By Meg Ellefson
May 25, 2021 | 1:06 PM
The Diversity Affairs Commission of the Marathon County Board has received a significant amount of attention from citizens for their very divisive âCommunity for Allâ Resolution which resulted in an insulting and one-sided hit piece by the
New York Times attacking the hardworking and wonderful citizens of Marathon County.
Today, on the WSAU Wisconsin Morning News, I read a fantastic letter submitted by a listener which was written to Yee Xiong, Chair of the Diversity Affairs Commission of the Marathon County Board. Because I have received so many requests, I am making it available to read and share below. Itâs unfortunate that Mr. Xiong wasnât able to persuade the members of the Diversity Affairs Commission to support the compromise resolution that was discussed at length with community members who politely and very respectfully met with the Commission prior to the recent Executive Committee meeting. This resolution was much more inclusive of ALL in the community and would have received significant and widespread support among our citizens. This fact was omitted in the