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Continents 2 biggest nations. Come to the program has been a major escalation in the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan of the disputed region of nagornokarabakh at least 16 Service Personnel have been killed and many more injured both sides have declared martial law and a blaming each other for starting the fighting dozens of Armenian Military reservist living in the disputed region have been summoned for jury duty many homes have been damaged and azerbaijan says 5 members of one family were killed by all means shelling all been forced to walk as more. As a very tunks under attack according to army news Defense Ministry it also claims that is very drones and helicopters were also destroyed but civilian casualties are among those reported killed early in the morning ground say. Gena forces launched large scale aggression including missile attacks. Along the line of control that. They are targeting syrian population and civilian infrastructure. As a by john has condemned what it called a 1000000 propaganda president aliyev said as ery forces had launched a counter offensive after coming under attack so it managed media was the 1st to fire and the 1st to die by johnny servicemen as a by john gave a decent response to the enemy and the enemy could not move an inch this is the new goal no karabakh region internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan but the red areas are controlled by Armenian Forces adjacent as ery territories in green are also occupied by armenia the International Community has called for an immediate cease fire with russia playing a lead mediating role it has a military presence in armenia and good relations with azerbaijan but now another Regional Power is playing an increasingly assertive role on sunday president ed at the one of turkeys said that turkey stands with azerbaijan. Armenias Prime Minister nicole passion warned against turkey becoming involved. Among the fact that turkey is maintaining such dangerous behavior is fraught with the most devastating consequences for south caucasus and the adjacent regions the International Community must prevent with united efforts the Dangerous Development of events and stop efforts to destabilize the region. The 1000000 separatists for the control of little or no care about in the early 1990 s. With the collapse of the soviet union 30000 died in the fighting. A cease fire in 1904 was brokered but sporadic fighting has continued ever since say almost 3 decades later internationally mediated peace talks have stalled tensions rose in july with the worst fighting since 2016 as a by john has repeatedly bowed to recapture nagornokarabakh by force and armenia has vowed to defend the territory both sides remain determined to claim the corner karabakh as their own robin foresty a walker aljazeera tbilisi welcome that has see as his assistant the president of azerbaijani says armenia is attitude is hindering any diplomatic solution. The army. Integration and our civilians are become targets for me in our forces and we have one on one. Other but units on the i think there is of us and there were other forces to in wisconsin actions of attacks to. Repel armenians provocations and aggression and. An import to peace because a peaceful negotiation process is also failed because it was the deliberate and. Destructive. Media company not real negotiation. And therefore here 1st there is an interest. In close proximity to one area is an intent to ensure the. Army is a question at last. So the years that a poor Un Security Council resolutions demand immediate unconditional. Of azerbaijan so its not also implemented by armenia and to continue. An idea peace they have a right to return back to their small amounts because of operation together turn back the armenian foreign minister says a have nots can hold out as they are that his nation well to do whatever it takes to defend every chance. You know go on about well be defending every single inch of their land and all their security and i mean you will be the guarantor threat so cool as being their usual in the parlance of the other much of the government and the end of the regime but the latest was in the United Nations general assembly. Where all of this into a practical implementation once again once again there will be a recount a morning as being the promotion or the conventions of the month general well before the next in this position on the ground is a minor thing thats been consistent including saying that they are going theyre going to call it a secure job and they should they have once again for the people that we have to care about the security and the people up there going to car about what ive been on the fence or there were even their security against aggression and theyre rushing to preplan not just part of the merger of the map but with the massive or. We had its military presence and which is showing a. Unit that will aggressively when that supports abortion rights of approaching. This is very very this massive escalation of the concert which was a very gentle hope for which there was a slow response that. The duel the dispute between azerbaijan and armenia also involves several international play is russia which has called for a cease fire has taken a leading role as part of the minsk group to mediate an end to the conflicts the group formed in 1902 and includes france and the United States as well. As a border with amenia bax as a by john it has a hostile relationship with armenia and techies present is called an armenian to take a stand against their government in light of the violence and then along southern borders of azerbaijan and armenia lies iran which has promised to help both sides region is crucial for oil and gas so iran is keen to promote a measure of stability will be our sports Lawrence Brewer as the caucasus a Program Director the peace Building Organization conciliation resources he says that there is a growing risk Regional Powers could become actively involved. There are external geopolitical axis you have interests and alliances with other media and azerbaijan and the risk is that they could become dragons you know are jerko gratian so this latest escalation is deeply worrying and youve highlighted the increased role of turkey there are questions of what russia will do and i think the longer the conflict goes along the more risk there is that extra lectures will be dragged in and well be facing a war serious conflict its incredibly sensitive you can barely say a sentence about this conflict without crossing somebodys stolen logical red lines and i think one thing that i would say is that while it does look as though this was an operation mounted by azerbaijan its tuesday implicit to attribute blame for the violence to one side or the other both sides are invested in strategies of coercion in the in the use of force to pursue their Political Goals and its as i said extraordinarily sensitive and fraught conflicts. Now the french president and many a lack on a saying that lebanons leaders have betrayed that people by failing to form a Government Back on the to continue his initiative to save the country from collapse the Prime Minister designate must have a question on saturday after trying for almost a month to line up a nonpartisan cabinet that dealt a blow to the french plan aimed at rallying sectarian leaders to tackle the west crisis since lebanons civil war to proceed you are today on the other city than usual was has happened over the last few hours and days was clarification on it lebanese Political Forces and their leaders clearly did not wish to respect the commitments made before france and the International Community they decided and im forced to make a cruel assessment a month later they decided to betray their commitments which in the libertys Political Forces favored their partisan choices to the determines of the country well as there is any harder as n. P. A. Were it has politicians there are betting on regional changes. Lebanese politicians are aware that they are under pressure but lebanese politicians are really the betting on regional changes and it seems mccraw understands that he said that the lebanese Political Class is holding on and the lebanese people hostage with oven on is hostage to regional and International Power struggles in particular the u. S. And iranian rivalry when mccrone says this is the last chance and then he gives 6 weeks what happens in 6 weeks time the us elections and hezbollah and the shell parties who are allied with iran have been blamed for stalling the formation of the government it order to see whether or not the balance of power in the region can change if theres a new president in the white house will there be an agreement with iran in that way will the pressure will the pressure be less on hezbollah in lebanon because for hezbollah this is really an existential struggle because you know it sees the sanctions the u. S. Sanctions on the group as well as the International Community and i think mark mccraw is harsh language when he said hezbollah you cannot be a Political Party and be a militia killing civilians in syria was definitely a 1st because we have to remember yes the United States considers the military and political wing of hezbollah as terrorist organizations but europe does not consider the political wing of hezbollah a terrorist organization in fact thats the main point of difference between the u. S. And france when dealing with lebanon and so is this macross saying that we could include your political wing on the terrorism list so a lot of warnings indirect threats but really no action taken when not to Political Developments in mali just 2 days after being sworn in the president has named an interim Prime Minister former foreign minister will take over the role so the appointment will end sanctions placed on money by west african countries after a minute recruit last month they demanded a civilian lead to be installed as a condition for lifting the sanctions the Transitional Government has agreed to 18 months before National Elections it is following the latest developments from the car in neighboring senegal. The security element is still in the hand of the president and the Vice President thats in their hands but really the day to day needs to gritty of getting the state back on track well thats in the in the name in the hands of this new Prime Minister who will be nominating a new government on tuesday whats interesting about the nomination of this man is that he has a political power so it is a break with the recent past and the the government of kate where we saw so many people take to the streets and angry and upset with him but at the same time it is someone that is with its continuation from the past someone who was the foreign minister under to money to reign 2004 and subsequently to the representative of mali at the United Nations and also at the ecowas the west sacrify west african body whats important with this nomination is that weve seen that the president is a former officer of the military the Vice President was the leader of the military joined to them themselves so hes the 1st civilian in a position of leadership so hes keen to ensuring that this government at this government transition is successful to the eyes of the International Community. Still ahead for you on the program the New York Times reports that Donald Trumps tax returns revealing just how much he paid the year he won the presidency well have the latest on that and then sealed with a shaken hands yemens warring factions agree on a prisoner exchange. Hello there has been very cold weather across the southeast of australia should begin to improve slightly across the South Australia and victoria areas of New South Wales and in fact the rain and snow well out of the picture really by monday in fact even the cloud beginning to clear 22 the high in adelaide just want to shout along this coast of southern queensland weve also got the chance wanted to showers into Western Australia but again its not looking through tuesday by then though the rain becoming fairly widespread across South Australia havea later in the day across areas tools the coast the southeast beginning to push into areas of Victoria Cross into new zealand it has been a very unpleasant couple of days as we go through monday no real less a plenty of snow widespread these very strong winds rain as well that snow also at lower levels and tom ridge is really promising 6 celsius in n. V. Cogdill as we go through tuesday damages even a little bit lower these very cold winds coming from the south and also a mix of rain and snow across into the north island that we had up towards asia clearing conditions really across much of japan we cant rule out the old shower on monday but generally job than it has been meanwhile across Northern Areas of china some heavy rain working its way east would say a wet couple of days in beijing. Can tell a story without uttering a. I know england can guide. A simple time. In 4 months. The unconventionality of life witnessed through the lens of the human eye. Is what inspires us. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. Recap of the headlines for you now its been a major escalation of the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan a disputed region of nocona karabakh both sides have declared martial law and are accusing each other of making the 1st move. President emanuel mark on his vow to continue his initiative to save lebanon from collapse and says the nations leaders have betrayed their people by failing to form a government and just 2 days after being sworn in malis president has named an interim Prime Minister former foreign minister knocked out one. Well now donald trump president on top of his tax returns was a key issue in the election in 2016 and it seems as though it could be an issue again the New York Times is saying that it has seen that the tax returns and its released a quite an extensive report on the matter lets go live to castrate maryland what information what is the content of this report. Well there are several top lines here mary one of them being that the president during his 1st and 2nd years in office paid a total of 750. 00 in income taxes compare that to the average middle class American Family where the income tax is close to 14000. 00 then roll back to previously as President Trump then candidate trump was campaigning telling his would be supporters who believe him because of his business acumen building himself up as a multibillion air while that very year 2016 when he was selling that story to his supporters he in fact had his accountants declaring a profit of 0 dollars on his tax returns and that was a pattern followed according to this reporting by the New York Times that out of the last 15 years prior to his taking office paid 0 dollars in federal income tax in 10 of those 15 years now these records according to this breaking story from the New York Times were obtained from sources that are anonymous but that have legal access to these documents the newspaper has not published the records itself but it goes on to report that the president has more than 300000000. 00 of outstanding debts that are coming due soon and that these are personally guaranteed debts to the lenders are though is a question that is not fully answered by this news reporting and just the indebtedness of the president. Happening despite what the newspaper calls him turning his properties owned by the Trump Organization into bazaars quote for collection of money from lobbyists and foreign officials now another top line thats important is that there was no previously unreported connection with russia here in these documents from President Trump their 2 decades worth of financial records both from the president s personal taxes as well as his companies he held a press conference just moments ago resorting to a very familiar line of defense. We were through the same. The same questions for years ago i had a little good to talk about it totally fake news actually i paid tax but. The show was made to actually change its underwriting theyve been an underwriter for the air west does not treat me well they treat me like the Tea Party Like they treated the tea party they dont they treat me badly. You have people in the area. They treatment very very badly. But the wonder about it and will be proud to show it but thats just great news. Of course the timing of all of this is critical just one President Donald Trump has been trailing in the polls in comparison of course to his democratic rivals. Thats right and we are just 38 days away from when president when the u. S. Voters will choose whether or not President Trump gets a 2nd term or whether he will be replaced by his im a product rival joe biden and these records certainly do provide a roadmap for President Trumps political opponents to follow in attacking him there are so many. Opportunities for weaknesses that democrats could suss out particularly the 750. 00 that President Trump paid in his income taxes as compared to the thousands of the average middle class American Family. Would pay now i have to say these records have been sought after by democrats also by journalists for years to no avail its actually led up to supreme 2 Supreme Court cases if you remember just a few months back and the Supreme Court ruling that these records could be disclosed only as part of a criminal investigation but it was under seal so somehow the New York Times got its hands on these records again the newspaper hasnt published the tax records itself but certainly this gives plenty of fodder for President Trumps political opponents to use in attacks against him as the election nears thank you very much from maryland hi joe kustra. Well of course in all the developments in washington us democrats are giving up to oppose the potential appointment of. Justice President Donald Trump officially nominated a new kind of fire on saturday if shes confirmed appointment would further consolidation conservative majority in the cold for decades Democrat Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer says the impact of that would be felt immediately. She will be the swing vote on that court and if she gets on the court its a virtual certainty that over 150000000 americans heard Care Health Care will be hurt dramatically. A vote for Amy Connie Barrett is a vote to decimate the health care that so Many Americans need. The Yemeni Government and who the rebels have finalized a deal to exchange more than a 1000 prisoners equipment is being treated as an important milestone with compromise on both sides has more. This is the u. N. 1st major achievement in yemen in years the whole fees of the government have agreed to Exchange Prisoners the deal was initially struck into thousands 18 in swindon but never implemented the 1081 individuals would and indeed will represent the largest release operation during the history of the conflict in yemen peaceful negotiations can succeed and they will succeed in bringing relief to the yemeni people and Building Confidence for the peace process. This implemented this new deal would pave the way to a broader prisoner swap. 6 years says the houthi as took over the capital sana fighting continues claiming the lives of thousands of people the fate of thousands of prisoners is yet to be decided. The un hopes the warring factions will resume talks soon to free all prisoners at the end of the day only parties to the conflict can bring long lasting positive change that yemeni people so neat. I believe over the laws there is we have been reminded here again that small steps that can have big impact possible and much needed in yemen today in the past tribal leaders and clerics brokered major prisoner exchanges but never managed to get all the parties to and the conflict. The saudi backed government insists a political deal will only happen once the houthi is pull out from the areas they controlled into 1014. 00 and had over their weapons it condition dismissed by the iran backed rebels who describe themselves as legitimate representatives of the yemeni people. In 2018 un envoy announced what he described as a landmark deal in yemen the Stockholm Agreement consisted of a prisoner swap the creation of a Demilitarized Zone in cities on the red sea and to the fighting in tires and a commitment from all the parties to start political talks to end the conflict but within days the deal collapsed and fighting could resume. But many things have changed is the store call my dream and the hoa these have considered dative their military gains in the north u. A. E. Back to session this control most of the south. President hadi has lost significant influence here runs the few areas still under his control from exile in saudi arabia. The un has described the humanitarian crisis in yemen as the worst in the world most of its people including 12000000 children need humanitarian assistance many hope this agreement may be a step towards an untoward that is raising the threat of yemens disintegration. Alleges era. But a Russian Police are fired stun grenades and tear gas to disperse crowds about 100000. 00 people protested in the capital and watched in minsk calling for an end to president Alexander Lukashenko as 26 year rule rallies also took place in 9 other cities with about 200. 00 protesters arrested across the country sunday marks the 50th straight day of protests unrest began last month after a president ial election the opposition says was rigged. Now south america has been particularly badly hit by the covert 1000 pandemic its become something of an epicenter for the virus but instead of working together the continents 2 biggest nations brazil and argentina are embroiled in a political rally over each others handling of the virus and on our ports now from when is our us. Brazil has suffered more than 140000 deaths from the covered 1000 virus one of the worst death tolls in the world in neighboring argentina about 18000 have died but instead of working together the right wing brazilian president also noddle is criticizing president of birth often and this is left wing government chris handling of the economy amid the crisis saying its leading the country to failure. By the left is responsible for whats happening in that country their return to power is rapidly creating a regime similar to that in venezuela. And his allies in the United States and regionally Venice Whaler and its president Nicolas Maduro are the enemy to be the next been a swale is the greatest insult they can hold this last year on the visit in friendlier times to one osiris. I believe all of us in south america are concerned that there should not be new venezuelans in the region the tension between brazil and argentina has been building for some time while sonora didnt attend fernandezs inauguration last december. Despite the argentine leaders efforts to extricate himself from a dispute between the 2 men the ones who now know balsall now is the president chosen by the brazilian people so with all the differences we have i must work to improve relations between brazil and argentina the rivalry and friendship between brazil and argentina stretches back centuries to the spanish and portuguese colonial routes. It can be it is most intense on the football pitch brazil 5 times world champions argentina twice here in argentina the Foreign Ministry is doing its best to defuse the tension saying the polls are now as latest statements dont truly reflect the economic and commercial harmony that exists between the 2 countries but brazil. Its now argentinas leading trading partner they share a 1200 kilometer long border with winds across it severely restricted or both countries in their own ways fight the pandemic argentina is prioritizing Public Health over the economy or balsa norriss the economy is more important and has dismissed the virus is a small flu but the corona virus is all a learning doesnt respect borders in the the spanish or portuguese that you show on the road a 0 what osiris. Well much more right here. Is the website address. Just a quick look at stories making headlines before theres been a major escalation in the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan of the disputed region of nocona karabakh both sides declared martial law and erik using each other of making the 1st move at least 16 people have been killed and many more engineers and territories internationally recognized as part of azerbaijan but its controlled by Armenian Forces well in our other headlines that french president ammonia lakhan says lebanons leaders have betrayed their people by failing to form a Government Back on vowed to continue his initiative to save lebanon from collapse the Prime Minister designate a date question on saturday after trying for almost a month to line up a nonpartisan cabinet. Sit in the usual it was has happened over the last few hours and days was clarification on it lebanese Political Forces and their leaders clearly did not wish to respect the commitments made before france and the International Community they decided and im forced to make a cruel assessment a month later they decided to betray their commitments in the live in these Political Forces favored their partisan choices to the determines of the country. Well just 2 days after being sworn in malis president has named an interim Prime Minister a former foreign minister one day its hoped the appointment will end sanctions placed on the country by West African States after a military coup last month. Now the New York Times has published information about president Donald Trumps tax returns showing he paid no income tax in 10 of the past 15 years it also paid only 750. 00 in his Election Year of 2016 a president has already dismissed the report as fake news and of course it all comes as u. S. Democrats are going up to oppose the potential appointment of a new Supreme Court justice officially nominated amy on saturday. The Yemeni Government and whos the rebels of finalized a deal to exchange more than a 1000 prisoners the u. N. Special envoy to yemen says this what will happen immediately its hoped it will pave the way for a larger prison and dales. Thats it for myself from the team here in london witness the italian doctor is next with the story from inside a busy covert 19 ward if. You know where. The mob will be largely the American People still do is jobs are you know fall asleep beside you for nothing ok he still doesnt have a clue do you see this crucial moment of postpresident ial t. V. Debate on aljazeera. The draw. If you want to sound moral. Others. Here on some of the last. They seldom understand but enough i mean theyre not all running for magical mirandola cause and day. The man theyre no longer for are not alluding. To a National Dish about a lot of of

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