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Spending millions on advertising to spread their message and turn the tides in battleground states. The selection is also rather unusual. The covid19 pandemic is squelching the usual campaign trail dreams and rallies. Project, a project founded by influential republicans, including george conway, New Hampshire gop chair jennifer warrant, reed galan, mike madrid, and john wayne and rick wilson and stephen schmidt. Steve schmidt. Unlike traditional republican packs, the Lincoln Project is spending millions to defeat the republican candidate and his supporters in the senate. Will, the two founders give us an update on the state of the 2020 race and the Lincoln Project homestretch strategy. As agot his start political strategist in the 1988 president ial campaign of George H W Bush and has since provided Strategic Counsel to political candidates, state parties, National Campaign committees, and government clients. He is the editor at large for the daily beast and a frequent analyst on cnn and msnbc. He is the author of the New York Times bestselling book, everything from touches dies. Steve is a political analyst for msnbc and abc news. Politicalved as a strategist for george w. Bush, governor arnold schwarzenegger, and senator john mccain. He calls himself a republican until june 2018 and he renounced the Republican Party as the party of trump. Nationalme to the press club, gentlemen. Good to be with you. I am so glad to have you. Steve was talking about intuition. I want to know between the two of you, when did you have the intuition or when did you realize that you needed to create the Lincoln Project . We want to know who called who, who sent the first email . What is the background . We were all talking to each other going back to 2018 and we almost kicked off an effort late into the 2019 cycle, but just did not inc. That we had time to do it confidently, so we kept talking and we decided to launch wein december of 19, and were alarmed watching the democratic debates because there infrequentlyat was heard. That name was trump. Voldemort. He is the first issue in the race, the second, the tertiary issue, and the next 155 after that. We have a point of view that this race is about the worst president in the history of the country. That was before. Now what we know is that donald trump has lied to the country, which he has said on 120 different occasions, which is that the virus was a hoax, invented by the democrats. It is the most lethal lie in American History. Mortalitythe same rates in the United States enter states in the united that germany did, the consequence of that lie has devastated the economy. It has shattered the American Dream for millions of Small Businesses it has disrupted. The education for every kid in this country. Y and it has wrecked the american way of life. Grandparents can see the grandkids being bored, christenings and baptisms in bar mitzvahs, not this year. Weddings . Tailgates, football, proms, its all gone because of donald trump. On top of it, by the time we get to the end of covid, it may be that it kills one out of 15 hundred black people in this country. Thats a staggering number, it speaks to the profound inequities that exist in society from access to medical care, to economic inequality and trump is the biggest problem the country faces in the most easy one to fix. Well be true about the 2016 election, whomever the election was about was the person losing the election. 99 of the election, is about trump until james comey made it about Hillary Clinton in the last week and by 70000 boats across three states trump won. Let me ask you, why didnt you Say Something in 2016 . Curious about that. We all did. We all tried. Unfortunately, there were two big problems. First off, all he slowly devoured and the second part of 2016 was this was running against Hillary Clinton, this role in the political psyche so we tried to reach them, id but with you guys or i voted trump against hillary. I cant not vote for hillary. Increasingly problematic, it was a moment with the parties and even all of us experience and a been around the block, to recognize for the moral and political collapse before our eyes. These are people who say they believe in the rule of law, they believe in individual liberties and all the fundamental predicates of america and what happened was it turned out to be an allusion they adopted, they easily jumped into this authoritarian personality cult of donald trump. I would just add two things. What i said in the 16 election, i was an analyst on msnbc on network but i said two things in 16, first thing i said was that the observation that in the 1930s, fascism didnt rise because it was strong but rather because democracy was weak. The second thing i said is i thought there was a real lack of imagination within the american lines about the capacity for someone like donald trump sitting behind the resolute desk in the oval office to cause a profound tragedy. I think both of those things hold true. Both rick and i were unapologetically on trump for the duration of the eckstein race. What is different between today and then as you have a lot of republican senators and governors who werent same themselves but saying keep it up, that a boy, good job. Couldnt agree more and one by one by one, what we watch for two years is the total capitulation to trump. On a four year basis, i think it is important to understand what occurred. You can understand that through the rubble been convention. What you saw was the third Oldest Political Party in the world, democrats of the first and British Labour party the second. What you saw was the Party Platform become a statement of obedience and loyalty to trump, to be republican in Good Standing requires faithfulness to a cold personality what did you see at the convention . You saw the convention, like youve never seen at any convention. Utter lawlessness, the use of taxpayer dollars in public property for political purposes, you saw the seizure of important symbols of the republic by trump who turned them into partisan totems and expressions of his authority. In essence, declaring i am the truth, i am the law, i am the state. Steve and that now we see with trump saying maybe we will have a peaceful transition of power, maybe we wont. Without much pushback, for people who called themselves conservatives been a great, so lets talk about that because obviously there is something going on in the senate right n now. What is it that you think is happening some of these traditional republicans who have not spoken up, who have not spoken out against President Trump . I can sum it up in one word, cowardice. They are afraid of the mean sweet and afraid of terms based in fox news and that fear defines the whole character now. Whether its josh or ted cruz or mike or rand paul or anyone else in the senate, these days, the one thing they care about, avoiding Donald Trumps, they have sold themselves out cheap cheaply, they can never be trusted or believed ever again because the response to a president thing peaceful transition to a power, and then he turns federal forces on Peaceful Protesters is not a bible verse being treated out or saying no i havent seen history, the response men and women of integrity and honor, they would be periods, they would be defending our freedoms and constitutions, they be standing up against abuse of executive power and they are n not, they are too afraid, too sold out to do that. So are we going to see a new justice put in place is that going to happen . We may well. Probably. But iran to Supreme Court confirmations in the Bush Administration for robert and alito and i was asked by my friend, stephanie, to be publicly supportive and obama administration, there are consequences to president ial elections, the defeat or refusal to give a duly appointed nominee of an incumbent president rendering this appointment illegitimate. We look at this moment right now, this is precisely what James Madison wrote about he talked about the danger of parties and majoritarianism. As republicans go out and say listen, we live, screw you, we are in charge now, he didnt say that. You can say listen, we made a mistake, we now realize how important these nominees are so we need to put the conservator on. I guess you could say that. What you cannot say is that is in the liquid. It is the public good. Hes endangered the sales and assault minority rights. The democrats represent a majority of the country by popular vote in a president ial election and a majority of the country by popular vote representation in the senate. This is a moment when you look at the divisions in the country, where we had moral confident political leadership, there would be an understanding its a moment for restraint. Thats what wisdom we dictate. We will see that. A tactical matter, demanding a Supreme Court nomination, stopping it is not unlike robbing a train. If you want to go into the train robbery business, the first thing you have to figure out before you can get to the safe on the train is how to stop the train how to slow it down. How to get on the train and thats what democrats have to be thinking about right now. Slow down, slow down, slow it down. Okay, choochoo. How should the democrats be perceiving the Lincoln Project . Is the Lincoln Project allies, are you allies of convenience right now or other tips you have for the Democratic Party. We are part of a Broad Coalition that you is an existential threat to the country. We do not have to agree on every single thing, we dont have to agree on every single policy, wed love to be fighting about whether the tax rate will be 38. 6 or 38. 9 , thats fantastic in a lot of ways but we are here because we have a collective set of skills, abilities and experiences that have moved voters in this country. We have identified, i wrote a book about it, the democrats often fall temple mistakes and we have kept this as a referendum on donald trump. Not an argument about, change organs or abortion or anything else, its about donald trump, he is the worst president in American History and its a choice, you want four more years of that or make a change and do Something Else . We are happy to work with and alongside people but when starting this whole process, people were behind us, beside us, ahead of us, we were had a long time but now we are on a Broad Coalition and the most interesting thing is it just the democratic side tuning up getting tighter and sharper, its also the emergence of number of republicans coming into the race and pushing the same objections to trump from the right and center we feel. I want to add a couple of points to that. We you ourselves as prodemocracy and historically, my view has always been republican and the democratic parties of the two most important institutions, not just in our countrys history but in World History for the advancement of human freedom which is why i never have and have always hated when republicans call the Democratic Party, the Democrat Party because it implies a level of disrespect for one of our greatest american institutions and the party should be called by his name, which is the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party is the only Political Party out of the two major parties we have the daughters in this moment to the ideas for the country, to american democracy. Trumpism is liberal and authoritarian wish ideology. We can the make no mistake with hostility to our freedoms, the first amendment, the elections process and all of it. We are an organization now that has several million dollars, close to half a million donors that is raising substantial resources to fight back against tropism. So when i say tropism, we mean that as a rooted ideology, something that wasnt four years ago, has become so. When republicans lose, and i think biden will win, and i think the democrats will take the senate majority, today at least but if republicans do lose, what will happen to the party to be understood what happened in the california par party, as Political Parties shrink, they are like white stars collapsing astronomically. They become smaller, denser and hotter. The Republican Party, as it shrinks, is becoming more extreme so one of the things thats always miss analyze, if that is a word, in the press, trump has 96 present report support in the Republican Party. True. However, substantially smaller than it was a year ago, two years ago, three years ago. Will happen if he loses, hes not going away. Tropism isnt going away, he will see a more extreme ideology, more candidates so in that space for a long time, they are on the side of the Liberty Party in the country. Second to that, it seems to us as a matter of principle that we need to have a new Voting Rights act in this country, civil rights act, we need to have an Election Security and foreign interference tax, fundamental ethics reform, fundamental Civil Service form, we need to see Immigration Reform and finally pass, we will be an organization that supports Vice President biden in any of these things. As an american organization, who understands we are in an hour of crisis in decline and danger in this country because of trump and the Republican Party refusing to exercise their power to put a check on him from his indecency to his abuses of pow power. Is it time for a third party in the u. S. . We take this a lot, we are not in the Party Building business right now, we are in the democracy business. We think largely that country needs Political Parties that are viable. If you have the broad argument the democrats are the Political Party or liberal, the idea of having a center right party is very appealing. We dont know what the end of the cycle looks like but youre going to be stuck with trumpism for a while, about on the right between nationalist populism, authoritarianism and racially charged politics and a party about economic liberty and individual freedom. What does that look like . I dont know. I dont think any of us really know because donald trump has fundamentally poisoned the brand of the Republican Party a champion party, they may emerge a party that looks like something we havent seen in our politics before. A Political Party in one family. Even the people who used to say the bushes have been around too long, those people all had a certain modesty about the book service they acted as servant leaders. Act as parasites and i think it is likely will see the Republican Party in 2024 will look at donald trump junior as the lead candidate for the nomination and i think it is a terrifying party. If you are part of the personality court, that sounds like a great idea. Is there time for a thirdparty . I cant say yet but i do think rogan party has taken a poison pill with donald trump. We dont have a center right party in the country anymore, we still do have a center to center left party in the country and if that collapsed, we have this authoritarian nationalist party on the right, ill come back to that in a second, you have a collapsed centerright party on the left and the socialist party versus that, then i dont know what happens. There could be an independent candidate that could win but that republican coalition, 25 27 of this country is deeply in a cult of personality, never accept legitimacy and outcome of the election, trump will never see the legitimacy of election and he loses, if you look at louisville, what im watching on tv, im watching armed white people with assault weapons, Tactical Gear walking unencumbered around louisville, a lot of them with trump hats on, somebody needs to explain to me, the difference between that and in my looking at the early days of trump . What is the difference . Kentucky state laws allow them to do that. Let me just say, the governor has discretion, protect law and order and public good to say no not today. Its not a protest, its an incendiary education and we have seen all over the country. The storming of the michigan date capital so i am just saying, maybe it is lawful but it is dangerous. We should talk about. Lets talk about that, weve gone quite a few questions in about people are curious, what races your concentrating on, which states are going to flip, who are you concentrating on. We love doctor al in alaska, we feel really good about doctor al. Rick, why dont you talk about doctor al . Rick, you are muted. Sorry. We got a candidate who is essentially alaska, both a commercial fisherman and orthopedic surgeon, a guy being attacked by a bear, killed a bear. Hes a big, bold character and represents sort of essential independent character, dan sullivan is a standard issue cookiecutter, you can lead up with ten other u. S. Senators and you could swap them out. Al is a big, bold character. We are working in montana also, the u. S. Senate seat, another guy out of a factory. Weve enacted, shes continually broken her oath and deceived the people of maine about her intentions again and again and again. The whole im so concerned, im so worried, i have a third bro, i dont know what im going to do and she votes for trump every single time. I think they have reached their limit on that. Go ahead. Is going to say, what about Lindsey Graham, rand paul . We are not active in his, thats not a viable race. Lindsey graham, im sure steve will speak more to lindsay, weve hit Lindsey Graham very hard, weve helped, basically we are in our second milliondollar investor in South Carolina and one of the great things, he is a person whose more conservative and Lindsey Graham on the big issues. Ill tell you one, spending. Lindsey graham supports 30 years of his career, a budget, civil discipline guy and suddenly donald trump is in office and spending money like a drunken sailor. Theres nothing he wont do to back up whatever spending trump wants to do. When you see harrison, whose more conservative and Lindsey Graham on spending, free trade, now Foreign Policy issues including Lindsey Graham getting on the trump train to russia and putin, first. We are optimistic about harrison, it is a tough seat, a tough race but one that deserves a lot of attention because Lindsey Graham is the lowest moral character in the senate. One reason not to talk, in mississippi, hes now tied, a year ago, if you told me they would be a tight race for u. S. Senate in mississippi, i would have told you you were out of your mind but the landscape is shifting quickly, pretty much gone for the republicans. Colorado and arizona so we feel this is a hell of a landscape right now. I do have one more thing about the alaska race alaska is an overwhelmingly prochoice state so this Supreme Court confirmation i think is, it may be that trump justice on the court but its devastating politically in november for a couple of reasons in the alaska race, its going to hurt sullivan and there is another issue other, something called a pebble mind, its been a hugely controversial goldmine that will poison the headwaters of bristol bay and the largest richest salmon fishery in the world. Doctor al is against it, Sullivan Sullivan is for it, we are going to kill sullivan on the issue. Coming soon and we look at the Lindsey Graham race, we are just going to go for its. We think hes the most undeserving sender in the country, his character is loathsome. Is a principal list man, utterly selfinterested, hypocritical and the idea that Lindsey Graham has anyones back is ludicrous. Id like to Say Something about a message you will see from us in the senate races, in part which is the indictment, which is this, i think this is an important thing, we try to always be proportional when we say the worst of her hes this or that or the biggest, we are very cognizant when we say these things, everybody tends to, its the greatest party with the best movie, best of times, worst of times because its our presence in those events. Everything is selfreferential but with magnitude of times lies so great and consequences so deadly and severe, every one of these senators, every one of them knew how deadly this was. They also knew every one of them that trump new how deadly this was. You are referring to the pandemic. Im talking about the pandemic. Not one of them went to the floor of the senate and gave a speech and said mr. President , stop this insanity. Not one went to the oval office and bank a hand on the desk and said stop this. But now every one of them is running for reelection under the premise of vote for me, i am an independent voice, well have your back like, theres a phraseology from the colorful colloquiums if my people in new jersey that goes something lik like yourself which is the only appropriate answer to that. Were going to go for it in the South Carolina race and we like what we are seeing in this race. I think in this race, Confederate Flag came down this year, Stuart Stevens who works with us, obviously a mississippi native but mississippi, they have a net senator who embarrasses the state. Makes them a joke. Mississippi want to step forward away from being the punchline the way alabama did with judge moore, hes the candidate and hes right there so we are probably going to play hard and that race. Vice President Biden signaled he would not interfere with new yorks Southern District prosecuting donald trump post presidency should he went. What you think the impact on the country and government would be if this were to happen . As long as the work in the Southern District is not influenced by an external clinical motivation, it should not matter because no one, including a former president should be above the law. No one should be protected by the Justice Department from prosecution if they have committed actual crimes but the flipside, right now in the country, donald trump wants the Justice Department to defend him and attack his enemies. Hes said repeatedly somebody should be investigated, so and so should be taken out. Those are two of constitutional government. I dont want heavy hand of politics weighing on either side of any constitution in this country. The only thing worse than one Political Party that has embraced the lock them up philosophy is too Political Parties that embrace it. I agree with everything rick said about accountability under the law but part of our small seat conservative is as we are rooted in pragmatism and look, any considered prosecution of trump, i hope the people that are considering it in those position, approach it from a frame of wisdom and restraint with a vision of we have to move beyond this. It will take a long time to move beyond it and we dont want to exacerbated. Weve got a big problem in this country and the big problem is, a 30 of the country is completely checked out of reality, surrendering themselves to a cult of personality that manipulated, politicized and increasingly extreme liberal. Space this to a core concept about the government of the people, by the people, for the people. The government for the advancement of the leader, they have lost contact with our democratic values. Process, talk to us a bit about the role of the Justice Department and bill barr explained in the lead up to the election right now in your view. Hes like americas first interior minister. Its a horrifying prospect that you have the attorney general of the u. S. Declaring municipalities as anarchist territories, anarchist controlled cities in order to engage in a political stunt in the Trump Campaign to turn up their base. Its horrifying you have the attorney general of the u. S. Seeking to defend the president the resources of the federal government to defend the president of the Sexual Assault case from before his time in office. Its horrifying you have bill barr going out there and attempting to squash publications already gone through, the judgment security review process because they contain information that is not classified but impressing to the president and reflecting of his low character. There are a list of things bill barr has engaged in in terms of putting up the reports, for the investigation into Donald Trumps mission to the russians and a host of other things including distorting and lying about the contents of the Mueller Report and the recent of whats relevant to congress about it this is a school full spectrum, who will look back on bill barr is a reckless individual determined to break the role of the Justice Department is a fairly independent party of the executive branch and turn into the terms family personal legal and political arm. Im sorry, lisa. Its all good, go ahead. We need to understand something, the ability to recognize your in a pot and the water is getting harder not to be the proverbial one, in that sense, it means something. Mitt romney accurately and correctly calls out the work of a senate chairman, ron johnson using his committee for political purposes, partisan purposes, which is inappropria inappropriate, specifically this purpose to attack the candidacy of the democratic nominee using russian disinformation, which is what it is what happens when you start using the instruments of the state in pursuit of your policy objectives to punish your opponents . With ukraine, which is what i thought was under emphasize in the coverage in regard to the trump shakedown is this, if the president or administration can instigate a criminal investigation based on bs, the former Vice President of the u. S. , they can do that to anybody we are at a line where its only inches now to cross into the territory where you will see if there is a second trump term t use these institutions overtly, not in defense of but for the purposes of punishment for his political opponents. See you gave the Justice Department, tax authorities and others to do just that. Gave us a look into your crystal ball and basically said you think joe biden will win, split the congress, how much cash getting a lot of questions and, how big of a margin you think biden would need to win an order yorty said trump will not accept the wind but how big of a margin does he need, i guess, for there to be Public Acceptance of the wind . Where does the Electoral College come in as well . The Electoral College is the only thing that matters joe biden can win by 40 million votes and if donald trump when the Electoral College, youre going to be in the fight forever, its it will never go away so it has to be a decisive electoral victory, and i mean that it cant be like separated by 20 or 30, it needs to be significant or trump will try to do what he does and break it. What is the significance . I would like to see joe biden somewhere in the three 30 range, thats a lot, it is a big jump but we need to have a decisive victory to break the back of trumps him, i get so big they cant teach. Florida is really important, florida is huge. What is it looking like now leading up to the end of the election . We are going to be somewhere around, by the end of this cycle somewhere around 60 to 65 million, maybe a little more if we continue on our pace and you will be deployed with significant resources in the closing weeks. We know michael has, other additional folks, any names that have joined that we dont know about were lending huge support, republicans who wont mind being named . Its not like getting into harvard or anything. [laughter] [laughter] we dont really even haze anymore. All right, i got two more questions before i get to that, before i asked my final question, i want to send a shout out to all the folks who helped organize todays panel. You have been really great. The headliners co team leaders, donna and roy, Headliners Team member and National Press club member, danny who organized todays event, Lindsay Underwood and executive director, bill. My son questions to end this, first, if 2020 was a horror movie, what movie would it be . Steve. The movie that always terrified me the most is the figure reminds me of trump, trucks [laughter] i feel like i am trapped in the house and there is this Little Orange guy running around all the time the knife, trying to get you. [laughter] okay. Rick. The shining. Donald the doughboy. [laughter] thats so good. Looks like we have more time than i thought we would have, we got time for one more question. [laughter] i cant get over the chucky vision in my head right now, thanks for the thats really special. Right . Best question. [laughter] you shorted. Another question, you said you are like a coalition of many frankie, when you are talking, you sounded like have been talking to nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer because you basically spit out a number of topics and to be concerned about. Get something, how much in common do you have with the Democratic Party and moving down the line, what recommendations do you have for the party itself . I believe this with all my heart, we have much more in common than we do in disagreement as americans. The national motto, out of many, one. We have to reconnect to the centrality of this idea. You think about the nations greatest president and consider that 600,000 people were killed in a war fought in a nation where there were 25 million in the north and 9 million in the south, 5 million white, 4 million slaves he talked at the end of the war about charity for all, malice toward none, to care for the widow and orphan and find a the wounds of the nation. You look at what is going on in louisville, a moral president would be with the governor, the state, maybe on the ground with mcconnell, with black church leaders, leaders of the black Community Calling for calm. Not rooting for claims to start. So we need a leadership in this country thats devoted pragmatically to fixing problems. I was always for the Republican Party, i was a republican because i worry macaques would bankrupt the country. I dont know what that means anymore in a month where republicans are spending 3 trillion. Theres no limited Government Party in this country and thats why we needed some sort of centerright, some sort of centerright but pandemic is one of the great crises in the history of this country. We have to get through this. We have to rebuild our economy and we have to look now, all of us, the 20 year mark or the 21st century, how is it going . The country is in decline. We have a decayed and political run political class. We have real issues of income inequality are not different than what Teddy Roosevelt was dealing with, one, 20, 110 years ago. When you look at Companies Like facebook and others, we have a right as a people to decide how big and powerful, how injurious these Companies Get to be. Theres going to be a lot of issues we have to discuss. You look at the beginning of the era of Artificial Intelligence at this location coming from technology, we have enormous issues in this country and we cant stay on this path. This has been a tragic four years so sounds like i have things in common with nancy pelosi, ab its nothing more than recognition of reality and problems in understanding we have to get back to the ability to sit in a room across from each other and do business with each other. We ought to be able to think about this country and longer than two week increments. One last thing in conclusion, i was reading axioms last week, it was trying to interpret who was up and who was down on the covid negotiations between the senate, house leadership and the white house. It was wellwritten but the explication of it was like something from the beautiful minds movement, movie math formulas on the blackboard. To take on this from inside the beltway trying to explain in the House Democrats shafting the senate republicans, like stop it. [laughter] stop it. Its with the country is screaming for so yeah, we have a couple Million People and halfmillion donors who put real money into this you want to be a force for good, moving stuff forward in this country again. Weve got to get out of this disaster. Rick. I want to add one thing to what he mentioned, the first two years of the Biden Administration are not going to be locked by the Green New Deal or anything, they will be marked by getting this country tuned up to respond to a covered pandemic that donald trump mismanaged fatal consequences. It will not immediately change, they will click on the resolute desk and he will have to use a very maybe more, very hard work ahead of him before we can even start to go back with the old ideological. The response to call it has to be economic, humanitarian, it has to be scientific and that will eat up the vast majority and in some ways, president is testified in a giant crisis, can become one of the greats. The president tested by something so overwhelming can become a great president. Donald trump was tested by this and failed. He will be cumulated a history, the worst of all our president s for as long as the country survives but joe biden is a moment that will require more than ideology, it will require dedication and competence and i believe the people in this country deserve leadership thats honest, committed to the fundamental predicates of this country and willing to do the hard work. I will predict you will not see joe biden at a golf course three times a week you wont see him picking bs fights with reporters everyday. Well strap down and get the work done its like doctor radical confidence will mark the way the future. I realize i have not asked the question i should have asked at the beginning, what about kanye west . I am not saying he is a gold digger but the amount of resources the Trump Campaign clearly put in to get kanye on the ballot in the way they completely botched is both cynical and horrible and hilarious an equal mixture. Last night, i was going through some of my emails and i was looking at the pool report from when the president came in something he said, he is asked, what his message is after the Breonna Taylor link. She gone back to louisville a couple times, i just wanted to mention this, President Trump said no, my message is that i love the black community and i have done more for the black community than any other president and i say with the exception of Abraham Lincoln, and i made opportunities with criminal justice and Prison Reform and what we have done for historically black colleges and universities, nobody has done more, Abraham Lincoln, lets give him a nod, he added but beyond that, nobody done more. I love the black community. In the midst of the pandemic and everything we are looking at, i look at something my mom told me, back in the day, many blacks used to vote republican what is your message to black americans support donald trump and two black americans who might be confused about where they are going and what will happen after the election . We are going to trumps comments, there is an old saying that i remember my dad teaching me, you cant fix stupid and you cant fix crazy. He is both. I think he is overtly stoking racial animus in this country, the likes of which weve not seen since George Wallace was on the scene. We saw what i would say to anyone, i would never gain his speech for the black community but i would say this, there was a couple who appeared at the national convention, the muscat c. Who are they . Well, they live next door to a synagogue and the children of the synagogue put together honey bee hives to grow honey for russia sean. Apparently the hives were slightly over the Property Line so what did he do . He called the synagogue, he said this bothers me, it is over my Property Line, they went back with an ax and destroyed the hives. When peacefully marching black protesters came by his house, him and his wife came out and pointed recklessly firearms they obviously, from the pictures, had no idea how to handle, and for the achievement, they were given a primetime address at the Republican National committee with a talked about how black and brown people would soon be invading america, later that evening, that gates incited people culture work with black and brown people and the next day, a 17yearold in illinois take his ar 14 and went to kenosha and shot three people. Make no mistake, that kid sat in the front row of the trump valley, was radicalized by trump, radicalized by the voices of info wars a and and facebook and fox news and the class these and all of it. When he said there both sides in debate, he is hostile to civil rights, equal rights and what i would say to any young black man, understand the case from when i was a young man at 18 of the central part. Talk about this a lot, and i am not immune to it either. The strength of the Biden Campaign is being underr ep the strength of the biden beinggn it is underreported by the media. Right . Was 16, i get it. Human nature is human nature on this. But if i can, just tell like a quick story. At the beginning of the civil war, William Sherman wrote a letter to a friend talking about that the country was doomed. That Abraham Lincoln was a backwards barbarian head was undereducated, had no capacity to deal with the secession of the union. And he sent that letter to a friend of his who was down and out on his luck. Selling firewood out on a corner in ohio in his hometown. That friends name was you alyssas grant. They blast on the get together at the headwaters of the janes intern james river at that union armies encampment shortly before the war ended. It was a lesson they sought lincoln and he talked about his vision for reconciliation in the country. I was sherman was asked to reflect on lincolns life, after the assassination he said that he had met all of the great men of the world where hed met the industrialist, the kings, the generals, hed never met any man who possessed morbid qualities of greatness and kindness in his heart and Abraham Lincoln. And what has always been true about the country, is that it has produced leaders almost providentially the right moment. Dwight eisenhower was a colonel in the army who would not been promoted 12 years in 1940. Rosa parks was just a lady who wanted to go home it was just too tired to get up from her seat. Any young a baptist minister in atlanta became a global force for justice. Ordinary people. And so when you look at joe biden and you look at his story, we looked down at the Lincoln Project, right . We have expectations of greatness from joe biden. Because the joe biden that we see getting ready to step on this debate stage is the man three times he ran for president for he has been publicservice since he was 29 part he has reached the hour of his destiny. The choice that joe biden very specifically represents is the difference between a good man and of said man, decent man and a dishonest man. I recognize global statement and international laughingstock. We have so many lies the potential with sympathy through his goodness, his decency is love of country and inability to see people that he disagrees with as the enemy. We have the potential to put that man into power. Which we think is a prerequisite for American Restoration so this country does not slide into an abyss. Spirit okay, i cant tell you how much ive enjoyed this conversation. And rick, im sorry you did not get a word in edge wise. [laughter] so next time, the two of you will need to actually come to the National Press club so we can actually give you the National Press club mug in person. Thank you so much for joining u us. And until the next time, thank the first president ial debate between donald trump and joe bidens tuesday night at 9 00 eastern. Watch on cspan. Biden is campaigning against this vaccine. It is only for political reasons. His whole deal is catastrophic shutdown. Words, recorded by bob woodward, the president knew back in february that this was an extremely dangerous, communicable disease. Think about it. Ironany people across the range. How many empty chairs of those dinner tables at those dinner tables because of his negligence and selfishness . Whats the first president ial debate tuesday night at 9 00 on cspan watch the first president ial debate tuesday night at 9 00 on cspan. Listen on the radio app. Ruth friday, Bader Ginsburg becomes the first woman to lie at state at the u. S. Capitol. Members of congress will pay their respects and passed by the casket. 12 30,es the capital at accompanied by her family. Female members of congress will line the steps. Later in the afternoon and, at harris senator Kamala Harris speaks with derek johnson. The legal battle for President Trumps tax returns and other documents continues. At 1 30, President Trump speaks in atlanta on his plan to boost Economic Opportunities for black americans. And an opportunity in how the pandemic is affecting the food service industry. That is at 9 00 a. M. Eastern. Pelosie speaker nancy talked about the democrat agenda and the passing of ruth Bader Ginsburg. Followed by ae News Conference with kevin mccarthy

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