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jus justice ruth bader ginsburg i recall you called them the republican's line of questioning personally offensive. i wonder as we're talking about the distinction between today's senate -- we often hear about it -- versus the senate of years gone by including that which now president biden has derived from. what do you make of the comparison how the judiciary committee operated at that time compared to now? are you seeing the stark contrast or as you mentioned the days of willy horton you think are back gev? >> yes, it is a different senate and that is really the tragedy that i think all americans should be concerned about. we -- the loss of civility, the loss of the ability to be bipartisan because the civility matters, people just being nice to each other, that's gone by the way. and the fact is when i was on the senate judiciary committee

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Questioning , Senate , Republican , Line , Offensive , Justice , Distinction , Jus , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , It , Biden , Judiciary Committee , Comparison , Us , Tragedy , Loss , Willy Horton , Contrast , Civility , You , Back Gev , Way , Fact , People , Ability , Each Other , Civility Matters ,

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