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Will get your reaction throughout President Trump is handling the house impeachment inquiry, by taking your phone calls and sharing your tweets and facebook comments. Washington is next. Host it is the washington journal for october 11. President trump held a rally in minneapolis, his first since the start of the impeachment inquiry. The rally tohe use criticize, he also took aim at joe biden and his son, hunter. Under other themes came out throughout the rally. We will get your reaction during our three hours on the washington journal. For republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. And independence bank, 2027488002 independence , 2027488002. If you want to text us, you can do so at 2027488003. Post on our Facebook Page at facebook. Com cspan. Emerge fromhemes to that rally was that of joe biden and his son, hunter. Here is part of what the president said. [video clip] here is hunter . Here is hunter . You know nothing about energy. You know nothing about anything, frankly. You are a loser. Why did you get 1. 5 billion, hunter . [applause] and your father was never considered smart. He was never considered a good senator. Vices only a good president because he understood how to kiss Barack Obamas ass. [applause] [applause] true. [chanting usa] thank you, it is true. They are always saying the same thing. We admit it, there is nothing. Always that same thing. President trump made a totally unsubstantiated claim about hunter biden and his father. It is not unsubstantiated you , it is son of a guns 100 true. [applause] 100 . The smart guys on wall street, and i know all of them, and they are smart. They have never seen anything like that one before. I called them. Has that ever happened . Never happened. Guy walks in, no experience, no nothing. Flies in on air force 2 with his father. That is when he is Vice President. Like to have joe biden take over negotiations with china . I dont think so. I dont think so. Meanwhile, biden allowed china to rip off america for 8 years as Vice President and barack obama let him rob us blind. We are not doing that anymore. Host just a portion of that rally from last night. If you want to see the whole thing, go to our website, cspan. Org. We will show you the other themes through the course of the morning. For republicans. Democrats, 2027488000. Ndependents, 2027488002 also joining us to give insight and context is john mcardle. Was 102 minutes that took place at the target center in neapolis, a center that holds some 20,000 people. The president appearing in the state that he has not won and republicans have not won since 1972. It was 1972 win Richard Nixon when Richard Nixon won that state. President trump declared last night he would take the northstar state and want to show viewers his campaign visit tracker from fox news. The red map shows President Trumps visit on this screen. States. A on his list of compare the visits by President Trump around the country. This is the Democratic Campaign tracker. Minnesota on the list, but behind iowa. 40 visits by john delaney. 45 by tulsi gabbard. Amy klobuchar, 35 visits. Minnesota certainly on the list of candidates and Amy Klobuchar having the most appearances in the state. Some reaction from the Democratic Candidates to the president s appearance in minneapolis. The man President Trump was talking about, joe biden saying he spent his night at the Human Rights Campaign forum talking about the fundamental respect every human being deserves. That was the forum put on by cnn. At joe biden saying you spent yours showing how little respect for anyone else you have. America is stronger than your weakness. Amy klobuchar yesterday afternoon saying donald trump is bringing his hateful rhetoric to my home state of minnesota. Join me in signing a petition to make clear we will beat him in minnesota and all over the heartland. Amy klobuchar live tweeting during the president s comments. Immigrants and refugees have helped make our state a wonderful place to live and work, which is far more than this president has done. Stop using immigrants and refugees as pawns. One other democrat who pushed back on the president last night and throughout the days leading up to the president s visit is the mayor of minneapolis. He has got a lot of attention because the president has given him attention as well. This was jacob fry yesterday before the rally started saying hate day. Ove trumps the people of minneapolis will not be baited by voices that promote conflict and intolerance. That was the mayor of minneapolis. We will look for more reaction to the president s rally. Host first call on the rally, philip in tennessee, independent line. You are up first. Caller good morning. Good morning. I have a question i want to ask. Ran for president before he got elected, he said 7 heot file taxes on filed bankruptcy multiple times. I heard yesterday on tv he in the thirdillion quarter for his reelection. Histhat money be applied to bankruptcy . Host dont know the answer to that, but when it comes to the reelection, what did you think of the rally last night . Caller i thought it sucked. Lied. Od there and i dont know what to think of him. Melissa in go to montana, democrats line. Hello. Caller good morning. Good morning, america. Good morning, cspan. I am so grateful for you and brian and everyone on cspan. I would like to direct my comments directly to the american public. Left, right, black, white, democrat, republican. Open your eyes to this man. I would like to know why he span, they had another very interesting show with all the democrats. Why arent you headlining that . Why do we have to see the trump entity spewing his lies and hatred. I have a couple more comments. Please, america. Cannot you see this man is putins puppet . His wife is his handler. It is so obvious. I have another comment. Please do not interrupt with people that call in. I like it better when they are allowed to make their comments and not get feedback because that distorts their view somehow. I like to hear what they have to say without any comment. Host i have to apologize only to that point, but to your previous one about his wife being his handler, why do you think that . Caller it is obvious. Look at her eyes, she obviously has intelligence. I wonder if he is not doped up or drunk most of the time. Host we are going to leave it then. This rally was an event we took in. That rally through the 100 plus minutes, you can go to our website if you want and watch the whole thing for yourself. We will show portions as we go through the morning. Maryland in middle river, danny is up next. Caller i wanted to first of all, thank you for taking the call. Thank you for your show, it is always informative. I love the backandforth with the democrat, republican, independent conversation. Comment is regardless of whether bang you voted for him before, whether bang you like him as a person, whether bang you like his interaction and policies, we have to listen to what he is saying. He lies habitually now. It is sickening. How dare you Say Something about having a job and saying he is not qualified when 3 of your 5 children are working in the white house and not qualified to do anything. Host you are saying hunter biden should not come up for conversation at all during this process . Caller at all. How can hunters name be brought up when ivanka and beavis and butthead are in the white house right now . Is next from ohio, democrats line. Caller good morning. I called in as an independent. I want to introduce myself as someone who is basically socially liberal. My interest is always in housing for the poor. When it comes to President Trump, i love the guy, i cannot get enough of the guy. I always come up to my friends and relatives in cleveland. We love each other, we are not going to hate each other over politics. I always tell them, you cannot blame President Trump, you have to put the blame on people like me. I take the blame for it and i love it. Ill beat a king, Martin Luther vita king, Martin Luther kings niece, she loves trump. Host what do you get from the rallies when you see them . Caller we have never seen a president go offthecuff like that. Likeys things that are sales talk. It is important, i love it. It is mostly the stuff i hear from the guy is really exposing the swamp. I hate to use the typical word, true. Amp, but it is the way washington has evolved over the years, it wasnt anyone fault, but it cannot be broken down. Only these obnoxious people are the ones that can break it down. I am going to vote for him again. It is not trumps fault, it is people like me. Host lets hear from a democrat. Michigan. Etroit, you are next. Caller good morning, pedro. Good morning, america. Greetings from motown. Listening to the president last night when he takes swings first that joe biden and then barack shows the lack of maturity he has and the blind hatred of those two from that predominantly white and undoubtably racist audience. There is no doubt about that. When i listen to him slam barack obama accusing joe biden of knowng Barack Obamas you what. From the moment he first laid eyes on barack obama, the green eyed monster has been eating away at donald trump. He is extremely jealous of barack obama. Host because . Caller excuse me, go ahead. Host because why . Caller i think he is upset barack obama is probably still more admired and then he is and i think it speaks volume about hatred inof rachel his predominantly white audiences racial hatred in his predominantly white audiences and those calling on cspan. They want desperately, desperately to not only erase Barack Obamas record, but basically erase him from the very pages of history. Host that is jerry calling on the line for democrats. Back to john mcardle. Host 2 want to keep viewers uptodate on what is happening on capitol hill. Theress away on recess, but impeachment inquiry continuing including today. We are expected to see another hearing behind closed doors, this one in the House Intelligence Committee. This is jeff bennett reporting Marie Yovanovitch is set to be deposed at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Sources familiar say they expect her to show up despite a white house vow not to cooperate with the inquiry. She would have to quit the state department before appearing. Fox news in their story previewing disappearance today or perhaps not if she doesnt show looks into how the Trump Administration has viewed the ambassador. Trump and his surrogates have painted yovanovitch as a rogue employee with an antitrump political bias. Her ouster came amid alleged attempts by Rudy Giuliani to press ukraine into investigating joe biden and his son. Those efforts triggering the impeachment inquiry. The story goes on to note the news yesterday on the ukrainian front and the former ambassadors involvement. Federal prosecutors unsealed an indictment alleging two donors to a pro trump Fundraising Committee were engaged in lobbying efforts on behalf of ukrainian politician seeking yovanovitchs ouster. They are u. S. Citizens who helped giulianis efforts to pursue the investigation of joe biden and the ukraine. We are watching for that and also other news this morning on this upcoming parts of inquiry and more interviews taking place. This from axios. Gordononlon sondland expected to testify yesterday despite being blocked by the state Department Yesterday appearing in a closeddoor deposition. One more just to keep you updated on the latest from the wall street journal this morning. Lawyers for the cia officer whose whistleblower complaint helped ignite the impeachment couldy their client submit testimony instead of appearing in person. The request reflects concerns about whether the whistleblower could testify without revering his that revealing his identity. That from the wall street journal. A lot of moving parts. We will keep you updated throughout the morning and the days and weeks and months to come. Host our Facebook Page is available to you if you want to post about the rally. Judy says he has to deflect self and his supporters joe from new york off our Texting Service saying the bad thing about the rally is that you actually had people standing and clapping for what went wrong. Ith our Education System susan saying it is the only mechanism to bring this to the public. We love trump. You can text us, 2027488003. Post on our twitter feed at cspanwj. Kathy in oklahoma, republican line. Caller i am a registered democrat. I no longer support them because the lack of sovereignty they are advocating. Something i wanted to clarify from last nights speech about the kurds. They are lovely people, but was redivided by the british. The british occupied the middle rdistand they took ku away. The Kurdish People have not been our allies even though they certainly need help and the point trump was making was that wey were not helping us, were helping them defend their area they lived in. The Kurdish People need to be reassigned homeland. Thebritish subdivided countries and took their homeland away. I think it was after world war i. We need to learn our history so we will clearly understand what he meant. Host i want to show you what the president said from last night. It turkey and syria coming up during the course of the president s speech. [video clip] andn the case of turkey syria and the kurds, we could send in 1000 troops for a military conflict with turkey. Harduld hit turkey very financially. We could mediate a deal between turkey and the kurds. I like that. Lets mediate a deal. They have been fighting each other for hundreds of years and we were artificially put there in this case by president obama. We did our job, and i will tell you another thing, we have to be treated fairly. We have to be treated fairly. We are not treated fairly by other nations. We captured many, many isis fighters. I called them myself in many cases. Take the fighters, we dont want them. I said they did you a favor, they are citizens of germany, france, these various countries in europe. Take your fighters. I said how unfair are you treated . We are doing things that are Pretty Amazing in every once in a while you have to change course. The United States has spent 8. Rillion in the middle east these wars produce chaos and bloodshed. All the sacrifice made the middle east it is less safe, less secure. And the single greatest mistake our country made in its history was going into the quicksand of the middle east. He spent 8 trillion and lost thousands of lives we spent 8 trillion in lost thousands of lives. The other side, we can talk about that, lost millions of lives. What did we do . We are pulling people out and trying to make good deals and we are going to bring our soldiers. Ack home host did the president speak about leaving kurds to die . Patty saying it was the funniest and best president in years, talk about telling it like it is. As for the paid protesters, it did not seem to stop crowds showing up. If hunter biden is share game, ao fair game, so is ivank and jared. Doesnt joe biden criticizing trump at much smaller rallies one would think they were both running for president. Facebook available at facebook. Com cspan. You can post on our twitter feed at cspanwj. Stephanie in brooklyn, new york, democrats line. Caller good morning. How are you, cspan . Host fine, thank you. Caller i am calling because i was so disappointed about that rally last night. This president is such an embarrassment. He is not even a role model for our young men, our young ladies. He is a disgrace. Aboutwhat specifically the rally disappointed you the most . Caller there was nothing exciting about it. This president has so much hate in him. He is such a mean man. He has no empathy for anyone else or anything else. He puts himself above anybody else because he is a narcissist. He doesnt care for us at all, he cares for his pockets. His family pockets. His family is robbing the country. He is not doing nothing for us but robbing the country. Him and his Bridge Friends along rich friends along with Rudy Giuliani and the Republican Party because they are taking money from international countries. It is happening. We must put a stop to it. Host for viewers that are waiting to cutwn your television back on the feedback. Greensboro, maryland, republican line. Gabriel, hello. Caller hello, hello. Good morning, good morning. I just have a couple words to say about our president and the and a littlee about what i think is going on. The president is a comedian. He is a tv show host. What he is doing on these rallies, he is just doing his thing, he is a comedian. You cannot really take him serious. It is dangerous because he is the president and has a lot of power. Fact heike to hear the is politically correct. The second thing i want to say host he directly mentioned joe biden. Caller he did he called his but he did not call directly joe biden anything. Unable everybody can see that. The other thing is trump is a christian and he claims he believes in jesus christ and the resurrection power of jesus. They tried to kill jesus, but he was too pure and holy. Host how that relates to the rally yesterday . Caller this is the whole thing everybody is trying to get at and what you are trying to figure out and what people are trying to figure out how can he get away with this how can he get away with saying these lies and being so incompetent and saying these lies and owing all these taxes . Host darlene in tennessee, independent line. Caller i watch this morning he is you came on and just a motivational antagonistic person. This must be a campaign to get reelected. I did not hear anything he was going to do to help this country. With finances, Climate Change all he did was antagonize the crowd. That is all he did. I wish giuliani had been caught host darlene in tennessee. You heard the president speak about issues concerning turkey and syria with a followup. Here is john mcardle. Host 2 president ial candidates and members of congress continuing to weigh in on the president s decision to withdraw troops from social media syria. Joe biden with a post yesterday. He said donald trump sold out the Syrian Democratic forces, courageous kurds that fought with us to smash isis caliphate. , our wordd our troops as a nation, raising doubts among our allies around the world about americas security lighting a green turkish incursion that will. Reate chaos and destruction former Vice President joe biden yesterday. Fromare a few more posts throughout the day, President Trump continued to push back from members of his own party in particular. Marco rubio saying syria has nothing to do with endless war or sending thousands of troops. Agreed to Border Security zones. The u. S. Agreed to remove our small contingent of troops from the border and turkey invaded. The republican congressman, i strongly support much of the president s Foreign Policy. However, i am concerned about the ramifications of the decision to withdraw from syria. The kurds have been loyal allies to the u. S. For decades. I hope this decision will not further destabilize the region. Another republican, commerce and congressman lloyd smucker. The kurds were instrumental in our fight against isis in syria and we should not be turning our backs on them. President trump should immediately reverse his decision. One more tweet from one of the supporters,vocal rand paul of kentucky saying if we can save one american soldier from losing their life or limbs in another senseless middle eastern war, it is worthwhile. The bloodlust of neoconservatives knows no bounds. Host the rally last night, themes from it the topic of this program for the remaining 2. 5 hours. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. Independents, 2027488003. 2. Boca raton, jenny. How are you . Caller i want to say one thing about the rally i found disturbing, that trump cannot be eloquent or articulate, he always has to go to foul language. For example, saying joe biden was kissing Barack Obamas a. And my 10yearold son was watching and he thinks he can go around saying that. Host everything about the president cost demeanor is the opposite of what i taught my children to be. The president doesnt hate president obama, he hates what he did to this country. The president has to be mad about what the deep state operatives are doing to him and the u. S. Hello. Maryland, caller i just wanted to say about the rally, the one woman said all he did was antagonize that crowd. They did not look antagonize to me, they looked like they were for trump and they have to start giving trump a chance instead of fighting the whole way. I have never, in my life, seen anybody criticized as bad as this president has been. Get from thed you rally, personally . 3 i listened caller i listened to what was being said and i dont just listen to said hethat was is a politician and he is going to live. That is what politicians do. Host did you sense any lies from him, in your estimation . Caller not that i heard last night, no. I did not hear any. Host that is stan in maryland. We will go to jay, oak hills, florida, independent line. A couple of your previous callers were complaining about how this rally was being held and how it was going. First off, it is a rally, it is not just meant for the entire United States, it is meant for the people in the auditorium. It is designed for that and that is why he goes to each state and has a rally in each state. They need to get over it is nitpicking. What i did here is something democrats were pushing for years and years in the 1960s. We dont need all the stuff and we go overseas to the middle east and i was there in the 1970s. 1978 and 1979. We have been there since then and trump is saying we are not going anywhere. These people are never going to understand what is going on. Why are we wasting our valuable humanwheo we do . Still inhe kurds syria . Why dont they leave . I dont get the whole thing. Everybody wants to claim it is trumps fault. This man doesnt have the power in him to control the world, so i dont know what they are thinking. Host marjorie in illinois. Good morning. Caller as a democrat, i walk by the television and see his face and his demeanor, he is everything i am not. I am a christian, he is not. I dont think he is qualified to be our president. I would like to see him gone today. Host did you listen to anything of what he said . Caller yes, i did. I think it is all garbage. Host what do you mean by that . Caller i agree there are children that are listening and he is too negative to be a good leader. Host that is marjorie in illinois. In indiana, republican line. We will hear next from larry in indiana. Caller yes. Host you are on. Go ahead. Caller i am a republican and i support President Trump in every way. It is nice to have a president who can tell the truth and tell it the way it is. Biden, theyama and around,ked the people did not tell them about the health care and what it was going to do to them. In 1972, Henry Kissinger quietly went to china and in 1972, the nixon envoy kissinger acknowledged the u. S. Could live with communists. Biden was overheard on a microphone when he thought it was not on saying the s word and he was in a room with a russian guy saying we can do better. Host how does this relate to the rally last night . Caller i am not sure, let me give you a little background. The rally, President Trump energized the rally and like the other person said, this is for that area to energize and go vote republican. Democrats are nothing but all they want to do is impeach and they go from one subject to the other and when they cant get one thing done, they go to something else. I support my president , i love him. Host that is larry. This is a viewer who goes through the handle by the sayse awful processes and those in attendance, american citizens dont seem to know or care about real policy. Saying it was a great speech by the president , keeps packing in the crowds and taking his message to the people. Brave announcement on withdrawing troops and endless wars in the middle east. Michigan next, we will hear from kevin, independent line. Actually get not to see the rally, but i have been to the one in michigan. He can energize people to no end. You have a president fighting the media, fighting some republicans. The guy has been under attack beforele presidency even that. The president is going to get mad. Would you get mad if you were attacked to the last three years . Host tom is next from georgia, democrats line. Caller good morning to you. Donald trump needs to be impeached, yes, he does. He is corrupt, a liar, a thief, a cheat. Lets look at things from a common viewpoint. Everyone in his Administration Since he has been president has either been arrested, fired by him, thrown in prison or being prosecuted as we speak. We have to take into consideration who is the leader of the game . If the people in his administration are guilty, he is guilty. The only time the man lies is when he opens his mouth. Host what did you think about the themes from last nights rally . I think it was crazy. We have all the he has all these people believing we are doing this and we are going to do that. Go all back to all the way back to trump tower. He had a tilt and when it came to building the contractors he said i dont want it and he did not pay them. If people would check into things donald trump have done, he was not a leader. His family was rich. When you have money, you have everything you need away you wanted. Caller i want to remind these people saying bad things and calling trump a liar and a thief and everything that this guy wants to become president. He doesnt need it. He has a lot of money. He can be enjoying his money having a good life, not taking the aggravation and all this hate he is getting from the Democratic People, ignorant people, people from the left that have done a lot of harm to this country for a lot of years Hillary Clinton and a lot of wrongdoing. This other one, sleepy joe his sun was doing and getting a lot of money from those countries with no excuse why he is getting so much money. And they dont persecute them. Him. Dont do nothing to ift for people calling in, you turn down your television set, that helps with interference in the background and keeps the conversation flowing smoothly. With more on the rally particularly with what was going on outside the target center, here is john mcardle. Protest that was a took place outside the target center yesterday in minneapolis and this is the headline from the star tribune. Protests escalate from peaceful chance to fire and an impasse with police. Want to take you through the mid to Late Afternoon and into the evening last night in a series of video tweets posted by different journalists. This from Chris Sheridan from around 3 30 p. M. Local time in minnesota showing the police getting into position yesterday. The bicycle cops showing up and fastforward a couple hours to 5 19 p. M. This is aaron blake of the Washington Post filming one confrontation between a group of protesters and Trump Supporters outside the target center. Deescalated quickly. Skip ahead to after the rally cbs night, this from wcco miami showing a group of protesters burning a pile of make America Great again hats and chanting last night. I want to read one paragraph from the star tribune story. As the president finished his event, some outside began blocking cars, calling the drivers racist and throwing plastic bottles and traffic cones at their vehicles. Ofroup burned a pile merchandise. One person was arrested according to the locals sheriffs office. That was the scenes outside the target center yesterday. We will look to see if there is further news about arrests. Host another event scheduled to take place by the president in louisiana. Stay close to our website for that event. That is tonight at 8 00. Cspan. Org and monitor on our radio app. John, hello. Caller . We have rebuilt our military. We are taking care of Health Care Like nobody has been able to do. What we have done is incredible and we are protecting your Second Amendment. If you dont have me, your Second Amendment is gone. Host that full rally available at our website at cspan. Org. Los angeles, california, next. John on our democrats line. Host i dont caller i dont know what these people see in trump. He is bad for our country. He is not a politician. Jack in illinois. Independent line. Caller i am curious on these rallies if they are considered Campaign Rallies and who pays for them. Is it the campaign for reelection for donald trump or are the taxpayers paying for some of it . Like the secret service and all that good stuff. I havent heard much about who is footing the bill for these things. Host that may the something we are able to figure out during the course of our time. Lets hear from thomas in spring hill, florida, republican line. Caller good morning. I wanted to say a few things about the rally. You can say anything you want about trump and this rally. It was peaceful, there were people enjoying themselves. There werent violence or riots like you had on the outside. What you have at least is respect for the country. Respect for Law Enforcement officers. Antitrump protesters, that is the true face of the Democrat Party. Thank you. Host what do you get from a rally when you watch it . What did you get from last nights rally . Caller the support for this country, the support for Law Enforcement officers not putting our troops in harms way, letting them do what they are supposed to do and get out of the middle east. Host it was Foreign Policy got from last nights rally specifically . Caller yes, instead of being stuck in that quagmire where it is a mess over there. Get rid of ice and get out. Host from washington, d. C. , you are on, go ahead. Caller sorry to follow up with someone who is fairly clueless. He did mention getting out of the middle east, but for some reason, we just put troops in the middle east. More oftenhis than not, everything he says is an extreme reaction and the crowd repeats everything they hear. When you are listening someone that was charged with housing discrimination against people of multipleraged bankruptcy, multiple marriages, as untrustworthy as you can godibly be as far from as he can be, but for some reason, these people follow him nending, blinding rage. We did not have these type of rallies with barack obama because he did not instigate violence or this rhetoric. I feel sorry for you. Ask youtimately, i will and other people, isnt the point of a rally to appeal to a base . Caller yeah. If you are wearing a sheet and arego to a klan rally, you appealing to a base. Host that is a broadbrush route i dont know how you could apply that. Caller he is a white supremacist. Host i will let your comment stand. Stephen, independent line. Caller good morning. The kind of mixed on all deceptions i have heard this morning from the commentary and the people that live in this country. In 1968, president johnson had an agreement that would have taken place in the paris accords that would have ended the vietnam war. It was sabotaged by nixon. That man kept the vietnam war going for seven years and cost another 21,000 american lives. Working for 50n years in their disruption of politics to finally find a man like donald trump. Donald trump is a crime family member. He is a deceiver, liar, creator of conspiracies. Host everything you said so far leading up to that, how does that lead to last nights rally . Caller it is part of the same deception, fraud, and feeding of conspiracies he is giving to the people looking to him for answers. Host give me a specific from that viewpoint from last night, in your opinion. The conversation any conversation he has that has any relationship with a specific fact can be disputed. I cant think of anything specifically because quite honestly, 18 months ago when i see him on television, i mute the tv. I cannot listen to lies and deception. We are in the process of losing republic. This man is the greatest threat this country has seen in that 242 years along with the gop. Host lets hear from a republican in pennsylvania. Terry. Caller good morning, pedro, and thank you from cspan. My comment from last night is former ambassador Marie Yovanovitch it was not reported that she was an obama carryover ambassador. She serves at the president s request and he had a right to ask her to resign and step down so he could put in his ambassador and that is what he did. Host how that relates to last night . Caller he said she was a really bad woman and she was. As a u. S. Air force chaplain i andand prayed with melania President Trump. Donald trump daily listens to pp devotion bible throughout the year. He has given study bibles to everyone in his cabinet all 100 u. S. Senators, the Supreme Court justices, and the people at the state department the same bible so when they have bible study and he invites people to pray and voice especially with ambassador Sam Brownback on religious freedom they say please join me, turn to page 1397 in your bible and lets on firstble study corinthians chapter 13. Host ron in New Hampshire, democrats line. Caller good morning. I love this show. This is an awesome show. I have to tell you. I am really just sick and tired of republicans, especially the religious republicans. They call up and i dont know how anybody can say they have an ounce of religion in them and back this guy for president. I dont understand it. Yes, he has given them some courthe is stacking the with conservative judges, but the guy has no morals, no standards. The republicans donald trump, they dont believe in the simplest things any person would believe in like Climate Change. 97 of Scientists Say it is real and being caused mostly by people. You cannot continue to pump thousands of tons of garbage into the air and it is not going to have a fact. Host what did you think about the rally . Particularly the presence of the public at the rally . Caller i dont watch his rally. All he does is pick on people. He picks on anybody who disagrees with him even though he is wrong about everything he says. He needs to either be impeached or we need to get the pope to him from exorcise the white house because he has no business being there. Host ron in New Hampshire. President s fans discuss expect lies. Will bee rally, he reelected adding we need to get out of the middle east. Substancehad zero attacks strung together with venom and snort. Callers venom and snark. Callers reflect that. Proxy from alabama, good morning. Caller good morning. I love the rally. I loved everything he said and biden is anidiot idiot. Obama did nothing but fly back and forth to the golf course. Trump has helped his country and he has built iteconomically, ane morals. I do not know how people are against him. Look how they have talked about him. The what do you think of president speaking so much about joe biden and his son . What do you get out of it . What specifically do you get out of it . Caller i get that he is putting them in his perspective. Biden is not even a but kiss her. Obama has not even backed him. Host from oregon, my crotch line, the tory a. Democratss line. Hello. Caller i am keeping track of how many of the 10 commandments donald trump has broken. I turned on the rally for a little bit. It is very interested that the police union would be backing something somebody so antiunion and promoted the rulings so that you do not have fair share in unions. And now he is limiting the abilities of federal employees to organize and have collective bargaining. How about that story of him cutting food stamps recently . Host how does that relate to the rally . Caller he has the backing of the police, which i do not understand because he is someone who does not obey the rule of law, and how he does so much for so many people, but the most vulnerable are being really hurt by his policies. Victoria ins oregon. Ourng finishing off first hour in three. You can talk about the themes that arose from it on our lines. 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488002 for independents. Text us at 2027488003. Some of you are posting on twitter at cspan w j and our Facebook Page at facebook. Com cspan. The stats from the rally it was 102 minutes that the president spoke at a crowd of about 20,000. One of our callers had asked about the cost of the rally, and some of the concerns by the city of minneapolis during this past week when it comes to the president holding a rally of this size and scope. This is a story that the mayor earlier this week demanding that the Trump Campaign payback an estimated 500 30,000 in costs when it comes to that rally. The story noted that the campaign had said they had reached an agreement to pay for the venue but are not paying anything extra. I look at more reporting a look at more reporting and the rules that apply. There story from yesterday noting that despite the cost, the fcc does not require Campaign Committees to pay states or cities back for rally related expenses. They can reimburse security nott costs but they are required to do so. They interviewed a professor at the university of minnesota saying that candidates pay for venue rentals but city and local taxpayers are shelling out for agencies can expect over time when it comes to these types of rallies. They went back to the rally in june of last year in duluth. That cost 69,000. The Trump Campaign had trade dutch had paid 112,000 had paid 112,000. The city was left on the hook for another 93,000. This played out over twitter over the course of this week. This was President Trump pushing back on jacob pry frys demands. The president saying that the radical left mayor of minneapolis is doing Everything Possible to stifle free speech despite a record sellout crowd. President clinton and obama paid almost nothing. The Minneapolis Police have been incredible is what he tweeted. Yesterday from jacob fry as this conflict can for continued saying, my position remains unchanged, taxpayer should not have to bear the brunt of operating costs resulting from the president s visit. A couple of stories focusing on him from a couple of different organizations, first from wcco, the report about who is benefiting from the minneapolis mayor,which is the noting that his fame nationally has increased about 500 due to his back and forth with President Trump and his treats tweets and interest. Starmore story from the tribune. Alikerities and civilians weigh in on the absolutely delisted delicious jacob frey. That is the headline. Host viewers on the internet commenting from last night. This is from our Texting Service. Arizona, the strongest thing was the peoples support. He is the real deal changing america for the best jobs, stockmarket, defense and so on. If you are not doing better you are missing the boat. I am a proud republican american. Why would have anyone needed to watch the president last night. It is always the same. Gary off of twitter saying the president did a good job explaining the policy perspectives. The president is right on prosperity and fixing Foreign Policy and is keeping his promises. From ohio texting us . From ohio texting us . I do not think that President Trump richardhear from starting in the second hour. Richard. Hello. Caller i watched the rally as i have watched 99 of his rallies. For the most part it is the same speech all the time, but last nights was a little different. He started up and did go after joe biden, and he did go after other people along the way. Thinktand one thing, they they have been coming after him even before he was elected. The bottom line boils down to one thing, as the gentleman said, this is for that particular community. He is going to be going to all of the states, the best thing to do is to get out there and let the people see him. It is one thing to see someone on tv be a certain way. If you are in the public eye, i am a speaker and i have spoken when i was fully employed at different rallies of people. There is a difference between speaking to two or three in a room land speaking to a couple of thousand, as i have. I cannot imagine getting to to 25,000 or 30,000 people. Is he doing a good job . Yes. In my community i see skyscrapers and commerce moving. The employer that i had, they cannot get anybody to come to work for them because of the competition for employment in america. That is what we want, competition with employment. The only way you will get an employer to start putting money into your back pocket is it because he is making money. So let us come together and make money. Host tucson, arizona. Democrats line. You are on, go ahead. I want to ruffle a bit of the Democrat Party. I am very upset with them. They are so done, and stupid dumb or stupid to think that if pence willh trump, be the president and he will pardon trump. , he willpardons trump make him Vice President. When he becomes Vice President , he will then resign, and then trump will be back as president. How stupid is our Democratic People . Host how did you come to that conclusion . Caller i was very impressed with his speech last night, and i am so impressed with all of his host from last night, how did you come to that conclusion that you stated about people resigning and being appointed . Caller how did i what . Host how did you reach the conclusion that if the president is impeached, the Vice President will be put into place and then resign . Stupid, normal stupid but can be so the Democrat Party not to predict together. Host got the point. From michigan, independent line. Hello. Caller thank you. And iwatch part of that, am listening to your callers, and it is amazing how different he is speaking, the interpretation of what he said. We are talking about substance and what he did for health care. What did he do for health care . My husband pays astronomical for health care. As far as economy goes, we have tons of jobs but what about the people that are living payday to payday that do not have a 401 k . What about those other people . Caller from the speech host from the speech last night, what was your interpretation . Caller there was no substance, and then he says a lot of stuff to get the crowd going. He is your typical politician, but there is nothing there. He attacks, deflects, he is your typical politician. There is no difference between him and the democrats. I want to make one other comment is that chaplain who called who says he does bible studies, obviously he has not listening to what is going on the way he attacks people, not a nice man. , new let us hear from joe york, republican line. Caller very good speech. Does he read from notes . I do not see notes on the monitor. Is it from memory . Good when you say it is a speech, why specifically . Are you there . When you say it is a good speech, why do you say so specifically . Caller he is rebuilding the military. Before world war ii, we were not prepared. Militaryuilding the and relations. My mother worked for a law form law firm at a relations tie up business and it was nonsense. He realized the standard deduction for poor people, so like that. Host connecticut is next, democrats line. Hello greg. We are going to put you on hold only because if you would not mind, turned on the television and that will help speed things along. None of the themes from the rally ended up being a musical theme of sorts. One of our callers was talking about President Trump getting the crowd going. One way that his campaign sought to get the crowd going before the president spoke was to play one of the most famous songs from one of minnesotas favorite sons, the artist known as prince who died in 2016. They played his purple rain song. Heres about 15 seconds. Rain, purple rain. , purple rain. [end video clip] it earned pushback from princes estate, and they put out this tweet. President trump played princes purple rain despite confirming a year ago that the campaign would not use his music. The Prince Estate will never give permission to President Trump to use princes song. Image, a letter from a lawyer representing the Trump Campaign where they claim to represent the Trump Campaign, responding to the estate about the use of the purple rain song from october 2018. The letter says, to avoid any dispute, we write to confirm that the campaign will not use princes music and activities going forward. That dispute garnered a lot of attention including from Rolling Stone magazine, which wrote an entire story and they note that many artists have asked President Trump to stop using their music during his rallies dating back to when he first campaigned as a candidate. Aerosmith, and others have asked President Trump to stop employing their songs over the years. One more us try grey time. Ok. We will go to len, las vegas. Independent line. Go ahead. I have a good point here, i think. The trumpbiden issue with the conversationd the with the ukraine president. Had it not been for a whistleblower, all of this would be in that secure location. Joe bidens name would never be hadioned, and, if any dirt been found, it wouldve had to come back to trump, and then go back to his attorney general, barr, in order for him to do anything with it legally. Host how does that relate to the rally . Caller i am saying that trump set them up. There weret whistleblowers or deep state operatives in the white house, made the call, and knew that they were going to run to congress. Host that is len in las vegas. The president himself talking about issues, particularly because he had with the ukrainian president. Here is President Trump. [video clip] reallyrump we were forced to put it away. Theid just do it, got approval from ukraine. I had to ask, saying do you guys mind . They said that is a strange request. They said, please, go ahead. Nothing was said wrong. We released the transcript of the call, which was so good, that that crooked adam schiff this guy is crooked. [crowd booing] pres. Trump he had to make up a fake conversation that never happened, and he delivered it to the United States congress and the American People. [crowd booing] pres. Trump it was a total fraud. Nancy pelosi said i think the president said that. [crowd booing] pres. Trump they say these horrible things because they never thought in a million years i would release a transcript of the call. [crowd cheering] pres. Trump , so nancy pelosi upon hearing a false story from a whistleblower who had no clue of what was going on in the call or somebody gave her bad advice, but also hearing it from shifty said theancy pelosi day before seeing the transcript of the call with the ukrainian president , we have to impeach him. Then she saw the call and she said to our people, what the hell, nobody told me that this was the call. But she keeps going anyway because the press is fake and they play right into their hands. [end video clip] bethlehem, pennsylvania, republican line. Tom, hello. Caller thank you for the show. What i have to say is that the rally last night was great. Takingnt trump has been slings and arrows since before he was elected. Finallynally he is pissed off enough to go back and talk about joe biden, president obama, nancy pelosi, and adam schiff, and anyone, republican or democrat with any kind of common sense who cannot see through what the Obama Administration, joe biden did, and what nancy pelosi and adam schiff are doing is useless. Use common sense, people. Use common sense. Rallies, andu see i am praising it the way it is, the attack portions, is that what makes it great . Do you get policy out of this . Areer it is a rally, why you talking about policy . He is there to talk to the people who support him. Host those attack portions are what works best for you . Caller no, is that what you are telling me works best for you. I am not doing that at all. Go ahead and finish your thought. Caller trump is finally getting on the offensive and putting these people back in their place. I am tired and taking the slings and arrows for this president and letting everyone else discourage the man. He has done more for the United States than any of them. Host ok, let us hear from roger, in ohio, mccrights democrats line. Caller it is wild to sit up and about this say shit man who has done everything short of murder in tv and his life and you sit back and take it like it is nothing. You do not like black folks. Come on, what world are you living in. Host since you called us talking about the rally, what did you think about it . Caller last night . It was a joke. Host why so . Ler because host gaithersburg, maryland. Independent line. Joe, good morning. Hello. Caller good morning. I think the whole rally is about him protecting himself from being impeach. He knows he has broken the law, the language said in the call, it was wrong, and his decision to pull out of turkey and allow what he knows is going to be dangerous in that country is a distraction from people deciding that there is evidence that he has broken the emoluments clause. And, it will allow isis to take over again, it is to keep the media distracted from the investigation that is going to establish that he has done bad things. Host how does a rally do that when it has been so in the new cycle, how does the rally change that . Caller it does not change it, it continues to allow him to have the stage, to spin the story about what happened in the phone calls and all of the political and the decisions that he is making to cover up what is really being investigated, and the evidence against him. The rallies are part of the andinuum of him using media his presidency, which he has claimed joe biden used his influence for his son. His children are right now engaging in contacts contracts in china and all over the world and yet he wants to point the finger at joe biden. There are Serious Problems that he does not want to deal with, so this issue in turkey is nothing but a distraction, which is why the republicans have come out against him because it is an him conversation to ding on. Host denise is next, republican line. Hello. Caller good morning, and thank you for taking my call. I did like the rally last night and i especially liked the president deeply speaking. I have never heard a president go into what it is like to watch the soldiers come home in caskets. I really feel like he feels for these families, i think a lot of military families voted for him because he said three years ago that he was bringing us home from these foreign wars. If the last caller had a son or daughter that had to serve over in the middle east, she would be glad that her child was coming home. The president was 100 right when he said that we have had sand in theg in the middle east for a lot of years and it is worse than ever. Bring our kids home, he is very compassionate. She has no idea what she is talking about distractions in the middle east. Host we have a previous caller that said he got out of the rally that he went on offense, did you get that kind of thing from the speech last night, or was it the portions about the middle east . Ourer his compassion for soldiers that are serving in the foreign wars that are getting us nowhere and getting us killed. He mentioned that our soldiers are over they are training fighters, they turn their backs and these guys shoot them in the back. We cannot have them in this kind of danger. I do not to fight from our borders, but if we have to that is what we have to do because it is coming this way anyway. Host that is denise. Let us go to angus in colorado. Democrats line. Caller good morning, last night trump talked a lot about getting out of syria and the middle east as a couple of callers have mentioned, and yet his Administration Proposed cutting an International Military budget. It seems like you cannot bow out of the middle east and cut the International Affairs budget. Host how does one relate to the other . Caller if you defund International Affairs budget will further destabilize the middle east, and if you take out the troops it will also destabilize. If you are doing both it will create a void in the region. Host that is angus, in colorado, calling about the rally and the themes that emerged from it. Trying to keep viewers on top of all of the news happening in d. C. Over the past 24 hours. So, there has been a couple of job changes happening, an announcement of the retirement at the end of this term of the chairwoman of the House Appropriations committee. She is a democrat from new york that represents the 17th district. This was the statement that she put out yesterday around lunch. In the United States congress for 31 years i have decided not to seek reelection. It is my deep honor and privilege to serve my community, and my country. I will always be grateful to the people of westchester, rockland, queens, and the bronx. My door remains open and i will work hard for you every single day until the end of my term. Some reaction including this m a washington porsche saying that more than twice as many republicans are planning to exit at the end of this term. One more from Natalie Andrews wey wasthat nite lo dubbed the perfumed ice pick to make you smile while you are bleeding when it comes to the appropriations negotiations. An ally of nancy pelosi, she along with rosa delauro were together so often in the 1990s that they were dubbed delowsi. One more on the job change front from the Washington Post, reporting that Michael Mckinley ids resigned his position am plummeting morale and the state department over what is seen as pompeos failure to support personnel. The Washington Post noting that a senior officer who has held a number of posts. He was serving as ambassador to brazil when pompeii over when pompeo recruited him. Pompeo expected to issue a statement announcing the departure sometime today. We will look for that and continue to monitor the secretary of states twitter feed. Sayingarta texted us according to the president no one treats him or america fairly. It sounds like my fiveyearold grandson. Don saying that the crowd was bigger than all of cnns viewership. Independent line from maryland. Good morning. Caller how are you doing . Host fine. Go ahead. Caller when i watched donald trump, it is sad that the American People allowed someone to be in office, one who is acting like he is a little child of five years old. That seeksve someone advice of a foreign country, so that they can do harm to the American People during voting times, then you allow another when americahis has always been a country loving and kind and reaching out to other countries. You had this man up saying things that he is saying, it is a disgrace to america. It is appalling, and i cannot believe that people are agreeing with him with these bad behaviors. This is not america. Host ohio, the republican line. This is pete. Caller thank you for taking my call. A couple of things, the videos that you guys showed a little while ago kind of proves President Trumps point. He is not the instigator. It was not his people out there burning stuff in effigy and confronting other people. All of his supporters were cheering him on. And then, another thing. When he called out adam schiff, i was watching on cspan during that hearing when schiff put all of those extra words into what was already put out to the public. He made up all of that stuff. Just think if a republican would have done that in office under the Obama Administration people would still be talking about it. Nobody seems to want to talk about it, and that goes to show the corruption in the Democratic Party and this impeachment inquiry would probably hold more water if they would have come out from day one saying we are going to impeach this guy for no reason, and then you have got the congresswoman from michigan saying as soon as she got elected we will impeach him. I just wanted to get him off my chest and i support donald trump and hope he gets reelected. Way, the whole rally from last night, you can see it on our website at cspan. Org. If you want to see the work of the House Intelligence Committee enceother intellig committees, go to our website where we have the positive all that all of what is going on. Rudolph in los angeles. Democrats line. Caller good morning, cspan. Ofatched bits and pieces last night from trump. That is the biggest sales pitch i have ever seen in my life. He really should be applauded for that. The people that support him, that is just stage trump. And then he will throw in the Second Amendment. We have more guns in the United States than we do people. Host why did you characterize it as a sales pitch . Caller because that is what it is. That is all he is doing. He is making a sales pitch to his people. That is all he is doing. I will tell you one more thing. They talkabout about occupation of a country. 20 years in the middle east, they have already occupied. Host texas, from our independent line. Caller how are you doing . First is first, donald trump is a neofascist. The rally was a complete disaster. He lacked substance, he is not intelligence, intelligent, he just said things in broad generalities. Host several callers said that he spoke about the middle east and they got something out of that. Caller the people calling about the middle east are the same people who lambasted obama where he when he ended the war in iraq. I do not believe anything this man says. He lies pathologically and his supporters believe him. He is an autocrat. He has done nothing for the health care system. , have health care for my job and it is horrible now, not because of the Affordable Care act, because the Insurance Companies are making more profit. Said that to when you the speech lacked substance, what you base that on . Caller because he did not say anything specifically. He did not point to legislation that he passed with the speaker of the house and he signed. He says nothing specifically. Private Health Insurance to buy number one, and just regarding the rally last night, trump was on fire, and host meaning what . When you say he is on fire, what do you mean by that . Caller like other callers have said before, he is finally defending himself which is what he had to do since he was elected. I think a lot of people are starting to get nervous that he was going to blow the lid off of this corruption and it is starting to show, whether it is biden, obama, shift thing, or Pelosi Schiff or pelosi. Host when you watch the rally, what did you get from it . Give me a specific. Caller a lot of high points. He is not being bashful in calling out biden and the corruption that took place, and the Mainstream Media is telling a different story. He is fighting back against that. The he did talk about Service Members coming home and you could tell that the audience changed and i got a lot out of it too. Lindsay,ocrats line, in minneapolis, minnesota. Hello. Caller i find it interesting that these clips that you are showing. The rally was not indicative of the pot of the population of any apples. Of indianapolis. There is may be one person of color in that entire audience. The republican callers saying that it was Trump Supporters instigating the fights, that is not true. Sources havews said that many of the trump reporters who came into town had started making jabs at protesters who were there. Rally, i amtch the not a trump supporter, i think the entire thing is propaganda to rally his base. Host what do you think about the fact that he chose minneapolis . Caller i think he chose minneapolis to instigate the base to go against representative omar. I know that he mentioned her during the rally. It is interesting because he chose the target center when we have stadiums and arenas that have a capacity higher than 20,000. He chose an arena that was the smallest in the twin cities. That is indicative too. He can only get 20,000 supporters in the arena for attendance . Host sandy, in illinois. Independent line. Caller good morning. I just want to say that trump has been close to where i live a couple of different cities, they are not big cities, but he has been there. I went to take my grandson, and my son was opposed. Muchst said it is too raucous behavior and he was not sure what would happen. You do not see many children there. I wanted to take him just because he is the president , and he is six years old. I thought it would be a good thing for him to do. Supporter, butp i was willing to go the extra mile for my grandson. And, the propaganda that he spews, i do not know how anyone can believe it. It is entertainment as far as i can say. I cannot wait for the day that they impeach him, and he is out of office. Host when you say propaganda, what do you mean . Give me a specific. Caller i think it was what he said last night about joe biden only lasting so long because he kissed obamas ass so good. Something to that effect . I think that is discussing disgusting. Public,d not be set in let alone on a public stage. Host again, we will take your calls as we have over an hour rallyhalf on last nights and the themes that emerge from it. Also, we will update you on events going on during the news including the impeachment inquiry. Guest just a reminder that this is what we are watching today. The expected testimony behind closed doors of the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine. Capitol hillewss reporter saying that the former ambassador scheduled to appear on capitol hill for the closeddoor hearing. A transcribed interview as part of the probe. It would be before the house can Intelligence Committee Intelligence Committee, but some question about whether the Trump Administration will try and block her from doing that. And if she did do that if she would resign from her position at the state department. That testimony expected to happen around 10 00 a. M. This morning eastern time. Perhaps news on that over the course of the next 90 minutes or so. One more looking ahead to other impeachment inquiry interviews. Multiple surface sources confirming that the u. S. Ambassador to the e. U. Expected to appear for a transcribed interview before house investigators next wednesday. The administration had blocked his appearance after he flew in from brussels. A couple of other stories. This is the one from political. Democrats subpoenaing rick perry. Sentubpoena that democrats to rick perry demanding a series of documents related to his knowledge of the july 25 phone call with the ukrainian president during which the reports about President Trump pushing his counterpart to investigate the former Vice President. This is what the subpoena actually says. Public reports have raised questions about any role you may have conveyed in reinforcing the message to their ukrainian president. These reports have raised questions about your efforts to press ukrainian officials to change the Management Structure at a ukraine state owned Energy Company to benefit individuals involved with Rudy Giulianis push to get ukrainian officials to interfere in the 2020 election. Letter from the investigative committees on capitol hill. A lot of moving parts and we will keep you updated, especially if we hear more about the appearance of the former u. S. Ambassador to ukraine. Host this is jim, in tennessee, on the republican line. Caller i did not get to watch the rally, but i came back and watched it later on cspan. Thank you for having it. I got about five things that were positive. He talked a little bit about the border, and the number coming across have been substantially reduced. That is something he has trying to take care of, and congress should take care of it. There should be a comprehensive immigration policy passed by they are not doing anything. Their Approval Rating is 17 . Also on trade policy he is trying to do Something Like that. Congress has allowed that to go for years. He talked about the economy and how well that is doing. Egulated so that private enterprise can work. Talked about the military about how he strengthened it. About the Supreme Court and how he is putting on people who go with the constitution and do make do not make laws based on ideology. I am so nervous i can hardly talk. The biggest thing that i can get out of it is the impeachment thing is purely for the 2020 election, that is what it is for. He is not going to be removed from office. I am guessing the senate will not. About the 2020 election, and that is really what it is about. Host your connection is going in and out a bit. Jim says that he watched the rally last night courtesy of our website. You can do the same if you want to look at all of the topics that came out of it. Go to cspan. Org to do that. Terry in ohio, good morning. Democrats line. Caller hello. I did not get a chance to watch the whole rally but i have been able to watch some parts. Individualsted with that supports trump that do not realize the lies that he has been continuing to tell. I am very upset that this man is probably the most unpatriotic, unamerican president that we have had. Why in the world does he need to go to Foreign Countries to interfere in our elections . And is unconstitutional, do not understand why people would support him supporting other people to interfere in our election process . Host he addressed some of those issues last night. What do you think about the way he addressed them . Caller i think he has been continuously telling people lies. He said he did not know anything abst the one who wrote a check to her. Host sherman from tennessee. Independent line. Caller hello, how are you doing . That was the greatest rally i ever saw. He only gets better and better. The otherars old, and only president i voted for in my made as much sense and what have done as much for the American People as donald trump is doing now. When it comes to the rally, why was it the greatest. Give me a specific. Caller he knows how to push back and also he knows how to tell the truth. He always tells the truth. He believes he is the voice of the American People. This is what we asked him to do. This is what we voted him in for. That is exactly what i am saying. For all ofm in, these haters, get over it. Iam still voting for him, will still volunteer for him, and it will cost him nothing. Host that let us hear from maxine, florida. Democrats line. Cspan towould like do a little bit more research on what the cost is of these rallies that he is holding, because i saw something the other day where there were 10 states where trump owes a total of 841,000. Wherese different places they have held the rallies and has refused to pay for all of the security. I do not think he is important enough for me to hate. Information goe out there. On our have that up twitter feed and you can find the stories there between the cost of the rallies of the president. Another one scheduled for louisiana. You could see that rally at 8 00 tonight at cspan, cspan. Org and our radio app. Georgia, republican line, john. Hello. Caller i did watch the whole speech last night, i think President Trump has done more for the American People than any president in my whole life, and i am 80 years old. I do not know how people come to the lying they do not study or know what is going on. In that speech last night he hit back on the islam person that was up there, omar. I think she deserved that and i do not think she deserves to be in the house of congress. We need to clean this country up. Blacks are fussing about that they do not do something for the blacks. Workinge more blacks now than any time in American History and we are making more money now than we were in all of the president s in my life. Georgia, republican line. One of the topics that came up was about representative omar, heres the president. [video clip] pres. Trump in a desperate attack, nancy and chuck have given control of the Democrat Party entirely over to the radical left, including minnesotas own, representative illan omar. booing]illing pres. Trump i know you people, i know the people of minnesota. , and i alsoll you at the same time, it is a question and a statement, how the hell does that happen . How does it happen . Is ansswoman omar american hating socialist. She minimized the september 11 attacks on our homeland. [crowd booing] than 3000p far more people died, saying some people did something, big deal. She pleaded for compassion for isis recruits and in and minnesota. She laughed that americans speak of al qaeda. Remember that. Speak of al qaeda. Say en we booing] pres. Trump but when we Say Something about the United States do not say america with any intensity, do you remember that . Has aentative omar history of launching antisemitic screes, whether you like it or not. She said that the u. S. Support for israel is all about the benjamins. She said that pro israel lawmakers have an allegiance to a foreign country. Israel hashat hypnotized the world, may allah awaken the people and made them see the evil doings of israel and the United States. [crowd booing] pres. Trump how do you have such a person representing you in minnesota . I am very angry at you right now. Disgrace to our country , and she is one of the big reasons that i am going to win at the Republican Party and the Republican Party is going to win minnesota in 13 months [end video clip] up, parkville, maryland from the independent line. Caller i have been watching your clips, and so much of it i find disturbing. I think it is so wrong for a sitting president with his power and the power dynamic in play to go and campaign on a sitting congresswomans territory where she has been voted in legally, the same way he was. To come into her territory and do the damage there. To tell them that he is angry at them for voting for her. For legally and legitimately putting her in office and touting one thing after another. Sheo that in her backyard, is a congresswoman and it is her first term. Youre sitting president is launching this attack on you in your home city in your jurisdiction. Him. Ould be beneath she is not running for president in the 2020 election, i cannot understand why he spent that much time attacking that congresswoman during that rally, and in addition, i am really employing for the republicans, particularly for the ardent Trump Supporters to investigate the ethical concerns that a lot of us have with this presidency including the president s consistent and continuing financial gain and how he has profited from the presidency, not just himself but for some of his family members. Host we will go to sean, in takoma park, republican line. Caller i thought the rally was great. I do not see how pelosi can reports thaty over you have information to interfere with the election. Information is information. I do not think it is bad. It seems like the democrats do not want information from anywhere, especially when it talks about the truth about democrats and their corruption. It is the democrats that are trying to influence the election by suppression of information. How they do not want things to come out about how the russia investigation started with the courts and all of that. I say they are the ones trying to influence the election. Host you said the rally was great. What made it so specifically . Caller that he got 20,000 people in a battleground state to come out. The caller said that they have larger arenas. That is a basketball arena, and that is 20,000 people to cheer for the president. Does it cost money . It is patriotic, and i think it builds camaraderie across the country. Host that is sean giving his thoughts on the rally. Here is john. John a followup. He called it a battleground state. We talked about minnesota not going republican since 1972 when the state voted for nick Richard Nixon over for Richard Nixon over john mcgovern. ,n terms of a battleground minnesota went to Hillary Clinton in 2016 by 45,000 votes. It was just about 1. 5 is what Hillary Clinton won the state by. Expect it to be a battleground again the cycle, and in those states, the viewers who are there, and the citizens who are live there are seeing plenty of ads, and the Joe Biden Campaign put out a new ad before the president s rally in minneapolis. Here it is. [video clip] every president takes the oath to defend our constitution and our country. Serve, protect, and defend. Every president. The constitution of the United States. This president has broken that oath. The president public called for publicly called for foreign interference. They should investigate the bidens. China should start an investigation into the bidens. And his words, and actions, President Trump has indicted himself by obstructing justice, refusing to comply with a professional a congressional inquiry. He is convicted himself in full view of the world. Hisld trump has violated oath of office and betrayed this nation, and committed impeachable acts. [end video clip] john that from the Biden Campaign. You can see the clip that they used at the end, joe biden from the speech earlier this week, officially calling for the impeachment of President Trump for the first time in that speech. And it comes to campaign and adds, more news from the Joe Biden Campaign. The campaign had requested that facebook remove from its bytform an ad put out President Trump talking about the biden family and ukraine. Report noting that facebook denied the request from the bidens president ial campaign. By toresponded made the request saying that its decision is grounded in its fundamental beliefs in free expression, respect for the democratic process and belief of mature democracies with free. Ressure Free Press Political speech is arguably the most scrutinized speech there is. That is available from the hill. One more story on the issue of impeachment coming from wtop, the Radio Station and washington, d. C. The Associated Press that they put up, larry hogan says he is very troubled i the controversy that has prompted the impeachment inquiry, but he says more facts needed to be gathered. Hogan made those comments at an appearance in new york, he said that the declaration by the white house that it will not cooperate does not sit well with me and a lot of other people. That is the republican governor of maryland. Host you can make comments on the speech from yesterday, and the rally at our Facebook Page at facebook. Com cspan. A couple of thoughts. The besting this is president since theodore roosevelt. He loves america and is doing his best to improve the lives of americans. Again, if you want to watch the whole rally, do so at our website at cspan. Org. For the past two hours we have been taking your comments, not only on the rally itself but the topics and themes that came out of it. You can make your comments. Call us at 2027488001 for republicans. 2027488000 for democrats. 2027488002 for independents. If you want to text as that is available at 2027488003. Twitter is at cspan wj and Facebook Page is facebook. Com cspan. ,emocrats line for minneapolis thank you. Go ahead. Caller good morning guys. Pedro, you look great. I live in minneapolis and i went to the rally, inside and outside. I am very much a democratic, conservative, independent. What i can tell you is that our country is still divided, and also our city. I have never been called more names, more derogatory names, or unbelievably hottie mouths. Potty mouths. I dont know what to say anymore. It broke my heart that he came to the one city that the mayor did not want them here, the senators did not want to hear, the people of minneapolis did not want them here. I hope he pays that bill. Host what do you think the point was . Guest it was a smart room. Hes only going to cities he thinks he can actually win. Hes going to louisiana or florida. He is trying to stack the cards. Hes got such a weird poker face. It was very unnerving at the rally last night. Something bad if was going to happen. I was very grateful for cspan. You couldnt hear inside it. Wereoing to guess there 7000 people instead of 20,000 people. The upper bowl was not filled. They mustve done something to where it looked like it was filled. It was not filled to the rim last night. Everybody has the right to choose who they want to vote for. Somethingt to do about this man who needs to be impeached. Host we will leave it there. That is jonathan from minneapolis. Kurt is from texas. About them amazed rally. Falsehoods. A lot of he takes the truth and twists it. Talking about trump believers only believe what trump says. The truth to them is only what trump says. He took money away from the military. Abouteans he doesnt care them. Money out of the military to build the wall. Us the illusion that he cares. He shows you that he doesnt care. Whatever he says is true in their eyesight. Host lets hear from eric in virginia. Good morning. The rally wasght phenomenal last night. For several reasons. I think that donald trump is a master communicator, whether you like him or you dont. Obama was a master or greater. They are able to communicate to their race. , whyyou look at the rally were there 19,000 people waiting hours to be there . They talked about one of the representatives, hes talking bad about her in her own town. She does that here in washington dc to him. Ago, people waited for newspapers to endorse, which union was going to endorse. They had a lot of influence. Information, they become less influential. The power has been shifted to the people. It happened with Abraham Lincoln when they started printing his speeches. Host let me ask you a question. What was the message overall that he communicated last night . If you had to pick an overall theme . Was able to take every hot button issue against him and knock it down in every single fashion. Case aboutmade a syria and what he did. He talked to the kernel. He said we need to go. We need to get out of there. He showed people what is happening. They correlate that to why he pulled out. Biden,ed about joe probably his biggest contender most likely. He said what about hunter biden . Nobody wants to talk about that. About it. Ts to talk he was able to put that out there. Host thanks for the call this morning. Lets go to florida, the democrat line. Hello. Caller caller thank you for taking my call. Concerned about the environment. Go ahead. You are on. Got another 11 years to go. The winds are getting stronger. If we have another four years of ais guy, we are going to have terrible situation. Host how does that relate to the rally last night . Caller he talks about the things that are not true, when Rudy Giuliani was the mayor of they sound like the World Trade Center was being condemned because of the asbestos in the building. Host how does that relate to last night . Im just trying to see how you make that connection. Truth of the all of the problems when the warr as started. It started when george bush told us about weapons of mass destruction that never existed. Host marianne is in new jersey. Caller good morning. I dont even know where to begin. I enjoyed the rally. I listened to every bit of it. Im 82. Anted to say im a grandmother of 18 grandkids and great grandkids. We are all mixed. We are from different nationalities in color. And gays. I even have gays in my family. Host you said you enjoyed it. What did you enjoy it . Caller i enjoyed that he brought up the ideas it ,ringing home our soldiers especially the ones coming back in body bags. That is heartbreaking. My grandson is a marine. When he came back from africa and afghanistan, he has all of his body parts. His mind is not there. He feels intimidated and everything. He is on medication for that. I have a grandson that is a police officer. We had obama going against the cops. Which me are, that host she is a representative of the United States, and elected one at that. Realize on doesnt 9 11, i lost three that day. But three. One we could never find. She had another son week later. We could never find his body. The other two were father and son. They are dead. People that her what they did to the radical muslims. Host im just going to leave that there. To tell you a little bit about the weekend programming, we have specialized programs you can watch. One of them is our newsmakers program. Here is a highlight from that program. Host this is getting some attention. This headline from the Washington Post, its not our job to be joe bidens defender. Tom perez is not countering republican attacks on joe biden. The role is not to be the defender of any individual candidate. In he said that yesterday on newsmakers. They have been hitting biden with attack ads. This is been going on for days and days. The committee hasnt done much to provide him with air cover, they havent done much to defend him. Me correct your premise. Every allegation about Vice President and a connection to ukraine has been unequivocally debunked. Who is about the president was attempting to distract attention from his own impeachable misconduct by deflecting attention onto the Biden Campaign and onto the Vice President. What has taken place is wrong. What the dnc has done, we have called for facebook, for other networks to not air ads that have false information. Dnc tot the place of the take out ads. I think its the place of the media to be refusing to air ads that include information that is patently false. Facebook said they are not going to take the ads down. Are you worried these are false accusations, that the narrative will damage joe biden . I think people are smarter than this. That this is and president whopresident who liesy or tries to, who has been involved in situations with ukraine that are unconscionable. This is an abuse of power case. Host if you want to watch that 30 minute interview with tom perez, it airs on sunday at 10 00 eastern. Illinois, ruth is next up. Caller good morning. What you just played, thats been debunked by biden himself. Was trump said last night abc and cbs and everyone else should have been telling the public all along. It is such an impeachable thing for donald trump to ask the ukraines for information on did,joe biden and his son why wasnt it impeachable when president obama right before Trump Took Office asked ukraine to investigate Paul Manafort . Not put upters do the whole news the way it should be. Host you made comments about it and called about it. What do you think about it . Caller i thought it was very good. I thought it was very very good. Host because why . Caller he put out the truth. That weut the truth know was the truth. Fromo not hear that truth the New York Times or the Washington Post or any of them. Cnn. Int lets go to james pensacola. Curious aboutst the ukraine thing. The president of ukraine says there was no pressure. How is it possible . What did you think about that assessment . Hower i dont understand this can be an Impeachable Offense if the president ukraine says there was nothing there. Thing with mr. Schiff, thats the first argument weve ever had. Saids quoted the trump that. I watched the hearing. Thats one of the first fight we ever had. Host that was jane. I think the signal is fading a little bit. She was from pensacola. That intelligence hearing committee, if you want to see it , the website is how you do that. All of the backandforth between the various legislators are available to you at www. Cspan. Org. One of things that came up last night, the idea about the emoluments clause. His relation to it. Heres the president from last night. Nothing that the dirty political establishment hates more than a president they cannot intimidate or control. They are trying to stop me because they know i dont answer to them. I answer to you. Its true. I dont think ive ever said this in a speech. It. Nt know if i ever said 400,000. Ut i given away. I dont care. I never hear anything. Cant keep it. Ou you cant make a gift. You can give it to your different agencies. I can give it to health or transportation. Ever did it, if somebody from the middle east country stays at one of my hotels and we charge them 392 for staying. I never heard of the guy. They say trump is getting rich off our nation. Lose billions and i dont care. Its nice to be rich. If somebody rents a room , ieplace and they pay me never heard of the people. I dont know who they are. Nobody ever heard of the word emoluments. Emoluments. Its the craziest thing ive ever seen. Billions of dollars to the president. I will probably have to prove that and i look forward to doing it. Its very easy. Host jefferson city, missouri. Caller thank you for taking my call. Call and say to america has the greatest thing, the freedom of speech. The fact that ilhan omar was elected and came from a foreign country to be an elected representative, thats how things are run in america. Republicans, tend to keep my mind open. Likever she says things people did things and donald trump can say a lot of people did more. I am an american veteran. I believe if he wasnt winning out the fact that she was able isspeak her mind, my point that he speaks to the American People and points out things that need to be pointed out. Host you thought that bringing her up was fair game . Caller yes. I wholeheartedly believe that. If you want to Say Something to , its fairn people game. The other thing about that guy who is talking about how he took money away from the department of defense to build the wall, i was in afghanistan. The pink sliping to go home. After they served in afghanistan. Not reducing the military. If you want say he took money from the department of defense, we will go back to john. Host as the impeachment inquiry advances, one information that republicans are getting asked more and more is the question of whether its appropriate for president to solicit foreign help in his reelection efforts. Two examples of that that we want to show our viewers took place yesterday. H. R. Mcmaster. He was at an event at the foundation for defense of democracy. This is one of the questions he received. Do you think its appropriate for the president to solicit foreign interference in our political process . Of course no. Here is cr happen democracy play out. Powers playon of out in for the American People through congress to make a judgment as to whether or not that happen. To answer your question, its not appropriate. Host h. R. Mcmaster yesterday. If you want to watch that entire event, you can at www. Cspan. Org. Coryshington dc, senator gardner in colorado. He is running for reelection. His state is one of the targets for democrats picking up seats in the senate. He is one of the tossup seats right now. Reporters catching up with cory gardner yesterday. Catching up with cory gardner yesterday. As you know, impeachment is on the minds of a lot of people. You call the partisan circus. Do you believe its appropriate for the president to ask a foreign leader to investigate a political rival . The Intelligence Committee is having a bipartisan investigation. Weve seen a very political process takeover. To impeachys we need him now. Thats about politics. Isnt a yes or no . You see a very partisan process taking place. Why is it being about four states . Be about politics and the election rather than the serious process. Is it appropriate . Its a nonpartisan investigation. Thats the answer you get from a serious investigation. Would you be ok if it was a democrat . This was a use of a tool in the constitution. This is about an investigation taking place in the senate Intelligence Committee. The house is partisan. What other reason do you have to cover for states you do a story on this . What you are saying over and over again. This is a very serious investigation. Is it ok . Youre not answering the question. This is about the politics of the moment. Host seri Senator Cory Gardner yesterday. Was from kd vr out in colorado. Host the president talking about nothing to stand for but huge platform he is built in his own mind. Said would he approve of president obama doing these things . Finally tellshat the truth. Facebook, it is facebook. Com cspan. You can post. Michael, hello. Caller how are you doing this morning . Lets get the facts straight. 21 million. Host how does that relate to yesterday . Said. everything he he said when i get elected i will tell you. Everything he said, i will support the military. To worry about your family when you are back here. Not having daycare for their kids. Youve got to worry about your family back here. Lets hear from dorothy in arkansas. Caller i am calling because i think the propaganda and the lies that president bush is distributed throughout his campaign is not fair to call inther country to help you the 2020 election. He asked a favor from the ukrainians. It is not for him to investigate. Since he has gone all out with the propaganda, i would hope the congress can impeach him for all the things he has done. Its not fair to this country for the president to ask another country for help in the campaign. Host she said president bush, i think she meant President Trump. Caller good morning. Good morning, america. That lady said it very well. E already know the game we know the game very well. President trump is a sham. The first thing we asked why do you have to rob peter to pay paul . You do what you have to do. Host before you get too far down the line, start with the speech from yesterday. What did you think of that . Caller he was grabbing anything out of the air. It looks like the same people that are at the other rallies. Out. Folks need to come president , wen look at reality. We live day to day. There are so many white homeless people. Ive never seen so many white homeless people. You,im to say im all for he is for nobody but himself and his family. Thats why he pointed out his son. What did you think about him addressing hunter biden . Caller joe is honest. We can relate to what he said it. Cursing onsorts to national television. He sounds like a thug. Denise, will move on to auburndale, florida. Night i watched him last. He did a great job. No matter what the democrats are saying. Host what do you mean by that . Letting the people know the truth about whats going on. The democrats lie about the things, about impeachment. About the conversation between him and ukraine. He had the right to say what he wanted to say about that woman. America. Isgraced that is a shame. That is not was i was brought up on. Host denise in florida. This is the president from last night on joe biden. Where is hunter . I want to see hunter. China,w nothing about you know nothing about anything. Hunter, you are a loser. Why did you get 1. 5 billion . And your father was never considered smart. He was never considered a good senator. He was only a good Vice President because he understood how to kiss Barack Obamas ass. True. Thank you. Its true. Its true. They are always saying the same thing. We admit it. They admitted. Its always that same thing. President trump made an unsubstantiated about hunter biden and his father. Its not unsubstantiated. 100 . Even the smart guys on wall street and i know all of them and they are smart. Theyve never seen anything like that one before. I called them. A guy walked in with no experience, he walks out with 1. 5 billion. He flies in with his father. 1. 5 billionthe sun dollars. How would you like to have joe biden takeover negotiations with china . I dont think so. I dont think so. Biden allowed china to rip off american for eight years as Vice President and barack obama let them rob us blind. Those days are over. Host less than 30 minutes left of this program. For democrats, 202 7848001 for republicans, 202 7488002 four independents. Us, 202 t to text 7488003 caller i watched as much of the speech last night. I was thinking as i heard all the distraction and the whistleblowing and the dog whistling and all of the inane comments, i thought to myself there are people dying in the desert because we deserted our allies the kurds. Children are dying to the desert. And looking at this insane he will stand for what he is done and violated the constitution. World willion in the get them away from his behavior, his corruption, his traitorous ways. It. Atter how you spin host he addressed turkey yesterday. What did you think of how he addressed it . Caller he left our allies on the ground to die. He is not capable, competent. He needs to be impeached immediately. Host steve is next from michigan. Caller thanks for having me on. About theted to talk speech from last night. From texas earlier was off base with what they were saying. He has every right to go into that territory. He can comment on anybody who doesnt believe in our constitution. She goes into washington and she yells for impeachment. She wants to get things done there. Its fair game. Message last night was strictly to the networks. Host why do you think the message was to the networks instead of the base he was directly addressing . Caller only what they will allow. They are saying they will not allow him or any of his advertisements against biden on their networks. They are going to control his free speech and what is told to the people. His only outlet are these rallies. This is the only way he gets his word out. Is he always right . Not always. None of them are. His policies that he is trying to do for america is better than any president that has been out there for years and years. Lets hear from another resident of minnesota. Caller thanks for taking my call. Contrast, in 2008 i got to take my kids to an obama rally. It was an amazing experience. I want to contrast were people are saying there were people of color there. There is not a Single Person there. Rally, there was a lot of diversity there. The other thing i want to say is you are looking at the crowd last night. They dont seem to have minds of their own. They have to look around to see what their neighbor is doing. They have to see how my supposed react to what he just said . Up andas just straight we knew what he was saying. One more thing. Host how do you make the comparison between those attending the rally and the obama rally . What is your question . Host the point you made about people not knowing what to do at the trump rally. How do you come to that conclusion . Caller im looking at the screen. Im looking at all the white people turning to their right and to their left every time he makes a comment. They dont know exactly what they are supposed to do on their own. You say that didnt take place in president obamas rally . Caller heavens no. Host how did you come to that conclusion. Caller i never had to look to my right or my left. I just focused on him. I didnt need to know what was going on the crowd. The guy that called into it said this man is a master communicator . I have a poster on my refrigerator. He has a third grade vocabulary. He cant speak. Host that is sharon in minnesota. Wyoming is next. Hello. Caller how are you doing today . Im not for trump. Im not for joe biden. Im not for Hillary Clinton. I think they are all crooked. I think the whole government is crooked and corrupt. Weve got congressman and they are out of the office more than they are in the office. They just got back from a big break. They will be back next week. They will be back next week. Caller i did watch some of the rally last night. I kept going back to see if he was still battling on. Ast if you dont have liking, why did you watch the rally in the first place . Caller to see what he was talking about. Ive watched every time you have a rally. I want to see what he talks about. Many times its the same old story. Economy,ing about the the jobs and everything. He does put down people also. He was talking about the feeding isis. The biggest help was the kurds. Syria is a big mess. If it werent for the kurds fighting isis, we wouldnt have been winning. We are over there to support them and help guide them. Host lets hear from the president last night when it comes to turkey and syria. Of turkey and , we sent ine kurds 1000 troops for a military conflict in turkey. We could hit turkey very hard financially. We could mediate a deal between turkey and the kurds. Lets mediated deal. Remember, they been fighting each other for hundreds of years. We were artificially put their by president obama. We did our job. I will tell you another thing. We have to be treated fairly. We are not treated fairly by other nations. We captured many isis fighters. Most of them came from europe. They came from all of these countries. I told them myself in many cases, take your fighters. We did you a big favor. They are citizens of france. They are citizens of these various countries. We dont want them. I said how unfair are we treated. We do them a great fader favor. We are doing some things that are Pretty Amazing. Every once in a while, you have to do which you have to do. The United States has spent 8 trillion in the middle east. Weve lost thousands of brave soldiers and tens of thousands of terribly wounded people. Their lives will never be the same. Produce chaos and bloodshed. All of the blood and treasure we sacrifice made the middle east less its less safe. Its less stable. Its less secure. The single greatest mistake our country made in its history was going into the quicksand of the middle east. We spent 8 trillion. The other side we can talk about that, they lost millions of lives. What did we do . We are going to pull them out. We are trying to make good deals and we are going to bring our soldiers back home. We may need them for something else. They will be ready. Host that was the president from last night. Host we are monitoring his twitter feed this morning. The last week was from late last night just before 11 00 minneapolis time. He said he will fight with heart and soul. Hill, the expected testimony of the former u. S. That isor to ukraine, before the House Intelligence Committee today for a closed door transcribed interview as part of the impeachment probe. That is a tweet on it from a couple of hours ago. Republican Staff Members have arrived for that scheduled testimony. Thats a sign she will be test of fine. There was some concern if she would be directed not to show cinch she is still an employee of the state department. That will begin in about 10 or 15 minutes. Front thisther morning of the impeachment investigation having to do with the eu ambassador. We know when he will be testifying before House Democrats and republicans as part of the impeachment probe. This is reported from fox news. Is thursday next week. The lawyers say the ambassador will honor the subpoena and he looks forward to testifying. Newshan allen of nbc highlighted the statement. Jonathan allen says thats when political appointees decide the White House Position is not sustainable. The hill newspaper reporting on this as well about what he may testify, he was set to testify earlier this week. Hishill story noted background as a wealthy Hotel Magnate who donated 1 million to the trump inaugural campaign. He is a key witness for House Democrats as they investigate the president s dealing with ukraine. We will go to sacramento. Hello. Caller good morning. I wanted to comment on two things that were said last night. Biden them was the hunter , which was so hilarious. Comment aboutthe trump being angry at the voters in minnesota for putting aoc in the congress. Host i think he was referring to ilhan omar on that one. Caller im sorry. You are right. Statement. Honest that indicates a person who is not pandering to the voters. The comment about hunter biden the duty of the republicans and democratic parties to help drain the swamp. Traditionally, the political have sponsored nominees for office who are qualified. This idea about hunter biden and daysather, in the old solved solved by the bosses in a room. They would say its time to give it up. You are going to tell the truth to us. Host when it comes to the hunter tshirt, its on the trump reelection website. There is some type of tshirt you can buy. Charlotte, north carolina, hello. Caller thank you for taking my call. Address to sticking tonts that are designed fight the impeachment inquiry. It is an inquiry. It is not in impeachment yet. From what ive heard on fox turkey president of ukraine said he did not feel threatened or blackmailed. Think this is good evidence for trump. Im kind of disturbed by the fact that a foreign president needs to say that he wasnt blackmailed by the american president. Also, hes got a gun to his head from vladimir putin. Who canhe only people help them in that situation. Hes not going to do anything that could alienate his country from ours. The second one is the comment about adam schiff. Was a stupid thing to do. It was unnecessary. I think thats the crucial point. You dont need adam schiff. I dont think that was right. The transcript is enough. If two associates of Rudy Giuliani of gotten arrested. The ambassador got fired because she disagreed. The information is there. I dont think we should get caught up on the idea that adam schiff made a mistake. Host that was alex in north carolina. Two of the other names coming up , real clear politics holds the headline that the president brought out two names familiar after his election. Peter struck in lisa page. He used that yesterday. Minutesber that just 19 after i raised my hand and took the oath of office the Washington Post, a terrible that doesnt how to write the truth published a story and in this case they might have gotten it correct. They said the campaign to impeach President Trump has begun. That was the headline. Little did we know they werent playing games. Think of that. It was 19 minutes after the oath of office. Remember peter struck and his lover lisa page. What a group. Win. Going to im telling you peter, shes going to win. I love you so much. I love you, your. I love you, lisa. Lisa. Lisa. Win, weve got an insurance policy. We will get that son of a bi tch out. You assign me some homework when it comes to the tshirt. They proposed selling for the Trump Campaign. Here it is from the website. It is selling for 25. Its a black tshirt that the Trump Campaign is selling. That tshirt is getting a lot of attention. Trucksf attention from Campaign Surrogates as well. The Campaign Manager was tweeting about it last night. This is what he had to say. Speaking of the president , he is tweeting this morning. This is what the president was talking about focusing on china trade talks. There is something happening on that front. I will be meeting with the vice premier today. That is the latest from President Trump this morning. Host democrats line. Caller how is it going, pedro . Ask about this rhetoric trump has. He is pulling all of this stuff out of the air . What does that mean . Wheres hunter . . He emails what does it have to do with anything . So what . No substance to anything. He just pulled something out of the air. They actually believe it blindly. Without even questioning if its the truth or lie. I dont understand how these people can follow him . I watched the rally and there was nothing there. All he did make was make fun of people all night long. Host did you listen to the rally . Caller i did it because i believe that politics is everybodys business. You have to find out whats going on. If you dont, you are in trouble. It affects you and me and everybody. Host had you come to that conclusion . When you said there was nothing in the rally, howd you come to that conclusion . Caller he didnt say anything that pertained to us. He set up got great deals going on. Dont worry about it. Things are getting better. Without any statistics to back it up. Int lets hear from ron louisiana. The president will be in lake charles tonight. Go to our website for more information. You can watch it on cspan. Caller im just amazed. I did vote republican in the last election. I wont be so much this go around. This, trumpsy tweet this morning was about bidens tshirts made in america. That just blows me away. Host i think that was his Campaign Manager making the tweet about where the tshirts were manufactured. Caller his Campaign Manager gets the facts straight. Trump was asked posed with his own clothing line with his own personal ties. Know that ist even ties were made in china. Host what did you think about the rally last night . Caller im aggravated by what wasnt said it he is coming here today. T its by you steel. They closed the factory because of the tariffs. Host you said you were aggravated. What is that . Caller that mainly. Speech about what the tariffs are doing to the companys that employee people . Google it right now. See where we stand in louisiana. Host lets hear from david in New Hampshire on the independent line. Caller hello. Watch the rally last night. I just couldnt make it through it. Hatred, the out and out lies. It just rubs me the wrong way. I cant get my way through. I want to be balanced and i want to get his point of view. Its based on hate. It really is some kind of purportingat he is to make his platform on. Muslims, other races, identifying people as the other. Im old enough to know that those kinds of tropes come from totalitarian governments, from despots. Being an older person. Communicatele to with some of the people that believe what he says. People that 20,000 didnt read the mueller report. Georgia on theto democrats line. Caller hello. Im a veteran of five combat tours. I wanted to talk about his claims about supporting veterans. Him claim credit for the Veterans Choice Program where if you not being served they can go to a. Myave a veterans card in pocket dated 2015. And also a vietnam veteran i do not understand how veterans can support a draft dodger. Aboutn say what you want a falsified medical report about bone spurs is draft dodging but i really cant take it. Dale in georgia will be the last caller. The president tonight at 8 00 at a Campaign Rally in late charles, louisiana. You can see that on cspan, watch it on cspan. Org or listen on our radio app. If you want to see the rally from yesterday, go to our website. We now take you to the Brookings Institution in washington, d. C. , a discussion between former education secretaries arne duncan and john king discuss education policy and the 2020 election. That program is set to start shortly. Election at an event hosted by [indistinct conversations] good morning. Thank you for joining us, whether in purpose, person, on our webcast, or on cspan. We are here today to talk about education policy and the 2020 election. Education doesnt always grab headlines during

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