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States as rival joe biden is holding 2 polls indicate biden has a lead nationwide but the race appears to be tight in some crucial swing states a record 19000000. 00 voters have already cast their ballots the Afghan Government announced a national day of mourning after an attack in Kabul University at least 19 people have been killed and 22 others injured during the gun battle multiple attackers entered the campus and on monday and Security Forces killed 3 of them. U. K. Prime minister bonus johnstons defended his decision to impose a National Lockdown in england critics including some from his own party say the measures go too far. I believe it was right to try every possible option to get this virus under control at a local level with strong local action and strong local leadership and i reject any suggestion that we are somehow slow in taking measures in our european friends and partners in fact were moving to National Measures when the rate both of deaths and infections for instance is lower than they were in france we are engaged as a country in a constant struggle to protect lives and livelihoods and we must balance the restrictions we introduce against the long term scars they lead whether for businesses and jobs or our physical and Mental Health several countries across europe are also imposing tough new restrictions as cover 1000 infections rise a socalled wave breaker shutdowns in force in germany while in portugal the governments declared a state of health and margin saying and those are the headlines the news continues here on aljazeera and about half an hour after inside story by for now. The final push donald trump and Joe Biden Criss Cross the u. S. With less than a day to go until the election but a Record Number of americans have already cost that ballots so can the candidates still expect to sway undecided voters this is inside story. Hello welcome to the program i mean wrong on the u. S. President ial race is in the homestretch on tuesday americans will decide between donald trump and joe biden who have been in battleground states to win over undecided voters trumps handling of the corona virus pandemic has dominated the campaign the u. S. Has had the worlds worst outbreak and highest death toll thats likely prompted a Record Number of people to go and vote early now well bring in our guests in just a moment but 1st this report in miami. President donald trump began his campaign sprint of battleground states in chile michigan 4 years ago trump took this state breaking the Democratic Partys socalled blue wall in this nations industrial rust belt as election day approaches National Polls show hes trailing biden. Thank you very much i love you too he told supporters he saved the states car industry that he could keep refugees away and continued his attacks on the former Vice President biden will plunge america and the world into one ridiculous war after another you know i think shes a tough guy remember what he said a year ago id like to take care behind the bar you know mom i didnt want to close i just thing hes got. In pennsylvania joe biden focused on taking back a state the president won by just over 44000 votes last election as part of a nationwide effort to mobilize the black vote he told people there is too much on the line to cities out communities of color have been hit particularly hard by the kobe 1000 pound demick the former Vice President says hell confront all forms of inequality were going to address systemic racism bill real Economic Opportunity of equality of the black community the providers have been taken off their burka people are saying theyve seen how bad things are. Trumps whistle stop tour saw him in iowa georgia and florida his message for voters didnt change it any of the rallies in North Carolina he once again said hell keep the economy open despite rising corona virus infections now my dad wants a cruel and very hard place nationwide shut down it wont affect you because youre already shut down i dont know why that has whats going on with you say are you ready to help it out i think so. More than 90000000. 00 voters already cast their ballots but the u. S. Postal service is struggling to deliver many on time the u. S. Judges now issued an order for the service to take extraordinary measures to get ballots delivered if the processing of mail in ballots slows especially in battleground states it may lead to long legal battles in more than half the states including here in florida mail in ballots dont count if they arrive after election day the Postal Service says its employees know its all hands on deck but neither candidate nor voters want to see a delay in results and a gallacher aljazeera miami florida. Lets bring in our guests all joining us from washington d. C. Richard good stain is a Democratic Political consultant and former adviser to Hillary Clintons president ial campaign todd belt is a professor and Political Management Program director George Washington university and Adolfo Franco is a republican strategist and former advisor to u. S. Senator john mccain a warm welcome till before we get going with the democrats and the republicans in the house i want to begin where todd belts who is a polling analyst now. This time 4 years ago Hillary Clinton was in the late. If fact most of the people in this poll they will certainly went to bed thinking shed won but that clearly wasnt the case joe biden ahead in the polls but its not guaranteed is it that he might win. Its certainly not guaranteed i would say that our polls are much better than they were in 2016 and frankly the polls werent that bad in 2016 the the margin of error all polls have a margin of error and it was much closer in 2016 than it is this time there are still a lot of those swing states that are within a margin of error which looks really concerning if youre joe biden you dont have this thing quite locked up yet well just have to wait and see well let me bring in Adolfo Franco it is the swing states that this battle is taking place and. Dont trump seems to be pulling out as many stops as he can to try and get those people to vote for him but off the 4 years has anything changed in those swing states in his favor. Well from my perspective they have changed in his in his favor. And demick aside which is a temporary situation that is global and the ones living at look whats happening in europe theyre going through a terrible face after a major lockdowns in several countries that aside Donald Trumps economic record and record unemployment for minority communities particularly where i think youll do much better than he did in 2016 i think are the lynchpin to israel action even with a pandemic we have 5657 percent depending on the poll that you look at approval of Donald Trumps handling of the economy which has been traditionally what has driven voters to either vote for or against a president for reelection i understand this year is different with the polarization of personalities in the cove it so for thats brought up but thats still the number one issue for many Many Americans and i think particularly for minority communities. Im particularly working on the latino vote for latinos for africanamericans i think the president is going to do much better than he did in 2016 and those swing states and i think that will give him the margin of victory i would just say one last thing not only the job viewers in your part of the row go to bed but most americans went to bed thinking the same thing that Hillary Clinton had won reelection and i think were going to have a similar scenario play out this year because i think the margin in those swing states in this heightened potentially trump vote weve seen it in the rallies i think its very much reminiscent of 2016 pretty good stain a lot of people a lot of analysts and media types have talked about joe bidens campaign saying that actually what hes doing hes trying to you know a country thats very divided but hes in those swing states and saying those divisions right in front of him is he fighting the right campaign. Well if the polls are any indication he is look you need to understand republicans are engaging what i think its total fantasy when they look at polls showing donald trump losing way outside the margin of error in pennsylvania michigan and wisconsin in addition to losing in many other states as well that he won last time and have convinced themselves that somehow this is close to great i hope they keep the litigants all the way through tomorrow and every democrat is still suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder because they actually werent sure that elude clinton was going to win. I think the public looks at the trump rallies and they see superstar events they see somebody whos to Say Something that they know from their personal experience is not true when he says that the virus is coming to an end they know people that are sick they know people that have died they know that they cant work and have their kids in school like normal so when they hear him over and over saying something that they know its simply not true that does not kind of convince them thats the person who they want to be making the decisions that will affect their lives after the election joe biden contrast is signaling that he will be a president of all americans not just the ones who vote for him and after these past 4 years it seems that thats what the American Public wants i mean richard you say that you say hell be the president of everybody the votes regardless of who they actually vote for hes the president of all americans but he can even unite the Democratic Party there is still a big chunk of the in Democratic Party wishes it was Bernie Sanders that may not vote for joe biden because hes not but he saw this. Joe biden beat Bernie Sanders by more than 2 to one in every major primary after the 1st couple the Democratic Party actually made its wishes known they wanted somebody who was more moderate black voters rallied behind him so of course look the Republican Party still has people that are right thinking that dont think that donald trump is crazy and they have to be part of the Republican Party to the Democratic Party is all together on Climate Change on economic equality you go down the list of issues democrats are actually quite united on that were republicans on trade on free speech i mean on things that we all took for granted that right now it doesnt seem like the republican starting party stands for anything other than worshipping donald trump who again is acting like a loser hes doing Everything Possible to keep people from voting thats not what winners do to bring you in in just a 2nd but i do want to get her francos response to what richard good state has just said what is your response. Well my goodness is my response the 1st thing so much for uniting people calling Trump Supporters chumps and insulting anybody that doesnt agree with the biden agenda but let me speak to your questions that you asked about the so called united democrat party. Are they united on medicare for all i dont think so are they united on fracking i dont think so are they united on a universal requirement to pay people money for not working i dont think so i just thought before this program izumi thing that Bernie Sanders had with his supporters saying that this is just the beginning theyre going to have to push and they will push joe biden to the left obviously the American People know the score by selection of the most liberal senator in the u. S. Senate according to newsweek to be his running mate that there is a leftist agenda this is a socialist agenda this 78 year old man ive been in washington 40 years who is not in his prime cotton to do not prepare to be president United States is not going to be running this country its the left that he signed a pact with in july a socialist pact so thats the reality here whats happening i will say one last thing on this poll this these discussions are the same discussions mr goals do is have an in 2016 i do think the race is very close in pennsylvania i do think the race is very close in michigan i do think the race is very close to it and North Carolina but you know in 2016 i did Television Coverage that Election Night in the New York Times at 7 pm said there was a 92 percent chance probability Hillary Clinton would be president there repeating the same mistakes you cannot run a leisurely out of the bunker in the Basement Campaign and the president rallies that translates into enthusiasm they try to exploit Health Crisis that its global belfast say i think we get the hunger out. I do think we get the point youre trying to make i do want to move on richard i will get your response that in a 2nd but i want to ask you this is been one of the most divisive campaigns certainly in recent American History its also been quite bloody for both of the candidates is this an Extraordinary Campaign given coded given the pandemic given everything that weve been seeing for you. Yeah well its absolutely extraordinary in a number of ways you know the polling of course is one thing that that we can discuss more of but our numbers show that the burnie voters are lining up behind joe biden so we dont have the divisiveness within the Democratic Party that we saw in 2016 to the same extent whether or not there is this sort of silent majority of shy trump voters theyre not very shy anymore and there was little evidence to show that there was a lot of shite from voters in 2016 the code that has really changed this election and the economy is still the number one issue for republicans not necessarily for all all americans what has what colbert has done is it has placed front and center the issue of health care and the issue of the response and on both of those 2 issues joe biden is actually trusted by more americans to handle health care and to handle the coppa response in the code response its its a double digits in favor of joe biden the president has an advantage on the economy so by putting front and center into this election were focusing on health care the economy is still you know its struggling to recover it hasnt recovered completely there are good numbers but when you have a large shift over a smaller economy than it looks like it was a bigger increase than it was before but Something Else is happening and this is the president questioning the integrity of the election and i was out on the highways this weekend and i saw a lot of trump people in there in their trucks with the big flags you know barricading bridges in and having their caravans and everything they are inspired the democrats are inspired to vote President Trump out there is a lot of energy here i am concerned about people being self appointed election observers and what may happen on election day. Violent is what are they saying that there might be an attack on a polling station on lisa. I am not saying there will be im saying i am concerned that there there might be because election observers usually have to go through a state process and have to be trained and theres a number of different theres different rules in different states and how to do this you dont just show up and i think thats whats going to happen i think there may be some voter intimidation theres a chance we might get some violence i dont i dont want to predict that i hope thats not the case. At all for you shaking your head but the president has used inflammatory language standby time back and stand by according to for the problem for example. Well heres my response the berry kidding thats going on it washington d. C. Today in anticipation of the Election Results and other major large democratic controlled cities i can assure you that after the president is reelected and i hope youll invite the 3 guests that are on today clean my cell after the president is reelected the violence you will see will come from the left will come from the socalled resistance movements this bear kidding in our city these 2 gentlemen live here as well is not barricade the city to protect it from Trump Supporters and they know it and if they dont say it i question a couple of things about the honesty in this program thats what the barricade is about there is nothing evidence of violence coming im a whole watcher tomorrow violence state appointed one i dont see anything about concerned and im in washington d. C. Metropolitan area about violence polls and the rest of it let me bring what im going to saying let me bring very little mention that you mention Hillary Clinton i am concerned that the former Democratic Party nominee has told the Vice President biden not to accept the results of the election or concede the election should say correct myself concede the election under any circumstances so i guess she hes hes not to concede the election even if President Trump wants every voter in america that turbines just doesnt President Donald Trump has also said that hes going to take advice thats the kind of nice way of putting it right you could stain i just want to say to you i mean this is america this is 2020 and your capital city shops are being boarded up people scared because theres an election that car that is extraordinary. Its not just washington d. C. I think i agree that it is extraordinary. Again its hard to say precisely if you took the shopkeepers aside and said exactly what do you fear in washington d. C. I dont actually think your fears are quite rational. But. As was mentioned it was Trump Supporters proud boys who were told to stand down and stand by it was donald trump who rooted on people on the highways trying to shove cars off the road and biden harris butts off the road and he rooted back on we saw the videotape and we saw Donald Trumps tweet its donald trump who said hes going to insist that the election because on november 3rd tomorrow night knowing full well that the votes of military people people who are abroad in the hundreds of thousands risking their lives that their ballots will not be counted and he say screw it i want to have the election declared even before their votes are counted we have really seen a lot of unamerican things from donald trump that may be about the worst for him to say that and the good news is according to the polls most americans do not believe donald trump to be somebody who tells the truth so this will be yet another thing as he talked about corona virus coming to an end that they will simply not believe so i would suggest to your viewers dont attach any weight to it a dull fire frankly there is a the there will be a moment in this election most people i certainly fail where were just going to have to wait and see what the full results are but theres a real concern from members of the Republican Party that donald trump might jump the gun and call the election in his favor. No i mean that the president will call the election its favorite unless he has clearly won and been projected the winner here i think hes made that very clear the president is not in position no different it wasnt 2016 when he was a candidate which is what wait and see we have no idea what was going to happen and fact the only time the election has been contested in modern time in a court case has been by democrats by al gore so thats the only time the contesting election after hed been after a candidate was certified as the winner in florida the democrats contested it so those are the facts i have to make 2 quick point the only violence in your viewers have seen in our country in the last 6 months that taken place by rioters and looters we dont bother probably was here have the democrat candidate for Vice President bailing out looters and rioters and many applets are those Trump Supporters that are burning down minneapolis new york city portland no this is the far left this is anti for and i have to say none of these people are supporting president drop so that the other this violence is generated by the right is just ludicrous its all by the hard left and i have to say these people are never going to support someone theyre certainly not going to support donald trump and that is the reality of whats going on here trying to create a narrative that is not true lastly just talk about character and i know this isnt candor that dropped out joe biden of the presidency 30 years ago for plagiarism this is the candidate who has lied about his law School Record this is a candidate to whose lied about where hes gone to school this is a candidate as well i had about being arrested in south africa this man has 45 years of life not to mention the corruption you havent asked about by his family and his son had been allegations they have not denied they have not denied he sat down with it with a an individual that was involved with his son and a business can be horrible if only he had lied when they had all 9. Before we get libelous the bill for there is a law that youve just said that we need to take on unpack we dont have enough time for nigel to make that but to what bill. One of the things about this election is it is likely to go legal and you just raised is that when adelphia fraga talked about the florida recount what was the. Well of course you know we have the florida recount of 2000 but it was a tremendous decision by the or. President a decision by the u. S. Supreme court to say that it couldnt be used as precedent for future cases so we cant use that. 2000 was a very very interesting election i think both sides have learned a lot about it fortunately we have better Voting Technology than we did back in 2000 because because of the help america vote act we dont we wont be having the hanging chads we fortunately have optical scanners and most states have paper ballot trails too to be able to do to do recounts so i think that its not quite a really good analogy for those particular is until it is going to go legal do you think at some point oh it already has it already has weve heard hes seen a couple of Supreme Court cases already involving wisconsin and pennsylvania we know that both both campaigns have have raised a lot of money and already have lawyers on staff and are ready to go with their legal challenges right away so i have no doubt that we will have a number of challenges to this unless it is an absolute blowout and one side does not think that they they have the resources to make up the margins with with recounts are questioning well let me bring in Richard Goodstein we are running out of time have you know if this does go to a Legal Process i mean where do you think that will begin will begin on the night will begin a couple of days off where do you think it begins. Well again if if the president means what he says and what hes saying it is rallies recently let me just remind people what mondale had rallies of a 100000 people a few days before he lost 49 states so i hope your viewers dont impute too much significance to the fact that donald trump is having a good sized rally nothing like that but dont come visit akkad it that he will do everything he can do essentially stop the count of military ballots and other people who legally got their ballots in in time in important states and im sure hes going to have lawyers go to court at 12 o 1 am of the day after the election so as to cut your lip i do want to bring an adult to frank on that. We have about a minute left so i just wanted to on that stage at 12 o one donald trump is likely to bring in the lawyers what do you think. Well there was a president has ever said that their president has said hes against rules that have been changed at the last minute and its going to be challenging those those rules if they have if theyre not if theyre inappropriate i will say the analogy to the florida mind was taught to respect to the professor the the florida secretary of state certified george bush as the winner and that was contested by the democrats he was declared the winner in florida and they did not accept that result and that is my point that the only precedent probably Hillary Clintons advice is that democrats will be challenging this election after that after the president wins then the president will be projected the winner and i think he will be declared the winner by a number of news outlets just based on the results that we have on Election Night well certainly a lot of politics to go on a lot lecturing still to go thanks said to all our guests richard good stain told belton Adelphi Frank and thank you too for watching you can see the program again any time by visiting our website how does their adult called and for further discussion go to our Facebook Page at facebook dot com forward slash a. 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Aljazeera. Hello im rob matheson this is the news hour live from doha coming up in the next 60 minutes donald trump and joe biden make a last minute push to voters with less than 24 d hours to go and the most anticipated u. S. Election in recent years. Frantic scenes a couple university has gotten killed 19 students and teachers during the hours long. The cleanup begins in the philippines

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