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That killed at least a 190. 00 people last month. A west coast of catastrophe unprecedented fires burn across the u. S. States will examine the role of Climate Change in fueling the flames. And sport the Toronto Raptors forced a game 7 in the n. B. A. Playoffs. Boston celtics to level their semifinal series add 3. Thousands of refugees are searching for shelter in the greek island after being forced to spend the night out in the open fire swept through the biggest camp and europe on tuesday night ships are being sent in by the greek government to provide accommodation John Psaropoulos reports. This was one of europes largest refugee camps morea on the greek island of lesbos fires have torn through tents and dilapidated structures they were thought to have been deliberately lit by people fed up with that desperate existence compounded by coronavirus they are out there. Today far far. Far. Getting. Thousands of people became homeless once again precious family belongings hastily bundled together to form makeshift bedding there were no fatalities but these are lives thrust even deeper now into limbo is very very very unfair to fit in for the different chord. Is a call for is very broad. Corporate put forward you know has come 3rd where if you dont want to go is living here because this problem but if i may be dead now is you know the camp had housed more than 12000 people in cramped unsanitary conditions designed for a quarter of that number of conditions in which corona virus could easily flourish we are extremely worried not only 4 to 40 percent children even muddier who are currently on the street but in particular we need to think also more than 200 people live in the camp who are at particular risk for it either because of their age or because of comorbidities that would mean that if they get infected the will be much more sick than the rest of the population and so as far as we know right now those 200. 00 are mixed in the big group of 30000. 00 who are basically at loss in the streets in 20152016 hundreds of thousands of people risk to the mediterranean crossing in small boats from turkey to greek islands like lesbos they fled war persecution and poverty the European Union eventually closed its doors but the refugees kept coming many ending their journey here in moria camp a problem the greek government has long said it shouldnt have to. Shoulder. We dont. Believe that a bad experience can quickly turn into an opportunity for a better reality and this will happen in less bust once the damage in maria has been assessed and in consultation with the European Commission who will take concrete initiatives our Party Remains the health and safety of both president s and migrants theres nowhere else to go there was little to do but sit and wait until i was able to get inside the camp just a few hours ago its almost as though were on another planet everything has been reduced to its elements this site however is where the government insists on rebuilding a new secure closed facility the residence of moria village just a kilometer away from here are absolutely against that as is much of the island they simply do not want to camp here anymore the government says that is the wrong choice that the islanders resistance to such a camp is actually causing part of the problem it has prevented the government from building a better facility for the refugees however frankly agreed with the islanders they want to leave too this may now be harder than ever for them because were hearing that much of the paper archive of the Asylum Service that used to stand directly behind me here has been burnt and that may mean theres a lot of people are stuck here for months longer than they would be because the records determining whether they would be granted asylum and allowed to move to mainland greece or whether they would be deported back to. Go on and many of those applications will have to start from scratch. When im across to is director and founder of the Starfish Foundation its a leading n. G. O. S on lesbo silent providing assistance and support to refugees shes joining us live by skype thank you very much indeed for being with us i understand that you were in the camp this certainly within the last 48 hours can you just talk us through what youve seen and what youve experienced. Well its really devastating this just thousands of people along the road that see that hungry its very difficult to actually get to them and it becoming more and more desperate so its even hard to track she give supplies to them. Also they are. A lot of the angry local people actually blocking all of the volunteers to for us to get inside to the camp to give them more aid so. Yesterday i saw this great big pregnant woman with them she was just lying there crying on the side of the road there in the sun and theres hardly any shade for them its its a very devastating sight given the circumstances that the refugees appear to have been existing under but also of course the pressure on the local people as well how surprising is it that Something Like this hasnt really happened before well in its well its always a little bit of a surprise if anything of this happens i mean i never really thought that if this was actually going to happen now im not but. It has happened and weve now gone into another emergency mode weve got 13000 people that are now out there in the middle of the road no way to go they just stuck there one of the impressions i get from the report that john has been giving us and also from what youve been saying is that one gets the sense the refugees have being somewhat abandoned or at least ignored to some degree by the authorities but so have the people of the local village as well that must have created a degree of tension there. Thats definitely correct theres a very big degree of to detect tension between all of us at the moment 1st of all the where we were we were going through a crisis i mean im actually from this island too up at a restaurant ive got properties that i rent out so im doing the crisis the tourism sort of drops them when we got in 2015 when all the refugees came came through then that was dreadful for a fact that there was so much bad media going on at that stopped our tourism it dropped by 80 percent so thats made a lot of us very very traumatic over our income and everything and this you know with a virus its even worse. And then with the refugees here everybody is like focused on the refugees and not so much about whats this Beautiful Island is all about the tourism so its making us all very frustrated and everything when across here we appreciate your joining us and aljazeera thank you very much indeed for giving us your time thank you Waterborne Diseases are the latest threat to the people of sudan hundreds of thousands have been displaced as the nile river reached unprecedented levels the flood waters are starting to recede but a growing number of people are getting sick and morgan reports from the capital khartoum barely able to stand 13 year old Mohamed Salah seeks treatment at this Health Center and to south of the capital hard to medics see hes suffering from the horrors here a parasitic infection usually caused by lack of access to clean Drinking Water his mother tries to comfort him through his pain but she herself is barely able to hide her own discomfort. Often another weve been living on the streets for more than a week a home is completely flooded and we didnt receive tents this father is also sick hes mentally unstable and i can give him his medication if he had a 10 id be able to take care of him there the clinic treating mohammad was set up nearly 2 weeks ago to help patients affected by recent flooding in many villages and towns in khartoum many have fever diarrhea and stomach infections thinking that they will last longer i can read my daughter has been suffering from diarrhea for the past 3 days i myself am also sick and it feels like im coming down with an infection my voice is now weak its all from the floods im living in the camp. Floods hit sudan after the river which flows through the country rose to levels not seen in more than a century the surge in water was caused by heavy rains on the if european high lands upstream more than 100 people were killed and Dozens Injured and at least half a 1000000 people were displaced as homes were damaged or destroyed by the waters the government declared a 3 month state of emergency last week and while the rivers water has started to recede this week the number of those falling ill is increasing so that was facing a Health Crisis even before the flood emergency pharmacies have been reporting shortages of medicines and many hospitals like adequate equipment since the floods began 3 weeks ago the number of cases of water borne diseases in areas affected have increased many families say theyre struggling to cope with illnesses after having lost so much already. Aid organizations say the Health Consequences of the floods will be much worse in the coming days and that action needs to be taken now but. The biggest protest is the water it was a disaster when it flooded and will be a disaster when it recedes if not dealt with properly and if there are no strategies to fight contagious diseases have a bigger catastrophe than what we see it will be stagnant york says which will result in more malaria cases more diarrhea cases in. Sudan was already struggling to handle the coronavirus pandemic when the floods hit those in areas affected theyre hoping proper measures will be taken to it used to health risks now that the floodwaters are receding so that no more lives are lost people more going on just their own heart. Firefighters are battling a major blaze which has broken out in beirut at the site of last months deadly explosion but far broke out at a destroyed warehouse which was storing all entires lebanese Authorities Say the blaze was started by accident at least 200 people died and more than 6000 were injured when a stockpile of Ammonium Nitrate exploded in the ports in august. Has more from the port in beirut. A massive fire raging out of beirut just a little over a month since a massive explosion ripped through rips through beirut neighborhoods killing over 190. 00 people the fire qassam panic in the streets people are still traumatized from that explosion on august the 4th people started to evacuate the area around the port because. There was Little Information on what caused the fire the Lebanese Army then issued a statement saying that this was not a deliberate and this was an accident and that fire that oil as well as tires that were stored in a warehouse caught fire and the army as well as firefighters theyve been the ploy to the scene as you can see trying to put out the flames helicopters have are also being used to try to distinguish extinguish the fire the flames the people are on their nerves this is a city that is still on their nerves the city still demanding answers theyre still having questions on what caused that massive explosion 55 weeks ago investigations are continuing to charge leading leading the case has been theyve been questioning Security Officials as well as politicians but still no answers still no official held to account especially since so many officials were aware of the presence of highly explosive Ammonium Nitrate at the warehouse and they did nothing about it. But more ahead in the news are including we report from show. But historic talks between Indigenous Leaders and the government hope to resolve an increasingly violent conflict. And a warning for wildlife a new report says nature is being destroyed at an extraordinary rate and Serena Williams battles hard to reach the semifinals of the u. S. Open fire is going to be here with the details in this sport. Turkey has hit back at frances call for a tougher stance towards ankara and growing tensions in the mediterranean ahead of a summit of southern e. U. Leaders french president Emmanuel Mccraw said turkey was no longer a partner to europe in the region and has been seeking to expand its Energy Resources in areas claimed by greece and cyprus turkeys foreign minister said holmes remarks were our event and it was not up to him to decide maritime borders montage of bottles joining me now from paris there is a summit that is currently going on at the moment called informally the med 7 the french president called the summit what are we expecting to hear. Thats right a man who might call the french president calling some 8 or 7 leaders all of mediterranean countries to talk about a range of issues they will be discussing migration theyll be talking about the crisis in libya but of course therell be a real focus on those tensions that have been escalating in the Eastern Mediterranean as turkey pursues its plans to explore for oil and gas in those waters waters that are disputed because they all claims by both greece and by turkey while the french president is not all my call will be meeting with the greek Prime Minister at the beginning of the summit theyll have a bilateral talks in which they will of course discuss this matter what i call has been a very vocal supporter of greece in this crisis he has condemned turkey famine fully saying he is violating greeces sovereignty greece of course a member of the European Union well joining me to talk about all this and more. Veteran journalist and commentator here and from pierre this summit is taking place in whole secada in model my call has been very involved you might say in some way in this dispute between greece and turkey why is falls why is my call taking such a prominent wall but 1st of all you have to remember that the hostility between france and turkey goes far beyond the Current Crisis for also opposed turkish moves in Northern Syria it will close turkey illegal that this has been really the focus of the past few months and now it feels that turkey is bullying some members of the European Union particularly greece and cyprus and and that fits with michaels we have to push for europe to become a respected power and at the moment it feels that turkey is taking advantage of europes which this thats why hes trying to rally europe. To stand for in front of the turkish moves so what is my call really hoping to achieve it with this summit there are 7 leaders of these mediterranean countries coming together in a few weeks time we know that e. U. Leaders will meet for widest some ways was micro hoping for is trying to mobilize the southern European Countries the military in the end countries members of the European Unions to create the kind of common front before the forthcoming summits at the end of the months where the 27. 00 countries will be arsed to. Take continued youve been the measures against turkey has been released for foreign minister in france as a nod that there was good to be released of measures against turkey taken at that summit so its part of the mobilization to either side because not everybody in europe is agreeing on that and germany for example has been calling for talks with turkey so we dont know whether for us and germany are good god but carp were france is trying to change the balance of power and germany is talking or there are 2 different approaches or lets think. Everybody is trying to build a common approach before the forthcoming european summit. As i said veteran journalist and commentator thank you very much indeed for your analysis and as pierre pointed out there are leaders of the 27 even states will be meeting later this month they will be talking about turkey but whether or not they will decide to impose more sanctions on iraq or as far as wishes of course remains to be seen until the tasha thanks very much indeed thats Natasha Butler live for us in paris. U. S. President donald trump has admitted he played down the threat of coronavirus even though he knew it was deadly admission was made in a series of interviews with Journalist Bob Woodward for an upcoming book his democratic rival joe biden says the president lied to the American People by khana reports from washington. The white house is once again at the center of a political storm as it emerges that President Trump was briefed about the dangers of the coronavirus by the chinese president in a phone conversation on the 6th of february this is part of the compensation recorded by Journalist Bob Woodward for his book the following day so it goes through air but its always tougher than a touch you know the touch you dont have to touch things right but the air you just breathe the air thats you know its the past and so thats a very tricky one thats a very delicate one its also more deadly than your you know your even your screen you is to lose this isnt going to believe this is try for you know this is 5 percent versus one percent and less than one percent you know so this is deadliest. 3 days later President Trump told the American Public this the virus theyre working hard looks like by april you know in theory when it gets a little warmer and miraculously goes away i hope thats true in another recording on the 17th of march the president tells would with the following well i think really to be honest with you here i want you to i wanted to. I want to always play it down i still like laying it down yes because i dont want to create a panic president ial candidate joe biden dismisses this reasoning insisting the president stands guilty of lying to the American People yeah deformations he knew how dangerous it was while this deadly disease ripped through our nation he failed to do his job on. It was a life or death betrayal of the American People experts say if youd acted just just one week shooter 36000 people would have been saved if you acted 2 weeks suter back in march 54000 lives would have been spared march and april alone but now all President Trump continues to insist he saw and sees his role as a cheerleader for the last thing you want to do is create a panic in the country this was a horrible thing it was sent to us by china should not have happened should never have happened this is a disgusting terrible situation that was foisted upon us and we have to show we just dont want to use the best word is panic we dont want to have to show panic were not going to show panic and thats exactly what i did as the death toll in the United States 200000 the latest revelations all certain to people the debate about President Trumps response to the virus old lack of it it can no longer be argued that president did not know of the dangers posed by the virus and the response of an American People that have been publicly misled may well be measured in the november poll mike hanna aljazeera washington i was a blogger from the u. S. Department of Homeland Security says analysts were told to alter intelligence reports before presenting them to donald trump brian murphy says he was demoted for refusing to downplaying threats posed by white nationalists and russian interference in elections a copy of this complaint was released by the i was Intelligence Committee and the weapons to. Record far as a raging along the west coast of north america from mexico to canada at least 7 people including a one year old baby have been killed in the u. S. Several states and are battling flames which have consumed entire communities and blanketed cities from sand and cisco to seattle in smoke rob reynolds reports. From montana to the mexico border huge swaths of the western u. S. Are burning hundreds of thousands of square kilometers have burned in california colorado arizona montana oregon utah and washington what were experiencing this year is simply without precedent the small town of malden in Eastern Washington was almost completely incinerated by a wind driven wildfire authorities are searching the rubble unsure whether all of the towns approximately 300. 00 residents made it out alive in medford oregon a fire swept through of mobile Home Community reducing it to a burned out hells scape of twisted metal resident regina hill lost everything she own and. You know what youre wearing right now this is. Powerful winds are spreading the oregon fires the governor invoked Emergency Powers to marshal more resources in california high winds are also fanning the flames 14000 firefighters are out on the front lines in california where 28 major fires have scorched over 100000 hectors tens of thousands of people have been evacuated from several of the largest fires in the States History a big fire in San Diego County is moving dangerously close to Populated Areas we have a Sleeping Giant that is in the back country California National guard helicopters flew hundreds of stranded campers and back country residents to safety. Relatives welcomed the rescued after an anxious night long wait. For it but no crying but there will be tears the smoke and ash in the atmosphere cast a glow over San Francisco in an eerie orange light air quality in parts of the bay area was labeled hazardous whats behind the many conflagrations bone dry brush and trees following years of intermittent drought low humidity combined with a broiling heat wave in recent days and above all high seasonal winds blowing down from the mountains provide a singular recipe for disaster rob reynolds aljazeera los angeles. Marc carden is director of the Climate Change institute to the Australian National university he says these fires could easily escalate to the level of the bushfires seen in astronomy at the start of this year this way you get high temperatures very dry very dry fuel on the ground and also hot wheels and when you get those things combining you get very serious fire risk but i guess that in a sense theyre actually very similar to the fire as that we experienced so at the moment around the bat and leave 110th of the area has been in california that strayer last year and so so these are still relatively small compared to the australian situation and both california and australia have very flammable digitization so so when it dries out it really burns very quickly very seriously but the conditions otherwise are actually quite similar in california with very. Dry conditions very hot conditions but weve also got very similar capabilities in terms of fighting fires weve got great Fire Fighting Services Good equipment good Information Systems and often quite good systems to deal with things like out evacuations so theres quite a lot of commonality between australia and california and the difference is really california has a lot more people so theres a lot more people a lot more buildings in california oregon and washington than there are in equivalent placed in australia so theres a lot more to lose all the fire season is also worse than usual in brazils Amazon Region fires have begun spreading into the so far untouched areas as want to reports. It often starts like this a person setting fire to dry bush under forested land at the at the moment you know get to be hitting it we dont want to destroy peoples lives were just clearing a little bit of land to plant something to eat and little bit of grass to feed a cow. But the results can be disastrous with flames spiraling out of control clouds of smoke in brazils amazon are common side during the dry season but this week they have grown and fires are spreading into untouched areas during the 1st week of september more than 8000 fires were reported in this part of the amazon thats twice the number of fires registered joined the same period last year more worrying still a quarter of the major blazes have spread to the virgin rain forest theres 2 major types of major fires or see a lot of the fires are just smoking indicators of previous deforestation or a lagging indicator previous deforestation now quarter of the fires as early as of yesterday are now forest fires that is fires that are burning large amounts of. Across the brazilian amazon matt finers and cio amazon conservation spotted the change after analyzing satellite images he says the situation will only get worse as the dry season intensifies in august there were an average of 18 major blazes a day during the 1st week of september that number went up to 53 brazils government has been facing increasing International Pressure to protect the rain forest from illegal logging years land grabbers and cattle ranchers but brazilian investors are also pushing for better policies remember a zillion banks have joined the campaign to protect the amazon theyve agreed to stop financing meat Packing Companies that buy cattle from ranchers who destroyed the forest park creek their great line. But the amazon isnt the only region in peril fires have also. Been burning in the bunker not the Worlds Largest wetland threatening endangered species since january roughly 23000 square kilometers have been burned and nary a 30 times the size of new york city mon and of all just 0 rio de janeiro. Ok its time for the weather here is jenny now i know youre going to be starting with the california fires and rob reynolds in his report just a couple of minutes ago was saying that its those high seasonal winds that have been absolutely at the heart of all of this they really have been actually is the fact weve had these winter storms that have come through drop in the last few days thats actually what really has driven these fires in the last few days it is improving so let me just show exactly why and west so these are the clear skies because we know that entirely clear theres no clouds here but we know theres a huge amount of smoke now as i say its all been about the winds for the last few days the temperatures have been very high but theyve been fueled these fires by these strong winds this mossy can see here this is actually a funnel system that swept southwards very very strong winds so strong look at this in utah there are 45 vehicles like this that actually turned over along some of these major highways trees that were routed there were gusts of over 100 kilometers an hour that were reported all of these winds of course funnel their way through the mountains and head across into california and also washington and oregon this picture here this is not cloud its all that snow blowing off the coast of well the west coast entirely from the north down to california this is what were seeing now in San Francisco and the reason were seeing this this red this that the skies these dark skies is because the winds have these so all those particles in the air beginning to actually force down to the ground so they say the winds easing but the air pollution certainly is probably even worse now the heat this is been a major factor its going to say very warm in the Pacific Northwest for the next few days it is warm down across the west but not as warm as it has been so for the next few days in l. A. Temperatures above the average is certainly smoky conditions around and then some francisco a sin the story of course as well but really as we go through the next couple days what we want is some rain so theres none of that for the next couple days and i just quickly want to show you this because finally by monday and tuesday we should have the chance of rain pushing into the Pacific Northwest and rob temperatures will come down the only downside is the winds will also increase but we need the rain but in the meantime everybody just has to cross the fingers and hope for rain. On monday yeah jenny thanks very much indeed well still ahead on aljazeera dominating the summit u. S. Secretary of state might compare uses a nazi on me 2 decades out of china. The struggle for schooling in the philippines how children from vulnerable communities are being left behind but the move to Distance Learning. And this multiple time f one champion is set for a new challenge details coming up in sport. Corruption it is that invisible behind a wall of silence. Against corruption corruption is not something people be told and that it. Is not african. Country his. Lets destroy this wall. In 2020 the free space over encourages the heroes who are fighting against corruption this helps our communities to save the resources that we need in order to address the burning problems that affect us and. Shine a light on your Anti Corruption hero. Nominate now. Frank assessments what are you seeing in this in the 6 percent of the people of police you often see what its been through if this is true and indepth analysis of the days global headlines inside story on aljazeera. We want to go to syria a reminder of our top stories this hour thousands of refugees are still without shelter after fires burn for a 2nd night in the greek island of lesbos much of the muddy account had already been destroyed by blazes late on tuesday emergency efforts are underway to find places for the refugees to stay. A surge in water borne illnesses is stretching medical services in sudan hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced by flooding and the nile river the flood waters are starting to recede and a growing number of people are getting sick. And major fires broken out in beirut at the site of last months deadly 40 explosion firefighters are battling the blaze at a destroyed warehouse which was storing oil and tires lebanese Authorities Say the fire was started by accident. More than 1000 Chinese Students studying in the United States have had their visas revoked join the last 3 months federal agents have tracked down students suspected of stealing American Intellectual property and concealing their ties to chinas Armed Forces Donald Trump all of the crackdown in made as tensions escalated with chinas government it accuses the us president of racism the u. S. Secretary of state is accused china of disrespecting Democratic Values in the month of. Nations to act against chinese influence in the region the u. S. Trying to rivalry dominated discussions by asio on Foreign Ministers that they delayed online summit hosted by vietnam the 10 Nation Organization is also discussing the coronavirus pandemic. Issuing doesnt respect the fundamental Democratic Values are those the shrine in the sea and Church Independence sovereignty equality territorial integrity and National Identity day to day i say keep on dont just speak up but act we consider business dealings with the very state and companies that really r. C. M. Coastal states in the South China Sea dont work the Chinese Communist party walk over us and our people well scott hired us following the us and someone from bangkok and he spoke with benjamins wackier from the Asia Foundation he says not all members of the a sound bloc agree with americas position on china. Yes there has been kind of a partial hijacking if you will of the discussions because of the tension between the United States and china but also the both of those superpowers did mention before they got into kind of the tit for tat that we just heard they were commending on that they were commenting on how well the nations here these 10 nations in the osce and block have been handling the covert situation but there are many challenges ahead as they said that they handle things well theyre also saying that they will be behind these 10 nations here now to discuss this further lets bring in benjamin as a walker who is with the Asia Foundation here in bangkok benjamin thank you very much as always you know before we went on there you and i were discussing kind of the importance in the history of aussie on and that is to give these tens and 10 nations one voice particularly in these very difficult times how important is that was extremely important to United States. For the United States is critical for the u. S. To sort of prevail in this tit for tat and for these policy debates and practices in Southeast Asia and in the South China Sea for china its quite the opposite weve seen ever since it introduced its 9 dash line about a decade ago that its its approach has been to deal bilaterally with all of the on states as opposed to multilaterally as opposed to collectively not necessarily as a sort of divide and conquer approach but thats certainly been the effect and were seeing the results of that today in the inability for for for the whole of us young to speak with one voice instead were seeing different pockets if you will of ozzy on sort of pushing back against the china position and others wanting to stay a bit more neutral. 3 South African Police officers accused of murdering a teenager with Downs Syndrome have appeared in court in soweto the hearings been adjourned to later this month the shooting of nathaniel julissa in johannesburg last month triggered street protests against Police Brutality and corruption the family of the 16 year old said he was shot for not answering Police Questions because of his disability from a debate that was at the court and says people and so i want to see justice. Its very difficult for many South Africans to understand what could have happened thats caused the death of a 16 year old with down syndrome his family has said he would have been unable to communicate with police if confronted that night weve also heard from Police Minister big there who has been cautious in what he said but he has also said its very difficult to try and put together what could have led to the death of Nathaniel Chiles its very difficult to understand what exactly went wrong and so there is great intro interest in a justice prevailing in this particular case given that police in south africa have previously been accused of abuse of power Police Brutality you know we look back to cases like maracana the maracana massacre as its been dubbed with 37 miners were gunned down by police weve also had instances during south africas covert 19 lockdown where police have also been accused of brutality so this is just the latest incident where South Africans are keen to see what happens in court with regard to these 3 Police Officers that are appearing today. The economic crisis and recession hit argentina means many are struggling to make ends meet including Police Officers hundreds protested in the capital demand higher salaries better working conditions and improved protection from covered 19 principal has their story from going to. These Police Officers belong to the Largest Force in argentina. They have been protesting for days demanding better salaries and work conditions. On peta has been an officer for 16 years she says her family can barely survive if. They get any basis i make 43000 pesos a month this is a wage that leaves my family below the poverty line before the pandemic we were able to make some extras but now we dont have any extra money and its tough to sustain my family base officer who did not want his name mentioned says he needs to pay for his own equipment. This gives us some money for our clothes but the price is 4 times what they give us we have expired bullet proof jackets everything is wrong. So this week for the 1st time Police Officers are taking to the streets there demanding a 56 percent salary increase. Call it 19 having praised the pressure on the man temp lawyers like doctors and others who say theyre working nonstop and cannot make ends meet i didnt tina has one of the highest inflation rates in the world even in the economic crisis and thats why this people here say they are urgently needed a way government officials told aljazeera that some of those involved in the protest are under investigation for crimes committed during service and could be suspended and thats why theyre trying to create chaos. As group of officers showed up outside the president ial residence many perceived their presence there as a threat to argentinas institutions. President of the fatah. And they said this is not the time to put security at risk and then now as he was redistributing National Resources to assist the province of when a site is looking to concern though what im thinking is how many citizens are now left without security or how many are left at the mercy of those who commit crimes this is not the way i tell you honestly i hope you reflect and stop this and im sensitive to the demands of these after series because it is clear that they have been left behind in regards to their salaries and we must give them an answer but the protesters say they just need better wages and a time when hardship has become the norm thankfully several and when a sightings there of colombias capital has joined the outrage against Police Brutality after a man was repeatedly shot with a stun gun javier all done has died hours after he was arrested for violating coronavirus social distancing was the officers involved have been suspended while the death is investigated. For the 1st time in chile for more than 100 years talks are being held between the pushy Indigenous Leaders and government representatives are not an american editor and this union was given exclusive access to the meeting into mco aimed at resolving an increasingly violent conflict. We are the beginning of whats being described as the very 1st meeting between members of the council on which are. And these are the most the highest ranking members or some of them up which a community here and the story hours of the state that is executive branch of the just litter and the courts the Supreme Court the venue was changed at the 11th hour and is taking place in a stadium in the Capital Region in a location that was supposed to be secret but it was leaked and a rival group of have now arrived and are protesting against the meeting riot police are here to try to push them away but theyre not succeeding. The meeting inside does not represent the majority of them up which a nation there is a deep division between those who are meeting or believe its time to Start Talking with the state and these people who choose them of being imposters in fact they refused to sit down with the government unless it releases when they could push a Political Prisoners many of whom have been on a Hunger Strike the speeding is taking place as militant groups escalate arson attacks against Forestry Companies and private homes and would bait claim as their ancestral land in fact on the eve of the scattering a 21 year old man was shot dead by the same group that had earlier burned down 3 houses president s of us gambling it is represented to the minister of social development. Representative after the other accuse the state of abusing usurping land and discriminating the nation for centuries and while those who are meeting here are hoping to lay the groundwork for the 1st formal dialogue between them approach a nation and the chilean state. 25. 00 the government is also committing itself to substantially increasing the presence of militarized police in this region which is home to the longest running. Mind in latin america. Schools in the philippines are struggling to provide children with education in the middle of the global coronavirus pandemic kids from quarterback grounds are being disproportionately affected as well and organ reports from manila a. 14 year old marketeer is loves art specially drawing happy faces but the last few months were spent not inside the classroom but in the fields of bangor province in the central philippines. He is farming every day just so he can save 150. 00 to buy a cell phone he needs for the newly implemented rule of Distance Learning but they have no money imagine a snort and a further research will do the eye does indigenous tribe is considered one of the earliest inhabitants in the philippines but for decades their population has dwindled and now live in scattered mountainous parts of the luzon region on the walk is a village of about 900 people and just like most indigenous communities across the country they have suffered dispossession and displacement for decades but the coronavirus pandemic adds another layer of difficulty for the ita families here. The Philippine Government has implemented a Distance Learning program for all schools to help stop the spread of coronavirus education Officials Say it is unlikely that schools will reopen until a vaccine is available which means filipino children will have to study from home with electricity a laptop and Internet Connection thats a major problem in a country where more than half of all families live below the poverty line and where millions of already lost their jobs because of the month long point lock down. Its an even bigger dilemma for indigenous tribes like the ideas long suffering from discrimination and abject poverty many live without electricity or Running Water to have a laptop and a working Internet Connection every day a tome is almost unimaginable for them in a healing potion and i mean you see it in the eunice people are far from the cities they dont have grown the way it was here so why should this just learning be entirely implemented here to history books here tell us that the ideas or the country scarier culture and identity but for the parents here they say all they care about is the legacy of education they want to leave behind for their children. Doug and al jazeera mandela is a fine gold is the chief of education of unicef philippines he says more help is urgently needed. This School Closure has been afflicted 28000000 children in their feelings and the department of the nation has prepare learning continuity plan that includes different more than 2 to reach children in different areas of the country so there is a part on an Online Learning or so there is t. V. Occasional relocation and also distribution of bringing materials serious. Concerns. Gaps that can increase because right now the private schools already started with the new school year and Public School will wait until the official start which is october fact so you nice a piece of ok good will to start this as will not force you all im not the least bit farther or soft we we are also advocating for face to face nearly a lot risk areas in the area without cases so we think that that is for schools with the safety and. Very sure that thats a possibility that the department of education once you are. Still ahead on our does it up in sports on the massive performance in the l. A. Clippers stop player and be yourself actually coming up in a moment. Business leaders is both to buy no bras paul. Business leaders does want to buy no bras paul. The looming. Cooling. The World Wildlife fund is warning of the devastating effects people are having on animal and plant life and how nature is being destroyed i dont extraordinary rate this use global living planet index says the wildlife population has declined by 68 percent in the last 50 years latin america and the caribbean hardest hit with a 94 percent wipeout freshwater species seem particularly vulnerable with an 84 percent decline globally Climate Change and human activity blamed the w w f is urging this whole to make immediate drastic changes to reverse the trends rebecca shaw is chief scientist at the World Wildlife fund she explains more about the factors causing the destruction. The biggest drivers right now are habitat destruction and primarily for expansion of agricultural lands to feed a growing population on the planet we also see indicators that Climate Change is shifting populations of species and driving some species extinct and well see that play a bigger role in the future. The kinds of things were seeing happening on the planet that seem callous but cataclysmic many of them have their roots in the destruction of nature what were seeing with these dramatic fire fires in california and australia even covert 19 and its release from the wild has everything to do with the with the way were destroying nature listen we need to pend our nature for clean air clean water a stable climate and things we dont think about every day like pollination of our for most nutritious food crops so we really need to Pay Attention to this and we really we have we know what to do and because of it more people are paying attention we are so were at a turning point and its really time to take action the next generations that are coming into leadership positions see this very clearly and are asking for change and i think we owe it to them to leave them a much Brighter Future than they have in front of them in a business as usual scenario. And its time for the sport heres for a thanks so much rob running n. B. A. Champions a trauma raptors have managed to stay alive in the playoffs they beat the Boston Celtics in a thriller to send the eastern conference semifinals to are deciding game 7 so hell malik reports. The raptors had every reason to look nervous before tipoff in game 6 only a win would keep their title defense alive when you got so tired and despite looking up for the fight beating 17 time champions boston was going to be anything but easy they needed a big performance from this dominant kyle lowry that still just 6 time all star bagged the game high 33 points toronto however couldnt pull away from boston to get who kept coming up with big plays. They pushed the raptors hard and even managed to deny them the win in regulation 2 periods of overtime when needed to separate the sides. To run to eventually proving to be the better team on the night genius. But only just the champions hanging on to win 81252122 force the deciding game 7 play hard. Play every possession like this our last. 3 years. The l. A. Clippers had a far more comfortable win over denver in the western conference semifinals he was in a nice recall why leonard starred with 30 points finishing just one assist short of a triple double. Time sucking his efforts leading the clippers 289685 win for a 31 series lead. You know what we can. Each more we bear we use being a better human the clippers are now just one win away from their 1st ever conference finals so while malik aljazeera. Brooklyn nets head coach steve nash admits that he did skip the line by being given the position the n. B. A. Team received a lot of criticism after they pointed nash last week saying he jumped ahead of more experienced candidates that believes there is some truth to that i have benefited from White Privilege you know arced in society as a monogrammed im not saying that this position. Is a factor as far as my brilliant thing in fact position but. I think as white people have to understand that leaders. For one. Are the. Communities the n. F. L. Will become the final major league in north america to kick off since a cope with 19 outbreak super bowl champions the Kansas City Chiefs will host the Houston Texans and all others for in so found ways to hold games without spectators the n. F. L. Is letting all 32 teams decide themselves if they want sounds present the chiefs are allowing 16000 people into their stands to watch thursdays game its a big day for us obviously dont to play in front of you know our fans you know what the emotions are going to be. I think ultimately man is the same game weve been playing for a very long time you know its football its all about team is all about chemistry which a team mates and i think thats what im looking forward to. Serena williams as fought her way into the u. S. Open semifinals in new york she had to work hard after losing the 1st set to the town of. Garia who was playing in her 1st tournament in 3 years the american came through in the next to serena who is aiming for a record equalling 24th grand slam title praised her opponent hes also made a comeback after becoming a mother. Shes incredible and so i say i think most influenced by moms are like oh my god how do you do it i guess shes going to go to her baby has to be younger than mine so. You play a match and you go home and you still changing diapers you know its its like a double life this really surreal. Well victoria has a rank and the last for the former world number one had a much easier time in her match against Elise Martens of belgium thrashing her opponent in straight sets 616 love the belorussians says shes looking forward to her match against serena. I mean you can so im so excited about this its so its an amazing opportunity to play against a champion and the someone who i respect a large who is my friend so im just so excited for this opportunity i hope people are excited for this for this for this match so i hope will be fun i mean i know will be fun for me. Over on the mens tour number 2 seed dominic team has reached the semifinals with a straight sets victory over australians alex de mint our team who is the highest surviving seed at flushing meadows faces Daniel Medvedev of russia next. 4 time formula one World Champion Sebastian Vettel will drive for racing point next season the british team which is set to be rebranded south as aston martin says citing the 33 year old is a clear statement of the stablished itself as one of the most competitive names in the sport by the least ferrari at the end of the season after the talent team decided not to after the german and new contracts. And in the n. H. L. Playoffs to have a lightning have taken a 2 nothing lead in their Eastern Conference Finals against new York Islanders lightnings they key to koocher off scored the buzzer beating a winning goal to give tap of they the 21. 00 victory game 3 is on friday in edmonton. Ok and that is all your sport for now back to you rob thank you very much and thats it for me robot this and for this new so you can get more of course on the web site ill just leave the dog ill be back in a moment with more of days news stay with regard. For nearly 3 quarters of a century World Leaders have gathered at the United Nations headquarters each year for a highly visible and often contentious debate this year in the midst of the covert 19 pandemic the session will be mostly remote but the few possible know were the exception. And joining us from new york 1st special coverage of the 75th United Nations general assembly. On aljazeera. 967 and the 6 day war was at its height a u. S. Spy ship the u. S. S. Liberty monitored the conflict from International Waters suddenly she was attacked by the warplanes of americas closest regional ally israel over 200. 00 were killed and wounded the front part of the ship was just read with boy what happened that day has long been the subject of cover up and mystery mouth the truth can be revealed the day Israel Attacked america a Major Investigation on aljazeera. Meet the. Aljazeera. Ever. Write. Down. A passion for supporting local communities. And pioneering innovative african science and Technology Projects how his child beautiful. Glorious all of us on this planet not just Africa Aljazeera fall as a leading by a chemist determined to use his scientific knowledge to say africa women make science from the lab to the field on aljazeera to. Call them over again in search of a home the scramble on a greek island to find help for thousands of refugees after a Fire Destroys europes biggest. Home about this and this is all to. Were live from doha also coming up the floodwaters begin to recede in sudan but theres no relief for the people affected Waterborne Diseases have become the new threat. A fire erupts at the beirut ports which was the site of an explosion that killed at least a 190. 00 people last month

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