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One of the great men of American Business will join us following the nfl teams first time back oen field without fans but players bringing attention to social justice around the country. Power lunch starts right now guess were together but separate, once again welcome to power lunch. Billions of dollars of deals on wall street today. For 20 billion, gilead adding to its cancer fighting portfolio. Its basically doubled next up for 40 billion, the biggest chip deal ever, nvidia buying arm holdings which designs chips. Up 8 and finally not quite a deal yet oracle betting to be Technical Partner in the u. S. September 20th deadline. Oracle shares up 5 on the news. Well have all of this back over to you all those big deals on wall street helping the comeback rally in stocks. After two down weeks in a row. We havent seen that in a long time jim paulson joins us now is your time to buy the dip. Welcome. Good to see you. You see the marriage between wall street and main street looks as strong as ever today. I say what have you been smoking . Im telling you, in my little town in new jersey, you cannot walk the streets of that town and say that Small Businesses are in any sense as healthy as big corporations i tell you, what this country experienced was a complete collapse of the economy on main street in a matter of a month or two. Thats what happened on wall street with the biggest collapse, biggest, quickest bear market to drop 30, 40 then what they both experienced is a huge bounce record setting bounce. That includes not only whats happened in the stock market but also includes a record setting bounce in main street. If you look at real gdp which went down 32 in the second quarter, according to atlanta fed, now its supposed to be up 31 in the Current Quarter for example, thats the biggest collapse ever and would be the biggest increase ever in a single quarter if you look at whats happened to the job market, we lost 22 million jobs and we regained already half of them nap was the biggest loss its also so far the quickest gain in jobs that we had if you look at retail sale, which collapsed to multiple year lows only to come back within a couple of months to all time record highs, if you look at the isms whether its service or manufacturing, they fell the the low 40s and in a matter of let me interrupt you. Im saying the pattern on main is similar to the pattern on wall street i just dont buy it i just dont buy it. You and i are friends but i just dont buy it you know the numbers as well as i do if youre at 100 and you lose 50 of the value in your market or value of your stock you have to double, you have to double to get back to where you were that hasnt happened im telling you, jim, when you go into a store, they cannot accommodate the number of customers, not in my region, maybe its different in minnesota. Maybe its different in texas. In my region, you cant go in the store if there are more than two other customers in there the stores cannot do anything close to the volume that they were doing youre saying main street has come back on par with large corporations, i just think thats not right i didnt say on par i said they both experienced record setting collapse and they both have experienced record setting surge. That pattern is very similar theyre still not anywhere close to where they were they are hiring. Their employment is nowhere close to where it was, jim i dont disagree with that. Thats not uncommon at all in recessions we have recession and it takes a long time to get main street back to where it was shot back up to levels that are higher than they were precovid. Jim these are not people cant get in the store. This is not because main street has done it its because target has done it and costco has done it and walmart has doneit and lots of the big Box Companies have done it its being driven there. Its being driven by a resurgence in auto sales its not because the little coffee shop in westfield new jersey is doing better its not people have to wait outside to get in if theyre open at all im not saying theres not continued stress and pain on main street and it will be for a long time. We blew out to a 10 Unemployment Rate above that in 2009 we had a 10 plus Unemployment Rate. Both of those took years before it got back to where it first was prior to each of those recessions i mean almost a decade it doesnt mean that we havent started the expansion. It doesnt mean were not in a new recovery or in a new bull market just like we have been at points in the past when you still had pain on main street but there was already a sizable turn in Economic Activity and the stock market you know, i love your optimism youre one of my favorite contributors we go back a long, long tiemg time we do please dont confuse my passion other than anything but respect for you to push back on your ideas. Come visit us in new york. Come and walk across time square at noon any day of the week. Come and walk across 50th street in manhattan as i did last week. Id love to show you the picture at noon. I looked from 6th avenue from 5th avenue and i saw two people two people that means theres nobody in the offices. Theres nobody going into the retailers. Its a different world up there. Lets talk for a second about why you think the market can keep moving higher i wont interrut you i promise. Thats fine i would just say the bounce weve had so far in the economy and i think thats what the stock market has been responding to more than anything has to do with sort of an artificial collapse that was caused from a very unique recession caused by just hitting the off switch on the economy. I think it fell so far and so fast, it was a really emotional collapse that caused the stock market to go down a lot too. Both have bounced so far and i think thats about running its course we might have a little more of that bounce left from here it will become more of a normal recovery. I think whats going to kick in is all the stimulus that we introduced here since this begun. We have introduced unprecedented massive policy stimulus. 25 into money growth is 2. 5 times faster than anything else in the post war era. 15 , maybe even 20 deficit to gdp ratio is one of the strongest fiscal responses of postwar era record low mortgage rates. All of that when you look back takes about a year or a little more to really favorably show u in the economy i dont think that stimulus has done much yet. Next year it will kick in. Weve had eight recessions since 1960 and every one of them was followed by a year of a significant increase in policy stimulus and every one of them brought a significant recovery in the economy i think this one is well in fact, it might be bigger than normal because of the bigger than normal policy response. Let us pray it is so. Thank you for your good natured jousting i appreciate it. Any time. Youre always a good guy and a good sport about it. I sorry i interrupted you a couple of times. No problem. Ty, you can only imagine what clients put him through. Lets check in on shares of astra zeneca the stock took a hit last week when the trial was put on hold its up about 1 today meg is here for more with us were coming through that trial can resume in the uk we havent heard about other markets including the United States the company saying it got that word from the regulator there that it was safe to resume but not giving anymore details about what the illness was in the trial or how it was deemed safe to resume. Both astrazeneca and oxford c e citing patient confidentiality the fact that we dont have more information here is raiding some concerns in the Scientific Community who are asking for more details a piece about this in the New York Times yesterday that pointed out the fact were pointing out last week that all of the information we have gotten about this, really has been from a private i venvestor call we still dont have as many details the company has given publicly as theres so much distrust, many in the Scientific Community asking the whole industry for more transparency. Its ironic because they signed the whole letter saying well be super transparent but when it came to this update, maybe that wasnt the case let me ask you about pfizer because the ceo said well have vaccine in use before tend of the year sticking to their guns or this sound like sooner than people hoped . They are sticking to line about expecting to have data on whether their vaccine works by the end of october thats not a view shared by people like dr. Fauci. I asked the ceo about that time line this morning and specifically a date in october october 22 nt when the fda has an outside meeting of its advisers to talk about vaccines and whether they have data by then here is what he said we will be in time to date although its not impossible i think its unlikely. From the time the start to result, some time to repair for the submission thats important because a lot of folks in the industry are really focused on that date as being necessary if a vaccine is going to get approved by november 3rd, election day many expect that this committee would need to be able to review the data on the 22nd well have to see how all of this shakes out. Appreciate it tyler. Coming up, whats the deal with tiktok . Oracle awaiting approval to be the companys trusted tech partner. The nfl kicking off its first round of games over the weekend. Mostly without fans. Well talk to the owner of the Atlanta Falcons about football, the pandemic and business with values im searching for info on options trading, and look, it feels like im just wasting time. Thats why Td Ameritrade designed a firstofitskind, personalized education center. Oh. Their awardwinning content is tailored to fit your investing goals and interests. And it learns with you, so as you become smarter, so do its recommendations. So its like my streaming service. Well except now youre binge learning. See how you can become a smarter investor with a personalized education from Td Ameritrade. Visit tdameritrade. Com learn visitlookentertainmentourarn experience xfinity x1. Its the easiest way to watch live tv and all your favorite streaming apps. Plus, x1 also includes peacock premium at no extra cost. This baby is the total package. It streams exclusive originals, the full peacock movie library, complete collections of iconic tv shows, and more. Yup, the best really did get better. Magnificent. Xfinity x1 just got even better, with peacock premium included at no additional cost. No strings attached. Oracle rising today as the Company Emerges as the winner for tiktok american operations well, sort of. Oracle wont be taking over the company, just the technology will be that be good enough for the Trump Administration thats forced this deal over security concerns here is what stephen mnushchin said we did get a proposal over the weekend. Making a recommendation to the president and reviewing it with him. All right for more on the details of this proposed deal, here is josh lipton hi, josh check out this move. Its on track for its best day since march. That is up more than 50 from its march low. Its note totally clear but oracle does offer Cloud Infrastructure oracle not a leader but it does have a new product taking aim at amazon and microsoft the executives do have close ties to the Trump Administration theres larry elerson, he threw a fundraiser for President Trump who calls him a tremendous guy. Back to you. Im so glad youre here how it affects the balance sheet. Will oracle be reporting tiktoks revenue and profit as its own . Its great to be here with you on a really interesting day. Whether its just a Technology Provider ta gets a name brand customer does it make a difference if they did participate in the financials, you would imagine the stock trading different. On the other hand, tiktok loses money right now and make the exposure gives oracle a bit of the halo effect without having to worry about that baggage. Whats the better scenario as far as youre concerned . For us, its important to step back and understand what could be the strategic priority here for oracle. Thats changing the narrative around the potential for growth of the company for oracle, its really been the top story over the last few years. The Market Opportunity that they are going after is pretty tremendous most analysts, including ourselves think this is more than a quarter billion dollar or trillion dollar market in the next few years oracle has low single share of the market. I understand where they are coming from but its tough competition. Youre up against the biggest, best players in the world with their own cool factor. Its still an extremely competitive environment even if they have zoom and tiktok. This is speculative but who calls the shots in this arrangement as far as we understand it. They have a minority take in tiktok u. S. And tiktok has a problem with the way they do business, collecting data, is oracle calling the shots or not . Do they get sucked into tiktoks drama and have to deal with u. S. Regulators all the time as people try to figure out whether they are kosher or not in. I think thats great question it sounds to us like the people that would be calling the shots would be oracles or the vc backers. The leadership of tiktok i think oracle will be able to put potentially their stamp on how the data store, where its stored, how its handled and managed. Thats pretty important. Its going to drive what kind of drama they could get pulled into the competition is fierce. I wouldnt underestimate the opportunity for oerk to get closer in this type of arrangement with some of the tra ste strategic backers. I think thats an avenue for oracle to pursue down the road for getting more deeply embedded into the High Growth Software landsca landscape. Its almost a vc model which is get in early and when couple of the winners who emerge from that suddenly youre backing a zoom and that could make a big difference finally question sints you have a 60 price target is what would it take for you toematerially rerate the shares. I think for us it goes back to the Software Companies accelerate their growth trajectory show they are gaining share. Thats a pretty exciting and compelling growth opportunity. Well have to see how its able to execute successfully. Infinite Market Opportunity it sounds crazy. Look at the valuations alex, thanks so much for joining us today my pleasure thanks for having me coming up, the biggest chip deal ever as shares are up 120 this year. Nvidia buying arm holdings for 40 billion traders will explain what this means for the stock. Democratic nominee joe biden and the dnc out raising President Trump in the month of august his next stop, wall street more power lunch after this. At leaf blowers. You should be mad your neighbor always wants to hang out. And you should be mad your smart fridge is unnecessarily complicated. Make ice. Making ice. But youre not mad because you have e trade which isnt complicated. Their tools make trading quicker and simpler so you can take on the markets with confidence. Dont get mad get e trade and start Trading Commission free today. Dont get mad get e trade and start trading so youre a small businor a big one. You were thriving, but then. Oh. Ah. Okay. Plan, pivot. How do you bounce back . You dont, you bounce forward, with serious and reliable internet. Powered by the largest gig Speed Network in america. But is it secure . Sure its secure. And even if the power goes down, your connection doesnt. So how do i do this . You dont do this. We do this, together. Bounce forward, with comcast business. Good job, michael does. Ok, lindsey now tell the class what your mommy does. My mom has super powers. Its like she can see the future. What . its like she time travels in a rocket ship. Thats cool and then she comes back saying try this or try that. She helps everyone. She helps them feel less worried. Wow mommy, so what is it that you do . Im a financial advisor. She is aig proudly supports all the professionals taking care of our Financial Futures. Nvidias 40 billion purchase of soft bank arm holdings has sparked a rally in several chip stocks today as investors bet on more in the sector theres some concern that some of nvidias competitors will try to block this deal what do you think . Does it cross the finish line and how are you trading the stock right here nvidia is exceptionally expensive which is not to say it cant go up or will go up. Were interested in valuation along with fundamentals. I think the transaction looks like deal on paper edged to Data Center Dominance those are strong and compelling reasons to own the stock i am concerned, at least in near term until we get more clarity on a regulatory basis if this will go through. Were overweight and have been for some time. We are playing the space with names like broadcom and texas instruments. Companies that have been growing their dividends are more attr t attracti attractive really showed leadership during the covid crisis and built inventory so there could be no supply chain disruptions for underlying customers we Like Companies like that that have a Capital Allocation strategy thats friendly to shareholders the stock is up 117 this year you say its showing some signs of upside exhaustion tell us what youre seeing thats right. The up trend had been very strong up until about two weeks ago when it versed down very sharply. Thats constructive in way it helps relieve what was an overbought condition that had been in place since may for the stock. Theres been no recent break outs to foster the momentum that its had i see the consolidation as something that should shield buying opportunity in nvidia and a lot of other high flyers out there are similarly pulling back i think that kind of action is healthy. I also dont think its over quite yet. We have seen some minor relief the support level had any weight for nvidia theres still some down side there. With this mornings news we saw the stock gap up and its traded off. It looks like its headed for a close mere the low of the day. I think we should hold off in adding exposure but take advantage of that nice long term up trend and also fact that nvrd has been a leading company certainly an area to watch within technology. Thanks for more trading nation head to our website or follow us on twitter. Kelly, back to you thank you very much. Up next, the u. S. Is trying to get back to Something Like normal schools are open businesses and restaurants are starting to return even the nfl season kicked off well speak with Atlanta Falcons owner. There he is. We cant wait to talk to him about the return of football and the state of business here in america right after this very short break. Stay with us welcome back, everybody. Here is your cnbc news update. Daimler and its mercedesbenz subsidiary agreeing to pay 1. 5 billion to settle charges it cha cheated on emission tests. Hurricane sally strengthened sustained winds employeeing at 0 miles an hour. The blslow moving storm is expected to generate storm surges up to 11 feet and dump 8 to 16 inches of rain along the central gulf coast in france, another 6100 k covid19 cases confirmed today thats down from saturdays record of 10. 5 thousands take a lock at this guy. Me meet bear. He is a rescue dog in austrw aua being trained to save koalas wildfires killed some 6,000 last summer during the worst fire seasons in decades hes amazing goes right in there. Finds them the conservationists take them out. Im not going to hear the end of it from my pops who is a fan of kettle dogs i believe he is you can see they protect him because in some cases he goes in right after the wildfires have moved through. They are still smoldering. He is saving koalas that they might not be able to find because its in such large open areas. S p is up 1. 3 the nasdaq is 1. 7 in terms of sectors, a little bit different look than we are used to. Real estate leading the way. Financials up about 2 today Consumer Discretionary is lagging. After months of anticipation and concerns if there would be an nfl season because of the coronavirus pandemic, the league is back even though it does look different. First of all, most games yesterday were played without fans in attendance jacksonville one of the rare exceptions the opening kick off was anything but normal. While the ball sailed out of the end zone, no players on either team moved they all took a knee reminding us that fight for social justice is very much front and center on the field. Arthur blank is the owner of th Atlanta Falcons and the author of a new business memoir called good company that goes on sale tomorrow i didnt go through the entire book how about that good company. The book is really good. Thank you i recommends it to anybody who wants a quick and understandable and accessible way to look at business and leadership im maybe a third of the way through it ive skipped through other parts. Its really really good. I really enjoyed it. Thank you why dont we start with the nfl and what you saw around the league yesterday and with your team, did you know what the teams had planned . Yes i knew what the teams had planned. It was kind of a beautiful thing to say it started with the two quarterbacks, Russell Wilson and matt ryan talking to each other a week and a half ago, maybe two weeks ago and talk about how they wanted to share the voices of their teammates and share the voices of many cases america about sochl theme of these issu were facing i thought the singing of both national anthems, i thought the sign of unity when both teams were together on the field arm in arm i thought the first game, first not first game but the first play of the game the touch back that you mentioned was handled really well i think that its fine some issues over should players be doing that. Nfl game is 3 15, i think if they take three, four, five minutes of the game to expres the passions of the players and the passion on the mind of most people across america, whether its social responsibility or Law Enforcement or equality. They want to bring attention i think they did it in a respectful way that respects protest. I think you can see how other people might see it differently. They dont like the idea that politics and social causes are being mixed with their past time, football or baseball or basketball, as the case may be what would you say to those people who find the use of the platform of the nfl to advance a personal broadly speaking political stance what would you say to those people i think it is platform of the nfl because 70 of our players are africanamerican and even 100 of our players care about the issues as i would say 100 of our owners and staff and coaches. Its Second Amendment right. Its important part of who we are as the country the ability fprotest has been important in making changes. I think its important to move from protest to progress and the nfl made that clear on a national level, on local level as well. Each club has their own group of players that are determining areas of interest that they have and their particular cities and markets they are operating in. I would refer back to the last book that dr. King wrote which talked about he wasnt published during his lifetime, a year after he was assassinated. His wife published the book. He talked about community or chaos. Thats what America Needs now is community. Part of community is to shine a light on them. They both said the same thing. We made great progress since the 50s and 60s. Lets acknowledge that we are where we are today. We have a lot of work to be done lets have a heightened sense of urgency about trying to deal with some of these issues and have great hope and confidence in the American Population making improvements p i thi i think they will. Let me touch the discussion to business. How come so many successful men and women come from queens, like you . Whats in the water in queens . I dont think its in the water. Its really interesting. Its interesting because i think that coming up, growing up both Bernie Marcus who was my cofounder we came from similar backgrounds. Very middle class. Both of our families came from Eastern European countries they came over here on the lower east side. I lived in kweecqueens i lived in a neighborhood like the United Nations it had great diversity and history to it. People travelled to other parts of the world looking for the American Dream and looking for ways to improve life for themselves and their family i think that does hone you i think i lived in a very modest one bedroom apartment. One bathroom shared with my mom and dad. My dad passed away when i was 15 my brother and i shared the one bedroom we had that was it. I think that notion of neighborhood is something that can bring and should bring this country closer together. The country is much more conn t connected now in any variety of ways. I think a t lot of talk about in good company is you start to read is the notion of creating that sense of neighborhood even within a company and having a high purpose of just making money which im capitalist got to make money. Otherwise the Business Institution is not sustainable its not going be there for the future particularly todays younger population they are not only seeking but theyre demanding companies, organizations to think more broadly about their purpose. I think thats a good thing. Theres a lot in the book for people who wonder if capitalism and doing good can coincide. All the reasons why you call people associates. Why you hire them full fullttid not part time and you call your place the store social center. Your whole house had four rooms total. Something else to keep in mind the whole house had four rooms. Listen, as i was reading and i was struck by something you said that came up recently in discussion with the Atlanta Falcons, which you took from 36 play in the nfl to the championship team. You were recently approached about doing a partnership with esports i wonder if you could tell our audience why you turned that down and as i sort of read that, i thought about but a lot of the other people in charge of these teams and across society arent arthur blanks. Maybe you can share the story. It was a situation, people get right perspective. I have six children. I have six grand children. You name an age, ive got either a grand child or a child ive got all that covered. My kids like everybody elses kids spend time playing these games, et cetera, et cetera. I think it was great book written by richard lou talked about kids have learned to not get outside and learned to stay inside and not learned by being outside 80 of our kids used to walk to school and now 20 used to walk to school, et cetera the point is that the focus of that is we had an opportunity. Our Management Team had fully vetted it. They brought it to me. A major investment in esports i watched the presentation it was the final one before signed the documents one part of it, one slide, particularly had a 12yearold child. 12 or 13yearold child on it. That the team was telling us, the marketing was telling us they were bragging this guy who won 500,000 bucks, some enormous amount of money playing esports and he had to practice 10, 12 hours a day. Kept our Management Team there and said were not going to invest in this i could hear a pin drop in the room i explained myself is this really the kind of business that reflects the best values that weve been so proud of not only at home depot but all of our businesses today. Do we want to encourage girls and boys to sit in front of technology 6, 7, 8 hours so they can win money and the answer is we dont you lead, by example you dont want associates saying the same ones doing Something Else i think these core values are critical you have given kelly and me and the country a terrific book to read. If you didnt see it over the weekend, let me refer you to a section in the new york argely commemorating essay about the primacy of profits for companies. He said the only Things Companies exist to do is generate profit, period. Everything else comes from that. You will find it as interesting as i have. I highly recommend your book its got lots of Great Stories these are companies that every one patronizes from home depot to the National Football league to the pga store its a very accessible good book thank you. Tyler, thank you so much. I would just remind mr. Friedman going back the business round table 50 years later has now taken a different position on that led by a good friend of mine jamie dimond if you dont care about people, profit and the planet at the same time, profitability by itself isnt really enough the truth of the matter is you can have them both i think we should have them both leading by example. Absolutely thank you so, so much for your time today we really appreciate it. Coming up, well have the hottest stock in the s p 500 a big gaming deal and meatless meatballs. Your monday movers are next. Diane retired and opened that pottery studio. How did you come up with all these backstories . I got help from a pro. My financial professional explained to me all the ways nationwide can help protect Financial Futures in peytonville. Nationwide can help the greens get Lifetime Income because their son kyle is moving back home and could help set up a Financial Plan for mrs. Garcia. And he explained how nationwide can help mr. Paisley retire early and spend more time with his pal, peyton. And their new band. Exactly yeah. Dont forget the band. I havent. A lot goes through your mind. With fidelity wealth management, your dedicated adviser can give you straightforward advice and tailored recommendations. Thats the clarity you get with fidelity wealth management. Tapestry is up 29 so were just building on those gains. Still its down 40 from its high this year up necht, Scientific Games soaring today. They make technology for lotteries and Digital Gaming theyre selling the 35 stake in the company for 28 a share. Those shares are up 38 today. About 26. We have beyond meat. They are rolling at beyond bemet balls, its up 6. 5 . That is good news meatless meat balls. A short seller joining the chorus against Nikola Motors still down nearly 50 in the last threemonths phil lebeau joins us with more tyler, it is a day of accusations. The accusations being refuted by nikola well walk you tlo you this including more people questioning why nikola said what they said in the past. First off, out today basically with the rebuttal to the allegations that it made a lot of false claims. Those comments from nikola saying that the allegations are inat rake. They refuted ten claims, however this video they did confirm the research said, look this is not a truck that was driving itself in this video that was not 2017. And nikola confirming that the video in this this shows the truck not power itself the defense, they say nikola described this third party video on the companys social media as in motion. It was never described as under its own power pain driven. A short seller with Muddy Waters Research tweeted out repeatedly accusing them of manipulation and confirming facts and arguing pins is discrediting it nikola in my experience, investors see through this mary barrio speaking at a News Conference with a number of automakers were presenting they addressed this saying they did do their Due Diligence when it comes to nikola and the deal does validate General Motors ev technology, high crow technology that is developing and that it stands by the deal right now having said that, guys, the questions continue to mount for nikola about what they have shown in the past and what they have claim in the past. Yeah. Can you say awkward for General Motors right now phil, thank you very much. We appreciate it phil lebeau. Were 50 days away from election day. Well take a closer look at the big names and the big non involved right after this. Remember, you can always watch or listen to us live on the go on the cnbc app. When i was in high school, this was the theater i came to quite often. The support weve had over the last few months has been amazing. Its not just a work environment. Everyone here is family. If you are ready to open your heart and your home, check us out. We thought for sure that we were done. And this town said not today. This is the yes, and ta new way to shopt today. Thats completely tailored to you, with hundreds of your favorite fashion brands. Tell us what you love and what you dont. The more you yes and no, the more we get you. We will build a shoppable feed thats so you. No two feeds are alike. This is shopping made genius. Download the app and shop in a whole new way. House. The race for the white house is heating up. Campaign statements show biden and the dnc raised more than 364 million last month. 150 million more than the president and the rnc. And bidens war chest could get bigger as he plans to hold a virtual fundraiser with the biggest names on wall street following the Campaign Cash for us Brian Schwartz is following this he might be a democrat these arent the olden days when that was a problem on wall street there seems to be quite a lot of support for joe biden. Yeah. Youre right thanks for having me i mean, you know, wall street definitely file behind joe biden in a large portion of the democrats that were not told on his candidacy during the primary. Kamala harris and others, for instance, they were asking for mayor Pete Buttigieg he had that big wind fall in super tuesday in march, wall street executives and Business Leaders across the country are starting to get behind him thats people in silicon valley, people in hollywood media moguls hosting fundraisers tonight for joe biden. That is 500,000 a head to get on to that call. And well see how much that raises clearly, the democratic mega donors are starting to line up behind biden on schedule of 250 da 50 days left to go that is why him and the Democratic National committee had so much success in august. Brian, if it is largely Corporate America that are the mega donors backing biden, who is there big money backing President Trump . It is smaller donors what about the status . People like the mercers that were big players last time we covered them for a while theyre a family that has not been that involved with trump reelection in 2020. They were very much involved in 2016 st when you look at what is happening with the big donors, some of them like the mercers are not involved but then this are others, Steve Schwartzman and a few others in business that are getting behind donald trump but, you know, theyre a little late to helping him as much as they were back in 2016 a few years back so were still waiting for the bigger checks. There is a new super pac out called preserve america that is backing donald trump this time around and there are a lot of people saying allison and Bernie Marcus could start ponying up large amounts of cash to go to that particular super pac well have to see how it ends out mag. But right now some of the more traditional donors that backed trump time are not as involved brian, kelly and i will be over for coffee in few minutes, by the way looks nice there very quick answer, 35 seconds. What does bloombergs pledge of 100 million to help biden in florida sneen. Joe biden is neck and neck with President Trump right now 100 million coming through Mike Bloombergs pac. He gets more air time supporting biden. If money goes to super pacs helping biden in that state, thats big as well it gives those pacs an outside group more resources down the stretch. I like my coffee black and strong, brian. And, kelly, what do you like decalf, cream and sugar please well see you soon. Well see you tomorrow thank you for watching closing bell is coming right up and here we are kelly and tyler, thank you welcome to closing bell. Im sara eisen along with wilfred frost. A broad rally to start the week. The dow is up 300 points the nasdaq is outperforming yet again. Lets look at what is driving the action the tech trade is back on with names like apple and tesla leading the market higher as well as oracle on news of the tiktok deal. A flurry of m a helping verizon to a few biotech buyouts. And because of news on the potential covid19

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