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By money and fight this is al jazeera live from doha also coming up. Making a case for president Donald Trumps reelection us secretary of state breaks with tradition to address the convention while abroad and on official business. Tacky says its ready to talk over a mediterranean dispute but says it wont accept any preconditions from greece. A challenge turned into a fashion coronavirus provided textile design is with an opportunity to make millions of mosques every day. Protesters defying a curfew on the 3rd night of demanding justice for a black man shot in the back by police in the u. S. City. Lets take a look at these live pictures coming to us from can you show its just off to midnight there now and these are the scenes 3 hours off to a curfew was put in place in the last hour oh sorry riot police fired tear gas to keep demonstrators from entering the courthouse building a state of emergency has been in place with extra National Guard troops deployed off to many buildings was set on fire the protests are continuing despite a call for unity and calm from jacob likes mother john hendren has a very latest from commission. A city corrections building burnt to the ground one of 3 dozen buildings left in ruins in a single night firefighters and residents sweep up the wreckage. I am with black live matter movie. Are being protesting the. Unity. Philip mary arrived to find the windows of his 92 year old office smashed but it was largely spared his neighbor wasnt so lucky. Senseless it is. Dandelion is someones property the mother of jacob blake the black man whose shooting by police set off the demonstrations says he would not approve if. You knew what was going on as far as that goes the violence and the destruction. He would be very pleased blakes family spoke of the latest incident of alleged Police Brutality captured in this viral video of an officer shooting in the back his 3 sons watching from inside the car. 7 pines. Something. Like he didnt matter. But my son matters blakes attorneys say he underwent surgery on tuesday and remains paralyzed from the waist down im not sad im not sorry im angry and im tired i havent cried one time i stopped crying years ago i am numb. I have been watching Police Murder people that look like me for years as her family struggles with what happened so does a battered city while police were protecting government buildings the looters came here to be Uptown Neighborhood and they fire bombed and looted each of the stores for a couple of blocks until they got here to kingdom word ministries thats where david might come or his pastor actually we had somebody actually take a. Big large rock in brought to the window and we started yelling hey this is a church and i heard several people say hey you dont touch a church you know now one of the firemen said a pastor it looks like your building is going to be the only thing to say you know its just a miracle from god one building salvaged amid dozens of burnt out holes and more broken hearts john hendren aljazeera can no show wisconsin. Lines up and blood between policy politics and Public Office on day 2 of the Republican National convention in the United States president done a stage for a citizenship ceremony and to publish a former convict 1st Lady Melania Trump broke with tradition by speaking from the white house rose garden and secretary of state mike nor decades of nonpartisanship president with a message recorded during an official mission because this president has led bold initiatives in nearly every corner of the world and china has pulled back the curtain on the predatory aggression of the Chinese Communist party the president has held china accountable for covering up the china virus and allowing it to spread death and economic destruction in america and around the world and he will not rest until justice is done a White House Correspondent kimberly hellcat has been following the convention i talked to just off to the 1st lady spike she says manya trump speech was aimed at women in the u. S. Well it seemed to touch on a number of issues that were important to women its not clear that this is a sales pitch that has been fully received you know ultimately well know on election day but having said that i think that there were certainly a number of themes throughout the speech that clearly targeted women voters that we should note the president has been losing increasingly particularly when it comes to White Working Class voters who make up a big part of the president s base but the irony in all of this is that donald trump has been criticized repeatedly even as they have talked about throughout the night how he has catapulted womens careers and allowed many women to work in his administration hes also been sharply criticized for his past comments made towards women so that was certainly a struggle for the 1st lady and im not sure that one speech is going to convince all the women voters to vote for donald trump simply because she has spoken from the rose garden kimberly lets move on talk about whos prerecorded speech from jerusalem has of course raised a lot of criticisms possibly even violating federal law why would he take that risk well there are couple of reasons number one might pump aoe has has been for a very long time one of the president s staunchest supporters he has been a hard line politician who has even before donald trump was running for election embrace many of the similar policies when it comes to american exceptionalism when it comes to a more hawkish military these 2 men have seen eye to eye but there is also the political career pump aoe himself that certainly is positioning him and perhaps thats why he would run the risk of violating federal law this is a platform that is hard for an ambitious politician to ignore. Tekkie says greece must give up its preconditions before the 2 countries can begin a dialogue over disputed Energy Resources in the mediterranean the nato allies do not want to speed to end up in military confrontation techie wants to act as an almost objective mediator so i reports from istanbul. Turkish and greek warships on alert tensions are high as the 2 countries have been locked in a dispute for weeks over marriage tembo andris at offshore writes. Germany for its part is trying to mediate a dispute between the neighbors and nato a life as foreign minister hike of last conducting shuttle diplomacy between athens and ancora earlier on to say most warned of a passable catastrophic in the region or severe its all over the us what we urgently need are visible steps towards the escalation and a genuine readiness for dialogue i have been hearing from all sides that there is a willingness for dialogue and so we believe holding talks is achievable in the end a binding and peaceful solution to the Eastern Mediterranean dispute will only be possible if there are direct talks between greece and turkey. Turkey calls greece a spoiled child who has and conditional support from the e. U. Thats why an honesty you medication is necessary for dialogue the hope that only if you make statements such as we would defend our rights we carry our rules we do not say we will make a mistake but we will do whatever is necessary without hesitation therefore do not get ignored by those countries act with common sense tension between the 2 neighbors speak when the Turkish Research vessel that they or trace began carrying out suspect research in the Eastern Mediterranean the ship is being escorted by warships between quaid and cyprus where say is a stopping for a diplomatic solution but stands ready militarily. So greece will defend in the name of law its sovereignty and its sovereign rights greece will defend its national and european borders the sovereignty and sovereign rights of europe it does not have any other choice but to do certain. Turkeys foreign minister sat athens provocator steps on a disrupt style oak between the 2 countries germany revived destination talks between senior turkish and greek offer szells an initiative started in july but broken up by turkey several weeks later after greece and now some maritime deal with egypt earlier this month turkey says it is open to dialogue with greece only if theres a Fair Distribution of rights in this in mediterranean but if athens continues presenting preconditions for dialogue and doesnt give up its uncompromising approach in the region and chorus is a real conflict may become unavoidable see in africa solo aljazeera a stumble. To belarus where the opposition says it will not give up on its call for a democratic transition even as 2 prominent leaders a jailed for organizing rallies demonstrations began more than 2 weeks ago against president Alexander Lukashenko disputed reelection the governments efforts to crackdown on protesters have not slowed the momentum stop some reports from minsk. The. Solidarity for those punished protesting against the new question. Musicians have gathered at the junkyard theatre in minsk every day so its a director for supporting the protests from a cultural minister powerful up to scarface of a criminal investigation into his dismissal hes become one of the key members of the opposition council. Performances are cancelled and actors of all resigned in support of him including all agog both was been a popular performer for decades but you. There are a lot of resignation letters at the moment we are lucky we are united in stick together your parties dont know what to do with us we dont know what will happen to us next. And if i and the actors openly displayed the opposition flak after police took it down i would have to the rule was a new one assuming its impossible to work under such a regime we are heavily censored in our salary is miserable and we cannot express our opinion as a personal culture under this regime our profession makes no sense the actors joined a rally at the ministry of education with teachers also gathered to protest against lugar shankars this beautiful reelection earlier this month hes announced that all teachers who dont share his ideology will be sacked. Ive been working at the school for 35 years ive come here to declare that teaches dont agree they are very brave people because it is scary for dismissed teaches there are plans to establish private schools so they can take children and still earn money thanks ron hundreds of teachers stage a peaceful rally Police Vehicles arrive some protests are scary and children shout we are not scared. Was going to france and in fact there is again and still because broadcasters say such things thank you for the story in spite of crisscrossed by the fact that we. Made teachers taking to the streets it seems the president is increasingly alienating professionals who are the pillars of his government for fashion also have become more and more united in their fight against him and his 26 years in power step fasten aljazeera mints. Still ahead on aljazeera a historic day for africa after a decade long battle with the virus that causes. As little left standing we survey the damage from wildfires in the u. S. State of california. You tend to need a temperature contrast to get a good wind and if most places a halt there isnt much of a wind to be had so apart from the southwest monsoon which is so cruising on the coast of amman there isnt much for breeze inland is a very weak. The dust in iraq and its all loses strength very good down to the gulf so this is the continued she made time for qatar for the u. A. E. For bahrain and to some degree secure weight as well but otherwise it sunny skies but an increase in the breeze bit more dust coming down by the end of thursday. Dropping science and this is the time of the year where you see thunderstorm bill that might have a Lake Victoria when they die during the day drift slowly westwards so you should get daily showers in for example rwanda burundi the monsoon wind is still blowing on the coast of kenya tanzania and somalia is not bringing much but a few share of a bitter rain certainly possible maybe even reaching mogadishu come thursday otherwise its big shot the build inland in comes down here and they move west further south and its still relatively quiet we have seen some active frontal system front through the far south south africa. Still with a case just catch the eastern cape during ones religion is speaking it is fairly quiet weather especially in cape town. In 2008. 0 documenting groundbreaking. Preparing some of in the children for entry into its toughest university ready. We return to. Helping change the face of india. The world. Youre watching aljazeera mind of our top stories this hour of been protests for a 3rd night in the u. S. City of new show where a black man was shot 7 times by police extra National Guards have been deployed to control hundreds of people on the streets jake and legs families calling for peace calm and justice. U. S. President donald trump has lady malani a trump and secretary of state might compare her spoken on day 2 of the Republican National convention breaking with decades of precedent 1st lady spoke from the white house rose garden while on the payor recorded his address during a diplomatic mission. Turkey says greece must give up its preconditions before the 2 countries can begin a dialogue disputed Energy Resources in the Mediterranean Congress calling on the e. U. To act as an honest and objective mediator. Sudan says its in no position to normalize relations with israel the Transitional Government has told us secretary of state mike that it doesnt have the mandate to establish diplomatic ties with israel its a case in washington of using saddam being on its list of states that sponsor terrorism as leverage compare is on a regional tour of the middle east encouraging other arab states to join the u. A. E. In establishing diplomatic ties with its ally israel have a morgan has a strong point. Mike bumpy you became the 1st top u. S. Diplomat to set foot in sudans capital in 15 years. When he arrived on tuesday his visit lasted just 3 hours he talked to persuade sudan to join the u. A. E. In normalizing relations with israel but following discussions with Prime Minister abdullah on u. S. Support for the year old Transitional Government and the ongoing Peace Process so dans government said they could not be moved. Your government is a Transitional Government and consist of a Broad Coalition with different political views new ideologies but what unites them is completing the transitional period to end conflicts in the country to focus on the issue of Transitional Justice and to prepare for elections as a Transitional Government we are now in a position to discuss our agenda including the issue of normalizing ties of israel to the elected government we dont have a mandate to do so. The visit was crucial for sudan which after more than 25 years on the u. S. State sponsors of terrorism list is hoping to finally turn a new page 20 years of u. S. Sanctions also crippled the countrys trade relations and limited diplomatic dealings between sudan and many of the countries talks between the 2 sides to have sudan removed from the list have been ongoing since the current leadership came to power a year ago but not in his request for sudan to when relations with israel could impact how fast that happens Congress Members hardliners. They dont want to go forward to normalize the relation between israel and the state there is a new government but the still stuck about the history of sudan here. As an enemy or Something Like the u. S. Secretary of state was not the only high level foreign visitor to meet with sudans leaders on tuesday if Prime Minister ahmed also landed in the sudanese capital hard sume and met with Prime Minister ham dog and the head of the Sovereign Council of the fatah on Border Security and trade were among the topics discussed but the most important topic was the dispute about the filling of the ground if you are in his own stem talks on the hydroelectric dam said to be africas largest have been going on for 5 years between ethiopia and its downstream neighbors to die. In egypt with each country heavily reliant on the nile as a water source discussions over how fast and how much water the dam is filled with have stalled repeatedly and despite not reaching a deal if youd be announced last month that it had begun feeling it. We have had a bit of good food discussion. On the girl. Economy integration between you tube in this is. How to focus. On in development. Solution. To distance between the 2 countries. And while many issues remain unresolved sudans government sees these visits by the u. S. In ethiopia as a sign of improving relations on the International Stage people morgan aljazeera. This rightly military says its a craft have fired at several posts belonging to the iran backed Lebanese Group hezbollah in response to shots fired from across the border in lebanon just hours earlier this rally military says it identified a security incident ordering residents to stay in their homes no injuries were reported has been tension for weeks at the border last month israel said hezbollah carried out an infiltration attempt which the Lebanese Group has denied. Could it whether im less wind helping in the battle against some of the largest wildfires in history in the us state of california and 7 people have died and made me want to huff 1000 homes have been destroyed rob reynolds reports from. This is but a small sample of the destruction wildfires have inflicted on california house burned to the ground cars incinerated a stone chimney the only thing left of this home scorched trees and ash blanketing the hills this is the aftermath of the lake fire that burned through this part of Los Angeles County more than a week ago because we had those heavy rains over the winner all of the brush had a lot of growth and so because of that heat wave it just dried all that out and one little spark could start a fire again fire Officials Say the lake fire is almost contained the situation is far worse in Northern California where the 8000000 residents of the San Francisco bay area are being forced to breathe extremely polluted air and are essentially surrounded by a burning ring of fire huge blazes have charred more than 450000 hectors but firefighters were cautiously optimistic about making progress in containing the blazes weather conditions have improved and lightning storms that were feared did not materialize good news we can do to make progress on containment were up to 1717 percent containment of this morning with that we still have 25000 structures that are threatened by this incident and we can confirm that 330 structures have been destroyed by the fire Robert Macneil lost his mother to the fire burning in napa county he was one of the most caring people that ive ever met i mean im hoping that i can get half of that. In myself. 70 year old mary him to meyer died when she headed back to or burning home to retrieve her companions wheelchair next thing you know the thing rewrapped and i went through that whole canyon and nobody had a chance 240000 people have either fled the fires or are under evacuation orders mike johnson watched helplessly as towering flames destroyed his house its kind of hard to process and if i think too much about it. Thats when you get emotional 12000 firefighters are on the front lines working long shifts in difficult dangerous conditions were stretched thin all the way from Southern California to the Northern California weve already sent troops that were here fighting fire on this fire as soon as they could be released they were released and they didnt even get to go home they went straight to the fires up in Northern California californias fire season started early this year it usually is at its worst in october and november so firefighters will need all their skills and in durance to stay ahead of the destruction rob reynolds aljazeera lake hughes california. Thats being called a historic day for africa the World Health Organization has declared the continent free of polio has been 4 years since a case of the virus was reported the announcement is a landmark in the decades Long Campaign to wipe out the disease well why. Reports from. The announcement has come too late for tens of thousands of Polio Victims here with put our lives and limbs life gets hotter in a country where little attention is paid to the needs of the disabled. But for parents of future generations a major source of warre is left it compare to say success was delayed because vaccination was tough for years in many parts of northern nigeria. Some parents said the order of polio vaccine was a both control. Attacks are another major obstacle for the Immunization Campaign the challenges was in accessibility the challenges where how you deliver vaccine in hard to reach areas the challenges that how you gain the trust those who need the vaccine. Global intervention especially by unicef and the bill and Melinda Gates foundation was critical in achieving success with even a session was restarted. A clear indication that no matter what the challenge is when all of humanity comes together with one dedicated propose for cause in all our resources to really confront whatever challenges we fade we face there we can be triumphant this is an example of triumph i guess a disease that is asia and however experts one of the threat of an outbreak remains some parents still resist immunizing their children and there is the danger of a false sense of security. Officials want to take their experience in fighting poorly or further by using similar resources in defeating the fall of either 6 years ago the same lessons the same resources the same front Line Technology is what were using to address given 1000 in nigeria World Health Organization praised niger success as a victory for africa but one that regular vaccinations and increased vigilance are required to defeat polio once and for all comedy grease aljazeera reporter. The outbreak occurred at 19 is challenging Creative Industries around the world in indonesia many artisans have had to adapt to keep that business is viable textile design is there now helping combat the pandemic by making millions of mosques a day jessica washington reports from jakarta. This is what it takes to make indonesias famous textiles intense concentration and an eye for detail this technique of making prints hand printing wax on dyed fabrics is called batek this workshop in jakarta is in a social housing complex and provides Employment Opportunities for the women who live here. But sales have fallen with more people staying home because of the pandemic theres less need for new clothes. And we couldnt sell anything so we had to use master truck buyers again and thats what were focusing on its what people need know mosques are compulsory across indonesia and traditional textiles producers have helped to make them more accessible for the men but i think to get over that we have to wear masks so we need to tell the government that because we all need to take care of our health. These fabrics are usually used to make sure to addresses but covert 19 has changed that each month this small team produces around 100. 00 sheets of fabric which they turn into masks like businesses around the world theyve had to adapt their practices and even their designs to stay afloat during a pandemic. Designing prints from mosques makes painting the designs even more difficult prints have to be smaller and more details. Were used to working on more surfaces but now we are using smaller surfaces it is challenging for my eyes design and nona has also had to adapt to the reality of life during the pandemic some weeks how popular brand a modern take on ancient japanese fabric had no sales at all. Our insights for what we do during the pandemic well from there i came with the ideas off. From celebration fresh am in 2. Years and. Before the pandemic dresses were the brands most popular offering these days her handmade mosques often sell out online or with cases of covert 19 rising by thousands each day in indonesia the demand for reasonable mosques is likely to grow jessica washington aljazeera jakarta. Aljazeera these are your top stories and protests for a night in the u. S. City of condition where a black man was shot in the back by police extra National Guards have been deployed to control hundreds of people on the streets jacob likes families calling for peace and justice. Please. Let us pray for healing for our nation. We are the United States ham united you understand whats going to happen. When we are because. It gives each other. All the Police Officers im praying for you. U. S. President donald trump 1st lady maloney a trump and secretary of state might pompei or have spoken on day 2 of the Republican National convention breaking with decades of precedent the 1st lady spoke from the white house rose garden while pompei recorded his address during a diplomatic mission. Turkey says greece must give up preconditions before the 2 countries can begin to log over disputed Energy Resources in the mediterranean on current athens have agreed they do not want to settle the spat by military means with turkey is calling on the e. U. To act as an honest and objective mediator. The belorussian opposition says it will not give up on its call for a democratic transition even as 2 prominent leaders of jailed for organizing rallies demonstrations began more than 2 weeks ago against president Alexander Lukashenko has disputed reelection on the governments efforts to crackdown on protesters have not slowed the momentum. Israeli military says some of its aircraft have fired at several posts belonging to the iran backed Lebanese Group hezbollah in response to shots fired from lebanon hours of Israeli Military says it identified a security incident ordering people to stay in their homes no injuries were reported theres been tension for weeks at the border. Cooler temperatures high humidity and less wind is helping firefighters battle against wildfires in the u. S. State of california hundreds of blazes are still burning the fires have killed at least 7 people and destroyed more than a 1000 homes. They saw you Headline News continues here on aljazeera after sympathetic history has called it the great war in the final episode the 2 sides fight themselves to a standstill while britain and france conspire behind closed doors to produce a secret agreement that will shape the middle east for the century to come world war one through our bodies on aljazeera. This are now more the

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