Rubble camp and so far this 16 people have been rescued from the struggles and the Turkeys Management the Disaster Agency tell us that they they believe there are there almost 4 to one more people right now on there the rubble we dont know whether to. Many of them are alive or how many of them are dead but and search and rescue operation is still underway for result date building a me is Prime Minister has asked russia for help in its conflict with azerbaijan the 2 countries have agreed to not deliberately target civilian populations police in thailand have rearrested 3 prominent leaders of the growing antigovernment protests one of them lost consciousness when he was reportedly placed in a chokehold have since been released. Tanzanias Electoral Commission says president john mughal forli has won a 2nd term in Office Opposition groups have dismissed the result saying there have been widespread irregularities. Polls have opened in ivory coast following an Election Campaign thats been marred by violence and a boycott by the opposition for candidates of putting their names or for the presidency include new combin or some more time or. The number of early and malin votes in the u. S. State of texas has now surpassed the total number of votes cast there during the 2016 election or the 9000000 texans of cast early votes it is the 2nd state to break its voting record before election day thousands of protesters have gathered in the polish capital warsaw to continue rallying against a near total ban on abortions they want the government to overturn a court ruling which further restricts the law. Those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera right after the listening post to stay with us its one of the most consequential elections in u. S. History announces there will be there every step of the way 9 hours of live coverage up to the minute results as they come in with correspondents across the u. S. And the rest of the world aljazeera brings you a unique global perspective on the us elections 2020. 3. 243 on the toilet with the. I want to know the right thing to. You. So youre here. Hello im Richard Gilbert and youre watching the listening post working from home the u. S. Elections are into the homestretch and the media are a key issue for many voters thats what were focusing on this week november 3rd is decision day Donald Trumps fake news narrative is about to be put to be often we went through the greatest which in political history thats down with President Donald Trump the gospel of trump 247 the marriage of convenience that is the president s relationship with the Christian Broadcasting Network conservatives like to accuse social media platforms of suppressing their voices in favor of liberal ones the data says otherwise and the art of the impersonator so good so good a step by step guide on how to sound president ial. There are just days to go now until the us president ial election and the role of the news media is among the election issues donald trump wouldnt have it any other way hes been all in on the fake news narrative trying to make the coverage of the story rather than his handling of covert 19 which is nobodys idea of a success trumps victory back in 2016 forced. A reckoning upon the us news media a lot of his fake news talk is baseless yet it clearly hits home with americans who have lost faith in their 4th estate much of the corporate u. S. News industry whose incessant coverage helped fuel trumps rise has since tried to repair their reputations while preserving their profits that approach has paid dividends on both counts but they have not emerged from this fight on skates this election is a de facto referendum on the Trump Presidency many journalists could well see it as a referendum on themselves our starting point this week the 2020 us president ial election. It is too soon to write Donald Trumps political obituary by at least a few days perhaps more. But lest we forget on the eve of the election. And with the cage match between trump and us journalists heading for a possible conclusion were going to turn now to my interview with the 1st character president that no american president has ever relied on the media to not get into the writings. Ever depended on it the way trump. Has won the larger over the comical landscape and the drop the corporate complicity on the part of u. S. News outlets has never been great what the media did at the beginning because it is a source of entertainment in the United States it rolled out the red carpet for donald trump and he never stopped voting on it he never stopped walking down that carpet it was grotesque it was a free advertisement and he knew how to use the news media played dr frankenstein to Donald Trumps monster they created him and then he got out of control and now theyre in the process of trying to destroy him and i believe will be effective in doing that at least with regard to his reelection at. Trial to 2004. Donald trump was just a celebrity millionaire a coproducing machine in the journalistic like that of new york city im saying a lot of. Women was whether then he fronted the apprentice the decade he spent as a reality t. V. Host honed his media game. By 2015 when trump ran for president the n. B. C. Executive who oversaw the apprentice was in charge of c. N. N. And jeff zucker like other news exacts craved the ratings trump could provide. According to media quite a company the tracks media American News outlets give to trump billions of dollars in free advertising disguised as news comes hours and hours of air time helping him get the nomination well i just think its an interesting question by the time trump took the white house he had turned on his creators in the media walk off after calling everybody from c. N. N. To the New York Times fake news if they dared to point out the facts when the president was like you are the enemy of the media rarely talks about a president is lying no the president isnt royalty in the United States but they treat them like royalty and donald trump is not the 1st president to lie example george w. Bush about going into iraq and using 911. 00 as a pretext which iraq had nothing to do with record decide on any given day to provide a biological or chemical weapon to a terrorist group his administration was not called out in that way. But after a time with President Trump they started to label things just as they should they started to label then as lies is initially a shock to the system but i think theres a huge kind of demand for it your band to try one upmanship from the audience if you watch c. N. N. Its just 247 a liar because i think that is what is driving right now we had an avalanche of law. For President Trump its a kind of a trap that true that is what everyone into around we have the vaccines we have everything you will occasionally tell ridiculous lies for the media to call them a liar and a level of lying unseen before and forces supporters to choose between him and media that ultimately its a net negative for every. News outlets critical of donald trump themselves as protectors of the troops dedicated to responsible journalism and their critics offer a one word response rush back to find out if the new president of our country is going to do what you want with in the 2 years it took former f. B. I. Director Robert Muller to investigate an alleged conspiracy between the Trump Campaign and the crime of those news outlets kept that story through a series of official leaks stay with us i will consider retiring attorney an official conspiracy theorist predicting a watergate scale downfall of the present one reality and the official report feel to meet those expectations it played right into the trump fake news narrative the only solution was committed by the democrats the Fake News Media had their operatives journalistic reputations took a pounding now there were a lot of things the news media reported that were false because they had this vacuum they had to fill guess whats going to happen youre going to speculate we actually correcting a story that we have been reporting throughout the day today and lets be clear the liberal media was very prone to believing the worst possible things about donald trump so when when youre prone to believing it and it fits with your narrative and its good for ratings whos going to start one of the real factors in the media because right now if you turn from advertising this model toward subscription big newspapers and broadcasters were largely reliant on advertising now the most important force is a news. I relied on subscriptions which is less about trying to please every Single Person who could possibly buy a battery and more about finding your slice of super fans who want to buy your identify with your brand and so there is a sort of broad mercial pressure toward a more part of. That subscription model that exacerbates the polarization the plagues News Coverage in the us as liberal media have grown less objective and more partisan on the other side fox news has doubled down on its support for president not the fox has satisfied the president has taken parting shots at the network and is steered his base to hyper partisan outlets like one American News newsmax the Christian Broadcasting Network and the Washington Times too Many Americans live in one news bubble or the other seldom venturing outside for a look at the thing the 2 media spheres have in common and one of the few points that a liberal like amy goodman and a conservative like john ziegler can agree on is the corporate profit driven imperative that both bubbles are built there is absolutely no question that commercialism drives almost all of us into the prism through which every news media outlet sees everything that happens it is the worst kept secret in all the media that conservative outlets do much better when a liberal is in office and liberal news Media Outlets do much better when i conservative or republican it is in office and trump it clearly proves that to start pulling degree you know he has essentially a saved m s n b c and c. N. N. And he is kept in a liberal internet outlets and business the media is addicted to trump the media our large multinational corporations their main mode. That is the track im centive where i dont. Have to ask for their gratitude by corporations that profit from war we need independent media where were not practiced by the weapons manufacturers when we cover Climate Change were not prachi by the oil the cas the gas the Call Companies x. X. Apple recover health care and after what you buy the Insurance Industry but brought to people by the listeners the viewers the readers who are deeply committed to independent information. There were signs in 2017 after donald trump selection of a rebirth of american journalism the New York Times was among the clock its reporting record surges in subscriptions but consider this according to the Reuters Institute in that same year 2017 only 38 percent of americans said they trusted the news media that figure has actually fallen since 29. 00. That is as good a measure as any the President Trumps media bashing thats had an effect expected to continue right through to election day and probably. Has tried really hard with the media you basically rather run against the New York Times and c. N. N. Than he would against joe biden it hasnt really worked i mean i think the reality of these campaigns is that ultimately the president is going to be defined by what he did in office and this in this case it and later wrote a virus for us its really good that everything before and lets be clear about this doll job or a psalm how rhythm is actually it would be the most dramatic repudiation of the news media in American History i dont see that happening well i know that there are a lot of americans who are voting for donald trump evolving to stick it to the new. Conservative commentators and politicians including the president have long complained that the media are. Thats them social media platforms included that was their argument earlier in the campaign when twitter and facebook deleted several high profile right wing accounts and fact checked some of Donald Trumps own tweets politico and its chief tech correspondent mark scott took a deep data dive into that theory that social Media Companies are institutionally biased against the right and the findings are worth examining he joins me now mr scott working with the london based institute for Strategic Dialogue you examined millions of social media posts and then concluded that what these conservative voices have been saying is simply not factual so walk us through it so you are a muslim period between the end of august and september with an outside group to look at about 2000000 social media posts across 5 social networks can be about 500000 individual users who are asked to specific topics that are very closely linked to the us election blacklight matter and voter fraud and over those 2 topics and i can only speak to those topics versus broader discussion social media it was categorically false that there was a certain bias consent because of divorces period because of much as matter right leaning and commentators and socially as. Did the left leaning and traditionally alice by about a factor of 10 in terms of actual content being shared and then you look at voter fraud narratives as well again it was very stark that conservative voices and their content was shed but mostly double that to liberal and tradition the so what do these conservative commentators base their allegations on is it purely anecdotal its that the clinton to the conservatives in the us are playing a raft trying to force social Media Companies to take a more lax to you on some of the candidates include out there and michael not the right is putting out more or. Misinformation or potential for swords than the left is not by the left is doing it its just that the right has been more successful of weaponized not content to allow it to a greater degree and with less than a week to go before the us election this is all about trying to frame the discussion around big tech and the deep state animating the year is out to get the republicans and i didnt start this reporting project with the idea of proving that there was a conservative norm liason social media we just wanted to see what kind of discussions were going on but within a few weeks ago became quite clear that overwhelmingly the conservative voices were out doing the the left and traditional media and when you have 2000000 socially persons quite difficult to go against that mark scott thanks for speaking with us here in the listening post of. As we mentioned in our previous piece there are a select few broadcast networks that are in President Trumps good books fox news is one of them but the president also has time for the Christian Broadcasting Network c. B. S. Since trump landed in office c b n has landed exclusive interviews with the president and his officials and his advisors its a relationship built on common interests evangelicals especially white evangelicals will form a big part in the republican partys core vote on tuesday and are among trumps most stubborn supporters he needs to keep them onside c. D. N. Provides the perfect go between and c. B. S. Executives have a religious vision for the United States that relies on a president willing to champion their beliefs even if he himself is not exactly pious the listening posts flow phillips now on donald trump and c. B. S. A political match made in heaven. Good afternoon everyone thanks for coming out to our 1st official briefing here in the brady room january 23rd 27000 the 1st White House Press conference of the trumpet ministration question number one. How could you. The 2nd question jennifer wish. Jennifer wish and not a name from c. N. N. Know c. B. S. She c b s the Christian Broadcasting Network we were watching that 1st press conference in the newsroom here theres a cheer that went when he called on the c. B. And corresponding so jenny what was that like youre in the Briefing Room and oh by the way sorry Associated Press jenny from the b block has a question how did that go well its remarkable david and that was a signature moment for us because we never get called on. Weve been in the white house room for. Or 1st 1st time was 980 so its been a while it legitimates c. D. N. As a news outlet it recognizes them until Something Else to trump is basically saying i see you none of those other people sees you im going to overturn the system that says i have to call on c. N. N. I have to call on c. B. S. I have to call the New York Times so im going to call on c. B. S. And because were part of this antiestablishment. Radicals overthrowing the system. Compelled to giants like c. N. N. The m s n b c and fox news c. B. S. News division is small scale but it plays a very specific strategic role shaping the political interests and voting behavior of many evangelical americans the network stated mission is to prepare the world for the coming of jesus christ its method the strategic use of Mass Communication a Global Ministry relying on t. V. Internet and social media to spread good news. According to the networks c c b ms flagship shows the 700 club gets roughly 52600000 u. S. Viewers a day not exactly the more than 4 and a half 1000000 viewers sean hannity gets every night on fox news but that content is then translated in transmitted around the globe hitting a monthly reach of up to 15000000. 00 c. B. S. Is the most influential evangelical Christian Organization in the World Without a doubt its not so due to the size of their audience though its due to the fact that all of the other leaders in white evangelical christianity Pay Attention to what pat says and so its a matter of not only influencing masses but its up influencing the influence servers and thats what c. B. S. Does so well. Terry he was the executive producer of the 700. 00 club for much of the 1980 s. d and the panties talking about his putts well that said robertson is central to the c. B. And story he founded the network in 1960 and at age 19 still hosts the 700 club jesus i come to a influential figure in the evangelical community with a fundamentalist view of christiane its ok. But its not just his faith that guides and his father was a u. S. Senator and he himself ran for the republican president ial nomination in 1900. So pats got politics flowing through his blood and ive always said that he is 1st a politician and secondly a minister i think hes brilliant he really years hes especially brilliant when it comes to politics and marketing you could think of him almost as a precursor to trump a t. V. Personality running for president right he laid the groundwork for someone who is not necessarily a political person. Running for president and using the mobilization of conservative christian voters as the driving force behind their president ial run Pat Robertson believes in the end times and he believes that before the 2nd coming of christ can happen there has to be a kind of apocalypse and so a politics of chaos actually fits in very nicely with his religious beliefs and thats going to be a great thing for christianity so to the extent that donald trump is an agent of chaos Pat Robertson embrace of that one shouldnt know there are files found people praying for because he sees this is getting us closer and closer to the end times in the 2nd coming. Why somebody pulls was central to talks election victory in 26 even more than 8 in 10 voted for nearly as many say they will vote for him again this time as the country gears up for the election needs to keep conservative christians on sunday c. B. S. Influence and we each provides the perfect platform for that trump and c. B. S. And have developed a relationship over the years long before most people thought he was running for president he did an interview with c. B. S. And with david brody that seemed like perhaps is thinking about it in 2011 you have to pick somebody thats going to win i think hes interviewed trump at least a dozen times one on one who is god to me what are some of your thoughts on this post so that has enabled c. B. S. And to position itself as the inside Baseball Network god is the ultimate real god created this tight relationship between a seemingly ungodly president and his evangelical base appears in congress doesnt exhibit the traditional christian principles that the c. B. S. Promotes so ive come here to the networks headquarters in Virginia Beach to off the see if this is just another. A political convenience. To trump doesnt come across as the most devout president of the us of a b. And you. Would leave christian broadcaster in the country and yet you still support him. Do solemnly swear i think i joined with a lot of people waking up the day after the election going what just happened. So hes hes an unlikely president and its unlikely for him to be of such appeal to evangelical voters that said i think President Trump is an absolute master me master of emotion as a master politician he made very specific promises to the evangelical community about Supreme Court justices about the Johnson Amendment about christian persecution christiane its under siege unlike other politicians who make promises in the campaign and then do Something Different in office hes fulfilled his promises hes hes come through a lot of what white evangelicals have had to do since trump appear on the scene is to figure out kind of how he fits in their theology and their religious commitments the office is so powerful. That you need god even more a c b an interview says donald trump cares about us nobody has done more for christians or evangelicals or frankly religion that i have hes going to sit down and talk to us even though he wont talk to the Washington Post or the New York Times or to c. B. S. Im so donald trump values here as you will continue to believe in donald trump because trump believes that you. May value c. D. s and c. D. N. May value the access to press but that doesnt mean he has any value in the news its got you started and that is coming from someone pushing not 10 years before fox news came on the scene we wrote the playbook for conservative news we call the t. V. News with a different spirit and all it was was an attempt to insert conservative propaganda into the news i am convinced this is a nation under god in the end the right wing news is only a propaganda its not news and theres no attempt to be for unbiased and i think its gone so far now that the public isnt aware of that but thats still what we create blame me im the one who has is saying i dont want to play gotcha journalism i think theres plenty of place in the news space today where youre going to hear that what is missing i think in the landscape is well what is it that theyre really trying to say what is that an edited version. Sometimes thats on a little version comes directly from god at least thats what part robertson reported 2 weeks prior to election day according to what the lord told me the president is going to be reelected on the Christian Broadcasting Network preaching the gospel of trump down to the wire. And finally these. Its not just the president wondering if hell still have a job spare a thought for all those trump impersonators actors like alec baldwin and john de dominica comics like sarah cooper theyve spent so much time perfecting the tone the gestures the new york accent and the questionable pronunciations of President Trump were going to leave you now with a step by step guide on how to do trunk a person nations its from a british comedian Daniel Parker hes probably working on his joe biden impression these days the polls suggest that that would be the prudent thing well see you next time here at the listening post please stop by constricting my throat critique that gravelly basis then youll be the lips in the teeth and then the action is just comes out when you tense up that really even more and then you lean into the guy and when you lean into the night and you had 10 always in you are always defensive but always attacking then you start to get the impression that youre looking for him then youve got it took slow because he doesnt know this stuff that the trucks hell make a point and then you just add a bit of derangement so get so get so great and you start to get it its a great thing but its also a terrible thing so that is terrible but its also. A good curve a negative but i never felt better and theres a felt better if this is to separate. The latest news as it breaks there was never much doubt about which choice chileans would make but now its official that chileans will be writing a new constitution details coverage to 14 and 15 year old students amongst those facing charges for prosecutors go complicity in a terrorist attack the nation indepth reports from the around the world and while it was the biggest gathering in months the numbers were not what they used to be last year. My. Turkish rescuers search for survivors after an earthquake thats killed at least 27. 00 p. But im convinced this is all just there are live from doha also coming up a medias Prime Minister asks russia for help in the fight against azerbaijan both sides agree not to target civilians police in thailand are accused of using Excessive Force while arresting antigovernment activists one says he passed out. And voting is underway in ivory coast

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