China warns britain against interfering in Hong Kong Security law as prominent activists appear in court. Devastating floods and mudslides sweep across southwestern killing dozens of people. And im peter standing with the sport as President Trump launches a twitter attack on nascars only black driver he also bubble wallace to apologize for what he calls the hopes of a new spin foundations garos and slams nascar for banning the Confederate Flag 600. 00. Nearly 11 and a half 1000000 people are now confirmed to have or have had coronavirus around the world and thats forcing some countries to reimpose restrictions israel has announced its immediately close. In all bars night clubs gyms and event holes by mr Benjamin Netanyahu says its necessary to avoid a wider lockdown latin america now accounts for about half of all coronavirus related deaths cases there have tripled in just a month with brazil mexico and venezuela the worst affected nations but some countries are pushing ahead with the reopening kenyas president has announced International Flights will resume an august the 1st is under pressure to restart the struggling economy after nearly 4 months of restrictions on that speaks to how the faucet whos in west jerusalem forests harry whats prompting the government to take these decisions about these restrictions. Well essentially its the numbers if you think back to early may when israel was coming out of the very very severe and early imposed lockdown in the 1st wave of this pandemic the numbers then were low double figures per day in terms of new cases and at that time the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that if the numbers got up to 100. 00 a day that would be one of the triggers to start reimposing lock down well in recent days that number has been hovering around even exceeding 1000. 00 a day and the total number of active cases is now nearly 12000. 00 which is a new record for israel and so its clear that something had to be done the corona cabinet socalled was meeting earlier on monday and it came out with these measures saying that all gyms bars Cultural Centers event halls they all had to be shut down restaurants could remain open but only having 20 people dining inside a maximum of 30 dining outside there was it was reported some discussion about closing down synagogues entirely but the interior minister who is from the ultra Orthodox Community reportedly insisting that they stayed open so they have been reduced to a maximum of 19 people inside at any one time now this all follows some criticism of the government which itself has been criticizing people for their behavior but theres been some criticism criticism of the government for having reopened too quickly having had too many Mass Gatherings having mismanaged things like the way that schools were reopened and the amount of testing and tracing available and so now the government is trying to act in a way that restricts the growth of the virus while the same time not shutting down the economy entirely for a 2nd time these measures have to be approved by the knesset separately thats the Israeli Parliament separately there is also another bill thats going through the parliamentary approval process which would allow the government to impose restrictions immediately and then having them reviewed in retrospect again trying to speed up the response to what is happening how the force of bringing us up to date and situation in israel from the west jerusalem how he thanks very much indeed. Well as we mentioned earlier the infection rate in latin america is now the highest in the world with cases there tripling in just a month in america added to the scene human is joining us live now from santiago to see if i understand correctly the number of cases in brazil in peru wising but they seem determined to reopen their economies one of the governments just to find justification for this. Exactly it really that would seem very counterintuitive and certainly counter scientific but there are Different Reasons for this but they basically boil down to the economy in the case of parole which has right now i think the highest. Death toll in latin america for a 1000000 and advocates the president my piece that level initially had imposed very very Strict Lockdown measures has basically thrown in the towel he has said this much isnt about it weve had this for 4 months he says lockdowns it hasnt worked the economy is killing people or rather hunger is going to be killing people just as much as the disease so he really doesnt know what else to do and in the case of brazil its perhaps its just as if not more serious because of the number of people that live in that country we now have 1600000 infections confirmed in all of brazil more than 60000. 00 deaths and in the case of sao paolo the largest city in the country they have kept lockdown measures pretty much in place that they would be infection rate was lowering but now the mayor who by the way has cancer and was just tested positive for corona virus has also apparently thrown in the towel and is allowing as of today for bars restaurants and even gyms and this is huge gymnasiums to open up again and brazilians go to the gym a lot and you can all imagine just what close Contact People have when they go to the gym so this is very serious indeed and the reason apparently is because of pressure not from the president. As we all know has dismissed social distancing and even wearing face mask is absurd has called the corona virus a little cold but rather because of pressure from the business sector does it just cant survive any longer so were seeing this kind of reaction precisely at the time that the w. H. O. And many others would argue scientists especially that its time to increase. Measures not relaxed the sea lets talk a bit about venezuela because if again if i understand that the infection and death rates of venezuela are comparatively lower but its going back into a long time now whats the motivation behind that. Now its its its its multifaceted it does have a very very low infection and death toll compared to its neighbors theres no doubt about that but it is a country as we all know is upon them is absolutely in shambles people dont have enough thinking water and they dont have enough water to wash and the numbers of cases have been increasing yesterday they were in something in total the country has about 7000 confirmed cases of coalwood but yesterday i think they have Something Like 412. 00 which would be the highest number per day and so the president has announced now what he calls an extreme lockdown which theyre going to be roadblocks all over the city much more so than before this is because the Health System clearly cannot handle an increase also of course according to the governments opponents in order to increase social controls and to and to make it less easy for people to go out and protest because of lack of food water and other basic necessities so this is what the situation in venezuela and to add to that the president is now accusing his neighbor of colombia of trying to send infected venezuelans who are trying to get back home as quote revenge against him. Thats a lucky america editor listen youve been bringing us up to date on the situation across latin america to see it thanks very much indeed kenyas president to her kenyatta has announced a phase the reopening of the country with International Flights set to resume on the 1st of august many have been calling on the government to reopen the economy catherine sort of has more from nairobi. 1000 is still a very big threat to the people of kenya as of now we have 8000 confirmed cases 164 people dead we have had reports that some private hospitals are you know feeling the pinch of feeling overwhelmed current implicitly to the full the government looking into how it can enforce quarantine so all those things the president has made he has looked into that and then on the other side this is a quantum wheaties basically down on its knees thousands and thousands of people have lost their Jobs Companies are shutting down so he said after weighing that thats how it was decided to leave this to say cessation of movement in and out of nairobi and. The coastal town of mumbai also said that charges and mosques can reopen conditions not more than 100 people can go to service those who are over 58 years old and with underlying medical conditions they cant go to a child or a mosque he also said that someone should be kept out of a maximum of one hour and he said that the government is going to be mornings hearing this for the next 21. 00 days and eve he thinks things he sees things worsening then the lockdown is going to be imposed. India has surpassed russia with about 700900 cases making it the 3rd worst hit country in the world its reporting close to 25000 new cases every day many indian cities and now tightening restrictions to halt the rise in infections elizabeth put on him has more from new delhi. The Indian Government says that it has is continuing to expand testing in fact it says it tested 10000000 people its testing 300000 people every day and what the worst hit states are doing is that they continue to test more people. And. The results of this. To determine the spread the virus we also heard from delhi chief minister a few hours ago and he was positive about the situation despite the fact that delhi has reached needy 100000. 00 cases and thats because he says that only a 3rd of the regions 15000 beds a commonly used you remember a few weeks ago delhi had a real problem. But he says that most people are recovering at home having said that he pleaded with those who are. Doing is there. As a way. To patients and so people are trying to the government states are trying to deal with this by expanding testing expanding facilities but you can also see behind me im at. One of the most popular tourist sites in the country on the day that monuments around the country have been allowed to open and despite the fact that Something Like 8000 visitors would come to put every day theres been about 50 who come to visit in the last 8 hours that its been opened and the reason being is people are not going out for non essential things because of that rise in the number of cases. On the news hour including. For his western film school. Here with. Its a labor into milan and they need to pay for the mistakes. That. The u. K. Has sanctioned those involved in the 2018 mode of society generalises. A total of 49. 00 people and groups have been sanctioned under the u. K. Governments new regime targeting human rights abuses the u. K. Will also sanction those involved in the killing of a russian lawyer said game magnitsky the crackdown of the hinge and me in ma and those responsible for abuses in north korea lets go live to sonja gago in london tell us more about what dominic robb has been saying. Well rob is certainly dominant rob made no bones about exactly what he wanted to come out of this law he put it in very strong terms indeed to quote him for example saying that those are the blood on their hands wont be free to waltz into this country to buy property to go shopping in once or even to siphon dirty money through british banks thats what the foreign secretary dominic robb said to parliament with this and its almost a sort of personal project of his hed have 1st raised this back in 2012 he is of course from a human rights lawyer background as well he has consistently kept in contact with the widow of gay magnitsky. And so for him its got that personal touch with changing British Foreign policy perhaps from what has been criticized that it would be perhaps compromised in the aftermath of brecks it to try and form strategic relationships with our eyes who perhaps have. Huge. Problems with human rights such as saudi arabia for example but this is trying to be put the human rights aspect front and center ahead of those strategic relations with which britain can now go forward without it leaves fully leaves the transition period of bricks it sonia thanks very much indeed that sonia gago talking to us from london i want to bring in bill law hes a gold finalist and the editor of the to digest is joining us on skype from london good to have you with us bill the 1st thing i want to ask you was the inclusion of saudi arabia in this the relationship between the u. K. And saudi arabia particularly in for example the sales of technology and armaments and so on is well known is it a surprise to find saudi arabia on that list. Well in some ways it is because as you say saudi arabia is a big customer an important trading partner you know those areas and then some particular security agreements lots and lots of reasons why the saudis. Would want to keep good relations with the saudis so in that sense its it is a bit of a surprise however if you are going to have dominick rob says go out to the people with blood in their ands and as part of your Global Britain policy stand up for human rights across the world it will be hard to ignore saudi arabia which has an atrocious human rights record so a bit of a surprise yes what will be interesting will be to see how hard and how far up the chain britain is prepared to go in terms of the sanctions they would impose on saudi nationals. What do you think the reaction is going to be because we are talking about countries which have significant Financial Investments in the u. K. Particularly of course saudi arabia russia but also one assumes north korea to some degree as well now you know it and russian north korea are kind of the low hanging fruit arent they because britain is still very very angry about the the attempted assassination of a former agent russian agent that led to the death of a u. K. Citizen and then the whole chalk poisoning its all very in 2018 so there is cause there and of course north korea is a cry of state again with an atrocious human rights record i would think that britain will want to tread rather carefully particularly with the saudis and as i said im interested to see just how far up the chain these these sanctions will go on who will be named and we dont know whos on the list at this point at least i dont know whos on the list at this point would it go as high as high as saddam comply nick who is of course very much implicated in the murder of. That would be interesting to watch and. In terms of the enforcement of this is one thing to make statements like this publicly but how does the u. K. Actually enforce it to the extent that it does attempt to have some impact i understand that its principle is to enforce better behavior yeah i mean its. You know its a its a noble gesture and in order for it to be more than a gesture there has to be firm action i suppose the the most direct way it could be enforced is the banks and the amount of money that comes into london from the gulf states and from saudi arabia is very very large so if they wanted to crack down and crack down hard then the banks would be the place to go i would thank equally of course as saudis love to come to london as do most cultures so theres only they will those people named will no longer have that option but i think as i said i think that the place to go and if youre going to look at teaching this and real determination it would be to go out to the ask people and if hes on his assets and then start looking at the extent to which their dirty money involved and the extent to which people are tied in with various other activities it could be quite a deep investigation if the British Government she was it didnt take it that far i have to say i have doubts about just how far they will go to kill in saudi arabia good to get your thoughts on this bill law thanks very much indeed for being our knowledge is there. China has one the United Kingdom to stay out of hong kongs affairs or face the consequences that comes after the british Prime Minister announced the u. K. Will provide to millions of people in hong kong apos way to british citizenship the u. K. Side knows well hong kong is no longer under its colonial rule and the hong kong has returned john and hes now gone. Youll hear has no sovereignty restriction or rights of supervision over long. And. Over the ok government. Making it responsible remarks. Through it so all 6 monthly recall. 3 high profile hong kong activists have appeared in court charged with organizing an illegal protest last year the trio included prodemocracy leader joshua one who denied the charges his Political Party disbanded last week after china imposed a Controversial National security law on hong kong it said activists would be prime targets of the law which bans any activity beijing considers subversive outside the court he said protesters shouldnt give up sarah clarke was outside the hearing in hong kong. 3 arrived at court to appear on charges of inciting taking past and all denies in what was deemed an Illegal Assembly in june last year at the place headquarters and this was at the beginning of those anti extradition antigovernment protests joshua one and ivan lamb they pleaded not guilty to all those charges i discharge pleaded guilty to 2 of them inciting and knowingly taking part of the 3 valid to continue their fight for democracy in hong kong but in light of the introduction of the new National Security laws the big knowledge they face an uphill battle and theyve called on the International Community to help free up us worried about our future with a friend of life sentence and also big by beijing but we also encourage the Global Community to let our voice being heard in the world we still have to last the world to know that now is the kind to stand before and now is the time for hong kong most our moment of joshua long was the face of the occupier prodemocracy movement back in 2014 and has long been a target or political targeted by china and Hong Kong Government has told the media he expects to be pursued under these new National Security laws and could be extradited to china but he says he wont count town to beijing is already had his books removed from government libraries in hong kong but he says he wont be silenced as well. China has detained a law professor who strongly criticized president xi jinping over the pandemic and his efforts to consolidate power in an essay entitled vital along unfairly overcomes fear shows on the wrong wrote the cause of all these lies ultimately is the axle a reference to seizing paying and the cabal that surrounds him it began with the imposition of stan bans on the reporting of Accurate Information about the virus which served to embolden deception at every level of government william yang is a journalist and Vice President of Taiwan Foreign correspondents cup he says shoes on girls recent criticism attracted a lot of attention and it was only a matter of time until china reacted but ever since he published those series of articles criticizing each other Chinese Government is handling of the agenda make it has been a looming at the back of many of the chinese observers mind that there will come a point when the Chinese Government decides to act and detain in the rest him he has been very outspoken since 2018 criticizing the abolishment of the president ial term and also later on other serious moves that cheating has been trying to do to constantly to date has power and hes articles and consider as one of the most of the retailers critique on the Chinese Government and also xi jinping itself so a lot of the liberals and also critiques of the Chinese Communist party have been viewing him as one of the most influential intellectual ever since the late deceased. Nobel peace prize laureate illusional or because of the same way that hes willing to go at length criticize the Chinese Government and also at the same time he is very familiar with chinas legal system and political system and a lot of the a prism that he has been making over the last few years are in fact things that are as aiming at the heart of the problem in china. Beijing has accused washington of sending warships to the spirit of the South China Sea to provoke tension between countries in the region the u. S. Says its 2 Navy Aircraft carriers have been conducting military exercises since saturday china says the u. S. Is deliberately trying to show off its military power. Dozens of people are feared dead in southern japan as torrential rain and severe flooding continues across several Asian Countries many of the victims were elderly whove been staying at a nursing home in the region rescue teams are still on the lookout for survivors Robert Bryant has the latest. A weekend of punishing rains across the Southern Japanese island of kew shu and this is the result. Wide scale flooding and landslides especially along the swollen cooma river which burst its banks as the rains intensified thousands of people were urged to leave their homes but some opted to stay fearing the coronavirus despite assurances from the authorities that theyd be safe one elderly care home was inundated with a number of its residents presumed dead or missing rescue teams have been sent to the area to help look for missing people and to help with the clean up i wish there was someone who can help us says this Restaurant Owner the government says its mobilizing all resources to tackle the emergency piers. Over 40000 members through the units of the Police Fire Department Self Defense Forces and coast guard are putting all their effort into searching in rescuing to see peoples lives. For japan its the worst Natural Disaster since a typhoon struck last october which killed around 90 people. Q shoe is used to powerful some of floods and has in place strong defenses against them but for now with more rains forecast those defenses seem to be overwhelmed. Bright aljazeera still ahead on aljazeera a collaboration of art the u. S. And afghanistan are working together to preserve our Rich Heritage. And the cantin weight gain thats helped this gulf war when his latest title thats coming up with peter and the sports. The dust has settled in most places the middle east the strong and strong as it was in the action is already in this edge of the moment soon whether been some big showers again developing in northern my man there in the forecast i suspect was the most active weather is across the Saudi Arabian sea in gojira that we spin off showers in the high ground the mountains nor the man of course allows picking up daily a complete cover of cloud and start to drizzle you get this orange sheen here that is the dust brought down in the breeze which is by no means a strong one those picking up again in Northern Iraq tensions on the high side of the fortys except notably in their hunt 37 that suggests there is coming off the gulf has become humid once more something will happen and loss across a long talk of the next 2 months if you follow the satellite picture your eyes are drawn right across here just about into some houses where the big showers tend to beget little waves of them develop in the in the ethiopian hands and going west with or developing further west and sit in your eye or something been the case recently in gondor nigeria and syria and they going as far north almost as sad ago and gambia but also that is a very dry picture again the orange represents dust held in the wind. On france on down with china jr was promised damaging information about human rights and allegation like to see an investigation seductress did the trunk. With russia did you at any time birch former f. B. I. Director james comey in any way shape or form the closer the bag down the investigation into Michael Flynn and also as you well know. Next question battlefield washington on aljazeera. Youre. Gone youre. Gone. Or. Emotional visit a reminder of our top stories this hour israel is immediately closing all bars nightclubs gyms and event halls after a surge in new corona virus infections Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says we imposing restrictions is necessary to avoid a white a long time. The u. K. Has sanctioned those involved in the 2018 murder of saudi journalist. A total of 49. 00 people and groups have been sanctioned under the u. K. Governments new framework targeting human rights abuses. China has warned the United Kingdom to stay out of its security law in hong kong or face the consequences meanwhile 3 high profile hong kong activists appeared in court charged with all the nies been in the Group Protests last year over the law. The u. S. Supreme court has made a significant decision that may have serious ramifications for novembers president ial election the court has ruled that states can require president ial electors to back the candidate who got the most votes in their state and skidmore in the decision with the White House Correspondent kimberly halted in washington d. C. Kimberly i was reading up on this and this seems really quite complex what can you tell us about this ruling. It is complex and short it may surprise a lot of people around the world to know that when you cast a ballot for a particular candidate it doesnt necessarily mean even if your candidate wins the popular vote that candidate is going to win the election in fact we saw this in 2016 Hillary Clinton won the popular vote but it was donald trump. That one the white house why because he has the most Electoral College votes essentially what this means is that if your state has rules in the case of the Supreme Court ruling in the case of the socalled faithless electors who didnt necessarily agree with the popular vote and wanted to cast a ballot different direction they cant do that thats what the Supreme Court is saying is saying if your state has rules about how you cast your ballot then you have to follow those rules now the case came up because in 2016 there were 4 different socalled faithless electors and Colorado State and Washington State who had a designated party they were to cast the ballot for a designated candidate rather and they didnt want to cast for that candidate thats why they challenge these rules but what the Supreme Court has said is said sorry your argument doesnt have any merit if your state has a rule that you must cast in favor of this particular candidate in the Electoral College then thats what you must do can really does this mean that theres going to have any impact on the president ial election in november because it sounds from what youre saying is though essentially its the status quo. For dow what this means is that if this election coming up is very close those that may have a crisis of conscience and want to try and break the tie will not be able to do so at least for this election what it means moving forward is we may start to see states individually change their rules and allow more flexibility potentially for electors moving forward and there is a movement to try and do that but for now we have had not just this ruling but also one going back to 1952 that its core basically says the same thing if your state has rules you must follow them regardless of whether you have a crisis of conscience so with regard to the upcoming election its very close that means we could see something if we didnt 2000 where the results could take a very long time to come but we could see this changing in terms of the Electoral College moving forward which added score has been controversy for some time so why does correspondent kimberly hold close bringing us up to date from washington d. C. Kevin thank you very much. Russia is you to hold a Video Conference with members of the socalled open skies treaty theyre expected to discuss the u. S. Decision to withdraw from the agreement 34 states have signed the document which came into effect in 2002 it allows Member States to perform unarmed observation flights over each others territory at short notice no area can be declared off limits by the host nation the idea was to promote openness and transparency on military activity but after president of trumps decision to pull out last month russia has accused the white house of working to deal with all arms control agreements Pavel Felgenhauer is a defense and military analyst and is a columnist from for novi i guess its and hes joining us on skype from moscow thank you very much indeed for giving us your time 1st of all with regards to this meeting on the treaty are we expecting any decisions or any directions from this. Well this is some of the finality in the treaty itself there is a cause that people as some state decides to abrogate as the mccombs decide that they should be in the months time a conference of the other members of the treaty to decide what to do moscow has officially said that they dont expect any breakthroughs but the same than russia kind of wants to mobilize either countries across the well European Countries through or not you were a bit on the trump decision and they won this kind of see how much moscow can actually turn other european allies of the United States against the United States in this particular issue but maybe and others too and this also moscow says it wants to do some kind of cost to be put in a sense that the United States ashura to eads on the ground but plenty to. Test being this is decided in Washington Well not a share yet. Intelligence from this treaty because under the treaty or all be they think that it is shared between all the member countries and since United States is not there it should not get it so again thats a kind of try to getting the others against america how important and how effective is the the treaty to russia particularly. Well russia get something out to reach russia has recently invested quite a lot of money into being too special so i recon that jet planes at 2. 0214 special issue clearly digit though that means russia sees there is some merit in that the americans say that these digital rise to intel gathering cranes can gather more than the street to oust but thats an open question of course especially when i read trading does not bow wow High Resolution and yabbering the highest resolution ever optic though it may just can be this 30 centimeters for one pic so and thats not 3 with much that could just be distinguish a tank from a truck. But from russia it was a bit important to syrian presence for the European Countries and went yeah dont have. Intel satellites like america and russia. But they can gather the same information or some i would use a nice treaty they tend to pull together to run some kind of a plane that is for i dont know 10 sometimes countries together to gather information mostly about russia looks in terms of the effectiveness of the treaty itself the way it is of course entitled open skies but it is hard to imagine that countries like the u. S. Or russia let alone any other of the signatories would allow an entire blanket opening of access to the skies does it actually work when it comes down to countries trying to block off or hide certain areas the khan be seen. Well centenarian said not right now had been closed by the United States for russia and by russia or the United States anothers i mean there are sometimes the rights are not when theres there is some kind of exercise or something and they try and again message the resolution is not very high american spy sat the rights travel resolution maybe 10 times better and they also had radar set the way its set the way its its going to see not only through rain and fog but they can see whats on the ground and even the underground so United States recently theres not much need be and go with jets and us keeping with the treaty mostly to keep its European Partners happy russia such as it is on satellites but the treaty is a bit better for it so right now my dear said this question bring on in moscow should rush a real rapture of the United States or not right now the main try to put some kind of use this issue to quickly go away just into Transatlantic Relations since the europeans are not really through on maybe my school weve the treaty too we really appreciate you giving us the benefit of your expertise pub a fuckin house thank you very much indeed thank you. I scaled baikonur gratian ceremony has been held for malawis new president not at a stock which was sworn into office last sunday as 100 people attended the event in the capital a long way because of the copa 90 demick so quite a one on Election Rerun after more than a year of political turmoil triggered by a result that was counseled by the courts. In the Dominican Republic opposition candidate that has claimed victory in sundays president ial race election had been shadowed from may but it was postponed because of the pandemic and all that apollo has more on. The government of the Dominican Republic east coronavirus restrictions on sunday to encourage people to get out and vote in National Elections. The Dominican Republic is the caribbean nation worst affected by the pandemic special voting schedules were adopted to account for elderly voters considered more at risk during the outbreak and i hope that in this elections the candidate loses is a good looser and the one who select that knows that he was the people who chose not so he can benefit but he nordic to work for the people. Sundays National Elections were the 2nd since 1904 to elect a president Vice President both chambers of congress and representatives to the Central American parliament to the minister of public is leaving now im unique and i have to say that we are witnessing a major shift in the believe over into the meaning where one party has only needed or the last 24 years the local elations. That scales in favor of their revolutionary or b r m. President ial candidate luis i. V. Now that nominee for the modern revolutionary party was ahead in the polls in the lead up to sundays elections. Having secured more than 50 percent of the vote 52 year old luis we know that was announced president elect of the Dominican Republic and lit up a little aljazeera. I had crossed suspected of being used to transport Illegal Drugs burst into flames after a landed on a highway in southern mexico Officials Say the plane arrived from south america and had been tracked since it entered mexican air. Space local media reported that some of the people on board set on fire in order to escape. Some of the earliest statues of buddha are among precious items housed at the National Museum of afghanistan but the u. S. Estimates that nearly 70 percent of the treasures have been looted or destroyed to doing for decades of war and under a strict taliban rule not historians at the university of chicago and teachers in afghanistan are working to preserve whats left of this Cultural Heritage john hendren reports. Under the taliban this would have been unthinkable bringing pre islamic art to students boys and girls across afghanistan. We feel like were inside the National Museum and watching all of the history our country has 5000 years of history we knew about it but we did not see them close up in conflict ravaged afghanistan travel can be prohibitively expensive often dangerous sometimes impossible so in an extraordinary collaboration with the u. S. State department the university of Chicagos Oriental Institute has crafted 3 d. Replicas of the historic treasures of the National Museum of afghanistan in kabul afghanistan is one of the richest areas in the world for the history of the development of civilizations and this very Rich Heritage has been threatened over the last 30 or 40 years by constant warfare that has devastated not only the country and its people but also the Cultural Heritage the history that defines what that country is. Now halfway around the globe a mobile museum is taking replicas of afghanistans Cultural Heritage on tour and that you dont go to them that i saw all these specimens only in bucks but today we saw them right here this creature is called to it stood outside the assyrian palace of king sargon in what is now Northern Iraq around 700. 00 b. C. It has the body of a bull the wings of an eagle and the wisdom of man and for that reason its just the kind of graven image the groups like i still have destroyed sac religious the goal of the museum is to preserve endangered art like this and in afghanistan where many people cant come to the museum to bring the museum to them. And the project is one part Education One part cultural preservation to end the kind of efforts to erase known islamic Cultural Heritage that occurred when the taliban blew up these massive xix century british figures and bombing of. The factions happen in the villages because of the lack of knowledge about the importance of the city. With the taliban actively seeking a return to power the replicas recreated in a university of chicago lab or also insurance that whatever happens to the original objects of art crafted on afghan soil the countrys historical artifacts will not be erased John Hendren Al Jazeera chicago at least 7 people have died in a fire at a candle factory in the indian city of kufa about its not clear what caused the fire but investigators were told the water Flammable Materials in the factory that were used to make sparkling candles the local government says it will compensate the victims families with a little over 5000. 00 each 2 children have drowned and 7 others a missing after an overloaded fishing boat capsized off the coast of indonesia rescuers helped save 19 people from the sinking boat which was carrying double its capacity. The oscar winning italian film composer Ennio Morricone has died at the age of 91 he wrote music for more than 500 films victoria get millions back in his life and his career. You dont need to be a fan of classic westerns to recognize music composed by any american any amount of. His collaboration with director says the any on socalled spaghetti westerns such as the good the bad and the ugly and a fistful of dollars helped define a cinematic era nondescript well im with you. I dont describe images with my music when there is an important movie its key that the music sees what isnt sid and what you cannot see. Until the 1960 s. Film schools were on a seemingly designed to go almost unnoticed that morricone changed that and unusually for a composer became a star. What morricone some tracks kind of. Mid sixtys almost exactly to get a face to get us the soundtrack is that a thank you much more prominent role. Than are almost pop music the italian composer was on it by hollywood with an oscar for Lifetime Achievement in 2007 then 9 years later he won the Academy Award for best original score for director Quentin Tarantinos west and the hateful 8 it was a job more kone a regionally turned down until 10000 allowed him to break with the style of music hed written for westerns in the past. This is something amazing unexpected because really in my type of work you dont think of the positive or negative consequences in general the iranians have ones but sometimes they can also be negative consequences that is the film doesnt succeed or people dont like the music but this time everything went well thank goodness im happy amaze. Me with a perfect composer not just in terms of the number of films he worked on but the diversity of genres its a measure of his success the sum of his schools even more famous than the films he wrote them for. Still ahead an aljazeera we look at how swedens urban farming operation is going from strength to strength. And 5 a side football fall the pandemic will tell you about a new socially distanced game in argentina. Its time for the sport heres peter thank you so much the u. S. President donald trump has launched an extraordinary twitter attack on nascars only black drive above a wallace you may remember one this became the center of attention a couple. Weeks ago when these team found what they thought to be a noose hanging in the garage the f. B. I. Ruled out any sinister motive after finding it had been used as a door pull since last year but the ropes initial discovery saw fellow drivers rally around wallace in solidarity pushing his car to the front of the grid for the race nascar has also banned the Confederate Flag from races to show support for the black lives Matter Movement but now the u. S. President has weighed in he tweeted has a barber wallace apologize to all of those great nascar drivers and officials who came to ease aid stood by his side and were willing to sacrifice everything for him only to find out that the whole thing was just another hoax that flag decision has caused lowest ratings ever or contrary to that statement of 0 has heard from fox sports in the last hour or so and they say viewing figures for nascar name edwards is actually up 8 percent since returning in may after its coronavirus shut down well bring you more on the story as it develops including any reaction from wallace himself barcelona superstar captain ian are messi is going nowhere and he will finish his career at the catalan club thats according to Club President Maria Bartiromo messi helped the side to a 41. 00 legal win over via a. O. L. On sunday but there has been a lot of talk in the last few days about the arjun sign being unhappy at the club reports suggested he might leave when his contract expires in 2021 but bosses president insists that will not be the case. Its a football and its only way into millions title hopes and suffered a big blow after defeat at home to belong yeah and it was all going so well for into Romelu Lukaku school to put them one up then along you had a man since often enter had a penalty to make it to no but keep lukash. Had a double save to keep them out that cost them along at level things up through july into being had one of their men saints or for a 2nd yellow. d stony before long at winter and scored the winner most about 0 with the deciding goal that is interesting that they are even live in points behind leaders eventis now with 8 games left to play. So with into slipping up atalanta took advantage with a 10. 00 win of a color it wasnt a straight forward as they might have liked the scoring would seem to support opener for its been ruled out for handball look when you decide how much of a hand there actually was at the lancer were not complaining kind of only it was red carded luis and maria l. Tucked away the penalty to leave at an answer to just one point behind into the. Now in portugal porto every store day 6 point lead at the top of the primera liga they threshed struggling side to belem incessant 5 no pick up the goals came in stoppage time as porter regained position from their opponents call them moved to counterattack. As running the ball from inside his own half before scoring a stunning long range goal to see was a victory. 23 n. H. L. Players have tested positive for corona virus while in training just a day or so after the league and the Players Association agreed protocols to keep teams safe when the season resumes the plan is to resume the season in late july or early august with the teams based in 2 cities in ghana the players and staff will be tested for the virus on a daily basis and players are not obliged to take part but must inform the league by tuesday if they wish to opt out. American goal for bryson has picked up the 6th p. G. A. Tour title and hes putting it down to the coronavirus shut down well number 7 estimates hes put on about 9 kilos of mostly muscle in the break and thats helped him improve his power and distance off the tee the 26 year old put in a fantastic front 9 in detroit on sunday finishing 3 shots clear. Its a little emotional for me because i did do something all different changed my body changed my. Mind in the game and i was able to accomplish a win or playing a completely different style of go off and its Pretty Amazing to see that and i hope its an inspiration to a lot of people that if they set their mind to it you can accomplish it meanwhile football fans in argentina are doing everything they can to get back on the pitch including inventing a new sport its in the local 5 a side pitch into a human foods ball table by marking out rectangular zones each player must stay within their box to help maintain social distancing during the coronavirus pandemic which as it turns out is not that easy and no tackling is allowed. Now yeah. It does when the idea is very good for these times given the situation were going through its being able to start something that gets us moving and to shake off problems through support for life and for me football is very important and it allows me to forget the daily grind. Of the truth that i tried to talk to. And its the 1st time ive kicked a ball in style and honest im telling you this truthfully i am emotional. Ok thats all the sports news for now more on the way again later rob peter thank you very much indeed all the Coronavirus Crisis has disrupted the global food supply changing of course thats leading to shortages in some countries but the world bank is warning 130000000 people could be at risk of starvation an increasingly popular urban farming system could provide a solution reports from swedens capital stockholm. Its harvest time but not as we know it these very modern farm hands are bringing in the crops from a vertical farm plants growing from the walls instead of the ground no tractors required just a pair of scissors and Artificial Intelligence senses that feed information on factors like speed of growth and nutrition content into a central database so that on this farm the computer is in charge the farm that youre seeing here everything is basically connected so all the parts meters that we have that have an influence on the growth of a plan are controlling that we are building are basically food brain to control everything by help of Artificial Intelligence and we create the perfect part of the mint basil kale and rocket to get everything they could ever desire like water humidity temperature tailored to their individual needs and without the Risky Business of growing out in Nature Anyone inside the farm has to wear a protective suit like this to stop bacteria coming in from outside it also means they dont need pesticides so you can eat the produce straight off the wall. They taste better than the average supermarket solids and theyre already being sold in local stores and restaurants in stockholm. And local means local the sweet green farm hidden under this building in an Old Newspaper archive is part of a program called a neighbor food it seems to give all urban swedes access to produce grown within yards of the door. The Global Movement in urban farming could play a vital role in preventing food crises and. 19 exposes weaknesses in the supply chain that have left people hungry everywhere from zimbabwe to the u. S. The Climate Crisis the epidemic ongoing right now has shown us how vulnerable we are in the cities we become very passive consumers we want to turn that around and where people start producing in the spaces that are otherwise empty those spaces below our buildings can be used for Food Production this farms socalled food brain is available on subscription so any start ups can have their own environment controlled from here it could make vertical farming a growth industry that puts more food within easy reach at a time when its most needed paul reese aljazeera stock has. Said for millions of matheson for this news and more details of course the website is it a dot com ill be back in a moment with more of the days news last night. Rewind continues i cant bring your people back to life im sorry with updates on the best of all diseases documentaries the struggle continues from baghdad to now use distance revisiting the suv phase were going back to a poor South African neighborhood when using and tradition come together in an annual competition for the people who would know youre relying on aljazeera. Another Early Morning another. Ceremony to bed Health Workers by well. 29000 to cuban doctors and nurses working in 59 countries around the world as confirmed cases of coronavirus increase so does demand for cuban medics medical services at the islands main export while western commentators assume cuba sends doctors mainly to expound influence experts on the other Health System draw a different conclusion youre making a big stock of why youre willing to go look it up because there are other people that need me people that are sick and dying and not isnt right people shouldnt be dying when there are people who can help them. A scandal thats rocked the nation to its core and exposed hundreds of court officials. To bride just to show the most dangerous comedy team on a song times take a spot the ball and i did for years to build up a personal bond against judicial corruption as. I have. Come out of my car in an exclusive documentary aljazeera and examine one mans extraordinary battle for justice in donna at this time. Israel brings back the restrictions to avoid a complete lockdown as it sees a surge in coronavirus cases. For some this is obviously a live from doha also coming up the desecrations will also include those responsible for the brutal murder of the writer and journalist Jamal Khashoggi the u. K. And i was his views about

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