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Those demonstrations show no signs of ending a week after a black man died in Police Custody and you autopsy report says it was a homicide. In other news an iranian scientist jailed in the u. S. Since 2017 is now on his way home. Also had the 1st confirmed covert 19 deaths reported at an overcrowded or hinge or refugee camp in bangladesh. And im sorry how much now have all the sporting clothing. The family of george floyd except boxing star Floyd Mayweather jr is also to pay it for his funeral. Its been a week since a black man George Floyds died in Police Custody in minnesota and theres no sign of an end to the process that followed against racism and Police Brutality in the United States the u. S. President on hold trump has threatened to deploy the army if state governors do not end the violence in washington d. C. Police forcibly cleared Peaceful Protesters near the white house so that mr trump could walk to a nearby church mike hanna begins our coverage. Of a peaceful protest outside the white house has dispersed forcibly. Tear gas rubber coated steel bullets sense down grenades are used to force the demonstrators further away a few minutes later the reason becomes clear in a display of pure political theater the president and former reality star walks out of the white house across pennsylvania avenue and through a park which had been surrounded by protesters during the day he arrived at the same Johns Episcopal Church which had been damaged in overnight and rest holding a bible the president tells reporters we have a great country he did not enter the church to inspect the internal damage but instead beckoned to some of those whod walked with him to join him in front of the cameras. I imposed a curfew at 7 pm tweeted the districts mayor a full 25 minutes before the curfew and without provocation federal police used munitions on Peaceful Protesters outside the white house an act that will make the job of the d. C. Police Department Offices more difficult shameful the timing and sequence of events points to one possible interpretation that a peaceful protest was disrupted to allow the president of the United States a photo opportunity a short while the president spoke in the rose garden even as in an extraordinary moment the protesters outside with being dispersed and he essentially threatened to invoke martial law if the city or state refuses to take the actions that are necessary to defend the life and property of their residents then i will deploy the United States military and quickly solve the problem for them my this is entering controversial territory in terms of the insurrection act the president can deploy troops domestically but only in a support role and only at the request of state governors or legislatures he really does not have the right to implemented in off of the states which is what he was saying to me not all 50 states have anything going on and its got the governors still would have the say so with it. The District Of Columbia has no governor and the president is legally allowed to unilaterally deploy military forces in the area which he has already done. In unprecedented scenes military police are deployed alongside Law Enforcement officers in the capital of the United States. As a 7 pm curfew passed in the evening the crackdown on protests continued lines of police advancing ominously almost defying the curfew then the arrests began at paris in accordance with the instructions from the white house a few remaining protesters walking past the Lincoln Memorial for a mind of a better and possibly kind it time mike hanna aljazeera washington chris has been tracking developments for us out of washington overnight chris welcome to the news so mr trump just to be clear on this they cleared what was a peaceful demonstration using allegedly rubber bullets and tear gas for a photo op so the president could hold up the bible. You know thats right peter last night in d. C. There was a mandatory curfew like in Many American cities that have been seeing these protests that have turned violent that curfew was supposed to take effect at 7 oclock by all accounts our reporters that were on the scene in Lafayette Square just across from the white house there might have been thousands of people there but it was all peaceful at about 63635 about 25 minutes before that curfew began and people would have to get off the streets when the president was preparing to give his statement outside at the white house suddenly federal officers as well as National Guardsmen moved on the crowd deploying tear gas shooting rubber bullets according to some sending the crowd scrambling and it was unclear what provoked that in the past its been a provocation things being thrown like concrete or bricks or bottles that causes that type of motion and then it became clear the president said kind of cryptically during his statement that im going to go pay my respects to a special place and then not long after that the president members of his family some cabinet members all crossed out of the white house grounds on foot into Lafayette Square and then over to a church that had been damaged by protesters the night before and democrats and members of the clergy frankly the Episcopal Church are criticizing it as a photo op for an Election Year president does this strategy saying hes going to deploy the military i mean clearly he would then have to. Talk about this that aspect of things with individual state governess but the optics of that surely its a very very high Risk Strategy for the trumpet ministration. Yeah it appears peter that you know the president has a very strong core group of supporters and unlike other president s in the past who might have tried to bring in a Broad Coalition of support it is appeared time and time again that the president is solely relying to motivate on his motivate his very core supporters these are people who are angry about the protests angry about the violence thats taking place they favor a very strict law and order type action against immigrants against these protesters and that appears to be what the president is playing up he said in his Statement Last night was the law and order president and so its obviously a calculation by the president s he in his team that this increasing authoritarian or militarization type of Police Action is going to please the people he wants to vote for him chris thank you she had percent say it was. The protests in washington he sent us this report were about 3 blocks from the white house the police have ministered to spur us most of the protests as well there are charging a gathering of protesters no just behind. Who and we think some police thought to be moving in that direction the core group of protesters however remains behind us. Cattle them by cattle than by the police so the police were very careful to escort the media out of the group and then they kept a core group of protesters locked in surrounded by the police and we assume that they will be they will be detained shortly but now we just have a standoff effectively as weve seen so often in these evenings a protester joined by one protester or what youll hear and it was ariana evans another margin of protest you think the message is getting through. I think today when i deescalate that situation the police i think that showed that at least some of them are listening yes we want to say all we want them all to listen we want them all to be involved in our progress but if they dont want to speak up if they want to comply with Police Brutality thats on them with those Police Officers now that were peaceful and that listened and that decided to compromise with us and this have us move backwards peacefully those are the kind of Police Officers we need everywhere because if not were going to keep having this problem were going to keep having to do these marches were going to keep having to chant have to keep having to do all of this and were tired out of this protest carry on into all this change look like what will mean that we people stop protesting. Change looks like the police Getting Better Mental Health care change the psych police being vetted more for further change actually looks like making sure that these men and women are ready to police the communities that theyre in thats what change looks like changes that prosecuting every Single Police officer with an unjustified Police Shooting and thats a good amount of the rug that is what change looks like we need to diversify the police force and its be more people more colors more genders more sexual orientations on these Police Forces or were going to keep running the same problems their bigotry and their oppression will keep going on if they do not have more diversity within their Police Forces they need Racial Sensitivity Training theres just so many different ways that this situation could be resolved that the president and the d. O. J. Have refused to do ok lets look a little bit more closely at the insurrection act that mike hanna was referring to in his report at the top of the news hour donald trump is threatening to use it which gives him the power to deploy the military it was lost in vote used during the 1002. 00 rockne king riots in los angeles the Congressional Research service reported in 2006 that a president must 1st issue a proclamation ordering quote insurgents to disperse and if that does not work he or she may issue an executive order to deploy troops the act also says the president doesnt need a states permission to send in the military to enforce a law or to suppress rebellion very little and as a former u. S. Deputy assistant attorney general he hosts a podcast called talking feds he says there is almost no legal barrier standing in mr trumps way if he decides to use the army. If he wants and he determines in his discretion that the law cant be enforced in a particular place because of the unrest or demonstrations he can on his own call in the army its true there are these formal requirements but theyre pretty straightforward he can he can got his eyes and crosses ts fairly easily and i think he wants to show whos boss especially in certain jurisdictions where he thinks the. Local authorities arent being Strong Enough and as i say it only takes him on his acting on his own to do it and you know imagine military rolling in in tanks and its kind of a terrifying tablo and thats the reason why its very very rarely invoked the insurrection act theres just a strong cultural prohibition against it theres a special law in fact that says its a crime to do it unless congress has authorized it but thats of course where the insurrection act comes in here Congress Passed that statute after the civil war and it by its terms would authorize that but the overall sort of political and cultural cost i think would be extreme that the sense of military rolling in the streets to quell citizens demonstrations as anathema to most americans just nichols is a political analyst and professor in the africanamerican studies department of the university of maryland he says donald trump is not doing enough im not sure you want. Change any of this with with words and planted and pretty speeches or person or Police Officer is kneeling with people while theyre protesting none of that is what people want people who want substantive change people want actual reform and not just one or 2 here or there actual large scale reshaping of our criminal Justice System going from policing to incarceration and even going into things Like Health Care we need large scale reforms so i dont think that he necessarily would appear in the. Speech but i do think we he could have actually said something that would have been comforting to a certain part of the country now does he have credibility you know as a matter of fact one of my very Close Friends lopez was accused of committing a crime on a jogger in such a park and President Trump put an ad in space calling for his death you know young black latino and so absolutely and 5 other. Well more process to be held in new york city with some turning violent the many shop windows was smashed and police moved in to make arrests curfew was imposed at 11 pm and an even stricter 8 pm go home order will be in place on tuesday people in his own who has more now from the protest in brooklyn new york. This is the scene after night has fallen here in brooklyn were outside of the Barclays Center which is a basketball arena and this has been a flashpoint for some of the protest over the last few nights here in new york right now this is a very peaceful protest by candlelight vigil and mostly young people that are home gathered here right before the curfew is about to go into place and they are supporting each other theyre calling for justice theyre holding up signs listening to somebody speak and this is a very peaceful but you have powerful message that theyre trying to send a message that they want justice were doing this because not only are we not 1st physically we are oppressed and we are pressing the people Police Officers our press their minds are poisoned to believe that they have hurt us when they see. This system oppresses all of us black white brown and everything in between we are here to free the minds of everyone so that they understand him in liberated enough to take a spin for themselves so that we can all live a life thats free. There have certainly been images of rioting and looting in new york city but its also important to see the vast majority of the protests have been exactly like this peaceful young people mostly coming together to protest for their rights and a protest for justice and and really youre getting a sense of a sense of outrage and many telling us that they will stay on the streets as long as it takes. And weve spoken to protests of the cities too is what they told us. I cannot just sit in my room continue my studies continue to work as if nothing is wrong this is something that is affecting every single black person in the United States and it is the duty of nonblack allies like myself to come out here to put our bodies out to show that this is not acceptable it never was and so were here today to really demand that there are investigations into the death of the murderers of george floyd but also that Police Brutality is addressed specifically here in los angeles. People need to come out here and like give positive energy give off positive positive positive a push in the right direction against like how do i say this against. Against well the fact that everyone matters everybody has a place in this world. Where as you can see the editors have. Real i want i want a president trying to make better decisions everybody on his work on this planet matters everybody on this planet has a place everybody has everybody has power and we need to unite well journalists covering the protests have come under attack by Police Offices even after identifying themselves the is a violation of the us 1st amendment in there the pretext the press special about this. This was saturday in minneapolis royces journalists were fooling protesters just after curfew came into effect what do you know from the bomb according to the crew was shot by the bullets despite wearing prince passes and this marked with priests and holding a t. V. Camera they sustained injuries to the nic and face were people a day earlier in minneapolis seen in report and was handcuffed costing lives. Ok jim oh i am under arrest for. Why why am i under arrest his crew was also all rested and there was this from an l. A. Times reporter i had my notebook in my hand when the Minnesota State patrol was advancing on protesters and us we had to fight ourselves as press and they fired tear gas canisters honest point blank range. But these social journalists didnt stop minneapolis as protest sprayed so did incidents of Police Assaults and detentions from oakland. To outside the white house where a b. B. C. Cameraman was Pitch Perfect for. The Reporters Committee for freedom of the preschool the targeting of journalists ripper hence a bow and clear violations of the 1st amendment journalists are the eyes and ears built into the Us Constitution that the journalist would be a checks and balance on not only government but institutions the government as well including the police price price. Un special repertory. Us Police Actions towards protesters and the media involved possible violations of International Law by empress reason. Theres a bit of impunity that journalists are impeding the polices ability to do their job not understanding that the press has an Important Role as evidenced here in louisville kentucky telling there are you ok. Ok katie are you ok but it was probably going to take up a its not pebble it that goes by they way they do that. Now shooting out of her its like directly out directly why are they doing it in a healthy democracy journalists hold accountable those people that function and the u. S. Constitution looking increasingly vulnerable shelob alice. Private autopsy report office new evidence against the offices who arrested george floyd the document describes his death as murder john hendren. George floyd tried to tell police he was struggling for air. In a private autopsy requested by floyds Family Doctors concluded that was what caused his death the cause of death in my opinion is as fixed due to compression of the neck. As he lay on the street the official Hennepin County coroners report says floyd died of a heart attack brought on by head and neck compression but it found no evidence that he died of strangulation and said his coronary Artery Disease and hypertension were contributing factors the private autopsy contradicts that saying all 3 officers who knelt on floyd contributed to a death it calls murder the autopsy shows that mr floyd had no underlying. Medical problem that caused or contributed to his death that has demonstrators on the street questioning authority you know i dont think he was going to have a heart attack that day and pass away without what happened to him on the streets here the dueling autopsies eroded the already diminished faith that people here in this region have an american institutions 1st many of the protesters of course lost faith in the police then they lost faith in the politicians who sent the police india crack down on them now theyre questioning the coroners office. Why. I dont trust them i cant how could you after this keeps happening when they try to hide it they try to pump or it up that the institution that was most atrocity we thought there is Law Enforcement policy. Just keep the transfer money not. Terence floyd came to the scene of his brothers death to urge calm. Horse. And a bird dont matter nobody domo because its not personal with our stuff so im going to going off. The no homo. The recent novel. Lets go over some of the work that he said is what his brother would have wanted john hendren l. G. 0 minneapolis live to minneapolis and reports of jay gray joining us here on the news hour again jay good morning to you just take us through where you are as all of this and whats the off the mouth of whats been going on there looking like today one week on from the death of george floyd. Hey there peter and yes still an uneasy tension in this city i want to give you an idea where it Police Precinct one right in Downtown Minneapolis you can see its looking more like a military base concrete barricades behind metal barricades youve got the cools National Guard soldiers standing by all out down like so much of this city and so many cities frankly across the nation right now last night the protests here were peaceful for a 2nd night plenty of arrests but those mostly for violating the curfew here and that seems to be the trend right now so its trending in the right direction according to most everyone you talk to here and a lot of those d people who have been marching here a lot of the people who are looking for answers and hoping to. Continue to have lloyd remembered here say theyre pleased the violence has subdued that it was taking away from their message obviously that same idea isnt echoing across the country right now where we again for the 7th night in a row overnight saw violent protests you get the sense where you are mr trumps threats to use the military which apparently he can do he can unilaterally decide to do that if he chooses to but that might exacerbate the situation not calm the situation. Oh i think absolutely and i think when you talk about that you have to look at whats happened here on a larger scale the National Guard is already here on the ground but theyre acting as a support group for the police for the sheriffs deputies bringing in the u. S. Military would in no doubt in anyones mind here really incite more violence more frustration and i dont think its going to happen the governors many of the cities across the u. S. That are struggling with protests right now say theres no way that troops are going to come into their states but again the idea of that is resonating with a lot of people here and they dont like what theyre hearing from the white house one slightly trite question and forgive me if you dont know the answer to this jay we carried a report there from another of our correspondents about the autopsy report in a suharto this man died when the Police Arrest someone in that kind of situation why does it always seem to take so long that there was that pressure on his neck for what 8 and a half 9 minutes why was he just not bundled into the back of the van and taken to the Police Station why was it necessary to pin him to the ground in that particular way for such a big period of time. Yeah i think there are a couple of answers to that question systematically 1st of all processing the crime scene and working through all of the evidence and everything on hand takes some time and then really delays in autopsies often center around toxicology reports reports about what was in the bloodstream of the victim at the time and that takes a little bit of lab work in a little bit of time so you often see a bit of a delay days in some cases depending on substances that theyre perhaps looking for weeks to get that toxicology report and now theres no understanding why there was an initially some type of report from the medical examiner or corner just talking about the as fixation here but instead they waited till they had all of the data compiled before releasing it and really updated their findings only after the familys private autopsy was reported. Thank you very much. Solidarity and protests have been happening in cities around the world. Like this one in Perth Western australia hundreds carrying banners and chanting in support of the black lives Mountain Movement all of this is also highlighted discrimination and injustice of suffered by Indigenous People and the names of indigenous australians whove died in Police Custody or read out to the crowd. Headlines for in a couple minutes after we make way jenny with a Weather Forecast for us your were watching something not very nice to talk peace across the Western Areas of india so let me talk about it straightaway now i say not very nice because its this massive cloud here now it has not yet been confirmed as a Tropical Cyclone but it looks very likely that it will develop into an either later tuesday or certainly by when sitting see this massacre it is producing some torrential amounts of rain its also coinciding with the on set of the southwest monsoon is being confirmed the 1st of june carola has seen the onset of these rice all the time the 1st of june is officially the start of the southwest monsoon but this is the system and you can see to be sitting here throughout wednesday socalled producing some drenched amounts of rain down this particular area over the coast and this is a not yet named this information is coming from the India Met Department theyre calling this by wednesday a severe cycle and winds at about 100 kilometers now gusting higher than that moving very slowly up to the north that is where it is moving right now but the storm surge along these coastal areas could be as much as 2 meters above the normal levels now as we go on through thursday it is that expected to actually move on shore and you can see the forecast track heading into really much of magic pradesh but still very heavy amounts of rain across the west and in fact as this storm moves on shore but particularly for the next 2 or 3 days the rain is going to be very heavy along these coast all the way from carola right they were through russia up into southern areas of good drought so we could be saying as much as 235. 00 millimeters of rain and of course the further it moves inland well see those totals accumulate as well so a piece a woman keep an eye on no into trouble psycho but it could become one in the next 24 hours ok jenny you keep us up to date im sure the meantime thank you very much still to come here on the news well have all the rest of the days news for you including farmers in zimbabwe describe how coronaviruses eating into a vital cash crop for them. In the middle of a pandemic. And all the rioting people in the u. S. Are still voting the voting in primaries will report from swing state of pennsylvania also heads leo messi barcelona found something to smile about all the details coming up in the sports news with some. From fossil fuels to modern day renewable as societies develop the energy demands increase requiring Innovative Solutions to meet such demands as a global power developing to the Basement Company nebraska power is uniquely positioned to deliver against these developments we provide Business Growth promote social economic benefits and provide innovative safe and environmentally sound Energy Solutions for future generations the breastpin Pioneering Future Energy egypt strongman is ruling with and fire and faced and the silence from his allies is deafening the u. S. Was perfectly happy to trade off the mark for sea for security while western leaders turning a blind eye when even their own citizens have fallen victim to his repression executions torture or censorship is not acceptable and you wont hear such strong words from lets say berlin or paris or london man in cairo on aljazeera. Welcome back this is the news are these are your headlining stories so far today President Trump is threatening to deploy the army of state governors dont end the violence during some protests over the death of George Floyd Strom surface is to uphold law and order. Protests have continued for a 7th day and nights in u. S. Cities Police Forcibly cleared peaceful crowds in the white house so President Trump could walk to a nearby church. Some protests in new york city did turn violent shop windows were smashed and businesses will do to a curfew was imposed and he instructed to go home or they will be in place for 8 pm local time on tuesday. While the protests and the coronavirus pandemic are happening during an Election Year in the u. S. Mr trump is all but certain to take on the former Vice President joe biden hes the presumptive candidate for the democrats still the primary election process does continue 4 states will vote on their preferred candidate on tuesday aljazeera as christian salumi reports now from one of the most important states pennsylvania. Joe dambrosio has been cutting hair in bethlehem pennsylvania for 47 years barber shops are closed now due to the coronavirus pandemic and joe thinks thats prudent given his age hes got enough savings to ride it out a bit longer in course of one week i lost my best and oldest friends you see so its real real to me hes seen a lot of change in bethlehem over the last 4 years the local steel plant that once employed 35000 people is still mostly empty but many of its former Union Workers lean republican instead of democrat they lined the streets to greet President Trump recently when he visited a local manufacturing plant a rare trip out of the Nations Capital when much of the country was still on lockdown pennsylvania is one of 4 states that President Trump won by less than a percent in 2016 older Blue Collar Workers like the ones that used to work here in the Steel Industry were crucial to his victory and they could make a difference again in 2020 National Polls show that among Senior Citizens like these former steelworkers joe biden is more popular than trump i hear more and more people in the trustworthy that are just not trustworthy the state has one of the oldest populations in the country but polls have been wrong here before why bodies that are republicans. They all told me to same thing or not vote for him again. Well you know thats a very heartening but. We all thought that hillary would like you in a lot of time around the president hasnt seen the country rally behind him as usually happens during a time of crisis or attack but his base remains committed we saw it during his a visit to believe high value recently with crowds out on the highways welcoming him he has a core in that corps gone nowhere over the last few years the question is has he built on that at all is there milder roget in among groups like seniors joe voted for him in 2016 and plans to again well i think hes the strongest guy he knows how to deal and he knows he built the economy he not afraid of china leaving the state closely divided between those who think the president is best suited to lead an economic recovery and those who blame his handling of the crisis for it in the 1st place christine salumi al jazeera bethlehem pennsylvania tehrans foreign minister says an iranian scientist imprisoned in the u. S. Is now on his way home hes serious he pleaded for his release after he contrived to cope at 19 he was accused of stealing state secrets whilst on an academic visit to the u. S. And 2016 as god he was acquitted last month was transferred to immigration custody because his visa had expired. Is in tehran he says iran is likely to ask for more concessions. Iranian government officials have been calling for his release on humanitarian grounds to criticize the United States heavily for mistress groups condition and contract in covert 1000 but it has to be said those criticisms need to be taken with a pinch of salt here in iran in the early days of the outbreak there were prison riots over fears of contract in coronavirus and crowded prison systems here dozens died in some of the worst of that violence reportedly so much of what were seeing from the iranian government is a part of the political game that everyone like those caught up in this between the United States and iran like mistress curry they tend to become playing cards in a wider political clean game between the United States and iran there has been some speculation that his release could mean the release of americans both american citizens and dual citizens detained here in iran but a lot of that is speculation so far mr askaris case seems to be a function of the u. S. Court system is repatched relation coming after a seemingly a deal is reached between the United States and iran to arrange the logistics of his transfer but we may still see some kind of exchange u. S. President donald trump does pride himself on being the president that has a range for over a dozen releases of americans detained in countries in other countries but here in iran it is unlikely that any american citizens will be released and less more practical and financial concessions are made celeron is a senior fellow at the National Iran American Council she says scotus release says raise speculation of a Prisoner Exchange. Foreign minister zarif immediately posted on his Instagram Page celebrating as a victory but you know its mainly. For his family a prosperity and so as an innocent man a role its been you know its there and you know anytime an innocent man goes free you know its a win for in my opinion its a win for everyone but in the case of iran you know they may spin it as some kind of win in their favor of theres a lot of speculation about you know a Prisoner Exchange reports all that it is speculation we havent seen anything that indicates that that theres actually werent. There are american you know sort of like a white was being held in iran that would be an ideal kind of situation where you actually have an exchange that happens and of course the speculation that its sort of the lowest hanging fruit in terms of diplomacy in a situation where you know if you want to say relationships are strained between iran and us its much deeper than there is you know hostilities i dont january at this point seems like forever ago but just a few months ago we were on you know the brink of war so the idea of a Prisoner Exchange is always one of the 1st diplomatic steps in a can officials in bangladesh have confirmed the 1st couvade 19 deaths among ranger refugees the 71 year old man died in the critical long camp home to 600000 displaced or injured from me and mom he was among the 29 people who tested positive last month 15000 refugees have been put under quarantine the un has warned of a severe impact on the overcrowded camps sheltering more than 800000 people out to sea as correspondent mohammed jump jump has reported extensively on the range of refugees he joins us live here on the news coming to you out of doha mohammed welcome back to the program as ever how significant is this death. Well peter its very significant the refugees that ive been speaking with theyre quite scared right now theyre scared because theyve expected this for quite some time the 1st case of a rohingya refugee being tested with a cold 1000 that happened may 14th and the refugees ive been speaking with since you know theyve been worried for a while that the virus would appear in the camps there to them it was a matter of when and not if and theyre afraid because these settlements this encampment the Worlds Largest refugee settlement in coxs are bangladesh you have almost 1000000. 00 refugees living there thats approximately 70000. 00 people per square kilometer that means that the concept of social distancing which is one of the things that Health Officials say the world over needs to happen in order to stop the spread of coronavirus is impossible it is impossible to do in those camps and so now theyre even more afraid many many aid workers over the course of the past few months ive been speaking with have warned repeatedly about what potentially could happen if corona virus makes its way into those camps in coxs bizarre now its there many of them have said this could have a devastating impact it could have a devastating toll because conditions in those camps are such that essentially its a tinderbox these are very unsanitary conditions there and now yes there is a concerted effort by aid agencies to ensure that there is more soap that there is more water for refugees but the fact the matter is again youre talking about close to 1000000 people in the Worlds Largest refugee settlement and the conditions there it really becomes a perfect breeding ground for Something Like over 1000 the people who are running the camps and the relevant governmental authorities could be even begin to cope with what may happen. I would say that its going to be stream lee difficult for them you have to remember that over the course of the past couple of years peter every time you in agencies aid agencies have tried to raise funds to just meet the most essential needs of the writing the people of the refugees in the settlements they have faced large shortfalls they have never been able to get just to the point that they need to be just to serve the most basic needs of those who are going to refugees one of the most persecuted minorities in the world one of the most vulnerable populations in the world today yes the u. N. Refugee agency and other agencies theyve tried very hard working with local government officials working also with refugees to prepare isolation shelters to prepare places where we could be treated where they could be quarantined but theres not nearly enough centers right now and it would take a lot more money and a lot more effort by the International Community to ensure that they had the necessary means at their disposal to treat cope with 1000 properly in those camps we must remember that as of now theres been only around 400 tests according to u. N. Officials administered in those camps for a population of close to 1000000 people peter. Thanks very much and if you want to watch the report from aljazeera about the ranger in bangladesh you can do that on the web site al jazeera dot com slash program slash between us tobacco is crucial for zimbabwes economy it brings in foreign currency which helps with cash and fuel shortages bugs the coronavirus pandemic is making it more difficult. From a farming village called beatrice. He isnt having much luck with his tobacco after more than 15 years of farming hes only managed to grow one hit to the season he blames years of drought and now the coronavirus pandemic thats led to lock downs and travel restrictions noting what groups we can only send one percent to the ocean floors to sell for us even if we are not here with a price we cant argue with you because we were not there to negotiate prices for. Tobacco is a 2nd biggest foreign currency earner after gold lost the country and nearly 800000000. 00 exporting mainly to china and europe now because of covert 19 International Buyers can no longer get. Many small scale black tobacco growers acquired land cease from white commercial farmers 2 decades ago it was part of the governments controversial Land Redistribution Program before its controversial land reform about 20 years ago we had roughly 2000 commercial farmers growing tobacco now there are tens of thousands of them by most a small scale farmers some plotting as little as i have. Already in an economic crisis long before the pandemic its dead serious means the government cant borrow enough money from foreign lenders for a bailout many of those lenders lack confidence in the Political Leadership people rather bring equipment to zimbabwe knowing that least with equipment it can get to the people best in major challenge so its an issue of confidence are we confident enough but give me the mill and our government money back money. What it is burning is really big question is. About 300000 farmers stockpiling their tobacco until global lock downs and an International Travel regimes they say only then might they be able to salvage something the season. Aljazeera beatrice. Some states in the u. S. Start the process of reopening of the law stronger than normal hurrican season could put added pressure on resources that are already stretched very thin and as in miami. In recent years the u. S. And the caribbean have been pounded by some of the most powerful hurricanes on record Hurricane Maria came ashore as a category 5 storm on puerto rico in 2017 bearing down on an already weak infrastructure that same year Hurricane Harvey deluge the low lying city of houston causing over 100000000000. 00 of damage florida too has bore the brunt of several powerful storms that left communities in ruins now the National Hurricane center is predicting a more active than normal Hurricane Season in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic even as states cautiously reopen the prospect of dealing with a major hurricane and fighting code 19 a raising serious questions as we get into Hurricane Season we are continuing obviously to look at our plans redeveloped them with covert 19 how do we look at evacuations are how do we do that we have stayed home orders and mandatory evacuations based on the type of structure the coronavirus pandemic has already devastated economies in the region millions are now out of work many are facing financial hardships and restrictions like social distancing and Wearing Masks will remain for the forseeable future every atlantic Hurricane Season brings life threatening conditions but authorities have never faced a situation like this before if people are evacuated to shelters that could spread the virus personal protective equipment remains a challenge and those who have lost their income all of a hard time recovering from a powerful storm heavy rains and flooding of already hit south florida perhaps a sign of things to come the authorities are making tentative plans to expand shelters giving evacuees more room. To social distance but so far theres no real concrete guidance all plans experts say these issues need to be addressed and quickly our current estimates here in south florida is about based on a u. N. Study about 6 percent of the population is that it and if that is the case and we have no idea if thats going to expand between now and the time that we may or may not face hurricane we absolutely have to be very very careful about mixing those individuals so were looking at a variety of solutions if the predictions are right the atlantic Hurricane Season could see as many as 6 major storms this year under normal circumstances just one can wreak havoc now the problem is compounded by a pandemic that still not under control and a gala crowd jazeera miami florida. Still to come here on aljazeera the sports another player in the German Bundesliga makes a stance and i will fill you in on all the details when we come back. The all. Time to support his son thank you very much at the tail of the family of george floyd has accepted the offer. Floyd Mayweather Jr to pay for his funeral mayweather will handle the cost of the service to the 9th and gold floyds hometown of houston and who will also pay for separate memorials in minnesota and North Carolina dont fully. Died last week after a Police Officer pressed his knee into his neck an incident which has sparked mass protests around the United States while several sports stars have spoken out and now golfer tiger woods has issued a statement on twitter he said he respects the Law Enforcement of but this tragedy clearly crossed a line and his heart goes out to george Lloyds Family and everyone who is hurting right now would said we can make our points without burning the very neighborhoods we are living i hope that through constructive honest conversations we can build a safer unified society. The tennis world has also responded with a new Campaign Launched by american player frances tearful and us a call it champion ion broomfield. Won. When the. Arena wins a game of his were among several top players to appear in the video called enough is enough protesting Police Brutality against africanamerican communities. Some football action now in colognes anson in modesto has become the 5th player and germanys top Football Division to make a dreadful attribute after scoring and his sides 42. 00 loss against it on monday the forward showed his left palm facing in to display the darker skin on the back of his hand long treated after the game that his actions were a clear signal before the match the bundesliga said they were investigating the previous floyd tributes. English premier League Leaders liverpool also paid tribute to floyd their players and kneeled around the Center Circle on their homepage and field on monday of football has returned in denmark behind closed doors and one club has found a creative solution to help fans enjoy the action series and reports from danish city of her. Excited football fans back for the 1st time since the corona wireless led to nearly all football being suspended across the globe finally football again and it doesnt man its this kind of football just football its amazing really and also everything is working so well and its really good and all the kids and father every one of the happy doing so its a good thing at the weather is fantastic as well today they will watch the cup play on these huge screens drivein football here at denmarks leading Super League Club f. C. Meet you and its awesome great awesome being here with all the fans and all a difficult season cardholders you never experienced anything like this before it would be great and look at all the costs its amazing before the match players greet their friends. Inside the stadium old the seats are empty the cars are just on the other side with a meter between each one normally 10000 super bowl fans gathered here supporting the club the seats here have been the last 2 and a half months to 18000 of the seats are actually occupied itself east of the fans the fans in the 2000 cars can hear the match commentary through their radio we thought lets do it lets go 100 percent for the 2nd best thing it couldnt be on the stadium with the fans it could be just outside we are not shoulder to shoulder but cars are golf and thats fantastic. Fans are not allowed to leave their car but they can still buy snacks and soft drinks in denmark football and beer go hand in hand but thats not the case today people are driving you cant drink and drive so obviously we cant sell beer and if anyone needs the washroom they just turn on the emergency light and they will be escorted to the toilets the host team lost but the event was a success thats been amazing. Nice well earned a good atmosphere. After all a decent screen so its been good i think with that with all the horns and the heat its quite different but it was a good experience and also good with the children driving football may be just the beginning of a new trend see john aljazeera handing. It all in elvis is set to stay a barcelona for at least one more season according to reports in spain follows the expiration of the exit clause in his contract on may 30th dowden time had the option to quit boss of the summer messi and his teammates return to action on doing 13th against wales following a legacy corner virus he says. All straight is often to host this years Rugby Championship in the quarantine bubble as they look to kickstart a Financial Recovery he competition is usually played home and away against new Zealand South Africa and argentina but thats not possible because of covert 19 which has hit all nations financially Rugby Australia c. E. O. Rob a clock was speaking a day off to cutting a 3rd of his workforce everybody is committed to try to play a full t. S. A. And were exploring with this training government whether that can be here in australia. And we fly in all of the sands. And training bubble. We can say fictive lee and then play stations. Alex is back on track in the Czech Republic following a long break due to the pandemic 2 time womens olympic. Champion a barb or a spot of us stole the show at this meet and no she won with a 63. 69 me to throw it was her best in nearly a year edging out 2018 european silver medalist in the color of gradually called up the back on track that led its me to welcome local athletes from around the country as the government began easing the looked on. G. B. Organizers say theyre focusing on holding a many races as possible in europe as a season has lost another meet the japanese call peak due to the pandemic raise that was set to take place in october to morty the 1st 11 races of the season have been either perspire own or cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic at the moment the sport hopes to resume with back to back races that. Starting from july the 19th were still waiting for the approval from the spanish government. And thats as well for me i will have more for you later for now its back to santa thanks very much last month use for you its always there on the website the address as ever dot com Kemal Santa Maria will have 30 minutes of aljazeera world news for you in about 2 and a half minutes from now ill see you at the news out of 13. Frank assessments tourism but the income stream is dead in the water whats been the result seen pushing quite significantly informed opinions there has been a very aggressive political rhetoric that has become very normal in Israeli Society indepth analysis of the days global headlines its time for diplomacy you say on the street i think not only you seem to grady but he writes any case the leading to all continues inside story on aljazeera. Ill just see rows here to report on the people often ignored but who must be hurt how many other channels can you say will take their time and put extensive fall into reporting from under reported areas of course we cover major global offense but our passion lives and making sure that youre hearing the stories from people in places like dallas via the young man the sahara legion and so many others to go to the you make the effort we care we stay. Know that were in the world is primary for a specific period faster than it is inside on. Finding the will fly we have been told the news i heard it totally is in traitors i was obliged to this knowledge that china was falling into the fast flowing river into not suit. One mans fight for the rights of indigenous heritage a time to swim a witness documentary on aljazeera Save Humanity i really really not getting anywhere near it. These are not acts of peaceful protests these are acts of domestic terror u. S. President donald trump threatens to deploy the military is state governments cant stop the violence from nationwide protests. I. Was in those demonstrations well by showing no sign of ending a week after a black man died in Police Custody a new autopsy report says it was homicide

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