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Good afternoon. Former News/sub-postmasters'>Sub Postmasters who inspired a News/tv-drama'>Tv Drama about the News/post-office'>Post Office it scandal, have been told by the News/prime-minister'>Prime Minister the government will compensate them as quickly as they can. Sir News/keir-starmer'>Keir Starmer was speaking after the former News/sub-postmistress'>Sub Postmistress News/jo-hamilton'>Jo Hamilton told News/bbc-breakfast'>Bbc Breakfast the government was still Messing Us Around over compensation payments. She launched a scathing attack on ministers at the News/national-television-awards'>National Television Awards last night. The iNews/tv-drama'>Tv Drama � mr bates versus the News/post-office'>Post Office� won three awards. Heres our News/entertainment-correspondent-lizo'>Entertainment Correspondent Lizo mzimba. Mr bates vs the News/post-office'>Post Office. Correspondent lizo mzimba. | News/cheering-and-applause'>Cheering And Applause correspondent lizo mzimba. It was one of the big winners of the night, the News/itv-series'>Itv Series watched by millions and hailed for its portrayal of News/post-office'>Post Office News/sub-postmasters'>Sub Postmasters and News/sub-postmistress'>Sub Postmistresses wrongly accused of theft. While were just skint little people. Scooping up the award for best drama and tobyjones, who played News/sub-postmaster-alan'>Sub Postmaster Alan bates, winning best performance. But when the real News/life-sub'>Life Sub postmasters and News/sub-postmistress'>Sub Postmistresses joined the stars on stage, they made clear they have yet to secure their own when. What id like you to know is i went to westminster a couple of weeks back and saw the new minister and, trust me, nothing has changed. And almost. Audience groans and boos this morning brought nor plain truths. A lot of people have listened to what the government have been shoving out, like theyve paid out hundreds of millions of pounds. But what they never say is how much theyve spent on their own legal fees, which is bigger than what theyve actually paid out. More than 300 people from our group that fought five years ago in the News/high-court'>High Court still havent had their money. Its a joke, isnt it . Every government and every News/prime-minister'>Prime Minister, i dont know how many of them thereve been, but theyve all stood in parliament and said theyre trying to help us but nothing happens. To the bbc, the News/labour-government'>Labour Government said. We recognise the immeasurable suffering postmasters have endured and that they have waited too long to receive redress. Thats why we are working tirelessly across government to bring them some relief, with full, fair and swift redress. Already we have paid out over £289 million to over 2,800 people across four redress schemes. The News/computer-system'>Computer System the News/post-office'>Post Office spent an arm and a leg on is faulty. The iNews/tv-drama'>Tv Drama captured the nation� hearts and forged lifelong friendships. I mean, weve been all working together on this for about four years, really, altogether, so inevitably, News/weve-become-friends'>Weve Become Friends in that time. This little group here are, you know, were all on News/each-other'>Each Others News/christmas-card'>Christmas Card list weve been together for so many years. I thats the word togetherness. You know, thats the way we beat them and thats the way were going to carry on. The News/post-office'>Post Office scandal has been described as one of the biggest News/miscarriages-ofjustice'>Miscarriages Ofjustice News/the-uk'>The Uk has ever seen and this was the drama that brought the story to life. Finally, 555 of us now, ready to tell our stories. A story that off screen is far from over. Lizo mzimba, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News. Our political correspondent News/harry-farley'>Harry Farley is in westminster. Harry, what more can you tell us about the prime News/ministers-response'>Ministers Response to the criticism from the News/sub-postmasters'>Sub Postmasters . Good afternoon. Yes, News/sir-keir-starmer'>Sir Keir Starmer was asked about those comments from News/jo-hamilton'>Jo Hamilton this morning and insisted he would stick by his promise to compensate the victims of the post of the scandal. Look, we made a commitment in relation to this composition and we will keep to that commitment. Obviously, you know, almost everywhere we look there is a bigger problem than we anticipated. Everything pretty well has been broken by the last government so we are getting on with this as quickly as we can, but i did make that commitment and i stick by that commitment. We will get this as quickly as we can. The compensation for the post quickly as we can. The compensation for the News/post-office'>Post Office quickly as we can. The compensation for the News/post-office'>Post Office victims quickly as we can. The compensation for the News/post-office'>Post Office victims is quickly as we can. The compensation for the News/post-office'>Post Office victims is very for the News/post-office'>Post Office victims is very complicated. Practically and logistically they are difficult to administer, and there are several deals. Interesting from what News/keir-starmer'>Keir Starmer said this morning, that broader point about the challenges the government is facing. Partly thatis the government is facing. Partly that is him wanting to lay the blame at the foot of the door of the previous conservative government, but i think it also gives an indication of the litany of pressures his government is facing. The overall bill for News/post-office'>Post Office compensation will run into the hundreds of millions but there is also compensation for the victims of infected blood, expected to run into the billions, before we get into the other challenges like overcrowding in prisons, the financial crisis in local councils, possible nationalisation of thames water, and News/jo-hamilton'>Jo Hamilton said nothing has changed and when it comes to those other pressures facing ministers and this government, she is right. Studio harry, thank you. Next, the News/prime-minister'>Prime Minister says the nhs is broken but not beaten, after a review into the News/health-service'>Health Service in england. The report by lord darzi, a surgeon and former labour minister, found long waits for care and poor News/survival-rates'>Survival Rates for cancer. Despite the damning review, News/keir-starmer'>Keir Starmer says there will be no extra money without reform, as our News/health-reporter-catherine'>Health Reporter Catherine burns explains. As a diagnosis goes, this one is serious. The patient is in a critical condition. The body is under huge strain, but it can be saved. The vital signs are strong. Thats the professional opinion of this man, surgeon lord darzi. He used to be a News/labour-health-minister'>Labour Health Minister and has spent the last couple of months assessing the state of the nhs. His report talks a lot about waiting in busy corridors, in a e, to see your gp, for cancer care. He says long waits have become normalised but some things stood out for him. 100,000 children and adolescents waiting for mental News/health-service'>Health Services, access, for more than one year that was truly, truly shocking. Elderly patients lying on trolleys for 12 hours above a certain age. Again, shocking News. The report is particularly damning about the physical state of the nhs. Lord News/darzi-talks'>Darzi Talks about a £37 billion shortfall in buildings and equipment. He says if that had been spent over the years it would have been enough to refurbish every gp practice, to provide up to News/date-kit'>Date Kit and to build the a0 new hospitals that were promised. Instead, he says were left with crumbling buildings and News/decrepit-portakabins'>Decrepit Portakabins and technology that just isnt up to the job. And so the News/prime-minister'>Prime Minister is promising change calling it the biggest reimagining ever of the nhs. He says this will focus around three shifts a shift from treating sickness to preventing it. As part of that, News/transferring-care'>Transferring Care in hospitals to more focus on the community. And moving away from old technology to embracing digital. The nhs is at a fork in the road and we have a choice about how it should meet those demands. Dont act and leave it to die, raise taxes on working people or reform to secure its future. Now, working News/people-cant'>People Cant afford to pay more, so its reform or die. Dont expect a quick fix. A long News/term-plan'>Term Plan for the nhs will come in the spring and theres an acknowledgement that it will take years for the nhs to get back to good health. Catherine burns, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News. A News/billionaire-businessman'>Billionaire Businessman has become the first non professional astronaut to do a space walk. Jared isaacman funded the five day mission, which blasted off in the News/crew-dragon-spaceship'>Crew Dragon Spaceship belonging to News/space-x'>Space X and elon musk. Our News/science-correspondent-pallab'>Science Correspondent Pallab ghosh has the story. Historic words for an historic moment. Out comes the first private News/sector-astronaut'>Sector Astronaut to walk in space. Silhouetted in erics or paid billions of dollars for this experience silhouetted on the planet earths orbit. The capital has no News/error-logs'>Error Logs of the entire spacecraft is in the vacuum of space once the doors open. Then the all important checks to make sure the spacesuits dont leak. They have been upgraded for the spacewalk, stronger and more flexible. The helmets have a News/heads-up-display'>Heads Up Display so they see how well their bodies are coping. The air is taken out of the capsule so the pressure inside matches what is outside. The hatch opens, and isaacman exits the spacecraft. There is not much to do outside apart from testing the suit, so he floats around and enjoys the view, before returning to the capsule. Then it is the turn of News/mission-specialist'>Mission Specialist sarah gillis. She is trained for this moment, has trained for it for two years. We are hoinu to trained for it for two years. We are heping to bring trained for it for two years. We are hoping to bring back trained for it for two years. We are hoping to bring back this trained for it for two years. We are l hoping to bring back this knowledge for the spacex team, how does the sit perform, what did we really nail in the training and on the ground because this is a brand new News/training-programme'>Training Programme how does the News/space-suit'>Space Suit perform. We are bringing that back to make future spacewalk operations and News/future-suit'>Future Suit to design even better. It and News/future-suit'>Future Suit to design even better. , ~ and News/future-suit'>Future Suit to design even better. , ~ ,. , and News/future-suit'>Future Suit to design even better. ~ ,. ,. Better. It was 60 years ago that the first person better. It was 60 years ago that the first person walked better. It was 60 years ago that the first person walked in better. It was 60 years ago that the first person walked in space. Better. It was 60 years ago that the first person walked in space. Sincel first person walked in space. Since thenit first person walked in space. Since then it has only been astronauts working for News/government-space'>Government Space agencies to have done this. Under now. This is the first ever private News/sector-crew'>Sector Crew to have walked in space. Spacex have done things very differently. They have built lots of hardware and have done lots of testing and we have all seen amazing explosions, we have seen things go bang, but each time they have learned from that process and this could be a significant step. It will be really exciting to see what happens with the next polaris mission, two more to come i believe, and what are the milestones for that that are going to be addressed . I cant believe it i cant wait. The historic spacewalk now over, the crew of the� News/s-attention'>S Attention turns to carrying out experiments before News/beginning-theirjourney-home'>Beginning Theirjourney Home in two days time. Tallaght goes, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News. Pallab ghosh, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News. 400 workers are due to be made redundant as scotlands only News/oil-refinery'>Oil Refinery, at grangemouth, is to close by next summer. Its owner, petro ineos, is planning to convert the refinery into a terminal for importing fuel. Lets get more now from our News/scotland-reporterjamie-mcivor'>Scotland Reporterjamie Mcivor who is outside the plant. Jamie, what has been the reaction to this News . Hello, lewis. Not only is this the only News/oil-refinery'>Oil Refinery in scotland. It is also the oldest refinery in News/the-uk'>The Uk. Under threat for some ten months now and today came the confirmation it will close, shutting by the middle of next year and some 400 jobs will go. The complex itself is the largest industrial site in scotland. It will remain open and still employ a large number of people in a Variety Ofjobs in the petrochemicals industry, but make no mistake this is still a huge blow for the town of grangemouth and for scotlands wider industrial base. They argue the refinery simply cant compete against more modern and more efficient refineries overseas. The bbc understands the refinery has been losing some £400,000 a day. The main union here is unite and it argues this was the first big test of the so called just transition away from Fossil Fuels and it claims the company itself and both are scottish and News/uk-governments'>Uk Governments have failed. ~. , scottish and News/uk-governments'>Uk Governments have failed. ~. , scottish and News/uk-governments'>Uk Governments have failed. ~. , failed. What we have been looking for is a just failed. What we have been looking for is a just transition failed. What we have been looking for is a just transition for failed. What we have been looking for is a just transition for the for is a just transition for the workers for is a just transition for the workers, so everybody wants a just transition workers, so everybody wants a just transition is workers, so everybody wants a just transition is that what has happened today, transition is that what has happened today, the transition is that what has happened today, the announcement of a closure, today, the announcement of a closure, 400 jobs to go plus thousands in the News/supply-chain'>Supply Chain plus the New Thousands in the News/supply-chain'>Supply Chain plus the new announcement of 20 jobs, no announcement for those workers, no plan by announcement for those workers, no plan by the announcement for those workers, no plan by the News/uk-government'>Uk Government or scottish plan by the News/uk-government'>Uk Government or News/scottish-labour'>Scottish Labour and what they will effectively see is 400 workers put on the effectively see is 400 workers put on the scrapheap. The effectively see is 400 workers put on the scrapheap. Effectively see is 400 workers put on the scrapheap. The First Minister of News/scotland-john'>Scotland John on the scrapheap. The First Minister of News/scotland-john'>Scotland John swinney on the scrapheap. The First Minister of News/scotland-john'>Scotland John swinney says on the scrapheap. The First Minister of News/scotland-john'>Scotland John swinney says he. On the scrapheap. The First Minister of News/scotland-john'>Scotland John swinney says he is| of News/scotland-john'>Scotland John swinney says he is deeply disappointed by the News. The News/uk-government'>Uk Government News/energy-secretary-ed'>Energy Secretary Ed miliband says the two governments are working in lockstep to protect jobs and invest in the area and that concern for the area itself cannot be overstated because the story of grangemouth itself over the past 100 years is heavily linked to the story of the refinery. Studio jamie, thank you. Data centres in News/the-uk'>The Uk are to join the emergency services, financial systems, and News/energy-and-water'>Energy And Water supplies as critical national infrastructure. The centres carry out a range of digital services, from News/data-processing'>Data Processing and storage to powering News/ai-tools'>Ai Tools and social networks. The change means theyd receive extra support during a major incident such as a cyber attack, an it outage, or an emergency caused by Extreme Weather. A 23 year old woman arrested in connection with a major investigation into a News/hull-funeral'>Hull Funeral directors is no longer being treated as a suspect. Humberside police removed 35 bodies and a quantity of ashes from Legacy Independent Funeral Directors in march, following a report of concern for care of the deceased. A law aiming to help protect venues against Terror Attacks following the News/manchester-arena-bombing'>Manchester Arena Bombing has been presented to parliament. Martyns law is named after News/martyn-hett'>Martyn Hett, who died in the attack in 2017. His mother, feegan murray, has been campaigning for the government to bring in the legislation. Im joined now by nick garnett, who has been following the story. Nick, youve been talking to her what impact does she hope this law will have . This is designed to keep us safe when we go out in the evening. It has put the requirement on concert News/halls-night'>Halls Night clubs and theatres to think about what would happen if there was a terrorist attacks. Simple stuff for small venues, things like having a plan, knowing how to evacuate a building and how to make sure the right doors are locked and the right doors are left open and which shutters need to be shot. For bigger venues it is more important and they have to have things like cctv and properly trained security staff. The law is the idea, as you said, of feegan murray. Herson the idea, as you said, of feegan murray. Her son News/martyn-hett'>Martyn Hett was one of the 22 people killed in the News/manchester-arena-bombing'>Manchester Arena Bombing. Of the 22 people killed in the manchesterarena bombing. I of the 22 people killed in the News/manchester-arena-bombing'>Manchester Arena Bombing. Iwent of the 22 people killed in the News/manchester-arena-bombing'>Manchester Arena Bombing. I went to see her this morning and she told me how it felt to see her law becoming part of legislation. Its been a long journey, five and a half years its been a long journey, five and a half years since the campaign started half years since the campaign started and culminated with the walk in may started and culminated with the walk in may to started and culminated with the walk in may to explain to the government how important this legislation is. Do you how important this legislation is. Do you know what . The government had listened do you know what . The government had listened and do you know what . The government had listened and i cannot express enough thanks listened and i cannot express enough thanks and listened and i cannot express enough thanks and gratitude to News/keir-starmer'>Keir Starmer, to the government, to the people starmer, to the government, to the people at starmer, to the government, to the people at the News/home-office'>Home Office, whos been people at the News/home-office'>Home Office, whos been working with us for over five years been working with us for over five years on been working with us for over five years on the legislation. Everybody hasiust years on the legislation. Everybody hasjust been incredible and i couidnt hasjust been incredible and i couldnt be more grateful to everybody. Couldnt be more grateful to News/everybody-couldnt'>Everybody Couldnt be more grateful to eve bod. ,. ~ , couldnt be more grateful to eve bod. , m ,. Everybody. She makes the point that to net a everybody. She makes the point that to get a license everybody. She makes the point that to get a license as everybody. She makes the point that to get a license as a everybody. She makes the point that to get a license as a public everybody. She makes the point that to get a license as a public venue to get a license as a public venue you need to have the right number of toilets, News/toilet-roll'>Toilet Roll and soap in there but you dont have to have a plan for what to do if there was a terrorist attack. She hopes this will change that for good. Thank you for that. The time is 1 17. Our top story this afternoon the News/prime-minister'>Prime Minister promises to pay compensation to News/post-office'>Post Office victims as quickly as he can after former News/sub-postmasters'>Sub Postmasters criticise the government at the News/national-television-awards'>National Television Awards. And News/jon-bonjovi'>Jon Bonjovi has been praised for the part he played in helping talk down a distressed woman who had been standing on the ledge of a bridge. Coming up on News/bbc-News'>Bbc News everything apart from the result. Coming up on News/bbc-News'>Bbc News, everything apart from the result. England plus Mike Standing Captain says they lack ruthlessness in the defeat to a that leaves them 1 0 down in the australian series. And for some, the impact is so devastating that they have taken their own lives. The bbc has found theres been more than 21,000 Blackmail Offences in england and wales relating to sextortion in the last decade. Now, the National Crime Agency says the way these crimes are reported needs to change and victims need better support as our reporter News/jayne-mccubbin'>Jayne Mccubbin has been hearing. I stood on the News/platform-and-ijust'>Platform And Ijust said to myself, its not worth living any more. And i saw the train coming and i. I wanted to step off the platform. You felt there was no hope . I didnt think anyone would want to help me. Were calling him john. He has a learning disability. And when a woman who said she was a teacher reached out on social media, he was flattered and started a conversation. But then came the requests for a photograph. They were pretending to be kind and supportive, and then they started to get flirty, Sharing Pictures of themselves, and All Of A Sudden youre pressured to do something and you do it without thinking. And thats all they needed then to blackmail you. The messages were threatening and unrelenting, as many as 50 a day. He lost more than £3,000. I thought my life was over. I thought they were going to ruin me. They used those words, didnt they . They did. Thats whenjohn went to the train station. And it is when he finally decided he needed to tell someone he could trust. John reached out to a charity that he knew supported people with learning disabilities. I dont think you can really picture how bad it was unless you were there. We were really, really concerned about his safety, his personal safety. He was so distressed. He really, honestly thought his life was over. Can i show you this . We showed News/johns-interview'>Johns Interview to Sean Sutton from the National Crime Agency. Yeah, i mean, thats difficult to watch. Its just devastating. We know that a number of people have taken their lives in News/the-uk'>The Uk. In fact, the nca is so concerned about this theyve spoken to the News/coroners-office'>Coroners Office to say that in cases of suicide where theres no apparent motivation, coroners might explore the possibility of sextortion. Its really difficult to get a News/grip-onjust'>Grip Onjust how many victims are out there, because until now, this criminality has fallen under a number of other offences, mostly blackmail, but also cyber crime, child abuse. But that is about to change. Such is the scale of this issue, the nca is about to start identifying this as a crime in its own right. Itll be called financially motivated sexual exploitation and given its own crime code. Only with that code will they be able to track how widespread this is. Your concern, though, is even with a new crime code, the information you get back will probably be the tip of the iceberg because people are so reluctant to report these crimes. Yeah, im sad to say i think yeah, im sad to say i think that is probably true. That is probably true. People think theyll pay people think theyll pay an amount of money and these an amount of money and these people will Go Away. People will Go Away. Unfortunately, thats unfortunately, thats not our experience. Not our experience. Disengage with these people online, disengage with these people online, dont be drawn into them. Dont be drawn into them. If theyve asked for if theyve asked for money, dont pay it. Money, dont pay it. Youll end up paying more and more youll end up paying more and more and more and this threat and more and this News/threat-wont'>Threat Wont Go Away, sadly. Wont Go Away, sadly. Staff at the charity tried staff at the charity tried to help, reporting messages to help, reporting messages and threats as they appeared. And threats as they appeared. Yeah, and you could see them yeah, and you could see them coming up in real time. Coming up in real time. Youre trying to shut these youre trying to shut these things down in real time. Things down in real time. Then another post from then another post from another account comes up. Another account comes up. You cant ever get on to a real you cant ever get on to a real person to shut these things down. Person to shut these things down. You click a button and you hit you click a button and you hit report and then you wait. Report and then you wait. Can i ask you, does that anxiety can i ask you, does that News/anxiety-and-fear'>Anxiety And Fear ever Go Away . And fear ever Go Away . No, never. No, never. Planning attacks from the school. Our correspondent Daniel De Simone has the latest and a warning, this report contains some distressing images. In clear daylight, death from the sky. The united News/nations-agency'>Nations Agency for Palestinian Refugees says the israeli News/air-strike'>Air Strike on this school in a gazan News/refugee-camp'>Refugee Camp is the deadliest of this war for its staff killing six meaning at least 220 employees have died since the conflict began last october. This man says people distributing aid were killed and asks, what are we supposed to do . What is happening to us . Translation suddenly, in the blink of an eye, it happened so quickly. This isnt the first time. Its the fifth time the school has been targeted. The un said the school housed around 12,000 displaced people, mainly women and children. The Hamas Run authorities in gaza say the attack killed at least 18 people, among over 41,000 killed in the territory during the war. The News/un-secretary-general'>Un Secretary General says whats happening in gaza is totally u na cce pta ble. We have witnessed a series of military interventions by israel in gaza, with the level of News/death-and-destruction'>Death And Destruction that has no parallel in my time as News/secretary-general'>Secretary General and with very dramatic violations of international humanitarian law. The Israeli Military says this was a precise News/air-strike'>Air Strike, targeted at terrorists Planning Attacks from a News/hamas-command-centre'>Hamas Command Centre in the compound, and that its an example of the systematic abuse of civilian infrastructure by hamas. Nearly a year into this war, the chasm between the two sides remains vast. Daniel de simone, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News, jerusalem. A new ban on Zombie Knives will become law in just under two weeks and its hoped the legislation will remove some of the most dangerous weapons from circulation. Until then, owners and shops can surrender the knives and claim their money back. Two companies in Bedfordshire Have handed over more than 37,000 weapons between them, as our reporter News/ben-schofield'>Ben Schofield has been finding out. The first of 39 pallets delivered to bedfordshire police. On board, box after box of deadly cargo. Oh, yeah, thats over eight inches. Thats got the Serrated Edge on it. We quickly spot a blade thats familiar. This is one of the knives thats come in the consignment today. This kind of knife was used in a murder in luton last year and theres another 363 of this coming in these boxes. The knives came from separate News/luton-based-companies'>Luton Based Companies run by two brothers, 35,800 from eddy eliaz� s sporting wholesale, a Bulk Importer who sold to retailers, and 1,500 from adam eliaz, who runs online shop dna leisure. Both have said theyll no longer sell knives. Right, so this is a 5. 76. Each model of knife checked to make sure it meets new criteria and qualifies for compensation. We can safely say that meets the criteria. Well, these knives will eventually be destroyed, shredded up, and melted down into something else. But each blade is also worth £10 to the company that surrendered them under the governments scheme. Thats the cost of taking these out of circulation. Make no mistake, they are weapons. Theyre made intended to be weapons. The only reason you could have those particular ones, Zombie Knives, with the Serrated Edges and the points, is to kill and maim people. Its a weapon and has no other function. Its a horrific amount of knives, and the idea that these would be in circulation is unfathomable. The fact that weve now got them all here and theyre going to be destroyed will absolutely save lives, i have no doubt. Knives like these have been available on legitimate websites for as little as 20 or £30. The police here are also aware that banning them could bolster a Black Market. Like other prohibited items, there will be some people that try and make a criminal gain from those illegal sales. And just like people out there buying and selling on a Black Market have to be inventive with how theyre going to conduct those transactions, we the police also need to be inventive to catch them. Away from the trade in weapons, a call for more work to deter people from picking them up. If Zombie Knives didnt exist, wed still have a problem with knife crime. Si, a News/youth-practitioner'>Youth Practitioner and mentor working on News/home-office'>Home Office funded anti knife projects. He says theres one big driver behind young News/peoples-desire'>Peoples Desire for knives. Nine times out of ten, its fear. And the solution . Try and find out what their interests are and try and provide them with that safer space for them to be able to go somewhere where they dont feel like they need to protect themselves. This surrender is seen as a win in the war against knife crime, but its a war on several battlefields. Ben schofield, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News, in bedfordshire. The actor Kenneth Cope who starred in the News/drama-randall'>Drama Randall and hopkirk deceased has died at the age of 93. Come on, it is your a last chance. Jump he played News/marty-hopkirk'>Marty Hopkirk in the ghost, detective drama, and also had roles in coronation street, brookside and the carry on films. His agent confirmed that kenneth died yesterday, surrounded by his wife and family. The price of the News/bearskin-cap'>Bearskin Caps worn by the soldiers outside News/buckingham-palace'>Buckingham Palace has soared to more than £2000 each. Thats according to figures from the Ministry Of Defence. The animal News/welfare-charity-peta'>Welfare Charity Peta say the use of real fur is now a financial as well as an ethical issue as £1 million has been spent on the ceremonial caps in recent years. Heres our royal correspondent, sean coughlan. The tall News/bearskin-cap'>Bearskin Caps worn by the kings guards are a distinctive sight outside News/buckingham-palace'>Buckingham Palace and at big ceremonial events like trooping the colour. But Animal Rights Campaigners are saying theres too high a price to pay notjust in terms of using real fur from Black Bears but also because the cost to taxpayers has gone up so much. Each News/bearskin-cap'>Bearskin Cap now costs more than £2000. Thats an annual increase of 30 . The figures have been revealed by the Ministry Of Defence in a freedom of News/information-request'>Information Request from the News/campaign-group'>Campaign Group the people for the ethical treatment of animals. Were calling on the new Secretary Of State for defence to finally end News/the-uk'>The Uks support for this cruel industry by making the switch to faux fur for the caps which, you know, would represent the values of our nation, it would save News/taxpayer-money'>Taxpayer Money and of course spare bears lives. It means more than £1 million has been spent on News/bearskin-cap'>Bearskin Caps over the past decade and the animal News/rights-group'>Rights Group says its unacceptable waste of taxpayers money. The mod says its open to using an alternative to real fur if a material can be found that is suitably durable and keeps its shape. Its a decision for the military rather than the royals, but News/queen-camilla'>Queen Camilla has already revealed that she has made the switch away from buying realfur. Sean coughlan, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News. Jon bonjovi has been praised by police, after he helped a woman in distress who had been standing on the ledge of a bridge. In a video released by the nashville News/police-department'>Police Department, the singer can be seen talking to the woman and, once she is back on the walkway of News/the-bridge'>The Bridge, he embraces her in a hug. Meghan owen has the story. The video, shared by nashville police, shows a woman in blue, highlighted in the left corner, standing precariously on the ledge of a News/pedestrian-bridge'>Pedestrian Bridge over the News/cumberland-river'>Cumberland River, hanging onto the railings. Several people walk by. One woman glances back. A little further up, the rock starNews/jon-bonjovi'>Jon Bonjovi can be seen arriving with a camera crew. According to posts on social media, he was shooting a News/music-video'>Music Video on News/the-bridge'>The Bridge. He immediately walks over with a crew member, waves and leans on the railing. He calmly talks to the woman for less than a minute before the News/pair-lift'>Pair Lift her over the railings back onto News/the-bridge'>The Bridge walkway. Bonjovi continues to talk to the stranger before giving her a hug. They then leave News/the-bridge'>The Bridge together. The singer has been widely praised for his actions. Its really amazing to see. Its so good to see somebody approaching somebody they can see is really in desperate trouble and giving them that opportunity to talk. That opportunity to share whats going on for them, because its never too late and theres always hope and that opportunity for somebody to save a life. Nashvilles News/police-department'>Police Department added to the praise in a post on x, saying. Bonjovi helped to persuade her to come off the ledge over the News/cumberland-river'>Cumberland River to safety. In a brief statement, News/chiefjohn-drake'>Chiefjohn Drake said, it takes all of us to help keep News/each-other'>Each Other safe. Meghan owen, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News. A reminder of our top headline this afternoon the News/prime-minister'>Prime Minister has promised to pay compensation to News/post-office'>Post Office victims as quickly as he can after one News/sub-postmistress'>Sub Postmistress said the government was still Messing Us Around. And theyre a News/household-staple'>Household Staple but well find out why this years bad weather has impacted the amount were paying for supermarket carrots. We ll have a full forecast in the next half hour, but its time now for a quick look at the weather. Heres darren. Hello. The weather is going to be changing. Right now, it is cold because the winds are more from the News/north-or-north'>North Or North west but by the time we get to the weekend, we cut off the supply of cold air, the News/wind-direction'>Wind Direction changes, coming in from the atlantic, temperatures are going to be a bit higher. If we look further ahead into next week, the News/jet-stream'>Jet Stream is going to steer these areas of rain to the north of News/the-uk'>The Uk, we will be dominated by High Pressure and that means a lot of dry weather and some sunshine. But i will have more details later on. Thank you, darren. As the dust settles on the first president ial head to News/head-debate'>Head Debate between News/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris and News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump, its the undecided voters who the two candidates are targeting for their support. Novembers result is likely to be decided byjust a few million votes in a handful of News/swing-state'>Swing States. Nevada, arizona, wisconsin, michigan, north carolina, and georgia could hold the keys to the White House. Our correspondent News/sumi-somaskanda'>Sumi Somaskanda has been hearing from people in another key state, pennsylvania. Welcome to doylestown. Its an historic and wealthy small town, in the spotlight, in a big election. In this News/battleground-state'>Battleground State, politics are never far from the surface. Too big, too small News/orjust-right'>Orjust Right . Just right. Including forjames and tracy lamb, who run evolution candy. Thank you. Thank you harris is the obvious candidate, is the smart candidate. I dont even like saying the other guys name, is a convicted felon. How is that, how is he even allowed to be on the ticket . Amid the afternoon After School sugar rush, tracy tells us she believes theres only one choice in this election. Weve obtained certain rights over the years, and i believe that theyre slowly being taken away with things like the overturning of News/roe-v'>Roe V wade. I believe the News/trump-side'>Trump Side of things is trying to pull us backwards. As the election remains on a knifes edge, all eyes will be on the critical News/swing-state'>Swing State of pennsylvania and counties just like this one. Bucks county voted News/forjoe-biden'>Forjoe Biden in 2020, and it has a republican member of congress. We spoke to some residents who tell us they want to see a change in november. Just ten minutes down the road in chalfont, scott stokes, whos run a News/pest-control-business'>Pest Control Business for 35 years, has a very different picture of whats at stake in this election. Thats the most recent one. Yeah. But if you want to see my trump shrine. Yeah, lets see. I might be one of the few Business Owners who has a picture of the president. Mugs, and i even have him talking to you. Yes, together, we i will make america. Financially, all the prices are up. Gasoline is up. The taxes are never ending. I get audited constantly. My fear is, if harris becomes president , its going to be the final flush of the toilet. When News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump was president , i knew that he knew business, i knew that he knew how to cut the fat and cut the waste. At the chalfont family diner, an institution in the neighbourhood, The Cost Of Living and the election are on the minds of regulars. I think that it needs to be easier for people to pay their rent. It needs to be easier for people to buy groceries. To get an education, and it needs to be easier to get health care. And i didnt hear answers to any of those four questions. I feel like the Policy Answers are not being given by either candidate. A reminder that this county, and this state, will be fought one vote at a time. We wa nted we wanted to come back to chalfont this morning to get a sense, talk to more voters and see how they are feeling with such little time until the election. Time and again, we keep hearing The Cost Of Living is the main topic on their mind, things like the cost of groceries, the ability to go out and eat, the ability to go out and eat, the ability to go on vacation. The other topic we had quite a bit about talking to voters with energy production. They support fracking. You might have heard that word during bad debate. That is the technology to extract natural gas. Pennsylvania is the second biggest producer of natural fracking in the country, they want to see that industry protected to make sure jobs are protected and costs remain live. We will continue to talk to voters about those issues butjust a reminder, pennsylvania will be absolutely critical in deciding the outcome of this election in november. Back to you, lewis. Thank you, sumi. Still to Come On todays programme. It was a heroes welcome for two paralympians in brighton, as they returned home from the News/paris-games'>Paris Games and they brought their collection of medals with them. Now its time to join our colleagues with the News where you are. Hello and welcome to sportsday with me, hugh ferris. Our headlines this lunchtime i want to do much more News/arsenal-manager-mikel'>Arsenal Manager Mikel arteta signs a new three News/year-contract'>Year Contract with The Club. September is australia month for englands cricketers, and they lose the first of eight matches against their rivals. And News/miami-dolphins'>Miami Dolphins News/star-tyreek-hill'>Star Tyreek Hill wants the News/police-officer'>Police Officer that dragged him from his car to be fired, while admitting he could have done better during the controversial News/traffic-stop'>Traffic Stop. Hello again. Mikel arteta recently asked Arsenal Fans to stay calm about his News/contract-situation'>Contract Situation amid uncertainty about his future at the News/premier-league'>Premier League club, and it seems weve had the answer why. The manager has signed a new three News/year-deal'>Year Deal to stay at the emirates until 2027. Arteta had just entered the final year of his current contract, which had brought the News/fa-cup'>Fa Cup in 2020, and back to back second place finishes behind News/manchester-city'>Manchester City who he left to become the News/arsenal-boss'>Arsenal Boss in 2019. Hes committed to The Club after being linked with News/psg-and-barcelona'>Psg And Barcelona in the past. Well, arteta says the News/arsenal-team'>Arsenal Team has been Emotionally Transformed since hejoined, and that he wants to do much more. The new contract has been agreed ahead of the north News/london-derby'>London Derby at Tottenham On Sunday and our football News reporter, nizaar kinsella, Sez Neither The Club nor the manager had any concern this moment would arrive. Mikel arteta was not any right to sign a new contract initially. There was a lot of trust on both sides that he would get what he deserves for rebuilding arsenal, for making them challenge for titles again, and i think arsenal trusted him that he was not going to run down his deal and leave on a free. They waited until the News/transfer-window'>Transfer Window was done, they got some good business done. He did address his future numerous times, but he wanted to get the News/transfer-window'>Transfer Window done, build his team and then secure his future. Now arsenal are looking pretty stable. It feels like he has matured a little bit into a really rock solid manager who is always good tactically, but now he is handling all of the other parts of the game as well, the media side, the scrutiny, the attention and all of that sort of stuff. It feels like he is a massive figurehead at arsenal and when he speaks, you are supposed to listen. If the contract is a reward for what he has done so far, what will he hoped to achieve in the three years he has agreed to today . I think it is about taking the next step for arsenal. Three years is a long time, it wont be defined by what happens in that game, it is whether they can take trophies, can they win the title . That is the next step for arsenal, can they do it . Can they go one better . They came close, finishing two points behind News/manchester-city'>Manchester City. But they wont win the premier but they want to win the premier but they want to win the premier but they want to win the News/premier-league'>Premier League and perhaps even europe. Well, ahead of tottenhams match against arsenal, spurs News/midfielder-rodrigo-bentancur'>Midfielder Rodrigo Bentancur has been charged by the News/football-association'>Football Association for using a racial slur about News/team-mate-son'>Team Mate Son heung min. Bentancur later apologised on instagram and said his comments were a very bad joke. The fa said the uruguay international had been charged with an alleged breach for misconduct in relation to a media interview. Bentancur has until a News/week-today'>Week Today to respond to the charge. Cristiano ronaldo has criticised Manchester United manager erik ten hag and said The Club must Rebuild Everything in order to compete for footballs biggest prizes again. Ronaldo had two spells at Old Trafford before leaving for Saudi Arabian side News/al-nassr'>Al Nassr and has questioned ten hags mentality, saying, he says they cannot compete to win the league and champions league, as Manchester United coach, you cannot say that. Ten hag is under pressure after uniteds eighth placed finish last season their lowest in News/premier-league'>Premier League history and two defeats in their opening three games at the start of this campaign. It may feel a lot like autumn outside, but the News/cricket-season'>Cricket Season is still in full flow and in the first of eight matches this month against News/australia-england'>Australia England lost to their rivals in a t20 match, as News/patrick-gearey'>Patrick Gearey reports. It is jacket weather, but still just about the News/cricket-season'>Cricket Season. Englands final opponents, australia. This is how they like to introduce themselves. English faces could be read like the scorecard, News/travis-head'>Travis Head smashing 50 from 17 balls. The australian total pointing ever higher. After that dizzying start, england spun it back. The comeback started, taken on byjofra archer. So englands chase of 180 wasnt the marathon it might have been, but they kept finding trouble and the safe hands of australia. The only News/thing-dropping'>Thing Dropping was the temperature. Time for News/liam-livingstone'>Liam Livingstone to take off. He left unexpectedly early. Josh hazlewood knew it, that was the game. England will have the chance for revenge, they play australia seven more times this month, autumnal weather permitting, of course. Phil salt is captaining england for the three t2os, at least, with White Ball News/skipperjos-buttler'>Skipperjos Buttler hoping to return for the one day internationals later this month, and salt claimed a young side delivered everything except the result, but knows theyll need to improve for the second match in cardiff tomorrow. They have had a good look at them now. There are some fresh faces in the group. We could have got our heads around what they are bringing a little bit more. They played well tonight, they came out hard with the bat and the lads did well to stifle that, but i think we are very aware we need to be a little bit more ruthless. I thought 300 was on the cards at one stage i thought 300 was on the cards at one stage. It felt like a 200 wicket, one stage. It felt like a 200 wicket, it one stage. It felt like a 200 wicket, it was a good wicket. It moved wicket, it was a good wicket. It moved around a lot for us tonight under moved around a lot for us tonight under the moved around a lot for us tonight under the lights and i thought we made under the lights and i thought we made good use of that in the powerplay and we were out of News/pressure-powerplay'>Pressure Powerplay and we were out of pressure by taking the wickets. A lot of pressure by taking the wickets. A lot of confidence. It is nice to come lot of confidence. It is nice to come over lot of confidence. It is nice to come over to england and start the series come over to england and start the series with come over to england and start the series with a win and haps when the News/series-series'>Series Series with a win and haps when the series for series with a win and haps when the series for australia. It is always exciting News/miami-dolphins'>Miami Dolphins News/star-tyreek-hill'>Star Tyreek Hill has expressed remorse for his own actions during a News/traffic-stop'>Traffic Stop on sunday, but called for the News/police-officer'>Police Officer who pulled him from his car to be fired. That officer is currently on administrative duties after the incident before the dolphins opening News/nfl-game'>Nfl Game of the season which led to hill being handcuffed by the side of the road. The Wide Receiver has been speaking for the first time since News/body-camera-footage'>Body Camera Footage of the arrest was released. I could have been better, i could have leaned out of my window in that instant. The thing about me, i dont want attention, i dont want to be, like, cameras out, phones on you in that moment. But at the end of the day, im human, i got to follow the rules, ive got to do what everyone else would do, you know . Now, does that give them the right to beat the dog out of me . Absolutely not. At the end of the day, i wish i could go back and do things a bit differently. Another of the nfl� s headline acts is attempting not to make any News off the field, with Patrick Mahomes insisting he wont be endorsing either candidate in the us president ial election. The News/kansas-city-chiefs'>Kansas City Chiefs quarterback has been drawn into the debate after his wife, brittany, was claimed as a supporter by News/donald-trump'>Donald Trump, while taylor swift, whos dating his teammate, travis kelce, threw her support behind News/kamala-harris'>Kamala Harris. I dont what my place in my platform to be used to endorse a candidate or do whatever. Either way. To be used to endorse a candidate or do whatever. Eitherway. My to be used to endorse a candidate or do whatever. Either way. My place is to inform people to register to vote, do their own research and then make the best decision for them and theirfamily. So make the best decision for them and their family. So whenever im make the best decision for them and theirfamily. So whenever im on make the best decision for them and their family. So whenever im on the state and get asked these questions, i will refer back to that, because thatis i will refer back to that, because that is what makes america so great. Jon rahm will be eligible for News/europes-ryder-cup'>Europes Ryder Cup team after he appealed against News/dp-world'>Dp World tourfines imposed on him for switching to liv golf. The former masters and Us Open champion will now be able to play in Tour Events like the spanish open this month, which makes him available for selection for next News/years-contest'>Years Contest against the united states in new york. Speaking before submitting his appeal, rahm explained why he had no intention of paying the fines. We entered a long time ago. Whether they let we entered a long time ago. Whether they let me we entered a long time ago. Whether they let me play not is a different thing they let me play not is a different thing im they let me play not is a different thing. Im not a big fan of the fines, thing. Im not a big fan of the fines, i thing. Im not a big fan of the fines, i have spoken about that. I dont fines, i have spoken about that. I dont intend fines, i have spoken about that. I dont intend to pay the fines and we keep trying dont intend to pay the fines and we keep trying to have a discussion with them keep trying to have a discussion with them about how we can make this happen with them about how we can make this happen i with them about how we can make this happen. I have said many times, i dont happen. I have said many times, i dont go happen. I have said many times, i dont go to happen. I have said many times, i dont go to the spanish open for the. Lory dont go to the spanish open for the glory or dont go to the spanish open for the News/glory-or-anything'>Glory Or Anything else. I think it is nty News/glory-or-anything'>Glory Or Anything else. I think it is my duty News/glory-or-anything'>Glory Or Anything else. I think it is my duty to News/spanish-golf'>Spanish Golf to be there is my duty to News/spanish-golf'>Spanish Golf to be there and is my duty to News/spanish-golf'>Spanish Golf to be there and i want to play. At that point, there and i want to play. At that point, it there and i want to play. At that point, it would be doing not only me but spanish point, it would be doing not only me but News/spanish-golf'>Spanish Golf a disservice by not letting but News/spanish-golf'>Spanish Golf a disservice by not letting me but News/spanish-golf'>Spanish Golf a disservice by not letting me play. That is why we are trying letting me play. That is why we are trying to letting me play. That is why we are trying to talk to them and make that happen meanwhile, theres been an unprecedented run of News/european-success'>European Success at the Solheim Cup the latest edition against the united states gets underway tomorrow after todays opening ceremony, and youll be able to follow the very latest on the News/bbc-sport-website'>Bbc Sport Website and app. Up to 100,000 fans are expected to pack the course in virginia. From Me Hugh Ferris and the team, thats all from sportsday. Now its time to return to the News at one and News/lewis-vaughan'>Lewis Vaughan jones. On sunday there may be some cloud and patchy rain during the day. But look at those temperatures climbing back up to the low 20s the parents of a man who was killed at notting News/hill-carnival'>Hill Carnival two years ago say they had warned police that more violence would erupt at the event if their News/sons-killer'>Sons Killer was not brought to justice. Takayo nembhard was stabbed in 2022, and the metropolitan police say the investigation is ongoing. Two people were killed at the carnival last month. Our reporter Dawn Limbu has the story. Gone but never forgotten. This mural was painted in loving memory of 21 year old News/ta-kayo-nembha-rd.'>Ta Kayo Nembha Rd. The young musician from bristol died after being stabbed at notting News/hill-carnival'>Hill Carnival in 2022. Eight people were arrested in connection with his death but no one has been charged. Very hard. Very, very hard. Especially me, my wife and my oldest daughter find it very hard. Its left his family devastated. And they cant believe others are now facing the same pain. This year, there were two more deaths. A mother stabbed as she visited the carnival with her three year old daughter and a chef who died from Head Injuries after being attacked. Takayos parents posted this video on tiktok, expressing their grief and frustration. When we spoke to the police, we said to them that if they dont find the people that murdered our son and charge them and sentence them, then this could happen again at the carnival. They say theyre determined to make a difference and stop the violence. By we sharing that video and highlighting what has happened to our son and what has happened after, hopefully some of them, i dont think everyone, might see some sense. And realise what it does to parents and families when they go to take someones life. When we asked the metropolitan police for comments about the deaths at this years carnival, they said. Takayos family are determined to remember him as he was his passion for music and his hopes for the future. They recently held a memorial barbecue, bringing the community together so his legacy continues. Well, we intend to celebrate his life for as long as were alive, dont we . So thats its going to be every year, regardless. Hopefully one year it will be a double celebration because weve had justice. The two blue stars above it is, represents both sons. Even two years on, theyre asking anyone with information to come forward so no family has to endure their pain. Dawn limbu, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News, bristol. Across the country, we eat around 700,000 tonnes of carrots each year. However, the price in the supermarkets has soared by nearly 40 blamed on a disastrous year marked by widespread flooding. Our reporter News/peter-ruddick'>Peter Ruddick has been getting the details. The humble british carrot, a farmyard favourite. The same family has been growing them here in yorkshire for more than 100 years, but last year, the weather caused havoc. Last year, it started raining injuly and itjust carried on all the way through till the following may. It was the wettest of my News/career-and-weve'>Career And Weve never really known floods and levels of News/crop-loss'>Crop Loss like it. The fields flooded, the lowest parts of the field, the carrots rotted, and we ended up losing over 3,000 tonnes of good carrots and we were unable to supply for over a month. Its not just carrots. Record Rainfall Led to flooded farmland across News/the-uk'>The Uk. Potatoes, cabbages, broccoli, Rotting Crops and reduced planting meant lower yields. In fact, there was a more than 7 fall in the number of carrots produced on british farms. That meant more imports, which has pushed Supermarket Prices up by nearly 40 . And thats a problem because we get through 700,000 tonnes a year, 100 carrots per person. The good News is this News/years-harvest'>Years Harvest has been much better. The carrots here, well, theyre destined for coleslaw and soup, but its in the supermarkets where pressures have been really felt. So, will prices now drop . We have seen over the past 12 to 18 months that climates had a significant impact on where we get our products from and the price we pay for it. So we get a lot of our products from places like spain. Spains getting a lot hotter, so that means that we have to go further afield. So that means that when we look at the News/supply-chain'>Supply Chain that were getting, its getting far more risky. And when youve got risk, youve also got costs. So the likelihood is long term, the price of products is unlikely to go down. And as Extreme Weather events and high rainfall become more common, farmers, producers and Retail Experts warn Price Rises could happen more regularly. Peter ruddick, News/bbc-News'>Bbc News, york. Two paralympians have returned home to a News/heros-welcome'>Heros Welcome. 14 year old Bly Twoomey and her mentor will bayley picked up medals in the News/table-tennis'>Table Tennis. Our reporter Charlie Rose was there and a warning theres News/flash-photography'>Flash Photography in this report. Cheering. A News/heros-welcome'>Heros Welcome for bly twomey and Will Bailey on their return from their paralympic success in paris. Literally, like 150 people came out to watch us and a lot of the international News/players-couldnt'>Players Couldnt believe how much support we got. So i think its so, so special. Thanks so much. Its amazing just to have them by my side and just have them there when i need them. And theres no better club in the whole world than brighton News/table-tennis'>Table Tennis club, so i feel privileged to be part of this club. At just 14 years old, bly became great britains youngest paralympic News/table-tennis'>Table Tennis medallist. She took up the sport only three years ago. Here she is practising with Will Bailey, whos now her mentor. Before paris, he was telling me about the atmosphere and how everythings going to go, and its going to be really loud and youve just got to deal with it. I wouldnt have achieved any of this without him, so im really proud to have him there for me. And the pair are already looking ahead to the next paralympic games. Its like its meant to be, isnt it . What a way to potentially end my career, winning a News/gold-medal'>Gold Medal with bly in the mixed doubles in la. I dont think its like a movie, really, so thatd be unbelievable. Youd rather play with her than against her . Oh, Ioo . I dont want to play against her in la shes starting to push me now in training, so, yeah, im steering clear of that. Will and bly are part of the changemakers programme, which works to help athletes support good causes in their local communities. And already, their success appears to be inspiring others. I think what blysjust done, what wills been doing for a long time, the impact is, you know, its far beyond the walls of The Club because already since weve been back, theres been so many inquiries and just so many comments i from people whove got children that could play para News/table-tennis'>Table Tennis. Its like, well, how can we get them started . I when can we get them started . Of the five medals won by great britains paralympic News/table-tennis'>Table Tennis squad in paris, will and bly earned three. Whod bet against them improving on that performance infouryears time . Were all going to la, but this time, i promise you two News/gold-medal'>Gold Medals coming back home they cheer. Yeah, buddy congratulations to them. Now the weather with darren. Hello, lewis. It is cold again out there today. A very colourful picture we have here in North Wales but here we have seen a lot of showers already. To show you the radar picture, you can see the extent of the showers. The heavy ones pushing southwards across wales into the midlands, heading into southern england. Not too many showers but Northern England, a View Showers but Northern England, a View Showers to come through the rest of the day for scotland and Northern Ireland. Still the north to News/north-west'>North Westerly wind, not as strong and it might not feel as cold but temperatures similar to yesterday and still a bit below average for this time of the year. Overnight tonight, we will see the back of nearly all of those showers, a few will continue in northern scotland and down some News/north-sea-coast'>North Sea Coast but because pressure is building across News/the-uk'>The Uk, it will kill off the shells, skies are clear, the winds will be light so be cold, colder than last night. By morning, A Touch Of Frost for the likes of News/south-east'>South East scotland, possibly even into Northern England or the News/west-country'>West Country and south wales. Wherever you are, it will be a cold News/start-tomorrow'>Start Tomorrow first thing but there should be some sunshine. A bit of cloud developing but we are not expecting the showers we have seen of late. Whilst it will cloud over Northern Ireland, The Rain holds off until late in the day. Temperatures around 14 in scotland and Northern Ireland, further south for england and wales, temperatures a little higher than today. High pressure dominates across the south, low pressure is heading up towards iceland and in between, the winds are picking up and we will find some rain overnight. As we head further into saturday strongest winds in the News/north-west'>North West of scotland, some wet weather pushing into Northern Ireland and Western Scotland but elsewhere it will be dry, best of the scotland in eastern england. Here, temperatures could reach 19 or possibly 20 and across the board on saturday, temperatures are higher than what we have got at the moment. There is The Rain in the News/north-west'>North West and the News/weather-front'>Weather Front will trickle southwards into england and wales. It is running into High Pressure so a lot of The Rain will be dying out. We will have some rain in northern parts of england for a while, it will clear away. Some patchy rain in england and wales, may be the far News/south-west'>South West of england. Following The Rain, sunshine for scotland and Northern Ireland, not as windy. Temperatures 16 or 17, could make 19 or 20 in the News/south-east'>South East of england. Lewis. Thank you, darren. Thats all from todays News/bbc-News'>Bbc News at one. Enjoy the rest of the day. Goodbye. Live from london. This is News/bbc-News'>Bbc News. Billionaire businessman News/jared-isaacman'>Jared Isaacman becomes the first non professional astronaut to walk in space in a huge step forward for commercial space travel. Back at home we all have a lot of work to do, but from here earth sure looks like a perfect world. The un agency for Palestinian Refugees says six of its employees were killed in an israeli News/air-strike'>Air Strike on a School It Runs in central gaza. And as the race for the White House intensifies we have a Special Report from the News/battleground-state'>Battleground State of pennsylvania. Lam about i am about an News/hourfrom-philadelphia'>Hourfrom Philadelphia where we are speaking to the voters what matters most to them, chiefly, The Cost Of Living. Jan matters most to them, chiefly, The Cost Of Living. The cost of living. Jon bon jovi is praised The Cost Of Living. Jon bon jovi is praised after The Cost Of Living. Jon News/bonl-jovi'>Bonl Jovi is praised after helping to talk a woman down from a bridge. Hello, welcome to News/bbc-News'>Bbc News now, three hours of fast moving News, interviews and reaction. History has once again been made in space. More than half a century after News/neil-armstrong'>Neil Armstrong became

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