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An expanding manhunt and a community on edge. Police widen the search for a convicted killer who busted out of prison. A new sighting suggests he may have gotten farther away than expected. And the potential danger has schools shutting their doors. A new target for the Special Counsel. A cnn exclusive. Jack smiths investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election could be getting wider. The new focus includes fundraising and voting equipment. New indictments could be on the table. Plus, overwhelming demands. The maker of a popular Weight Loss Drug tells cnn it could take years, years for them to make enough for everyone who wants it. Were following these major developing stories and many more all coming in right here to cnn news central. We begin with the urgent manhunt for an escaped killer in pennsylvania. Police releasing these new images of Danelo Cavalcante. He was spotted on a Botanical Garden Security Camera just a few miles from the plinz e. Escaped from last thursday and police are expanding their search area as theyre scouring the woods about 30 miles west now of philadelphia. Two School Districts were closed today while all of this is happening. Police have been using a unique tactic, helicopters and patrol cars, blasting an Audio Message from the escapees mother, urging him to surrender. Early this morning we were notified by security at Longwood Gardens that they had trail camera photos taken on their property, which appear to be cavalcante. This area is just south of the perimeter. Investigators quickly examined those photos, and we can confirm it is cavalcante. The photos confirm that cavalcante has not changed his appearance but also that he has obtained a backpack, a Duffel Swing Type Pack and a hooded sweatshirt. Cnns Danny Freeman is live in Chester County for us. Danny, tell us what you are learning from police. There have certainly been some reports of burglaries and authorities believe he is responsible for them. Reporter thats right, brianna. And really the police and all the Law Enforcement agencies who are out here helping in the search are encouraging residents because of that to be on high alert because they believe at this point that Danelo Cavalcante is winging it. They believe that he is desperate. And they believe that he will be looking for any sort of way to get resources, whether its resorting to burglarizing a house or trying to get items or resources from a vehicle. But i want to go back, brianna, to what the big headline of the day is, which is that the Pennsylvania State police, they say that they are expanding and intensifying their search. And brianna, this is six days into this manhunt since cavalcante escaped from the Chester County prison behind me and now weve had six kochld sightings of him including that one overnight from the Botanical Gardens. And i want to describe the gardens a little bit. Its Longwood Gardens. Its a very famous Tourist Destination here in Chester County. And brianna, its massive. Its 200 acres of winding trails, of meadows and also lush gardens. Thats where police have focused their efforts overnight and into this morning. Weve seen a number of helicopters flying overhead and a lot of State Troopers blocking off a lot of roads just south of where we are. And its really not that far. Its about five miles from where we are here at the prison. So on the one hand police say that yes, he did slip through the perimeter they had earlier but on the other hand he has not gotten that far. But the risk is real. Take a listen to what resident in the area said about an encounter he believes he had with the suspect. Woke up my wife. I said hey, i think there may be somebody downstairs. You know, get on the phone. What i decided to do was flip the light switch on and off, you know, three or four, five times, pause. And then he flipped the light switch from downstairs three or four times, which was the moment of like oh, my god, this guys down there. Reporter i mean, just terrifying and truly hard to imagine. The one thing ill note is the terrain, brianna, in this area, weve been talking about it through the duration of this search. Its very diverse and its very tricky. Theres a lot of woods. There are creeks. There are corn fields. And police say it means there are a lot of places to hide but theyre still determined to bring this man back in. Brianna . I cannot imagine that moment. That is terrifying. Danny freeman live for us in pocopson township. Jim . Cnns senior Law Enforcement analyst Charles Ramsey of course led the Police Departments here in the d. C. Area but also the philly area. Thanks so much for joining us. First i wonder, hes taking cover in the Botanical Gardens there. Given police resources, is it just a matter of time before they can catch someone like this in an area that size . I think it is. I mean, this is difficult terrain, as the reporter mentioned. Youve got woods, youve got open fields, youve got a lot of area to cover. And a lot of places where an individual like that could hide. Clearly he is now, you know, burglarizing places, getting access to backpack, probably some food. Maybe a knife or two. And lord knows, maybe even a firearm. We dont know. But hes hes desperate and he needs money. He needs food. He needs transportation. And hell do anything he can in order to do that. You mentioned that desperation. This episode inside this home as we just heard in the story there, the homeowner describing he hears a sound downstairs, he flicks the lights and then it was his impression that the intruder downstairs was signaling back up, you know, flicking the lights that he was there. What does that indicate to you . Does that indicate that he wanted to take what he needed in effect from the house, not threaten the homeowners . How do you take that . Well, i mean, thats unusual. That might have been a signal to, you know, stay upstairs, i am downstairs. I dont know. But the bottom line is that was a close encounter. Thank god no one got hurt. You know, they closed the schools, for example, because theyre concerned. Its not so much about the buildings themselves. The schools. Its the area around there that the kids come from because kids walk to school, they stand on the side of the road to wait for a bus. You dont want to expose children at a time like this. This guy is desperate. Hes also very, very dangerous. He continues to be dangerous. Theyre doing everything they possibly can. People need to be very vigilant. The good news is, though, that he hasnt gotten that far away from the prison. You know, theyve still got a realistic chance of catching this guy before he gets too far away. Yeah, thats a good point there. Chief ramsey, you know the area well. Thanks so much for joining us. Thank you. Boris. Today another batch of not guilty pleas filed in the Georgia Election interference case. Former trump Chief Of Staff Mark Meadows And five other codefendants decided to waive, skip tomorrows arraignment. Remember, meadows filed this plea on State Charges as he tries to get the move to federal court. Hes waiting on a judges ruling on that which could come at any moment. Cnns sara murray is here with more on this. This means 18 of the 19 codefendants have filed pleas. Thats right. So we saw from Mark Meadows A not guilty plea. Not surprising, right . He wants the whole case against him dismissed. Hes trying to get that done in federal court. Were waiting for the judge to decide if meadows has met the bar and essentially arguing everything he did was part of his role as white house Chief Of Staff. So were waiting for the federal judge to weigh in on that. Hes joined today in entering his not guilty pleas by people like jeffrey clark, who is a former Justice Department official, and john eastman, a former protrump attorney. The only not guilty plea we have not seen at this point is Misty Hampton so far. I would be surprised if shes the only person who decides to show up in person tomorrow. We still could see her plea come through in the court system today. And notably you mentioned john eastman. Hes actually filed, as others, to sever his case from the rest of the codefendants. Thats right. He has basically said through his attorney that obviously were not going to be prepared to go to trial in six weeks, thats the sort of speedy trial timeline. Thats when Ken Cheseboro is going to be going to trial, october of 2023. And hes making it clear he doesnt want any part of these speedy trial guidelines. They dont want to go to trial in october 2023. And now its going to be up to this State Court Judge once we get all these pleas in for these 19 codefendants to stied how he wants to organize all of these folks. A lot to organize. So many moving parts there, sara murray. We appreciate you walking us through it. Jim . Or rather brianna. Now to a cnn exclusive. The Special Counsel probe into 2020 Election Interference has expanded in scope, even though former President Trump has already been charged and his trial date is set. Cnn has learned investigators are now looking into postelection fundraising and Voting System breaches and how the former may have paid for the latter. Sources say prosecutors are asking about former trump lawyer sidney powell, who by the way is a codefendant in the Georgia Election case. Cnns paula reid, who broke this story for us. Paula, it sounds like the Special Counsel is in the follow the money stage of this part of the probe. Thats exactly right. Because the indictment that the Special Counsel filed in january 6, it focused solely on former President Trump. It was narrowly tailored and designed so they could bring it to trial possibly before the 2024 election. But it specifically mentions coconspirators. And our colleague zach cohen and i have done some reporting to look at whether any of those coconspirators could be charged. What weve learned is that in recent weeks investigators have been asking a lot of questions about one of those coconspirators especially, and that is sidney powell. The trumpaligned lawyer who helped Purn V Push A Lot Of Those Bogus Claims of voter fraud and worked to try to overturn the outcome of the election. Now, they focused their questions on three specific things. First of all, theyve asked if these witnesses ever saw any evidence of the false claims powell was making, these Conspiracy Theories she was pushing. They were also really interested in her nonprofit, defending the republic. Now, this is a group that was fundraising off of these lies. And they were particularly interested in what that group did with its money. Including the third thing, these efforts to get Forensic Experts to breach Voting Systems. We know that according to an invoice obtained by cnn that defending the republic did pay for Forensic Experts who were able to breach Voting Systems in four states won by now president biden. Its unclear if powell or inelse will be charged. But this really schayes our understanding of exactly where this investigation is. We thought maybe they were going to go really narrow on january 6th and let the state down in georgia do a more Broad Criminal Prosecution which included powell and others. But according to this reporting that may not be how this turns out. Or meche mitch where theyre looking at what people have done. There have been some indictments there. I think this is so important because people forget a lot of times this happened and its so key. If you have the Special Counsel looking into this, does that change the timeline of this probe at all . So we know that the grand jury, the Special Counsel has been using, that expires on september 15th. Now, it can be extended but look, this investigation clearly is continuing. We know theyve spoken to a lot of the key players but there are still some witnesses like those theyve spoken with in the past six weeks that are still significant if you really want to make sure you turn over every rock and every stone. And that is their mission here. And the Special Counsel has said in his few public remarks that this investigation is ongoing. If they were to add additional charges it could potentially impact the timeline of the former president s trial. We know they are keen, the prosecutors really want to bring that trial before a jury well before the 2024 election. Well see if theyre able to pull that off. Paula reid, thank you so much. Jim . We are waiting to hear from the white house after first Lady Jill Bidens positive test for covid. Were monitoring those remarks. Well bring you a live update. Plus one accused of war crimes, the other known to be a brutal dictator. Now u. S. Officials are learning that Vladimir Putin and kim jong un could be getting together for a key meeting. What they may be planning, just ahead. And a new update on the health of Senate Minority leader Mitch Mcconnell just hours before he is set to take the senate floor for the First Time Since his latest freezing episode. Well bring you the latest. Stay with cnn news central. Your Shipping Manager left to find themself. leaving you lost. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. Visit indeed. Com hire hi, im stacey, and ive lost 60 pounds on golo. guitar music i decided to try golo when i had an International Flight coming up and i realized i couldnt fly being the size that i was. My sisterinlaw tried golo and had lost 50 pounds, so i thought id give golo a try. I didnt expect the results i got on golo. I was hopeful, but i did not expect it to be like this. Golo just makes sense. This plan works. announcer change your life at golo. Com. Thats golo. Com. Right now get a free footlong at subway. Like the subway series menu. Buy one footlong in the app, get one free. For freeee. Thats what im talking about. Order in the subway app today. Today u. S. Officials are sounding the Alarm Warning that north Korean Leader kim jong un May Soon Travel To Russia to meet with the russian leader Vladimir Putin and that the two countries are, quote, actively advancing a potential arms deal. It comes as the u. S. And its allies have become increasingly concerned about a growing alliance between the two countries. According to the National Security council, russias Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu visited north korea himself in july to try to convince pyongyang to sell Artillery Ammunition to moscow. This follows word from the white house late last year that north korea has delivered Infantry Rockets and missiles into russia specifically for use by wagner forces. Cnn National Security correspondent kylie atwood is at the state department. I wonder whats the state departments view of this . Is this a view that russia needs north koreas Military Help right now in ukraine . Reporter thats precisely the view, jim. I think u. S. Officials are saying that this demonstrates really russias weakness, that they are having to go to north korea once again for Military Equipment that can be used on the battlefield in ukraine. And we should note as you were saying there there have been a number of efforts that have been unfolding over the last few months here that could lead to this potential meeting, this Potential Engagement between President Putin and kim jong un from north korea thats expected to take place in russia. First of all, we saw the Russian Defense minister visit north korea. That was just in july according to the nsc. That was an effort on his behalf to try and convince north korea to sell them munitions, ammunition to be used on the battlefield. Then we also saw another delegation of russian officials that followed up that trip and also went to north korea. And according to the nsc, there have also been letters that have been exchanged in recent months between President Putin and kim jong un talking about building on their bilateral relationship. So call of these events appear to be building towards what could potentially be this meeting between the two leaders. We dont know exactly when this is going to take place. Adrian watson, nsc spokesperson, said that u. S. Officials believe that kim jong un is expecting for a leaderlevel meeting. The New York Times is reporting that this could happen as soon as this month in vladivostok, which is in the far east in russia. That is a place where kim jong un has actually traveled by train in the past. Now, when it comes to this potential new Arms Agreement this is a twoway street, right . North korea is going to be is asked to give munitions, ammunition, multiple times of ammunitions to russia, also potentially Raw Materials for their Defense Industrial complex, and then also north korea is potentially going to be getting things from russia, advanced Technology Im told for things such as advanced satellites and nuclearpowered submarines. So u. S. Officials are concerned really about what both ends of this agreement could result in. Jim . Not unlike russia reaching out to iran for help and what iran demands in return. Kylie atwood at the state department, thanks very much. Brianna. Senate Minority Leader Mitch Mcconnell is set to deliver a speech on the senate floor, the first time that he is facing his colleagues since freezing publicly for the second time in two months. We have just received an update, pretty detailed, on mcconnells health. Were going to bring that to you. And the First Lady Testing Positive for covid again. President biden so far testing negative. We are awaiting the White House Press briefing for more. Just by switching. Ooooh, let me put a reminder on my phone. On the topop of the pile oh. Only pay for what you u need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. vo in two seconds, eric will realize man [laughs] vo theyre gonna need more space. Gotta sell the house. vo oh. Open houses or, skip the hassles and sell with confidence to opendoor. 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So she has remained in delaware where the first couple spent the weekend. As for president biden, he returned to the white house. Hes tested negative for covid both yesterday and today. He has shown no symptoms. Of course he is going to be attending a Medal Ceremony at the white house in the east room later today, honoring lieutenant larry taylor who Karine Jeanpierre was just speaking about. The president will be masking during that ceremony. Shes continuing to offer advice to americans over covid19, which has seen a recent resurgence, a small one but albeit a resurgence in the United States. Were going to keep monitoring the conversation from the white house. But first, another Major Development in russias war on ukraine. The cuban government says its uncovered a Human Trafficking network thats tricking cubans into fighting for russia in ukraine. The Cuban Foreign Ministry Says it is now working to, quote, neutralize and dismantle the Trafficking Network though no arrests have been reported. We want to discuss this and more with congressman carlos jimenez, a republican from florida. He serves on the House Armed Services and Homeland Security committees. Congressman, thanks so much for being with us today. So this would not be the first time, as you well know, that cubans have been recruited to fight at the behest of the kremlin. But did the response from the cuban government here condemning this surprise you . Well, yeah, a little bit. Because its the first time ive ever heard such a thing. But im a little bit cynical about it because theres also reports of the cuban government actually signed some kind of deal with the russian government to send cuban soldiers over to russia to fight in ukraine. And just like they did with or theyre doing with their doctors, theyre going to pocket about 80 to 90 of the money. Its like 2,000 a month per soldier. So that it helps, you know, the cuban government. And yeah, im a little bit cynical about the announcement. It is the first of its kind that ive ever heard of but i sincerely doubt that theyre sincere. So you doubt that there might be an opening for the United States to exploit what seems like a disagreement between the kremlin and havana . I dont think the u. S. Is going to have any space there to drive a wedge between the kremlin and havana at this point. Again, im very skeptical about the announcement, knowing that ive also heard reports that the cuban government actually signed a deal with the russian government to provide soldiers for ukraine. Were trying to get verification if cuban soldiers are already at the front line in ukraine. So on the question of russias desperation as many experts would read this situation, recruiting cubans to fight in ukraine, the National Security Council Spokesperson john kirby described this planned meeting, this reported planned meeting between Vladimir Putin and kim jong un as a sign of weakness on russias part. What does that tell you about where russia stands and its strategy in ukraine . Well, i think obviously that their strategy was to win the war in the first 48 hours to a week and now were well into the second year of this conflict and it appears that theyre losing ground, you know, as we speak to the ukrainian soldiers and Ukrainian Armed forces and so its not going well for russia. And so theyre going to need all the help from their allies, china, north korea, iran and now cuba, and so it doesnt surprise me that the russians are looking all over the place to try to find personnel to fight the war. I mean, they have issues now with the wagner group not being there, or theyre trying to incorporate that into the russian army. Maybe thats not going too well. And then now their arms production. Theyre probably going to need some munitions from north korea and other help from china and from iran even though china has said theyre not providing any kind of help they are in a sense because theyre buying russian energy. And that helps to fund the russian effort in ukraine. So what happens on the north korean end . Theyre looking to expand their satellite and submarine capability. How does making this deal with russia facilitate that . I think it does. Look, theyre allies. Theyre likeminded. They are enemies of the United States. And so the four main enemies of the United States are going to, you know, Work Together in whatever way they can to undermine u. S. Interests not only there in ukraine but u. S. Interests around the world. So it doesnt surprise me that he would venture to russia to sign some kind of a deal, get something in return, some technology that he may want. But the russians are in desperate need of munitions and maybe some other support that the north koreans can offer to the russian war effort. And congressman, the United States has already sanctioned three different entities tied to arms dealing between north korea and russia. Will more sanctions actually do anything . Does the United States have other options . One of the omgss the United States has and this administration apparently doesnt want to utilize is unleash American Energy production. If we can start tapping into our own energy production, especially in natural gas, we have maybe the largest natural gas reserves in the world, and start to exploit that, then we can start to weaken russias ability to conduct the war by weakening their economy. And i think thats what we need to do. We need to unleash American Energy so that we can undermine the russian efforts in ukraine by weakening the economy. So yeah, you can do that. You can issue more sanctions and maybe theyll be maybe theyll have, you know, greater effect. But i think the best effect is actually to hurt russia in the pocketbook so that it cant fund their effort. Because right now theyre looking for all the help they can around the world. Congressman carlos gimenez, thank you so much for the time. My pleasure. Of course. Brianna . Senate republican leader Mitch Mcconnells office has released an update on his health. And this is coming after two concerning incidents this summer where the 81yearold from kentucky froze up when he was in front of cameras. Today the capitol hill doctor said theres no evidence of stroke, no evidence of a Seizure Disorder or a Movement Disorder like parkinsons disease. Cnns manu raju is joining us now on this story. Manu, we expect to hear from mcconnell on the senate floor this afternoon. What more can you tell us . Yeah, we do expect to hear from him. Hell likely address the business of the senate and not talk about the Health Issues at play. Mcconnell has really not provided much detail. Up until this morning when his office did release that letter from the capitol hill physician Brian Monahan indicating that the leader had undergone several tests including mri tests, including other tests with his brain to see if there was anything wrong. It was determined theres no evidence of seizure, no evidence of stroke, no evidence of parkinsons disease, all of which had been concerns after the recent freezing episodes. The letter does not address exactly why Senator Mcconnell froze. His office had said the reason why those two incidents occurred was because he felt lightheaded. But its still unclear exactly what is causing that lightheadedness and why he froze for 30 seconds those two separate times. The leader did fall, of course, because in march, hit his head, had a concussion, broke several ribs, which has raised concerns about the 81yearold Republicans Health and whether he can stay atop the republican conference which he has led for the past 16 years, longer than any party leader in senate history. But mcconnell indicating putting out this letter today in part to ease those concerns and make clear they can continue on with the schedule as monahan, the capitol physician, said he could do. Manu raju live for us on capitol hill. Thank you. This is just in to cnn. United airlines is delaying all flights nationwide now due to what it calls an Equipment Outage. That is according to an alert from the federal aviation administration. Our pete muntean joins us now. Equipment outage. I know we dont have a lot of details now. But what would fall under that umbrella . This would have to be some sort of fixed infrastructure used by the airlines. This is not an faa outage. This is a united issue. So far, though, the numbers are relatively low when it comes to cancellations and delays. We just checked flight aware. About seven united flights have been canceled nationwide. 85 flights delayed. This was a ground stop requested by the airline according to this faa alert. Okay. Ground stop. The faa is saying thats all united flights . All united flights and its a request by the airline. In some cases ground stops are put in place by the faa. Theyre administered by the faa. In some cases the airline themselves can request a ground stop, essentially to be able to catch their breath. Understood. You say seven so far, thats what were aware of. But i imagine at any given moment if this is all united flights nationwide, that numbers quickly going to tick up into the hundreds i imagine. The good news at least right now is this is in the middle of the day when things are usually pretty quiet for an airline. Now, we know this comes the tuesday after labor day and we know the numbers were going to be relatively big when it comes to air travel today. Well see the impact here. We know this is in place until at least 2 00 p. M. On the east coast. Thats what the faa alert says. It could be extended. It could end earlier. Were working with not a lot of information that the faa has provided so far. Equipment outage in your experience, what kinds of things might go down . Usually this is something on a computer end. This may be Something Like a scheduling system. Were just speculating now. So we should caveat it. This may be Something Like the system to check in tickets. We have seen it in that case. Where it can be something so granular like, that the airline simply cant get on board the flight through the gate and onto the jetway. Well see. Were still waiting on a statement from united. This is developing by the moment. We have a little bit of information from the faa and so far weve just been able to piece this together from the publicly available alerts that are out there from the faas ground stop system. Okay. Obviously safety in any systemwide safety is number one. So if theres any issue that might affect safety theyll say listen, were going to err on the side of caution. Right. And pump the brakes. Were also seeing tweets saying captains on board flights are just explaining to passengers that this may be some sort of Computer Glitch. We still dont have the full scope or totality of this yet. Its coming up by the moment. Although a lot of people left in the lurch and people just essentially a ground stop means waiting on the tarmac before the flight can leave, being held at their departure airport. A lot of upset people. That is no fun. The uncertaintys no fun. Stand by, pete, because mary schiavo is joining us now. Cnn transportation analyst. Spent a number of years analyzing issues with airlines. First of all, in your experience have you seen an Equipment Outage like this that has led an airline to stop all its flights nationwide for the time being . Yes, we have. We have seen this with other airlines. Several other airlines. And its happened many times just in the last two to three years that weve had this full ground stop. And youre correct. It is almost always a problem of equipment and oh, and by the way, the faa caused a couple of them itself. It has usually been when theres been work on the system and they brought in new software and it didnt mesh up. Weve seen this several times before with several other airlines. I see. So your best guess and again, folks, if youre just joining us, our understanding is United Airlines is now delaying all flights nationwide due to what the faa is identifying as Equipment Outage. We have pete muntean, our transportation correspondent, but also mary schiavo whos worked in this space for a long time. In your experience and again with the pro vooiz proviso wer with limited information, your attention would be focused on a computerlike issue. I would. Id also look at whats been done recently to the computers. I wouldnt necessarily assume its some sort of a hack attack. I would look to see if there had been any work done on the computers upgrading, updating, things of that nature first. Because often in the past thats what weve seen. Weve seen where theres been some work done on the programs and that hasnt lined up with some of the software codes. But of course, you know, everybodys under a hack attack these days. So you cant rule that out. But my first effort would be to look to see whats going on with the system and whats going on with the computers because a lot of them are very old. Understood. Were going to go back to our pete muntean because i understand you just received a statement from United Airlines. This is from United Spokesperson leslie scott. Woot were experiencing a systemwide Technology Issue holding all aircraft at their departure airports. Flights that are already airborne are continuing to their destination as planned. Were currently investigating and will share more information as it becomes available. Key word in there technology. Yes, key word is technology. So this is a Back End Issue that united is having. Theyre not being very specific here about what exactly what that is although its something clearly large enough to make it so that planes cannot leave the airport that they have to stay on the ramp and passengers may be boarded in some cases and of course a lot of people will be frustrated here but they just simply have to work this out right now. But at least united is being specific enough to tell us this is a technology thing. Obviously we dont know if this like you mentioned this was some sort of hack, some sort of Computer Glitch beyond the norm. Well see here as this keeps im sorry, the phrase is systemwide technology . Systemwide Technology Issue. Understood. Mary schiavo, systemwide Technology Issue, what are the possible explanations for that . Again, i think it still comes down to a problem with the computer software. Or or as i say you cant ever rule out a hack attack but we have seen this systemwide outage and it comes down to some sort of computer problem, often when there has been work done on the computers, and even the faa itself has had a Problem Interfacing with the airline. So my first thought would be a Computer Issue with making sure that things are working. However, several airlines have been under criticism for scheduling, for having enough people at work to do the job, et cetera. And that all computers as well. No question. Well, weve had that happen at home. When you upgrade your system sometimes the system goes down. Pete muntean, mary schiavo, please stand by with us. We do continue to follow the breaking news, that is that United Airlines so far delaying all flights or ground stop i should say for all flights nationwide due to equipment outball. We will continue to follow the story bring you updates as we have them. Do stay with cnn. It supports 7 brain health indicators, including Mental Alertness from one serving. To help p keep me sharp. Try new neuriva ultra. Thinink bigger. Its easy to get lost in investment research. Introducing j. P. Morgan personal advisors. Hey david. Connect with an advisor to create your personalized plan. Lets find the right investments for your goals okay, great. J. P. Morgan wealth management. [narrator] Stimulant Use disorder is a disease, not a choice, but getting help and finding treatment for your meth or Cocaine Addiction is up to you. Treatment for Stimulant Use disorder is often covered through medical, medicare, and many private insurance plans. Choose change california. Find proven Treatment Options like Contingency Management that are right for you at choosechangeca. Org. gentle music the maker of popular Weight Loss Drugs wegovy and ozempic sb now europes most valuable company. Novo nordisk has dethroned luxury goods giant lvmh which boasts brands like Louis Vuitton and tiffanys. Sales of wegovy and ozempic have skyrocketed in recent months. And listen to this. The companys ceo says it could take years, years to catch up to the current demand. Cnn medical correspondent meg tirrell joins us now. So meg, you spoke with the ceo. What did he share with you . We did, boris. You know, these short ngz of wegovy have been going on for a few months. We expected maybe they would go on for a few months longer. But in this conversation he noted they just havent been able to make enough to satisfy the massive demand theyre seeing for these medicines. Heres what he told us. I think youve limited some of the starter doses for patients trying to begin the medicine so that you can supply patients who are already on the medicine at the higher doses. How long do you expect that to have to continue . Yeah, we decided to limit those higher doses because its really important that patients who Start On Treatment can titrate up to the maintenance doses. When will this stop . Well, if i knew how big the demand would end up being i could tell you. But i have the sense it could actually take quite some years before we fulfill the demand out there. Theres more than 100 million americans living with a bmi of above 30 and many of those would like to be on treatment. We are just scratching the surface. And boris, he said they are running their plants 24 7. Theyre investing up to 4 billion a year to try to expand their manufacturing capacity. And theyre not alone. Eli lilly makes a similar medicine. It too is trying to expand its capacity. The demand out there for these medicines is just staggering. They are trying to keep up. Boris . Just scratching the surface, as he said. Meg tirrell, thanks so much for the reporting. Brianna . The spanish womens soccer team coach is out. As the scandals surrounding the teams leadership grow and the new coach who was Just Announced is making history. Well have details next. Your record label is taking off. But so is your sound engineer. You need to hire. I need indeed. Indeed you do. Indeed instant Match Itantly delivers quality candidates matching your job descption. Visit indeed. Com hire right now get a free footlong at subway. Like the subway series menu. Buy one footlong in the app, get one free. For freeee. Thats what im talking about. Order in the subway app today. And mines unlisted. Try boost® high protein with 20 grams of protein for Muscle Health versus 16 grams in ensure® high protein. Boost® high protein. Now available in cinnabon® bakeryinspired flavor. Learn more at boost. Com tv nice footwork. Man, youre lucky, watching live sports never used to be this easy. Now you can stream all your games like its nothing. Yes [ cheers ] yeah woho running up and down that field looks tough. Its a pitch. Get way more into what youre into when you stream on the xfinity 10g network. Just two weeks after spains soccer team won the world cup, the coach of that team has now been fired. Today the Spanish Football Federation announced the stunning news that the head coach has been dismissed. His departure comes as the federation is under heavy fire for what happened during the championship celebration in sydney. Spanish football president Rubialis The Star player and kissed her on the mouth without her consent, she says. He has been suspended. In the meantime spains Football Federation named its first ever woman as National Team head coach to replace him. Chris is an mls commentator for apple tv. Thanks for being with us. Are you surprised by this firing . Im surprised in the manner in which all of this has come about, right . Because i think he would still be in the job if not for what happened to rubialis on what he did on that stage in sydney because he had just won the world cup. The president announced in his im not leaving Wolf Of Wall Street speech that he was going to give him a fouryear extension. It is the circumstances he has come about this and the fact he applauded rubialis when he gave that speech and really the fact that he has now won the world cup and ended up damaging his reputation. It is not like he didnt have controversy before the rubialis stuff, right . There were 15 members of the womens team that said they would no longer play for the team unless there are changes made to the Coaching Staff. So he is fired amid this controversy. Why isnt rubialis also fired . So he has not yet been fired, but i think thats going through the process now. My presumption is it is a lot easier to get rid of the position of manager than it is no get rid of the position of president. Obviously, rubialis is fighting this to his last ability to do so. So i do think the board of the Spanish Football Federation and all the major stakeholders do want rid of him. But presumably that process is only unfolding and cant happen one day to the next where you wake up one morning and decide im going to fire him. Talk to us about tome, who has been named as the new womens National Team coach. She will be the countrys first woman to hold this position. I know shes been a player, but shes also been part of the Coaching Staff. How does that work . Its not exactly like she isnt now attached to this coaching regime. I will say in her defense and the defense of that Coaching Staff, they all resigned immediately before Louis Rubialis Big Press Conference he gave and all distanced themselves. There is a certain amount of, well, you stuck around through the entire process and you didnt give up your job in order to fight on behalf of some principal. But i think the fact she was on the Coaching Staff presumably keeping better relations with the players does give her a step forward. I do think it had to have been some kind of signal of intent to make this decision to say were going in a completely different direction. Were going to hire a woman to be in charge, and she now has the job of being in some ways a symbol and in some ways driving home an entire message on behalf of a entire Football Station because most often she will be doing the press conferences. She has a big diplomatic job as well as taking on the role of coaching. I know a lot of this is overshadowing this, but they had an amazing performance. I dont want that to get lost. Chris whittingham, the fanciest of fancy lads, what do the kids say . If you know you know. We appreciate you talking about this with us today. Thank you. Jim . This just in to cnn. That is an update on the United Airlines ground stop. The faa has issued an announcement, an update saying it has lifted the ground stop which had affected all united flights nationwide as we reported a short time ago due to an Equipment Outage, according to an alert from the faa. The ground stop had been lifted. It had been affecting all flights nationwide. We will continue to stay on top of that story and bring you further updates as we have t th. And well be right back. Thank yoyou. When you walk up to the counter at the pharmacy and you have a new prescription, you dont know what its gonna cost. Thats why i always recommend you check the singlecare app beforeou go to the counter. 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