journalist claims to have connected the dots and relay debts to a lot of the families are moved by the Investigations Team telling cal has identified the 2nd sunday and citizen journalism investigations trust is generated through transparent dont believe me theres the. Better track to truth in approach truth well coming soon on aljazeera. To his supporters hungarys Prime Minister is a guardian of europes borders manning the ramparts against migrant told. To others viktor orban is an authoritarian demagogue whose far right agenda poses a significant threat to Democratic Values people in power investigates the leader taking his country to extremes hungary europes bad boy on a. When you see big groups of people walking through europe theyre all individuals with children the lawyers you have to deal with them and to treat them with some dignity and respect. A story of Popular Resistance political intrigue. And betray. A sons quest for justice sometimes i feel like the following i mean looking for the newest. Aljazeera world goes in search of the truth about the 2 new zealand independence fighter the last harshly. On aljazeera. Coronavirus rocks the us economy more than 10000000 people and im applying for Unemployment Benefits. And how my heads in this is al jazeera live from london also coming up. Alls biggest one day rally the price surges some hoops of a Russian Society packed. Spain somebody milestone 10000 People Killed by cars

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