A massive New Cathedral dedicated to the armed forces has left Many Russians uneasy. And sport a huge crowd welcomes top level rugby back to new zealand even. Gets off to a winning start for the blues in front of more than 14000. 00 from. 3000. They thought the worst of the pandemic was over but a number of countries that have begun to reopen and now seeing spikes in their number of corona virus cases 2 of the worlds most populous countries india and pakistan have seen record daily increases in infections which threaten to overwhelm their Healthcare Systems iran has reported more than 100 deaths in a day for the 1st time in 2 months well back where it started china has reported its highest dady number of infections for 2 months and the country with the highest death toll the u. S. Is seeing record numbers of new cases and hospitalizations in many states as they push ahead with reopening the surge a new cases in india has pushed new delhi to convert 500 Railway Coaches into may. Shift hospitals 10 coaches had previously been converted into isolation wards the new carriages will increase new delhis capacity by 8000 beds this after the country reported almost 12000 new infections on sunday are the new measures including crease testing and a door to door Health Survey in the capital delhi india is now the 4th worst affected country in the world believe me your heart good when i was horrible but i have to fight the war against crime of virus in new delhi with more strength the federal government to shoot badrawi k. Choose to move paid for co 19 patients in hospitals the federal government is completely back in new delhi spite against grain a virus with strange. Neighboring root pakistan reported more than 6800. 00 cases on sunday the authorities have now sealed all over a 1000 high risk areas including the capitalism about the World Health Organization has warned that the acceleration could overwhelm pakistans underfunded Health System entire population of 220000000 people was placed under lockdown in march but the government has since eased restrictions leading to the surge in infections. Has more from pakistans capital islamabad but he says the government is resisting calls for another knocked out. Most of the operators in the city of islamabad are all aware theres turning back. Short walk and obviously rent. Becomes bigger and bigger. Edgewise focused on go for another 2 weeks of lockdown less than 48 hours ago but the pakistani Prime Minister saying. They were going to drink march. And that of course would mean killing off. Where there was a number higher number of infections and they. Have been completely shut down. The military better military and the police and ensured that. Budgets on because of. What sort of thing because this is a country people live in congested areas and a lack of awareness that exacerbated this problem because progress on decided to ease down on the low down towards the end of ramadan and. Iran has recorded 107 deaths in coronavirus in 24 hours the 1st time in 2 months that more than a 100 people have died in one day after gradually relaxing its knocked down since mid april iran has seen a sharp increase in new data infections on saturday president Hassan Rouhani that strict measures will be reimposed if the outbreak doesnt come back under control assad bank has moved from toronto. Its not only about the number of deaths is about the number of infections in the last 24 hours theres been the run 2400. 00 new infections similar to the numbers we saw at the peak of the crisis which has raised some concerns about a possible 2nd wave president rouhani came out and want to lock down measures could be reimposed if people continue not to abide by the Health Ministry measures now thats after the Health Minister reported that those abiding by those measures had decreased from 80 percent to 20 percent and now we have seen an increase in number of infected cases but iran is in a difficult position going into this crisis. It was around 41 percent there was a rise in unemployment and according to the International Monetary fund the economy had shrunk in the last 2 years but theres also the issue of the United States sanctions against iran that has drastically reduced its oil revenues so any decision to really pose lockdown measures considering the state of the economy will be very difficult and will be taken reluctantly by the government but president rouhani has said that in the last 2 years this country has faced some of the toughest sanctions but according to him iran has done much better than some of the European Countries china has reported its highest a number of new current virus infections for 2 months more than half of the 57. 00 cases when beijing where part of the city has been placed under lockdown after an outbreak in a food market it sparked fears of a 2nd wave of infections reports hong kong. After nearly 2 months of no new local infections and life slowly returning to normal chinas capital is once again drastically stepping up measures to prevent the spread of a new coronavirus cluster dozens of cases are linked to the wholesale market one of asias biggest cities governments rushed to shut down the sprawling complex which supplies nearly 90 percent of beijings fresh seafood vegetables and fruit but it was my the one we were told last night that this place is closed now i can only sell my pictures on the street there happen very few people buying them so im going to be at a loss for sure a walk a do life and health always come 1st the market is in the Southern District home to more than 2000000 people and the area that is now under a Strict Lockdown plans to open kindergartens and primary schools on monday have been delayed sports and that lead to give fans have been postponed all public facilities have shut down and movement in and out of the city is restricted state media says the virus was initially detected on a cutting board used to prepare imported salmon prompting supermarkets to take the fish off their shelves additional tests found that the virus could be carried and spread through produce and packaging meaning it could have travelled well beyond the citys limits cases linked to the markets have been confirmed in 2 other provinces beijings government has launched an extensive operation to test 10000 workers from the market and screen anyone who visited it this month and very finally there was panic in the 1st wave but theres no need for that in the 2nd way people are vigilant we have big data and the government can strictly control things better should be no problem. Beijing downgraded its Emergency Response level only a week ago easing restrictions on Wearing Masks and having temperature checks this latest cluster is raising concerns due to parallels with rouhani city where the virus was 1st discovered last year it too started at a market and led to months of lockdown and until china said it had overcome the outbreak in march the hope is that that declaration was and premature if you go pollen allergies there are hong kong in the u. S. Many states are recording record numbers of new covert 900 cases and hospitalizations california florida and oklahoma where trump plans to hope to hold an indoor rally next saturday all had record numbers of new infections in the past 3 days the spikes are in part due to a significant increase in testing over the past 6 weeks. Is professor of epidemiology at Columbia University and she joins us on skype from new york thank you so much for joining us looking at the number of new infections coming out of india and pakistan where would you estimate they are in there at the moment well unfortunately for both india and pakistan it looks like theyre on the upswing and theyre good with 19 and this is going to easy. Strong mitigation measures a good draw measures that were in peace that recently a little bit. Its not its not unexpected that if you do that you will see a resurgence of the virus again. And 2472 new infections in iran are we seeing a 2nd wave there. It certainly seems like that is where our again for similar reasons to iran and pakistan to pakistan and india. Are so has recently ease the restrictions and largely in many of these countries this is due to economic imperatives because of the difficulty of sustaining a strong medication measures for people who are largely have to depend on the labor to survive and its not an expected again because of thats easy and people not being vigilant in germs of keeping their distance seen as well as in wearing face masks or face coverings its not unexpected that again the surgeons as were seeing it in our minds well and in the u. S. Where you are another 25000 cases partly due to increased testing but could it also be due to some of the black lives matter protests that weve been seeing. In the u. S. Over the past several weeks weve seen we havent seen overall a decrease in them because of cases theres been a decrease in some states like new york state for example and new jersey and massachusetts voted seeing time theres an army increase in other states and those have been states where theyve also ease the restrictions are midi a bit prematurely so why are there curbs were also on the upswing so its a mixture of increasing testing in mixture of people getting together whether the in protests or other events as well as the easing of the restrictions that happened over the past several weeks in the states and what about what were seeing in china a new cluster of cases how worrying is that do you think we could be seeing more of those in the coming weeks. Yes i think you have to keep in mind that. We have no means now of eradicating the virus completely even though we can control of the transmission there were mean and the risks of these embers that. Can lift can be lit up at a moments notice and i think thats what were seeing in china it doesnt take very much to have a cluster of like the large cluster of the has that identify in in china to again a pop up and i think thats going to be unfortunately the way of the future until we have an effective vaccine that everybodys willing to take. But i think whats important and the lesson to be learned is that if you have such a cluster you have to move fast you have to immediately move the lies and the reporters from china and womanize quickly identify the pieces and then the find the contacts isolate the case of the client in the contacts and do everything we can possibly do to limit the size of the cluster as quickly as possible and cases here in europe are rapidly declining but obviously as weve reported seem to be on the rise in age and south america where do you anticipate the next hot spot will be after those continents. Well i think now were seeing sooty hotspots in south america theres been a great concern about whats happening in brazil whats happening in chile where. Mexico are these countries are experiencing a very steep rise in the pacific. And also in in a way that has overwhelmed the house just in those countries so we hear. Individuals who cannot find a hospital bed as a situation where theyre not enough ventilators very sick patients so i think the situation in several countries in south america and mexico is jerry very concerning at this point. Professor of epidemiology at columbia thank you so much for joining us. Coming up on this news hour from london how one indigenous town in ecuador has botched the National Trend using both ancient and modern methods to keep the coronavirus at bay. As close ups in england prepare to open on monday the World Health Organization warns the u. K. Gets rushing to reopen the economy. And in sport Bayern Munich close in on an 8th straight German League title. Nigerias military has hit back at the i saw in boca her fight as it says were behind 2 coordinated attacks which killed at least 60 people both civilians and soldiers died when fighters opened fire on a village in borno state in the northeast of the country and the United Nations humanitarian center was also burned down but address reports. This is what operation life your dollar looks like from the air the Nigerian Military posted video on social media showing what it says is its response to saturdays attack in mumbai that was followed by another attack in both a local government areas in borno state in northeast nigeria where both sought your sense of billions like killed a military spokesman didnt answer calls for comment on the attacks but local reports suggest dozens were killed and hundreds injured with hospitals overwhelmed fighters are reported to open fire after arriving on motorbikes and in cars soldiers and a United Nations humanitarian center were targeted they are the latest major casualties in less than a week the government has just celebrated its 5th anniversary in office and became are on the back off base Security Problems in nigeria they told their lighter and people that this is a piece meal for them to fix. This moment it has gotten worse it was only recently that the chief of army staff met with president bush and it was president bush era that they were with in the war on one today at least 81 people were killed when they heard his village was raided in could be a quote arm fighters allied with the Islamic State in west Africa Province claimed responsibility for that attack the group broke away from the main book around 4 years ago previously almost seen as closer to al qaeda but in 2015 its leader will because chicago pledged allegiance to eisele. The Nigerian Army has been battling book or around for years as its fighters bombed places of worship and kidnapped schoolgirls in recent weeks Army Commanders claim significant success against the group but soldiers of often been under resourced have suffered heavy losses. Tens of thousands of people have been killed and more than 3000000 people displaced by 10 years of fighting. The continuing loss of life and property in the northeast fueling a lot of anger and frustration there is a growing feeling among some nigerians but this is going to be a long drawn battle contrary to what the government to say comedy grease aljazeera. Protests around pick up again around the United States in support of black lives matter thousands of protesters have been marching through the streets of los angeles in support of all black clothes matter the group which represents the black l g l g q plus community is calling for an end to Racial Injustice systemic racism and all forms of oppression the socially distance protests and the hollywood boulevard which has been the scene of a number of anti racism protests over the past 2 weeks still in the u. S. Where protesters are gathering at the site in atlanta where an unarmed black man was shot and killed by police on friday night. Brooks was killed in a drive through restaurant after resisting arrest for failing a sobriety test demonstrators also rally there on saturday setting fire to the building the citys police chief resigned less than 24 hours after the shooting and one of the officers involved has now been fired over the jabari as more. Youre providing traffic the last moments of ray short frocks like. He was reported to police because his car was blocking the fast food drive thru in atlanta on friday night i take a deep breath but im out of the mouthpiece was hard to get up to stop after a breathalyzer test police said he wasnt sober to drive and it tempted to arrest him. The 27 year old father of 3 appears to have resisted arrest and Police Allege brooks told a taser gun and pointed it at them as he ran away away from the cameras 3 gunshots are heard. Other videos show the body of brooks on the ground before he was taken to hospital where his death was confirmed it was the Immediate Reaction to his death as protesters on friday evening continued on to saturday near the scene of the shooting ever have gotten word from the Fast Food Restaurant was set on fire by protesters demanding answers i dont know how to get his. Son never knew i was going to lose. Ill bust this on the internet. From the whole just floored situation to us coming together like clothes on. And this whole dying man on the i dont stop on the phone following an outcry over the use of deadly force the citys chief of police erica shields offered her resignation at lanas mayor keesha lance bottoms accepted calling the Police Action unnecessary i firmly believe that there is a clear distinction between what you can do and what you should do i do not believe that this was a justify use of deadly force and have called for the media term a nation of the officer. The shooting happened weeks after 2 students were dragged from their car by 6 Atlanta Police officers charges against the students were dropped 4 of the officers were fired and all 6 Face Criminal Charges now the city is facing another crisis we talked to some Witnesses Today who said that the officers went in put on plastic globals and picked up their cell casings after they killed. Before and during it. We tell that to minutes and 16 seconds before they even sucked this. Close Georgia Bureau of investigation and the District Attorneys Office have launched investigations its reported to be the 48th Police Shooting this year 15 of them were fatal. As protests continue against the killing of george floyd in minneapolis 3 weeks ago the Police Killing of another black american seems sure to fuel further anger dorsetshire pari al jazeera for more on that lets go live to Andy Gallagher in miami justifiable anger in atlanta is the resignation of the police chief and the firing of the Police Officer helping to calm the tension or. Well charlie in the last hour or so 2 large civil Rights Groups in the city of atlanta of called the firing of the chief of police and the officer who discharged his weapon at mr brooks nothing short of symbolism they say doesnt go far enough they want to see real reform and change and it certainly hasnt calm the mood in the city of atlanta where there are more protests planned for monday and there are politicians out on the streets now mostly democrats saying that the police need to deescalate they need to stop firing tear gas and rubber bullets at crowds some of them saying children were among those protesting the death of rae sharjah brooks on friday night so its clear that what happened is not calming the mood and remember 2 weeks ago there was a pretty horrific incident in which 6 Atlanta Police officers dragged 2 students from their car after slashing tires and smashing windows they then tasered both those students and 4 of those officers were fired all 6 are now facing charges and that didnt calm the mood either that is because protesters believe that this is demick racism within the police force is not being tackled despite the fact that across the country there is some reform going on many Police Forces are now banning chokeholds new York Police Department saying that they will make records public of officers who fired disciplinary problems but none of this goes far enough for those on the ground those angry after years and decades and if you listen to some of them 400 years of the oppression of people of color so how is this latest incident going to impact the nationwide debate on policing and accountability. I think what happened on friday night will make people more determined to keep going to keep getting out onto the streets to keep making their voices heard to keep calling for reform of course President Donald Trump has talked about putting an executive order together for Police Reform where he will suggest to Police Forces that they no longer carry out these chokeholds and the use of weapons and deadly force when perhaps it is not necessarily that certainly what protesters think but none of this goes far enough the reforms that we are seeing are reforms that stop people or Police Officers carrying out certain procedures but they dont tackle the systemic racism that is present in the United States Police Forces so process in los angeles as were seeing now are large they getting larger these people are getting more vocal and with 3 weeks since george floyd died in minneapolis after an officer knelt on his neck for close to 9 minutes and he got i thank you for that update from miami more studies have been targeted by anti racism protesters with several torn down or defaced over the weekend crowds in new orleans that removed the bust of slave owner John Mcdonogh and throw it into the Mississippi River and in milan the statue of famed Italian Journalist in the room antonelli was smeared in red paint and write and defended colonialism and in the 1930 s. Bought a 12 year old eritrean to be his wife. Thousands of people have formed a human chain in berlin to unite against racism and discrimination participants were asked to wear masks and to keep socially distance from one another and they were linked by colorful ribbons forming what organizers called a ribbon of solidarity the chain stretched through the german capital for 9 kilometers. Thousands of protesters have marched through japans capital in solidarity with the black lives movement backed lives Matter Movement demonstrators chanted and carried posters through tokyos busy commercial district many will masks and observe social distancing rules but coronavirus cases in the city on the rise protesters say racism is also an issue in japan with minorities including korean and chinese nationals sometimes targeted. Theyve also been anti racism protests in cities across new zealand for the 2nd week in a row thousands took a knee outside the u. S. Consulate in clinton to show their solidarity with the black lives Matter Movement in the capital wellington hundreds of protesters marched to parliament where they spoke out against racial bias in the Police System some also push for the removal of statues a former colonizers. Australias Prime Minister has apologized for comments he made denying the countrys history of slavery Scott Morrison remarks angered indigenous australians as well as the descendants of Pacific Islanders who say their ancestors worked for little or no pay on sugar plantations morrison says he didnt mean to call a friend cause offense ive always said we need to look at our history one of the comments i was referring to was to how the New South Wales settlement was 1st established and the views that were communicated to tom informing the New South Wales colony and you go back to people like William Wilberforce and others i would very involved in that 1st fleet expedition and one of the principles was to be the destroyer that carries New South Wales was was not to have slavery. Theres lots more still to come this hour. Across the u. K. Bells ring out 72. 00 times in memory of each person who died in the Grenfell Tower 3 years ago. Thousands of brazilians take to the streets of sao paolo marching against racism and president. And in sport the unwanted fan who managed to witness lionel messi is return to action and hes here with that story. Hello that big lazy circulation which doesnt look at all like judas priest sitting of a west europe is still there is expanded to some degree it is moved north so now the line of most intense sundry rain runs to the low countries through germany down towards austria hungary a nice was to remind you everything to the west is slightly cooler for the most part and to in fact is turning wet again in france middle because it was fine ish weather nice time off of spain which means the warm bit is wrong confined to scandinavia in fact specifically norway and sweden now admittedly athens is quite warm the same is true of turkey but really for the most part its not as warm as it could be quite sundry in places with the exception maybe of also as temps is rising in the next few days we get up to 31. 00 the record is 34 but the average is 20 so we are well above not leaving the shores of europe to the shores of africa its just a breeze with no clouds there most shows in the rocker the breeze changes the temperature in this direction so benghazis drop from 39 to 27 the heaviest showers are light to be from the gulf of guinea west woods fact we have some pretty big showers recently in ghana and further round the corner into sierra leone i think the saying is repeatable. Coveted beyond well. Taken without hesitation. And died from power defines our world we should not abdicate our culture our oil and gas here we make the rules investigating exposing and questioning the use and abuse of power across the globe people in power returns to al jazeera. Fire is destroying peoples lives for essential workers on the frontlines people either. They cried and. Shared their experiences of the u. S. Response to calls with 19 what you call the night noise. Can go one preacher system inspire me to do everything in our power to change this system completely. Americas pandemic workers just. A reminder of the top stories here on aljazeera 500. 00 Railway Carriages are being converted into makeshift hospitals as india struggles with a surge of coronavirus cases neighboring pakistan has also sealed off over a 1000 high risk areas and warns infections that could double this month if people ignore restrictions. Nigerias military has hit back at iceland bokeh fighters it says were behind coordinated attacks which killed at least 60 people in borno state. And protesters are again gathering where an unarmed black man was killed by Police Officers in atlanta on friday the Fast Food Restaurant where a shot brooks was shot dead was set alight on saturday as anti racism demonstrations continue around us. 3 years ago the deaths of 700. 00 in the Grenfell Tower expose just how unequal life is in the u. K. Capital it happened in the citys richest bara but most of the victims were poor and from immigrant families the Prime Minister has promised to leave no stone unturned in finding out how the dead were failed so badly but has joined whole reports former residents feel theyre no closer to the truth. Church bells toll for the 72. 00 victims of the grunfeld tower fire disaster in west memphis the 3rd anniversary marked with socially distanced visits to the site and an Online Church service addressed by the Prime Minister and while no words can undo what happened and the passage of time can heal the wounds inflicted that night i want you to know that i remain absolutely committed to uncovering the causes of the tragedy and ensuring it is never repeated but campaigners say the underlying causes of many of the greenfeld deaths have not gone away they point to higher death rates from coronavirus among black asian and minority ethnic groups as evidence of ongoing social inequalities 3 years ago. A community in a tower who had raised questions about safety in that were not listened to and one of the main reasons we would archaeal i would argue that they werent listened to was because of institutional racism because of the demographic they were largely a muslim they were largely black they were working Class Community and they were not taken seriously the pace of reform has also been slow at ensuring this cant happen again as many as 2000 buildings are said still to bear the flammable cladding that allowed the ground fell flames to whip up the side of the building and rage out of control with as many as 56000 building residents living at daily risk grunfeld tower and coronavirus have more in common besides lives from very different backgrounds in one of londons most multicultural settings imperiled then and in turmoil once more. You know all those escaped the fire with her family and wasnt able to complete her exams at a crucial stage in her School Career the school now because of the virus and has missed the chance to sit her a levels. At the old star. And then all my levels get canceled its a bit like why me i guess that people have had struggles in their life time everyone goes through their own battles so its kind of like oh no im not special. In terms of. Having finding something that keeps me going i guess everyone has something that keeps them going and i mean its nothing particular for me its just. Just keep moving forward and. Once again a lot is being shown on societys experiments demands for change now more urgent than ever joho aljazeera west london in brazil thousands of march through sao paulo in a demonstration against racism and the policies of the president. Is facing increasing criticism over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic brazil has just reported another 612 deaths in the last day now has the 2nd highest number of covert 19 deaths worldwide at more than 43000 but despite the rapidly rising number of deaths and infections he maintains the country should be opened back up. Meanwhile his supporters have turned out in the capital brasilia to give him their backing pro and antigovernment rallies have intensified in recent weeks as Brazils Health crisis has merged with the political crisis so lets get more from to reason both he joins us from buenos aires trees are there been several protests in brazil bring us up to date. Well thousands of people took to the streets this sunday in an avenue that thats right in the center of brazils Financial Capital mostly they were asking for precedent it will turn out as resignation saying that hes been mishandling the whole situation with the pandemic that hes responsible for the massive loss of life there was also people carrying banners with them saying black lives matters they were denouncing the amount of people that have been dying at the hands of Security Forces most of them are black and poor and they live in some of the countrys favelas mostly rio theres an aide to human Rights Groups have said that since was when i took office the amount of people dying in 55. 00 a less employees rates has greatly increased and the last demand of this people on the streets and so probably that were basically saying that the extreme we warned about brazils democracy about this confrontation that exists today between breasted and joey towards the maddow and the Supreme Court and congress and thats why on saturday night supporters of joe youve also got a went right outside the Supreme Court in brazilia and they started throwing fireworks this has generated that the governor of the Federal District asked to close down the whole area where the Supreme Court is the president ial palaces among others many in brazil feel that the country is completely adrift with the amount of people dying every day the amount of infections increasing every day and thats as subtly her its also not as popular. So either the death toll continues to rise some brazilian cities are continuing to ease their restrictions would have been the consequences. Well from the very beginning in brazil theres been this tension between president ially towards or not oh who was opposing any type of lockdown because he was saying that the economy in the country should be prioritized and imposing lockdowns in fact he clashed with the governor of south paolo for the governor of religion 80 who wanted to impose lockdowns at that time in the past few weeks we have seen this governors in the past few days im sorry we have seen these governors easing up this type of restriction some Shopping Centers and businesses have started to open up but of course this has increased the amount of people that are getting infected in brazil in fact the latest high profile figure that acknowledge being infected by covert 1000 is the mayor of. New york to use after to make a few tests today which an artist opposed to 19 coronavirus doctors acknowledged since he had no symptoms is to stay at home be able to continue to meet on long entry the intimate ill be able to continue working but from home the expectation is that i will be here if the next 10 days. Well and tension has been on the rise in brazil and mostly between the precedents and brazils institutions the Supreme Court the latest thing the president said is he asked his supporters to goes inside the hospitals where people are being treated and to film and take pictures of the intensive care units and see whether those areas are completely full because hes afraid that opposition governors may be trying to inflate the number the figures of the amount of people that are being infected so desperate there is lots of tensions in brazil these days and as the number of the death toll continues to rise most experts say that the only way to preserve life to prevent further loss of life to reimpose i lucked out in brazils major cities tourism reporting live for us from what is sars thank you. In the fire report of aljazeera series looking at the impact of covert 19 on indigenous communities were focusing on ecuador has the highest death toll per capita of any country in latin america but the Indigenous Community is using both ancient and new methods to fight back latin america editor lucien newman reports. Is an especially World Community perched on the high lands of ecuador. The centuries its been the Agricultural Service center for the capital keep it all about an hour away. You might as well be another world this sign Warns Community under quarantine. For 132 checkpoints in or around every single entry point ok everything is disinfected and the Indigenous Community controls should jewels entrances and exits of all vehicles and people. Only a few outsiders are allowed in a curfew from 2 pm to 5 am it is strictly enforced its now 2 pm and the town is closed till tomorrow. But even in a circular where. You must understand that the endian and the generous people have their own philosophy their own cause my vision language and culture thats applied to our struggle for land water and self preservation were also applying it now to the pandemic. Those who disobey by breaking curfew or other irresponsible behavior are submitted to indigenous justice. These young men are being punished with 8 to 16 hours of Community Work it could include everything from cleaning this plaza to public toilets its a moral sanction meant to embarrass them before the community that you are not your mum of the police sometimes hands them over to us and we assign the punishment. The results are impressive in this community of 120000. 00 there hasnt been a single death from cold 19 nothing short of miraculous in the country with the highest death toll per capita in latin america. Is nevertheless suffering on account of the pandemic. Its famous for its roses one of ecuadors main exports but with the World Economy on lockdown there roses have been wilting away. In the flowers our main source of income around 80 percent of the population lives from them so this pandemic has hurt us badly. A few cargo planes are beginning to export their beautiful products again albeit in small quantities. But the Indigenous Community likes to say that their lives will again smell like roses as long as they continue winning the battle against the intrusive new virus. You see in human aljazeera. The World Health Organizations regional director for europe has warned britain its still in a very active phase of the pandemic and should not rush to reopen. Economy his warning comes as nonessential shops prepared to reopen in england on monday u. K. Prime minister Boris Johnson visited a London Shopping Center earlier to look at some of the social distancing measures businesses that businesses have been putting in place and encourage people to spend the fashion industry is just one sector hoping to emerge from the lockdown unscathed but the plethora of new rules means the Shopping Experience is set to change emma haywood reports from stamford. Sarahs getting ready to reopen after having to close back in march shes kept busy by doing online deliveries under new rules though fewer people will be allowed in the shop at a time she recently lost her own father to coronavirus so wants things to run smoothly and safely were going to Risk Assessment of that would put in distance stickers on the floor were making sure people. Ties up before they come in. And when they leave really as well. And then were doing contact lists of possible cleaning all the sides down thoroughly cleaning morning and night these are challenging times for retailers opening their doors for the 1st time in 12 weeks the period saw the sharpest drop in shop was in britains towns and cities ever and its likely some businesses will never reopen again from the early days of the Wool Industry to now clothing has been big business for britain the fashion industry is worth 44000000000. 00 a year to the u. K. Economy and 890000. 00 people so theres a lot at stake we need to reset at this time of year people in the business are often looking to London Fashion week to help plan ahead its had to go digital because of the coronavirus pandemic according to many analysts were going to see a contraction of 35 percent in that luxury industry and what were seeing for the high street but also for designers are acceleration of what was happening at before there is in the timeline stories need to be experiential they need to bring something more to the equation designers are used to setting trends and working in a world agree invention adeline lee who designs high quality womens wear has along with a team of volunteers been making thousands of masts for key workers she told us the whole industry faces challenges in the coming months i dont think the. Core of the brand will change but obviously our externals have changed. Many of our stores are only just starting to open up now so theyve been closed for a while. Which means that the seasonal nature of it is going to be off kilter we have a lot of stores that are moving their seasons one season over so that what was supposed to have been delivered a month ago will come into the stores as they open up now back in stanford feeling hopeful that our customers will come back determined that her business wont be a casualty of this pandemic would aljazeera stanford the leader of the Orthodox Church in russia has consecrated a New Cathedral dedicated to the armed forces of the massive church is causing unease among Many Russians so negotiator explains why. It is one of the tallest cathedrals in the altar docs church built just outside moscow at the military themed patriotic park. To preserve action of christ cathedral is a shrine to Russias Armed forces it was like we got to mourn you with this harmony between the might of the armed forces and the spiritual might of the church of the spiritual and material of church and state led the path of our people go into the future in peace and prosperity and of this by god willing let there be new victories new achievements and you know defeats. A military mega church built in just under 600. 00 days the main dome stretching out a percent ice 19. 45 meters symbolizing the year the 2nd world war ended and the atheist soviet unions victory over nazi germany etc i am absolutely sure that all those who will come here will remember our countrys past heroic deeds and prepare for future feats. Replete with icons old and new as well as metal salvaged from nazi military hardware but these secular flourishes have not impressed everyone in the Orthodox Church. I am afraid that this is not the subject of a religious orthodox cult it is a cult object of a new religion the civil religion of russia their religion a victory cult of victory it turns out that our altar is not decided to christ not to christs victory but to something completely different their all why did concerns that using religion as a way to honor the military will lead to not just a loss of independence but create a mythologized history. This is not about religion this is for the army as current military and state leaders think russia needs an ideology we need political control of the armed forces and since for the time being official ideology is prohibited they invented that the Russian Orthodox faith will be an imitation of such an ideology its a symbol of president putins state ideology elevated the army to a quasar religious rank and among the pomp and ceremony the creation of a new history so new diagonal aljazeera. Still ahead this news hour big crowds get to watch superstar players as top level rugby continues its return in new zealand plus. Im katrina you are in beijing well artist and odd galleries have emerged from lockdown to explore the impact of the coronavirus pandemic one ally every day lives. 3 want a care bring your people back to life im sorry. But dates on the best of aljazeera is documentaries destro continual book from bondage to no use distance rewind continues with baltimore anatomy of an American City i have Close Friends who were lost to the streets i can literally see the future of baltimore to the us students and it does not look good rewind on aljazeera examining the impact of todays headlines i need to go to work because i need to make money risking our lives by going in setting the agenda for tomorrows discussions racially charged social unrest on a scale lawsuit induct International Filmmakers who moon class journalists bring programs to inform and inspire you the terrorist but youre here the story your city walk the path on aljazeera. Home. Now heres andy with the sport. Thank you so much charlie well a huge crowd is welcome top level rugby banks in new zealand aiden park stadium more than 40000 fans in attendance for the game between the all cleaned based blues in the hurricanes of wellington it was the biggest crowd in 15 years for a super rugby match up the stadium with no limits on crowd size and long social distancing required many there to see the blues debut of all black star bowden parents who had previously played one of his super rugby matches for the hurricanes the blues winning this 130 points to 20. 1 look at that sleep trick its great ceased to hear so many kids so many fans for years is just a start for us were we there. Are plenty of games to come and a tough one around the corner against the chiefs weve got to keep their feet on the ground is plenty of work to be done relative moved back within 2 points of Spanish League leaders barcelona beats in 31 in their 1st game since the competition was suspended due to coronavirus all games are being played without fans and rail and using a venue with their Training Ground as their home stadium while Building Work is carried out at the bernabeu. The league is set to take legal action against a fan who ran on the pitch during barcelonas game against me yorker the firm climbs the scale the 2 metre high fence to gain access to me like a stadium so he could take a selfie with a little messy the league said it considers the incident a criminal act so winning that game 4 nil. Now just one win away from sealing an 8th straight German League championship leaders beating brush munching glad but the one at home to maintain their title charge means theyre now 7 points clear of 2nd host bar should all move at the top of the table. And can seal the title for a record 38th time on shoes day. Thats when they take on further ground wasnt it seems reasonable to you it will not be a walk in the park against bremen we will have to play in a highly concentrated and focused manner Thomas Miller and robert love and well be back well see what happens we cannot be as successful as possible in all our matches this is our aim that is what we want and that is how we will approach the match. No man just brown stayed in contention with this one no win over fortuna does sort of early holland continuing his incredible start at the club the teenager scoring in the 5th minute of added time that is his 11th goal in just 12 appearance than dorgan had courage lucene far couldnt enjoy the moment for too long is trying to carve muscle during his celebrations dormant i mights on wednesday. Napoli have books their place in the final of the copper its how they knocked out in summer and to get there it was the 1st match for both clubs since football regime in italy following the corona virus lock down. Well it was the tribute before kickoff to the more than 34000 people in italy that of lost their large cue to the virus. After one song win the game thanks to their star 4 drinks mertons the belgian scoring the decisive goal to seal the tight c one argument that is 100 and 23rd strike for napoli making him the clubs all time leading scorer they will face events this in the final. Price on your hands all time leading scorer Edinson Cavani set to leave the club the year ago on leave once the Champions League is over scored 600. 00 goals appears jesus joining in 2030 is too much of a silver also on the way out. Now series a tournament organized by tennis world no more never a joke of it shes had a setback the 1st events being played on in france some big crowds in just reaches home crowned hung country of serbia but that sort of 3rd leg which is scheduled to take place in montenegro has been cancelled due to travel restrictions put into limit the possible spread of coronavirus the regular a. T. P. Tour that suspended until at least the end of july. If its still going to take a while until the normal tour continues tournaments or even events like the other 2 are super important for players that we can complete the game for fans that they can see 10 isnt for all tennis fans around the world because they can fall on the t. V. And the legendary 24 hour rally is the latest events have gone virtual form a winner and f. Or great fan that wasnt so among those sealing up with esports drivers for a slightly different form of competition on the dates the actual race was due to happen its hard to the iconic brands will still happen for real in september. Ok but as a sports looking for now lets get back to charley in london. Thank you andy chinas art scene was one of the 1st to emerge from the lockdown galleries reopening beijing a showcasing work reflecting the impact of the pandemic on everyday lives with some artist casting a critical eye over the governments response between a new report from beijing warring governments and a Global Pandemic these are all themes explored in baiting artists to ensure this latest work he believes the World Leaders have used the coronavirus as a weapon to divide society i think if this is really so really so sad people never get together before flying to each other. And conflict are frequently explored in animated films each is made up of thousands of painted wood carvings his team is working on the next 90 minute feature to be completed in 2022. So this is a really small part says its important for artists to reflect on the outbreak especially in china where criticism is often censored and controls have increased you control the government is enough. Dont need to control control too much. Or too much i think of chinas problem is that you control too much and everything slow and a lot of people die you know we can do better. Some reflecting on the way governments have responded to the Health Crisis others are examining our response as individuals the exhibition meditations in an emergency features the work of 26 international and chinese artists from mortality and illness to media and how these artists are helping audiences come to terms with what it means to live in an age of a modern pandemic from installation speech or laptops endlessly scrolling online news articles to representations of human remains organizers say the exhibition thompson who is to reflect on the coronavirus as a universal experience you know what is the prevaricator has it taught us about our every day routines of their fertility what is it taught us about health about our bodies about our vulnerability for the 1st time in months this is all slowly returning to chinas districts not every gallery has survived the lockdown but soon should is confident that as the pandemic eases people will turn to ought to help make sense of this challenging time and history looking back not only on what was lost but what those learned. Aljazeera beijing its the u. S. President 74th birthday and dozens of voters have taken to the water to celebrate a number of floating parades have been held across the country including in florida planned to cruise to donald trump resort the president being called trump teles and then becoming a popular way for trouble supporters to come together distancing. Well you can find much more oil stories on the web site the address for that is al jazeera dot com. Thats it for me for this news about be back in a moment with more of the days news. The be. Heard. Isolating times the listening post cuts through the noise leave the looking at another side of this story not so much information around the outbreak but. Separating propaganda from fact its reality and you have to. Exposing the optics try to manipulate the rhetoric and play but they cannot manipulate the listening post your insight going to the media accuracy or. Context these are the same storytelling around the biggest issues. And today you should do it again. Join our Global Community this is just isnt the place that blessing upon my sin upon human hands equals Global Health keeping you up to date for situation where we have a human rights crisis that persists beyond the Health Crisis answering your questions is. Just nothing we are now approaching a crossroads this is an opportunity that we must miss the stream on aljazeera. India is to turn 500. 00 Railway Carriages into makeshift hospitals while pakistan sealed off high risk areas as new coronavirus cases. This is al jazeera live from london also coming up. Atlanta quickly firing one of its offices after another black man is killed by police. Arrest

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