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Them or in most occasions a hoax that i want and this is a hoax this is purely political when at the federal level and we were very decisively in so they sent it in to new york and you know whats going on in new york everyone is leaving said turned out to be how. To do something about it because people are leaving new york is a political witch and just continues democrats in congress have been demanding mr trumps tax documents in order to determine where the current conflicts of interest laws covering a u. S. President are not tough enough for House Speaker nancy pelosi says the democrats will continue to push their case. Careful reading stream court ruling related to the president financial records is not good news for President Trump the court has reaffirmed the congresss authority to conduct oversight on behalf of the American People as it asks for further information from congress congresss constitutional responsibility to uncover the truth the civically related to the president russia connection that he is hiding the congress will continue to conduct oversight for the people polled in the separation of powers that is the genius of our constitution we will continue to press our case. The United Arab Emirates is said to be holding up a deal with gulf states that could end the 3 year long blockade against cancer thats according to reports being carried on the fox news website george is c. E. O. Of gulf state and a little geopolitical Risk Consulting firm focusing on the Arabian Peninsula he says the u. A. E. Is less likely to change its position than the other countries involved. Among the countrys block eating cups are it is the u. A. E. That is most rigid in its position against doha where as the saudis have viewed the alleged qatari threat as more of a strategic issue for us this is really very much about ideology and ultimately this agenda of blockading qatar came from abu dhabi and i think out of all of the gulf countries putting pressure on cuts are the u. A. E. Will be the last one to decide to ease that pressure so it definitely makes sense that. Would use its leverage over riyadh to block any u. S. Backed plan aimed at bringing the g. C. C. Countries back together to trumpet ministration is seen this arabian feud is a big threat to u. S. Interests in the sense that washington would like to have all of the g. C. C. Member states united against the Islamic Republic of iran and this issue has definitely been an irritant for the administration but you know i the defacto ruler of the u. A. E. Crown Prince Mohammed bin ziad whatever people may think about his policies we can all agree that hes no pushover and hes a very strategic thinker when it comes to dealing with Regional International issues. The u. S. Has just registered more than 65000. 00 new cases of corona virus which makes it another daily record rise for the country meanwhile the u. N. Secretary general is warning the outbreak will plunge millions of people into poverty in latin america and the caribbean and turn eco terrorists want 18000000 people would lose their jobs with the worst affected being women and black and indigenous communities. Libyas un recognized government says its found a prison used by warlords after to torture and kill opponents in the city of tal huna which was under the control of half to forces until it was recaptured by Government Troops in june choco was reportedly placed on the top of cells to overwhelm prisoners with heat up next his witness more news in 30 minutes see that. d ill take this. As the. Final stop as you can see it is me. That is still living out the real rap life so id say where. Our game is. I would take the gaza strip it be this see israelis and palestinians right that. Im some small. The buffer but. Get it back to their facts about the end up out of. This fish true but im sure fish sure of time should know this trip after all im sure from my own montana michael i think ill risk are going to. Go yeah i dont know i punched me. Due to being human when you. Boys. Is a place where myself im one of go where we see things that people are thinking but never assume or they think it but they dont see it the way they think it you know how we always kind of things to sugar coat things to make it yeah we just see how we feel and how it comes to us. In. America america. Got now weve got a problem ive got is up. How about america how about America America how about america oh but at the ballot. Box you could not. See. Why its got to give you progress. So. Its. Very good to see. Bill just close to get everybody to go my kids go. To high combat africa i came to know how the gonna set to bring some gotti. Policy and she got. To think before. She carries a defeatist surprise. Without reading to selfridge. Scorn that a piece of nice guys. With cots protests is to people like you to get my books i think this is a difficult not to do not im trying out for that just think this book can report you and your economy that. We were never raised or trained or programmed to be patriotic. To care about the country were just raised to know that whatever were lending is for us to get a visa to go somewhere else or to go to heaven. People call i forgot to tell you a country and which is not true which is not true theres a lot of people in africa they are Living Condition is far better than those who are living in america. Im it people in america the homeless the road under board help me only as they were money is 2. 00 for food africa is rich we have oil gold. Everything counted everything but the people are still pool we rich in resources with wrong leadership. Since you guys. Are disappointed to. See you say oh yes. It was sad. To see. Him martin last night ministries kindo where their members i saw rich yes what has been said yes swab ox is an opposite always for yes and you receive help for some what you dont be afraid to use from your pocket good for you and you shall receive if youre. Not told your sundays well my day is also yes to this also god bless every day so good there for you that dont forget wednesday you are blessed precisely because the im trying to surprise you of contraception is subtleties of. International multinational milingo can go where given is the living receiver. We do it as a cell therapy you know its like if you guys have the power to make noise to walk around at 3 am with loudspeakers on the street and wake us up with your message from cord. Then we should also be able to put that frustration out in some way and it comes out as a tease in making fun. I could make fun for selfexpression so that we just remain sane. Its done that. Showing so much recipients crossing the sun how are we want to help those and theyre just working inside our country so. Its going to kill to build systems that tell the people of our country that their hopes their opportunities out right here with us. That some people in europe would think that would be they want to bring everybody back and i guess i dont think i was really really with my friends looking out for them got a 1000000 ways made this week as a human being the man had speed and power would be even in our word fluent to be the fastest senior president of the republic of sudan. Had to be strong that this comes after a century. Or you are right. That. Were his thinking for years what do you think of all these things. Those thinking. Of 4 years they thought well we saw that pos and its about. The same things all of the parsonage but our purchase changed a little bit. Slimy. In despair. And i know for that we have to. Just work our way around the system and just. Under no. Linger for us no im not going to hop on a bus or follow young you know im going to. Go numb i want more figure from your job on the road you go different you know how ill talk a little ill both come on the arm underfunded i can do whatever and i dont want. To see not i guess i say you need that breath of fresh. Air and want to beg you not to be asked again. I think if you would get fit i think you know when youre fit you feel. Yet again i want you to want to get yes i can get. This. Done you know. The big bash and said ok ive just got a. Song like this the forestry its really good its. Going to run on me the wechsler long gone i was like 5 money everybody. All the make changes but. That lights all in and they go back to the homes and they have lights i mean like how can you still have lights you never sleep in darkness and we end up with you sleep in darkness you know that this is we putting them there. But you see this. Is why we put them did because we envied those positions. Or so on yes thats what im saying gonna change oh its true. Democracy flaw of nepotism france look at install time son in law and immigrant spouse so why didnt he appoints the postmaster general process the Vice President s because president s propose because if no produce was assume by pissing america is known behind like what he tops forget the printing flex stuff house can easily top a small box. Which i still. Doesnt. Get that but i. Think. Yeah. Do you. Think you. Get. Something. That she deals with the average user and that. Im not proud. That that was was that. Was. I was wrong i dont know red brick im slogans. That day oh im bound to think that. Not oh no not me my dear that i do but i dont remember i mean i grew up in the eightys early ninetys right if america is the wall superpower news america is phase america has you know Nuclear Weapons and all that so they think they are. And thats whats really me. You know i really dont wish ill for anyone but now if you if you. And i wish ill for america oh. Because ive done so many bad stuff killing one mama gadhafi who was you know help help us just kill this this you know its ours all the name. Osama bin laden you know yeah thats about you know coming you know getting serious. How many people have these guys killed and how many people house america killed vietnam hiroshima iraq. Syria. Let us all together unless you. Know this is the simple common sense. Is hungry to supply i want to see your come into the business to be true wants to cut from our country lets build a wall around this country i mean before the tick borne. I want you. To see our embassy suck the Department Says most of cigarette give them some 5 to sort of come fight you what for dick cheney. The flood victims are going to reach the. Point you are trying to attribute to my son i should make you feel good docs want. Something must just be your own not. Trying to slow down time must always seem to church the church must assume that america is not some facts coming out is nonsense prisoners should teach them a thing or 2 abbas them are so similar in the transmission to money time next elections after all we have to help america. My entire career started on social media. I put the video up 2 days anita im getting calls from television stations to reduce these. Blog posts people opposed to a business go i do my left while and literally thats how its. My. Oh. No. Oh. No. In the past females wouldnt say you have been. Constable or outspoken an officer stunned and you know. Things that usually hide under the shadow of the meals and the days but in the generation im in right now you get a lot of women who are out there. You know sort of role models and female precedents and i think this is a female empowerment you know movement when im around and im proud to be in vision newish in that you know where all of thats taking place. Im. Not mind by. It and i mean i get us to the stress free song. Eat less and get a job was to what you. Did they just showed you that you did each see what they each hold but it. Just was the was not she. Was here a few years back let me tell you though that was she did you still over. There. This was a. This last 2 shows that you know me. And. Ive come to realize asia nothing is ever easy and its even if you spend that money. You have to hustle if you want something good in life if you want to progress you one sec says you have to hustle you need to mean youre on your feet. Piece a round of applause lets welcome come back here with me give it all for khaki. Right i run for brunch. I want to say that something. Someone said to me just more simply. On what was it that. Really. Made us say with some answers to some of them to make them within a short time i was a. 6. 5 points that were. Kind of nice and now im going to miss him a. Lot of people are now its its much easier to do music that it was. 1020 years ago. To share it with a wall you just need a smartphone and i mean megabytes of internet a day to become a bigger fish in an ocean. I put everything into brandon into the music into my personality into the way i am and what i represent. I dont think id say trust me but because human beings are very unreliable. People always bitch. Trust. I mean i ask myself. What. It was. How can i. Be calm moral ethical with country music. You have to believe in the old song you dont rely on a politician she really did. But what is funny to see what happened. Was. Europeans insisted that if youre going to become a modern capitalist in france country or have to become protestants psychologically. That they go to school. Because of the faith its who jesus is. Because of the feelings i have to just want to get to the top of the system. Out of the money that could have been from jesus christ of nazareth to. Be she says. To make a claim for half a new plane for some exceed if war makes it good for me for the west machine for and the marshall and former da. Sam sanders would ahmanson was. Saying this on my photo with my members of the church would never end well good because im in the anybody because i know when i mean new guinea puppy i know what people are like leap up the sky people lend money you power power war people like childbearing you popeye are a sap people like you pop our it people like narrative leap up a promotion or point out left beside me as i was of the posse people lie promotion control views and how to by the enzymes measure me i am well and i say i will do it for you for you to come in for me. This is a big. If it exceeds. One at all. If you do it its a. President in jesus. This is. Fish for you. I got mine. This time the part of it caused by all of it or not is the if you. Get. A sense of this new life consciousness of its city it was to get. Was. Not you. Are or. Was. This. For thousands of years farmers and shepherds have lived this long but their traditional way of life has been under threat for generations. As israel plans on the seashore into the occupied west bank ug a 0 world goes to the Jordan Valley where illegal settlements have already expanded and asks what the future holds for these palestinian farmers shepherds of the Jordan Valley on al jazeera. Theres a wave of sentiment around the world people actually want accountability from the people who are running their countries and i think often peoples voices are not heard because that is not part of the mainstream news narrative. Obviously we cover big stories and report on the big events are going on but we also tell the stories of people who generally dont have a voice i mean when i was a child my thats never be afraid to put a hand up not a question and i think thats what out of syria really does the ask the questions to people who should be accountable and also we get people to give their view of whats going on. The ultranationalist marks connected with one of the worlds worst humanitarian crisis we doe as illegally maigret joining with the military to impose a deadly political agenda we have 2 photos of our nation what has happened to the engine thats one of the biggest stains on the country as a whole. As in the religion this is the politics me and an unholy alliance on all jazeera. Order. Hello again peter dobby here in doha your top stories from aljazeera the u. S. Supreme court has issued mixed verdicts on demands for Donald Trumps financial records for now the president s tax returns and other documents were made out of the public eye and not be shared with politicians in congress but judges ruled that trumps records can be examined by prosecutors in new york this is a political witch a way to which you know theyre pushing for you which are folks just like the moment he was a hoax that i want and this is no hoax this is purely political i win in a fair amount and we won very decisively and so they sent it into new york and you know whats going on in new york everyone is leaving turn out to be a hellhole. Do something of the people even new york is a political witch or just continues the United Arab Emirates is said to be holding up a deal with gulf states that could end the 3 year long blockade against cattle thats according to reports on the fox news website the u. S. Has just registered more than 65000. 00 new cases of corona virus which makes it another daily record rise for the country infections have been increasing in nearly every single state being more than 3100000 cases recorded across the United States the u. N. Secretary general meanwhile warning the outbreak will plunge millions of people into poverty in latin america and the caribbean and turning a good terrorists want 18000000 people would lose their jobs with the worst affected being women and black and indigenous communities libyas United Nations recognize government says its found a prison and used by the all orderly faffed out to torture and kill opponents in the city of tarhouni which was under the control of have to forces until it was recaptured by Government Troops on the 5th of june charcoal was reportedly placed on top of the cells to overwhelm prisoners with heat. Transcripts of George Floyds final moments of being released showing Police Ignored him when he said he couldnt breathe and they told him to stop talking it died shortly after a policeman knelt on his neck for almost 8 minutes the transcript shows floyd told officers he couldnt breeze more than 20 times before policemen being charged with his killing those are your headlines the news continues here on aljazeera after we return to witness more news in 30 minutes. Again. No you. Know. I dont really make it come down. To. Yes. Im. Not quite that bad girls go yes melanin yes ok. Look at it sure there are people who. Dont see. This. The air space is ok all right ill be starting with a mystery like run off everybody in the newsroom were not going to close up ok all right so can i keep the music and ok music on 3 all right 3 so while im. Im. Im i always called her on the night because that always shine the brightest on the darkest night i must i be trying to steal a good shot. Good means that. You got that cyclone. Just. Pretty close. To the black. Light in the morning but it must come up surely this magic. Moment. Was should not. Make you more intimidating you saw my mother was. Killed. No magic. Was. The. Law. Was. Created. In several of them i was a complete. So he adds my to do so. Then he created. One who come to. Sykes genetics. You know for human beings we have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The last pair that is that you paired pair is what you call sex chromosomes or sex determining crews of. The 2nd lieutenant chromosomes a woman has 2 x. Chromosomes. And and man has one x. And one way. That x. Chromosomes pair and spits the x. Chromosome is no longer. There is a wider and it is full of substance but by the experts. The one chromosome on the other hand is shorts and whole. If i have to offer what this longer. Full of substance as that one has one of that and a shorter know the one who is full of substance is the woman. A human being if she were less of a because its new. One thing that gets me a law is to the street harassment. Like i walk down a street in my own my own business without anyone coming to me and saying something stupid. Kids told me it cost us all its. The got me straight as a man. Always feel like you know its almost always an attack on us as. He in the. Into him. Well the service they give me Something Better to the surface 2nd believing you recess give me sobs and the circus is are going to be leaving boys meeting boys needs i dont feed that make up in the morning. And i walk to peep and i just turn around and this 2 years right this day in my face like yelp comment play some beats hell come a sink built coming right somethin you know. A friend gave me the software he just gave me the software and for tubes i dont want it its of the internets for free and i was hired to live in a house of clear beads and i feel like. My space or is made by my dream and now i have the space my own little holywood in my i promise back yet. So good. That. You could ever. Go back to your longer here year you have your software is very. Nice. If someone comes to you and so you. Just hes good for this hes going to make everything ok. Its the best deal you can ever gets and if you if you if you mess up if you tell him that just says please forgive me you forgive you so it got to a point in my life where i felt like they were hanging too much on jesus in the not believing in themselves but at the same time. And actually one simple question can you give me somebody better than him can you replace that jesus christ that im 7. And was really concert place him theres no way to stop worshipping him theres no way im going to stop believing him theres no way to stop. So i see what i would strain to. This know what im going to stop because thats the only person they have now. Dont feel good. I guess he. Is being. Asked. Yes you know like one of us. On my own i. Was raised. To do things i was like really was the only thing was the way. You. And the way. You. Know things in. Those. Guys say yes that was there and that. It is. You. Know. You one of those you know why are you. Are. You. Do you think. You know colonization not only affected our food our language use our address in a sworn colonization also affected i want to acknowledge to us because we where. We had to start thinking like. Requesting. To be banned. Like this that do not follow western tune in and actually. Of the brain you know. The african future. Should be more sound. Because theres a lot of talking and nothing further to this happening and i think the more quiet. We can begin to hear our in ourselves again and find us. Whats it to. You. What happened is that we feel like weve changed the way people. Are interrupting our normal programming this half hour for you to bring you a developing story several aljazeera staff of just arrived for Police Question in kuala lumpur about a documentary on lazios response to cope with 19 the show looked at the experiences of Migrant Workers during Lockdown Police say theyre investigating the report for sedition defamation and violation of the countrys communications and multimedia acts in response aljazeera has released a statement saying it calls on the malaysian authorities to respect Media Freedom and desist from treating its journalists as criminals aljazeera has serious concerns about developments that have occurred in malaysia since the broadcast of his one o one east investigative documentary locked up in malaysias lockdown on july the 3rd lets bring in as ari from the institute for democracy and Economic Affairs in kuala lumpur welcome to aljazeera whats your reading of whats going on right now at a Police Station in. Good morning i think that this is a clear crackdown by the malaysian government on the freedom of the media but also i think bigger than that is some freedom of expression aljazeera is extremely unfortunate to face this situation but also in addition the malaysian government has also questioned a prominent. Activist for Refugee Rights as well on the social media postings he recently about the treatment of migrant of refugees and also Migrant Workers in Detention Centers and i think the safe part of her quite a sustained effort by the government to quell dahlan upon freedom of expression and i think in addition to that. It also speaks to i think a larger effort to perhaps you know. Contain our certain critical views within the press and also within our Civil Society and this this latest. Crackdown on al jazeera i think is is testament to that you know how serious of the central allegations leveled at the program and therefore aljazeera as a channel for you. I think that it is you know all those you guys clearly stated in your statement that you have attempted to reach out to malaysian government officials to speak. In the documentary itself and those requests were not entertain so i think that elders here as a news channel has tried its best to produce balanced reporting and i think if the malaysian government disagrees with any of the. Anything presented in the documentary that it should issue a statement perhaps say white disagrees instead of you know using behavior and of the law and frankly quite quite questionable laws themselves that definition in the communications and multimedia act that activists over the years have said that means the laws have been you know you have to suppress free speech and freedom of expression yeah what does this say about the authorities or the government where you are because another one of the key accusations was that Migrant Workers were forced into hiding because of what they had seen going on with other Migrant Workers as a function of the governments reaction to coronavirus and could it 19 i mean it seems that primacy for the government wasnt the well being or the ability to carry on living when it comes to Migrant Workers as opposed to the government feeling its coming under attack. See thats the thing i think that the key thing here is that you know this what they what you just mentioned which is the government feeling like its an attack and in fact i think i think the government shouldnt be feeling that way because you know as as as aljazeera also points out in the documentary malaysia has in many respects been a Success Story in combating coronavirus in the region and also in the world and you know the doctor that was in charge of that one of the Detention Centers even came out explaining how Migrant Workers were treated in those centers and you know the you know the circumstances as a whole i think. I think it should be there should be a clear separation between you know how my good workers have been treated over the years in malaysia theres serious issues with you know how these workers come in and then why are they 8 do remain undocumented for so long in the country i can defy clear governance and management of the issue in general but also theres a separate issue of covert 19 and how you know how people in populations are being been tested in 3 so i think those are 2 issues i think that the government and also many sections of the public are spinning to separate right so there is a larger issue of the treatment of Migrant Workers in malaysia and this has been going on for years and i believe many activists have died and a lot of work in research on this yeah. 0 team is going through the process of being interviewed by the relevant well say most issues to questions what do you think that process will entail and how long might it take. Well of course so far in the questioning that the police have died or in some other activity if there are some other activities have we not lost that more than a few all with so you know and i think some of the feedback that we have seen from some of the other activists with that you know the police have been cooperative and professional in their questioning. You know although i disagree with with the clamping down on al jazeera and on freedom of expression as a whole i do hope that the police will remain professional and they will in their questioning and i believe that the Malaysian Police will will adhere to that and as for what will happen in just questioning my i cant tell you because i dont well understood a lot of this seems to come under the umbrella of this communications and multimedia act that is in place there is part of the legal system but see you does that legislation protects free speech protect an ability to broadcast on t. V. Broadcast on radio do good solid investigative reporting or is that act in place to protect the government. I think that you know at such a is is problem i think in some ways because we have seen how it is being used there is a track record of law such as that being used against dissenting voices or opinions that the government doesnt necessarily agree with so you know of course i think that especially now with the age of the internet that there must be some regulation on on you know on things that up with that online but i do believe that you know the key is. Such as these need to be very narrow and light audiences and circumstances and should definitely not be applied to. Anything that doesnt agree with. Deems to be a threat to the safety when that is not can you define and the c. M. A. This is one of many such acts in nature we have the Printing Press or the publications at the well and that regulates newspapers and and also we have this edition of course which i think the psyche have advocates these laws to be abolished but many men and indeed the previous government promised to abolish them so i think you know there is a problem with the with these with these thoughts and i just nation especially that. I think. We have to leave it there thank you so much for joining us here on the. Story as it continues to develop of course through the coming was lets just remind you what were talking about here basically it boils down to this Aljazeera Network has a stream a strand of a program is called one of its fingerprint is vestiges of Award Winning literally Award Winning investigative reporting in that region the program did a program about my good work. Because going into hiding because of the treatment they were on the receiving end of the government doesnt like that the team is in a Police Station morn. Hello curiously enough the heat and the big thunderstorms are not where you might expect them to be theyre fairly obviously theyre that slow moving frontal system which is butting up against some nearly record high temperatures for these some pretty big thunderstorms look at this for a cone tornado up in minnesota a slow moving damaging but beautiful to behold dont you think theyll be more of the same not saying the same place as that cold front moves slowly into what is really a hot area and you get some pretty big thunderstorms now thats where all the action is further west its quite quiet San Francisco still got the morning clouds and 21 degrees so you see if overlaid the temperature profile it colors where the deep heat is and certainly dont texas but equally a good part of the midwest and all places to the east as tempers should not be really in the thirtys the frontal taken down toronto goes to 29 you know spittle bring flooding there wouldve been some flash flooding in toronto already so nice little change taking place but quite an interesting one the showers been equally big but i see no tornadoes no reports of nor hail know what to expect to see very much in this part of the world throughout the caribbean weve got the focus of some pretty big showers in nicaragua theyre moving further westwards and on the Pacific Coast potential development happening. Really understand the differences and similarities of cultures across the wound is a matter of when you call really enemies and kind of trails that matter to you. Elysium phillys question al jazeera journalists over a documentary highlighting the plight of migrants trying the coronavirus lockdown. Program. Im peter w. Watching on to 0 live from our headquarters here in tow are also coming up. Here which are of course. Donald trump dismisses the Supreme Court order saying his tax records can be examined by prosecutors in new york. Reports the u. A. E. Blocked a deal pushed by the tri

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