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Bidding farewell to its late leader a state funeral is being held for the president here. And joining us roscoe with the sports. Fans celebrate as a whole takes the English Premier League title for the 1st time in 30 years when they were scrabble set up in the race for the crown. To start this news in iraq where the Security Officials there have raided a base belonging to an iranian backed armed group 10 rockets were seized and at least 13 members of hezbollah were detained including its commanders the groups fighters and are demanding their release lets go straight to baghdad where correspondent Simona Fulton is standing by for us so mona can you walk us through just what happened here. Well last night the Iraq Counterterrorism forces received an order from the Prime Minister to carry out a raid on one of the basis of. A southern neighborhood of baghdad they detained at least 13 people and seized 10 rockets and this operation was according to my sources in an effort to prevent an impending rocket attack on the fortified green zone as well as Baghdad International airport both of which house u. S. Forces and we have seen similar attacks of this nature take place 6 to be precise in the course of the past month now what happened afterwards is that these detainees as well as the rockets where handed over to the Iraqi Joint Operations command and this is where things get a little bit confusing because weve had conflicting statements as to what has happened to those detainees since there were negotiations ongoing between the Prime Ministers office and the government on one hand and on the other hand the leadership of the Popular Mobilization forces which is this Umbrella Group that includes hezbollah to negotiate the release of those detainees at the same time we had a group of dozens of armed men who arrived in pickup trucks inside the fortified green zone these men were said to be members of hezbollah as well as the Popular Mobilization forces demanding the release of those detainees who they said were arrested illegally without an arrest warrant now as of now we still dont have an official governments they meant as to what has happened to those detainees and a government source told us. Unofficial leave that they are still in detention that they are under investigation but other sources from the p. M. S. And also Parliament Members who say that they were part of the negotiations have told us that in fact they were released so its unclear exact. The where these detainees are and what exactly will happen but it highlights the complicated nature of such an operation because there is such such deep rifts within the iraqi political and military advance cape samina can you just put this in the context for us of the recent us iran tensions in iraq well you know the presence of those fighters inside the green zone lied to was very much a throwback to december 31st of last year which if you remember is when the p. M. S. Laid siege to the u. S. Embassy inside the green zone after the United States attacked its base the base of the type hezbollah at the iraqi Syrian Border and if you remember those events then escalated culminating in the assassination of iraqi general customs for the money here in baghdad so since then tensions have called off and the u. S. Has. Put a lot of pressure on the government especially the new government of the far causing me to rein in groups like the type hezbollah which the u. S. Accuses of conducting these attacks on bases that house u. S. Troops now the focus of them in the new Prime Minister himself he has said this is one of his priorities but last nights events highlight just how difficult it is to pull off such an operation amid mounting opposition by both iranian backed armed groups as well as some Political Parties to these arrests simona thanks very much. Well the Iraqi Government has been promising to crackdown on for t. V. Hezbollah and other similar groups since july of last year the shia armed group was formed before the invasion of iraq on anti western and pro iranian ideals during the war it became known for its attacks against american and Coalition Forces the group has longstanding ties with tehran and is often considered to be an extension of the Iranian Revolutionary guard its leader the 100 was assassinated in the same drone strike that killed the iranian general customs for the money last year the Iraqi Government offered an ultimatum integrate with the armed forces or disband it refuse to integrate and is continued to carry out attacks on Coalition Forces and has been blamed for a siege on camp taji in march that killed one british and 2 american soldiers. Hes a researcher at the university of exeter strategy and Security Institute he joins us from london. Why can the Prime Minister in baghdad not successfully push back against this group. I think the key thing to understand here is that Prime Minister must accompany and despite is best efforts and whatever his best intentions may be. Does not have a popular mandate so if we examine how we came to our own 1st instance it was by the agreement of both the United States and iran and this was pushed through parliament by blocs that have loyalties to both sides so if you look at the majority of the Iraqi Parliament today and the most powerful coalitions they tend to be pro uranian groups so hes there for the moxy of groups that have very close ties to the Popular Mobilisation forces and the probably on shia militias within them and if he had a popular mandate for example say he ran for election with his own Political Party is own political manifesto and he won it would be a different matter because he would be able to have m. P. s on his side that will help him legislate to curb their powers and curb their influence unfortunately as it stands and since 20162017 when laws were passed that incorporated the Popular Mobilization of forces into the Iraqi Armed Forces. We now have a situation whereby members of one branch of the armed forces are now arresting members of another branch of the armed forces so you can see how whats formed here is a kind of in effect a deep state so you have various factions within the iraqi state is that you shouldnt who are loyal to one side or another or even loyal only to themselves and they snipe at each other for want of a better word why does this particular group refuse the offer of integration they clearly have but would desire i guess a bigger stronger more meaningful footprint in the country maybe to the stage where they could claim some sort of political legitimacy with a small p a few will so why they said no why do they carry on ploughing their own pharo. I suppose it goes down to the way that the organizational structure of the proper known forces currently stands so although its you know its identified as a separate branch of the Iraqi Armed Forces in effect its made up of dozens of different of factions who are not necessarily allied to each other but on the whole are dominated by forces that are loyal to your arms revolutionary guard corps if were looking at that hizbullah has a specific case study its history extends all the way back to the iranian out war so were looking at things that have happened in the 1980 s. Influence in whats happening today in 2020. And therefore because of their very close ties to the Iranian Regime and because of the way that they conducted business previously and how that all kind of loops in with this whole new europe the deep state as it were then we have a situation whereby if they exceed to the governments demands and they agree to work with the Prime Minister and formally become part of the iraqi army it will mean that the problem obligation forces will have to disband in and of itself thats 1. 00 and 2. 00 it would mean that they become diluted so that access to various portions of the budget will become constrained the access to political favors will become constrained if they are kind of part of just the broader Iraqi Military so thats where they want to maintain their own distinct identity because they can already influence and and you know kind of pull on the leaders of influence themselves as an independent entity within a broader state institution ok we have to leave their talent there in the u. K. Thank you very much. France germany and italy are calling for an end to fighting in libya they want outside powers to end their involvement in the conflict to get talks back on track theyve issued a joint statement it says in light of the growing risks of a deterioration in libya and regional escalation we call on all libyan parties to immediately cease fighting and to suspend the ongoing military buildup throughout the country theyre also urging foreign actors to end all interference and to fully respect the arms embargo established by the Un Security Council earlier turkey said any ceasefire would depend on the warlord holy for after his forces withdrawing from 2 regions and. Supports the un backed government of National Accord its also condemned russia for fueling instability by supporting after the g. And a recently pushed back his forces from the capital tripoli on weapons day arab leaders called for a truce and talks between the warring sides joins us live now from tripoli mahmoud welcome back to the news what are the chances that after actually listens to whats being asked of him. Well it does not seem that he will respond given the fact that his forces helped by russian mercenaries and also by russian weapons including 14 at least fighter jets thats according to the u s report in the city of sirte in fact the Government Military sources they that the fighter jets the russian fighter jets fighting before have to have been targeting the locations west have said it several times and thats why the movement on so that has been derailed on the other hand the government of national called also does not seem to like any Peace Initiative coming from the egyptian regime this statement by the 3 European Countries as the european reveals the european concern over 2 major issues the Russian Military presence in the region which is a kind of threat to europe as you know david this is the gas and oil supply lines to europe of course the European Countries do not want russia to be to exist in a place where their supply line or gas and oil supply. Goes now also there is another concern for europe in the libyan crisis which is the military the military existence but in all cases the fact that this statement as well coming get any Peace Initiative encouraging any Peace Initiative including the initiative submitted by digital regime this also indicates that the government in tripoli is not going to welcome this statement because it does not trust any peace proposal coming from the egyptian regime given the fact that the egyptian regime has been threatening libya has been accused by the government of violating libyas sovereignty ok well leave it there mark. Thanks very much mark what correspondent reporting live from tripoli. Irans ministry of defense says a gas storage tank has exploded on the outskirts of tehran this video was shared on social media people spoke of hearing a big explosion Officials Say crews quickly put out the fire and there were no casualties 5 civilians have been killed in an attack in central yemen according to the media the saudi u. A. E. Coalition launched several air strikes targeting vehicles transporting gasoline just north of the albaida government at least 5 other people were injured in the raids last more ground still to come for you on the news hour including u. S. Officials estimate the number of covert 19 infections there is 10 times higher than confirmed. And a major ruling expected by the International Criminal court that is soon possible israeli war crimes for the seizure of occupied palestinian lands. Also ahead well take a closer look at the man who led liverpool to their 1st premier league title in 30 years thats coming up with joe in sports in about 30 minutes. The leaders of Southeast Asian countries are calling for a unified response to the coronavirus pandemic to ensure a strong economic recovery theyve been meeting on video link for the latest summit hosted by vietnam which so far has responded to the virus better than most countries when hey reports from bangkok. This wasnt the Opening Ceremony vietnam had in mind as it takes its turn to host the association of Southeast Asian nations summits. Like many events around the world coronavirus change plans but vietnams quick and robust response to the pandemic which has infected fewer than 400 people here meant that at least a meeting was able to take place just with no foreign leaders. In the cave in 1000 outbreak has consequences in Economic Development and social stability for us here on Member States we feel the sorrow of thousands of families that have lost loved ones to the virus. And the Economic Situation is expected to get worse even as some International Borders in the region begin to reopen the Asian Development banks revised outlook for this year has the combined economies of the bloc contracting by 2. 7 percent on the sidelines of the summit trade ministers are continuing to negotiate the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership its a 15 nation trade deal that suffered several delays in setbacks including the withdrawal of india and is now expected to be finalized next year but thailands Prime Minister wants it signed this year to help speed up recovery from the pandemic vietnam also wants to see concrete progress if not an agreement this year on a code of conduct for the South China Sea several Southeast Asian nations including vietnam have territorial disputes with china which claims almost the entire area raising tensions the United States this week positioned 3 of its aircraft carriers in the Philippine Sea close to disputed areas vietnam is seen as the strongest opponent in the region to beijings assertiveness which may increase while the world in particular the United States is preoccupied with coronavirus but vietnams position is one that has to balance with its own economic interests the high as well. Trade between any member state to china with now reg number one hence they can separate between Economic Issues social cultural issues and Security Issues that hanoi may push hard to have the code of conduct signed this year while its the host nation of the Southeast Asian bloc with terms more favorable to its position the next summit also in vietnam which usually involves leaders will representatives from outside the region like china and the United States will take place in November Wayne hay al jazeera bangkok ok for more here on the news hour lets turn to rebecca barber she is the research of the Asia Pacific Center for the responsibility to protect with the university of queensland she joins us on skype from melbourne in australia Rebecca Barbara so many issues on the the virtual table this year whats the number one priority for us. I think one of the key priorities that is young right now is the ongoing violence being perpetrated by the me among military against their hearing of people in Rakhine State im going to its got genocide in Rakhine State and the situation of them more than 800000 reading of refugees in light of that is in the well in bangladesh. And tension on that generators today pandemic distracting attention from the crime ongoing and theyve committed against their writing. About in contrast to silence on the issue of the violence against their anger. And the case of genocide against me among government is progressing through the International Court of justice and the International Criminal court is also hearing ok investigating a case of alleged application and persecution against their hearing by that myanmar government and the developments in the International Justice system showing up the fact that as an leaders and as the un as a regional then as ation not said a word of condemnation against the government in relation to its islands against their anger people you kind of anticipated my next point when it comes to not a word of condemnation theres always a communique or publication at the end of these get togethers should they mention me in law and realistically what are the chances that they wont. Absolutely they should say since 2018 and your communiques of the as the and latest summits have made reference to the situation of the ringing in Rakhine State. But they have not criticized the government. Express their concern regarding the humanitarian situation and their expressed their support for the government medium law in its efforts to address the root causes of the crisis is for as you and to continue to express its important to governments lot at the same time that same government is to put preparing its depends genocide before the International Court of justice and i think we have the highlights the extent to which as the un is being left on the sidelines on these issues in the International Actors is again forced to take the lady by the to the lack of action at the national and the rage you know level say yes they should in terms of the chances of them actually making such a statement that have they and bade a number of the and late is who individually have expressed their desire and full of the un to take a strong stance on the violence against their own and. Their. Statements itself have also expressed the nade point as the end to take a strong stance avis some evidence and movement on the issue with the idea and i think its very much in the end interest for it to take a strong stance ok lets talk about coronavirus the next minute or so please. Me that youve got made up of some countries some of them are very wealthy some of them are very poor so how do you put those countries into the same place when it comes to being able to provide Health Care Going forward and to supporting a situation perhaps where the pandemic becomes endemic in certain locations. As the sense that the tension on the on the pandemic in the summit is distracting attention from its key issues even as the im late is needing to make a statement on on the violence against their young i think its i mean saying some some statements that have come out of their summit site had does seem to exclusively focus on on the pandemic from what i can see i havent seen a single. Reference so far and statements to violence being traded against there are him going it seems to me significant and mission given. On going concern thats been expressed to be International Level you know relation to the violence rebecca barber there at the university of queensland in melbourne thank you very much. Thank you. For weeks and see at least one theory in the refugees have been rescued off the coast of indonesia their boat was totally shore by locals off the authorities refused to let them land because of coronavirus fears theyve been given shelter by the community and they have had medical checks as well jessica washington has more now from jakarta. This is very much a developing situation now because of local Community Intervention because locals did in fact carry them off that vessel that did sort of force the hand of local authorities and now the process is under way there for cation identifying these refugees its only then that will able to say with certainty what will happen to them at this stage it does seem likely that they will be permitted to say but local authorities have not indicated any sort of decisiveness in terms of. Coming to that sort of decision as yet so we will have to wait and see we have heard briefly from the Central Government not specifically with regards to this case but saying that more needs to be done by by countries in the region to make sure that people dont undertake these perilous journeys at sea human rights organizations have applauded the local community for intervening for coming in to save these refugees from indonesian waters but they say now its time for the government and for local authorities to clarify what happens next well the authorities in me in milan say theyve destroyed nearly 840000000. 00 worth of illegal narcotics a portion of the drugs were set on fire and young go on the flames at one point did get too close to a nearby Observation Deck in maimie and more officials said they seized a record level of narcotics including an unprecedented amount of fan to know the United Nations has warned Southeast Asia is becoming a leading source of synthetic drugs destined for other parts of the world india has reported nearly 500000 coronavirus cases the countrys largest care facility is being readied in south delhi to tackle a surge in infections its the size of 15 football fields it can accommodate more than 10000 patients at a time but analysts warn its not enough to tackle the pandemic lets get more now from our colleague elizabeth peron im in new delhi liz welcome back to the news hour is this facility up and running yet less. Well the government has just confirmed was that the facility facility is now ready to start taking patients it was a Spiritual Center that used to host sermons for up to 300000 people thats been converted into a Treatment Facility and that by the end of next week it will have 10000 beds they say that its going to have 400 doctors oxygen facilities its own testing labs ambulances and paramedics but those who need critical kid those needing ventilators will be referred to nearby hospitals now as well as this facility the Delhi Government has also been conversing Hotels Banquet halls train carriages into Treatment Centers as the number of cases in delhi continue to rise theyre going up by nearly 4000 just in the capital alone and he did start they doubled in fact the number of tests that they conducted this week and they are expecting more than half a 1000000 cases by the end of next month and so thats why theyre expanding Health Care Facilities theyre expanding testing all of this is welcome but the fact is that while there are expanding facilities they dont have enough Health Care Workers to man them ok leave it there liz thanks very much for this was thrown in our correspondent reporting live from new delhi. To the United States the u. S. Census for Disease Control c. D. C. Believes the true number of americans infected by covert 1000 could be 10 times higher than the 2300000 cases that have been confirmed so far the country recorded his biggest daily increase in new cases on thursday some states and poising efforts to reopen their economies has rob reynolds. The Magic Kingdom will not be seeing any visitors for now as the Disney Corporation has delayed the reopening of its Amusement Park in Anaheim California pending new guidelines from the State Government the pullback comes as sharply increased numbers of corona virus cases were reported in arizona california texas florida and more than a dozen other states the Company Still plans to reopen disney world in florida on july 11th but many floridians think thats too soon about 10000 people have signed a petition demanding disney delayed till the coronavirus numbers come down this is me isnt the only one now slamming on the brakes apple announced it would close 7 apple stores in houston after recently shutting 11 of its stores in arizona Texas Governor greg abbott who had previously pushed an aggressive restart schedule for businesses in his state hit the pause button on further reopening everyone now needs to understand the spread of cobra 19 is real in the state of texas abbott says testing shows a massive outbreak and hospitals in major texas cities like houston are on the verge of being overwhelmed people started to act like it was summer and they started to act like it wanted to go back to parties knew lots of big things and its coming back and its quite Airline Company stocks took a big hit on wall street thursday after new York New Jersey and other northeastern states said theyd require travelers from covert hotspots. To self quarantine on arrival we also have to make sure the virus doesnt come into play i mean again in washington president Donald Trumps Economic Advisor ignored the overwhelming evidence of a surge theres a lot of positive declines in cases just as there are negative declines case so you know he said to walk through that but no we will not shut economy down meanwhile the centers for Disease Control said the true number of people infected with covert 19 in the u. S. May be 10 times higher than reported that could mean as many as 23000000 people in the u. S. Have been infected many without showing symptoms the c. D. C. Calculated the new number based on blood sample testing from around the country for the presence of antibodies to covert 19 rob reynolds Al Jazeera Los Angeles ok here we go we always pulls for miss jenny with the weather now its all been a bit across europe but its beginning to go the other way and it is you some that are very well paced it is indeed let me start by showing the satellite you can see weve been told those like a skies for ages but in actual fact now you can see quite a bit of cloud and actually some thunderstorms beginning to push in across areas in the west that have a look at this because people flocking to the beach and the netherlands and sunny fucking to the beaches in the south of england as a side thats is set to change not the good news as well as this should also be set to change this is the west of ukraine finally thursday rescues are able to get into this one particular village and start to vacuum people these are the worst floods in this particular region this couple regions actually across into ukraine since 2008 it has been days a very very heavy amounts of rain and of course continuing to fall on a very very saturated ground now there is actually a little bit more rain into the 4 cars but nothing like we have seen you can see that this country instead across much of Central Europe and beginning as i say to push in across fonts and eventually across into the low countries an awful fight through friday and saturday the u. K. Met office has got some warnings in place. The rain is heavy but really the warnings off of the tensional of some strong thunderstorms they could have some heavy downpours but already the time it is beginning to come back down to these more normal levels are continue to ease as well as we go through sunday and you can see this slightly here less warm colors out towards the west but still very warm 3 Central Eastern as about book arrest a good 7 degrees above the average but conditions coming down elsewhere berlin and also london getting back to what we should see really this time again of course in a few days it will actually be july 2nd then people start moaning about the rain yes of course jenny. Still to come here on the news out. This bill heres the cry of those who have never been heard trying to reform the police the u. S. House of representatives passes a bill but for now it is unlikely to become law. For centuries the 700000 residents of washington d. C. Have had no Voting Rights in Congress Comes of the state. And scored a little cool down so it was the English Premier League title well hear from the coach coming up in sports with joe in 15 minutes. In a 2 part series. 0 observes the lives of 2 children. Over 20 years. May or insights into circumstances that cheap lives. In a rapidly changing world. 20 years of mean starts with blood and land to produce a story on how to see you around. When the news breaks children here say theyre excited to be back at school but also nervous when people who need to be hard to walk up are currently has plenty of polish if dependency on foot in part had it under tension enough to push their country focus on it the method of production aljazeera has teams on the ground just because its life doesnt mean it cannot be crushed what about the guy that cant afford it to bring you more room would win documentaries and live a nice. Welcome if just joining us youre watching the aljazeera news 60 minutes of news and comment your top Stories Security Forces in iraq have raided a base belonging to an iranian backed Militia Group south of the capital baghdad 10 rockets were seized and at least 13 members of hezbollah were detained including its commanders. France germany and italy have issued a joint statement calling for an end to fighting in libya they want outside powers to end their involvement in the conflict so peace talks can get back on track and the plight of reading the refugees is due to be discussed at the asean summit which is under way in vietnam remotely because of coronavirus this comes as nearly 100. 00 refugees have been rescued in indonesia by local fisherman. People in burundi a gathering to attend a state funeral for the late president Koroma Caesar he died earlier this month while still in office the funeral is taking place in the capital to take and it will include military honors and religious ceremonies to aljazeera catherine soyuz following developments for up for us from my Roby Catherine just explain to us what we can expect to see today. Well. All of the former president has just arrived at this stadium in detail go where thousands of people have been waiting since morning dressed in black and white we also have several dignitaries from Different Countries that the Prime Minister and the former president jacques kayaking quite as well but these are very difficult times because of the coronavirus and this is a debate that has been going on in the room dnd the death of the former president itself has been very controversial the government has said that he died of a cardiac arrest but somebody rudy and medical workers weve been talking to say he could have died of of coronavirus so this is something that is ongoing debate that is ongoing in the government itself has faced a lot of criticism about how it has handled this pandemic and the measures it has put in place to help stop the spread of this disease we have not been seeing any you know social distancing or people Wearing Masks and this we also witnessed in the recently concluded election during campaigns during the voting it solved we did not see any measures in place and even now at this stage we are not seeing much in terms of maj preventative measures in place yes there is some hand washing points at the entrances of the stadium and a few people are Wearing Masks but theres no social distancing at all so a lot of blue indians weve talked to saying that theyre hoping that perhaps the new president of various National Media is going to make some changes its going to be different but so far we havent seen any change in policy pizza takes some time of course to process when someone that level in a countrys politics passes away he died young he was in his mid fiftys when people come to write books about what you think his legacy will be. Well i think its going to be a mixed legacy the people that weve been talking about the bruins weve been talking to at this stadium say that look he did bring the peace we have to give him that he did bring peace to would be after in 2005 a decade and a half of a civil war that so hundreds of thousands of people die and he was the leader of one of the armed groups that signed a peace accord that is being used to date but many other blue indians will tell you that the negative legacy will overshadow the good his done for example they say that he was an autocratic leader he led a very oppressive government and this just became washed up to 2015 during the president ial election where he decided to stand for a 3rd his opponents say that this was unconstitutional there was an attempted coup and after that his government became even more pressing many people what killed a lot of those killings blamed on Security Forces thousands of people fled the country or hundreds of thousands are still refugees in neighboring countries so people saying that yes he started out well but the negative legacy will greatly of a shadow what he did a legacy of oppression a lot of people have told us catherine thank you so much cancer and so our correspondent there reporting live from nairobi on the events taking place as we speak in burundi. There are calls for the International Criminal court in the hague to launch an investigation into potential war crimes committed by israel the Court Pretrial Chamber is looking at what jurisdiction it has over the occupied palestinian territory so many palestinians they say they want justice spoke to one family whose son was killed by the israeli army near bethlehem. This is the house. To live in after he got married but that plan never came to be. The 23 year old was killed by an israeli soldier last year its mother says he was helping a family after they were also shot at by Israeli Soldiers the attack happened close to a military watchtower near bethlehem in the south of the occupied west bank the Israeli Military prosecution says its considering legal action against the soldier so. Hell be put under house arrest i dont expect more than that they did the same in other cases i dont expect a serious sentence but i dont think we should stay silent the whole world should know that we are being oppressed. Signs of distress cant be missed in this house. It was trying to help this family after the father. Was shot he says his car had broken down when the soldiers shot at him he was taken to hospital leaving his wife and daughters in the car i just said know how delicious it came to the car to help us restart the engine but the car didnt work so he left to check something we later found out he was shot and killed we heard shots before he entered the car after. The family thinks i might have been shot unintentionally but dont expect compensation hes had several operations and has been out of work since human rights organizations say israeli courts give an illusion of justice when the victims palestinian indictments against soldiers are hard to come across and documentation is becoming more important than ever the organization documents cases of what it says are extrajudicial killings it wants the International Criminal court to investigate some of these cases. Israeli soldiers usually get reduced sentences this is one way of preventing the i. C. C. From taking on doctors because it would be double jeopardy to the sentence is not proportional to the crime will the i. C. C. Look at this case i cant answer that precisely it should be able to i months mother says his death has devastated the family and nothing will compensate for the loss but the fair sentence for his killer could help at least she says she would feel like she fought for her sons right after hes gone into. The occupied west bank. Turning our attention to the u. S. Where the house of representatives is due to vote today on whether to grant full state good to washington d. C. The Nations Capital if it passes the house and then the senate the districts more than 700000. 00 residents would finally have representation and full Voting Rights in Congress Mike hanna explains the residents of washington d. C. The district of columbia have been denied their right to fully participate in their democracy since the founding of the Nations Capital over 2 centuries ago its being a district and not part of the state it has no governor and its elected representative has no boat in Congress Statehood is priceless statehood assures there living in the nations capitol. Its about pride not prejudice. This was the moment at which the district strive to state to the chief real traction federal offices Disperse Protesters outside the white house in an action ordered by the trumpet ministration not by the citys elected officials there shouldnt be troops from other states and washington d. C. And they are very definitely shouldnt be soldiers stationed around our city waiting for the girl to attack americans in a local policing matter in a city where nearly half the population is African American statehood is a civil rights issue Eleanor Holmes norton has represented d. C. For nearly 3 decades shes the great granddaughter of a slave who found freedom in the district but not representation in congress i feel her pulse as the member who represents my city. And of course i feel and in my own lineage as a 3rd generation washingtonian whose family has never experienced all of it within their own country so for me this is patriotic and its for some the president has made clear he will oppose any move to statehood as would his fellow republican the Senate Majority leader. To make the district of columbia stayed true to Democratic Senators but those advocating stay to a doctor taking a long term view hoping that the composition of the senate and the occupant of the white house will change often have been busily action as a must thats a must see now. Show a strong likelihood that my party the Democratic Party in the United States will take control of the senate as my party the democrats hand taking control of the house the bill is certain to pass in the house but given Republican Opposition that will take an election for the mayors hope of a few one stars on the u. S. Flag to become a reality by kind of aljazeera washington. The u. S. House of representatives has passed the Sweeping Police Reform bill brought by the Democratic Party the legislation would reduce Legal Protections for officers and ban chokeholds it will not be sent to the Republican Controlled Senate where it is likely to be rejected. As that debate in the house was happening President Trump was criticizing the democrats saying theyre tougher to deal with than some foreign governments so which is the toughest nation to deal with is it china. Is it possibly russia or is it maybe north korea i should know the toughest nation to deal with are the democrats in the u. S. The democrats in the usa are much tougher to deal with any of these people that we deal with. Theyre far more unreasonable and actually theyre a little crazy. Meanwhile the trumpet ministration the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care act otherwise known as obamacare it comes as the government reported some half a 1000000 people have relied on the program for their coverage many have lost their Health Insurance some of the economic slowdown caused by the coronavirus an attempt to repeal the Affordable Care act failed in 2017 even when republicans fully controlled Congress Since then the president has put the weight of his ministration behind the legal challenge. University students in panama city are protesting against the governments response to the pandemic they claim workers on being protected and government aid is not enough to help those whove lost their jobs the president lauren tino cortizone sacked his Health Minister and 2 other cabinet members over corruption scandals the virus is spreading rapidly in panama with more than 29000 cases and 564 deaths. Running gun battles between rival drug gangs in mexico have killed at least 16 people the bodies were found in rural cinna lower states in the territory of El Chapo Guzman cartel Gang Violence has been increasing this year 3000 murders were recorded in march thats the 2nd highest monthly tally on the record 117 people were killed on june the 7th the most violent day this year in economically in the poem and. It was clearly between organized crime groups operating in this area and involved competition between gangs to give you an idea in the last month we have seized 40 heavy rock fals 5 machine guns 2 berets 10 grenades 35000 cartridges and 24 vehicles in the tepic area alone. The big swarm of locusts that originated in paraguayan is making its way through argentina and stretching towards brazil Brazils Agriculture Ministry has declared an agricultural emergency into Southern States for the past several days clouds of the insects of spread through northeast argentina devouring the crops there by thursday it reached an area 100 kilometers from the brazilian border. Saddam has written to the Un Security Council about his concerns surrounding ethiopia filling a reservoir on the blue nile the grand renaissance dam has been causing tensions in the region egypt says it will affect its water supply but ethiopia says it will transform the economy the u. N. Secretary general antonio terrace says he believes talks to resolve it will still move forward. We believe that the process is still moving forward we fully support this and. We have offered an offer again today on good offices to the Prime Minister so that and for every single weekend to support this current process we believe that the only way out in a situation like this is through a dialogue. Among the parties only real b. S. This falls out of the park. Malawis opposition candidate lazarus truck where up has claimed victory in the rerun of last years president ial election early results are put them ahead of the incumbent peter most of the votes are still being counted. As more. Human rights activists in malawi are not shit and fighting for electoral justice as votes kartik continues are to choose days president ial rerun they say now is the time to be extra vigilant but what is more important is to make sure that. What has been done at all the Polling Centers isnt being restricted at the National Data center and would want. To guard that process. In terms of what they want and. What they voted for but the activists mobilized thousands of opposition supporters upset president peter one last years disputed election their anger led to the courts nullifying the result saying there was evidence of a temporary allowance voted again in every. Month of antigovernment protests leading up to the rerun bitterly divided the country some people blame the Human Rights Defenders Coalition known as h r d c for the sometimes violent demonstrations. Obvious that something had gone wrong so out say. About one of them were cheap but they should also learn lessons about what things how they could have done things a little bit better malawi is the 2nd country in africa to have a president ial election result overturned it 1st happened in kenya 3 years ago Later Commission is under pressure to avoid another round of protests its official say this time though telling is being done manually to avoid allegations of tampering with computer service. This point is not speed. Criminy we want to put in place a process. Not when we. Finish everybody across the country. That is the reflection on the waters. Some analysts say malawis election is a test case for other nations in africa to see how allegations of voter fraud are handled and just how effective pressure groups are when it comes to keeping political elites and its issues in check Malawi Civil Society gives us day to whoever wins this election serve us or dont treat us. Algis are. Still to come here on the news out i. I was 30 years of waiting finally yields an English Premier League title joe will have the details in sport next. The all the way. Some things are worth waiting for and talk about the football and you of course is joe thank you very much he said yes liverpool manager you can top says hes completely overwhelmed after his team clinched the English Premier League title for the 1st time in 30 years fans celebrated outside there and field home after cup side secured the crown when 2nd place man says city lost 21 to chelsea on thursday event the live call could not be caught with a 23. 00 point lead over city and 7 games remaining. Despite current virus restrictions the party also moved to the streets in full city centers fansite saying the clubs and them will never walk alone. Meanwhile the Liverpool Team watched the Manchester City game together and celebrated into the night afterwards. Im completely overwhelmed i am i dont know its a mix of everything im relieved im happy im proud im i could be more proud on the boys. Are we watched the game tonight together we knew it could happen cannot happen we dont know we will bomb the play football anyway we are really happy that we are allowed to play again and then it happened that moment it was a pure explosion when we counted down the last 5 seconds of the game the ref called a little bit longer than us so we had to look for 2 or 3 more passes. For more passes and then it was pure. I cannot describe it it was it was a really nice really really nice moment. Well after chelseas 21 win over man city the 2 teams respective managers offer their congratulations to liverpool city boss Pep Guardiola says his team who won the title in the previous 2 seasons well have to work hard to catch liverpool next time and they were brilliant job points knows why it was crucial to record for the next season for the level we have for the opening. To be more consistent. And the color you know the ones we missed the season so that is a reality when a piece like this touches she sends a goes we had 25. 00 points be in front of liberal 2 seasons later. Distance i think we just congressional have a poll i dont think this time decided thats how it was decided a long time ago. Limit whos consistency in 4 months is when that price him of course get him for credit is absent when. The bulls achievement resonated around the world n. B. A. Star Le Bron James tweeted in celebration as did Award Winning actor samuel l. Jackson. 3 decades and 7 managers have come and gone since have all last won the league title you can cop as the coach has finally guided one of the worlds best supported teams back to the top of the English Football League the wellings reports. Hard working in Africa Vasant record breaking english champions liverpool are the same that reflect the unique personality of their creator yet can claim. Become famous for his work up the receipt dont win but the path to glory started in minds like so many great managers cop was a modest player spending the ninetys with minds as a defender in the 2nd tier of the German Bundesliga but he was always capable of something special. The fans still love him and remain proud that his 1st managers job was at mines no 419 years ago the cobs president says klopp will always have a special bond with them. Hes always said he wants to return to mines whenever that is its the center of his life he spent time here as a player and more or less at the foundation for his career as a coach the connection is very very close i think you know where in germany other as many liverpool fans as the rock he reminds me you. Thats. Ok i know. I know there are other teams in england but i watch liverpool because the club. Everyone likes him no matter where he is and whenever it comes to mind for him going with him. Quickly demonstrated his ability to in a fight tactically and minds and within 3 years of his appointment the club promoted to the top level of the bundesliga just as important is his ability to motivate and power his prize a positive and pathetic leader the exception not the rule and he understands that some things are more important than football i dont understand politics. Why me base camp and. But the famous small is never far from more for the fans whose knives hes enhanced his success and trophies in London Liverpool has been a joy to fans of mine still for such as under arrest is. Always still greeted with clap you can talk with him about everything starting from his dog to his wife to football tactics and to the problems of the world when we met him at anfield he invited us to come to his office for a match and this was a great experience they will build him a monument close to the beatles in liverpool im completely sure about this the spirits of young means liverpool football but it was born and reminds in this corner of south west germany. Aljazeera minds. Australia new zealand also celebrating after being awarded the hosting rights for the 2023 womens it will be the 1st time the tournament will be staged in the southern hemisphere. Yet some really exciting i think. Obviously really nervous it was completely out of our control and we had no idea what was going to happen. But then just say even here like the 1st syllable of a stray leaving said i think everyone just l. A. Ssion and we just went absolutely wild i mean thats pretty embryo i got up this morning to hear the announcement and yeah i was just ecstatic its amazing opportunity when you say im full and just for school in general and for me personally its going to be amazing just to have my Family Friends all dances support us so yeah im super excited all right thats all yes but for now it is back to pizza. Joe thanks very much well talk to sammy is here with so few minutes about his role well he was on the other side of the break i will have another news out of the team g c that. A Global Pandemic mass protests demanding change economic recession and geopolitical tensions not to mention the small matter of a looming election join me Steve Clemons in conversation with leading voices on the bottom line your weekly take on u. S. Politics and society on aljazeera. This underwater treasure hes a risk of disappearing juice a coral bleaching caused by rising temperatures but we think the great strain the area d heritages and im. Sure is a big industry. Is this we will lose instantly if we have another bleaching event of these. If this continues they just will be the opportunity for the corals to return. In between those major. Scientists supporting for stronger Climate Policy from the government to reduce emissions without the situation on the get worse. Kenyan journalists in pursuit of press freedom and Justice Thomas think esp a situation where someone says but they cannot afford to thats investigating government corruption and the National Health care system some of the transaction to. Africa uncensored and published will seem some people dont want to publish even if it doesnt mean that the us care truth is it anyway on aljazeera. Holding the powerful to account as we examine the us its role in the world on aljazeera. Security officials in iraq carry out overnight raids in baghdad targeting the raimi and backed group of fighters. Im a siamese a band this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up Southeast Asian leaders meet online for this years a. Z. N. Summit call for a unified response to the Global Pandemic. Half a 1000000 confirmed coronavirus cases india prepares a giant care facility to help tackle the surgeon infections

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