If you haven't already, please study our free Bootstrapping Course and Investor Introductions page. When we spoke in 2018, SmartBuyGlasses Co-CEO David Menning had bootstrapped a global e-commerce venture from Hong Kong to $50M. Splendid execution! Sramana Mitra: Let's start at the very beginning of your journey. Where are you from? Where were you born, raised, and in what kind of background? David Menning: I grew up in Sydney. I've been educated in Australia. In my later years, I studied at universities overseas both in Canada and Japan for a little while. It was this time when I was abroad spending time in different countries that I was exposed to different business models, cultures, and people. That was a formative time for me because I was exposed to the fact that in different countries, people do things in different ways. Sramana Mitra: What educational path did you follow? David Menning: It was a standard business graduate program