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President will set out on from appointing his friend as federal police chief and a close shave a large asteroids games past earth but astronomers saying it posed no danger to the plotting. To. Blow welcome to the program the brutal impact coronavirus lockdowns are having on the Global Economy is becoming clearer with the release of new Financial Data the worlds biggest economy the United States has shrunk 4. 8 percent since the start of the year thats its largest drop since 2008 meanwhile new numbers from europes economic powerhouse germany show its g. D. P. Is expected to contract by more than 6 percent this year in a country into its deepest recession in half a century and the economic heart of Africa Nigeria has just been granted a story point 4000000000. 00 loan from the i. M. F. Thats the funds the largest ever aid package for a single country and all of this says the International Labor Organization Warns that 1600000000 workers in the informal economy are in immediate danger of losing the losing their livelihoods thats nearly half the Global Workforce what we find and report in this monitor is of the lives of the 2b2b informal workers who. About 1600000000 have suffered massive damage to their ability to earn a living and to support themselves and their families if they are not able to go out and work for a day and earn some income day by day because thats how it tends to work their family wont eat they wont eat and their family will not eat and there is no social protection. Lets take more talk more about the latest from the u. S. Economy and the figures coming out of that country with our White House Correspondent kimberly have kimberlys we can see you know the impact has been will be devastating across the world the u. S. Obviously the worlds biggest a colony tell us more about the prospects there for the rest of the year and beyond. Its pretty grim in terms of prospects you have to remember each sort of Economic Indicator that comes out seems to spell more and more trouble for the Worlds Largest economy the fact that this quarter is bad really just gives us a snapshot of things to come because this entire quarter was not involved in stay at home orders or operational shutdown of most businesses but the next quarter will reflect that and thats what most are worried about is its estimated that the contraction could be even far greater maybe 56. 00 times that which would equate to something not seen since the Great Depression and you have to remember again this indicator and were expecting the next day that we could have further files of unemployment to hike that number up beyond the mid 20th terms of those unemployment claims that are filed by americans really gives you an idea of the suffering that is why it spread all across the United States and i should point out the u. S. President has been talking today once again sounding an optimistic tone saying that he believes that he built a great economy and hell be able to build it again in fact hes projecting that the 4th quarter of this year in his words will be fantastic but i can tell you most Economic Experts believe that this will take not months to recover but possibly years and all of this obviously to do with the corona Virus Outbreak and were hearing now from White House Health advisor anthony found that a trial does drug of the antiviral drug rem disappear has actually had positive results of it sounds potentially great tell us more. Yes Dr Anthony Fauci is a well respected Public Health official on the crown of virus task force and in the oval office he talked about this drug ramdass severe saying that theres positive data and emerging study on this treatment that it could in some cases according to the study shorten the Recovery Time of krona virus patients although with 31 percent improvement doesnt seem like a knock out 100 percent it is a very important proof of concept because what it is proven is that a drug can block this virus. So what we understand is that what this drug does is it blocks an enzyme that the virus needs to thrive and so what this is doing its not a cure but what it does is it opens up a treatment for patients who are in the most severe cases of cope with 19 dealing with that now were also hearing and it is starting to be reported in the United States that the food and Drug Administration may announce the emerging use of this drug were looking to get some clarity on all of this from the u. S. President i can tell you in the coming hour he will be meeting with Industry Leaders of the Hospitality Industry of course hard hit as we talk about Economic Data this will be another opportunity asked the president not only about the prospects for the Economic Future but also the hopefulness of the opportunity to use this drug should it be placed on the market to treat coronavirus patients saluki really will check in with you about that a little later on in the coming hours for the moment thank you. Well the Airline Industry is one of the sectors worst hit by the coronavirus pandemic u. S. Plane maker boeing which was already struggling because of the year long grounding of its 737 max aircraft has posted a 1st quarter loss of 641000000. 00 revenue was than 26 percent from the same time last year to 16910000000. 00 airbus in france has posted a 1st quarter loss of 5 180000000. 00 revenue in its core airliner business about 80 percent of the company fell 22 percent and this after British Airways said it would lay off up 212000 over its 42000. 00 workforce its Parent Company thats International Airlines group made a 1st quarter operating loss of nearly 580000000. 00 and thats likely to worsen that with. Running at only 6 percent of its regular capacity at the moment john hendren has been following developments from chicago he says the pandemic has amplified the big problems with boeing. For boeing these numbers were worse even than analysts expected it was hit by a double whammy 1st the company has been trying for a year to get its 737 max plane back up in the air thats its new most lucrative plane in that happen after 2 crashes the killed nearly 350 people it is now hoping to get that plane back at midyear but meanwhile its losing revenue from that and then along came the coronavirus and the Global Pandemic just wiped out traffic the c. E. O. Of boeing dave calhoun says passenger traffic in commercial airplanes is down 5 percent and that has just walloped the Company Airbus is down to half a 1000000000 dollars in losses the c. E. O. Of that company says this is the grave is crisis the Aerospace Industry has ever seen and it hasnt just hit them Southwest Airlines posted its 1st loss since 2011 analysts are saying this could hit the aerospace and Airline Industry for 5 years to come it could take them that long to recover and here in the United States boeing is the largest manufacturing export are so it said that when boeing sneezes america catches a cold and now foundations of highly skilled highly paid workers are going to be joining workers from the Service Industry waiters and others who were in that 1st wave of coronavirus layoffs this is going to be devastating not just to boeing not just to the aerospace and Airlines Industry but to the u. S. And global economies. The number of corona virus related deaths in the u. K. Has jumped more than 26000 after the government included care home numbers for the 1st time that makes it the worst country in europe after italy Prime Minister Boris Johnson wasnt in parliament to debate the u. K. Exit strategy after becoming a father again this after his own recovery from the virus that he has more now on the situation across your own behalf of everyone in the house of commons may i say congratulations to the Prime Minister and Kerry Simmons on the birth of. An unexpected announcement as Boris Johnson just back at work after being in intensive care with covered 19 these fiance celebrate some good news so from the foreign secretary dominic robb carries on deputizing including here at parliament for a Prime Ministers question time where most m. P. s took part virtually not in person Opposition Leader killed storm a wanted to know why there were still so many people dying of coronavirus in care homes and shortages of protective equipment for Frontline Health workers were possibly on track to have one of the worst death rates in year. On monday the promise to said in his short speech that many were looking at our apparent success in the United Kingdom but just the 1st sector agree with me but far from success these latest figures are truly dreadful he also asked when the government would communicate a strategy for lifting the current restrictions dominic rob simply said it was too early but he will know because i know hes in a situation follower of the International Evidence that germany is now have to think twice about easing up on the measures because of the risk of a 2nd spike this is exactly the risk that the governor of the bank of england referred to last week that i referred to on the 16th of april and sagely scientists have been referring to germanys economy minister says he now expects the economy to shrink this year by minus 6. 3 percent meaning the countrys deepest recession since world war 2 output is predicted to rebound by more than 5 percent next year but that depends on angular merkels government being able to gradually lift the lockdown measures from wednesday germans have to wear a mask when entering shops which began to open last week nose and mouth coverings are already compulsory on public transport but while this kind of travel is permitted International Trips are very much off the agenda given that. The cabinet decided that Global Travel restrictions were nonessential on Holiday Travel will be up held until june 14th this is a decision that we have had to take because we are not at the point in our fight against the disease to be able to offer safe travels meanwhile spain officially europes worst hit country has recorded a daily coronavirus death count below 400 for the 6th day in a row in the summer times thats reason to be hopeful the aljazeera. Sweden has faced intense criticism for its more relaxed approach to the coronavirus pandemic social distancing measures have not to be strictly enforced relying on public responsibility but the World Health Organization says that this could be the best approach in coming days if we are to reach you normally think i think in many ways sweden represents a future model of if we wish to get back to a society in which we dont have lockers then society may need to adapt. A medium or potentially a longer period of time in which our physical social relationships with each other will have to be deleted by the presence of the virus. Russia has reported almost 6000. 00 new cases of the coronavirus bringing its total to more than 1009000 infected more than 100. 00 people are reported to have died in the past 24 hours bringing the total number of deaths to 972 russia has extended an entry ban for foreigners to slow the spread of the virus the ban was introduced in mid march and was set to expire on thursday. Authorities in the yemeni port city of aden have announced the 3 they curse few after 5 new cases of corona virus were confirmed there the announcement came from the Southern Transitional council a separatist group backed by the United Arab Emirates which the cleared self rule on sunday over the key city and the other southern province. A riot has broken out in a prison in sierra leone after a case of corona virus was confirmed in the facility inmates at the put them by road prison set some buildings on fire in protest the government says police and Security Forces were able to get the right under control inmate was tested who tested positive has been taken out of the prison for treatment. Still to come in this half hour. On. The outgoing a un rights envoy to me and mark hits out at san soo change for failing to protect the Rohingya Muslims and an icon of indian cinema the what the film world pays tribute to a defined current reside of us. Hello its all change in the weather across europe now a loss of plants filling in from the atlantic are rolling into central and eastern parts big areas of low pressure potting through so we have got some much needed rainfall making its way into central and eastern parts of the continent further south it is a little dry here that eastern side of the med you have want to see showers setting up it was great but essentially a lot of fine dry and sunny weather somewhat dry into spain and portugal as well but you cant without the possibility of a shower or to hear the wetter weather is further north francais a fair bit of that wet weather pushing into northern parts of italy through switzerland southern areas of germany as well the u. K. Also seeing some rather unsettled weather at the moment right across the British Isles of france and on the other side of the north sea seeing some west of weather pushing into scandinavia i will drift a little further east would just be going through friday some more heavy downpours coming in for some i would tools the Baltic States denmark seeing some heavy rain they will speckling of showers there still in place across england scotland wales and into southern parts of little drier it must be said central areas a front still seeing some of that western weather but for much of Southern Europe it is fine and dry a lot of fun in try to across northern parts of africa showers in the process of clearing away with plenty of sunshine behind. In a war torn city in iraq a magic documents the stories of the survivors recording their hopes and dreams for a peaceful future after american troops withdrawal. But the conflict is far from over. He turns the camera on himself when i see take control and his family are forced to flee no where to hide a witness documentary on aljazeera. The the in. Of the back heres a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera new Financial Data shows the enormous impact of the coronavirus is having on heavyweight economies the United States germany and i jerry at the economic heart of africa have all suffered huge blows to their g. D. P. s germany is facing its worst recession in 50 years playmakers boeing and their bus have both posted 1st quarter losses of more than half a 1000000000. 00 because of the fact that make the u. K. Now has the 2nd worst coronavirus related death toll in europe after italy the number of deaths climbed to more than 26000 on wednesday after care home deaths were included for the 1st time. Brazils Supreme Court has temporarily blocked the appointment of a family friend of the president as chief of the countrys federal police alexandra again was appointed after hateable said that a fire to his predecessor that prompted the just. This minister to quit accusing the president of unlawfully interfering with Police Affairs while all of this goes on brazil has reported more than 5000 deaths and over 73000 infections also matter this miss criticism of his handling of the outbreak saying that even though his middle name is messiah he can prevent coronavirus deaths. Im sorry what do you want me to do im a sinner but i dont think there are times. Ok for more lets cross to our latin america editor Lucien Newman who joins us now from santiago ok lets start with the politics then what can you tell us about the blocking of this appointment. Well its been blocked and its not too surprising this comes just a short while after the Supreme Court approved an investigation into the president himself who was accused by his former Justice Minister of meddling politically in Law Enforcement which is unconstitutional and which is at least theoretically an impeachable crime now the fact that one of his best and most suspect friends and allies was appointed by him. For the post of Police Chiefs is extremely sensitive in a country like brazil particularly in this case because the police chief is the one that would be investigating none other than 2 of the president s 3 sons that have been implicated in everything from embezzled mint to to running a Fake News Network supported and actually paid for by friends of the bulls family so clearly it brings into question the impartiality of of this friend of of the president which was to be the police chief and also undue influence by the president himself which is the reason why the Supreme Court has blocked it and it seems rather unlikely that the president will be able to undo this lucy in the past few weeks or months has been quite a lot of political instability in brazil weve seen resignations this latest blocking of the appointment and then of course is the Coronavirus Crisis in the way the government is handling it how it how are the 2 connected and how is one impacting on the other. You are absolutely right there is so much energy thats being used to deal with these political disputes and clashes between the president and the other institutions the Supreme Court the congress and the governors of the country it is a federal system after all fighting over everything but also about the handling of the coronavirus epidemic and weve seen the numbers brazil has the highest number. Fictions also the highest the highest death toll its now surpassed that of china it is a large country but it does indicate that something is clearly wrong and a lot of brazilians are very angry about that comment you just heard from the president who said well you know i love meant to the deaths. They may be the messiah but i cant do anything about it i cant make miracles maybe not miracles but perhaps you could do a lot more for trying to enforce and support things like social distancing. Human or less in america editor with the latest on that lucy of the moment thank you. Scooter libby and now were at least one person was killed and several others injured to during an attack on a Health Complex east of tripoli libyas u. N. Recognize government says forces loyal to the warlord have before halftime are responsible for the shelling of the military medical authorities headquarters on monday have to end that peace talks with the u. N. Recognize government whose forces have been advancing on have to fighters for nearly 2 weeks. The uns top human rights envoy from e. M. R. Says the countrys leader unsound suchi has failed to live up to her reputation as a humanitarian as attacks against civilians in rakhi in state continue the special rapporteur a yemeni told aljazeera the army conducted ethnic cleansing against her hinge of muslims when more than 700000 fled a crackdown in 2070 the government and the army have consistently denied the accusations. We all knew that she was put on a pedestal were trade as the icon of democracy and human rights but ever since the n l d has taken office and ever since she took the oath as a mistake to counselor all of her actions and her words statements point otherwise and recently when the pandemic of cole that 19 how she is supporting and giving more power to tell my daughter in containing the greatest lights right and also end corentin as that of managing coverage 19 that really scares me and and how she had pretty straight tech my jaw in the hay during the i. C. J. Is also very alarming and is very indicative. Of how she has changed her stance or maybe i know i still would like to believe that she can change what how shes been doing now. Perhaps the world didnt really know who she was she really wasnt. A fire at a construction site in south korea has killed at least 38 people the blaze broke out at a site where workers were building a 4 story warehouse in the city of hillah south of the capital seoul officials are investigating the cause of the fire which was possibly triggered by an explosion. The internationally renowned in good actor irrfan khan has died of cancer at the age of 53. 00 he began his career in India Television and Bollywood Movies but he went on to star in hollywood films including life of pi Jurassic Park and Slumdog Millionaire or kelso reports. Where he was one of indias most recognize faces treading red carpets around the world but his success was gained after many years of struggle born in 1967 and rajastan shabbes other it finally han switched from chasing a korean cricket to one and acting and graduated from indias most prestigious school. In 1988 he made his debut in the acclaimed salaam bombay produced by Indian American filmmaker mira nair the small role one little praise that changed in 2001 when he starred in british movie maker us of capacity as the warrior. The low budget film went on to win several International Awards including a buff the for best british film in an interview with aljazeera the actor said despite acting in many bollywood and hollywood films it was his role in the 2008 oscar winning Slumdog Millionaire the transformed his life doctors lawyers and they would get beyond 60. 4 act the main thing is to enter into mass audience psyche and that. Fortunately it happened with me because of conservative firms you know i did my the. Names dodging limited and certainly after that you know this from karen a lot of people who didnt see my id heard of names in the do this on my phone. I mean sundog in the research about me in the store the earlier food so thats important you know where it leads you know you know nobody can see you know that success led if on to more phones and greater recognition at home and abroad including a National Film award and indias 4th highest civilian award the pub mistry then he shot finance the dissonance mendon twitter in 2018 in fun had been diagnosed with a rare form of cancer after nearly 2 years of treatment in london informed returned home to shoot on crazy medium that would turn out to be his last film it was released last month the news of a farm khans death has brought tributes pouring in from across the world with his fans remembering the legacy of an actor who wasnt interested in his fame living on i dont want to be remembered no i just want to know what whats going to happen after im gone after you believe your body what if i can feel that for a moment that will be my my what were the being alive i dont want to be remembered in any which way. A large asteroid has flown past arse the space rock known as 998 or 2 collide with our planet thats good but it did get close enough for astronomers to study it and the gallagher reports now from florida. When a small asteroid broke up over siberia in 2013 the ensuing shockwave injured over a 1000 people and caused extensive damage it was a reminder to space agencies across the world of the dangers asteroids can pose the asteroid that flew past our planet on wednesday has been classified as a potentially hazardous object but Scientists Say 1998 or 2 was never a threat is traveling at 30000 kilometers an hour and is at least 2 kilometers wide but passed by at a distance of 6000000 kilometers dont have to deal with it with fear we have to deal with it with the science so people should not be afraid of asteroids people should be encouraged to assess the risk of these assaults and to follow the. Research program and most importantly to maintain these Asteroid Research program in place programs like masses double asteroid redirection test or dont program aim to tackle potential threats in the future its one of many programs around the world that not only track large asteroids but ive potential solutions to redirect them they are a cboe observatory in puerto rico is one of the facilities that tracks asteroids using sophisticated radar scientists here are already tracking the apostasy asteroid due to skirt the earth in 2029 the head of planetary radar says their research is vital without the cloud there really are summations or or very expensive. We would actually be very. Good years and 9 so now we know that we dont have to do that theyre really going to use those resources for Something Else this latest asteroid has been tracked for the past 2 decades and for amateur and professional astronomers alike its being greeted with excitement and not fear nasa Scientists Say theyve tracked more than 90 percent of near Earth Objects that pose a global threat thankfully 9980 or 2 isnt one of them but it will be close enough to watch on a telescope like this in terms of the visual universe this is a close shave but a celestial event that will be seen as a slow moving star and gallacher aljazeera miami florida. Much more on that and Everything Else that weve been covering on our website there it is out jazeera dot com our lead story of course related to the coronavirus and the impact on the economy in the u. S. And elsewhere. Time after a reminder of the top stories on aljazeera Financial Data released on wednesday shows the enormous impact the coronavirus has had on heavyweight economies the United States germany and nigeria the economic heart of africa have all suffered huge blows to their g. D. P. As germany is facing its worst recession in 50 years and while the International Labor Organization Warns that 1600000000 workers in the informal economy are in immediate danger of losing their livelihoods thats nearly half the Global Workforce what we find and report in this monitor is of the lives of the 2b2b informal workers of the world about 1600000000 have suffered massive damage to their ability to earn a living and to support themselves and their families if they are not able to go out and work for a day and earn some income day by day because thats how it tends to work their family wont eat they wont eat and their family will not eat and there is no social protection. Theres more evidence too of the impact the pandemic is having on the Airline Industry playmakers boeing and airbus have both posted 1st quarter losses of more than half a 1000000000. 00 the airbus chief says its the greatest crisis in Aerospace History meanwhile British Airways says it expects to layoff 12000 over its 42000 staff. The u. K. Now has the 2nd worst coronavirus related death toll in europe after the government included nursing home fatalities in its data for the 1st time the number of deaths climbed to more than 26000 on wednesday only italy has a higher figure within europe. And White House Health advisor anthony felt she says a trial of the antiviral drug severe has had the positive results on covert 1000 patients she said the average Recovery Time was cut from 15 days to 11 the National Institute of health also said the mortality rate dropped from 11. 6 percent to 8 percent for those who got the drug that sent the stream is next but i. After me i can and you are. As we saw are the curtain of eyes pandemic in Different Countries around the welsh there are certain similarities that weve got used to seeing michael has rationals happy quitman when i saw how the caste system like how resilient people handling looked at jamie going to look at those charges in the context of a russian so if you have experiences or stories or questions that want to ask al im not you can do that im jumping in the each you. Let me introduce you to our guests thats what we ought to. Welcome to the

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