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or cancelled flights. in china, the capital beijing has kicked off mass testing for millions of people, after a sharp rise in covid cases. long queues formed outside supermarkets and shops, despite government assurances, over food supplies. there are fears there could be a lockdown in the capital lasting weeks, as is happening in shanghai. stephen mcdonell, has more details. beijing residents rush to buy food and other provisions. there is fear that the capital could be locked down, like shanghai, with its significant shortages of daily necessities. 0n social media, footage is circulating of empty shelves and crowds of shoppers lining up well into the night. the daily infection rate hasn't been high in beijing. but the government has ordered mass testing, warning that 0micron may have been spreading significantly in the city over the past week. this is the scene throughout the chaoyang district of beijing, with people lining up to have covid tests today. everyone in chaoyang district this week has to do three covid tests.

Related Keywords

Australian Government , People , Cases , Rise , Details , Capital , Mass Testing , Millions , Food Supplies , Supermarkets , Shops , Queues , Flights , Assurances , Lockdown , Fears , Shanghai , Stephen Mcdonell , Covid , Capital Beijing , China , Food , Beijing , Residents , Fear , Shortages , Provisions , Necessities , Testing , Infection Rate , Footage , Shoppers , Crowds , Shelves , 0n Social Media , 0 , Everyone , Scene , City , Tests , Warning , Chaoyang District , Chaoyang District Of Beijing , 0micron , Three ,

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