The United States Public Health service as it exists today is a product of experience extending over a period of nearly 150 years. It was originally created as a Marine Hospital service for the purpose of providing medical care to american seamen. It was established by an act of congress signed by the second president of the United States, john adams, on july 16, 1798. This service was originally supported by a tax on american merchant seamen. This was later abolished. It was collected by the collector of the customs of the treasury department. And the Marine Hospital service came under the jurisdiction of that department where it remains today. The first Marine Hospital located at norfolk, virginia. The second was built in boston, massachusetts. Some of the medical personnel were used by the union and the confederacy for the care of the sick and wounded of the military forces. It frequently happened the medical officers of the early Marine Hospital were the first position to diagnose such diseases as cholera, fever and smallpox, which endangered the Public Health. The work of the service became of such increasing importance to the Public Health of the country that congress extended its duties until it became in function a federal health service. Recognizing the value of m mobility and military discipline, congress authorized the organization of the Marine Hospital service along Military Lines with Officers Holding commissions in grades similar to those of officers of the medical departments of the army and the navy. In 1912, the name of the service was changed, the United States Public Health service. The Public Health service is administered by the Surgeon General, who is responsible directly to the secretary of the treasury. To congress. And to the president of the United States. We will now hear the Surgeon General briefly outline the work of the Public Health service. Although the first responsibility for Public Health rests upon the states and localities in our country, the federal government through the Public Health service does much to prevent disease and to improve the health of all the people. This is done in many ways. One very Skilled Group of men and women. Officers prevent introduction of disease from abroad. Others have the duty of preventing and halting the spread of infection within our own territory. Under the provisions of the recently enacted Social Security act, the Public Health service is cooperating with every state and territory in the development in those states and territories of a National Health program. This cooperative work between the federal, state and local governments should provide new standards for the people. In addition, the manufacture of all serums and vaccines sold in the country is carefully supervised by the Public Health service. It conducts Marine Hospitals in which are treated american sail sailors. In addition, the service keeps in constant touch with Health Conditions throughout the world. Weekly reports from every officer. It encourages Health Education in various problems of disease prevention. In what follows you will see in much more detail the ways in which this organization operates for human service. For centuries, it has been known that epidemic diseases follow the lines of commerce and travel. During colonial times and in the early days, the introduction of yellow fever, smallpox, cholera and other diseases by ship was by no means uncommon. Epidemics of yellow fever occurred at late at 1798 in new york, baltimore in 1832 and in philadelphia 1853. Many outbreaks were the result of cases brought in by vessels. The danger of introduction of diseases from abroad has paralleled in growth the Remarkable Development of transportation on the sea. On the land. And in the air. The transportation of disease has been as much facilitated by improved mechanical methods as has the transportation of persons or property. Maritime quarantine was undertaken by the states and cities but is now administered by the Public Health service at all the ports of the United States and its possessions. To perform the functions, the service has been given quarantine injujurisdiction com into american ports from abroad. In its quarantine work, the United States Public Health service maintains trim and speedy boarding tugs which carry the quarantine officers out to the vessels. When a vessel arrives, the medical quarantine officer, a nurse and an inspector go out in one boarding tug known to seamen and ocean travellers. They draw alongside the vessel and go aboard. The quarantine officer meets the ships doctor and the percer. They turn over records for inspection, especially the bill of health and the Health Record on route which shows all cases of illness on board during the trip. The list here shows a suspicious case of illness in a member of the crew. Lets see now what happens. The quarantine officer is taken to the sick bay in the crews quarters to skcexamine the pati. His experience and training in the detection of the symptoms of rare as well as the common diseases tells him that this patient is suffering from typhus fever. He ordered the patient removed from the vessel. And put aboard the quarantine tug to be taken ashore. All persons who have been in contact with the patient and thus have been exposed to the disease are also ordered on board the tug. The patient and the contacts are taken to the detention hospital. In this instance, Hoffman Island in new york harbor. On their arrival, the sick patient is taken directly to the hospital. Here he is given appropriate treatment and cared for until he has recovered. Every facility is made available in such cases, both for the benefit of the patient himself and for the protection of others. As this happens to be a case of old world typhus fever, known to be spread by the body louse, the contact are first taken to the delousing plant. They must remove all of their clothes. They are sprayed with soap and water. Next they are sent to the shower. And finally, each one is sprayed with an insecticide that kills lice that may remain in their hair. The clothing of the contacts is placed in net bags and these bags are sent to the fumigating room. The clothing, together with the baggage of the contact is placed in fumigating chambers where its disinfested. If necessary, the contacts are isolated in the detention hospital for observation. Every precaution is taken by the quarantine officers to prevent the introduction of disease into the United States. When the quarantine work has been completed and the ship declared free from danger, the medical officers of the Public Health service turn to the inspection of immigrants. This scene shows the immigration station at ellis island, new york. During the busy period of a few years ago, more prospective citizens arriving from abroad entered through this world renowned station than through any other port of the country. In past years, thousands of aliens arrived at ellis island daily. Each one had to undergo an nr examination. In pastimes, many of them arrived only to be turned back at our very gates because of mental or physical defect. This was a necessary but somewhat cruel procedure and caused many heartaches, untold hardships and much unnecessary expense. A new system was inaugurated by international consent in 1925. Immigrants have been examined by Public Health officers assigned to american consulates for this purpose. The immigrant makes application through the american consul who if the applicant comes in, arranging for an examination by the medical officer. If the applicant passes the physical and mental tests, theres little chance he will be refuse ed admittance later. Among other old record, websters book on pestilence described bubonic plague. This disease is present in the orient. This makes it a threat to the United States and its possessions. The germ that causes bubonic plague is carried by fleas that live on rats and other rodents. Rats are great travellers and vessels must use rat guards to keep them from coming aboard. Notice how this rat balances with his tail. Now he attempts to clear the rat guard. Will he succeed . It looks like he will make it. No. He admits defeat and he returns to the war. Yellow fever, the fearful yellow jack which struck terror to the south, is one of the best examples of a decide almost entirely wiped out by science. Its transmitted by a particular mosquit mosquito. With those exterminated, yellow fever is eliminated. Although yellow fever has been banished from our shores since 1905, it still exists in south america and africa. And recent developments in air travel again make it a menace to the United States. To combat this, the yellow fever mosquito must be eliminated from ships and airports and infected people must be detected and isolated. Although the mosquitos usually fly a short distance, they have been carried by airlines for thousands of miles. Its only by the exercise of the utmost care and constant watchfulness that this dangerous disease is kept outside our borders. When they arrive at a port of entry, an airport which might bring in the yellow fever mosquito, passenger and crew are inspected for symptoms. An important part of the inspection is the taking of the temperature for evidence of fever. The plane is gone over thoroughly with a vacuum cleaner to recover any yellow fever mosquitos that might be aboard. Then the cabin and all enclosed spaces in the plane are sprayed with insecticide that destroyed the dangerous pests. The opening of air routes to the orient created problems in preventing the introduction of diseases, particularly cholera and smallpox into hawaii and the United States. When the country was small, travel was slow. Distances in travel time were much greater than they are today. Then there was less need for action on the part of the federal government in preventing the spread of epidemics. But with the increase of travel, the expansion in territory and the concentration of population, this work became important. With increase in interstate traffic, the need for uniform quarantining are lags e regulat parent. Congre congress provided for quarantine. The sanitary control over all Water Supplies used for drinking or culinary purposes on interstate carriers is one of the activities of the Public Health service in connection with the prevention of the interstate spread of disease. The water comes from almost 3,000 sources. The cooperation of the state and City Health Authorities is given to the Public Health service. In taking supplies of drinking and culinary water on board vessels, connections are made direct to the supply pipe and the possibility of contamination of the water is reduced to a minimum. Here we see a supply of Drinking Water being taken aboard a steamship at one of our ports. The same sanitary precautions are carried out when Drinking Water is take and board trains. Inspections are made of this procedure. The passenger can therefore feel a sense of security when he quenches his thirst from the water cooler. Or drinks water with his meals in the dining car. The fight against bubonic plague is a fight against the rat. He must be trapped, poisoned, starved out, everything must be done to route this animal. The rat has been called mans most destructive and dangerous enemy. He is certainly a most dangerous pest in the case of bubonic plague. He is crafty and he readily matches his cunning against that of his enemy. The rat catcher must know the habits of the animal. Its with such knowledge combined with experience that he can qualify as an expert in what may be called a specialized field. The rats are tagged to show the locality in which they are caught and are then sent to the laboratory for examination. Some of the rats that are taken alive are put into bags to preserve for identification and examination any fleas they may harbor. Here we see a sample day catch of rats in one of our large cities. At the laboratory, the rats are combed for fleas and their fleas are collected for study and for testing to determine whether or not they are infected with bubonic plague. In certain western states, plague has spread from rat to ground squirrels and the fight against these animals is being constantly carried on there. The following are typical scenes of the region in s where its f. Life was somewhat primitive and the sanitary conditions were conducive to the spread of the disease because of the habits and customs of the people. They did not know that it was spread by means of the hands avd other articles that carry discharge from the eye. Described, it is a chronic infection of the lining membrane of the eyelid. If the lids are turned back, a number of small granular bodies resembling grain will be noticed. The disease produces a roughened condition of the inside of the lid which irritates the front of the eye causing an inflammation which often leads to blindness. For many years, the Public Health service has conduct aed campaign against this disease. As early as 1912, a doctor of the Public Health service was sent to kentucky to make a survey of the situation there. The doctor, what was found in kentucky and what was done there . Well, more than 18,000 persons were examined in 1912. Between 7 and 8 were found to have it. Many had already been blinded by the disease. Many others remained in dark rooms he s sealing their eyes. Some had not seen light for months while many cases existed for years. In checking up some years later, the changes were remarkable. Instead of many soreeyed people and the almost universal practice of wearing colored glasses observed during the first survey, scarily colored glass was seen and few cases. From the standpoint of human and economic position, there is no way to estimate what it has been worth. Much of the work was done in mountain regions where roads are not good. Medical officers traveled by horseback or had to walk. The work has been turned over to the states. Instead of painful and sightless eyes to destroy youth, we have the gift of sight. The boy was discovered in time. We have the ability to assume an economic role in family affairs. Numerous outbreaks of typhoid fever have followed the use of shellfish grown in contaminated water. It could be combated where oysters were grown and forbidding the shipment originating not approved by the Public Health service. Because oysters from beds in contaminated waters will not be certified and shucking plants and canneries are conducted under proper conditions, the consumer can enjoy seafood with a greater sense of security than formerly. Smoets an act of Congress Authorizes an annual conference between the Surgeon General and the state Health Officers to discuss Important Health matters. Here the Surgeon General opens a recent conference. This annual conference of state and territorial Health Officers will come to order. I am delighted to greet you here today. One of the most significant events in Public Health which has occurred in our lifetime transpired last month when president roosevelt signed the bill appropriating funds to launch the Health Security program. This bill and the funds authorized under it offer a great promise to the people of this country for better health. Its your task and my task to see that this promise becomes a realization. It is to discuss a detailed means by which we may obtain the objectives held forth in the Social Security act at this conference will be concerned. I welcome your advice. These conferences provide opportunities for planning effective methods of state and federal cooperation in attacking Health Problems of mutual concern. For many years the Public Health service has been cooperated with the state Health Officers in an effort to improve state and local health. When necessary, experienced Service Officers are assigned as shown here for periods of time to aid state and local Health Departments in their special Health Problems. Funds made available by congress have been matched by state and local agencies and used to develop local health services. Under the Social Security act, provisions for this cooperative aid have been greatly extended. The City Health Officer of a western city receives a telephone call. He picks up the receiver and finds that its from a local physician. This physician has a case the symptoms of which resemble epidemic encephalitis. There are some features which make this uncertain. City Health Officer remarks that he is greatly concerned as he has had similar cases reported in the past few days. The City Health Officer decides to notify the state Health Officer. He calls him by telephone and outlines the local situation. The state Health Officer immediately reports to the Surgeon General and asks him for aid. The City Health Officer calls an assistant and instructs him to consult with the local physician. He is alarmed. A telegram is received from the Surgeon General. After the Public Health Service Officers have conducted a preliminary investigation, they came a conference to discuss the situation. Gentlemen, this epidemic is growing. At least 50 new cases are being reported daily. We must encourage close and harmonious cooperation between ourselves as representatives of the Public Health service and the city, county and state health authorities. The local medical schools have made available their laboratories and other facilities. What will be our policy as regard to information for the general public . The City Health Department are notifying the public frankly of the situation. Business must proceed as usual. There must be no panic. The is an unusual plague of mosquitos. I wonder whether theres any connection with this outbreak. We will test that theory as thoroughly as possible. The mosquito tests were conducted on Prison Inmates who submitted themselves as laboratory animals. After these experiments were made, another conference was called to discuss the results. Dr. Williams, what are your results so far . The mosquito apparently does not transmit this particular disease. However, our investigations must be continued in other directions. Epidemic, despite all that has or has not been done is subsiding. We will transfer our studies to the National Institute of health in washington. As a result of intensive study at the laboratory, it was concluded it was due to a virus and several important new facts were deduced from the investigati investigations. In preventing diseases spread through unclean milk, a safe milk supply is essential. Diseases are spread through contaminated milk. The Public Health service feels clean milk pasteurized is the only safe milk. It conducted studies to determine the efficiency of pasteurizing procedures. This assures a safe and clean milk supply to the ultimate consum consumer, if ultimate sanitary precautions are observed by the ultimate consumers themselves. Another form of assistance and cooperation with the states is in times of emergency. The disastrous flootd floods ie an emergency that may arise suddenly. The states request the help of the sanitary engineers of the Public Health service in providing emergency purification and protection for town and city Water Supplies in the effected areas. These requests for aid are met with prompt response. In many instances Water Purification machines are quickly dispatched to the affected areas and are put into operation by the sanitary engineers. As the water is pumped into the reservoir or distributing system, its treated with chlorine to make it safe for human consumption. In the fight against disease from a Public Health standpoint, it is fundamentally important to know when, where and what numbers and under what conditions various diseases are occurring. The Public Health Service Records the important commudise which show the seasonal prevalence. Note how closely the cases for different years follow the same general seasonal pattern. Each separate line across the chart represents a year for the particular disease. The service maintains an Intelligence Office regarding the occurrence of epidemic diseases in the United States and Foreign Countries and reports are received from all american consuls. Their distribution is shown on the map. Whenever theres an outbreak of a quarantinable disease anywhere in the world, the american con sue s consul sends it to washington. Information is obtained from local Health Officers and state Health Officers. Who report regularly by telegraph and on cards like the cards shown here. Reports are also received from officers of the Public Health service stationed abroad. Health officers of foreign governments and interNational Health organizations such as the Health Section of the league of nations and the Panamerican Sanitary Bureau. The information is compiled and published and is used by quarantine officers of the hub lick he Public Health service and by other governments throughout the world. The director general of the Panamerican Union addresses a recent conference. Gentlemen of the conference, at this your closing session, i want to express to you individually and collectively the deep appreciation of the Panamerican Union, the privilege of having had you with us during the period of your deliberation. It is no exaggeration to say the third panamerican conference of directors of health marks a step forward in the struggles of the nations of the continent to eliminate the causes of disease and to augment the efficiency of the masses of the people. I wish therefore to congratulate you and at the same time to assure you that in the future as in the past, you may count upon the ernest and enthusiastic cooperation of everyone associated with the Panamerican Union. The director general of the Panamerican Sanitary Bureau now speaks. Gentlemen, as director of Panamerican Sanitary Bureau and president of your conference, which honor i thank you, i want to join with the doctor in expressing our appreciation to you for leaving your important Administrative Functions and your respective governments for spending you to this the most successful sanitary conference we have had. Point of progress reported by you and your countries, practical plans formulated is by the most successful conference we have ever had. I wish you godspeed back to your respective homes. Scientific studies dealing with diseases of man were made by the Public Health service as early as 1886. These studies have expanded until today the research of the Public Health service on the cause, method of spread and means of prevention of disease is among the most important work that it performs. A Research Laboratory for the Public Health Service Called the Hygienic Laboratory was established in 1901. In 1930, congress changed its name to the National Institute of health. At this famous institute in washington, d. C. , most of the investigative work of the Public Health service is conducted. The diseases and conditions studied by the service include a long list. Heart disease is public enemy number one. Its first on the list of the causes of death. More than 300,000 persons die each year in the United States from this cause. The electrocardiograph aided in study and diagnosis of heart disease. Next an importance of the cause of death is cancer. This results in the death of about 135,000 people in the United States annually. Malaria is still an important Public Health problem in 16 states of the union. This disease exacts sickness of more than 2 million cases annually. This patient is having a chill. The fight against malaria is the fight against the mosquito. The prevention of breeding by seeing no containers are left lying around to hold water and provide breeding places for mosquitos and by eliminating all refuse piles insofar as possible. In certain regions, effective Mosquito Control has been accomplished by dusting water areas with a poisonous mixture. Its done from trucks. By hand dusting machines. And by airlines according to the conditions met with. Another effective method is the killing of larvae by the oiling of stagnant water. Keeping mosquitos out of the home by screening. The protection of the health of the industrial worker has become a matter to which much attention has been given. New Manufacturing Processes are frequently introduced new hazards to the health of workers. It comes within the province of the physician and the engineer. Dust has been found to be a serious hazard to the health of the employee. Studies of the various types of dust in industry have been made by the Public Health service. Dusts are collected at the plants and atmospheric and other data are recorded. These dust samples are then taken to the laboratory where they are carefully examined to determine the concentration, the size distribution and the chemical and other characteristics of the particles. This young lady is seen making a dust count from a sample taken at one of the plants. The Public Health service conducted studies on the enamel on teeth. These studies have shown that it is more prevalent than realized. Our increasing population, new problems have arisen not only from the increase of human waste discharged into streams but from the increase and changing types of industrial waste. From a Public Health standpoint, the vanerial diseases are important. Laboratories are surveying all sources of treatment have been conducted by the Public Health service in representative areas of the United States. Covering approximately onefourth of the population of the country. Estimates derived from the surveys indicate that more than a million and a half new cases seek treatment annually in this country. Cooperative studies conducted by the Public Health service with five of the leading clinics say its curable. Treatment must be started during the first year of the disease. The Public Health service co cooperates in the development of campaigns directed against them. From time in memorial, the law of the sea required vessels to provide medical attention for their sea mmen. This was was difficult in the early days. Therefore, in order to encourage its struggling merchant marines, congress established the Marine Hospital service in 1798 to relieve ships of this burden. The first hospital in boston, the first General Hospital in that city, furnished hospital care for sailors from the war of 1812. Today, there are 25 modern hospitals in this service located within the United States. These hospitals have a bed capacity of approximately 6,000 beds and give treatment to about 300,000 persons annually while almost as many more apply each year for other service, including physical examination. New Marine Hospitals have been built in baltimore, cleveland, detroit, memphis, new orleans, norfolk, San Francisco and seattle. The Marine Hospital in new york, which is the one shown here, has been enlarged to make it a 1,000 bed institution. These hospitals are professionally staffed by medical officers both competent and humane, secured by examination and selection. Only qualified graduate nurses, professional die tiss dietician skilled aides are employed. They have all the specialized services. Eye, ear, nose and throat. A thoroughly equipped xray department. Dental department with the most modern equipment. Hydrotherapy and some have a psychiatric service. They are provided with the most modern appliances for the diagnosis and treatment of disease. Dental treatment is furnished at all Marine Hospitals by dental officers. Most of the patients patients e especially the merchant seamen are suffering from septic mouth conditions. With the elimination of dental infections many remarkable recoveries have been reported. The facilities of the Marine Hospitals are available without cost to american seamen employed onboard any licensed or registered vessel of the United States. To officers and enlisted men of the coast guard. To officers and crews of vessels of the lighthouse service, to keepers and assistant keepers of the lighthouses. To Immigrants Detained at the immigration station, to seamen from vessels belonging to the United States army, to beneficiaries of the United States employees compensation commission, to members of the civilian conservation corps in various sections of the country, to patients of the United States veterans administration, and to persons afflicted with leprosy. This is the National Leprosarium in indiana. Other officers of vessels, United States registry, and lighthouse keepers must pass an examination conducted by medical officers of the Public Health service. They are for vision, color blindness, and hearing. The service must also pass upon the physical ability of sailors qualifying as able bodied seamen. Regulations require all ship officers to be versed in firstaid therefore the Public Health service has organized courses of instruction for such candidates in a number of the larger ports. Not only does the service furnish medical aid to the coast guard it also sends medical officers with the cruising cutters on the north atlantic ice patrol to furnish medical care to the officers and crews of these vessels. The service also sends medical officers with the behring sea seal patrol. The coast guard makes an annual cruise along the coast of alaska. Medical and dental officers of the service are sent on this cruise. They give medical examinations and treatment to the natives. These include dental treatment and extractions. This is the only medical Service Available to many of these native alaskans. The National Leprosarium which is a Marine Hospital in louisiana has under treatment more than 300 patients who are lepers. There is an Administration Building and the main hospital. Treatment by various methods and agents has yielded most encouraging results and there have been many recoveries or arrested cases. During the last ten years over 150 patients have been discharged to their homes no longer a menace to Public Health and the leprosy arrested. Sports are provided by baseball diamonds and Tennis Courts and the younger patients greatly enjoy the Outdoor Recreational activities. The cottages for the patients are comfortable and provided with ground for garden in which many of the patients take much delight. Life for these unfortunate persons is made as comfortable and pleasant as possible. In the attractive inner court two leper children may be seen playing around the pool. Medical aid to vessels without a physician has been made possible by the development of radio. Frequently men are injured or suddenly develop an acute illness on ships far out at sea. If there is no physician aboard, the Public Health service is notified by radio. Many lives are saved each year, thanks to this radio service. Radio for medical advice. Ayeaye, captain. The message from the vessel is received by a commercial Radio Station which immediately relays it by telephone forthe nearest Marine Hospital. Appears seriously ill. Request medical advice. Associated press parentally acute tonsillitis. Alkaline garg l every two hours. Report progress in 12 hours. Sign this u. S. Marine hospital. Very well, sir. A merchant seaman may have been suddenly attacked by illness on approaching port. Here again the medical officers of the Marine Hospital are notified by radio. But in this case an ambulance is sent from the hospital to the dock to meet the boat. The patient is taken off the vessel on a stretcher. He is placed in the ambulance and rushed to the Marine Hospital. On arriving at the hospital he was taken directly to the ward for examination and diagnosis. The medical officers examined him carefully and with the aid of the history of the case they make their diagnosis. In this instance it is definitely an acute attack of append si appendecitis. He must be operated on at once and he is taken to the operating room where the troublesome appendix is removed. An act of congress requires that the medical care in federal penal and correctional institutions be provided by the service. The prisoners are given thorough physical examinations. Eye, ear, nose, and throat, chest, dental, and other examinations. They are also given various types of mental tests. These mental tests will afford valuable data for the study of different types and characteristics of Prison Inmates which differentiate delinquents from nondelinquents. When the United States Public Health Service Hospital was established at lexington, kentucky the problem of narcotic drug addiction was put under the banner of medicine. Until that time this problem had been regarded almost solely as a correctional one. The hospital consisting of a group of buildings covers an area of approximately 12 acres. The buildings are constructed in quadrangular form providing a large Central Court serving as an entrance plaza. From here one gains access to these units especially provided for the reception and treatment of new admissions for the treatment of those suffering with diseases and for the intensive study of patients and those requiring special forms of treatment. This part of the institution constitutes the professional center of the hospital. To meet the needs for better treatment for drug addiction special studies of patients are necessary. The hospital is fully equipped and adequately staffed for this purpose. Opportunities for outdoor work are afforded the patients through the operation of a thousand acre farm. These farm activities include the operation of a modern dairy. The raising of hogs and poultry. And intensive truck farming. Indoor work for patients includes the operation of a laundry. A modern garment shop for the manufacture of clothing worn by the patients not for sale and other activities that are necessary for the maintenance and operation of the hospital. Supervised Outdoor Recreation is desirable and necessary for the health of the patients. It promotes good fellowship and normal human relationship. The career officers of the Public Health service constitute a mobile sanitary corps whose members are available for service whenever needed. In the United States or Foreign Countries, for epidemic duty, for quarantine duty, or for investigation work. The honor roll contains the names of many men and women who have contracted diseases in line of duty and of many who have made the supreme sacrifice. These workers conducted their investigations fearlessly with full knowledge of the danger that confronted them. They dedicated themselves to humanity and made their sacrifice on the altar of science. Other workers were not less fearless but more fortunate. Not less asiduous in their devotion to duty but more favored on the field of battle. The Public Health service conducted its relentless fight against disease silently and steadily. No music to inspire, no shouting to sustain. The battle field is silent. But the grim fight, the personal danger, the satisfaction of accomplishment are there. Even though the fight is frequently directed against an unseen and unknown enemy. Coming up on American History tv on cspan 3 well focus on the Supreme Court. Well hear first about some of the major dissenting opinions on the high court from the 1800s and early 1900s. After that a look at the southern manifesto, a 1950s plan by segregationists to resist the brown vs. Board of education ruling. Then a conversation about the 1873 slaughter house cases. Where the Supreme Court found that louisiana had the power to regulate sanitation conditions in slaughter houses. And later, the legal issues the court faced during world war i. Television has changed since cspan began 41 years ago, but our mission continues, to provide an unfiltered view of government. Already this year weve brought you primary election coverage, the president ial impeachment process, and now the federal response to the coronavirus. You can watch all of cspans Public Affairs program on television, online, or listen on our free radio and be part of the National Conversation through cspans daily Washington Journal Program or through our social media feeds. Cspan, created by private industry. Americas Cable Television companies as a Public Service and brought to you today by your television provider. Next on cspan 3, dissenting at the Supreme Court. A lecture series hosted by the Supreme Court historical society. Well hear from a law professor from the university of arkansas discussing dissenting opinions in some of the high courts major cases of

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