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Yesterday, saying that peoples lives are being destroyed by mere allegations want to get to your calls. 202 7488001, our line for republicans. 202 7488000 if you are a democrat. For independentss, 202 7488002. Send us a tweet cspanwj. Also on facebook at facebook. Com cspan. Good sunday morning. Let me begin with the president s tweet. This is what he wrote peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true, and some are false. Some are old, and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as due process . The Associated Press has this story, the west wing rattled, the president casting doubt on his aides exit. You can find it on ap. Com. Heading to the tumbled that has splintered the staff and imperiled his chief of staff, john kellys, hold on the position. Denials ofd his own sexual and propriety on the face of accusations from more than a dozen women. His response also reflected his growing discontent with kelly, one tailed for bringing apprised of at least some of the accusations about the staff sector at least four times. From friday, here is the president. [video clip] we wish him well. He worked very hard. Found out about it recently, and i was surprised by it. But we certainly wish him well. It is an obviously tough time for him. He did a very good job when he was in the white house. We hope he has a wonderful career. Hopefully, he will have a great career ahead of him. We it was very said, when heard about it. Certainly, he is also very sad. As you probably know, says he is and is in. I think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday that he is innocent. So you will have to talk to him about that. But we absolutely wish him well. Did a very good job when he was at the white house. Host lets get to your phone calls. Michael, new kensington, or public in line. Caller thank you for taking my call. Thank you for cspan. It is a terrific venue. I am concerned about these allegations that are cropping up right and left in these resignations that follow immediately. I think there are so many reasons that they do. Sometimes, they are protecting the people they are working for, ofy are protecting the job the president is trying to do. Sometimes, they just do not want to be dragged through the mud. But we still have to remember that there is a rule of law, and we are innocent until Proven Guilty. If we are not going to follow that line of reasoning, then we might as well just throw out the book. The president is right about due process. Whether you are republican or democrat, it does not matter. As americans, we expect due process of law. This is horrible. Even the allegations against him , i am sure it is not just because he is republican. But it did not seem right that it was funny that he took the picture that showed his wife with a black eye host rob porter . Caller yeah. That seemed very strange, but he knowingcture with everhis wife said, if this happens again, i am going to use this. It did not happen again, but she still used it. I think that was the first time i do not know what other allegations there are host there are allegations from both of his wives and former girlfriend. Beler there seems to allegations once one pops up, another pops up. I know were supposed to believe all women, and were not supposed to believe any men. That is not right either. That is ridiculous, sexist type of agreement. There are men that are innocent and women that are innocent host we have to move on. Thank you for the call. On the democrat line, gloria. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you so much for cspan. We are really grateful for your commentary and also for the program, so thank you so much for that. On, ibuse situation going think that donald trump goes along with it, because he has so many issues concerning women in the past and his of these of women in the past. If you are an abuser and you have nothing to hide, my understanding is that this guy could not even get a security clearance. He could not get a security clearance because of his past of easel abusive behavior. We have to open our eyes. I understand that being accused of something does not mean that you are guilty of it here however, if we are to make sure that the people in government are people of good standing, we got to make sure that there is in the allegations there past. I truly do not understand it. Well, i really do understand it, because the president we have in office and his background, because he relates to people like this i just think we have to do better. We really have to do better. Thank you so much for the opportunity to speak. Host thank you for the call. This is from david Donald Trumps political brand was created by raising unfounded accusations every day. He has got some nerve to this from wonder woman the real story is the lack of the white house hiring people without a thorough background check and who could actually be clear to receive a security clearance. The story trump believes the men. The president has consistently responded to the allegations of assault or abuse against women by xmas and sympathy for the men being accused. Is there no such thing as due process, he tweeted saturday. The story available on politic o. Com. Joseph is next, independent line. Caller good morning. I want to get right on topic, but before i do, and the last few weeks, i have heard people call in i am an independent. I have watched this show too many years to cap. I think you have taken underserved criticism and washington journal has taken underserved criticism about partiality. I am talking about political partiality. I have never seen it. It is not there. People onrd a lot of this show, and typically sunday mornings that is you and there is a job in the depomed giveding to ever decide to ifin the diplomatic corps you ever decide to give up this job. By the way, did you ever go home during the shutdown . Anyway, here is the problem. We live in an age of high speed communication. Back in the 19 since it 1950s and 1960s, it took at least that nights news and the next morning for things to wash out and take a different tone. But now, everyone knows right away what is going on. Both sides are guilty. I hate to say both sides it is like we are war. I think they should be more sides involved. But if there is an allegation a democrat, fox says something. A republican,st cnn or msnbc picks up on it. They feel obligated to report it is an allegation, they are reporting the truth as far as someone is saying something, so there is an absence of malice. But there is a problem there. It is related to highspeed communications. I wish people would give more time for things to wash out. And this goes back to the alabama elections. Roy moore there was men datingen and young girls in the south can Tennessee Williams right a better play . No. It was amazing. And Voter Sentiment is changing. I had republicans say i will not go into that photo booth anymore, holding my nose, and voting for the lesser of two evils. If there is even close to an allegation that you had an affair with a girl, you better drop out of the race right now. Host thank you. This is from harry, who said donald trump had 19 women accuse him, and he now sits in the white house, and if you wants due process, lets give him due process on every one of those 19 women. From experience, when the man you thought new hits you, that is earth shattering. This from another viewer why do these exwives wait one year to come forward . Saying isn viewer, t the muir investigation due process . Trump has no respect for due process when it concerns him. There arehim lots of folks in washington who the trumpling in presidency trying to me the best of the trump presidency. He might the impersonal disaster , they reason, but we can still get some decent policies passed. Second, everyone knows that trump demands loyalty. Third, so even when he does, publiclyey would condemn in any other president , politician, or public figure, they will often largely stay quiet. Sometimes, they will even grant sex mulligans for praise crass and rude comments. It is time to stop enabling dysfunction for the chance at influence. This from david french at the nationalreview. Com. Caller i want to make a statement. Had as manyen rights as they do now. Stepping downguys know what they did. That is why they are stepping down. So their dirty laundry will not come out in the wash. He got really bad judgment. He if it was obama or clinton or anybody else doing the same thing, they would be on top of this, so there are no different it is not the president , it is the person. This week has security clearances take up to 18 months to accomplish. Background checks look for hard evidence, not allegations. This from richard play the access hollywood tape. Viewers forget . Again, the tweet from the president peoples lives are being destroyed by mere allegations. Some are true, and some are false. Are old, and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accused life and career are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as due process . On the republican line, nikki is next. Caller thank you for taking my call. Originally, when donald trump announced he was going to run for president , i think nobody who listens to washington journal is going to come out in support of him. I was surprised. We will put that aside he had as a republican, i am and there is to our christian beliefs . What do we learn on sundays when we go to church . All ofave to overlook these things done by donald trump because we have a Supreme Court nominee to our liking . What about that . Has abortion been overturned for us republicans . Who was the second person that brian lamb interviewed when q a started roger ailes. What it brian lamb ask him about any sexual allegations against oreilly . This goes back over 10 years ago. What did roger ailes do . All these years, they have put it under the carpet, protected him. Old allegations pay these are true facts. If this person porter came out and said, you know what, i have anger management issues, i these things no, are false or the same thing donald trump projects. And who is bringing these allegations out . The wall street journal says the president s lawyer paid under 60,000 to a porn start to hush up. Is the murdoch family. The washy journal is the bastion of republicans, and they are bringing these allegations against the president and the men around him. What happened to republicans . Host thank you. Rob porter photograph from the white house role in the west wing of the administration. This from a viewer see it cspan democrat. I feel sorry for rob porter. Sexual public communication heard so much more than being punched in the face or strangled. Two aids nowhat resigning over past allegations. The second the president s speechwriter, who resigned last week. John doerr is john joins us from oregon. Caller i want to make comments about due process. For mr. Porter, where charges ever brought . Host it all came about because of the background checks. That is how this was revealed. There had been some that is how the story broke. Caller ok. The other thing for me is a comment to me, it seems like on lack of proper vetting the Trump Administration it self. To me, that portrays the lack of the ability to govern. That is one big thing the lack of the ability to govern. Host thanks for the call. A photograph of his first wife, punched in the eye. , asas taken by rob porter the earlier caller indicated. We are getting your comments about the president s tweet yesterday. Peggy from washington, republican line. Good morning. Caller hi. I have been listening to the calls come in and how horrible everyone is saying our president is. President i wonder how long it took the fbi to do these background checks, and when the fbi finally did the background checks, how fast did tell he ask this guy to leave . Do you know the answer to that . Are still a lot of questions. We know based on reporting this morning that don mcgann, the white House Counsel, first heard about this in january of 2017, so early in the Trump Administration. And we are told chief of staff kelly got full indication of exactly what happened midweek last week, although he indicated there was a delay in his background checks. Caller so we understand that there was a possibility that they did not know that about this Domestic Violence until understood what was going on, and then he fired the gun . Host he fired the guy, or he resigned. Caller so he probably did what he should have done when he found out . Host as far as we know. But there are a lot of questions about the white house chief of staff. Caller there are a lot of questions about why it has taken so long to get these people in there are the fbi not doing their screening stuff. Wonder whynd of people are so angry with the president when he is trying his darndest, and everybody throws stuff at him constantly. I think he has done a lot more for us than people have given credit. Host you said you were the victim of abuse. What happened, if you could share it with us . Husbandwhoad a beat me. I did not tell anyone about it for a long time but cause because i was ashamed. He was walking around, charming, and everyone loved him. He was like jekyll and hyde. Host are you still married . Caller no. He left long scars on me. Not say how women do things. I see how sometimes men hide things when they do not think they are doing anything wrong. But you cannot blame the president for everything. Host what do you think about his tweet . Do you think he is defending the men more than the women . Caller i do not think he is saying either thing. He is saying we have lost due process and the whole facility here. When you think about it, we are now accusing men of Sexual Assault, domestic assault, saying something, doing something 20 years ago, and then it is coming out. The due process is not happening. They are getting their lives messed up completely until we know what is going on. Tweeting the following would he or she be believable if your daughter son mother best friend work friend . All of these victims are the things and more to somebody. They deserve the same benefit of that. The sunday paper bottom line, you do not keep people in the white house who have been credibly accused of Domestic Abuse. I would be the first to argue that an allegation does not necessarily constitute guilt, and there has been no adjudication of these charges. But there are some reasons for security checks, and rob porter did not qualify. David is joining us, our line for independents from sacramento. Good morning. Caller good morning. I would agree with what the president tweeted. I thought it was a reasonable statement. I do not think it was simply a defense of men in general. In that sweet, he said some of these allegations are true, some are false. The important thing is the process to determine innocence before destroying peoples lives. Host this the headline from the Washington Post. Trump calls for due process in of these cases. James is joining us from kansas, republican line. Caller good morning. I want to add a spin to this. Biblically, the book of proverbs speaks of provoking, and the tongue is the most deadliest weapon. , as a man, am not defending men. And i am not defending the woman. But until we can get back to biblical portion, nation, as our a ,orefathers, until we get back a tongue is the most deadliest weapon. In a marriage which i am about theith my fiancee tongue, when she provokes me, it is anger. We are to respect husbands. That is the first thing we learn in our marriage vows. To respect our husbands. So i would ask that we get back to the biblical portion of our lives in america. If we are to become a great nation. Thank you. Host Richard Rogers trump, the original birther, makes him a chronic pathological liar. Send us a tweet at cspanwj. In the New York Times, this photo of rob porter and Sarah Huckabee sanders. The sighting near allegation, trump appears to doubt the metoo movement. Jimmy is joining us, democrat line. Caller maybe this is just the spin on it, but i was wondering what happens if you are interested in somebody and you approach her, and she does not like you, or whatever the case may be, and all of a sudden, are you harassing . They are taking the chase away from it. Some women may want to be asked out more than once. Is that Sexual Harassment . Maybe i am off course with this. I am just thinking host dont you think most people know where the line is crossed . Caller yeah, but if the lady likes you, if she is interested in you, maybe she will not say you cross the line. In this case these are allegations by his two former wives. There is the issue of beating, wifel abuse, punching one in the face, pulling one wife out of the shower naked, slapping her clearly, there is a difference. Caller clearly. But all of those things for example, you have a new job and meet a woman at water fountain, and you see she does not have a wedding ring. To know herke better, and he ask her something, and she is not interested, and she goes to the boss and say he is harassing me. What i guess what i am trying to say is some woman prefer i will not give you the information unless he asked more than once. Host this from maureen. Insidehows us the way, todays New York Times. Thank you for reminding us who we are. This is an excerpt of what maureen dowd was writing about we will get to that in a moment. Let me get to robert, independent line, hayward, georgia. Caller is that me . Host yes. Caller to related items are the you does in hollywood not meet in a hotel room for anything business oriented. And washington, we need a Supreme Court, lifetime appointed group of people. Some women, i hope. That would oversee the congress thesee senate and all of appointed people, including fbi agents, cia people, and stuff like that. Ethics court. And so these grievances can be heard. And powerful people can be thrown out of office. I heard of senators with boys, interns people would not go in the elevator with some of the senators. So we need a Supreme Court of ethics. With enforcement capability. Generals, people like that, can be thrown out of office. Thank you. This is the maureen dowd column. Let me read you and i said of what she is writing. Thanks to our barmy president and his staff meltdown, we are finding out fast who we are and who we do not want to be. We do not want to be we do not want to countenance of these of behavior. We certainly do not want men like rob porter who have punched, kicked, choked, and terrorized their wives to be in the president s inner circle, helping decide which policies, including those affect women, get emphasized. Do not want the white house chief of staff to be the person who shields in defense of users and then dissembled about it is ay because the abuser rare, competent staffer. We do not want a president who treats the hollowed houseware Abraham Lincoln once wrote the nations mostly for texts as the set of a cheesy reality show. We do not want a president who treats the presidency as just another personal business Family Employment program. We do not want a president who glides through the chaos he craves while everyone around him shivers. Toledo. Linda in one more time for linda . Thatr the time period general kelly was not acting on allegations about that gentleman, he did not have clear information, so he did not do anything. But as soon as he did know something credible, he acted in a very short period of time. Minutes after40 he saw that picture of the women. Told him to clear out. The fbi ising supposed to be clearing people for those jobs. Feetmay be dragging their because they are not in agreement with the president , so they may not be doing things as fast as they could be. Thank you. Host this is a tweet from lizzy. Did you just listen to steve what guy there, but is not am telling you about the reporting of what happened to this from robert trump and the republicans did not gave hillary due process with their false allegations. Next is kathleen from maryland, democrat line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. I want to say i think people are missing the point. Having a security clearance is not a right. It is a privilege. That is what makes the people who work in the white house so special. They are very difficult to get. If the fbi found out in kellyber and told general that they had this information, which i am sure they did, and that he was not going to get a security clearance, that is when should have been fired. I do not understand the coverage elation and why we want people anywhere near the information and the top secret documentation that goes through the white house not to have a security clearance, which i believe i heard a report there were upwards of 40 people in the white house right now without a security clearance, nor the ability to get one. I think this is more of his war on the Intelligence Community that it is so much not believing women. Host this is from my lindbergh myland burke. At least were more did not quit. Rob porter did. Wonder why . And this from risk trump and kelly deserve each other. John, our line for independents from baltimore. Good morning. Caller good morning. I want to say, that last caller, everything she said is 100 correct the lets go to the facts. The fbi did not give him a clearance. That was a sign that he did not need to be in the white house. Then, don mcgann, he was told about these allegations. He was told then porter had a protective order taken out against him. We are living in an alternate reality. Will givep supporters trump a pass on anything. How can you be that delusional . The fbi forlaming not doing their jobs, blame the women who were abused. I am really scared that our country is about to no longer exist because trump gets a pass on everything. He is turning the white house into the kremlin house. That is way should be called. The kremlin house. Long story short, rob porter should not be there. Kelly should have gotten rid of him asap. Like the previous caller said, there are about 40 people without a security clearance. That means our enemies can come at these people pretty much through blackmail, because they have something in their past and do not have a clearance. Stop blaming the fbi. They did their job. Stop blaming the victims. Trump and kelly, they are all garbage. They are trying to turn it into the kremlin house. You are just tuning in or are listening on cspan radio, every sunday, this program is carried on serious sirius xm. And we welcome our viewers on bbcs parliament channel. We are talking about the president s tweet yesterday lives shattered by a mere allegation. Our next caller, tim from the republican line. Are you with us . Go ahead. Was robmy question porter ever charged or convicted for what they are saying he was . Or is this just another typical . Emocrat hyping in this country, we do have the right of due process. Now, the f ei it does take time for a for security clearances to get through. Were they dragging their feet . We do not know. But things take time, especially when we have a lot of people. But to lose these people in office with mere allegations, when we are a country of laws and due process, where are we at . Ohio, karen has this tweet as a victim of Domestic Violence, i can sympathize with women who keep it quiet, stay with their abusers long after they should have left, and maybe, at some point, many years later, decide to talk about it. On the democrat line, moses is joining us from detroit. Caller good morning, sir. I do not like to call them the president , because this man is the end of the world. Even if you have a banker that lies as much as he does, they say what his lawyers talk to him, two of them have to talk to him to cover his lies to make sure he is not lying. The republicans i cannot even their earsears are closed. This man is the end of the world, because he lies. Lie after lie. Its a shame that the white somebody affiliated with so many russians. Pathetic. Host thank you. Stella has this the maryland caller repeated the same bs three times. The editor at large for cnn, formerly with the Washington Post has this essay donald trump believes the men always unless they are democrats. He writes if there has been one consistent thing about donald trump since he emerged as a president ial candidate, it is this when women accuse men of of sexualult or assault or Domestic Abuse, trump sides of the men. When the man is a political opponent, trump has no problem taking their side. This is not some private citizen we are talking about. Is the president of the United States. Which means what he says about allegations of Sexual Assault and Domestic Abuse matter much, much more. And why what he chooses to say and not say is all the more disappointing. It is very good these women are coming forward, but there is worse sexual abuse, which is sext trafficking, where young sex trafficking, where young girls and adult women are trapped in it. I have been given to world vision 40 a month to stop theres a name. Sexually exploited girls. A home, if they can find a home for them. Or put them back with their parents, if the parents are not complicit. They give them food and clothing in the meantime, and shelters, and take good care of them. I think if people could get on the internet and find world vision and get their number and give to it, i think its very good. And it would help a more serious problem. Host thank you for the copy of this from another viewer, saying rob porter is a classic control freak. Very orderly at work, but eventually, they explode. This from jim. Wow, a caller on washington journal claiming trump is a liar so rare. Next, mary. Caller good morning. As a democrat, i was appalled why anyone did not raise questions when they were willing to put a sexual abuser back into the white house. And a woman who surrounds herself with sexual abusers, weiner,nstein, anthony her staff leader, and her husband. Why isnt anyone questioning that . And this as a democrat, who is disgusted with this kind of stuff. Host thank you. Tampa bay times says senator wants a probe into the Palm Beach Property that trump sold to a russian. Informationesting requesting a government review of Donald Trumps sale of a russianch estate to oligarch, a 95 million transaction that was double what trump paid for the property years earlier. On our line for independents, dave is joining us from south dakota. Caller good morning. I am calling about the women coming forward. Them. Ower to i also truly believe in the law of the United States you are innocent until Proven Guilty. I have been through this a couple of times myself, where i have been accused and have had to prove myself innocent. It is not a very fun thing to be in. If the guy is guilty, he will be found guilty in the court of law. That is the way it should be. He is not guilty until Proven Guilty by a jury of his peers. Rump sticking up, saying there is some false and some true, he is just looking at the law of the land. Innocent until Proven Guilty. I do not doubt the women, but i know i have been in a situation where the women were making up stories. It is no fun to be on that side of it. That side of the law. That is all i got to say about that. Host this is from karen, who says near allegations . This from the man who led the chant lock her up. Joining us from connecticut. Welcome to the conversation. Caller i want to start by saying it is never all right to punch a woman he had never all right to be violent against anybody. But i would say that if your mom or dad was dying in the hospital and needed brain surgery, would you care if that rain surgeon saved their life or health, would you care if they had done Something Like that in their personal life . I would suggest probably not. You have to just take things as they are and use your brain with it. Things are not perfect in this world. Ont let me cut one issue the table it came up in the discussion after the story surfaced. That is the issue of, potentially, blackmail. If people have this information, you are in a government position, and you could potentially be the subject of blackmail . Caller i guess that is possible, but can you imagine . People can be blackmailed for just about anything. Could you imagine they probably have internet histories of these people. Can you imagine what people can get blackmailed for from their internet histories . I do not know. That is not the kind of thing what can they blackmail him for . Think something to trump that he will sign, and he will get away with without . With that . Host how old are your children, by the way . We can hear them . Caller 1, 3, and 5. Host they are up early. Caller i got them watching washington journal. Host thank you for the call to the guardian writing trump appears to issue new defense of aide accused of Domestic Abuse. Writing trump has long been skeptical of women claiming abuse by men. He endorsed republican roy moore for the senate in 2017, despite credible statements that the republican hopeful sexually assaulted under nate underage girls, noting that moore denis it. Denies it. Trump has also pushed back on at least 19 allegations of Sexual Misconduct against him by saying that the accusers are all liars. However, trump has also been more comfortable making allegations about others. He led the charge against the central park five, five africanamerican teenagers wrongly convicted of late, running advertisements and flying they should be executed. Caller good morning. Thank you for cspan. I think trump is reminding everyone that we have the rule of law in this country. You have to go through the process before people can convict you. I think the democrats, pretty much, have trumped this thing up excuse the pun because they hate the man and want to destroy this administration. But the democrats do not understand that the American People are sick of their charades with obama and his minions. Ump wants this contry country back on track again. Host guest host this viewer saying there are pictures of abuse. Get your head out of the sand. On our democrat line, from michigan, gene. Caller i just wonder what happened to the requirement for security clearance. When i was in the military in the 1950s, i filled out dod fo rm 398, background check. Tickets whenaffic i was 18, and i got in a fight with a bunch of kids, and it was disorderly conduct. My application was rejected at the first step of about 10 steps it goes before they go to a background check. At that time, they went back to 1941. Something is wrong that these people are getting clearances and going on the job and going through five or six different agencies before they are rejected. The rules are relaxed in the last couple of years too much. Or the last one year, really. The thingsow why that happen, they find out a year after they have been on the job, which should have been found out in the first six to eight weeks in their application for the security clearance. Host thank you. Cq weekly, spin city. The trump will win hits the lobbying industry, says the story. Betsy devos makes her remarks as education secretary. From bloomberg is this week, how did your first day go, jay . After jeromearket powell took over after janet Powell Janet Yellen step down as fed chair. We are getting your comments about the president s tweet yesterday. Gerald from harold from florida, youre a next next. Caller there are many republicans have said what i was going to say, which is before we take somebodys future and job or something, we have to go through a process. Other people have said you , becauseerybody out everybody has a past. It is hard to say, especially after going through barack obama, who could not even release any of his past records, much less his college records, because of things in his past. I feel sorry for the women who had to go through this, who have been married to this man, if it was true. It is a deplorable situation all the way around. Thank you. Is joining us from north carolina, independent line. Good morning. You are on the air. Want to put this most women will not call the police after there has been has been beating on her. It takes a little time. She is probably in shock. She is scared. She does not know what happened. And she does not want to call the police on her husband. I do not even think people are realizing that it just takes time for women for people to understand what a woman is going through. You are still looking at the man. And the woman is still protecting her husband. It is just crazy. We are still talking about the man. Why do they not ask the woman what happened instead of keep focusing on the gentleman . Host thank you for the call. This is from robert lets take your question further. If the fbi has amassed so much information as to blackmail politicians and intimidate president s . Breaking news right now from russia. Ears to be a horrific plane crash. Passengers,ast 62 it crashed after disappearing from the radar. There were six crewmembers members on board. One source said the village came down in a village outside of moscow. Emergency service saying no chance anyone could have survived. This story broke just a short while ago. Six at two passengers and reportedly six crew members. We will keep you uptodate. Back to your calls on the president and his tweet yesterday. Lorraine is joining us from new york. Caller good morning. I think i am approaching this simplest ugly, but as far as domestic approaching this simplest thickly simplistically, but as far as Domestic Abuse, i have been abused. My husband had a short temper. No one should be abused or there are women who hit men. There are people who had their parents. Is in do not understand our country, i thought before you could even walk in the white house, as an employee, that you had to have background checks. They know whether you have committed crimes. They know everything. If this mant beat his wife along time ago and has been rehabilitated, that is one thing. But if you still beating women, that could affect the way he makes decisions pay the other thing is they are lumping sexualharassment. No man or woman should sexualharassment a person because they have control to give them a job or anything. That goes without saying. But these women not all some that were allowing it to be kept secret, because they wanted a part in the movie and then come forward 20 years later. A general thing. There are so many specifics. So it bothers me when they say Sexual Harassment. What about these women there used to call something in the casting couch years ago, where women knew what they had to do to get the part. If any woman did that and is not coming forth 20 or 30 years later, i think that is wrong. On the other hand, when women have been downtrodden they are afraid, because they are afraid of being made the perpetrator instead of the victim. Cops. S why you call the with my husband, i thought we could work it out. You do not call right away. Women think they do not deserve better, so they take it. The point i am making is there are so many specifics. When we lump all of these topics into one bundle, it does not tell the whole story. Host cbs news has the headline the president praising rob resignedhe aide who after spousal abuse allegations pay the New York Times saying as after spousal abuse allegations. Bruce is joining us from california. Good morning. Will go on to nes joining us from philadelphias. Caller good morning. There was a comment on the situation in the United States i love the United States. I love all americans. We have to realize that when the truth is the truth, we cannot disguise it. We must represent what is right in america. And when things are wrong, we are one Political Party and another Political Party. Lies are lies. Bad behaviors are bad behaviors. If we want this country to be the beautiful country with we wish it should be, we should all Work Together and not disregard the truth. The truth is what makes us proud americans. What is going on now is making us disgraceful as americans. We cannot disregard of these lies that are being represented in the white house and for all ande people be complicit abiding and helping spread these lies. Let the truth combat come back and make the United States the beautiful country we so want it to be. I will not criticize the republicans, but they half to stop enabling him. And please bring america to be a beautiful country again. Film help us clean this filth in the white house. Karen huckabee who began a new career, writing Opinion Pieces in the Washington Post. Youre at it,e try doing anything for eight hours in four inch heels. Above that, a photo of representative nancy pelosi. The longest history the longest speech in the history of the house of representatives. Her focus in that speech, the daca program. The Senate Taking that up this week. Diana from college park, maryland, good morning. Caller good morning. How are you . Host fine. Thank you. Caller i am really disappointed with the talk about due process. Due process for what . No one is on trial. What we are talking about is a security clearance, and not just a security clearance, but a topsecret security clearance, which is pretty Much Required to be working in the white house alongside the president. It really disappoints me that people are talking like people talking about anthony weiner, who is already in jail. And other people, with regard to sexualharassment and sexual abuse. I do not know what other proof you need. Camed two women who forward and showed pictures. What else is necessary . People talking about due process and due process and due process no one is on trial. Even if you had a blemish on your record, something as serious as Sexual Assault, sexual abuse, Sexual Harassment, that should be grounds for declining a type or security clearance, moreover a top secret security clearance. You would not let michael jackson, who settled out of court and admitted no wrongdoing, to have a topsecret security clearance working alongside the president. Host thanks for the call. This is from time magazine. President is changing america for a generation. A couple of tweets trump is correct again. That democrat propaganda wing, a. K. A. Hate me fake news, does not control him. Accusations are not killed. Another tweet like his unceasing allegations against the central park five. One final tweet from jim. Lets quit pretending this is about protecting women. After thell raged result of the 2016 election. On q a tonight, doug mills, talking about access to the Trump Administration, comparing it to the obama white house. [video clip] from a photographers standpoint, we get more access to the president. I get more access to him on a daily basis compared to president obama. Sometimes five times a day, we will see him. Some meetings, bill signings, executive orders, stuff like that. There is a lot of travel involved. Not a lot of weekend travel, other two maralago or bedminster, new jersey, where he likes to spend weekends. It is exhausting, but it is great. Very exciting. Host doug mills, our guest on q a, which airs every sunday at 8 00 eastern time. Mac, good morning. Caller good morning. But i have had the highest level security clearance possible. Comment is this guy that has news,the ire of the currently, deserves it. And they are mere allegations. Nobody has wrought forth any proof other than maybe a call to the Police Department or restraining order. That guy should never get a security clearance with that hanging over his head area so it probably ruins his career. The other thing is this opens a pandoras box for your political opponents to find somebody, put a little cash in their pocket, and say if you say this, we will get it into the Washington Post or New York Times, and therefore your allegations will be substantiated by a Credible News Organization those are my comments. This is pandoras box being opened up. These things should be private. It is too bad he lost his career over what he did 15 or 20 years ago. Host just to clarify, it was not 15 years ago. Lets go to caller i think the caller from florida should go to a psychiatrist. Take theseoman photos of yourself and go to a hospital showing the abuse. A lot of women who get abused dont call the police. How many would call the police on their own son if they had a fight . Very few. We protect the people around us. Women will protect their husbands because they dont want to see everything fall apart. Women i believe these women and trump is really stupid. He allows people to get around them without any checking. Thats the bigger problem. Thank you. Host one final tweet from james. Send us your tweets. Coming up, we will talk about the economic agenda. Stephen moore of the Heritage Foundation will be joining us. Later on, we have an opinion writer joining us from new york. First, newsmakers. Guest is the democrat from mexico, and the chair of the Democratic Congressional campaign committee. We talk about the midterm elections and the gop tax bill. Think the economy continues to build on the success over the previous seven years. We will continue to reach out and talk to the American People. Under republican leadership, their decisions and the policies are hurting will class families. Republicans say they will put them first, but their actions are hurting those families. Republicans took us further into debt. Now they are going to go after medicare and medicaid and Social Security. Republicans arent doing anything to help millennials and the problems they have as well. There is an immense opportunity for democrats. We do speak to them directly and show them that we have their backs. What your message of someone who may have been critical and they are getting higher paycheck . Should they think theyre going to lose the tax break they got . What republicans promised whiz a prioritization of middleclass families. Even paul ryan when he was trying to salvage this tax cut, he had a chance to put tweet out there that a woman was getting one dollar 50 more week. I guess that something. Thisthey dont understand thats just not fair. It doesnt add up. What you see from democrats is way to fix many of the flaws in this scam. It wasnt tax reform that was promised. Why would these corporate giveaways made permanent and the middleclass tax cuts were not. 82 went to the top 1 . The other went to the American People. What you see from democrats as we want to reverse that. Middleclass families should be prioritized. Host he is our guest on newsmakers that airs at 10 00. It is also Available Online any time at cspan. Org. Be sure to check out our free cspan radio at. Join us from florida is Stephen Moore, he is with the Heritage Foundation. Senior adviser to the trump campaign. Thank you so much for being with us. Let me begin with the agreement that was worked up if we between democrats and republicans that is a twoyear package that will increase spending by 300 billion. What is your take on it . Do we have to start with that . Im really disappointed. I want to see less government. Just so your here viewers understand is the republicans want to spend more money on the military. The democrats want to spend more money on social programs. They decided to spend more money on both. This is excessive spending as you just mentioned. One of the things that bothers me about this deal, i worked in 2011, you may remember the negotiations when we put in caps these very stiff under the budget control act. Would a process where we cut spending. It worked very well for about five years. We had very disciplined spending. It force congress to live under a budget. What they have done here is not only spent 300 alien dollars more, theyve gotten rid of the caps. On control are gone. I am very disappointed by it. Host republicans love the deficit. My question is if the tax cuts and the spending bill at over 1 trillion to the debt, where do they cut spending . Approaching 21 trillion. Weve had enormous increases in debt over the last decade. The democrats are somewhat hypocritical. 10 trillion to 20 trillion. Weve had this massive increase in deficits. Republicans are increasing the deficit as well. Where we go from here is a really good question. Newwe going to impose some physical cap. Ind be and should favor of a balanced budget. Lets force congress to live within its means. We need some kind of a measure, maybe a constitutional measure to force them to balance the budget or at least get it on that path. We are not on that path. I was an architect of the tax cut. I think its a phenomenally successful. I think will lead to a lot more growth and more people working. We are seeing the fruit of the tax cut. Thisll help us alleviate deficit because the best way to get our debt burden down is to grow the economy and put more people to work. The spending side is something. Host let me get your reaction to the sunday New York Times editorial which focuses on this. The editorial says the true culprits are paul ryan and mitch mcconnell. Both are selfproclaimed deficit hawks. Ins is what paul ryan said 2012. Your reaction . Cuts tohere are no these entitlement programs. If that was the intention, where are they . And the most people understand the budget and know we have to start getting some restraints. We need to start thinking about raising the retirement age as americans live longer. There are no cuts to those programs. I know what he would say, we know these programs are stampeding in terms of their spending because of the retirement of the baby boomers. There are 84 million of us. Were the biggest generation ever. We are going to start moving from working and paying taxes in the next 10 years, we will move toward collecting all of these benefits. Its going to be a big problem. I agree with the New York Times, we have to do something. I havent seen any solutions from either party. Host you wrote a piece that said the bigger indicator for the president will not be the stock market, it will be wage increases. Are we going to see that . Far, the news is pretty good. We when i was on the campaign trail, one of the points we made and its one of the major reasons he won the election is for the last 15 years, the average American Family is not seen an increase in income. They have not increased after nice increases. There has been stagnant wages. Got reported is we a week ago the new Labor Department numbers which showed in 2017. E 3 that was the biggest wage increase weve seen in a long time. Was that report that read for a lot of new jobs that frightened the stock market. One of the reasons weve seen this 1500 point decline was there was a fear by wall street that these wage increases are going to be inflationary. I dont believe that to be true. On the wage front, there is good news. The lowestwe had number of new people signing up for Unemployment Insurance claims in 40 years. The job market is very healthy right now. Trump deserves a lot of credit for that. We are hopeful that is going to translate into higher wages. If you have a tighter labor market where jobs are plentiful and workers are scarce, that gives workers a lot of power to pump up their wages. Host this is from a Human Resources consulting firm. There is a chart Available Online. Since the late 1980s, an has gone topayroll bonuses. The data from 1988 through 2018. Far, we got the tax cut. By my latest calculations, there are 4 million americans who have gotten pay increases or bonuses. Thats an enormous benefit to workingclass americans. The idea that the democrats were peddling, it sounds like they are still perpetuating this lie that only rich people benefited. We already see 4 million americans with bonuses. A woman ran up to me and said im so excited. A thousand dollar onus. If you were living on a 40,000 salary, that means you can take a vacation. This is very meaningful. They are going to start to see these benefits. The withholding tax means most americans are going to see the benefits of the tax cut in their pay increase. I think they are going to realize the democrats were lying to me. Taxgetting a tax cut, not a increase. Host he is joining us from florida. Rick is first up from california. Good morning. Show, on the bill marsh. Saw you talk asked you i have been on the show many times. I do it once a year. I was on with Bernie Sanders couple of years ago. We were friendly offcamera. Neednk he believes that we the government to provide more free things for people. If you think we have a deficit problem now, he wants to provide people with free day care, health care, college. I think its very worrisome for a lot of people. Whos going to pay for all of that . When you talk about this and norma sit that, it would go up very drastically. Host this is a tweet for you. Democrats including Chuck Schumer say the former president deserves some of the credit. Thats an interesting point. Its what my liberal friends are saying now because they are twisted like a pretzel. I was on the campaign trail. I was reading what Larry Summers and the New York Times editorial think you have them on after me. How is it that a year and a half ago you said of donald trump was elected he would crash the economy and the stock market would be destroyed. Are, the stock market even with the decline is up 35 . Weve seen an increase in wealth. Weve seen a big increase in business investment. Weve seen the lowest unemployment numbers it was falling under barack obama no question. The booming trump economy is due to obama, that doesnt stack up. Everything weve done under donald trump has been to reverse everything that donald trump did. I mean over reverse what obama did. We cut taxes. Obama put in place crazy Climate Change deal. We got us out of the Climate Change deal. One of the most important things trump has done to cause this economic boom that were in is to get the regulations off businesses. A good example would be the clean power plant bill. That was meant to destroy the coal industry. I would like to put the coal miners back in their jobs. Newe created like 60,000 mining jobs. I think its hard to say that obama deserves credit for what happening under trump. Trump is done the reverse. Host you cant take a vacation with 1000 less taxes. Maybe camping. Among there is a view 1000,beral elites that the average family is going to save 2000 in year on their taxes. What i was talking about was a bonus that Many Americans got. Pelosi wholike nancy 1500 isi millionaire, a lot of money. A lot of people listening to the show say i would love to see 1000. Thats wek think its a very welcome raise to the american worker. Host good morning. Caller good morning. Can you hear me . I am a little bit concerned because i am a baby boomer. I have been through the trickledown economics. I know we keep on going back to that. The problem is it might work in they are etched in grant for the corporations, what will probably happen again is the separation of income between the very rich and the middle class and poor. Its only going to grow. You have the short term things like a thousand dollars. Everyone could use thousand dollars. That doesnt work in the long run. I think its correct it 1000 onetime bonus, we will see if Companies Continue to do this. I think this woman is right. We need to see sustainable longterm games and wages. The business tax cut was centerpiece to what we were trying to do. Its very simple. Donald trump obviously gets this area hes a businessman. He understands how businesses expand and hire more workers. One of the way she do this is by giving incentives to grow their companies and hit invest more in america. Had we bring these dollars that have left United States or companies built factories in we want thema, located in the United States. Its working. Apple have the biggest economic story of the last year or two. Apple in response to the tax cut billion of 300 overseas investor they are going to build a new campus with 20,000 workers. You can see these stories all the time. , youve seen what happened with walmart. They raise their minimum wage. We should hope it continues. Its only two months old, the story is incredible. I hope write it and i think its better. Host he is the author of five books, including return to prosperity. Ofraduate of the university illinois. He learned his masters at george mason university. He is a contributor through cnn. Writer for the washington times. Caller good morning. You guys talk about stuff from 10 years ago. The deficit started long before that. It started with reagan. We owed less than 1 trillion and now we are 20 trillion in debt. They are throwing stimulus money. This is growth. I have asked the minnesota representatives about this. 20 corporations will pay and there is no deductions or loopholes. Guest im glad this gentleman called in. Two or three colors of mentioned reagan. We want to recreate the boom we had under ronald reagan. I dont know if you remember how horrible the economy was in the late 1970s under ford and carter when we had 20 mortgage Interest Rates. It felt like the economy was in a state of collapse with high inflation. We were just losing out to all the countries of the world. Then reagan came with his tax cut and deregulation. Thats what we want to see under trump. I dont know if you are going to think withes, i do this expansion if it continues and the economy continues to roar, he will be reelected. On the issue of the Corporate Tax cuts, the reason we want to cut Corporate Taxes is prior to january 1, the United States had the highest tax rates in the world. Like many countries andanies like burger king many of our drug countries leaving the United States and moving to canada and mexico and china. We were outsourcing jobs. We want to cut that tax rate. Thats what companies are starting to do. I mentioned the apple story. Think about all of the jobs in the United States. We have the healthiest job market weve had in 30 years. We have Business Optimism that is up so high. A poll came out yesterday, theyve been doing a poll. The latest poll number that came out three or four days ago, 70 of americans rate the economy as good or great. Thats a reversal of where we were two years ago. Only about 30 of American People thought the economy was on the right track. Its amazing how trump has turned things around. Treats. Have these two guest i think an important point. 1000 to a workingclass american who is been working, thats a lot of money. One of the things that i learned on the campaign, you go out and talk to americans hearing there were so many areas in michigan, ohio, west virginia, where there is no recovery. People were really financially stressed out. You can see a total change in attitude about how americans feel about the economy. Host this is from vivian. Dont deficits matter . The republicans just raised the deficit. You can see the u. S. Debt clock. Cost per average taxpayers over 170,000. Senator rand paul said this. We have to have that debate over what is the proper role . What is the constitutional role. How do we have that debate if were not allowed to allow amend the bill. If we have a 700 page bill and no one has a chance to read it. Im leaving it. I have nothing to do with adding 1 trillion to the debt. I could not go home and look my friends in the face. But the republican deficits are not quite as bad. Thats what we are doing here. The republican side is telling americans that trillion dollar deficits are bad when they are democrats. Its bad when the other guys do it. This is the height of boxee. Host is it hypocrisy . Guest it is. I was working for rand paul. He deserves a lot of congratulations for telling the American People the truth. This is a sham budget deal. Republicans deserve a lot of blame. Wanted to spend a lot more money. This is bipartisan. Dont republicans run the house and senate . Thats not exactly true. They dont have 60 votes in the senate. They couldnt get any democrat to vote for this budget unless there was more for the domestic spending. It was a bipartisan spending spree. The dont care about american future to get us out of debt. About a year ago, a report by the General Accounting Office oft found 150 billion fraudulent payments by medicare, so security, food stamps, welfare benefits, we are passing out money to people. We spend billions of dollars a year sending so scared he checks out to people who are over the edge of 105 years old and still living. We are still sending checks to the family. Aboutgot to get serious shrinking the government and making it like a business. Lets go to keith in michigan. You were on the air. Interesting is an conversation. Information. Of it takes a while to steer the economy. This is still mostly president obamas economy. In a year or two it will be President Trumps economy. Breaks, thee tax president said he would get nothing from this. He gains about 80,000 a day. Thats a big tax cut. One of the questions i do have for you, the president is supposed to submit a budget to congress once a year. Isnt a twoyear budget deal unconstitutional . Host we should point out the budget outline will be released tomorrow. Want to repeat this because its important. Commentators say the economy would go into a depression. There is double standards here. If you give obama the credit for what happened in his presidency, you have to give trump the credit in his. I believe its monday. The president comes out with his 2019 budget. I think it is monday morning. I think so. The president does submit it. He is required to submit a budget every year. He will submit a budget for 2019 this monday. Next year, he will submit another budget. We do have this twoyear budget deal, that doesnt mean it congress cant change it. There will continue to be an annual legend. Host this is a tweet from viewer. This is fewer have a point . Guest the tax cut is about growing the economy. The way you get the economy growing is by incentivizing people to work and to invest in the United States. You cant balance the budget. If you look at chart of where the deficit is. It suggests our debt is going to go up to 150 of gdp. Were going to look like puerto rico. It isnt going to work. You have to get the economy moving. This is the point we made. Get the economy out of this rut. Economy grew at less than 2 . It was the worst recovery since the depression. It was a flat recovery. We need to get the economy growing at 4 . Im very optimistic. As you get more people working and businesses expanding their operations and making more profits, thats when you get more tax revenue. I am in favor of a program tax plan. We do have a good tax system now. We dont have any restraint on entitlement programs. Thats where republicans need to be held responsible. This is a gigantic victory for america. How was it a scam to give people a tax cut . Host we welcome our wrestlers listeners on cspan radio. Ons program is carried sirius xm. Donna is on the republican line. Thank you for all of your cspan channels. I just heard on one of the other stations that businesses arent going to be allowed to take entertainment writeoffs, like going to dinner for taking trips. Guest one of the goals of the tax plan, the oldfashioned idea of lowering the tax rates and getting rid of the loopholes. We got rid of some of the reductions. One of the really positive things about this tax plan for the vast majority of the people americans are of going to be able to take a standard deduction of 25,000. Estimate people will not need to itemize their deductions and keep receipts for their charitable contributions. Box. Ust check a that gets rid of a lot of the loopholes and deductions. Then we put a town on the deductions for high income people. One of the best features is we put a cab on how much you can write off for tax deductions. A lot of them are no longer going to be able to write off state and local taxes. On this issue of business entertainment, its ridiculous. We should get rid of those deductions for parties and meals unless its a legitimate business deduction. I do think thats a necessary thing. I think those are the loopholes we want to get rid of. Host donald is next. Good morning. Caller good morning, cspan. I have seen him a lot on the new circuit. Hes a very smart man. Cut, as far as the 35 that corporations were supposed to pay in the past, they never paid it. Heard, they never paid 35. It was more like 17 or less after deductions and things like that. The tax on 10,000, that doesnt help california, new york, new jersey and other states like that. Its a great question. The rate was lower than the statutory rate. You probably couldnt come up with a stupider way to tax businesses than we were doing it. We had the highest tax rate in the world. This gentleman is right, because of the loopholes, Many Companies were paying no taxes. We actually paid them money. It was completely unfair. A lot of industries were paying 35 and others were paying less. We wanted to get the rate down to 20 . Everybody is going to pay it. I think everybody is going to pay a low rate, but nobody is going to get loopholes and i think that will work better. We are bringing all of these jobs and businesses back to the United States. If you have a 35 tax rate. Zero zero. I think we are going to get more revenue. Thatse apple is bringing money back to the United States, they will pay 38 billion in taxes. Its really important. The biggest tax cut for the wealthiest americans in the tax code was the state and local tax deduction. For the bill gates and warned fetts, the really which rich people, half of the cost of that was the millionaires and billionaires. Weve taken way that loophole and they will pay their fair share. Moremakes our tax system progressive and not less progressive. And then analyst visiting fellow of the Heritage Foundation, Stephen Moore is joining us from boynton beach, florida. Thank you for being on cspan. Guest we love cspan. I appreciate the opportunity to be on the show. Host were going to continue this conversation. She is a columnist for the Washington Post. Later, the host of full disclosure to talk about a wild week with the stock market. You were watching and listening to cspans washington, d. C. On a very wet and rainy day in our nations capital. We are back in a minute. Weekend on American History tv, from the west point growing uphistory, in the military and his service in vietnam. Bunker and itthis had a view point where you could see what was going on. Were watching the rockets coming in. Explosions are going off. That kind looks like the fourth of july. People are dying. That doesnt happen on the fourth of july and she started crying. With the start of the Winter Olympics, we are featuring two films. The United States team has plenty of excitement here. They were pregame underdogs. Now, they upset all predictions by winning this. Goldburns them the first medal ever won by a team in hockey. Scholars explore the relationships between ronald reagan, george h w bush, and mckale gorbachev during the end of the cold war. We look back in 1989, you ink at bush and gorbachev 9091, bush is not measuring up to what reagan had then. Watch American History tv. Washington journal continues. Host joining me from new york is the syndicated columnist of the Washington Post. Let me begin talking about the democrat republican budget deal. You said the republicans flipflopped breathtakingly quickly on the budget deficit. Time, for a very long supposes underpinning of the Republican Party was about conservatism. They were going to reduce deficits, pay down the debt, have a balanced Budget Amendment in the constitution. Of thishis huge wave particular motivation in the Republican Party in 2009 and 2010 with the tea party. It was all about reducing debt. Now, we are going to have a trillion dollars in new borrowing this year when we are in a recovery. This is a doubling of the amount of borrowing the United States did last year. Normally you dont have a big ramp up in debt when the economy is doing well and you have unemployment for. 1 . 4. 1 . Why ourthe reason borrowing is going to go up so much is this budget deal then we had this week. Its because of the tax cuts that were just past which add 1. 5 trillion to the debt over a decade. Republicans no longer care about debt. They no longer care about deficits now that there is not a democrat in the white house. The public doesnt seem to care that much about reducing the deficit either. The reason i wrote about this is because its such a huge aboutface for the Republican Party. Its incredibly illtimed. Not only because of where we are in the business cycle, normally you dont have a stimulus when the economy is doing well, you have it when you were doing poorly. Coming onlot of debt because of the additional finance the tax cuts and because the Federal Reserve is dumping to hunt a 50 billion worth of existing treasuries onto the market. You have a huge runup in debt right now. There is a huge reason to believe there wont be as many buyers for u. S. Debt, including because the European Central bank has announced it will end a program called quantitative easing. It reduced Interest Rates on a lot of european debt. European debt when quantitative easing ands will be more attractive relative to u. S. Debt. Also because the dollar has been falling in the United States. If youre a foreign investor, it doesnt make a lot of sense to invest in dollars, including u. S. Treasuries. But all these things together, you have a huge runup in supply. U. S. Debt is for sale. There is a decrease in demand, which is going to make bad time to run up that because its going to be more expensive to borrow. Host let me put the numbers on the table for you. You mentioned the tax cut. Debt plan. Llion the present looking at 1. 7 trillion in infrastructure. If you are going to bring down the debt, where did the cuts come from if you are spending . Guest that is an excellent question. In addition to the tax cuts and the budget deal, you have these growing wish lists of other things, including infrastructure. Generally, i would support that. We need to upgrade infrastructure. We just dont have the space right now to do all of that borrowing. Wheres the cuts come from . I dont know. You have republican suggesting now would be the time to engage in entitlement reform, which would mean cutting back on medicare, Social Security, other social safety net programs like medicaid. I think its very unlikely any of that happens. Medicare and Social Security are third rail. Onhink the course we are right now is unsustainable, but the cuts that would be necessary right now to balance the budget would never happen. Particularly since we have spacey used up all of our on these other kinds of programs, including tax cuts in the run up and military spending. Maybe it will come from entitlements, maybe from cutbacks. Its hard for me to believe that would actually happen. Especially in an election year. Host she is us from new york. She is formally a theater critic, a graduate of princeton university. , writing challenging essays about news or being a theater critic . I think its a left brain right brain kind of thing. Theres a part of me that is a little bit relieved to not be reviewing it theater. Now i can go and just enjoy and i dont have to think about how im going to critique it. Now theater is back to being a hobby for me. I still partake. I write about economics, its a totally different type of writing and i really enjoy it. I am happy where i landed. Host barack is joining us from pennsylvania. Good morning. Caller im colin with respect to the waste and abuse thing that steve moore brought up. I am a senior citizen. I came out here to take care of my aging parents. Years reported over the about medicare abuse. The problem is it goes to harrisburg where there is an all republican legislature. I get back the same form letter time after time. Im a former english teacher. A badly written letter when i see one. It has run on sentences and its not an actual signature. Its a form letter. Taken it intoe consideration and we do nothing. I watched a Hospital Doctor cut into the leg of my mother to remove cancer. She started screaming in his office. He told his nurse to hold her hand down. Seconds, but my mother was screaming. The letter was the same form letter. They would take it in the consideration. This is abuse. This is abuse of medicare and the patient. It goes nowhere. Host thank you for the call. Guest im very sorry to hear about your mothers experience. Is a lot of abuse within medicare that should be run out of it. Periodically we do see doctors coming under the law for abuses. I dont know what the systemic solution to all of that is. Ofre are abuses in any kind program you can imagine. I dont know what the policy solution is. I hope your mother is doing ok. Host our next caller is from louisiana on the republican line. Caller good morning. I have a question and some clarification on the bonuses the companies are giving. Walmart gives up to 1000. Its graduated depending on the number of years youve been there. You might get 200. They normally give an hourly increase. This year there is no hourly increase. They are doing away with that. Only are they not giving an hourly increase, they are reducing hours. Y have gone from 80 hours 40 hours to 35. Now they are getting down to 32 this year. At the present time, they are Cutting Three hours a week. Host your response . Guest i think this is an important point to mention. Good news weve been hearing about bonuses and wage increases that Companies Like to tie to the taxcut are more complicated than the press release would suggest. In the case of walmart, they have been announcing increases to minimum wage for the last several years. There was another announcement this year. Credit to the taxcut is misleading. It may be advantageous for them to say that given they want more tax cuts. You want to give positive feedback. I think you see a lot of Companies Making these grand announcements about changes to compensation that they probably would have done anyway. You see mostly bonuses in many of these announcements. These are bonuses that are onetime bonuses when they are getting a permanent tax cuts. Thats very problematic if your argument is we are cutting taxes and its all flowing to the workers. Its not. Some portion of it may be. There is no advantage to companies to make the bonus announcements for 2017. What they may be doing is pulling compensation forward that they would of distributed anyway because it makes more sense to distribute more compensation and 2017 when the taxcut was higher and the value of deducting that compensation was greater than doing it in 2018. Thats the other thing to keep in mind. They may be gaming the timing of the taxcut and not distribute more money to their workers through greater wages were bonuses or hours. They may just be pulling forward the compensation so that they can have a greater deduction in the year when it is more valuable. This is really something to keep in mind. Companies are making these announcements and getting a lot of good pr for it. Its not clear that workers are benefiting white is much as they would have. Host with the economy be different if Hillary Clinton had won . Hard to do really those kinds of hypotheticals. President s have relatively limited control over the economy. Its something thats important to keep in mind. They get too much credit when it does well and too much blame when it does poorly. There are policies we would have gotten would be different from those of President Trump. We likely would not have gotten taxcutficit financed under Hillary Clinton. Of an effecte much your way at this point given that these policies can nudge things on the margin. We are only a year into the current presidency. Any policy that we do see what have a bit of a lag time. Its important to keep in mind that this economy is doing well. We are not really deviating from the trend of where we were. The economy is roughly comparable to what it was. Unemployment has been falling. Wage growth has been modest, not impressive but picking up. Thats been going on for a little while. Its not an aberration from trend now that trump is in office. We may see differences a year or two from now. The economy has been on the same track area while its been disappointing, a decade ago we went through an enormous financial crisis, the biggest since the depression. Sluggishn have really recoveries following them. You can see over the last 150 years, economists from harvard and documented this. The recoveries following a financial crisis are often pretty lousy. If you compare how we have done relative to how other European Countries have done, weve done better than they have. This is the trend over the last not quite decade since the recovery began. President , different maybe we would see some differences by now, my dads would be at about the same place. Host she is joining us from new york. Her work is available at the Washington Post. Mike is from ohio. You are next. Caller good day. How are you . About berniealked sanders and the domestic side and handing out free stuff. That on ourint out Foreign Policy and this broken military, we are handing out all kinds of weapons throughout the middle east. We are arming all sides one way or another. He was from the Heritage Foundation. Im starting to wonder is it the fascist foundation. Your guest there, can she compare what happened to the roman empire compared to this spaceage fascist empire that we are living in . Mike pence went to jordan and handed out these helicopters recently. Then trump went to saudi arabia and what was that worth . A 60 billion military deal. I will break down a comment about the oil. Israel, the just a goal location. Then they talk about their god. I will stop you there. Lets go back to the earlier point. On theut the numbers table. The military increases 160 billion. Guest there was an enormous increase in both military spending and nonmilitary spending, but a bigger increase in military spending which republicans have been demanding for a while. The question is sometimes you have to make choices. We dont have the unlimited availability to borrow. Republicans used to shout this from the rooftops, that there had to be some restraint. If youre going to run up spending on the military, you have to make choices elsewhere, including not having a giant tax cut that primarily benefits the rich. Right now, people are willing to look at this. Its not clear that there will be infinite demand for our debt going forward. While i cant speak to the distribution of military funds, thats outside my area of expertise. The take away i would like to give to this caller and others is you have to make choices. The government has to make choices. We just cant spend as much as we want on everything whether thats tax cuts for the military or other things. Different people have different priorities. Minemileage may vary from in what you think is valuable for the government to spend money on. Those choices have to be made at some point. Host you write about a lot of topics other than the economy. Limit get your reaction to this tweak. Let me get your reaction to this tweet. This after two white house aides including rob porter resigned over allegations of spousal abuse. President trump we wish him well. He worked very hard. We found that recently, and i was surprised by it. We wish him well. It is an obvious tough time for him. He did a very good job when he was in the white house, and we hope he has a wonderful career and hopefully he will have a great career ahead of him, but it was very sad when we heard about it and certainly, he is also very sad. Know, heou probably says he is innocent, and i think you have to remember that. He said very strongly yesterday, that he is innocent or it you will have to talk to him about that, but we absolutely wish them well. He did a very good job at the white house. Host some criticizing the president because he refers to him but made no reference to the women who placed the allegations. Guest right, the only empathy that he expressed was for the and in thattweet clip you played, or for the men accused of battering their wives, essentially. I think it is telling that the kneejerk reaction is to defend those accused of these awful actions, and so basically to smear the women who are making accusations who have nothing to fromm becoming entering the public eye because they have come forward, because they reported to the fbi that they were victims of abuse. That theyd to the fbi were victims of abuse. I think it is troubling that due processined of and we should presume these guys are innocent. This is a guy who spent years accusing his predecessor, barack not being born here, of being ineligible for the presidency, despite all evidence to the contrary. Out an the guy who took ad in the 1980s, calling for the Death Penalty for the socalled central park five, exonerated by dna evidence, the guy who also had chance at his rally to lock her up of his political opponent. Not a guy who has expressed a lot of admiration for due process when it comes to people who he does not view as his allies, people who are his political enemies or easy scapegoats in the case of the central park five. It is bizarre that now he is suddenly dedicated to due process, whatever that means, considering there is no actual jury trial ongoing and note criminal complaints that have been opened. Suddenly, he is concerned about due process, presumably part of the reason why he is expressing so much empathy for these white house aides who have been accused of spouse abuse is that a, they are on his team and b, he himself had been accused of abusing women in various ways, more than a dozen women have come forward, accusing him of Sexual Assault and harassment. Maybe there is a little projection going on, as well, that he feels he needs to come to the defense of people, like himself, have been accused of bad actions. I think it is really upsetting, the comments he made, at the very least during that press conference on friday, he could have made some kind of acknowledgment, that hey, Domestic Abuse is bad. Something generic, and he did not even do that. The situation is upsetting. It is not speak well to the vetting process within the white house, to how much they care about integrity and discipline, to clearly since these aids, who could not pass back rent checks with the fbi, well, one in particular was handling sensitive information, and could have been subject to blackmail. The whole situation is morally repulsive to me, and a threat to our national security, as well. Host if people want to follow you on twitter, how can they . Guest my twitter handle is crampell. Please, do. Host we will go to dave in northport, new york. Democrats line. Caller good morning. Thank you. I think the woman did fantastic job breaking down some of the economic situations. I also think she is very informative. I just wanted to ask a question about just recently, the trump presidency, they asked they wanted sanctions on solar panels. Time, they didis a brief message that they were andking about diversifying buying less u. S. At that point, you start to see the bond in the 10 year spike up, and that has been two weeks or so, the 10 year has been going up with problems. My question is, do you think if we do have increasing trade sanctions, and increasing trade issues with other countries, do you think this will affect our ability to keep Interest Rates up . Host thank you. We will get a response. Guest in general . I think that barriers to trade are bad. Talk to most economists and they agreed that there are mutual gains to trade. If we put it more very years to trade with china or other countries, with partners in nafta, they make the tally and you may have this sort of domino effect, where everybody is worse off. And you will have higher prices for american consumers. To of the benefits have had increasing trade with lots of other countries, we have had lower prices for common household goods. What effect that might have on debt yield, i do not know. It remains to play out at this point. You are right that a lot of countries, including china, may view u. S. Sovereign debt, including the tenured the 10 year yield, interactive. The attractiveness of our trade policy and debt is confiscated. Ae potential confiscated of weak dollar policy, which for steven mnuchin, suggested we were deliberately pursuing, and he walked at that, the idea that if the dollar is weaker, excuse me, other countries wanting to buy u. S. Goods may view the goods as more attractive because they become cheaper the dollar is cheaper. One side effect of that is that other dollardenominated assets, not just the stuff we make, but our treasury, become less attractive. There are consequences to any kinds of interventions in markets, and there are complicated interactions between these trade policies we might be pursuing, which are largely misguided, and what might happen to the attractiveness of our debt. Host there is a new fed chair, Jerome Powell, and this is the cover of bloomberg businessweek. How did your first day go, jay . With regards to the dow dropping more than 1100 points. What is his biggest challenge and what do expect from him . He comes to the table as someone who understands business and the economy. Guest yes. He is a little bit of an unknown at this point. If you look back to comments he had made, they beat five years ago, i am trying to remember when, but a few years after the crisis, he suggested there might be room for more tightening Monetary Policy, and that may be markets i do not think he used the word busy or bubbly, but he suggested assets might be in play. That is part of the reason why stock markets freaked out about one week ago, when we got the news that wage growth was stronger than expected because if wage growth is star than expected, that could intentionally lead to higher inflation, and Jerome Powells predecessor, janet yellen, was seen as an inflation does, not as worried about inflation, so there was not a need to tighten Monetary Policy so quickly if there was inflation down the pipeline. Jerome powell, as i said, is more of an unknown. We do not know how much of energy is going to feel to step on the brakes if he fears inflation is coming. We also do not know how he will respond to the fiscal stimulus i was talking about. As i mentioned, when the economy is doing well, you dont have a major fiscal stimulus. You stay that for when the economy does poorly. Congress and the white house are pumping more money into the economy through this stimulus, and the fed may see their role as saying, if they are going to step on the gas, we need to step on the brakes. If you have potentially inflation coming through when you have Congress Engaging in massive fiscal stimulus, and you have a new fed chair, whose views on all of these issues are still a little unknown, that is why you have markets worried, at least on monday, about whether we should expect rate hikes coming sooner, whether that means that will hurt equity value, so there is a lot of turmoil or question marks, wildcards, right now, partly as a result of the new fed of policy and results that congresss passing and other trends in the economy. Host we will conclude on that note, catherine rampell, from new york, and an opinion writer for the Washington Post. Thanks for being with us. Guest good to be here. Host we will be talking about the economy and stock markets in a moments. Roben farzad will join us, heard on National Public radio, and a host of full disclosure. Cspans washington journal continues on this sunday, february 11. We are back in a moment. Cspans history series landmark cases returns with a look at 12 new Supreme Court cases. Each week, historians and experts discuss the constitutional issues and personal stories behind these Supreme Court decisions. Beginning monday, february 26, live at 9 00 p. M. Eastern, we will have a companion guide written by a veteran Supreme Court journalist. Landmark cases volume two, to get your copy, go to www. Cspan. Org landmarkcases. On cspans q a, New York Times Staff Photographer talks about the photos he took while covering President Trump. Havingously, he enjoys this around. Commentsis constant about fake news in the media, i really feel he enjoys having this us around because it helps drive his message and the moves of the day, which you can do every day and does every day, constantly driving the message. Having us around really allows them to do that. Tonight at 8 00 eastern on cspan. Washington journal continues. Host we went to welcome back roben farzad, a pbs news hour special correspondent and host of disclosure on National Public radio. Thank you for being here. In the Washington Post, that face says it all, for photographs of an investor on wall street after a crazy week. What happened . Guest it is such a workshop question, what happened . I remember that we always scrambled every time markets crashed and you try to find an answer. Any economics professor would give you any variety of answers. The market has run up quite a bit and we have gone up without a routine, 5 connection. In january, it started out of the gates with markets in the United States shooting up 7 higher. That cuts both ways, when you run up that much, balances selloff in an accelerated fashion. Host this is a correction . Guest 10 . Yes, we did break the 10 mark. A standard definition of a bear market is 20 trade we even had a half correction in 2016, and memories are short on wall street. Lets not forget we are nearing in 2008,ar anniversary when stocks were cut by 40 . People forget volatility happened. Was in thearney Washington Post saying there was a reason why during his 18 years in the white house, barack obama never touted the stock market because what goes up will come down. The president has talked about the stock market a lot until the past week. To own the downturn it is sbc not to own the downturn . Guest it is interesting. It is a tricky thing for any president to take credit for the stock market or george w. Bush market,vervalued stock a recession, 9 11. Barack obama is soaring in stocks in a 20 year low. It is a tricky thing. He could have taken a victory lap when he was done, barack obama, and succumb my stock market was better than ronald reagan, but it is still looked at the province of elite, even though more people have exposure to stocks and in their retirement plans. As a jobto be seen creator and tax cutter, not speaking the language of equities. Host this is an interesting chart that looks at the United States and the darker the color, the darker orange, the more investors in the stock market rate the lighter the color, including nevada and mississippi, the smaller number based on population, investors in the stock market area leading market. Leading the list, ohio, new york, and a soda, new jersey, vermont, washington, d. C. , oregon, washington, montana, all heavy ownership in the stock market. Texas,ighter in florida, arizona, and california. Guest i mean, ownership calls for, you could say in the blue state regions that have big fortune 500 companies, Financial Firms prioritize equity sharing and 401 k s and stop ownerships. You do not see that as much in Small Business and agriculture and the industrial world. You still have companies in the rust belt with you find benefit Pension Plans and education plans as the province of 401 k , so it is an even across the country. Having said that, i have not been buttonholed by anybody about the stock market since early 2000. When i think it was making a cnbc wasthe sopranos, on the late show. The equity culture has not hit that, even though we had a dow at 25,000. Stocks of tripled since the low in 2009. Trillions and trillions of market and valuation at it. Host we are dividing our phone lines differently with roben farzad. If you are an investor in the stock market, called 202 7488000. For all others, 202 7488001. The other issues we have been talking about, the 300 and dollar increase in spending. The tax cuts, and no plans for infrastructure spending, what does this mean for the debt and deficit . Guest put it on the top. Put it on the tab. Host who pays for it . Guest the future, foreign investors, and they make you pay for your profligacy. You have estimates that this estimate can approach 105 of gdp in 2027, unsustainable, but sustainable if you have american exceptionalism. It was talked about earlier, the chinese buys our debt voraciously. They are looking for any yields and they this fortunately put their money in u. S. Treasuries, the Gold Standard are you there is a school of thought when you talk to people in the Trump Administration and treasury. Steve bannon, the former advisor has been on the record. If you get that benefit of the doubt, use and spend that money and banking on infrastructure and things the generations can enjoy. Host all investments so you need to diversify, and your career is diversified. In this book, Hotel Scarface the cocaine cowboys partied and plotted to control miami, what is it about . Guest it is a love letter to my hometown. Before i left the college up north, i found an abandoned property south of miami, and it was an infamous address in miami that was central to the cocaine wars in the late 70s and early 1980s. It was where three generations of cuban mafia competed for control of the cocaine trade. It inspired several aspects in the movie scarface, miami vice, and characters and producers frequented the place, where art meets life, and they started gaping at one another. I spent 20 years interviewing the dopers, secret agents, spies, hitmen, people who work there, and it debuted in midoctober. Host where is it going . Guest we have a deal with stone Village Entertainment to pursue a premium cable series that gives us more room to unpack. I was under pressure to produce a kilo size nonfiction film, and some sort of treatment on television, where we can unpack characters and go into what was left on the cutting room floor and it excites me. I will spend much of the year pursuing that. Host tom is joining us from connecticut. That ifi always thought you drop below the 200 day moving average, you were in a bear market. The second point host on the first point, he will get a response. Guest i have not heard that, that might be a technicians definition of a bear market. The more standard definition is a 20 drop from a high. The 20 trigger is their market, 10 is correction. There is more method in this. There is a lot of wiggle room for interpretation. Host when the market dropped over 1100 points last monday, it was the biggest oneday drop. Percentagewise, it was a couple of her sense because the markets have moved all over. Guest a fat asterisk when you see the market has dropped. Compared totoday 1000 points in 1987, if you look at a chart come of that was the entire stock market. Today, it is a percentage of any 5000 dow. It is a trickle. We have had, i believe we saw a stack elsewhere that said 36 corrections since 1980. At least 10 moves from the height. It is routine, and what stood out was the fact we had an ad with a selloff and shedding in 404 days. Host tom, you wanted to follow up . Downs inou have spiked bull markets and spike upson bear markets. In bear markets. This man produces economic topic reports for television. I would like to see somebody talk to some of the people getting the crohns. If you are making 22,000 a year, and you have expenses of 20,000, which a lot of people in the lowend of the wrong end have, and you have two kids, this thing, you double the expendable income you have. If all you have is 2000 a year to spend and get a cup of coffee with a friend at starbucks, or whatever, to double that money is more than crohns to a lot of s to a lot of people, and i would like to see one of these economic reporters talk to the people who are actually getting, being able to take advantage of the new tax code. Host thank you. Look, we saw a curious intersection of these headlines. Said earlier, when you saw wage pressures come in higher than expected, and the conflict of that, which should be great news with a record high bull market, you get a major reaction, where this will give the fed chair ammo to hike rates faster. And sooner. That is where, if you look at the headlines, they just increased the wages of hourly workers at cvs, Phillip Morris is giving it tax cut bonus to employees, and this terror certain extent, if you are a market investor, you want people to have consumer confidence. It is cynical and selfish. You do not wanted to be so hot it causes a spiral, where people keep asking for wage hikes and companies pass the cost in their products. The likes of which we have not seen since the 1970s and 1980s. Points, theas this stock market is only perfect calves. A small guy cant be wiped out with little corrections. I believe it is planned this way. Guest i do not buy that, with all due respect. Paper losses. If you Pay Attention to these, are the minutes, by the hour, especially if you are near retirement, we see time and again, and of course, theres no guarantee with this, it is a ause that refreshes it with new high and it is an opportunity to buy things on sale. One investor said, markets without sellouts are like christianity without hell. It is hard to go out there and teach what has to be taught about it. If markets kept going up, there would be no other side of the trade and everybody would pile into that. Is our guest,rzad the host of full disclosure on National Public radio, how can people follow you on twitter . Guest you can follow me at robenfarzad. Tweets,is is another labor is the source of all wealth, but the gop would have us believe it only comes from the rich. Lets go to daniel and virginia. Caller good morning. I would like to hear his thoughts on serious entitlement reform, with that hurt or help the market . Thank you. Host thank you, sir. Thet the question is, what price tag would be, especially now that we are clenching into deficits going on five years or 10 years . There is a lot of uncertainty about medicaid, medicare, Social Security, the indexing of these things, especially if inflation became more permissive. You have more progressive costs of living, should we float the idea of a higher retirement age, i think it really, like i said before, it cuts both ways. If you are a person depending on that in the time of fixed income, you depended on that long time, so that the government to come in, it would have to be done cautiously and tapered end in a measured manner, especially few have record numbers of host baby boomers approaching retirement and banking on it. From connecticut, max is our next caller. Caller to our particular my call. I wanted to pick up on your comment to this being a paper loss for most people. I have contribution through work, and my wife and i also have something for our children with a College Savings plan, and im not concerned about this drop. I think it will ride out and i have no concern. Guest if only everybody was like that because it feels different. It really does. As cliche as it sounds, i remember i was at his this week, when stocks it a generational low in march of 2009, and people were tapping on my window saying, what is going on . I remember a couple saying, you are young, kid. My mother talked to me about the depression. The most cold eyed people on wall street say that is resized for what you should buy, but it is hard to do. What if it is like catching a falling knife . What if this is finally the big one . You never know. That is the dance that you have with mr. And mrs. Market. If it were guaranteed, if there was a backstop from the fdic, you are not getting paid for risk. You have to take on risk to get returned, especially in this yield world. You you write books, invest, and you do imitations. Guest [laughter] yes. Host if you take two thirds of the budget, medicaid, medicare, Social Security, and defense, lawmakers have agreed to increase defense spending. If you bring down the debt and deficit, it will have to come from the entitlement program. What will congress to . Guest [laughter] not in an election year. I do not mean to sound cynical. Host derailed the retirement age . Guest you know how much hell . Hellu know how much would be raised for increasing the retirement age . Likeif we have surpluses, in 2000, you are facing a ticking time bomb actuarially and demographically. That is a pill people will have to face. What if we do not have this economic environment and we have to face that . What if we are talking about a deep economic recession and people cannot afford to find work at that age . If you unpack and employment numbers now, it is harder for older people to find productive income that they banked on. There is a lot in the way of freelancing, making it up and it areget to to age 65. Many increasingly seen 70, 75. Im curious to see how they unpack that, but im airing it anecdotally. Host what about the taxon Social Security . At a certainap out amounts, and for those who make more, what will that be . Guest that would be an interesting test. If you see a compromise, i do not know if it happens. I am staring at the great dome. People say, we have to do this for the sake of our country. I do not know if there was enough focus on bipartisanship for people to come together. If i take it out of your heart, in terms of increasing the benefit and distribution age, you will have to follow on a means testing this more, and taxing people into several of hundreds of thousands of dollars if they enjoyed in easier retirements. Host the book is called Hotel Scarface where cowboys plotted to control miami. Jobs, theking about economy and the stock market. Scott is from new york, and investor. Good morning. Caller good morning. How are you question host fine, how are you . Host fine, thank you. Caller im a stock owner but have clients in entertainment. When the new tax law passed, we had them passed through entities because they had so many Business Productions no longer of use. One side effect is they would be able to contribute to fire a with higher limits. We have been talking and people are scared they will be stuck with possibly a higher tax that they do not want to contribute, even though they know it might be the only retirement they had. Do you think there are people who will be this incentivized from saving ahead, it even though that may be the only way they can . Guest that is a good point. It is great for cpas and tax prep people because there is so much confusion. This tax plan, and this huge measure of tax form, the biggest change ins 1986, it was done so rapidly and without so much in the way of consultations that i think so many taxpayers, especially escorttech people, and people like me, and ownnalists, who own our businesses, are confused about how to better protect income or better bank it in the future to avail ourselves of some benefits i think disproportionately order several of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year and are confused about it. When i worked for a big employer, i would chip in to my 401 k , avail myself of the match, now im confused between the roth ira and rock 401 k . Roth 401 k . Going to guarantee that when i turn 65 that i am going to be able to take my tax rate withdrawals . Is a lot of confusion about it. Host there is this tweet, are we heading for a shallow or deep recession . Guest theres no way of knowing. Never get enough of the federal open market committee, no, this is not exactly must see, but if you go to the Federal Reserve website, look at these dedicated economist in 2006 and 2007 completely oblivious to the fact that this massive disaster was coming down the pipeline. It is slowing down in certain regions, but we are keeping rates and policy where it is. It is not some kind of systemic collapse on wall street. I am amazed some of the economists missed that and had to deal with that as banks were failing and Interest Rates and an emergency increments. If you pull 10 economists, you might get different prognoses. Cyclicalitythat happens. If you are talking the economy and markets, we have had a bull market for most of the time since 2000 nine. There was a big correction in 2011. We had hiccups in europe, the economy has expanded since when the recession ended in 2009. You can macro manage that if you are the Federal Reserve. You do not want it to get too low or high, and crash the wall. Pureme point, i think supply and demand an Economic Activity has to take a breather. Host which is a challenge for Jerome Powell. Guest yeah, i do not envy that area janet yellen that. Janet yellen locked down in a way, not that it was easy, but she did not have a crash on her watch. She was not crisis tested the weight ben bernanke was. To hand the keys to Jerome Powell while the market is falling in thousand point increments is interesting. Host from indiana, good morning. Caller good morning on a sunday. Holy christian sunday. I wanted to get your thoughts on compatibility of christianity and capitalism. Luke 1613, you cannot serve god and money, for if you stand for the love of money is the root of all evil. The military Industrial Complex that eisenhower warned against, will bankrupt america, with united technologies, uh christian values, we cannot pray on it today for America First and send it, probably something we should have done a long time ago. , ist i was bar mitzvahed need some help on this. Compatibility is always the question. I brought to mind another business week feature, the Mormon Church in the United States, the church of latter day saints, exceedingly successful financially and economically, and practices a compatibility of capitalist ethics, with their version of christianity. If you look at it politically right now, the christian right the tax planwith on capitol hill. I do not see that much in the way of protest when we talked about cutting emergency Child Health Care benefits in order to sustain the status quo. Up in the air. You will see a lot of commentary come out of it in the weeks leading up to the midterm elections. Host full disclosure on National Public radio focuses on investing in finance and World Affairs and the economy. He is seen on cbs news hour. From illinois, good morning. Caller hello. Host you are onair. Caller to the last guy who called, i would like to say, remember, money is a doer of all good, too. Good for a lot of people. My fingers, what gets me is the fact that the economists never talk about how we evolve into a seemingly narrow path of economics, which is the stock market. It kills me the guys who they in 1959, theke guys who lost so much money in age, weet, at that should not even be in the market like that for the most part. 20 , but most of the money should be in a low bearing interest farm, where you have Service Coming to you. It just amazes the heck out of me that we pursue emphasis on the stock market and it is volatile. Direction to me is another word for you lost. Let me get your response. Remember, money is the doer of all evil but it does a lot of good, too. Host thank you. Guest i think more of us should shed tears for the sabres in this country, called financial repression. The Federal Reserve took rates to nothing, and banks still think they are doing you a favor with cash. You want to open this, i might give you 1 . That is not what so many people in this country expected, my parents included. Save your money, invest your money, and as you get older, you expect to get a decent return over fixed income. That is nonexistent. I think it is a big problem. It speaks back to capital versus labor. If you are a holder of capital, equities, real estate, real estate investments, trust, art, things that can have Capital Gains tallied on them, you have been so well in this bail out, and the fed his campaign. If you are a person dependent on wage earnings, and try to save every dollar that you can above your earnings, it is only recently coming to hit new that you may be able to ask for a raise. It is overwhelmingly tilted towards capital holders and investors an asset holders. Host the Gallup Organization is looking at the percentage of americans who own stocks you can see a decline from 2009 to 2017. 54 at the previous period, and now at 62 previously. 54 now. At the previous period, 62 . Caller what im hearing from mr. Farzad is more of a mathematical analysis of the market that we have known historically. Weever, we are aware that are reaching historical changes in the markets. The speed of change, up and down is historical. It has never happened before, so how can we use the same myhematical analysis and postulation is perhaps it is cyber war, and russia has shown us computers can be hacked. Computers now, not people. Host thank you. Guest institutions control this market on behalf of investors. I think for all the talks of christianity and judaism, when it comes to personal finance, i am devout agnostic and i cannot tell you what will happen. I cannot tell you i need to own a piece of everything and in terms of bonds, stocks, real estate, you name it, at the lowest possible price, and sit back and keep my cost basis low end rebalance and diversified. I know you he to be told to drink your milk and do pushups and stay in school, but that is the best we can do. Farzad, he has his latest book, thank you for being with us. A New York Times today, focusing on a tweet by the president yesterday, and now two white house aides who have left amid stories of stossel abuse. Trump veers off script and the Republican Party squirms. Comments, ort your the president said lies were shattered by mere allegations. Republicans, 202 7488001. Democrats, 202 7488000. Independents, 202 7488002. Cspans washington journal continues. We are back in the moment. This weekend on American History tv on cspan3, today at eastern, graduate Kenneth Carlsen talks about growing up in a military family and his service in vietnam. We go out to this bunker, and it had a viewpoint, where you could see what was going on. And we are watching the rockets bothg in, and you can see sides, and explosions are going often these women are scared to death. A kind of looks like the fourth of july someone says, and i said, no it doesnt. She says, what do you mean . I said, people are dying windows land. That doesnt happen the fourth of july. And she started crying. Seoul andrebirth of the eighth Winter Olympics in california. And causing plenty of unexpected excitement here. They were pregame underdogs, and now, they have upset all predictions by winning this game with the russians. Earning them the first gold medal ever won by u. S. Team in hockey. Host at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on the presidency, scholars explore the relationships between ronald reagan, george h. W. Bush, and overturf during the end of the cold gorbachev during the end of the cold war. If you look at when bush comes in, and you look at gorbachev and bush in 1991, from gorbachevs point of view, bushes and measuring up to it reagan had been. Host watch American History tv every weekend on cspan3. Washington journal continues. Host we want to open our phone lines to get your reaction to what the president tweeted yesterday exciting year allegations, trump appears to doubt the metoo generation. President trump saying peoples lives are being shattered and destroyed by a mere allegation. Some are true and some are prospered summer old and some are new. There is no recovery for someone falsely accuse my country are gone. Is there no such thing any longer as to process . Dissociated press his writing about this. President trump capping down on his aides exits. President trump on saturday seem to frame the downfall of a pivotal aid accused of abusing his life as a character assassination, adding to the term alt that has engulfed the white house, imperiled chief of staff john kelly sold on his vision. President trump invented in a tweet that appeared to take him at the rising me too movements and echoed his own denials of sexual impropriety in the face of accusations for more than one dozen women and his response affected his growing discontent with kelly, once this up and for bringing discontent to the wing, but the fallout from the porter resignation also cast a spotlight on white House Counsel , apprised of some accusations least staff secretary at four times, including as early as january, 2017. We will go to robin on a line for republicans. Good morning. Caller yes. Woman, andl, i am a this is not an easy issue. I have seen a lot of women that have destroyed mens lives or vice versa for false accusations. I believe the president was saying, look, lets prove those arst before we just shatter guys life. I think that is important. Look at scottdale, going through the same thing. Whether it is true or not, i do not know. End hishe did this and career, it isnt fair and it is turning into a witchhunt. People need to remember both sides yeah, it is wrong i do not condone it, but i have seen where women have destroyed mens lives. Line, joni,publican thank you. On the democrats line, good morning. Caller journalists daniel dale reminded us of this remark by the president , shoplifting is not the little thing. It is a big thing. He said it on twitter when he you waited 10 basketball players and he cannot manage to say a single word about spousal abuse. The stories are changing. The story leaked on kelly, he answered questions about the removal and waste not aligned with accurate reports. I think he has praised the staffer, kelly praised the they were telling them to stay in their jobs. This is the guy who pompously i am talking about john kelly you lectured reporters on morale and supported trump and often spins bad news stories so the white house looks better. People are accused of physical and Sexual Assaults and harassment or intimidation, or whatever it is. Host thank you. John kelly is the chief of staff , calling rob Porter A Mana of honor. This is fromxiu this is from officials urging him to stay and fight. [video clip] initially, there is an impulse to protect porter, and to say, he only resigned over the objections of people in the white house. Let me back up. There were two different stories and there was one tuesday night and one wednesday morning. The weight of those stories together compelled rob to do the right thing and resign trade the president is pointing out that all the while, and this was said from the podium, write a statement for rob porter that he is denied these allegations, and he does not want to further engage in this orchestrated public Smear Campaign. You think it is a Smear Campaign . When the president is talking about due process, he is right in this way, we are a country of laws with due process. As individuals, we have the duty to assess everybody on a casebycase basis. In this case, you have police reports, women speaking to the fbi, police reports, for the graphs. You look at all of that together, you realize that rob porter did the right thing by resigning. Photographs,he this from his first wife a photo of her black eye that was reportedly taken by rob porter. The guardian has this headline trump appears to issue a new defense of the eight accused of Domestic Abuse. Trump has been skeptical by allegations from women claiming abuse by men. He endorsed roy moore in 2017, despite credible statements that he sexuallyusations assaulted underage girls, noting that more denies it. He pushed back by saying the accusers are all liars. However, trump has been more comfortable making allegations of others. He led the charge against the central park five, the five africanamerican teenagers wrongly convicted of rape, running advertisements, implying they should be executed to read he has maintained it, in spite of dna evidence that they were found not guilty. That is from the guardian. John from california, independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. My view of it is that this is all of what is the comments being said and then tweets is just to save face. We have not heard from quarter. He must be guilty, obviously, that is my opinion. Host nicholas joining us from st. Paul, minnesota. Good morning. Caller good morning. I would like to echo the comments of your first caller, who was a woman, and that is proof, iss there is think due process needs to run its course. There is no justice in ruining a mans life over an allegation. The fact that the media believe the women and do not believe the men is an example of the egregious bigotry and hatred that the left has and the media has for both the right and men in general. From steveis a tweet 15 minutes left in the closing segment, and we will not get a mention of trump hiding the democrats demo, will we . Well, we just did three thank you. We focused on that memo yesterday and more to come if and when the memo is released, the democratic response to devin nunes respone. We have posted that Intelligence Committee memo on a website, www. Cspan. Org. From tennessee, democrats line, good morning. Caller good morning to cspan. Thereto say, i believe are issues involved in these matters with women. I believe it has long been passed with white male privilege dominated, and when it comes out, everybody is just so taken back about it, but this has been an issue for years, and it was a tpm outshot, do not say nothing about it, but this was a privileged white male issue that has finally come out. Thank you. Host thank you. And with this tweet why are we talking about this . We are talking about it he cursed the president tweeting on his adie and it is front page for most newspapers today. On the democrats line, good morning. Caller good morning. I wanted to say the previous caller before the last one, and the first, talking about destroying a mans reputation without due process, just like in the clip you showed, kellyanne conway, there was due process, police reports, restraining orders. He could not get clearance because of this. I do not know where these people are coming from saying he did not get due process because he did. Thank you. Host headlines outside of washington, d. C. The orlando sentinel, dreamers describe growing fear and angst. The Senate Taking up immigration debate. I coverage on cspan2. This from the boston herald, ice queen, kim jonguns sister charms at the olympics and one column saying, do not fall for it. You can see how close she was the Vice President pence during friday. Ing ceremony on and there is this from the poststandard in new york, deportation reality, even in a sanctuary city. Back to calls, chuck is next from virginia, republican line. Call, these people talking about the left, all this nonsense, name callers, left and left. Anyway, this nonsense. Anyway, i do not understand what these people are talking about. No one has convicted these guys up anything. What are these people talking about somebody destroying somebodys life . Why did they leave . They couldve stayed on their jobs. Im 11 years older than donald , this cocaine cowboy, the best thing people can do is stop paying attention. [indiscernible] host thank you. Lets go to our tweet from another viewer trump is more loved the more the liberals bash trump, the more the world loves trump. Liberals are insane. Review, there is a column, Available Online, and he writes there are a lot of folks in washington struggling to make the best of the trump presidency. It might be a personal disaster, the reason, but we can still get decent policies passed. Everyone knows trump demands loyalty. Even while he does things they publicly condemn, they often stable largely quiet. Sometimes they will grant sex mulligans or praise his crass and crude public manner as authentic. Reputations sacrifice today will be needed tomorrow. It is time for the president s defenders to think twice before leaping to his defense. There is time for them to think twice about remaining silent. This time to stop enabling function for a chance at influence. Trumps loyalty tests are uniquely corrupting. That is by david french. Ben on the democrats line from massachusetts, good morning. Caller good morning. Thanks for taking my call. He will talk about to process, but not about the individuals who left the white house. When we think of due process, we need to look at the importance of due process. What would it affect other minorities in the country when they do not have to process in the courts of law, when many were convicted, and put to death without due process . I want to talk about the black lives matter movement. It is based on the fact that those individuals shot and killed by Police Officers did not have due process. It is the responsibility of the police to arrest people and make sure he do have due process. When we think of due process, at least those individuals who the president was talking about, did penaltyup with a death without due process. Thank you. I just want people to understand that due process is very important in a lot of movements but based on the fact that people are trying to make possible due process to some people who due process has never been a reality for, thank you. Host thank you. Is ken from new york, independent line. Good morning. Caller good morning. Thank you. I would like to remind the isple who voted for this, he an exceptional case, and hopefully, we never have another president of this type. He has made virtually everyone who dealt with him sign a nondisclosure agreement, and there must be a reason for that. Thank you. Host next, debbie from mississippi, democrats line. Caller my name is debbie, and i wanted to say, i do not get why the republicans cannot pull their heads out of the sand and see what is Crystal Clear to the rest of america . I want to remind everybody that phones where suits, as well. I do not think the lady gave herself a black guy. It is crystal. Wake up, america. Host jose from little rock, california. Good morning. Caller good morning. Trump is onlyr. Is only showing what is for himself. He is a criminal. He is Holding Dreamers hostage for money. They do not see all this. Prolife,themselves what they are doing isnt prolife, it is everything but. They are killing peoples dreams and not doing justice for women who have been abused. It just shows that the republicans want to put their agenda, and they will not do anything to him and to accomplish everything they want. They are not going to do nothing. Someone has to push them to do what needs to be done. Thank you. Host carl, you get the last word from kansas city. Democrats is line. Caller hello. I am twisted about this because you know, a kind of like trump in a way, but he is a crook. He is a crook. My objection, i do not support any of this come of these women, but they have taken way too much of their time on it rate im a veteran. What happened to the 6 million he collected for the veterans . It went off the news. If you really donated 6 million to the veterans, it would be big news and he would be bragging about it. He is a liar and sheet. Also, when he was in the debate and people were losing their houses, and he said, this is good for the economy because cash rich people can go out there and buy up peoples houses, that is like buying peoples houses who have suffered on the courthouse steps because they cannot pay their taxes. This cap is a character flawed narcissistic crook. Host from missouri. By the way, when update, this is from the hill newspaper, Meghan Mccain saying john mccain is doing really good in the cancer fight. She appeared on cnn, saying that he was quite ill over the Christmas Holidays but undergoes treatment in arizona. You can read details at the hill. Com. Tomorrow morning, we are back at a busym. And looking at week in washington. The house looking at the president s budget, the Senate Taking up the immigration debate. Rascoe will be with us from 8 00 until 9 00 and a look at your money, the cost of prescription drugs. David mitchell, the president and founder of patients for affordable drugs, will be with us tomorrow morning on washington journal, also heard on cspan radio. Check out our freak cspan radio app. All of our programming is available at www. Cspan. Org newsmakers is next with democratic irishmen Ben Ray Lujan of new mexico. That is followed by a subcommittee hearing on procedures to investigate misconduct by senior military leaders. Later, President Trump talks about tax policy and the midterm elections during a recent

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