[shouting] now the New York Times would have you believe this man has been duped by a Partisan Astro Turfed Ginned Up Boogie Man and that his concern isnt real. I dont have to be nice to you. Nobody behind me has to be nice to you. If you dont like living in the United States of america, then you could all move to russia, cuba, or china. This is the first amendment. [cheers and applause] will that is very real because parents are the tip of the spear. The frontline warriors in cultural revolution. They have seen little timmy how to bring home the book how to be an anti racist baby. Confesses whiteness to mom and told his dad that america and he are White Supremacists and parents have had it, jack. The lunatic racist left is starting to lose. So, as is always the case, change the rules of the game. Obfuscate. Argue about definition. Last night on msnbc professional Liar Joy Reid yelled at chris rough foe, the man responsible for exposing much of the explosion you of Critical Race Theory that he didnt really know what he was talking about. At least once i havent got an full incidence out. No because im not going to let you. See one of the things you probably never watch me on tv. We didnt know who each other were not too long ago. I do not allow people to make up and say lies on the show. What i dont think is right is forcing 8yearold to deconstruct theories. Thats not Critical Race Theory. 64 of americans now know what Critical Race Theory is. No, they know what christopher rough foe. 80 of them said. You made my my friend you made up your own thing. Will you see, she says Critical Race Theory is not intersectionality not whiteness studies and white from a jilts. Just stuff taught in law school its not a big deal they tell us. Nobody is learning it in k through 12 you dummy. You are not really being taught racism by h. R. Department. Just listen to the first post racial president. You would think with all the Public Policy debates that are taking place right now that you know, the Republican Party would be engaged in a significant debate lo and behold the single most important issue to them right now is Critical Race Theory. Will from joy reid to president obama what you are hearing is the fast talking Side Stepping Stuttering that comes at the end of a long con. The mark independent nontrump voting mainstream americans who are finally waking up. And playing semantic games arguing over the definition of the origination of Critical Race Theory sounds like nothing more than no, see you dont understand, what had happened was what i meant to say. This is the definition of Critical Race Theory. Critical race theory is an academic discipline that holds that the United States is a nation founded on White Supremacy and oppression and that these forces are still at the root of our society. Critical race theorists believe that american institutions such as the Constitution And Legal System Preach Freedom Inequality but mere camouflages for a naked racial. Thats the definition from chris rufo who knows a thing or two about this topic. Whether or not thats the Working Definition of yale law or the downstream language and ideas that western math is racist as told to you by seattle public schools, it doesnt matter. I dont care. We dont care. We know the values that lie underneath these definitions they are racist we hear it when Hr Departments word associations. White men associated to golf and nascar and country music. Okay, some of those might be true. Try playing that game with another race and see how it comes across as racist. We know it when you pass bills In The Name Of equity at this that lower testing requirements because, what . Black kids cant meet test standards . Racist. We see it when places like the Washington Post ask us to join white Accountability Groups. White people have to start getting together specifically around race. White Accountability Groups are really helpful in terms of having a place to process having group of people whose responsibility it is to call me on things or to challenge me. Most of us in doing this work have experienced this where there is a period of deep shame for being white and for acknowledging the harms our ancestors have caused and thats a very legitimate piece of this work. White only Affinity Group lifelong project what like senator Sheldon Whitehouses beach club that kind of thing . Racist. Keep pushing people into racial Affinity Groups. Keep telling to us identify with our race. Do you know what will happen . Some white people will actually take you up on that and, guess what . You will have more real, actual racists. But thats not the problem im told. Just the other night on this program i was told that individual racism and bigotry that should not be our focus. Systemic racism now thats the focus. Thats what must be torn down. All Critical Race Theory is saying is a theory of law is that its not about individual acts of bigotry or bias or racism, it is a systemic and Institutional Network that must be somehow discerned and dismantled. Will must be dismantled, Critical Race Theory the legal doctrine would tear down our laws and constitutions. Academics would tear down the values of Western Civilization. H. R. Departments would tear down our identity. Activists would tear down our history. Pop stars would tear down our flag and symbols and teachers would indoctrinate our children. Can. Listening devices. I cant teach Critical Race Theory. And i cant teach about Racial Equity [bleep] last year we really need to stand up and [inaudible] kids right now. This is a calltoaction, teachers. We have got to stand up and fight for our kids because this is [bleep] will but i thought Critical Race Theory wasnt being taught in k through 12. Im having a hard time keeping up with that teacher here now from iowa. If you want to see real systemic racism in play, real racism, real unconstitutional legal theory . Rook no further than joe bidens covid19 Restaurant Revitalization Program where he prioritized money for Restaurant Owners who were black and preferences for pakistanis but not afghans. Japanese, but not iraqis, hispanics, but not middle easterners. That law was struck down by the Sixth Circuit of appeals of the United States as unconstitutional. Its grotesquely, openly brazenly picking one race over another and that is systemic racism. The lunatic left can pretend that Critical Race Theory is just Classroom Discussion of race and racism as the New York Times called it. But parents know better. They can play word games and haggle over the definition but we know racism, no matter what costume it wears. But as they run for the hills, and run away from Critical Race Theory, expect them to yell something familiar back over their shoulder best incapsulated in a tweet from congresswoman Rasheda Tlaib who said opposition to Critical Race Theory is obviously rooted in racism. And has just become the newest dog whistle for racists. Of course. Joining me now johnson the host of the informed dissent podcast. Im glad to have you on the program tonight. You are insightful thinker, i love following your work on twitter and publications on your podcast as well. There is no doubt there are disparities and outcome in our country informs burglar and white americans. Can that be counted for and solved by yelling racism and tearing down the foundation of this country . Well, thanks for having me, will. You know, as you say, you know, when you talk about disparity and you talk about racial disparities, it gernd on how you view it. Do you think that racism can be fought with racism. And thats even just concluding that racism is causing disparities which is huge assumption to even make. There is all kinds of factors and variables that go into these things. Like you were saying during your monologue all they do is obfuscate and try to confuse people. They are not we are not pushing Critical Race Theory. Americans are smarter than this. They know whats happening. They know whats going on. They know whats happening in the schools. They see what homework is they see what the assignments are they see whats happening in the news. Americans arent stupid. They know whats happening here. And this is what they do. This is what the left does. They turn things around and they pretend not supporting something even though they were supporting it just yesterday, so, hey, black lives matter, oh, well, thats actually the organization not the movement. The movement is separate. So they do this constantly kind of obfuscation and confusion trying to throw people off of the path. We know what Critical Race Theory is we know what it is and we know how detrimental it is to our society. Will yeah, people understand we are seeing it at School Board Meetings across the country to suggest those people are duped or confused is the ultimate, its the pinnacle of condescension. Lets move productively forward you and i here leonydus Critical Race Theory is not solution for nations problems. Not the solution for making up for disparities black and white outcomes. How can we move this nation forward in a unified manner and expect to achieve the unified outcome for every single individual . Well, listen, we have to move past race. Thats the bottom line. We have to let it go. We have to realize that we are one country and we are one people. So we have to let go of skin color as an identifier making it essential to our identity and we have to realize that our history is our history in america. There is no brown history. There is no black history. There is no white history. There is american history. Qui recognize that there were sins in the past. There were. There were bad things that happened in the past. We can recognize that. But we embrace that as one people and we move Forward Together. And i always say we need to start treating skin color as inconsequential as we do hair color and eye color. Its part of who we are. Its part of who we are, but it does not define us. And thats really where we need to get to as a society and start moving towards a post Racial Society here in america and really find healing and unity among us. Will what great words. What great perspective. Leonydu summer. Love talking to you and having you on the program tonight and your perspective. Thank you for your time. Thank you for having me. Will here now is congressman Byron Donalds. Thank you for being with me tonight there are also those on the left that say first Critical Race Theory isnt being taught in schools. You are confused. Its not really happening. In the alternative there are those that say its just an alternate theory we shouldnt be pushing it off the table. You should be hearing allamerican history and philosophy. Heres the fascinating thing about that perspective, congressman, Critical Race Theory leaves no room for dissent or disagreement. It says there is no room for debate. It is in its own estimation the only one true real history of the United States. And it doesnt want to hear any other version, so how do we allow this ideology into our schools . To be frank, we dont. I think if they want to do Critical Race Theory, they should hold the next symposium at shelter done whitehouses beach resort he has there in his state. The fact of the matter is very, very simple. We cannot have a divisive ideology being permeated in our schools. What the theorists want to talk about a n. Academia being distilled down to oppressed and oppressive model affecting people in our schools and members of our military. It has no place there. People need to understand that cr. It is subjective. It is a subjective standard basically created on the left in the left wing of our political our political ideological spectrum in the United States. It views everything through the lend of race. So that subjectivity cannot permeate our Educational Institution and our military institutions. If you want to have these ideas, have them, thats fine. But if you want to talk about history, history is objective. They there are date and times and places and there are things that came after those events. Be objective if you want to talk, teach history and talk history. But Critical Race Theory is subjective, it is based on, frankly on liberal and marxist subjectivity when they look at the country using race as the lends. Lens. Thats why we shouldnt fut and it shouldnt be a part of our educational system. Will you are touching on something very important and deep right there when you say that Critical Race Theory is subjective. We hear that you can hear that in conversational tones when someone says believe my lived experience as though the lived experience is somewhere on equal weight or perhaps even placed above objective evidence. Now, what that means in essence is that were undercutting the values of Western Civilization of free thought of debate fact and truth. We are undercutting the very foundations of not just this country with you the western enlightenment. The left worries so much about democracy being threatened On January 6th while embracing an ideology that threatens to overturn the advances Human Civilization over the last 500 years. Thats exactly right. Its important for people to understand this point. You have make it very, very clear that what we want to do in our country, despite the ills in our past, is we want america to be a better america Going Forward. You dont do that by basically analyzing and destroying every institution in our republic. Do you that by making sure that people have freedom and opportunity. They have the ability to seek the best education possible, which is why if you want to Start Talking about systemically racist institutions. Lets talk about public education, one of the longest running institutions in the United States. The left doesnt want to change that they want to change other things. And so if you really want to have a toler rabbit society. A better society, where people who are black, white, hispanic, whatever, rich or poor can live in harmony and peace, make sure everybody has clear opportunities to be successful on their own merit. You cant have politicians fix the game. You cant have academic theory rise where the game. You need people to do this in their own lives unwind the greatest experiment we have ever known. The only It Experience we have seen is despotism by a small group of people who believe that their ideas are better than everybody elses. Unfortunately thats what some of the critical race theorists like like it say their viewpoint is the viewpoint. Unfortunately for people to disagree you need to get reeducated and come back for more training. Thats not what we do in america. Live your life. View history. Learn our history. Buff be tolerant of one another and lets move Forward Together as people. Will wow. What wonderful words. I dont give gratuitous bouquets what wonderful words from congressman Byron Donalds there tonight. Thank you so much for your time and those words. Thank you, congressman. Thank you, will. Will you wet. Next, we will go live to miami for the latest on the breaking news of Frantic Search for nearly 100 people missing under the rubble of a collapsed condo building. Plus, senator tom cotton on the woke trend thats also plaguing our military. How much money can Liberty Mutual save you . One two three four five 72,807 72,808. Dollars. Yep. Everything hurts. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Well, well, well. Look at you. You mastered the master bath. You created your own style. And you yes, you turned a sourdough starter into a sourdough finisher. So when you learn your chronic dry eye is actually caused by reduced Tear Production due to inflammation you take it on, by talking to your eyecare professional about restasis®. 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Yeah, will, the Brown Building you see over my variety shoulder is the portion of the condominium complex that is still standing. Rescuers have now shifted operations to the portion that collapsed pile of rubble. There are no obvious crawl spaces from the top of that pile so they are using adjacent Parking Garage to tunnel into the debris at different levels. Theyre using Search And Rescue dogs, sonar and electronic Listening Devices to search for any signs of life. We did receive sound, not necessarily people talking, but sound, what sounds like people banging, well not people but sounds of a possibility of a banging, short of that we havent heard any voices coming from the pile. The first rescuers on the scene pulled 35 occupants from the building. 11 were treated for injuries and four taken to the hospital. So far authorities have only confirmed one fatality. That number expected to go up at least 99 people are unaccounted for. Will, Champlain Towers South was built in 1981. Because its a 40yearold structure. It was undergoing a recertification process. Reportedly had undergone some Roof Construction what caused it to collapse remains a history. Police plan to launch an investigation into that once the Search And Rescue fades concludes. Will, back to you. Will thank you, jonathan. What terrifying video from last night. What horrifying details we pray for the 99 that are still missing. We are going to continue our conversation though now about Critical Race Theory because it is that important and it looks like it could now be infiltrating the United States military. You only have to listen to the words of the joint chiefs chairman mark milley describe, quote, white rage as the reason for january 6th protests. I understand white rage and im white. I want to understand it what is it that caused thousands of people to assault this building and try to overturn the constitution of the United States of america, what caused that, i want to find that out. Will now the military is studying Critical Race Theory and millie wholeheartedly defends it should would he be even surprised . Since Biden Took Office the cia and even nasa have gone woke. Dont worry millly is always understanding the country we are here to defend. I have read my it tongue, i have read karl marx and linen. That doesnt make me communist. Understanding of the country to which we are here to defend. Will joining me now is senator tom cotton member of the Armed Services committee. Senator, always good to have you on the program. Is what is happening with the military different and if it is, how so, then what we are seeing happen with School Districts in classrooms across this country . Well, thanks for having me. What we see in classrooms in School Districts is very alarming because schools are trying to indoctrinate Young Children hateful fundamentally flawed irredeemable country frismt we allow a generation of our kids to be indoctrinated with those views, then what does it matter if we win a few elections in the year ahead. In the military it is at best a waste of time to have students in professional Military Schools or troops going through Training Sessions being exposed to Critical Race Theory concepts. But even further it helps undermine Unit Cohesion and morale. You know, when i was in the army, i can tell you we didnt look at each other through the lens of race or background or your last name or who your parents were, we looked at each other as battle buddies, comrades at arms who signed up to fight for our country and willing to i do in our country and men right and left and front and rear. What really caused knee dig deeper into this i have a lot of friends still in the service. They started reaching tout me a couple months ago with some of the trainings they were facing as a result of Secretary Austins socalled stand down order. Since then Congressman Crenshaw and i have been getting a lot of complaints, hundreds of complaints about these Training Sessions. Thats one reason why i pressed Secretary Austin on it earlier this week and i pressed the chief of Naval Operations Admiral Gilday about it as well. The army and military as a whole need to focus on real wars not on culture wars. Will you know, senator, i like how you distinguish indoctrination from education. Millie suggests we are only educating ourselves and army as we look into Critical Race Theory. He says as you heard there i have read move that doesnt make me a communist. I need to understand the ideologies that are presented. Some of them could be our enemy. The problem is it seems like what is going on with the military is less about education and more about as you pointed out indoctrination. I want you to take a look at this ad from the United States army. It begins in california. With a little girl raised by two moms. I also marched for equality. I like to think i have been defending freedom from an early age and after meeting with an army recruiter, i found it. A way to prove my inner strength and maybe shatter some stereotypes along the way. Will thats the United States Army Recruiting ad right there, senator. So when i look at that i worry what were doing and i hope im wrong. You serve, you also serve in the United States senate. I hope im wrong but what i see there from a distance is what appears to be not education but indoctrination. Yeah, thats what we have heard from the frontline troopers, the young privates, sergeants through the backbone of our military, officers who oftentimes are involved in having to conduct these Training Sessions and some cases very much against their wishes. You know, again, there is always a place for instance, in College Campuses to include our Service Academies to say read karl marx in a class on the history of western thought. When it comes down to Training Sessions for our frontline troops, they need to be taught to respect everyone irrespective of their race or their sex or ethnicity or religious creed or political views. Treat them with equal dignity and respect, period. They need to get back to tactical excellence and Operational Training so we can perform a highest levels and our troops can be ready to fight in whatever kind of circumstances they might face. Will senator tom cotton, thank you for joining us tonight on the program. Thank you, will. Will you bet. Also curious by the way what that means january 6th was about white rage. Might want to ask a few more questions about that characterization of what went down On January 6th. Talk about that in the future. For now, the government is going through what amounts to an effort to deprogram Trump Supporters that might have been there On January 6th. Its already started this deprogramming. Into this big lie the question is how are we going to really almost deprogram these people who have signed up to the cult of trump . customer movie night. burke should have been watching the stove instead. customer tell me something i dont know. burke with your farmers policy perk, guaranteed replacement cost, your home can be rebuilt, regardless of your limits. customer thats really something. burke get a whole lot of something with farmers policy perks. We are farmers. Bumpadum, bumbumbumbum like many people with moderate to Severe Ulcerative Colitis or crohns disease, i was there. Be right back. But my symptoms were keeping me from where i needed to be. So i talked to my doctor and learned humira is the 1 prescribed biologic for people with uc or crohns disease. 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On january 6th, according to a report by american greatness, she did enter the Capitol Building. She walked around, paraded, picketed. She pentagon no time in jail. She was given Heather Shaneer as her Court Appointed Public Defender. Thats where the story gets interesting. The very person that was supposed to defend lloyd actually forced her to read a laundry list of floims and read a laundry list of books, watch a list of documentaries and attempt to reeducate her and you can see a list here of some of the stuff that she was instructed to consume just mercy, bury my heart at wounded knee. And mudbound. She was highly encouraged to do so as part of her plea deal. Simply put, she had to change her thinking and apologize for her White Privilege in order to get a more favorable sentence. Here to react now glenn greenwald, author of securing democracy, glenn, you know, you are not a trump supporter. I would imagine you disagree with most of the people that stood in washington, d. C. On january 6th, but you are also an attorney, glenn, and i wonder, are you troubled . Do you find it appropriate that a Public Defender and a court for that matter in considering a plea deal would ask a defendant to sort of reprogram themselves, consume some media content, rethink their entire world view. Is that the right role for an attorney . Obviously not. I mean, i almost feel like it should provoke some kind of official discipline, the role of a lawyer is to do everything in your power most zealously to defend the interest of your client not to propagandize or reeducate them for them to think better politically. I dont know if you saw there was a poll of 46 countries released this morning that demonstrated that the country in which the American Media has held in the lowest esteem in which theyre most distrusted is the United States out of 46 countries. And whether someone hears katie couric or people like her who live in 25 mstledz coops on the Upper East Side of manhattan announce that anyone who disagrees with her has to be deprogrammed, its really not difficult to understand why that men tattled is so offputting and i think its a major reach why people have lost faith and trust in these institutions. Will i think you are right. You add that to lying to the public about the origins of covid19 or effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine or any number of lies told by quote, unquote, the Mainstream Media. Over more than a years time frame and you will lose trust. Thats quite logical. Let me give you another example. Ivermectin is the current debate therapeutic many are Say Something somewhat of a merricke drug, we will see if it works out treating covid19. Are totally pushed off social media. You will get flagged. Almost had podcast kicked off youtube for that ivermectin could be a good theyre they dick, today its announced that University Of Oxford is it looking at ivermectin treating covid19. I cant help but avoid the idea, glenn that these stories are connected. Its coming back to some sort of mind kr08. Why can we not even consider possible Al Temperature Tifs to, i guess what is endorsed by big pharma . I think you put your finger on the point when you say some people say that is potentially effective treatment, by some people what you are referring to are medical doctors and scientists as credentialed as anyone including dr. Fauci, some of them have even testified before the senate and testified that they believe this drug holds promise for treating covid and that Senate Testimony itself was removed by google, by youtube, which is owned by google on the grounds that it violated their policy. And i think that so much more than trying to ban a particular view because its dangerous, which is their excuse, what they are really doing is training an entire population to accept authoritarianism that our political debates from now on are going to be constricted and limited so that any questioning of or disagreement with anointed authorities will become simply banned from the internet. We have been trained for years now to accept that. The coronavirus pandemic intensified that greatly. And i think thats really what the playbook is Going Forward is to ensure that official pronouncements are insulated from any kind of dissent which is what makes it so dangerous. Will draw bright big boundaries official pronouncements and those with the credence of Mainstream Media it live inside there and throw down censorship and consequences for any of House Dare To Venture slightly outside of those boundaries. I think you are exactly right. Glenn greenwald, always good to talk to you, thank you. Good to be with you, will. Will next a New World Cycling Record Set by motorcyclists who identify as a bicyclist. Something about me was different there was something wrong. After a lot of thought and reflection i finally realized that my life as a motorcyclist was a lie. I was a bicyclist. Because with the right pain reliever. Life opens up. Aleve it, and see whats possible. Sometimes you wanna go where Everybody Knows your name and theyre always glad you came welcome back, america. It sure is good to see you. [ me and you by Barry Louis Polisar ] we me and you justa. Singing on the train me and you listening to the rain me and you we are the same me and you have all the fame we need indeed, you and me are we Me And You Singing In The Park me and you, were waiting for the dark will it Joe Biden Challenge his fellow americans to a Nuclear Arms Race . Whats happened is that there never been if you want think you need to have weapons to take on the government. You need f15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. Will i dont know if you know this but people are responding. Americans are rushing thought record numbers to buy f15s and nukes to fight off the government. Not really, you see, that headline was a joke from the satirical website the babylon bee. Uses comedy to help Raise Concerns over real issues like in this instance the president pointing out that he is effectively threatening americans with nuclear war, again maybe not really. Joining me now the man behind this website ceo of the babylon bee seth dillon. Seth, thanks for being here. I dont know what the headline here is that joe biden is in an arms race with we, his fellow americans or bad at history. I think the taliban just fought over a Nuclear Power for 20 years with guns. Well, what were supposed to believe is that a group of unarmed huge unarmed group of Trump Supporters stormed of the Capitol Building and about to topple the government. Apparently that was possible just a few months ago. Will right. Now we need jets and nukes. Will unarmed people almost toppled democracy by Toppling Capitol On January the 6th. You guys had a awesome headline at the babylon bee. This is oped written by king george. You will never beat a tyrannical government with just guns. This is the messaging you would give to people if you wanted encourage them to buy more guns and bigger guns. Will thats right. I also understand there at the babylon bee i want to give goat a more serious issue with you here in a moment. You a new documentary out as well. Have you found the latest trend in transsports its motorcyclistst who identify as bicycle lists. Watch. I have always known that something about me was different. There was something wrong after a lot of thought and reflection i finally realized that my life as a motorcyclist was a lie. I was a bicyclist. Joining the race is norm hickham. Wait. I thought he raced motorcycles. I never felt better. Free to be my true self. Live my true just be me. Will i dont know if the culture has moved your way or you just hired all the talent away but somehow you are in a better position than any other Comeefd Dick Organization right now to point out the absurdity of our culture. Well, this is the thing. In this case we are speak truth to power. This stuff is coming from the top down. These are the most powerful people in government and corporations. This Progressive Ideology and these progressive values are being imposed on us all the way from the top. So we see this as speaking truth to power. But, a lot of people are suggesting that these jokes are punching down and i have a hard time grappling with that and understanding what they mean by that. Thats one of the new lines of attacks against us. At first it was were spreading misinformation. Now we are punch being down at people we shouldnt be attacking. Thats a way of them protecting their sacred cows and also pretty condescend thawing shouldnt joke about certain people because they are beneath you. Will the New York Times tried to have you pushed off of facebook and other places under the guise of misinformation. Babylon sued. You were quickly reinstated because you are satire and comedy. One last point out of personal curiosity, seth. So a few years ago people said conservatives couldnt be funny. There was no source of Conservative Humor and maybe they were right there wasnt a big cultural pocket for that. Whats chacketd changed . I mean one thing i noticed that changed people who used to be funny by the way who were all on the left are not funny anymore. So whats changed . Yeah. They did a lot of the changing. I mean, they started making all these things off limit that you cant joke about for one thing. So they began to censor themselves and they began to try to censor other people. So when you start to have this culture and climate where people like Jerry Seinfeld are avoiding doing comedy shows on College Pus Campuses because everybody wants a safe space and doesnt want to be offended they are changing the landscape. They are having a hard time being funny dancing around the issues they want to avoid. That opportunity politically incorrect jokes you are not supposed to make. They opened up a huge gateway for people to come and take some of that market share. Will people have Babylon Belayed more engagements than the onion. Check out their site. You are missing out. I promise you if you are not. Seth dillon, thanks for jumping on with us tonight. Thank you, i appreciate it. Will all right. Not pete hegseth. I kicked him out. I replaced him because i have a new cohost on the weekends and she is going to be my new cohost tonight on the clock Rachel Camposduffy next. At you need. Hot dog or. Chicken . Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. 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She said that austedo helps reduce td movements in adults. While i continue with most of my Mental Health medications. vo austedo can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntingtons disease. Pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, behaviors, feelings, or have suicidal thoughts. Common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. Dont take austedo if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine, tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. Austedo may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, restlessness, movements mimicking parkinsons disease, fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, and sweating. man talk to your doctor about austedo. Its time to treat td. Td is not ok. Visit askforaustedo. Com program i said lets get fox and Friends Weekend cohost Rachel Campos duffy. Lets put her on the clock, she will be better. For topics, for emojis, be our guide. Hi, rachel, by the way. Hello. Lets start with this, britney spears. Shes finally speaking out saying she wants her life back after being silence from her father by her decade here conservatorship. Britney spears, finally free . Listen, im totally on the free britneys side of this. One of the things she brought up in her hearing the other day is that they wouldnt let her get e babies or get her nails done. Life is not worth living pure and she saw her Mom Enter Mates come over to the house with fresh nails. Thats how all of us girls felt like when nancy pelosi was getting her hair done during covid and we couldnt get our hair done. Shes a grown woman. Listen, its a serious thing beer they wont let her get married. She is a hot dancer boyfriend of four years, of course they dont want her to get married to him, because from the dad wont be able to run everything in her life. She cant paint your Kitchen Cabinets without getting her daddys permission. Shes a grown woman, let her make her mistakes. Number two, Brandeis University is cracking down on what they consider to be violent language by banning phrases like killing it. That has to become great job. Trigger warnings are now content notes. Claiming these are phrases of oppressive language. Rachel. Yes, and so is they said if you are following the American Dream, the American Dream is still alive, theres all kinds of other things. Hard work, if you work hard in america that is also, you know, oppressive language. So listen, none of us should listen to any of this language for the more they say, the more we should. Look at those over on the side of the screen. Take a stab at it, take a shot at it. We are back to the era of the stone age. Where Caveman Grunting at each other. And no one is offended by her grounds, and that is the end result of this entire movement. I mean, were out of here. We are on to number three. During todays infrastructure bill announcement, look at this. There was a noticeable person excluded from the crowd. We need to get some light on him. Open the temperature here. What you can see there, if it was brighter, was all the senators crowded around joe biden. Its a bipartisan group, but heres the thing, over at the corner what we have highlighted is behind the, Kamala Harris. Yes, its super creepy, bizarre behavior. But Kamala Harris never wanted to be the Vice President peered she was intended to be the president. And she doesnt want to stand with this bipartisan crowd, because the queen makers in the Bipartisan Party dont like that bill. So shes using her Body Language to say, im not with them. Its because shes saying shes with the squad, i got it. By the way, we should break Body Language experts on to our show on the weekend to analyze all of Kamala Harris is weird stuff. Speak up my men. Quickly with this one, the second release of his book has been almost as bad. But still not despite a massive book tour, it sold less than 2,000 copies in the first week. Its embarrassing, i love that the daily mail data whole story with this and all the sea and on executives and talent that went to his book party. Look, the gig is up. We are all around to it now, especially after a year that you highlighted in your show tonight. It also is a hoax . That clock. They were cutting your short prayer there were times they put 30 on there. They were digging you out early because they need some time to save some time for me to plug my podcast peered thank you for watching fox news prime time. Hey, go download the will cains podcast, new episodes every monday and friday. I think you will enjoy it. I hope youve enjoyed this. I will be back here tomorrow night at 7 00 p. M. Tucker carlson is up next. Tucker good evening and welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight peered want to hear an amazing story . It is the benefit of being both true and illuminating. Here it is. In 1851, a man called Samuel Halbert came up with a sit to scientific explanation for why so many were running away from plantations in the american south. These fugitive were suffering from

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