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A recount in wisconsin and filed lawsuits in key states as his path to victory narrows. From supporters converge on Voting Centers in michigan and in arizona calling for a suspension of counting for postal ballots. So it is 700. 00 g. M. T. That is 2 am in the u. S. State of georgia that is one of several battleground states where the result of choose days president ial election remains in the balance take a look now at live pictures from atlanta that is georgias capital city folk counting still ongoing there is an extremely close race in the traditionally republican state and Donald Trumps initial lead has been steadily falling the u. S. President has repeated unsubstantiated claims that there were major issues with voting in ballot county georgia is one of several states where republicans are fighting legal challenges over the election. Well trumps claims regularities have sparked protests by his supporters in new york and in Arizona Police officers in phoenix could be seen preparing inside a counting center where crowds were gathered outside. Well lets take a look and see how the electoral map looks at the moments and biden remember has already flipped michigan and wisconsin up there in the north and donald trump narrowly won those 4 years ago the democratic candidate now has a projected total of 264 Electoral College votes or donald trump has 214 i remember the magic number to become the next president is 270 and here in yellow you can see the states that are still in play thats nevada in the west georgia in the south North Carolina and then pennsylvania up there in the north. Leads in georgia by about 28000. 00 votes but thousands of absentee ballots are still to be counted here and were expecting more data in the coming hours and what might help joe biden is that most of the remaining votes are from atlanta and its suburbs which lean democratic North Carolina is one of the states where trump has claimed victory but the result here is just too close to call at this point in this state mail in ballots postmarked by election day are accepted until november the 12th. Still waiting on pennsylvania thats a state where joe biden was born and trumps lead here again is shrinking in the remaining male ballots mostly again from democratic leaning cities of philadelphia and pittsburgh and that gives biden a chance to catch up and pennsylvania is another state where trump has filed a lawsuit and his nevada where biden is naturally in the lead run about 8000. 00 votes thats all of the Western State is 6 electoral votes and that would be enough to get him to the magic number of 270 a lot teams are in place right across the United States right reynolds is standing by to discuss all things nevada we also have all White House Correspondent can be how to get there in washington d. C. And mike hanna is in j. Bidens home state of delaware the 1st political gain wraps up developments so far. Former Vice President joe biden projecting confidence he will be the next president and he may have taken a step closer he says at a press to clearing hes won the states of wisconsin and michigan giving him more Electoral College votes and an easier path to the to 70 that will get him to the white house and now after a long night of county its clear that were one knew enough states to reach 270. 00 electoral votes needed to win the presidency im not here to declare that weve won but i am here to report the count is finished we believe we will be the winners. But u. S. President donald trump is demanding a recount in wisconsin after falling short by around 20000 votes even his most ardent supporters doubt that will change anything former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker tweeting out a recount in 2016 trumps numbers went up by 131 and the counting continues in the states that will decide the election with state officials asking for patience give the Public Servants the opportunity to do their job and what i will tell you is that karen pennsylvania were going to follow the law and we will respect the will of the people and the crop her victory will be certified based on who got more votes the president is suing to stop the counting in some states his surrogates saying falsely that the election is being stolen to win for a republican to win here how many votes we have to be at 400000 is not enough with 80 plus percent counted i think theres only 14 percent of the vote to go if you think were stupid you think were fools the president is complaining on twitter theyre finding biden votes all over the place in pennsylvania wisconsin and michigan so bad for country to be clear theyre not finding ballots but counting ones that come in on time according to state laws. And there is a question about whether the Postal Service run by a trump loyalist interfered in getting ballots delivered on time define a federal judges order tuesday to do a sweep for ballots they refused potentially leaving hundreds of thousands not counted the one thing this election has clearly shown america is a nation divided it really does seem like people live in 2 different realities given like the news they consume and who they surround themselves with so i i am not that surprise that a lot of people decided to vote again for a president who has brought us to where we are with several cases winding their way through the courts as the votes are counted and america and the world waits to see who eked out a win in this fractured country. Aljazeera. Ok lets cross to Los Angeles Rob reynolds is standing by that want to talk about the protests ongoing in arizona rob whats happening. Well nick this has been a large growing and rather boisterous crowd outside one of the election voting counter Senate Voting vote counting centers in phoenix arizona the largest city in the state some of the members of this Pro Trump Group were seen carrying firearms which is actually legal in arizona its a socalled open carry state and they are chanting and generally expressing the view that the election is being stolen so the Election Center is being is. Being guarded by sheriffs deputies they were told the media to leave they evacuated all the news crews there were that were there but the people who are inside actually counting these ballots remain the Elections Department says staff at the elections depart will continue to do our job and we will release results again tonight as planned in those results from phoenix and its suburbs will probably rereleased actually any time now within probably within the next several minutes or more there thereabouts so its a its a tense scene apparently and while there have been no reports of any arrests or violence or attempts to disperse the crowd by the the sheriffs deputies its something we obviously need to keep an eye on and obviously again these this is a response i think its quite fair to say to what President Trump has been tweeting and saying in public about democratic schemes to steal the election these are people who support trump and theyre following his lead right keeping our eyes on a few other states as well not least nevada which is too close to cool whats happening. That is too close to call but its being narrowly held by joe biden hes got a lead of about oh less than 8000. 00 votes at this point but there are tens of thousands of mail in an absentee ballots which are being counted most of them come from las vegas and its surrounding area thats a predominantly democratic area so it is expected that many of those votes will go to joe biden and the las vegas authorities in the Elections Department there say they will release some results on thursday morning so until then were just going to have to wait and see but certainly the results in arizona excuse me in nevada could be extremely important through the entire outcome of this election all right thanks very much to run of the reporting from los angeles lets cross over to washington d. C. The side of the United States coast white house course when it can be held that is what she knew all the action unfold there and kimberly it feels like weeks ago the polls close but it was hard to believe it is even 24 hours ago and we are in that scenario way that. World of razor edge counts and little suit flying around the president calling for what how and when you wonder will we emerge from all this. Well some are confident that we could have a final answer in the next 48 hours but its really hard to put pinpoint on that because the moment that we do something it just so still there is a lot of optimism what has generally been reported across the board in all states is that the counting is going faster than expected that people are working around the clock in order to see that that happens and so even as there are sort of notifications that there is a positive count still the same time they continue to press on with a very good speed now in the midst of all of this whats also speeding on of course is the president s fight to try and win a 2nd term and what weve heard from the white house is that the president has cleared his schedule for a nother day as he continues to make phone calls as he continues to try to explore his options and pursue his legal avenues the feeling is that there is a chance even though arizona has been called already for joe biden but that could turn around were awaiting that update on those results and also in georgia they feel hopeful that this will allow the president a path to reelection. About these the legal abuse you talk about what is that what is the process of that and you know vote counting is ongoing in pennsylvania they go 3 days from the polls closing to complete it. At what point could the cool step in a minute become campaign would have to hurry up and get done in completed and accepted. Yeah absolutely so the problem is is that its not the same process in every state run each state has its own set of rules it would each have a different judge and we know now there are at least 4 states where these lawsuits have been launched and so as a result there is a legal team for each different case their arguments that have to be made it all comes down to the judge how quickly this judge was to move through were told that some of the legal arguments are a little bit thin and so as a result they move may move very quickly just to put in some Historical Context i remember back in 2000 when it was just florida that was in dispute with bush versus gore then surely when this all was certified was mid december no one expects it will take that long this time or it can be thanks very much to be how could that in washington d. C. Lets go to joe bidens home state of delaware might kind of. Joins us from wilmington with the latest and mike so that these lawsuits and legions of lawyers of course heart out on both sides trying to score an advantage just how does the biden team and what will they be up to right now. Well its very interesting nic the day before the election joe bidens chief Legal Adviser bob barr hes a former counsel in the Obama White House he was saying that yes a expecting a trying to cause all sorts of problems post election while the vote is being counted however you also pointed out that this is been known for months its not as the Biden Campaign has not been aware that these actions are going to happen and he said in a way its rather foolish to publicize very clearly weeks if not months before exactly what youre going to do when the results starts coming in now bob barr had set out what is called a boiler room within the trump Biden Campaign which is being in position for a number of weeks and these are lawyers who were primed to go because they knew that this was going to happen and immediately all these legal action starts lawyers are being dispatched from the Biden Campaign to each of these areas where these cases are being brought many of these lawyers are describing a lot of these cases as basically trumped up no plan intended very few of them having any real basis and very few of them according to bidens lawyers going to have any kind of effect in terms of halting what is the main purpose of the election or what is the main purpose of the process now and that is to count the votes of every person because the ballot should im wondering should joe biden get to 270 the magic number to remember him to become president one assumes then that he would declare victory but donald trump as we are discussing and have been hearing donald trump not likely to accept it at that point how might things play out. Well thats a very complicated situation firstly joe biden has treated this whole affair with a degree of distance hes made very clear that hes not going to get into any shouting matches hes made very clear that all he wants is for every both to be counted hes made very loud calls for unity among all americans he doesnt want to get into a shouting match or kicking match with a President Trump or any of President Trumps supporters but very clearly President Trump has not committed to accepting the results of the selection and yes there is an issue there should President Trump not accept the result then youve got all sorts of scenarios that is virtually unprecedented when does a president elect become a president elect of the outgoing president does not accept the result of the election so its a very very complicated scenario there are various ways in which President Trump could be forced to go the 20 for the member and comes to mind but that would involve is entire cabinet but put very simply there is no precedent for us there is no legal way in which the sitting president can be pushed out should he refuse to accept the result of an election that can be public pressure they can as i said be action by his peers in form of the 25th amendment there can be action within congress to insist that he step down but this is truly uncharted territory Joe Joe Biden what he would be relying on no doubt is the fact that the public pressure the sense of shame if the election is very clearly in bidens favor and at the way its going at the moment biden may get a fairly substantial victory and what we do know at this particular point should biden win it will be by the largest amount of votes of any president in u. S. History biden will be relying on the fact that such a victory and such a substantial one was such a huge amount of votes would give him the legitimacy that President Trump would not be able to contest a long way to go yet a lot of votes to be counted in are being counted right now and my kind of thanks very much indeed. That we can speak to tell his gift to use a letter of Political Science at the University College london joins us now from there so thomas gift we are now where most had hoped we would not be if biden does get the votes he needs how might these lawsuits brought in by deliberate campaign played the hand well i think that it is the case that the legal basis for these arguments that donald trump is making is relatively stand i mean he is certainly planning to go through this process it would be gamut some of the lower courts and then eventually could escalate to the Supreme Court but the problem is that most legal experts just think that most of these arguments are relatively unsubstantiated and has been telegraphing this for quite some time saying exactly what he would do he is hoping that given that the Supreme Court has a conservative majority including the 3 justices who he supports that should a case actually go up to that level it would be more likely to vote in favor of him but im not even sure if that is the case and in fact it is possible that the Supreme Court would be reluctant to get involved in a case such as this they did do so in 2000 but that damage their legitimacy and i think that they want to be seen as above politics of course they may just obligated to take on such cases simply because of their Great National import but at this point the scenarios do remain fairly unclear yeah and the president says that the democrats trying to steal the election there is no evidence for that its and you wonder what these continuing false narratives do full democracy of the United States. Well thats a really good question and i do think that they are damaging to the political and social fabric of the United States and of course the u. S. Is already so polarized it does beg the question of how much more it can withstand. Joe biden since. Since this stablish in his campaign has really said that one of his primary goals his Main Objective is to bring the country together to unify that but certainly if we have a long dragged out process here were not exactly sure who the next president is going to be if donald trump is going to accept the results of a legitimate free and Fair Election i think all of that could you know galvanized both on the political right as well as the political left and reinforce some of these divisions that we have been witnessing over the last 4 years it given that given the Division Given the polarization you do wonder that should joe biden get the presidency that it might end up being some kind of poison chalice because you know what kind of governance will he be able to achieve and given the state of the United States in the division there is. Thats an excellent point and even if joe biden does win the presidency at this point it does look like theres a reasonable likelihood that the republicans will hold on to the senate if that is the case we will have more divided government in washington and we know what divided government or tense it means more policy gridlock more policy or paralysis a greater difficulty to get things done in washington so i think however this outcome ands up its going to be very difficult for the president to push through his legislative agenda simply because there may be perceived as a lack of mandate but more so because theres just those stocks divisions that are going to creep in and make it more difficult for actions to be in and all right. Thanks very much indeed for your expertise thank you thank you. Lets move on to other news now and a swearing in ceremony is taking place in tanzania for the president john mcafee enough to secure a 2nd term in last weeks elections lets look at pictures from the event being held in the capital dome america fully was declared the winner by the Election Commission with 84 percent of the vote however opposition parties are calling for protests alleging widespread voter fraud lets speak to malcolm webb joining us now from nairobi neighboring kenya so malcolm tell us how things are coming out given the oppositions position on make a 32nd time. The opposition of said that this when the 84 percent just isnt plausible and isnt legitimate they complained of widespread ballot stuffing it was also quite a lot of violence on election day and around the polls generally the Electoral Commission denies these kinds of vague irregularities the oppositions problems didnt begin there they complained of problems throughout the campaigning that their rallies were forcefully broken up by police and some candidates were blocked from running and the main Opposition Leader to do list who himself survived an assassination attempt 3 years ago few International Observers were allowed to come to tanzania to observe the polls and almost no Foreign Press were allowed to monitor it but the Electoral Commission denies these allegations of any regularities and the swearing in is today going ahead. Given all of that what is there any way for the opposition to get any kind of resolution that would satisfy them. They called for protests against this result and that point several key opposition figures were arrested they were later released but police have said that these protests would be illegal in time that is constitution theres no recourse for them to challenge the outcome of the president ial result in court. Party one always announced the winner about 97 percent of the seats in parliament now there is some Legal Recourse for that to be challenged thing is going to get increasingly difficult for the opposition because without majority of 97 percent john mcafee really and his party would actually be able to change the constitution so there are many ways forward for them now the u. S. Embassy in tanzania did put out a statement saying that complaining of the violence and regularities had marred the polls but otherwise with a lot of course a lot of the worlds eyes focused on the polls in the us that hasnt been an awful lot of noise from tanzanias other International Partners regarding the controversial poles or american banks are much. The United Nations is calling for a deescalation of tensions in ethiopias northern t. B. A. Region after the Central Government launched a military operation the Prime Minister and a core accuses the regions ruling party of attacking federal troops and says they must be destroyed i miss you and this report. It was business as usual in the ethiopian capital but many here are on alert as an Armed Conflict simmers in the north of the country but to conduct and i say even yes i love me but were not people who fight and kill each other therefore i personally feel that the 2 great and federal governments should solve their differences through dialogue and negotiations and prioritize the interests of our nation. At the moment under good chaos creates a perfect opportunity for robbery our country needs peace im now sick of this in a very disgusting time im telling you the truth the Prime Minister met launched a military offensive in the northern Tigray Regional accusing the opposition led local government of attacking federal troops and looting their assets in the regions ruled by the to grey Peoples Liberation front or t p l f yes the ghats today the apostate ethiopian has stabbed ethiopia what makes this attack one of the most shocking attacks is that is viewing the Ethiopian National Defense Forces as a foreign army i declare that we will do all we can to shame and destroy this force. Be declared a 6 month state of emergency integrate and shut down electricity phone and Internet Services there in a statement aired on to great t. V. A Regional Government spokesman accuses the Nobel Prize Winning Prime Minister of cowering the people of to grey into submission by force tensions between the 2 sides escalated in september went to gray went ahead with Regional Elections despite a ban from the federal government. Postpone the polls citing the coronavirus pandemic but the t. P. O. Of says he delayed them to stay in power. The t. P. L. F. Dominated if the opium politics were more than 3 decades and says abby squeezed them out of the federal government when he came to power in 2018. Analysts warn the conflict integrate could turn into a civil war. The stabilization and the fracturing of the military to great offices particularly integrate they may know the federal government in terms of its efforts to the. Leadership so this could lead to. Greater. Beechen. The un has called on both sides to deescalate tensions and find a peaceful solution to the dispute the secretary general underlined the importance of stability for. The horn of africa a region with a long history of border conflicts and political unrest and they sue out to 0. The United States says its deeply concerned over the arrest of a prominent journalist in hong kong is accused beijing of crushing press freedom in the city the choice youre playing was taken into custody for traffic violations but activists really been detained there for a documentary she produced the film looked into Police Misconduct relating to last years mass antigovernment protests sort of clark is more from. Well the rest was on tuesday but on thursday here in hong kong weve had 6 media groups and Media Organizations that have come out and theres been general condemnation of this particular arrest and those charges the Hong Kong Journalists Association says the arrest is deplorable and ridiculous and i believe this is part of a more targeted effort by the police and by the government to crackdown and certainly a crackdown on the freedom of expression on Media Outlets in general now just about choice she was simply doing her job according to this group this journalist she contributed to i document trade it was put where. A which is the public broadcaster here and now this particular documentary been quite controversial it exposed the police delayed response in a mob attack possibly attending a mob attack on antigovernment protesters in your long last july and now other places. The arrest of this journalist i say on suspicion of this journalist making false statements when trying to a sick the identity data or certainly the identification of losses details of people who may have been within the vicinity of that particular incident now the journalists organizations they say that this is a police abuse of the power to override public interests and i say the meat media has a duty to track down the truth out as weve mentioned has been a ongoing crackdown and certainly heightened fears from journalists since the introduction of the National Security door here in hong kong in july and weve had the founder of next media surprise democracy and Media Organization jimmy lie he was arrested and weve also had a number of Foreign News Outlets falling or having trouble getting visas here in hong kong weve had the New York Times leave hong kong and move to south korea now the unions do believe this is all part of a wider crackdown not just from the police but also now the government to try and crack down on freedom of expression Media Outlets and heightened censorship here in hong kong kenyas president has extended the countrys done time curfew to contain a surgeon coronavirus cases who can use the measures will last until the 1st week of january curfew hours have been pushed up from 11 to 10 pm and will last until 4 am the rates of infections in kenya in short up to 16 percent tobit 4 times what it was a month earlier. International pilgrims have begun performing for the 1st time in 7 months after completing a compulsory 3 day quarantine planes carrying 400. 00 people from pakistan and indonesia landed in saudi arabia on sunday under the new measures only pilgrims aged between 18 and 50 can enter the grand mosque in mecca for the ritual. At the top stories here on aljazeera and the race to the white house continues to go down to the wire joe biden has flipped michigan and wisconsin which donald trump narrowly won 4 years ago the democratic candidate now has a projected total of 264. 00 Electoral College votes or donald trump has 214. 00 it takes 270. 00 to win the election

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