Poisoning of kremlin critic alexina vali. Also the subway Photo Gallery transporting commuters far beyond slums and tunnels to get a new perspective on the worlds. 2 men have been found guilty for their role in a Shopping Center attack that killed dozens of people in kenya 7 years ago a 3rd man has been acquitted they were charged with helping alshabaab fighters store Nairobis Westgate mall in 2013 in a siege that lasted for days catherine soy reports. 7 years after the Westgate Mall attack trial happened chief magistrate francis and i read out his verdict over 3 and a half hours the prosecutors case he says for most. It was given by 4 to 6 witnesses prosecution lawyers used call logs of telephone conversations between the 3 accused and the gunmen who were killed in the 4 day siege in 20132 men up to and Hussein Hussen are found guilty of conspiring to support their talk and having materials linked to terrorist activities in the present case i find that there is a strong link. In their communication. That they were involved in the us. One of the accused lieben Abdullah Maher was acquitted of all charges. Benmore has been waiting for the judgment he and a friend were driving into the Basement Parking of the mall when the hard the 1st blast then gunshots whats a little more ties is being asked is where i was hiding theres a Security Guard was right next to me was shot in the head. And i didnt realize i was injured until. A rescue team arrived and as i was trying to get out thats when i realized i had a lot of blood that Security Guard was among the 67 People Killed in that talk 4 gunmen stormed the up market morning and were surrounded and killed by Security Forces the Armed Group Alshabaab based in neighboring somalia sayed its men carried out their talk some security analysts say this trial has a stake in too long if we are difficult laws the do more to allow us to its been dyed to justice especially for to resume we need lamentable small and make them conform with our times because the times we are ina become tourism times the magistrate will deliver a sentencing on the 22nd of october we did speak to the prosecutors right after this ruling and they say theyre happy with the conviction and will be pushing for the maximum penalty of 20 years we also expect the survivors and those who lost their loved ones to give the testimonies ahead of that sentencing the Westgate Mall was reopened 5 years ago but some survivors and families of the dead remain too traumatized to visit those we talked to say they wanted justice and hope the decision by the court will help them find some way to come to terms with what happened catherine. Nairobi. And griese leaders of the far right Golden Dawn Party have been found guilty of running a criminal gang police fired tear gas at their supporters who began attacking rival protesters and police after the verdict and he says verdict effectively bans golden dawn which was once graces 3rd largest Political Force well the american trial assessed 4 cases at once 1st the killing of rapper of los physis in 2013 golds and on supporter was found guilty of along with 15 accomplices then there was the attempted murder of immigrant fisherman in 2125. 00 golden dawn members were convicted on that counts for more members or friends guilty of attacks on communist trade unionists that happened the same year and finally as you mentioned that ruling that golden dawn itself is a criminal organization its leader and 18 former members of parliament were among those convicts its where greeces Prime Minister has welcomes the ends of what he calls a traumatic cycle of public life. Removed with todays decision by the remember criminal court of appeals on the actions of golden dawn its from Arctic Circle in the public life of the country comes to a close he is a political dimension his fortunately been charged by the secret of the republic. To be nuts information from parliament now with the independent judiciary give its own. Welfare fairness as a doc to losses a reader in european politics at the university of surrey he says the ruling may be the end of golden dawn but not of the far right. Well. The party the party has been outvoted in parliament anyway and this was kind of a dooming stone lets say to their fate however what it doesnt do is uproot that kind of neo fascist tendencies that may exist in greece and may be expressed through Different Party formations right now the refugee crisis that has been happening around europe and especially greece on the context of the islands and the refugee camps there has been an important factor in raising issues with immigration and precisely golden dawn was that being on these particular incoming incoming set of immigrants on the islands to perform some of its violent activities now these have not gone away the fact that they will not be sponsored necessarily or be initiated by officials of the golden dawn doesnt mean that the groups that are against immigration are not still. Very much active on the islands as well when kurdistan this confusion over hes taken over as Prime Minister following that take coronal of resignation a replacement was named after parliamentary session on choose stable its a group of opposition parties say that choice is invalid and nominated their own man for the job all the uncertainty for was the enormous of sundays parliamentary election that many say was rigs. Foreign ministers of armenia and azerbaijan will be meeting officials from russia france and the u. S. In the coming days its not clear if the warring sides will hold direct talks that seem to have been fighting over the disputed territory of nagornokarabakh which is forced of its residents to leave their homes both sides are accusing each other of targeting civilians these are pictures from the armenian site that show damage from whats said to be serry shelling in the city of stepan uncared and this fits you shows a missile attack on azerbaijan 2nd largest city of ganja only as areas say our media has launched attacks on several of its cities resulting in more than 20 civilian deaths. Russias president Vladimir Putin is among those calling for a cease fire despite being a military ally of armenia is ruled out so entering the conflict on their side in the gym on the cumbria when us is well known as a member of the collective Security Treaty Organization we have certain commitments with armenia within the streets military actions continue up to now much to our great but they are conducted on the territory of armenia concerning fulfillment of our treaty obligations we have always had filled and always will fulfill our commitments within this treaty. There are reports that more than 10 villages and russia have had to be evacuated after a blaze broke out as an ammunition depo at happened in the region of rise on research on social media shows a fireball and thick smoke billowing up into the air the witness in one of the videos said shrapnel and ash were falling from the sky. Germany and france 7 eyes funds to sanction people they blame for the poisoning of russian Opposition Leader alexina volley the countrys Foreign Ministers say moscow has felt provide answers over the attempted murder often the family is a vocal critic of that amir puton its not yet clear who will be sanctioned for both countries say theyll share the lists with other European Union members john mccain joins us now live from berlin dominic tell us more about the sanctions proposals. For weeks the french and german governments have been pushing the russian government to investigate the circumstances that led to the poisoning of election of army with a nerve agent with nabil chalk a chemical weapon which works on the most in your own functions of the human body and to investigate and then to prosecute those who carried out that poisoning their patients has clearly run out this is how the German Foreign minister must address to parliament on the matter. She help or does for us it is a serious violation of civic rights committed with a chemical nerve agent who firmly believe that this cannot remain without consequence this is why we will be coordinating a joint response with our partners within the European Union and also within the c. W. Or the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons over the next few days. The joint statement put out by the 2 governments is unequivocal it says that the russian government has failed to account for what happened and that the use of a chemical weapon is very similar to what happens to 2 russian citizens in the United Kingdom some years back involving a similar nerve agent being used so as to say clearly patience has run out and now the 2 governments are pushing for very strong action against the russian government in this affair and they say that they are looking to broaden that wherever possible. Ok in their life as an berlant thank you. Still to come on aljazeera were just hours away from the only debates between the 2 u. S. Vice president ial candidates plus. If youre a parent like me youre feeling the consequences of this president s failure to take this and to make seriously. A much of an effect through a former 1st Lady Michelle obamas attack on taiwan trump have the campaign. Hollow chad home has now been upgraded to a typhoon that system continues to intensify out in the open waters of the northwest pacific winds of around 120 Kilometers Per Hour moving at a fair old lake 20 Kilometers Per Hour and it will continue to drive in a general northwesterly direction than expected to make landfall actually as a system a ceasefire or close to japan because already see fair bit of rain just pushing into southern and eastern japan as we go on through friday turns increasingly wet across q shoot eastern parts of honshu saying that wet weather that well its weather just making its way across much of honshu as we go on through saturday and then eventually itll punch his way back out into the open waters but not before some parts of say around 200 millimeters of rain possibly more that will inevitably cause widespread flooding a flood risk 2 inches central parts of vietnam some very heavy downpours coming through here again some of these areas seeing around 202300 millimeters of rain severe flooding certainly a possibility here and you push across the andaman sea this little area of cloud here this clutch is storms thats developing pushing out into the tools nicobar islands the adamant in some very heavy rain coming through here over the next couple of days and its gradually making its way through the back end goal. A face can tell a story without uttering a single word. And knowing god can guide us. A simple touch. In for us. The unconventionality of light witness through the lens of the human eye. Is what inspires us. Witness documentaries on aljazeera. You watch the aljazeera quick reminder of the top stories for you know 2 men have a very guilty for their role in the westgate Shopping Center attack in kenya 7 years ago 67 people were killed a 3rd man was acquitted. Leaders of the greek far rights Golden Dawn Party have been found guilty of running a criminal group verses of protesters gathered outside the courts to hear the verdict police fired tear gas to break up the testers. And germany and france 7 aspirants to sanction people they blame for the poisoning of russian Opposition Leader alexian of only the countrys Foreign Ministers say moscow has failed to provide answers over the attempted murder of the family is a vocal critic of flotsam a person. Now iran has registered the highest number of deaths from the corona virus since the outbreak began 239 people have died in the last 24 hours one and 4000 new cases have been confirmed for the 2nd day in a row restrictions are being tysons across the country in france coronavirus patients no make up more than 40 percent of people in the intensive care units in the region surrounding paris some hospitals have started we shared chilling plans surgeries as those units fill up italy is also struggling with a resurgence of cases the government says no made Wearing Masks outdoors mandatory in a bid to try and stop the spread of the virus its always also extending its covert 19 states of emergency until the end of january next year cases there have been increasing steadily but still remain much lower than in other major european countries. Senior white house adviser Stephen Miller has become the latest member of the trumpet ministration to test positive for corona virus he joins a long list of those who now have the virus and the outbreak appears to have spreads mike hanna has this reports. Stephen miller is president from stop speech writer and policy advisor and a company use the president on the majority of his Campaign Fund raising trips while the president took off his mask when he returned to the white house from 3 days in hospital have been increasing number of infections in the building in recent days another close adviser to the president hope next tested positive last week hed been in close contact with most in the president s inner circle but all ringback floated c. D. C. Guidelines by not going into south korean team until testing negative. The press secretary kaylee mcanany briefed reporters the day after hicks tested positive and this week she announced that she is infected along with a number of her and at least 3 journalists who work at the white house. The list of those in the white house whove been infected include both the director of Oval Office Operations and President Campaign manager the countrys top Infectious Disease expert is no longer in regular contact with the president and has not been consulted at all in recent days what went on in the white house you know i dont want to every time i Say Something thats an issue i wind up spending a lot of time ensuring phone calls and emails i should say it was not done according to what i would have recommended. A number of non white house staff tested positive buff to this gathering in the rose garden to announce president trumps nomination to the vacant bench of the Supreme Court it flouted d. C. Law that forbids any gathering of more than 50 people the white house is a federal property and outside the districts jurisdiction. The day after the rose garden gathering this man coast guard admiral charles ray attended a meeting in the oval office he tested positive for corona virus he held meetings with joint chiefs of staff at the pentagon in recent days and now the countrys most senior military leaders are in self quarantine including the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff general mark milley on monday 105. 00 new coronavirus cases were reported in the district of columbia that is a high as daily total in 4 months the white house will not release an exact list or number of those whove tested positive but its likely to be a significant portion of the daily cases recorded in d. C. As a whole mike hanna aljazeera washington. Now thats a candidates vying to be the next Vice President s of the United States a preparing for a showdown in Salt Lake City the debates between mike pence son come along harris will likely focus on president Trumps Health and his handling of covert 19 well reynolds. Amidst the head spinning events of the past week the Vice President ial debate on wednesday takes on unprecedented significance this is going to be a critically important debate usually the debates are sideshows with the candidates earnestly discussing issues and tossing the occasional verbal zinger but as Vice President mike pence and senator camel harris take to the stage in Salt Lake City the main issue is literally a matter of life or death i think theres going to be an enormous focus on the president s health mr bidens health as well frankly they are the 2 oldest president ial nominees in American History a book right now with the president ill and some questions swirling about how truly ill he is it really puts into stark contrast what this debate is actually about is making sure that a person is ready to become president at a moments notice in terms of substance the debate will almost certainly focus on how the trumpet ministration has handled the pandemic that puts pince who chairs the White House Coronavirus task force in a difficult spot he ran the task force he was chosen by the president to do it he was responsible for those early you know statements about just flattening the curbs i mean i imagine those that are working with kamel harris in preparation for this debate are spending a lot of their time coming up with creative ways to lay this all at the feet of the Vice President and the president the style of the 2 candidates is quite different pences stoic unflappable and unlikely to get rattled on stage hes a seasoned debater and his experience as a radio. Host in the 1990 s. Prepared him to think on his feet hearers of former courtroom prosecutor has shown her ability to disconcert Administration Officials in Senate Hearings i wouldnt i wouldnt. Yes or no 3 repeat that question i will repeat it with great uncertainty over whether the 2 remaining president ial debates will take place at all the showdown in Salt Lake City may be the last debate before election day in a campaign full of unpredictable twists robert oulds al jazeera. And you can watch live coverage of the Vice President ial debate right here on aljazeera from all 100 g. M. T. On thursday morning a former 1st Lady Michelle obama has attacked on or trump a new video shes accusing him of racism and mishandling the coronavirus pandemic and she urged people not to waste their votes if you are a parent like me youre feeling the consequences of this president s failure to take this pandemic seriously from his constant downplaying of the importance of mask and social distancing today more americans have died from this virus than died in the wars in iraq afghanistan vietnam and korea combined take all those lives bravely sacrificed and double it that is roughly the scale of this tragedy and our commander in chief sadly has been missing in action. Well eva stones to weave is a political commentators pose the editor and founder of mikes back media she tells us the type of filters Michelle Obama is targeting. We do have very polarized opinions that is absolutely clear but there is a sliver of americans who if not are completely under sided they are not the Traditional Democratic voter either on the far left or the right so for example you do have those Republican Voters on the right suburbanites who voted for trump last time and also quote unquote working class who voted for trump last time who shes appealing to on a conscientious level and shes also signaling to those on the left who last time may have stayed at home because they were frustrated with the options and who are still frustrated today with the level of a press and a heightened level of oppression that people of color persist with simply black people and other people of color have been feeling in this nation that literally have put our lives in danger and what shes saying is to those on the left dont stay at home this time your vote does indeed have power and you need to come out and vote and to those on the right shes appealing to their conscience and saying is this really the behavior that you want to ratify with your vote i think not so to me shes trying to kill 2 birds with one stone. To suspected members of an iso group known as the beatles are set to stand trial in the u. S. They are accused of a legend involvement in the beheadings of 4 americans as well as citizens of the u. K. And japan. Next on the cote have been held in u. S. Military custody since october last year seen men were pressed to citizens but the u. K. Government with drew their citizenship. The defendants are charged with terrorism offenses related to hostage taking and killing of 4 americans as well as citizens of Great Britain and japan. For over a year cote now a shaikh were held in iraq by the u. S. Military under the law of Armed Conflict im pleased to confirm that they are now in f. B. I. Custody and will soon appear in federal court in the Eastern District of virginia. Tens of thousands of South African workers have taken part in nationwide antigovernment protests they want president c. E. O. Ramaphosa to address job losses wage cuts and Corruption Cases is anger there over missing funds from the 26000000000 dollar Coronavirus Relief package for me to miller has this say from pretoria. This is the final gathering point for a few 100 protesters gaming the area outside the National Treasury and this is getting once the governments attention and the warmth and number of issues addressed one of the main concerns for people here are the number of drugs that have been lost in recent months 16 april and killed about 2200000 jobs were lost and now statistics show that south africa has an Unemployment Rate of 30 point one Percent People here also agri about corruption has been a longstanding issue in south africa which has been further highlighted tearing the covert 19 pence a mix of government money that was supposed to be spent on the fighting the pandemic money that was meant to be spent on personal protective equipment money that was meant to assist the Health Care Services in this country instead it is alleged to have been stolen the our child all of the. Options we want our wages and a gift to one of our children but if you dont think youve been waiting for a long time and just get tired of life and die of the coming of the collective bargaining of the union or the specific you know weve established that i know one thing its a good incentive if a couple been told me but it is the fault of im not my fault old you and we are at all to think about it and yet hes paid. To deceive. Her for her favor perversion for im doing for her with a perfect person project sort of working for her for this is the most reward. And a contributor to move on the property. Increase the word terrible. Thats all were here to be able to say enough not enough has been done. With unemployment and also economy one of the other issues here people wanted terrorist is that all the Civil Servants and teachers. Government and say that theyve not received aid pay rise this year. Old african disabling that. People many. People here say that we as racist. A pedestrian tunnel at londons Kings Cross Station has been turns into an art gallery giving commuters an alternative view of People Living elsewhere in the world Jessica Baldwin went to take a look at the face to face exhibition. Going deeper into what life is like around the world people are transported from here in london to Africa South America asia the effects of oil mining on the people of the niger delta the photographs provided deeper perspective and understanding there a long way from the visual cliches of starving children and rural poverty british pakistani photographer hussein returned to his ancestral home after years of hearing his mothers stories these countries are incredibly peaceful really rich really diverse and theyre not impoverished in the way that you know we have been conditioned to really think about it for me was essentially just kind of fall in love with with with my home country carpoolers in mexico traveling to their jobs in the suburbs built in distant locations without Public Transportation m powering self portraits of over him by a young man in namibia the traditional colonial portrait turned on its head. The l g b t community in lagos all the photographers spent sustained periods of time with their subjects directly engaging with the communities its art as activism this isnt about looking im pointing this about saying actually look theres a point of similarity theres a point of empathy that we can all come to when we encounter different experiences different peoples different communities and societies and different individuals the 100 meter will find much that is in the year that seems of marginalized communities homelessness and saving the environment they are all universal the passage is an encounter with empathy and understanding of different people and communities brought into focus for a global conversation Jessica Baldwin aljazeera london

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