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>> witch hunt, witch hunt, scam, hoax. it's like the greatest hits. >> he's the king of the buzzword. and it works. it is very effective. repetition has always been one of trump's most important tools in his toolkit. i think that the republican party is grappling with some structural issues here. namely that the republican party as exists here was formed and structured by trump himself. he popularized lock her up, made hillary clinton's email issue one of the foundational rallying cries of the republican party. and so it's for that reason, you know, what i hear from a lot of republicans is that if only for that one reason, many of them can't see a world in which they say that trump should be charged for a document -- classified document-related issue when hillary clinton was not. the logic of it, if you've read the indictment, if you look at the evidence, does not make any sense. but that is part of the -- that's part of the dna of the republican party right now.

Related Keywords

Now Trump , Witch Hunt , One , Republican , Tools , Toolkit , Repetition , King , Buzzword , Hoax , The Greatest Hits , Hillary Clinton , He Popularized Lock , Issues , Email , Up , Lot , Trump , Reason , World , Rallying , Many , Indictment , It , Evidence , Part , Logic , Sense , Document , Dna ,

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