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Coronavirus pandemic. Talks aboutakabas the u. S. Economy and the Record Number of job losses as a result of the virus. Camila dechalus good morning. It is wednesday. Four weeks since the World Health Organization declared the outbreak a pandemic. As of today, nearly 13,000 americans have died of the disease, 400,000 americans have been diagnosed, and a 360 Million People in 42 states in the district and in the district of columbia are living under stayathome orders. We are asking how you are dealing with social distancing . Let us know how it has impacted you, your family and job. We have split up the phone lines by age. If you are under 25, 202 7488000. 2650 years. And if you are 5170 years old, the number is 202 7488002. And if you are over 70 years old, 202 7488003. You can catch up with us on social media. Wj on twitter. And regis on facebook. Reach us on facebook. Call now as we show you the map from the New York Times of the states in which residents have been told the stayathome. A matter of weeks, americans have been told to not leave the house unless you have to. The directives have swept the nation today and a vast majority of states, cities and counties have instructor residents to stayathome in a desperate race to stop the growth of the coronavirus. The latest date issue such an order, South Carolina, that order going into effect yesterday. Two counties had ordered the residents to stayathome before the governor, henry mcmaster, issued a statewide work at home order, limiting movement for forh carolinians, except essential activities. South carolina became the last day on the east coast issue such an order. Voters in one state yesterday asked to go to the polls to participate in a primary. This is the front page of usa today. Other,ion day unlike any in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. That is from the milky journal sentinel. The votes willd not be counted until monday. The latest twist in this political story, but the journal says, the main contest yesterday, the Supreme Court race between Justice Danielle kelley and a circuit judge. And the democratic president ial primary. A man whol quoting wore a painters mask for protection waiting outside Riverside High School to vote. He said, i do not feel like i am risking my life. But this is definitely different. People are practicing social distancing. That is what we are talking about, social distancing and how it is impacting you, your family and your job. The phone lines are split up differently. 202 7488000 if you are under 25 years old. 202 7488001 if you are 2650 years old. 202 7488002 if you are 5170 years old. And if youre over 70, 202 7488003. First out of california, up early this morning, on the line for those between 5170 years old. Guest good morning. I want to make a, about the social distancing. I live in a motorhome pretty much by myself with my cat. And i have been to prison before. Social distancing is not a big thing if you are used to this. When people go out and they did not take it seriously, that is on them. But you really should listen to your local people and stuff. Right now i would not even listen to the federal government, especially donald trump. Know, people are giving false information and it is dangerous. Host do you think people are taking it seriously in california . Guest oh yeah. There are times i get frustrated trying to go to the store. And people are worried about getting their toilet paper or rushing in. There is no need for that. It is nice here in california. People are doing the right thing. That is where death toll is not that high. Host is the governor doing the right thing . Guest yes, i like gavin newsom. He is telling it like it is. Overhen i turned the tv to cnn, i cannot even stand listening to the press conferences from the government. You know, the socalled task force. It is like a joke. He is just up there lying, trying to get people, dangerously like wisconsin, the republicans said it was ok to vote. You cannot vote by mail, but he votes by mail. He got called out on it. And he was like, blah blah. Come on. Host he was talking about the press briefing yesterday. We are expecting another one today. You can watch that on cspan. The california governor has been holding his own press briefings. Here is a bit from his briefing yesterday talking about the coronavirus cases in that state. 15,865r newsom individuals currently tested positive for covid19. That represents a 10. 7 increase over yesterday. Hotel, or hospitalizations rather, in the state of beds,rnia, again the icu the numbers i look at first thing every morning, those numbers went up to 2611. About a 4. 1 increase from the previous day. A 2. 1 increase over of the course of the last 24 hours. we will take. We want to see that number go down, not up. But these are not the double digit increases we are seeing in the hospitalization rates, that we saw even a week ago. That is not to suggest by any stretch of the imagination that we will continue to see these declines, it is to only the importance of maintaining physical distancing and continuing our stayathome policy. That it helped bend the curve in the state of california. But that curve continues to rise, just not at the slope that originally was projected without ,he kind of interventions the nonpharmaceutical interventions like social distancing has provided for us. At let us continue in th spirit to meet this moment. And continue to do more to practice physical distancing and social distancing that are required. Host the governor gavin newsom yesterday in california. We are talking about social distancing in this first segment today. Tell us how it has impacted you. Ken in fremont, california. Brown yes, my name is ken and i live in california. And i have cerebral palsy. That we shoulday stay inside. I think the governor and President Trump have had a brilliant bipartisan. Im a republican and a plan to vote for President Trump. But i think they are both doing a fabulous job. And i hope this covid19 eradicates itself soon. Host are you living alone in fremont . O, i have attendat that take care of me attend ants that take care of me. Host how do they help with some of your needs . Guest so for my guys have had to wear masks. It is really hard. But, hopefully, this thing will get results soon. Im a big sports fan. It is baseball season, but it will not start until june. Im more of a football fan. We will see how things turn out. Host thank you for the call. Billy from brooklyn, new york. Good morning. Guest good morning. Im because Donald Trumps lack of leadership on covid19 has been dismal. He would not extended the Enrollment Period for obamacare, so how does he expect people my wife is in between jobs, how will she get insurance . It is ridiculous. Is 100 Voter Suppression i n michigan. So the strategy of republicans is just to suppress the vote. And make sure that people do not vote. Voting by mail has been closed. Republicans just hate foreigners now. The rep. Gooden Party Republican party used to say that Legal Immigration was good. Now it is like death by a thousand cuts for ilLegal Immigration. And refugee seekers are at their lowest rates historically. So republicans are xenophobic and we have to call them out for it. Host we will be talking about the impact the coronavirus has had on Border Security coming up ohour 00 a. M. Hour, but tell me about brooklyn and what is happening outside your walls. Guest all of courses all the courses that i teach have been put online. Host what do you teach . Guest philosophy. Host how do you find online teaching . Are the students engaged . Guest they are too distracted with the obvious situation. They cannot even go get their books. I have to mail students copies of the textbook. And they cannot go to campus to get the work. They are distracted by the whole situation, too much to care about their courses. So just trying to make sure all my does not distract him. And just try to keep fighting the good fight. Host is there something in philosophy right now that we can learn from as we go through the social distancing . Guest it is him teaches affliction is enlightenment, so there is no constructive development. No spiritual progress without affliction. So we have to embrace suffering and transform it into enlightened wisdom. Host mark is next out of milwaukee to most constant. Good morning milwaukee, wisconsin. Good morning. Did you vote yesterday . Guest i sent an absentee ballot about one week ago. I feel really bad people had to wait in line, especially since we have had social distancing and stay at home for over a couple weeks. Andlucky that i am retired i am used to staying at home. But it is just conflicting information every day. You do not know what to believe. Trump is a liar. I read that there was a some news outlets that were going to do some Fact Checking with all the news briefings, because it is really difficult to follow and to find out what you are supposed to do. I have to go Grocery Shopping and i do not know if i am supposed to wipe down everything or what. It is really confusing. Host do you watch these briefings every day . Are you going to watch again today . Guest i watch cspan all the time. And it is just repetitive. Just repetitive lies. The malaria drug, i heard he has interest the president has business dealings with the company that produces that drug. Too thrilledre not about it, the ones i have heard about. Everything is conflicting and i really appreciate cspan oo ffering both points of view and helping me make my own decision. But what are we supposed to believe . Host mark in milwaukee. One of the other topics that came up yesterday at the briefing, the subject of the story in usa today. President trump replacing the Inspector General on monday, removing fine as the top watchdog for the emergency stimulus program. Part of the accountability committee, the inspectors general created the committee to oversee the roughly 2 trillion stimulus deal passed by congress and signed by the president. Donald trump signaled his displeasure with the loss of oversight when he issued a relatively rare signing statement, he said he would ignore the portions of the law that demanded democrats to give additional visibility in the stimulus spending, arguing that they would infringe on the separation of powers enshrined in the constitution. This is more from the president at the ye briefing, being asked about the removal of the Inspector General. Ofsent trump we have a lot President Trump we have a lot of ideas from the obama era. I left them largely. We changed some, but i left some. And we have reports of bias. And when we have Different Things coming in i do not know fine. I have heard the name. I do not know where he is. Ok, maybe he is from clinton. But we did change him. We changed a number we have about seven nominations in. Very highly qualified people for the ig position. That is a decision i couldve made years ago. But we are putting in so much for him we are putting in seven names and they are going in now. Host the president yesterday at the Coronavirus Task force briefing. There is another one today scheduled for 5 00 p. M. On cspan, the president likely to be leading the briefing from the White House Press room. The Washington Post editorial fine removal ase the subject of their lead editorial today, calling it another blow to oversight, writing it is difficult to avoid the conclusion that mr. Trump has something to fear from independent examination of the agencies under his administration. If you want to read more from the Editorial Board at the Washington Post today. Caroline in bellevue, washington on the line for those over 70 years old. How have you been dealing with social distancing . Guest we have been doing pretty well. Actually, my son and husband more or less go Grocery Shopping and they wipe everything down. They wipe everything down first when they go in the door. They were gloves and a mask. Wear gloves and a mask. And may take a long hand cleanser. They wipe everything down with alcohol. They do the shopping. Now i have heard were even your packages, we knew bring them home, you should wipe down all of your packages, you know, that you pick up at the Grocery Store, just to be on the safe side. So we have just now started doing that. When you bring them in the house. And one of the things i have kind of wanted to talk about a little bit, i had a doctors appointment for my back surgeon over at kirkland at evergreen hospital, and the first time i went over there to the hospital old folks know, that place and we noticed an ambulance coming from there and going to the hospital. I said, that is too bad. Come to find out, that was the first day that people were coming in from the old folks home. Host from a nursing home . Guest yeah, coming to the hospital. And we were in the surgery back and, you know, back surgery portion. That is a completely different building. But what i wanted to say, and ths came out in the journal american here, it just comes out here in bellevue and right around the kirkland, bellevue, redmond area. It is a small paper that comes out only on fridays. And the first i heard about it they have was when the new year, the one thing the chinese love to do is travel. There was a 14yearold boy, he went and visited his grandmother in that town where all of that began. Bush put the notice at that they could not fly out from china. Host you are talking about President Trump . Guest immediately, they wanted their son to come home. He was there visiting the grandmother and her they wanted him to come home. What they did, they could not get him out since there were no flights from china. He was in the very town. Host this was all in your local paper . Guest in the journal american. I will tell you what happened. What they did was they flew him they could not get him out of china, so they flew him to macau. And from there they got him a ticket on a plane to come home. Host that was carolyn in bellevue, washington. Stephen from minnesota, the line for those 5170. Good morning. Guest good morning. Host how is social distancing impacting you . Myst yeah, i was visiting dying father, who actually died on sunday, so it is more or less like cell confinement. Host i am sorry about that. Guest it took days to get the result. We didnt know. It took days, and how do you visit your dying loved one . There was a shortage, you know. We can always volunteer as far as masks. And i have a wonderful nephews wife, who made her own masks, and she will make masks for the care facilities. He was 91. Host was it coronavirus . Guest yes, it was. It was determined later on that day. My sister is a nurse and i went with her. She couldnt help ticket close to him and work with him. And just give him some comfort. And so i am really concerned about her more than me. So i was in the room, too, were my other brothers. We are own and our own we are all in our own self confinement. Going in, i did not mind one bit. But i know that there were some nurses who were asking for masks. Anything we can do to help the care facilities would be wonderful. Host stephen, do you mind if i ask, what do you do for a funeral in this situation . What is your family doing, if you do not mind saying . Guest we more or less have discussed it and we have sent off the messages and everything to extended family. Everybody knows now. He was with neptune, so we will get the ashes over to my brother and we are going to put off a celebration of life with him. As far as celebrating his life, that will be put off until may or june, or whenever we can get together. You and condolences to your family. Thanks for calling this morning. Johnny out of miami, florida. Good morning. Guest yes, am i on . Host yes. Guest here in miami pretty much everybody is following the guidelines, so it is not that bad. A common topic news media, the stink that comes from hollywood in new york left these people want to blame donald trump. You can blame him, because after this is all over, you watch, you will answer to the militias. Keep blaming him and you will watch what happens. Host do you think that there is going to be violence coming . Guest i do not know if there is going to be violence coming, but if you are going to blame donald trump, you have another thing coming. Watch, you watch. I am not going to do nothing, i am going to set back and laughed. You have joy behar and these people host ok, got your point. Michelle in new york on the line for those over 70. Guest good morning. I just want to say that i am 74 years old. So for about the past 10 years, know, had i do not about five years ago i guess i had this dnr, do not resuscitate, you know, i had a document with my lawyer that it gave the both my children. Positive forworked me. Just three years ago hello . Host i am listening. Go ahead. Guest anyway, to make a long story short, i was in a dnr circumstance where they were going to resuscitate me and my daughter happened to be there that i was ano, dnr, so she saved my life in a way because if they had given me compressions it would have probably broken my ribs. Anyway, they gave me a little bit of oxygen and it brought me back. But i want to say, no, i do not want a ventilator. I have to renew my dnr. And as far as the quarantine, i have basically been as i cannot walk that far, and like when i could walk and so forth i would take public transportation. The onlyi have not person i see is my aide. I love cspan. Host when is the last time you were able to leave your house . Guest oh, i cannot remember. At least a month ago. Because, how did i get a ride there . The office for aging took me to a doctors appointment. Host if you needed that appointment now, could you still call on them or has it been shut down . Guest no, i had to cancel my i had an appointment for tomorrow, as a matter of fact, and i called and canceled it. I know if i have problems i will just call 911. Thank god i have not. And i have not been tested for o i do notvirus, s know what they will do about that but i just a away from people. Host michelle in new york. Our question, asking how social distancing has impacted you. Phone lines are split up differently this morning. If you are under 25, 202 7488000. If you are 2650 years old, 202 7488001. And if you are 5170, the number is 202 7488002. And if you are over 70 years old, the number is 202 7488003. Cam is on that line for those 2650 years old. Thanks for waiting. Guest good morning. Host good morning. Go ahead. Guest yes, i was calling in because i get that they want people to go to work, who still have to work outside the home, but i do not understand why are we not getting hazard pay . Host what kind of work do you do . Guest i am a longshore worker. Host are you going and every day . In everyday . Guest just about every day. We are still out there. We always have to check things outside. We have to go outside in order to get a job. But there is no protection. We are like my why we not getting hazard pay . The ships are still coming from china. I work in a retirement area. Host in South Carolina . Guest he is. Im trying to figure out why it has taken so long to lock us down when this is predominantly an elderly area, most of these people are elderly. I do not understand what is going on. Host do longshoremen have to stay away from each other on the job . How do you do that job if you have to stay away from other people . Guest we still have to interact. We still have to talk. We are not like actually up under each other, because you have the crane operators, you have the truck drivers, you are mainly moving containers in the southeast. But the problem is there is no protection for us. Host not even a mask . Guest not even a mask. Dollar a billionaire industry. They do not want us to scratch the cars, but what about the person . What about when we leave the dock and i have to come home . What about my family . Host do you carry do you use gloves or carry Hand Sanitizer . Guest ice. The trucks down because we switch out the trucks every shift. I spray the trucks down, i wipe them down. I wear my gloves gone but i am still in the air. Host do you provide that stuff . The gloves guest you provide everything for yourself. You cannot write it off because ever since donald trump changed the taxes, you cannot write anything union off anymore. So the union dues. I do not know where the world is going. I mean, we went from him changing taxes, now the visas. The little towns, the little cities outside abu fred county, what about the kids bluford county, what about the kids that cannot do their homework . It is confusing all the way from the top to the bottom. Host cam in South Carolina this morning. We are asking in this first hour how social distancing has impacted you. And we are showing you headlines from around the country. The lead story in the New York Times, black americans bear the brunt as deaths climb. That story is the focus of a frontpage story in todays Washington Post. Covid19 killing black americans at an alarming rate. According to a Washington Post study, numbers are from the datangton post, they used and demographics showing the counties and that a majority black cap three times the rate of infection and almost six times in the rate of deaths as counties where white residents are the majority. In milwaukee county, home to the largest city in wisconsin, African Americans account for 70 of the dead, but 26 of the population. Disparities similar in louisiana come over 70 of the people who have died have been black mamba they only make 32 of the states population. In michigan, outranking new york and new jersey, African Americans account for 33 of the cases in 43 of the deaths, despite being only 14 of the population. The state does not offer a breakdown of race in the county or cities. Africans makeup africanamericans make up 70 of the city of detroit. This is subject this was the subject during the briefing as well yesterday and somebody who responded was dr. Anthony fauci. Health disparities have always existed for the Africanamerican Community, but here again with the crisis, how it is shining a bright light on how unacceptable it is because yet again, when you have a situation like the coronavirus, they are suffering disproportionately. As the doctor said correctly, it is not like they are getting infected more often, it is when they get infected the underlying medical conditions like the diabetes, hypertension, obesity, asthma, those are the kinds of things that wind them up in the icu and give them a higher death rate. So when this is over, as we said will still, there be health disparities, which we really need to address in the Africanamerican Community. Host dr. Anthony fauci from the White House Press briefing yesterday. There will be another one today scheduled for 5 00 p. M. And you can watch it on cspan. We want to remind viewers about all the events and briefings happening. We have created a daily newsletter covering governors responses. To sign up, go to cspan. Org connect and enter your email in the signup box. Each night, you will get a rundown of important updates from congress and see for yourself what happened that day. You can follow our social media accounts for realtime updates throughout the day. Back to your phone calls, asking how social distancing has impacted you. Dan in cleveland, ohio. Good morning. Guest good morning, how are you doing today . Host i am doing all right. Guest that is good. I want to make a rebuttal on one of the past callers. His name was mark from wisconsin. I always thought that this country had a lot of intelligent people. Listen to to god, you some of these people commenting should i wipe off the handles on my cart . Come on, people. Take responsibility for your own lives. My god, there are germs all over the place. Naturally, you should wipe it down. Why should donald trump be blamed because he is not telling everybody this. Nobody wants to take responsibility for themselves, all they want to do is do the doom and gloom, like they have on the fake news. We are all in this together. I mean, quit blaming everybody in some, you know, something your life. Or you just do not like this person. I cannot imagine if Hillary Clinton was in there right now. Host do you think that cleveland, ohio has come together . Guest yes, i truly do. Host what is happening in your city . Guest people are going shopping for the elderly. I do it myself. I asked the neighbors, do you need something . Im more than glad to pick it up. Or you go pick up medications for people. Everybody is trying to get together. Host how often are you picking up medications for other people, and how do you handle that when you do it . Guest i do not know what you mean. They call in. They have been pretty good, giant eagle and stuff like that, they have their and all that kind of stuff. They have been very well working along with people. Governor dewine has been fantastic through this. I admire the guy. The more and more i see what he is doing, i think he is doing a fantastic job. Host thanks for the call this morning. Matt is out of port charlotte, florida, good morning. Guest good morning. Im actually living in maryland at the moment. Im from florida. On calling to give you a bit my social distancing. From my worldview, i believe it is nonexistent to some extent. I am on the highway and there is still a number of people still driving to work, still up and doing things. Host what are you doing on the highway . Are you going to work . I am i am a driver, considered essential personnel in this situation. It is not stop for me. It slows down, but it does not stop. Host what are your calls like . What do you do as a tow truck driver when you come upon a call . Guest i will not lie to you, i do not take many precautions. I do not wear a mask. Im using gloves. I have Hand Sanitizer. I double up on the gloves. I have to get money. I see more concern about our economy, as a young 20yearold, on a macro perspective. We need to take into account the stimulus package that congress has passed, because i do watch cspan a lot. And i think it will hurt the economy in the long run. Especially because the value of our u. S. Dollar is almost can inflate when with the Federal Reserve does, you know, stimulating the economy by putting more cash in. I do not think that helps us with trade or anything else in the long run. I believe we should compromise and think of Better Solutions to keep people, like the not disputing im that younger kids can get it, but i do not think i am as susceptible to the coronavirus. Host you want to see the country opened up more than it is right now . Guest absolutely. People are losing their jobs over a crisis that nobody really has any groupon. Grip on. I think we are late the chaos take advantage of us. That is totalitarian. They want chaos so they can pass their legislation. I do not think that is appropriate and it is not healthy for the country. Host stay safe out there. You mentioned you are interested in the economic impact. Stick around if you can, 9 15 a. M. We will be joined by shai akabas of the Bipartisan Policy Center to talk about the u. S. Of the and the impact coronavirus on the u. S. Economy. We also want to promote later today, if you have been watching in the evenings, you should join us for washington journal primetime. That continues tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. We will be joined by dr. Wilbert chen from the school of medicine of maryland university. We will also have a doctor of Public Health, both of our guests this evening. We hope you will join us and continue to join us as we bring you washington journal in primetime. Joe out of massachusetts on the line for those between 2650. Good morning. Guest good morning. I hear a lot of people on here. There are varying opinions on whether or not trump is doing a good job or bad job, same thing with congress. We are expecting our politicians to be 100 honest with us, if we expect that, we are pulling ourselves. No politician has ever been 100 completely honest. This wholesaid, crisis is really going to take us using some common sense. At the end of the day, it will be up to us to prevent the spread of this. And if you wanted to be over quicker, you need to follow the guidelines. It is that simple. If you are out doing what you normally do, you would have to expect this to go on longer and longer. Stay at home. It is not easy. We have kids that are home and you are trying to deal with multiple kids and their education. They want to go outside and play with their friends, you have to tell them no. It tears you apart to tell your grandchildren they cannot come over and spend the night. Host have you had to do that . Guest i absolutely have. My daughter had a scare where she had gotten sick, she tested negative for the flu because they were not testing for the virus at that time, so as a precaution they quarantined her to her house. I had to go shopping for my daughter because she needed groceries in her house. My granddaughter wanted to come out, run to grandpa, and you have to say no, honey, you cannot do that. And then you feel so terrible grabbing your daughters debit card and hand sanitizing it. Keeping her at a distance, when you normally have a close relationship with these people. It is tough. Host how old is your granddaughter . Guest she is five years old. Host does she get it . Guest it took a little bit, but she is starting to understand it, that when she is around my other children i have a nineyearold that you have to maintain that distance. So she is over here coloring with the sidewalk chalk, but they could not be playing altogether, you know what i mean . So we still see each other, but we have to maintain that household distance, you know . It is tough, but we will get through it if everybody uses a Little Common sense. It is not rocket science. It is a virus, it spreads. If we congregate together, the virus is going to get you or it could possibly get you. You need to protect yourself. It is not about only protecting yourself, but you are protecting your grandchildren. Host mark is next at of zachary, louisiana on the line for those between 5170 years old. Good morning. Guest thank you for having me. I really appreciate your show letting everybody talk. Im 60 years old. I own a Small Business. I have to go out and unclog toilet with all the toilet paper. I see africanamericans you heard about africanamericans getting sick a lot. You go into any small store, it will be an African American at the register. She has no way to social distance from the people at the counters. And what i had was a nurse from my area, im about one hour from new orleans but i live in the small town of zachary, she developed a little mask. We got them made. I decided i would get some made for them, because i have gotten close to them, these are people i see a lot. I voted for donald trump. I can tell you that everybody has had things in that they do not like, that is the media, donald trump and congress. I do not want to be political, we just need if you want to know what you can do for africanamerican communities, try to make them a mask. Take a coffee filter and put it behind the mask and supposedly helps. It really does help more than what they say. Host how often are you going to the stores, mark . Guest every. I am a plumber and i have to work and my plumbers have to work. Lines, to go to peoples their water main break, they will break the faucet off the wall and they will have to shut off the water. You have to be able to live in your house and take care of that, so we do that. Host what do you do when you go to somebodys house . Guest if it is just one person and they stay away from me, i am ok with that. If it happens to be, you know, if i cannot get the distance from them i make sure to wear a mask. And i always wear gloves. I always wash my hands. I have family that are older. Mylive on a property where mom and dad are 81 years old and 82 years old. I have a grandson that is six months old. I have a 12 euro grandson who has year old grandson who has as mike musso if he catches it could kill him. So if heo has asthma, catches it could kill him. My heart really goes out to those that are going down. This is hitting them so hard, africanamericans, and many of them if you want to know the deal in new orleans, i was talking to people, they would get sick and they would not let you go to the hospital until he reached a certain point. If you reached that certain point as an africanamerican, it is probably going to kill you. There is a good chance it is going to kill you, whereas if you could give them this pill, or any of the drugs coming out, if you could get it to them before they have to do that you could probably save their lives. And i also found out that if you do not take this drug for a long time, just a short amount of time, there are really no side effects. Host where do you go for your information about that . Guest we have some nurses my son works at ochsners. He is a cardiac intervention specialist there. I have a nice that works in baton rouge, she is in the area where it started. When they come in with them in the drop in the trauma center. She did not really think, when this came out, she did not think that this thing was bad. It really changed her tune quick. Host we are taking your phone calls this morning, asking you how social distancing is impacting you. Asking for your phone calls on the phone lines of split up by age. We are also looking for your social media posts as well. Here are some of them. Cynthia writing, it is heartbreaking to limit funeral attendance to 10 people, who wants to make that kind of decision . Prine. S to john social distancing is working, but it is lonely. This from cliff, 63 in the Virgin Islands my creativity has skyrocketed. My guitar playing has improved, as have my cooking skills. Bob, it is hard to believe how anxious i have become just from staying at home. Emmas contact with my family and friends. It is hard, but i have to do my part to contain the virus. Mike in orlando, i am 63 and a schoolteacher. I started social distancing in march after i read about the problem in washington. I kept my distance from all of my students until we started spring break. I stopped shaking hands and i explained to the virus was coming to florida and i got strange looks at that time. Trump supporters said i was overreacting. How wrong they were. Those are some of our tweets and texts. You can continue to do that or call us on the phone lines, split up by age. I want to get viewers updated on a story we have been following in washington. That is the federal legislation and federal relief when it comes to coronavirus. Trump administration and lawmakers say they hope to move within days to approve hundreds of billions dollars in new funding for Small Business loans, meeting widespread demand from those hit by that shuteye related to the coronavirus. Heavy requests for the previously approved 350 billion is pushing lawmakers to consider augmenting the Paycheck Protection Program less than a week after it started, excepting loans and applications. The president said he supported an additional 250 billion in funding for loans. And Steve Mnuchin said he spoke with leaders about the package. The congressional leaders and Democratic Leaders speaking back in the form of a news release this morning. Here is nancy and Chuck Schumers joint statements on the interim the relief efforts, saying the heartbreaking acceleration of the Coronavirus Crisis demands bold, urgent and ongoing action from congress to protect american lives and livelihood. As democrats have said from day one, Congress Must provide additional relief for Small Businesses and families, building on the down payment made in the cares act. They are calling for 250 billion in assistance to Small Businesses with 155 billion channeled through financial based institutions, 150 billion for states and local governments to manage the crisis. Additional support for families with a 15 increase in the maximum snap benefit to help put food on the table. After we passed this interim emergency legislation, congress will move to passe cares ii actor that will meet the needs of the American People. Cares 2 must provide transformational relief, they write, for the American People. The American People need to know that their government is there for them in their time of great need. That is the joint Statement Today from Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. Now, jack in michigan on the line for those over 70. Good morning. Guest good morning. But i have aold, couple comments. Ons ont one of our ic monday night, al passed away. I never heard them say if it was the virus. I know we have it quite a bit in detroit. We were the same age. We was an older player. The only one that came straight to the majors out of high school. I think he was the only one. He passed away on monday night. Ay the onlyd to s person more famous than him was ty cobb. He batted 400. They have been bad mouthing donald trump about trying to kill old people. Ut e to call it b talks negative stuff about donald trump more than anything. He made some bad statements. Saw it come out of his own mouth, he said that people do not need to live past 75 years old anyway because they become a burden to society. But as far as my family, we are trying we have tried to pretty well follow the rules. Im on dialysis right now and i have to go to the hospital two or three times a week, mostly three times a week. Host how has dialysis changed amid the coronavirus . New precautions or what new things do you have to do . Guest they got stuff at the hospital where we go in. They only have one entrance. It is about 10 miles out of flint. They have strict regulations at the door to make sure that you have a mask, check your temperature and everything. But i am not sure how bad tennessee county has it now. I know it is the worst down in the detroit area. But that is the only time i get out. And me and my wife are both over 80, and we are living here with our son and daughterinlaw. I listen to you every morning. I have called a couple times before. But i had a couple things i wanted to say. I know you have other people you want to talk to. I appreciate you. You guys have done a good job on cspan. Host thanks for that. I will show viewers the Associated Press article about the death of al kaline at 85, who spent his 22 season baseball career with the detroit tigers, known as mr. Tiger, who died on monday. The Associated Press reporting that those in contact with the family have not yet given a cause of death. Monday. As of that was the baseball player that the caller was referring to. Margaret out of massachusetts, good morning. Guest good morning, there was a gentleman on a while back complaining about mr. Trump. I could not understand what he was saying because he was so aggressive. I do not understand how people can insult president s. Mr. Trump looks tired, he looks exhausted. And what kind of people live in this country that they would do this to our president . I mean, i just do not understand it. They come out and they say anything they want about him. What is the matter . A while back it was all about russia. Nobody helped him then, he had to fight that off by himself. Once in a while somebody will say, oh this, but what is with the people in this country . Host you are watching the daily Task Force Briefings . Guest yes. Host who do you find most helpful in those briefings, is it the president or some other advisors . Guest it is the journalists. Ve theome out and they ha sweetest look, the little girls gone but they say the most vile things. When i was their age i would not think about doing that to president roosevelt or president truman or any of them. It is shocking to me the country to me, the country is ruined because of it. They are dragging mr. Trump down. Im so worried about his health. Host is it just the female journalists . Also, they come out with the most horrible things. They laugh at anything that hurts mr. Trump. It is heartbreaking to me. Host margaret in massachusetts. Here is more from the briefing yesterday. President trump saying the World Health Organization blew it. Saying that he is looking at cutting funding there. President trump we pay for a majority, the biggest portion of their money and they actually criticized and disagreed with my travel ban from the time i did it. And they were wrong. They have been wrong about a lot of things. And we got a lot of information early and they did not want to they seemed to be very china centric. And we have to look into that. We will look into it. We pay for a majority of the money that they get and it is much more than 58 million, that is a small portion of what they have gotten over there. Sometimes they get more than that. Sometimes it is the programs and they are doing. It is much bigger numbers. If the programs are good, that is great, but we want to look into it. The World Health Organization. Because they really are, they called it wrong. They missed the call. They could have called it months earlier. They would have known. They should have known. They probably did know. We will look into that very carefully. Host that was President Trump at the white house Coronavirus Task force meeting yesterday. There will be another one today and we expect the president to lead it. It is scheduled for 5 00 p. M. Eastern. You can watch that on cspan. We will come back tomorrow via phone calls about how social distancing has impacted you a little bit later in the program today, but now we want to turn to congressman tim ryan, the democrat from ohios 13th district, youngstown area, who is joining us this morning. Congressman, how is youngstown doing today . How is northeastern ohio doing amid the epidemic . Congressman ryan we are hanging in there. Kudos to the front line workers, the nurses and doctors on the front line of our health care workforce. They are doing a great job. We our building contingency plans. We just got the local convention center, the Covelli Center in youngstown will not be used by the National Guard, the army corps of engineers now building at out, it will be about an extra 250 beds. We are trying to get masks, gloves. The private sector is stepping up. Likee on our own out here, a lot of other communities, but we have some really impressive people retooling their shops to be able to make plastic masks and those kinds of things. So it is all hands on deck. We also have a federal prison. We have had a breakout at the federal prison, so that is putting more pressure on local hospitals, but people are working well together here at the local level. Governor dewine is doing a phenomenal job, and dr. Atkon in ohio. We are trying to do the social distancing. Host when is the peak expected in northeast ohio . Congressman ryan it was supposed to be the 15th of april, that it was the 19th, so i think it is moving back. The social distancing practices are working. At least in slowing it down a bit. So it is right around april 19, april 20 now, and hopefully we can continue to smooth it out. It is getting a little bit tighter with ventilators in some of the hospitals locally. As i said, the prison population now is coming to the local hospitals and starting to put a little bit of additional pressure on, but we are doing ok for now and hopefully we can ride this out. Host i saw that you put out a press release this morning about legislation to provide more funding for local communities. What is in that legislation . Congressman ryan in the last bill, most of the money went to towns and cities above 500,000, which in ohio is only Columbus Ohio columbus, ohio. We have a lot of little towns and we want to make sure that we my bill support and says about 250 billion. Pelosi and Chuck Schumer have initiative, they are pushing for more money for state and local governments. They have no tax revenue coming in. We are talking about Small Businesses. They need more program money. I think it needs to go right into the local communities, not necessarily filtered through this day. Host how do you make sure it fast could these local communities see the money . Or even the folks that have already applied for the grants we have seen reports of systems being overwhelmed at this point. Congressman ryan that is part of the problem when you do a 2 trillion bill in a few weeks and you try to push it through a system that is really not built to handle it. Everybody is doing the best that they can, but we must continue to push the money out and through the best that we can. The also means the treasury needs to get on it and get the checks out for the 1200 or 2400, that you have talked a lot it is going to take more time than we want. We have got to get the executive branch ready and moving. We have had discussions the last 20 or 30 years in this country, how bad the government is. The government cant do anything you needd so then when government, all of these things that happened behind the scenes, when you need it you realize that a lot of people in this country have high have tried to haul it out. You need the Small Business administration. Over the years, he need to build these things up so that they are there to deliver when you need them. Do a before you go, you lot of oversight work. I want to get your thoughts on the move yesterday by President Trump, ousting the leader of that new Watchdog Panel charged with overseeing the coronavirus funds. There is the story there. Guest i think it is absolutely outrageous. President ofat the the United States on multiple occasions would get rid of the Inspector General who was supposed to make sure that this 2 trillion of taxpayer money does not have any oversight to it. That doesnt make any sense. The republicanof party that is supposed to be so concerned with fiscal discipline and not wasting government money, and then you need cap the guy who was supposed to make sure this money is getting spent the way it needs to get spent. The bottom line is, governor dewine is a republican, is doing a phenomenal job. I am on the phone with him every day. We are working well together. Political thing. The president does not want anyone looking at what he is doing, because he has botched this thing. He doesnt want anyone holding him accountable to the fact that he got rid of the program that had people out into the world making sure we knew if there was these kinds of viruses happening that we would know about them. He removed the person from the centers of Disease Control that was embedded in the Chinese Health system, last july. He got rid of the Global Pandemic office when he first got in. Then he is calling it a hoax. The World Health Organization offered to give us tests. The administration said no because he was living in fantasy land. Any chance he can get rid of somebody that would hold him accountable for some of these things, he gets one of them. I think the American People are fed up with this. We need stability. We need somebody who is going to right the ship. Does anybody remember who the governor of ohio was during world war ii . No. Franklin delano roosevelt. The president needs to take control of this situation, streamline the supply chain, imagine, gloves and masks, and risk respirators we would have produced if he would have been on the ball in january, or even february . Do you know how much we could have produced in the last two months . Again, im leaving that behind. And he does things like he did yesterday, nice to know that we are going to hold him accountable for what he has not done in the last two months. Fix thisk together to problem, but he needs to be held accountable. This money needs to have oversight. Ryan. Congressman tim a Senior Member of the preparations appropriations committee. We appreciate the time. Guest god bless. Host we will be joined by another senior democrat, congressman bobby scott. He is a member of the Budget Committee and will be joining us this evening. That broadcast starts at 8 00 p. M. Eastern. We will be joined by dr. Wilbur and actor joseph allen. To talk about the development of a vaccine and the merits of Wearing Masks during the pandemic. That is going to do it for this first segment today. Stick around, plenty more to discuss this morning. There will be joined by camille to chalice of cq wrote Camila Dechalus of cq roll call. First, yesterday marilyn governor larry hogan announced a new way the state would be helping Nursing Homes fight coronavirus. We are launching statewide strike teams composed of members of the National Guard, representatives of health departments, the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services systems, and Hospital Systems to bring triage, emergency care, supplies, and equipment to overburdened Nursing Homes. Where the first state to launch such a coordinated response of effort. Are activating three to three distinct types of strike teams. First, testing teams which will identify those in close contact with a confirmed case, collect, and send out specimens. And provide expert instruction on how to keep confirmed and suspected cases separated. Made upassistance teams of members of the National Guard who well quickly assess the situation on site, determine equipment and supply needs, and triage residence. Third, clinical teams which will include doctors, nurse practitioners, and registered nurses from major Hospital Systems. Who will be tasked with providing medical triage and stabilizing residence in the nursing home in order to avoid unnecessary transport to hospitals. The goal is not to replace a team, toomes clinical provide immediate support and assistance to help protect residents of these facilities. The state teams will provide assistance and care to patients immediately in order to slow the spread of this virus. These strike teams will be activated and in response to requests. Washington journal continues. Host back with you this morning. A conversation about immigration policy amid coronavirus. Camila dechalus of cq roll call. Good morning to you. We want to start with you on the u. S. Mexico border. What is or is not happening when it comes to border enforcement . The Trump Administration announced it was going to close the northern and southern border to nonessential travel. They invoked a statutory law the gave the government ability to turn away essentially not who does not have permission to go through. The ability to turn away asylumseekers, turn away anyone who tries to enter the u. S. Unlawfully, and also turn away unaccompanied minors who had come to the border to seek protection or reunite with family members. Host what are the numbers telling us right now . Illegalwe know about immigration and border crossings . Have those numbers gone down amid the pandemic . Guest customs and Border Protection told reporters that they have seen a drastic decrease in the number of daily Border Apprehensions since they closed the southern border. Before the pandemic they were apprehending around 10,000 individuals daily at the border. Now these numbers have drastically decreased during 4000. Around 4000. Lawmakers have stated that it is unlawful that they havent been expecting unaccompanied accepting unaccompanied minors or asylumseekers. Southern border is closed and they have the ability to turn away people. Enforcementbout efforts in the u. S. Interior . Have those efforts been curtailed . Guest the immigrations and Customs Enforcement has stated they have redirected their efforts to focus on individuals who pose a Public Safety threat. They did walk back statements stating that this is not mean that now there is going to be groups of immigrants who are not going to be targeted during these Immigration Enforcement efforts. They are going to reship their efforts, but a lot of democratic lawmakers say they have seen reports that there still conducting enforcement efforts and putting a lot of people in jeopardy of being exposed to coronavirus, and even their own staff. Host Camila Dechalus is our guest. Topic your calls on this as well. Phone lines split up regionally. If you are in the central time zone it is 202 7488000. Zone,e Mountain Time 202 7488001. Camila dechalus, on the dt aspect, we have heard about of statestates trying to limit the number of people behind bars. Theses happening in detainee facilities for Illegal Immigrants . Ice hasve tried tried to implement several policies to contain an outbreak in their facilities by suspending visitation, requiring attorneys to wear protective. Ear however, every week we have seen an increase in the number of detainees and employees who have tested positive for covid19. As of yesterday, 19 detainees tested positive and over 70 ice employees. How every week the number of people that have been tested positive for covid19 has gone up. A lot of advocacy groups are concerned that this is not going to go away over a matter of days. Democratic lawmakers released a thatr yesterday stating ice and dhs officials told lawmakers they do not have a contingency plan in place to treat detainees who have tested positive for covid19 if local hospitals become overwhelmed. That the acluing and other groups have been seeing in the past few weeks. Of detaineeselease who are most vulnerable to covid19. Stated thathe aclu more than 50 detainees have been released. Forthcoming in stating that they have identified this week nearly 600 detainees who are vulnerable. As a result it has released more than one hundred 60 detainees due to the coronavirus pandemic. Guest where are they released to . Into the u. S. . U. S. Interior . We dont have casebycase data. Some of theted that detainees who have been released due to these lawsuits have been reunited with family members so they can protect their own health and safety. Host one way that members of congress have brought attention to the issue of detainee treatment in the past has been to tour these facilities themselves. Are members of Congress Allowed to do Something Like that right now . Guest no. Right now, ice is trying to limit the amount of people coming in and out. Way, every week lawmakers are sending letters to eyes, to Trump Administration officials request more information about what policies are in place. To ensure the wellbeing and safety of detainees who may be vulnerable to covid19. Is a lot of seeing effort on the parts of democratic lawmakers and on advocacy groups to File Lawsuits or requesting information from officials about what they are doing. Host Camila Dechalus is our desk. Taking your phone calls. Eastern or central u. S. , 202 7488000 mount and or pacific. Egions, 202 7488001 if you live in a border state we have a separate line for you, 202 7488002 is that number. Caller this is not to criticize the young lady. Years four eight previous years, the headlines that hit the main street media, we have had a president whose platform was Border Security. He has been fought by the democrats for three and a half years and now democratic governors are pointing their finger at our president. American whodiots cannot see with this president has been trying to do, cant see that this is a globalist attack on our economy and on our president . If you attack america through the idiocy of americans, they cant figure it out. The sensationalism of it is not to be treated lightly, this is an attack on a president who has said for three and a half years, protect your border. Host that is alan with his thoughts. This is tracy out of amarillo, texas. Caller i just dont think we should let anymore bric geez or whatever come to the United States. Refugees or whatever come to the United States. We cant take care of them and then they want disability. How are they going to get disability if they make more than me . That is not right. If they have got the virus should not be allowed and send countryk to their own and let them take care of them. They are not our problem. Dechalus, for these immigrants who have been tested positive with coronavirus, do we know when they are treated who pays for that treatment . Issues,hen they have confirming that detainees test positive, they have stated that trainees are receiving medical treatment. They have been isolated from other detainees. They havent gone into detail about who is paying for and that money is coming from. That important to note detainees are not be the only ones testing positive. Ands also ice employees customs and Border Protection employees. Customs and Border Protection stated earlier this week that more than 160 of their employees have also tested positive for covid19. Withis not just a problem what is happening to detainees but also highlights a very big issue of how employees are working at these agencies vulnerable to being exposed to covid19. Host do they have protective gear . That they has stated are doing everything in their power. They were implementing protocol to ensure the safety of their employees. That is still unclear. Whether that is giving them supplies that they need for requiring them to wear things in order to protect them. Host jonathan, lakeland, florida. Caller i have a friend from italy and she is here on a visitor visa. Is Homeland Security going to waive the Expiration Date on her visa because of Flight Cancellations . Its crazy. The government, you cant even get in touch with the government agency. Inc. You. Host Camila Dechalus. 18, u. S. Ds march has announced they have closed field offices and have continued to postpone when theyre going to open field offices. As of right now, it is unclear when they will open. Other people applying for visas, it just takes they have been recommending for people to do different processes. It depends on what the individuals cases. Ony have issued guidance waiving requirements. I know they have postponed certain asylum appointments. They have had to reschedule. On a casebycase basis how they pieces orto process respond to delays. Fort worth, texas. Yes. R i was calling to say that we in this state of texas need these people across the border because we supply a lot of food to this country. Those people are the only one that will work our fields to do it. And our orchards. I believe that we need these people every day to be able to come across the board. Legally or illegally. They are needed here. They were invited to begin with. Camila dechalus, on Seasonal Workers. To notet is important that even though the Trump Administration has announced they are going to turn away everyone who comes to the u. S. Unlawfully, they have also stated that they are allowing individuals and immigrants who have permission to come to the u. S. , whether they are on a visa to come into the u. S. They are still working on providing more guidance. That has been a very important to note. Onse immigrants who are these visas do have permission to come to the u. S. And they have the right documentation. When is the crucial time for Seasonal Workers in this country . Guest it really does vary depending on industry. Especially when you have industry in the summers. Industry in maryland. It really does depend. They dont just give you visas on a certain time. , but they try to allocate them. They are to feed the needs of u. S. Citizens who rely on these Seasonal Workers to help businesses during their seasonal time. Host stay in texas, san antonio. This is mark. Caller i just had a comment for the reporter. It almost seems like you are disgusted that the fact that our president is keeping aliens out of the country. Can you comment on that . Host how long have you been covering this topic . Guest i have been covering the department of Homeland Security for at least three years. Throughout these three years i have seen, especially since last werer, when apprehensions stealing more than 100 thousand, i have seen how the Trump Administration has designed policies to deter emigrants. You hear all different perspectives. You hear from emigrants who are being impacted and from democrats and lawmakers and republicans who are, trying to issue legislation and order to help solve what is going on at the border. This is not just a democratic issue. You also have a lot of republicans that are trying to solve what is going on. Show theseust to different perspectives on this issue. It is not onesided. Host this issue came up recently at one of the Task Force Briefings. Secretary of Homeland Security chad wolf discussing detainee policy amid the pandemic. The current contingency plan in Ice Detention Centers where cases of covid19 are already popping up . . S there a contingency plan would you released released the most Vulnerable People . Ice looks at a casebycase basis and looking at certain detention facilities. When we do that, put them on alternatives to detention as well. In the case of covid, we are looking at vulnerable populations. Ice is doing that in conjunction with cdc with in some cases, do need to do that for the safety of those detainees. That is a casebycase basis. We are not going to make any blanket statement that we are going to release individuals. A casebycase basis, determining the health of that particular population or detainee. The facility therein. Different facilities have different capabilities. We are certainly doing that. Homeland security secretary chad wolf. One of the topics he brought up there, alternatives to detention. What did he mean when he was talking about that . Guest alternatives to detention is a program where an immigrant can be released from an ice facility. When there are released, they are stealing staying with family members. It does not mean they can go about and continue going to the community and they dont have to checkin. They are under a rigorous policy where they have to do call check have to do ins, have to do visitations to ensure they are meeting certain requirements. Alternative to detention was another option that the government can have what they dont have to put an immigrant in a detention facility. It is just another way of where a lot of democrats feel it is not as expensive as keeping them in a detention facility. It also gives them more flexibility in terms of being in the community but also having them constantly checkin. That is essentially what the program is. 15 minutes left with Camila Dechalus. You can call in and ask a question. This is ned out of idaho. Caller good morning. Issues, but i think is sad is what this current climaten is just, refugees coming up from the central part of the world to the north. Themis been happening with coming over from north africa to europe. A vital part of our economy, especially here in my state. Our entire dairy industry would collapse if we do not rely on the migrant laborers. I think they are great people. I wish i could hire more of them. You in that industry and do you hire Migrant Workers . Guest i am a plumbing contractor and we have got plenty of work here. You know, nobody can find help in any industry. But, you know, he will have to eventually get it worked out. Camilla is,d to ask i think with nobody talks about his, what isorts the honest situation with what is happening in mexico . Exact, honest situation with that country . Thatme extent he will hear it is 90 controlled by the cartels. It is essentially becoming a noted state, similar to quite syria, but and i think that is where a lot of reporting youre not getting the actual host we will take the question, ned. Really hard to report overall have the country is doing. You have to look at different parts of the country. Especially where the Trump Administration have been scenting sending back migrants. There is a policy called the remain in mexico policy forces migrants to wait in mexico for a time whileunt of their cases are being adjudicated. What we have been hearing from attorneys working with these migrants and from act from advocacy groups is that they have seen that in cities like juarez they have been finding that the rate of people that have been assaulted or kidnapped that are a part of this program has been high because cartels and other individuals are targeting these migrants. Targeting them for extortion. Ast we have seen is that trump has been rolling out these immigration policies, the Mexican Government has been trying to work with the administration. It is hard to say overall how the state is doing. We know that in some areas where migrants have cities have been inundated with migrants that they have seen a spike in crime. Host the best numbers available from John Hopkins Universitys dashboard has mexico with about 3000 confirmed cases of coronavirus. 141 deaths attributed to it. Renee is in fresno, california. Caller good morning. I know we are all trying to get through this. Healthy and happy, eventually. I had a comment related to one of the callers that i called and was spewing all of the horrible things that the demonized democrats have done. That is the reason why we have this problem on the border. God knows they are ringing bugs in here with them. I have just about had it with all of this. I find the intersection of health and olive takes and politics to be changing. We just learned about the Africanamerican Community being completely separated as far as patients and not being treated the way i dont know. I think the resources are going to the wrong areas. I think race is an incredible play. Through the acts of what the republicans have done in these decades, we are finding rooted a lotdeep of these Racial Disparities and economic disparities i think we are starting to peel back the onion and see what is really going on. My main focus today, with a question of you is, how can we try to promote positive attitudes right now for these migrants . For the refugees that are trying to come in here and get a better life for themselves . How can we make sure their health is taking as seriously as ours is . I am not talking about the illegals, god forbid. The illegals are dealt with in a different system. Im talking about people who are trying to appeal for asylum and so forth. We get the point, we want to let Camila Dechalus jump in. Guest lawmakers on both sides are very passionate about how we and integrate a lot of these immigrants who are coming to the u. S. Of those things that has been influential has been more people talking to the senatorsatives or representing their states about these issues. Whenf the things we saw the coronavirus outbreak first that a lote u. S. Was of immigrants are very scared or felt intimidated to seek medical or getnt for covid19 tested for it because they thought that because of the public charge role it may way may weigh negatively on them. They would not negatively charge or penalize immigrants who are seeking this type of treatment. With the government taking a more responsive approach in addressing a lot of these concerns, that lawmakers have brought up, has been different in seeking more clarity on how immigrants can move forward during this pandemic and get the treatment they need. Host he talk about people talking to the lawmakers. When it comes to this next stimulus response bill, we dont know when it will be passed, but has there been any effort to include parts of that bill that are directed specifically to immigrants . Guest there has. Right now there is a lot of talk over whether an topic undocumented immigrants will receive some kind of financial compensation if they have lost their job due to the coronavirus pandemic. Everything is still being worked out, but i have heard conversations from democrats and advocacy groups that are trying to push for these provisions that would provide financial compensation or four immigrants who may be in this country unlawfully or have different kinds of visas that allow them to be in the u. S. To provide them financial compensation if they have been negatively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Host a couple of comments on social media. In, needot who wrote strong borders, especially during this crisis. York caller said people at the borders did not bring the border here. Americans traveling to see the world brought the virus back. All legal chapel or so. Eagle travelers. In bradenton, florida. Good morning. Caller good morning. Virus is so whole scary. My friend has it, she works in a hospital. This whole pandemic thing, how is mexico doing . How is their hospitals getting prepared for this . Are they scared . Behink mexicans should allowed in the u. S. I like cheap labor, you know . Numbers fromed the the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus dashboard. Aboutnumbers have at just 3000 confirmed cases in mexico and about an hundred 41 deaths so far. You want to add anything to that in terms of mexicos response . They have been working with the Trump Administration runningin regards to more protection for the residents. Especially when they have seen the numbers escalate. Especially when the Trump Administration has rolled out its policy of closing down the southern border, they have stated that migrants who try to come to the u. S. At the southern border, they are working with the Mexican Government to see if they can take in these migrants. It is still unclear how they are theying this pandemic, but are in close communication with the Trump Administration. Especially when congress is still trying to come to the border. More callsple of with Camila Dechalus. Good morning. Caller thank you for taking my question. Undocumented, and those that are here, quote unquote illegal, i guess, and all of those trying to be legal. Is important that we understand that these problems have been here already. There are many people here from other countries, expressly in the and many others southern hemisphere, who are being affected by this. The question is, many of these immigrants are here because they pick our areas and our vegetables and put them on our table. Farmers will not be paying 20 an hour to an american war more to pick strawberries and fruits. The problem is even more sinister than that with regards to immigrants getting medical care. No mystery that the trump organization, from its beginning, has demonized the immigrant community in so many ways. First, coming down during the campaign, he said, mexico is only sending murderers and drug dealers. Since then, there has been an assault on the immigrant community, in addition to minorities in particular. By asking africanamericans, what do you have to lose . There is so many things going on with this presidency that are just not right. Many people in this country know it. Even republicans know it. They are now taking it seriously. No they are not. Office,sident obama in they had 60 senators in congress that voted for a complete, bill. Hensive immigration the house would not even consider it. When you had 60 senators bowling for it, john boehner would not even consider it. Host bring up a lot of issues. I want to let Camila Dechalus jump in. We have seen since the Trump Administration came into office, trying to and programs like daca and other immigration policies. When we see him trying to end certain programs, the response by congress was trying to put forward bills to address these concerns, especially when it came to family separation. However, after multiple attempts, Congress Still has not passed any legislation to address these concerns. Is they havely see tried to come to some type of bipartisan compromise. Nothing has been passed. Last year one thing that was passed is getting protection to recipients from liberia who have been in this country for years, having them a pathway to apply for a green card. That was passed because it was a small provision in the Defense Authorization bill. When au have seen is bill has come forward, both sides have failed to garner enough support to pass it or get it to the president s desk. This has been a constant struggle for both parties to get anything done on this issue. That is why we have seen in these past years that he has used his executive authority to issue more directives addressing immigration policies. Atnging what is happening the border and who was allowed to apply for asylum. Because of the inability to pass legislation. Host dallas, texas. Good morning. Caller good morning. I haveetired doctor and distancing. N social i am not in the best of health. For about 10 years. To the store, i get my medication. In this world that we live in, or we all on drugs have things that we need in order to survive. Me that folks that want to make for a better life, you hear these terms that we are a nation of immigrants. I have lived in california, i have lived in florida, and texas is really my home state. Eat, no one wants to see the sausage being made, but there are a lot of things that the latino communities, folks from all over the world, virusre not bringing this to our country. Sad to hear our president say, we have got to get back to work. Dechalus, before you go, what are you working on this week . Some of the things we have been looking at is, especially seeing immigrants who ,re working in the health care especially dreamers who are caotected under the da program, the Supreme Court is expected to make a decision on whether to uphold the program. Closeeek im taking a look at immigrants who have been on the frontlines combating the coronavirus. And what are the immigration policies in place that may delay their response to helping combat the coronavirus . And even providing assistance . Ist Camila Dechalus immigration and Homeland Security for cq roll call. Us thiste you joining morning. Guest thanks for having me. Host up next, more of your phone calls. The question we are asking today, how has social distancing impacted you . If you are under 25 it is 202 7488002. If you are 26 to 50 years old, 202 7488001. Old,u are 51 to 70 years 202 7488002. If you are over 70 years old, 202 7488003. Charlie baker speaking yesterday about how testing for all global communities is being done in his state. The commonwealth has taken several steps to support longterm care facilities. The command center has been doing several things to help these facilities prepare as best they can before infections start spreading. , thed an outbreak occur department of Public Health signs and epidemiologists and nurses to support the staff at each facility. To date the department has issued enhanced guidelines to protect the health of residents and healthcare workers, and to reduce the transmission of covid19 spread inside and outside of these facilities. Also expanded our ability to rapid test. One of the most important things we can do is test this population quickly to identify cases and take appropriate action. Over the past several days, as it uses has launched a Testing Program for our seniors to do onsite tests. It is not only a faster way to test, but it also prevents seniors who may be fragile from being disrupted or having to be brought to a hospital. The testing is being conducted by Trained Personnel from the National Guard in partnership brodeph and the institute. So far the National Guard has been deployed to 80 facilities across the state and has completed more than 1450 tests since this program started. Today they will visit an additional 20 facilities. We will continue to build Testing Capacity to serve a greater population and support our most honorable residents. I want to remind people today, tomorrow, the day after to stay home and to continue to take the necessary precautions associated with social distancing and following the guidelines that have been issued to keep each other and especially our most vulnerable numbers of our Community Safe and healthy at this time. Grateful forely everything everyone has done to help us mitigate the spread of ans virus and what has been incredibly difficult and trying time. The coming weeks will be crucial and especially dealing with the search, and we want to thank you for all you are doing to help us. Washington journal continues. Least 316f today at million americans are all living under stayathome orders. That, we areoing asking you how social distancing has impacted you. He split up our lines by age. If you are under 25, 202 7488000 is the number. If you are 26 to 50 it is 202 7488001. Old,u are 51 to 70 years 202 7488002. If you are over 70, 202 7488003. Morning. Am doing ok. I am retired. I have a daughter who is disabled. We have been in house since christmas. My timeline is, i knew about it haley december. In december. I knew about it in january. Stayed in the house. Demanded that my motherinlaw not go out of the house. Work,y had to go to gloves and masks. Hope was trump doing . Golfing. I knew in february. I did not celebrate valentines day. I stayed in the house. Trump was golfing. Another thing, the caller that called and said black people need to take that drop drug trump wants to push . He has money invested in that. That is ridiculous. Host let me ask you, you say you have been doing this since december. When you going to feel like it is ok not to do it anymore . Are you going to trust when marylands stayathome order is lifted . Caller when will it be ok for me and my family . When the doctor says its ok. Not when 45 says its ok. He has been lying since he slid down the escalator. I would like you to do one thing for me. It is called not using the word minority to describe people of color. That has got to go away, completely. That is all i have to say. Host that is mary in maryland. This is out of manassas, virginia. Alan, how has social distancing impacted you . Caller good morning. Very minimally. I am a lawyer, im still practicing. I go into my Office Without anybody there. It has impacted me only in the sense that i have not been able to have lunch with people and so forth. Everybody is making such a fuss about this. It is inconvenient. Economy,orror for the but as far as the impact on people, when in my lifetime i have seen what people have gone through in world war ii, in we are living in places where most of us have heat, we have air conditioning. We have food, we are not starving to death. Thing, but irible think people ought to grow up , compared tohat what other people have gone tragedies, itious is minimal. Buts an economic disaster, the personal aspect of it, i think we are fortunate if this is all we have to go through. Host alan you are calling on that line for those over 70. I amr i am over seven 82. Host in your lifetime, what was worse . Through whatnt go people went through on both sides with the bombings in europe. My deceased wife grew up in germany and describe the bombings. She was not a nazi. The horrors of that and the , no,ce of food and no heat i have been fortunate. I have not gone through anything like that. As aorst i went through is little child and the rationing in world war ii. That is all i can say. Host thanks for the call. If of your tweets and text messages. This is michael saying, social distancing has strengthened my spiritual life. More time meditating is like being back in the monastery. Marion, when you take care of the elderly it is hard to do social distancing. Have to be patient, create new ways to do your job and still be the special person they need. His from bill social distancing as unnatural and in normal times unhealthy. The more we interact and connect, the healthier it will be. Ultimately, herd immunity means avoiding junk food like the plague. This from roger. Nothing has changed in my wife. My wife and i only go to the store once a month before this. This from allegheny county. People are taking social distancing seriously. Our primary Grocery Store is overloaded with curbside pickups. There is not an employees to fill the demand. Just a few of the comments this morning. We are asking how social distancing has impacted you. On that line for those 2650 years old, this is lisa. Caller good morning, how are you . It does not seem like anybody is taking this serious. He go into the stores and they are overrun. The lines run down the aisles and except for where it is designated, there is really not a whole lot of social distancing going on. An essentialed employee. Working in fast food. Which is crazy, because they told us not to wear masks. Today i was told that will be mandatory. They need to make masks mandatory for anybody out in public. If you are in the public, should have a mask on. The social distancing is not working here. Host what has happened with your hours at work . Guest they have been cut in half. Ands also selfemployed both of those jobs are not considered essential. I lost quite a bit of income. I have to go to this particular position that i do still have. Host how long do you think you can work on half wages . Guest i will make it work, i always have. It will get tight. Host lisa, good luck to you. Guest this is donna out of falls church, virginia. Caller good morning. Was laying in bed last night and i was paying attention to how quiet the streets work. They are just very quiet. How theinking about , it isdistancing working. It works like, you know, you you are forced to deal with your strengths and your weaknesses. I really feel for people who are extroverts and have to out, have to interact with people. Annted, you have to do it on everyday basis anyway. Business, stuff like that. Alreadyi think i was doing social distancing in terms of, you know, how you can meet people in her life or how you can meet people in your life and how they can affect you in a way , especially in a negative way, that it makes you want to distance yourself from people. Granted, for some people that might not be a healthy thing, but if it works in a way where balanced. Our mindset where you dont go off the deep people, and to hurt you dont become so solemn and depressed that you absolutely keep to yourself. A very interesting thing. I think there i am a black female and even with what i was saying before, the caller was saying before like i liveaking it on modest means, and im raising to grandchildren. Persist. To its really not that difficult for me because ive already been surviving day by day host to your grandchildren get it . And fourhey are three years old, so they dont get it. But when we have had to go out, because they do have to go out with me what i have to go to the i have no other choice, i have to go to the Grocery Store. I have a mask for them that they where, they see me where it. I have them wear gloves. We do what we have to do. I pick up what i have to pick up only come back home. I wash their hands, they are not getting it, their little minds arent really understanding all of this stuff. Host finish your comment. Caller im sorry, i just think that there are many parts to this that are really, really not good and ive done my own research. Timelines, at because i choose to be an informed citizen. Ost , a small city inside the beltway in virginia, but in the d. C. Area. Johns hopkinshe University Coronavirus four, zero confirmed cases dashboard, zero confirmed cases and zero deaths and zero recovery is, but not far away from fairfax, virginia which has had 532 confirmed cases and two deaths so far. All this available on that local level when you zoom in on the Johns Hopkins university map. Richmond, virginia, the line for those 5170. Good morning. Caller good morning. I am one of the seniors in richmond and it has really scared me. Its so ironic. The Nursing Homes that we have in richmond that have had over 32 as of yesterday deaths at the canterbury. , four years ago, i had a stroke. They really took good care of me. Now with over 116 people, that tested positive, it is not a nursing home, but it is really isry for the fact that trump always pushing that drug and it is a shame that so many people, i have several friends in detroit, some of them have been turned away when they go to the hospital to try to get help and even just to see if they have the virus and they have been turned away. I am here in richmond and i told my doctor, because i had strep and also an ear infection three weeks ago, i have been inside now for months. And i refuse to go out, but it is so scary because now, i live in a 55 and older community, but now i found out that somebody in my building has it. Richmond,lp here in and all over the country. More of your phone calls in just a second but bertha mentioning President Trump, he was at that White House Task force reading yesterday, likely to be leading it again today, scheduled for 5 00 p. M. Eastern, we will be covering it. Also alongside them yesterday at the White House Task force briefing was dr. Anthony fauci, dr. Debra burks. We turn now to talk more about the relationship, the Washington Post Investigative Reporter who looked into the working relationship of the two doctors. How far back does it go . Good morning, thanks for having me on the show. Good morning to all the viewers. Dr. Anthony fauci has been the director of the National Allergy and Infectious Disease Institute Since 1984, and dr. Debra burks, the state department u. S. Globally coordinator was working as a fellow under dr. Faucis the yearback in 1983, before he became the director of the institute that he now runs. It goes back to 37 years ago, so its really interesting. A lot of people are watching these briefings and they are relying so heavily on the advice of doctors burks and fauci. President trump has made a lot but for a lot of people, they are really looking to these two leading professionals for advice as to what they should be doing. I talked to both of them for this story, they were both gracious enough with their schedules, obviously they are extraordinarily busy, because they felt it was important for people to understand that this is not something they have thrown together randomly, theyve worked together and they first got to know each other working on what later became known as the hiveight rights, they were attending two young soldiers at the nih clinical center, and young men who were dying and they to know why. Name, therehad no was no known treatment for it. They both told me that theyve watched hundreds of young men die back in the 80s of hiv aids and theyve been going around together walking sidebyside with patience watching these young men die. It had an extraordinary and profound effect on both of them, and really all the years since, they have still continue to work on hiv aids. Briefly, they first started working together around 9596 when the cocktail of drugs was used to manage the disease, but to this day there is no cure or were vaccine. In the 2000s, the institute provided tens of millions of burks who was. Still working at walter reed on a trial for a vaccine. They have worked over the years for many years together on hivaids and while that is a very different kind of disease than the coronavirus we are dealing with, there are similarities in the way they initially faced this crisis. This provides lessons for them today. Host Investigative Reporter with the Washington Post, this is the story that he was just referring to, fauci and birx worked together at the dawn of the aids crisis, 37 years later they are partners in fighting the coronavirus. I want to show from last month, talked a little bit about what you were discussing, the background in fighting the aids epidemic and some of the lessons from the rose garden last month. I understand had difficult this is been. I was part of the hivaids response in the 80s. We knew from the first finding cases in 1981, it took us to almost 1985 to have a test. Totook us another 11 years have effective therapy. It is because of a Lessons Learned from that that we were able to mobilize and bring those individuals key to the hiv response to this response. Birx last month from the white house. In terms of the roles that each plays on the right White House Task force, how would you describe that . Dr. Birx is known as the data person. If you weeks ago President Trump had said he wanted to get the country back running by Easter Sunday which would be this sunday, of course. That was unrealistic by every estimation. Went toi and dr. Birx income explained with charts. Dr. Fauci is just a wonderful explainer, he has had an incredible sight to the background working on so many things over the years. He also has a great ability to connect with people and explain in their terms. He has done that with the president , dr. Birx has done it with the data task force. And they explained to him that if the country was to be reopened as he wanted it on Easter Sunday like the president had said, that could lead the nation down the road to perhaps 2 million dead. They explained to him that they needed another 30 days at least, it may well be more than that, of social distancing beyond the first 15 days. And President Trump looked devastated and basically said, i guess weve got to do it. Thes what happened, beyond april 12 for opening things back. They both play roles together, dr. Fauci will often stand there while dr. Birx is talking and say she is entirely correct, he will be asked a lot of questions. He is probably the better known hashe two, while dr. Birx also been dealing with Infectious Diseases for a period of time start it with her hiv work, shes not as wellknown. But in the community, shes very wellknown. She is the u. S. Ambassador for global aids, she oversees the program in which a lot of u. S. Taxpayer dollars have been going to try to help hiv patients in backa, or example, going to the george w. Bush and ministration. Shes very wellknown in the Infectious Disease community. Dr. Fauci told me that when they were both tasked to work on coronavirus, they basically said to each other, weve done this before, there we go again. Very comfortable, close working relationship. Dr. Birx told me an anecdote in which she said her daughter and dr. Faucis daughter competed in the same Cross Country Running League and she recalled seeing him on the other side cheering for his daughter while she cheered for her daughter. This very unique, longstanding personal and scientific working relationship. Host you make a point in the story that dr. Fauci has something akin to more job security when it comes to the task force. Why . Guest dr. Fauci is the director of the National Institute for allergy and Infectious Diseases, in bethesda, maryland. That is sort of like having tenure. Hes an Administrator Appointed by the director of nih. Was appointed by president obama in 2014, she is a holdover, which is pretty rare, from the Obama Administration into the Trump Administration. Very widely respected. She made a comment on Christian Broadcasting Network a couple weeks ago where she said President Trump is very attentive to scientific detail, very attentive to scientific literature. That got some criticism from critics i guess on the left. For example, joe lockhart on twitter that she drank the koolaid, quote unquote. Saying that she got into it too much and was worried that she being direct. She said her job is to try to explain the information to the president , thats my job. She said she is doing that and she stood by her comments. Bottom line, she and dr. Fauci sync, they told the president youve got to extend the social distancing thing for at least 30 more days. At the end of the day, they are presenting my every estimation, with the scientific data, that so far has convinced them despite what you said originally, to expend extend social distancing. Host and i want you to admit the anecdote that you started your story with going back to daughter, just how much she had been impacted by the aids epidemic. It was a very striking anecdote which i first heard by listening to the swearingin in 2014. For dr. Birx he told the anecdote that dr. Birx when she was first at walter reed dealing with patients that now we know were hiv patients, but she didnt know that at the time. She was working with dr. Fauci and there were a lot of people dying. She was concerned that the blood was tainted and so during her birth in 1983, at walter reed in the hospital, she lost a lot of blood and she knew that the blood at walter reed was suspected of being tainted. When the doctors wanted to give her a transfusion, she said dont give me a blood transfusion, and they didnt. She later found out that there is a lot of tainted love their during that time. Tainted blood during that time period. It underscores how personally she was affected, seeing these young men die and then herself facing that possible situation and saying no. She didnt know what was going on, saying she didnt want that in her body, and so it wasnt. It just underscores how personal this was for her. Host if youve been watching the coronavirus daily Task Force Briefings, you would be well to read the story in the washington x workeduci and bir together at the dawn of the aids crisis, 37 years later they are partners in fighting the aids crisis. Thank you so much for your time walking through it with us this morning. Guest thanks for having me. Host back to your phone call this morning, we are going to continue with your phone calls here until the end of our program at 10 00 a. M. Bywere going to be joined the Bipartisan Policy Center but he will be able to make it with us today, we will reschedule that conversation about the Economic Impacts of coronavirus. Plenty to talk about when it comes to the personal impact of social distancing. Thats our question for you, that has been our question all morning long. How is social distancing impacting you. Our phone lines split up by age. Under 22 years old, 202 7488000. 26 to 50, 202 7488001. Old, 202 ars 7488002. Numbersyears old, the 202 7488003. As you are calling in, since we were discussing the white house specifically, this story that we mentioned at the end of our program yesterday, here is the followup in the New York Times. In President Trumps early days in the white house, defending him on cnn, the Truck Campaign aide became a fixture at his political rallies and on tuesday she was named White House Press secretary. Noting that her appointment by the new chief of staff and former congressman mark meadows of North Carolina is the latest shakeup in a Communications Office that has seen almost constant turnover since 2017. She will replace stephanie grisham, the trump loyalist named a secretary last summer who will return to the east wing of the white house as chief of staff. She did not hold a press Conference Briefing during her time on the job and she is not expected in the short term. The idea that a single eight would be designated to spend half a day collecting information and talking points president she decisionmaking to the american public, the Coronavirus Crisis confirmed that mr. Trump has spent hours per day doing the job himself. We are expected to see President Trump back in the White House Briefing room today. 5 00 p. M. Is when the latest reading will take place. 5 00 p. M. Eastern, we will bring it to you live on cspan. Illinois, that line for those over 70 years old, good morning. How is social distancing impacting you . Caller it really hasnt affected me very much at all. Is retired, but my family practicing social distancing, my two high school aged grandkids have not been out of the house and have been very clear that they understand that although they are not afraid of it themselves, they do realize the risk of passing it on to people like me and other relatives. They get it, i get it. Is that weazed that are able to do our bit by staying home in a place that we are comfortable. I agree totally with the doctors earlier, commenting this really isnt much of a sacrifice. I know that it is easier for me because i am retired then it is for a family with kids and i understand all that, but this is an emergency, this is lifeanddeath stuff. And where i think im old enough to remember a lot of ink that people have gone through, when i think about when i was a young adult, guys and women my age in vietnam, i have two grandsons that are active army, one was deployed to the middle east twice, and what we are going through in order to protect our country is nothing. Dont understand people people are living in cages and thats ok, but all we have to do is stay in our house, watch tv, book, andnk, read a this is a hardship . I dont get it. Host this is jessica out of newborn newbern, North Carolina. Good morning. Caller thank you for having me. I really appreciate the call. Host how is social distancing impacting you . Caller and analog ways. First of all, i just want to thank dr. Fauci and dr. Birx and trunk for speaking publicly rather than having a spokesperson because that can lead to a lot of misunderstandings. And i know that the doctors are doing their best to do whatever they need to do in order to provide safety for the public. My appreciation is for all those medical workers because this affects us all. And it has affected me and it has affected all of my family members, actually, and my friends. My fiance had to move to another state because he was laid off are more here. He was able to stay with family and find another job, but he is still waiting on that. Off, i actually whether iite sure would be working in the field because of what is going on. Its a scary process. A lot of medical workers are dying because of this disease. Dont have enough staff, we protectiveenough asipment that we need as far preventing us from getting anything. And im also a graduate student but im not sure where that stands at this point because they have closed down the university and im not sure exactly when its going to reopen. They say in april sometime, but i dont even think thats really a realistic expectation. I know that trump is trying to do whatever he can to help relieve the public of any fear host can i ask you, what are you doing for money right now . Have you implied from employment . Have you applied for unemployment . Caller i have not, i am relying on family at this point. Host go ahead, finish your comment. Caller i realize that the president , whoever the president is, hes always going to try to relieve the public of any fears thats going on and make it seem like everything is going to work out. However, with a virus like this, i dont so contagious, see that happening anytime soon. I mean, ito be want to be more optimistic about time, peoplee same are laid off of work, people are losing jobs. People are scared for their family because of the elderly that are dying, especially. Even the younger. Host thanks for the call from North Carolina. A lot of call this morning on online split up by age. We will put the numbers on the screen for you. The line for those over 70 years old out of illinois, good morning. Caller good morning. Host go ahead. Caller i may healthcare workers still at age 76. I went back to work because i needed money to fix my car. Host are you still going in . Caller oh yeah. Houses,t clean their they cant shop i themselves. By themselves. You have to help them. So, i do. Host i76, are you worried . Caller no. Host why not . Caller i am born again christian, i rely on the lord to take care of me, and that is what i do. Say, ive heard three black people now condemned trunk for this medicine that hes pushing. Host im not sure all our collars have called in to say what race they are, so im not sure how you know. No, they said they were africanamericans. They are just black americans. Redsupposed to be a american i guess, native american. The black lady that holds office in michigan. I listened to her story. And she said she was diagnosed march 12 with pneumonia and a couple other things that i forgot what she said, but she said by the end of the month since she was at deaths door, she said they finally gave her the coronavirus test and she had it. But she said she had heard the drugdent talking about the for malaria patients. She said michigan had outlawed the use of that drug. Host thats ruth in illinois this morning. When it comes to the impact of coronavirus on the Africanamerican Community, a couple stories in todays National Papers about it including this front page story on the front page of the Washington Post, telling black americans at an alarming rate. The posts going through their andysis, data on deaths infections and the racial makeup of counties and cities across the country. That last caller from illinois, another governor who has been holding neardaily briefings on coronavirus and the state response. Illinois, here is the governor yesterday on the continued need for ventilators in his state. I want to express my gratitude, my genuine, sincere gratitude to the people of california and to the governor of california, gavin newsom. Who sent us 100 ventilators overnight for use by patients here in illinois. Is truly incredible we will pay it forward in any way that we can, including passing along these ventilators to the next hotspot in the nation and any that we may be able to spare. As you know, over time, we have also received 600 ventilators from the federal government, 300 of which were directed to cynically to the city of chicago by the white house. Im grateful for all of those vents as well. We continue to scour the globe with our own statelevel procurement operation to secure the rest of the ventilator that we may need. While this market is just as competitive if not more so than that for ppe, we have so far placed orders for 3620 ventilators. The first batch of these deliveries will arrive in april with the rest coming over the next several months. Ventilators are critical tools in this fight. They can save lives, but they are not a cure. No magic quantity of ventilators solve covid19 for us. No number of ventilators will make up for a person ignoring our stay at home order or not making their Due Diligence, taking their Due Diligence and washing their hands and the other orders that weve asked you to follow ventilators are but one part of what amounts to , but allonged approach of them are phenomenally critical altogether. Staying at home is the most likely reason that you can avoid ending up on a ventilator. Remember that. Staying at home is the most likely reason that you can avoid ending up on a ventilator. Host the governor of illinois yesterday. On the topic of ventilators, this week this morning from the president about 45 minutes ago. The president saying he will be immediately sending 100 ventilators to colorado at the request of senator cory gardner. Here is senator Cory Gardners tweet last night just have to talk the end his time. His tweet to the president and about the president saying that the president has approved National Guard assistance in colorado in response to coronavirus, following the request of members of the colorado congressional delegation. Willolorado National Guard now be able to be used by the governor of colorado for state response efforts. Back to your phone calls, asking you how social distancing has impacted you. Bretto florida, this is on that line those aged 51 to 70. Good morning. This is my second blow, im a Hurricane Michael survivor. Itk when it happened, destroyed my home, i quebec four days after the storm and sat in that devastated property of mine and wondered, what am i going to do . When hurricane was destroying this area, i was on the own with and they shotlaim me a little money to get by on and then they shot me straight to the Small Business administration. Thanks to donald trump, he was in cahoots, he cut the red tape so fema could check out all of ,y background, my credit score and then 14 months to the day, they had me in a brandnew, beautiful replacement home at the beach with 2 interest. Because ive been through other , thenment debacles recession, and now this. Host how do you feel about this one . I think every one of them and their families that make millions of dollars from doing corrupt deals with foreign governments need to have their money put into this fight against this chinese virus that is killing people. This aint no joke what is going on. Theyve been sitting around making corrupt deals with foreign governments and killing them and their families and friends and everybody elses bank accounts. Host got your point, that is brett in florida. We will head up to wisconsin, mike in wisconsin on that line for those between the ages of 51 and 70. Did you vote yesterday in wisconsin . I got an absentee ballot. Ok, are you still there . Host yes, sir. What did you see in wisconsin, did you have friends and family who went out and voted . Caller i live in a small town, so it wasnt really a big problem. Im up in central wisconsin. If i could [distorted audio] host im sorry, were losing you on the phone line. We will try to get you back, but on the subject of mailin voting, but i think you are talking about at the beginning, President Trump tweeting this morning about an hour ago about the issue of mailin voting, he was asked about it yesterday at the task force breathing, and this is what he tweeted this morning. Republicans should fight very hard when it comes to statewide mailin voting, democrats are clamoring for it. Tremendous potential for voter fraud is what the president said and for whatever reason, it doesnt work out well for republicans. Nancy is next at of clearwater florida. Good morning. Good morning. Hi. Im inwanted to say is the Beauty Service industry for over 30 years and we were practicing social distancing prior to this a few weeks ago. It seems like the scary part is kind of like, what is going to happen with social distance in the Beauty Industry, people who get their hair cut, massage, makeup, i mean, they are talking about social distancing going further, what is that going to mean for that Beauty Industry which is a large industry in this country . Host what is the status of your work right now, is it shut down . Caller right now it is shut down. Host what are you doing for money . Caller well, unemployment. Host have you applied for that process . Caller yes. Host and where are you in that process . Caller im just waiting to hear back from them. Host good luck. This is also in florida, a line for those 26 to 50. Good morning. Caller hi, im actually the upper end of that age bracket. I saw a really interesting doctors,bout the two dr. Fauci and birx. Ive been looking at this for some time. Ive been thinking about the fact that we, reading the university of texas, helped get openl highlevel four lab in china because i found that interesting, its in wikipedia. Thats a really high level of research where they handle really high and dangerous viruses. Here in south florida, we have two labs that do this kind of research and a friend of mine told me a couple years ago most of the chinese labs actually left and went back to china to try to figure out whether went, and that is because they got sent over there. Host what kind of work are you in . Caller im actually not in that industry, im actually in marketing. Host what do you do in marketing . , design,arketing work stuff like that. My point is that if you go back and research this, its interesting how much money has been going over there through the Gates Foundation and theres a very interesting article from 2015 which is asking the question, a lot of this money, billions and billions of dollars is the influence worldwide through these foundations. If you look at the philosophy of the foundations, and you look at the Gates Foundation, warren both haved bill gates histories, very long histories of looking at population control from a different perspective maybe then a lot of americans. Host the question we are asking this morning is how social distancing has impacted you and our phone lines are split up regionally for you to call in. Let us know what happening in your life, your office, your work in with your family. Bethlehem, pennsylvania, the line for those over 70 years old. Good morning. Aaller good morning, im g golf teacher so im out of business right now. Maybe if i was working in florida. Financially, but its really boring. Buttched cspan every day, i have to watch the sky at 5 00 or whatever with all his bad judgment that he makes. , anybody wants a test can get a test, thats what he said a month ago, but we cant get them in pennsylvania. A you are in really bad condition. Weve got to remedy that kind of thing. This no reason why people who want to play golf can get a test and go play golf. You are not even closer together, you know . Host hopefully you get close when you get to the hole, right . Caller then you would have to stay six feet apart. I call the news appeared pennsylvania, i said are you going to be open . They said yet, but you got to stay six inches apart. The issue of testing, an interesting story in the Washington Post about what is happening right now at the white house. David and josh with the story as communities across the country desperately seek access to emergency rapid turnaround covid19 test. One place is already using them, the white house for guests visiting trump and pence required to undergo exams since at least last week. The procedure, the latest of safeguards aimed at protecting the health of the nations top elected officials and the story noting white house Visitors Said they administer the test by laboratories at the Eisenhower Executive Office only. One recent visitor described his experience saying that a nurse s and in lessostrils than a minute, inserted them into a machine. The white house said they would contact the person within 15 minutes of the test came a positive and he was cleared after that duration to proceed to his meeting. On thesitor spoke condition of anonymity to discuss the process and as a spokesperson said that the test can deliver a positive result within five minutes and a negative result within 30 minutes. The new requirement began last week and a group of Energy Company officials including the chief executive of exxon mobil were tested before the meeting with the president and several u. S. Senators in the cabinet room on friday were also in that meeting. Now,story happening right todays Washington Post. Barbara, massachusetts, good morning. Caller host barbara, are you with us . Caller i thought i was. Host you are now. One more try, barbara. We will go to lewis in chicago. For those 51 to 70. Caller good morning to you. I will go right to your question, how am i dealing with this . Host how are you dealing with it . Caller i thought i lost you. Hi. Host go ahead with your comment. Just listen through your phone. Caller right now on staying at home with my emily, things are going well. I had time to take off work that i could use, trying to follow the guidelines as best i can. All have to gowe out once in a while, you have to get the bread, milk and eggs. But were staying at home and getting things done around the some host walls and cleaning some areas. Host how many folks do you have in your house . Caller my wife and two daughters. Host how old are your daughters . Caller 20 and 17. Host has it been tougher for them or for you and your wife . Caller tougher for them, especially the younger one who is a senior in high school. They are doing their classes theme computer and both of actually, once in college, they are both doing online classes. They get out to walk the dog around the neighborhood. Host if the younger one going to be able to graduate this year . What is the status of schools in illinois . Caller they are taking it day by day. As far as the school my daughter goes to. They will beng able to have a Graduation Ceremony even if it would be postponed to later in the year. Thats what they are hoping to do. Host is she going to College Next Year . Caller yes, she is hoping to go to loyola right here in chicago on the lakefront. There, again, is uncertain of how thats going to transpire, will they be doing questions tos, answer is that we dont have just yet. Host do you think after all this, your daughters will want to stay home more or get out more . After everything that weve gone through and being forced to stand home . Caller i think its going to be a split. I have one thats probably going to want to go out more, she is missing her friends, she is missing the social connections, the camaraderie of her teammates and high school sports. Probably playwill it a little more cautious, that is her nature. We will just wait and see. We are just hoping and praying that they find a cure or a vaccine soon, and the one thing i have noticed, and you do have to go out, the demeanor of people has changed the better. It seems that people are more courteous and more respectful of each other and that is a good thing that is coming out of it, i believe. Host because everybody is going through the experience together and they are technology met . Acknowledging that . Caller i believe so, yes. Host thanks for the call from illinois. Caller thank you for taking it, stay safe. Host you do the same. For those between 26 and the, good morning. For those between 26 and 50. Listen through the phone, go ahead with your comment. Caller social distancing is affecting me, i dont have a job right now, very hard to get a hold of unemployment, finally got my form. Last night online. Host have you heard a response on that . Do me a favor, turn down your television volume. Tell me about going through that process for unemployment. Caller ive been to call for about three weeks, finally got yesterday, and with the website crashing back in i finally filled it out last night at 4 00 in the morning. Now im just stressing because im out of money. I dont know what going to happen. Host did you have any sense of how long its going to be before you might start getting money coming in . Caller my income tax check got i wasor 60 days, depending on that. Dont know how long the stimulus check is going to take. Host what are you going to do in the meantime . For i applied stamps food stands, maybe try to get oddend jobs. Host is there that kind of work out there right now . Caller i dont know, i try. Host how old are your kids . Caller ive got one thats four, two and six months. Host how do you talk to the fouryearold about this . Caller he knows because he aint going to preschool more. Kind of gets winds of it on the news. Host does he ask any questions . Why aint iit i in school . I said its bad out there, its upsetting to tell your kid that. He sees all these people in masks. Host if you taken out, would you put a mask on him take him out, would you put a mask on him . Caller yeah. We had a playground in the backyard, my other kids, they play with all masks and gloves. Host did you ever think you would see the day your children are playing on the playground with masks and gloves . Caller better safe than sorry. Host thanks for the call. Bob, illinois, good morning. Caller hi. Distance fromthis neighbors and everybody else, lets start trying to distance ourselves away from china. Lets forget about them, they did our economy in, they did our country in, i hope they are very proud. You have a good day. Host pennsylvania, the line for those over 70. Caller my name is marshall, im in pennsylvania marcia, im in pennsylvania. I do have one thing i would like to say. I am doing fine. I am a recovering alcoholic, i have not had a drink in 34 years and i am very concerned about people who are new to the program of Alcoholics Anonymous and i want to say please, to anyone who has gone to meetings if you have contact numbers, please stay in touch with those people, call them regularly. If you even think you might have a problem, if you go to aa. Org, any questions can be answered. If i think of myself going through this 34 years ago, i would have been a total basket case if i could not have gotten to a bar. I am prettys out, sure there are alcoholics that watcher program. Please that watch your program. Please, you dont have to live that way. Other than that, i am doing fine. Im on the phone a lot. I walk my dog. Im in an area where you dont see other people that much. Think every day that there are people that cant get to meetings that depend on them so much. Host have you attended one of those meetings virtually that has been happening . Caller no, i have not. I have had to sign in to sign into one and i havent gotten a response yet, but i do have a number for another one from a friend of mine in a nursing home and she gave me that number. I do plan to do that. Basically, over 35 years, i have finally learned to listen and take suggestions and so i have been able to live life on my terms just by practicing what i have learned and how to deal which is mainly acceptance, turn things over to god or whoever your higher power is, and you really can get through it. Host do you think there is a difference between attending virtually versus being there in person . It,er since i havent done i dont honestly know. But there is something to where youto a room know that everyone there has the same problem. I have found there is instant connection, even if i go to an area where i havent been to a meeting before. There is just instant connection and people understand because alcoholics, there is a stigma, and there is still a stigma. It helps so much when you are trying not to drink because i do believe its a disease, i had no choice, i grew up with an alcoholic mother, i watched her die from cirrhosis. I swore i would never drink and for over 25 ears i followed her path. Years i followed her path. I believe its a hereditary thing. But there is a definite benefit to being able to be there with people and have this connection with people, maybe you have never even met before. Its a very confusing disease. People listening probably have no understanding of it, but they do have a problem and you do understand that. Its a serious disease, especially now. Ive just heard you can get alcohol delivered. Im willing to that there are people out there who are thinking of doing that just because, what am i going to do . I just pray for them every day. I wish this message could be given daily on the Television Just so people know there is Something Else you can do. Host thanks for getting that message today. Staten island is next. Stan, good morning. Caller ok, hello, how are you . Host go ahead. 51 and 70, go ahead. Caller the bottom line, im staying in the house watching cspan, thank you very much. Youve been very good to all of us. You provided an excellent amount of information. I might go outside for a brief minute but other than that, ive been staying in the house. A couple of things i just want to say. A social Service Agency that provides services for people with developmental and intellectual disabilities and we have a lot of homes. You will, if you are my age and you are a person with an elemental, intellectual disabilities and you have no idea what going on, you want to see your parents but you cant see your parents because the whatever,tancing and and the workers that have to work in these homes also providing services to these people who dont understand what is going on around them. Thatt wanted to heighten to make sure that people understand that there is a world ,ut there for these people that you know, helping them try to understand what is going on. The other thing, i have a boy in the army, sometime in may he is going to be going to poland. Other than that, ive been staying in the home, watching cspan. I truly appreciate you folks because basically you provide us factual information that is very helpful to us. You mean a lot to us. You might not know this, but most of the listeners who watched cspan, they basically want to tell you we love you because you really provide us some excellent information. Host i appreciate that. What advice are you giving to those folks who go into these homes you are talking about, how do you explain to somebody with a Developmental Disability why they have to be caller right. Its very difficult and callslly, we have phone every two days to basically go over what might be needed and whatever it is. Weve been given guidance by the state office of persons with Development Disabilities but again host what a couple examples of that guidance . Caller basically helping them to understand that the reason why they may not be able to see their parents at this point in time and also monitoring then to make sure that if theres any kind of behavioral issues, you contact the appropriate person to provide them with some particular services to help them understand this. Again, to be very patient and very calm in trying to provide the key thing is observing. Observing their actions and how they are interacting with other cues thatause we have suggest we might have a potential problem here and we do this way. Thats basically what we try to do. Again, remember, in the old days, they never lived past 20 or 30. Now they are living as old as everybody else. 50, 60, 70. We have a number of group homes were you have individuals in their 50s and xts living with us. Ok . Host thanks for what you do up in new york, appreciate the call. Alex is next out of colorado. The line are those between 51 and 70, good morning. Im just going to ask more questions rather than making more comments. A couple days ago i was watching President Trump talking about that 29 million doses of that medication, hydro, im trying to read it, hydrochlorine, that medication was distributed among the hospitals and pharmacies. I emailed ourago, Family Doctor that because of distribution, i would appreciate to have this medication, like a protection to have it if in case i develop this kind of a fl symptom flu symptom. No,led me back and he says if i write you this prescription, im going to be prosecuted because that law ision as per current only allowed for people with lupus and rheumatoid. He could not write me a prescription. And then from colorado. Gov, i from fdan fda letter that said basically as of right now, only people who are at the hospital that they are not into study,d of controlled they are qualified to get this medication. So i appreciate if you can ask other reporters or some other groups, they can look into that, what is happening to that . 29 million doses, no one can access them. Host thank you for the topic suggestion. We certainly always take those, appreciate that. Left, one minutes story that we have been updating you want for the past couple of days, here is the latest from yesterday, the acting Navy Secretary resigned yesterday, just one day after all you leaked of the embattled chief accusing the commander of the contaminated u. S. S. Theodore roosevelt of being too naive and too stupid to leave. The head spinning five days for the navy whose saga has become a symbol of the pentagons challenges facing the fallout from the covid19 pandemic. Again, that story the front page of the Washington Times and plenty of other National Newspapers today. Time for just a couple more calls. Over 70. Fornia, how has social distancing impact a you impacted you . Caller i miss my grandkids, i and my church, my sister, im worried, i have one son who was out of the country and without a promise they are going to bring them back. He cant make it back and they asked him a lot of money to bring them back. Host where was he traveling . Caller he is in jordan right now. Host where . Caller jordan . Host ok. I know i have a strong accent. I wake up every morning, 4 00 and watch cspan, im a regular. Im expecting to hear something outside,t the people they got money to bring them back. They asked so much money to bring them back. Thank you for all your problems and keep bringing peoples op inions, no matter how sometimes we dont like each other. Thank you. Host thank you, that sounds like a good place to end the program today. We will be back tomorrow morning at 7 00 a. M. Eastern, 4 00 a. M. Pacific. In the meantime, have a safe wednesday. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2018] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] announcer here is what is ahead on cspan. We are planning on live coverage of Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and his briefing set to start at 4 00 p. M. Eastern. We will bring you the daily briefingse task force at 5 00 p. M. Join us tonight for our time time addition of washington journal. Our guest include dr. Wilbur chen, and dr. Joseph allen, the Harvard School of Public Health. He will talk about the development of a covid19 vaccine and the preparedness of Wearing Masks. Virginia congressman bobby scott. Washington journal primetime, tonight at 8 00 eastern here on cspan. 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