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Suspected russian mercenaries are detained in baton rouge accused of trying to disrupt an upcoming vote. And we have major sports news stories today including criminal proceedings in switzerland against the fee for president a deadline for russia to avoid exclusion from takes and Saudi Arabian investors out of their bid to buy Newcastle United after months of premier league scrutiny. That it swept across the United States killing tens of thousands of people and now the devastating effects of coronavirus on the economy is becoming clear the United States is just recorded at shoppers downturn since the 940 s. And admitted all president dollar trump is floating the idea of pushing back novembers election is often talks of the economys strength but between april and june. Its shrunk at the fastest pace on record that is down 9 and a half percent in the past week another 1400000 people applying for jobless benefits his response to the pandemic is expected to be a key election issue the us has the highest death toll in the world at more than 150000 he is now asking whether the vote should be postponed tweeting that mail in ballots used because of the pandemic could lead to fraud again well speak with the white house cross what it can be helped at in just a moment but 1st to new york and Gabriel Elizondo gave the numbers that were talking about theyre pretty broad and how we describe them but what have you been seeing what parts of the economy do you think are hurting the most. Well there is pretty much all sectors of the economy are hurting badly here in the United States but some more so than others too ism travel the Service Sectors retail manufacturing just to name a few that have been that have taken particularly hard hits what essentially is going on here are 2 Things Congress in april pumped trillions of dollars into the u. S. Economy when the u. S. Economy shut down in march the thinking by congress at the time was that come july the u. S. Economy would be rebounding and rebounding very quickly from the coronavirus pandemic and from the shutdown in march that simply hasnt happened for a host of reasons but primarily because. Many states says weve been reporting have now been recall osing their economies again as theres been a spikes in coronavirus cases and deaths throughout the United States so that has really suppressed any sort of economic rebound that economists some economists anyway and many lawmakers in washington had expected to see so instead of seeing a rebound were actually seeing a continuing of the slide of the economy also youre seeing that people that have not been laid off that still do have their jobs just arent spending money so that consumers are are not buying things theyre not traveling and thats why youre seeing this trickle down effect to Tourism Travel everything is just simply depressed right now in the u. S. And just on an. Anecdotal note even here in new york city which was the epicenter of the corner virus pandemic for many months now things are pretty much contained in new york when it comes to chronic virus but still this city is still very empty and still very shutdown in many aspects of midtown manhattan many of the big high rises that usually have to 3000 offer. Workers in a are still for all intents and purposes empty just to give you an idea the office that im in right now where our bureau is at just as an aside here theres many other Office Companies that have offices in this building bout 1500. 00 people usually are in this building right now i would say less than 50 so it just gives you an idea of how all throughout the u. S. The economy is still really struggling or i gave thanks very much for your room is on the new york lets spin i was with the white house in one house when it can be home to standing by the turtle figures that can believe in just as these figures would be released but the interim the president has been trying to get everybody to talk about Something Else yeah there is the suggestion that the president may have put out an scindia retreat in order to detract from some of those negative economic numbers so there have shifted up in the news cycle if you will but theres no question that many people had very strong reactions to the president s tweet ill read it for you with universal mail in voting not absentee voting which is good 2020 will be the most inaccurate and fraudulent election in history be a great embarrassment to the us a delay the election until people can properly securely and safely vote as you mentioned the suggestion that perhaps there would be a need for mail in voting due to cope with 19 is one that republicans and this president pushed back on repeatedly citing the potential for fraud but the suggestion of delaying the election is one that many people feel is just a bridge too far especially with the 95. 00 days to go until the u. S. Election relatively close with this countrys always prided itself on is sort of that peaceful transfer of power to so have the president suggest not only has he has in the past that he may not accept the results but now also the potential to delay is certainly causing Many Americans consternation then what about within the administration itself how much traction will you get on this. Well the administration so far has been quiet but i can tell you that thats not the case for members of his own Republican Party in fact one top ally senator Lindsey Graham has said that he doesnt think delaying the elections are a good idea another one says this is really just for press attention but its not going to get me a true sort of traction but the really the most profound response that weve heard has come from Mitch Mcconnell whos the Top Republican head of the u. S. Senate he says never in the history of the country through wars depressions in the civil war have we ever not had a federally scheduled election on time well find a way to do that again this november 3rd but the concern in all of this is what the president has done to set the table if you will for his supporters to not accept the result of the election and thats what has many members of congress concerned about or it could be thanks very much for the answer thats coming to d. C. Lets take this on further we can speak to cliff until someone whos a professor of lore and philosophy at the university of pennsylvania in philadelphia clay good to have you here 1st up can he do this kind he changed the thing to the election. So its important to understand that the president has no power over the date of the election that is set by federal statute and it would have to be changed by congress in order to change the date of the election 2nd of all this is part of an organized attack on the idea of mail in vote in were in the middle of a worldwide pandemic and right now the United States is harder hit than any other country it is critical that we make sure that every american has the option to vote and the only way to do that safely right now is to give people the option of mail in voting now there is no evidence that mail in voting increases the risk of fraud the state of washington has successfully been using mail in ballots since 2005 other states have increased their use of mail in voting in recent years and there simply is no evidence that that increases the risk of fraud there were always problems with any method of voting we were all remember the story of the hanging chads back in the president ial election in 2000 and there have been problems with online voting so every method of voting has some risks but mail in voting no more than any other risk that you think we can so theres something of a bomb going efforts within the administration to discredit 1000000 votes he was we heard from the attorney general the other day who say much the same thing. Correct there is indeed that effort and i think that the attorney general and the president are or clearly showing that effort showing that theres an organized effort to cast doubt on the results of the election to make people question the results of the election if it does not go President Trumps way and possibly to get people not to vote by mail when they have the right to because they will be afraid that their votes wont be properly counted now there are some complications with mail in voting one complication that will have to face is that it takes longer to count mail and votes and so we could be waiting the results for the results of the election a little bit longer than usual but instead of trying to cast doubt on this as a safe and effective method of voting the president the attorney general and other republicans who have been attacking this in the court system and trying to get the courts to go along with their concerns about mail and voting are depriving americans of the right to vote and weakening our democracy the president himself noted some time ago that if everyone in america were to vote no republican would ever be elected again and that really shows you the agenda here which is the right to suppress the vote and if he is as can be heard at suggested in. Conversation with me that may be some say that hes trying to set the table for his supporters not to accept the results of the election hold dangerous is going down that path going to be. Thats very dangerous weve already seen that the president s tweets and his remarks to his supporters have produced have contributed to the production of violence in this country. Inciting people to ignore governors of orders or to fight against governors orders that are intended to keep us safe to have people Wearing Masks and social distancing has been very dangerous to the country and has increased the amount of covert all across the country and this could be very similar we have already seen that right wing agitators have contributed to some of the violence that has occurred in demonstrations so this really puts us on a path to see violence in the streets following the election it is an extremely dangerous path for the president to be going down and very important that everyone prepare the country for the possibility that donald trump will not win the next election and that there needs to be a peaceful transition of power the president should be the 1st to be on board with that as his predecessor pres president obama was when he turned over his office to President Trump and greeted him warmly and try to help the transition try to help people accept the transition which was a very difficult one for many people who get a perspective a cliff and a stone thanks very much to thank you thanks for having me. Now europes biggest economy has officially plunged into recession nearly a decade of growth in germany has been wiped out by the pandemic its economy shrinking more than 10 percent in the past few months when it came is in berlin. This is the worst quarterly performance for 50 years for the the German Economy that refers back to the west German Economy rather than to the east German Economy but nonetheless it is very bad news but as was alluded to this is needed this needs to be seeing through the prism of what had already been predicted for the quarter and several months ago once the 2nd quarter was underway once the pandemic was really here taking hold of the economy of the country the predictions had been that they would be expected that the economy would shrink by almost 10 percent in the event its a bit more than 10 percent but not much more than that and so theres very much the sense coming from ministerial circles that they feel that theyve kept a lid on it that theyve prevented it from being much worse than they possibly imagined and indeed there are elements certain sectors in the economy thats are rebounding already from the worst. Problems caused by the pandemic and the economy minister several weeks ago was talking about his hope that the economy would rebound in 2021 but obviously all of that optimism is predicated on there being no 2nd wave of corona in this country thats why over the course of the past few days and indeed over the course of the past few weeks weve seen a succession of state Prime Ministers of federal ministers trying to urge caution trying to urge people around the country for not doing things that might cause corona to come back. But most of this news are getting a look at why you see children who survive the terror of isaac. Control face Health Crisis years after being free. Will is there anyone else that nasa launches its biggest regular to the red planet to search for evidence of aging. And the head of well football facing Big Questions swiss prosecutors open a criminal inquiry into feet for president giani if in fact you know its come up later in sport. Now the head of the World Health Organization says the countries must learn to live with coronavirus director general said people cannot afford to let their guard down and warned that young people may be driving many of the new spikes we have stated before and we will say it again young people out of not invincible young people can be infected young people can die and young people can transmit the virus to others thats why young people might stick the same precautions to protect themselves and protect others as everyone else where the w. H. O. Also says that latin america is still in a big fight to control the spread of the disease a rise in unemployment and more extreme poverty has been predicted there and in the caribbean and as a result of the pending u. N. Economic commission for the region says its economy could shrink more than 9 percent this year on top of that 44000000 people are expected to be without work and that is more than double last years number the Commission Warns this will drive millions more into poverty lets speak today and hes following developments across the region for us from one is there isnt daniel theres rampant poverty in the region already this is only going to compound a very serious problem already. You know thats certainly the case and when you look at those statistics break them down a little bit i mean theyre talking about that minus doctrine of 9 percent in the Gross Domestic Product across the region translates according to these latest figures into 45000000 more people falling below the poverty line taking the figure up to 230000000 people right across the region thats not some that 30 percent 37 percent sorry of the of the of the whole population the large number of those falling into extreme poverty as well very grim figures being released by the the Economic Committee for latin america and the caribbean. Pretty much every every country in the region although one of these figures a grim one thing. The other thing they also talk about is the growth in the rate of inequality in the region the rich getting richer and as weve heard the poor getting much poorer so a small number of the already rich doing very very well out of this crisis millions of people are falling below the poverty line higher on Employment Rights across the region and of course numbers rampant too across the region how does that sort of tie in with whats happening in terms of. The economy. Where youve got the economies governments all over the region talking about a return to some kind of normality trying to get people back to work because they simply cant afford not to have people in work but of course what that does is exacerbate the pandemic situation i think illustrating that today was the president of brazil diables noddle having spent the last 3 weeks recovering from corbett was back at work opening a Water Treatment plant in the northeast of the country on the same day it was announced his wife michelle has tested positive for coverage 19 along with one of his ministers the minister of technology and science is the 5th. Of the brazilian minister his government to test positive for the virus we had record figure on wednesday number of dead in 24 hours and now its 1600 in brazil record numbers in argentina in bolivia the same time. Numbers of ministers of policemen and Health Workers also succumbing to the pandemic so while ministers governments are urging people back to work the figures the numbers of people being infected by 19 continue to rise dramatically and we havent reached the peak yet so many countries predicting that peak will come sometime in august. Thanks very much indeed for that update. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson says the pandemic is slowly being brought under control but hes warning people to keep up Safety Measures or risk another way numbers of deaths so well well done but i have to tell you that were looking at a resurgence of the virus in some other European Countries you can see whats been happening in the United States and so it is absolutely vital as a country that we continue to keep our focus and discipline and that we dont delude ourselves that somehow were out of the woods or that this is all over because it isnt all over a car bomb in eastern afghanistan has killed at least 8 people and injured more than 30 others the explosion happened in the city in Logar Province it comes after tuesdays announcement by the taliban to hold a cease fire during. The taliban has denied involvement. Now russia is denying trying to destabilize better use the head of its upcoming election after 30 of its citizens were detained in minsk. President Alexander Lucas shanker has accused the men of being at mercenaries sent by moscow to incite riots being investigated for working with lucretia and his critics the president is seeking a 6th term in elections next month but berry says being one of russias most reliable ally since the fall of the soviet Union Relations have been strained recent yes moscow wants better roost implement a Union Agreement signed in 1909 that would create a single currency Constitution Parliament and court system between them the president lukashenko blames moscow for domestic discontent and has accused it of plotting to overthrow him i mean while relations with the west have improved if every might pompei became the 1st u. S. Secretary of state to visit ments since the early 1990 s. After that washington appointed its 1st ambassador in over a decade and then in may better is ordered oil from the United States for the 1st time after failing to agree on a price to buy it from russia where Ukraines Security Service says it plans to ask for the suspects to be extradited so they can stand trial in ukraine lets speak to alexey horan whos a professor of comparative politics at the university of kiev where academy joins us from the ukrainian capital good to see that mr her and tell us 1st of all. Tell us 1st of all how all this is playing out in ukraine. Well look for ukraine its very important to belarus ease independent and there are no Russian Troops in belarus which is because in this case russia meet usability in order to attack ukraines problems in knots so its very very important for us but at the same time we understand that look at frankly speaking hes a dictator say elections which are going to be on august 9th will be falsified. As it is an opposition to look but we know who will be elected so look a showcase playing a very very dangerous and delicate good soul he was playing with the russians but when he understands that hes coming too close who is to russia hes trying to balance it all with the vest so he got things. Message that is which we are detained in bellicose yes fully agree its important because we know that some of it isnt but this impeded one of the russian side ins in war ins that dont bust in ukraine all say and who are into gold those are dont actually one of those versions that bellows is a transit country for this mess and it is and there are Different Countries we shouldnt somebody stalking above ukraine dont bust somebody stalking about sudan russian sense and say were going to fly to istanbul and then we dont know where they were heading so this is one version the 2nd version is that this maisonette is where sent by a russian in order to put pressure on look at. And finally is a serb version is that look a certain to some hollow is also manipulating whizzes mesler is in order to clear the russians who are meeting to test that belies him so he will. I like to peel to belarusian so that its a look i shall. Send for all Russia Ukraine let me just jump in they started ukraine Security Service says it plans to ask for the suspects to be extradited so they can be tried in ukraine thats not going to happen is it. But we dont know actually again look all of that. Were participating Ginza Williams and don but as far as a you remember the figure was about 7 or 7 so up and well ukraine may ask to deport zim to ukraine and actually dont know what location to loot. Again because not a sham case claimed he has his own games so ringback hes starting to shows that hes distancing from russia but me to look extent would make. It dated too much all right there like he had done a good get a perspective on that appreciate that thank you very much thank you for having a 12 opposition politicians in hong kong being disqualified from running in september 11th of Council Election it comes as police use the new National Security law to crackdown on prodemocracy activists who posted on line that it department as its report. Taken from their homes and arrested late at night before students aged between 16 and 21 are accused of violating hong kongs newly imposed National Security law we found at that. Fish. Alright station pros. In the united so show media about their stuff usually and often over the of a note parties that we need to promote at the independence of the home they are from a disbanded Political Group student localism which advocated for hong kongs independence on june 30th just hours before the law took effect the group seized all their operations in hong kong but continued to call for support from abroad police here said the arrests were carried out by a newly formed National Security department they also confiscated phones computers and documents all without a warrant they arrest marked the 1st time the new law has been used against activity on the internet there are now many questions of what kind of a precedent it sets and how much it will affect freedom of speech and Political Rights in hong kong opposition to the National Security law was also used as a basis to disqualify at least a dozen prodemocracy candidates including activist joshua long from the legislative Council Elections in september earlier this month hundreds of thousands of people voted in an unprecedented but unofficial primary election organized by the democratic camp to consolidate their support they said the turnout indicated their chances of winning a majority of the Legislative Council seats a prospect that wont be welcomed in beijing. Authorities say more candidates could be disqualified and i think today we are seeing the results of the relentless overpressure of this regime is starting. Not only just to take away the basic from. The rights and freedom that was once enjoyed by all known people hong kong has Political Freedoms and rights not seen in Mainland China but activists say the National Security law is rapidly averting its status and taking away the very qualities which set it apart from the rest of the country if you go palin are just there hong kong. Chinas ambassador to the u. K. Has accused britain of poisoning the relationship between the 2 countries lucy among says the u. K. s condemnation of hong kongs new National Security law and moved to ground people in the city a pathway to produce citizenship constitute blatant into for us on hong kong they have been planted us interference from the u. K. In hong kong. Which in turn are various of china including groundless accusations against the National Security law as they are challenge to the policy involving past. As a suspension of tradition treaty with hong kong. These moves have seriously interrupted ability and prosperity. So that their announcers are on the couch in bridge to negotiations that could put trade talks with the e. U. On ice. And Natural Disaster dozens of rather wild animals being killed in indias northern azzam stage. And world tennis Number One National party also out of the us open we will tell you why its been. Hello scorchingly hot is not a surprising description of the weather in the middle east in summer sometimes it gets sundry as well has been doing that recently but the heat set a new record in baghdad on tuesday we might do the same again today possibly even on friday that heat is accompanied by a bit of a breeze and its all being taken south through kuwait towards the eastern side of saudi as you can see this bright and the blue suggest still plenty of moisture some pretty big thunderstorms down there in the mountains the southwest of saudi and western side of yemen less so in amman surprisingly the moment the dust itself is showing it was the orange glow at 38. 00 in doha thats not what he was a humid sticky fear with the breeze coming off the gulf you watch clusters of thunderstorms this time of the year in north africa and there is one running into nigeria as you can see that will keep study moving westwards with another one thats just going off the coast its rough as far north as banjo even beyond and the next 24 hours youll see something further south in liberia and sierra leone north of all that and of course its just a quiet and hot picture even in egypt despite the breezes 45 up in aswan. Kidnappings and murders in crimea says russias forced an extension of the black sea financial. I dont understand why the speed now. Scores of crimean to toss have been arrested and tortured and killed. Most believe by Russian Security forces crime in russias dark secret on aljazeera. Breaks everybody on this planet matters such as ours when people need to be heard and the story needs to be told here Human Development has moved right to the edge of the forest with exclusive interviews and indepth reports hope it is a disease going to affect anyone any age aljazeera has teens on the ground this is the Main Business lobby money or the person to bring new movie or 20 documentaries and life news. Theyre watching out 0 her mind of our top stories this hour and the u. S. Economy shrank at the fastest pace on record between april and june it fell 9 and a half a cent a surge in coronavirus cases saw more businesses shut down and forced millions of people out of work. Donald trump has suggested delaying novembers president ial election repeating im stunned cheated allegations that an increase in postal votes will result in fraud democrats and some within trumps Republican Party have rejected the idea. Russia has denied trying to destabilize better reduce some of the more than 30 suspected ministries were detained in minsk interests accuses the group purporting acts of terrorism ahead of its president ial election. Now to iraq where yazidi children who survived being held by isis fighters are facing an unprecedented Health Crisis thats according to Amnesty International which says nearly 2000 children have been reunited with their families since 2014 this includes former child soldiers and girls subjected to Sexual Violence it says most of these children are now suffering from Serious Health conditions including posttraumatic stress disorder and depression and points out that they have not received any form of support whether that is Psychological Health for financial help these 80 women are also facing a crisis many gave birth as well as a result of Sexual Assault by eisel fighters and have been separated from their children lets hear now from nicolette the woman who is author of that amnesty report and shes calling for action to help victims overcome trauma. These children now come away with really significant physical Health Problems they have long term many have long term illnesses conditions physical disabilities especially boys who were forced to fight can come out from captivity with missing arms and legs or other conditions that will be with them for their lives and then girls who have been subjected to Sexual Violence have specific unique Health Problems such as scarring traumatic fistulas difficulty conceiving or carrying children and then just to move on to their Mental Health they really are facing a crisis and some of the most common symptoms that theyre exhibiting include hyperactivity aggression withdrawal from social situations severe mood swings and the list goes on so really these these children are struggling and the caregivers for these children who are usually their family members are struggling as well. If only former interior minister could face trial for refusing to let the ship carrying 150. 00 migrants doc last year the senators voted to live to matthew sylvies parliamentary immunity prosecutors want to challenge him with illegally detaining the migrants by forcing them to stay on a ship operated by a Spanish Charity youre going to go after hearing your speeches this morning if anyone thinks theyre going to scare me the center right and my movement with a politically motivated trial then youve got the wrong man and the wrong party on the contrary you give me more strength to defend our ideals. We live in and better a new country today because of john lewis and its just a one of the tributes paid to the late congressman and civil rights champion and his funeral in atlanta former president s george w. Bush bill clinton and barack obama joined in news his family and other dignitaries to pay their last respects to Funeral Service and almost 2. 00 weeks memorials which began after the 18 year old died of pancreatic cancer. The life of john lewis was in so many ways exception then decayed the faith in our founding redeemed that faith that most american of ideas the idea that any of us ordinary people without right or well or title or fame can somehow point out the imperfections of this nation and come together and challenge the status quo and the so that it is in our power to remake this country that we love until it more closely allies with our highest ideals what a radical idea. The worlds biggest plane maker has posted a net loss of more than 2000000000. 00 in the 1st half of this year its rival boeing announced a similar 2nd quarter loss on wednesday a touch of butler is in paris now with more on the impulse. Terrible figures for air bus the european plane made a 2200000000. 00 of net losses in the 1st 6 months of this year theyve had to deliver half the amount of aircraft in the 1st half of this year that they had planned all and also in the 2nd quarter revenue tumbling by 55 percent so whatever us are saying is that they have had to cut production by 40 percent which of course have a huge impact on the company and staff across the europe who work for us all the suppliers the whole industry that is always linked to any one company now what theyre saying is that this is due of course to the coronavirus pandemic the fact that during the lockdowns people pretty much didnt fly airlines were grounded and even after the restored restrictions have been lifted in some places. Travel has been severely reduced in fact us are saying their visibility for the future is very limited indeed they may not be forecasting in the short term because the Airline Travel industry isnt really expected to get back on its feet at least preplanned demick levels until 20232025 so thats a long way off indeed and its something of course that will affect as i said all these industries that are connected to the european playmakers are bad news indeed out of france today. Muslims may communal pilgrimage to mecca in saudi arabia wrapping up a 3 to last year a 1000000 people climb the sacred Hill Mountain this time the worshippers from abroad have been banned and only a 1000 people from all of the me the National Residents of saudi arabia will be the 1st of all of. Celebrates the end of the book with the coronavirus outbreak has done pretty preparations for muslims right around the world so hard this report. Plenty of cows and this floating market in the bangladeshi captain. Not enough customers. This should have been the busiest day in the most in calendar fly Stock Traders and theyre running out of time the start of their evil of holidays malls by some altering and distributing mood to poor communities because at 19 restrictions and lock downs have hurt sales. In ivory coast meat prices of nearly doubled since last year the Global Economic downturn has meant many muslim families globally simply calling to cling to buy even assess if shes drunk you know. Burkina me here thats where we buy the sheep from over there its expensive so when we sell them here buyers complain the sheep are expensive but we have no choice its not our fault. So many muslim communities aid will be celebrated under lockdown shops in iraq city of mosul and mostly posed by in place for children a staple very tradition isnt possible for many People Living here are stark babar law look at mach one of those people buying food but not clothes were not in the mood to pay for it people arent happy theyre overwhelmed with growing a virus and a look down that will be imposed on mosul. The World Health Organization has called on countries in the Eastern Mediterranean region especially to take necessary measures ahead of the upcoming holiday and prevent the spread of throwing a virus and what we recommend all countries consider banning gatherings during it at heart and implement strict measures for the selling of animals and distributing their meat. And its because of these restrictions some entrepreneurs say they have found new and safe ways of making money. In the pakistani city of karachi. Which from cleaning hold meals to 4 legged animals during the pandemic that is 1000000. Animals from either brought from dirty markets so when i bought mine i brought it here and i washed it myself to make sure which is clean and so. If people saw me and wanted to do the same with their animals this is how the train began. And in the worlds biggest majority country and many are still farms of going online and theyre seeing a sales. Facebook we mainly sell the animals on Instagram Facebook to talk so that people dont have to physically visit the farm. Raids is a time of prayer is gatherings and celebrations with family. Millions of muslims worldwide this years eve will likely be remembered for a very different reason so. I just needa. The time is running out for the e. U. And the United Kingdom to agree to any sort of framework for trade deal before the end of the year and nothing is more polarizing in the debate than fishing rights in the 1st of 2 part series lawrence lee has been speaking to fishermen in the south east of england welcome and no bricks. Fisherman work harder than nearly anyone its just after 5 in the morning and wink walpole is doing what he does most days traveling out of the mouth of the Thames Estuary towards the English Channel to look for a catch but he has a big problem the far larger dutch trawlers which not only stealing waters but which sometimes use techniques like the mass electrocution of fish to take the lion share if the cold and the soul dont make it up to the estuary his chances last we shipped up to fish a lot of. Boats would typically be fishing for 2020 stone and. One of my friends when. I think about 6 start you know i wouldnt pay for 1. 00 industry. Fishing rights have become arguably the most totemic issue of all for supporters of brics its the small boats became a photo opportunity in support of no deal the argument being that a line had to be drawn in the sea to offer proper separation from a europe which gains far more than the u. K. From the current arrangements that votes that was taken to westminster belongs to this man who is as convinced now as he ever was that bracks it must be used to support the u. K. s broken fishing industry weve said we could potentially have an industry where fight 1000000000 pounds if fission in st u. K. Where theres a moment its in a 1000000000. Thats. More employment is an awful lot more normal for my 1st little towns you know around the coast mr switzer without so this is one of the more difficult arguments for critics of no deal that while it might look catastrophic for other industries for the owners of small fishing boats it could be hugely significant opponents of brechts it often points out that fishing is only worth half a percent. Its of the whole british economy but in communities like this that cuts no ice at all for them its certainly not about nationalism its only a bit about solvency one anything else is about trying to make a living. Come back in with just a small catch he will sell it partly to local wholesalers and partly from his own shop to locals who support him he has none of the power of the big fishing corporations but he and many others like him genuinely believe the whole point of bricks it is to stand up for the little guy or 3 aljazeera in southeastern england. The flooding in northeastern india has killed dozens of rare wild animals around 60 percent of the National Park in the state of assam is under water in esco World Heritage site is home to the Worlds Largest population of one horned rhinos india correspondent Elizabeth Cohen to this report. Taking refuge from the floods 100. 00 rhinos gather on artificially built highlands and indias carried on the National Park more than half of the 1000 square kilometer Wildlife Reserve is under water heavy monsoon rains in the Northeastern State have killed 143. 00 of the parks inhabitants of the past month including 16 rhinos. Where records are not situation is where the many wild animals have gone to the hills looking for the highland grass but its not enough. Flood so an annual occurrence during the monsoon season but conservationists say they are becoming more severe if your. Blood is. From the now it is a human induced because there are so many dams in upstate. Not only harm to the worlds biggest population of 100. 00 but many other protected species including elephants entire. Our government has built artificial highlands for the animals but there are concerns the changes will turn into a dry habitat in the long run making it unsuitable for many of its wildlife. Park officials also say many animals prefer to leave the reserves for natural highlands conservationists suggest clearing paths to allow them to move to the cabbie on long hills during floods so that they dont have to cross a national highway there are many many many things in be doing that assimilate lands and a park. And they get disoriented because theyre necessary to make this and but are brought to certain development activities. Live so in case of a young baby. Especially that are in order to get separated from their mother. Rather than bomb and organization has been rescuing wild animals for the past 20 years in that time the status of one horned rhinos has improved from endangered to vulnerable but with severe flooding becoming increasingly frequent he says more needs to be done to ensure the rhino story remains one of conservation success elizabeth parata aljazeera new delhi. Coming up in sports the formula one driver whos been forced to sell before british. But youre welcome back now nasa as well which is perseverance rover from florida to seek out life on mars and when it reaches the red planet the river will look for signatures take samples and fly an experimental helicopter and ive got a reports now from miami. With. Launching on a mission to mars this is the start as nasa has most ambitious project to answer the age old question point are we alone. It will take the perseverance robot almost 7 months to reach the red planet and if all goes well place the car sized robot safely in the 20. 00 crater once theyre the rover will spend almost 2 years exploring an ancient martian lake a location Scientists Say may hold the Building Blocks to life so one of the key steps that perseverance is taking is collecting samples that can be brought back to earth in the future and then analyzed with all the trust real laboratories we have which should actually provide us a definitive answer to our question. In a 1st in Space Exploration the rover is equipped with an experimental helicopter called ingenuity it plans to make several hopes above the planets surface something nasa say will be a Wright Brothers moment in space ingenuity helicopter on the perseverance rover is one of the most exciting aspects of the mission because this will be the 1st time we demonstrate flight on another planet and thats really important as an exploration tool if all goes as planned this would be nasa is 9th rover to london. On mars and so far the most sophisticated perseverance will carry out an experiment to try and generate oxygen and for the Martian Atmosphere drill for rock samples and most importantly look for signs of frozen microbial life if you keep adding more rovers you get incremental increases and knowledge but bringing the samples back and letting thousands of scientists and hundreds of laboratories look at them thats where the big increase of biologists telecomm once the samples are collected nasa plans to retrieve them by launching another mission to the red planet before hopefully returning with them safely to earth what the mission delivers may answer the question did mars ever have life before any of that happens perseverance will have to land on mars our window of time nasa calls 7 minutes of terror thats how long it takes the rover to send a radio signal back to earth the curiosity rover managed in 2012 and if perseverance does the same it will begin a whole new era in the search for life and gallacher aljazeera Miami Florida for their its a major sports news. Thank you they Saudi Arabian backed consortium trying to buy Newcastle United Football Club has withdrawn its bid the group which includes saudi arabias Sovereign Wealth Fund had made a 391000000. 00 offer to buy new castle from british businessman mike ashley but after waiting months for the premier league to give the green light the offer has now been withdrawn in a statement the consortium said ultimately during the unforeseeable prolonged process the commercial agreement between the Investment Group and the clubs owners expired and our investment thesis could not be sustained particularly with no clarity as to the circumstances under which the next season will start and the new norms that will arise for matches training and other activities this deal was heavily scrutinized with the premier league forced to consider saudis backing of pirate broadcast to be out which steals content from one of the leagues mine partners be in sports who asked for the deal to be blocked and also human rights issues with the fiance of murdered saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi also calling for the takeover to be rejected so im in charge work as a professor of your asians 40 has been following the takeover story closely and always doubted it would ever go through. Not a phrase that many people probably use but Poor Premier League they were caught between a rock and a hard place obviously a very powerful buy with significant economic interests linked to britain but at the same time obviously the premier league has a commercial partner in b. N. That it needs to protect for its own credibility and legitimacy obviously the commercial partners need to trust the premier league at the same time you have a close that has gone through a fairly fractious period in its history where the owners attracted a great deal of can criticism and so for the premier league for a long time it was no way forward no way back and my sense was always that there would be some kind of negotiated exit from the situation but it was always unclear what the negotiated exit would be and what we now know is that it is the biased side where the negotiated exodus come from clearly one of the things that all parties will have wanted is is to try and save face as they say it seems of a by as representatives have used the. Some of the issues around covert some of the issues around human rights some of the issues around the owners and directors test that the premier league applies as their bases upon which to exit the situation but as i say i either that im still skeptical about the precise detail of why this is falling apart and i do question the extent to which this was ever a legitimate attempt by this group of people to try and buy Newcastle United meanwhile a criminal case has been opened against the head of World Football for the for president gianni in frontin organised native switzerland is connected to a meeting in france who know how to win the swiss attorney general baku lalbagh 3 of them when footballs governing body was being investigated for corruption now but offered to resign last week after a court concluded it covered up the meeting and lied to supervise and by faith and in france you know deny any wrongdoing remember inventing a big. President 4 years ago and said hed restore the image in respect of faith but now faces further investigation into his actions and a 3rd big story in the governance of sport today russia is now under threat of being kicked out of world athletics if it doesnt pay an outstanding fine in the next 2. 00 weeks washes federation i was more than 6000000. 00 which was a punishment for breaching anti doping drugs theyve already missed their 1st deadline now they have until august 5th thing to pipe all they face expulsion if that happens they want to be able to send neutral athletes to compete at world events like the olympics for the sake of clean russian athletes the Task Force Hope the payment will come through as promised and that the remaining conditions be met if so all the tasks were standing ready to work with the members of the reserve Bank Commission including representatives of the minister of sport to bring about meaningful reforms in the version of the ethics m. B. A. Basketball finally returns to the us later on thursday all games we played inside that disney world bubble but the leagues commissioner admits hes anxious and warns the competition could be stopped again if the virus spreads. Probably if we had any any significant spread in iraq we didnt mean it we start one thing we do is try to track those cases to determine where theyre coming from and whether there have been spread on the campus i would say alternately we see it completely if we saw that this was spreading around the campus and something more than actually the case was happening the Philadelphia Phillies by sports team of close their ballpark until further notice after 2 positive tests among staff it wipes out their series against its own cyblade this weekend the phillies had already perspired 4 other games off the plane the Miami Marlins who are dealing with their mass out by the blow for u. S. Open tennis tournament coming up next month the womens number one Ashley Bartoli has pulled out because she doesnt want to risk traveling during the pandemic the top 2 mens prize Novak Djokovic and rafael nadal have also expressed doubts and Mexican Formula one driver to sir g. Pair as they see him self isolation after any conclusive covert 19 test this news comes a day before 1st practice at the british grand prix at silverstone as his racing point team says hes awaiting the result of a retest and not at the Silverstone Circuit more carnivorous concerns in football the president of italian club not play is worried about them travelling to spain for their Champions League game against barcelona where theres been a recent spike in cases already out of the rentis would prefer playing in portugal which is where all the quarter finals semifinals and the final will be polite lots of sports news today thats all for now though. The world sport late thank you very much today for that that is it for this news hour dont forget a website out there dot com is the address and tell you will be here a couple minutes another half hour of news before meaning clark the rest of the team here and there are. Bogost on aljazeera at the us republican and Democratic National conventions delegates officially nominate their partys president ial candidates for the 2020 elections in india witnessed on as a young conservationist tackling the deadly human elephant conflict with an unlikely strategy coexistence 10 years off to the chilean mining disaster we revisit the victims of a story that captivated the world one on one east and has the violent urbino of a mixed martial arts in russia and the former u. S. S. R. And the u. N. Special tribunal delivers its verdict on the assassination of former lebanese Prime Minister rafik hariri ogust on aljazeera. Jumped into the stream and julian on Global Community this generation will have to create its own democracy with social media on at will online be part of the debate let me put some you tube comments to you when no topic is off the table is taking on all the systemic violence that people of color have suffered not only now but for decades we all banks need to transform lives the way he keeps human way to business if were going to adapt to climate right out of this stream on out is there. Holding the powerful to account as we examine the u. S. Its role in the world on aljazeera. Japan is building a massive say to protect against devastating tsunami one o one east investigative nature can be can time or if the war will expose commuters to greater danger. On aljazeera. The coronavirus pandemic shatters the Global Economy with record plunges in the u. S. Europe and latin america. And our intel of this is our 0 live from london also coming up. Donald trump proposes delaying the u. S. President ial election to avoid fraud but critics say its just another distraction

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