[laughter] natalie, you previously worked for npr and are now working with a get out the Vote Organization you have told us about. We are proud your supporting democracy and you are doing social media. Democracy, media and the public sphere. Ryan is in the process of building an app to tell how long polling lines are. Bringing in the democracy, media, and the public sphere. We need those apps. My husband is in line now, a 70minute wait where he is. Both of you get a hat. They each get a hat that says cspan 2020 on the front. On the back, unfiltered. [laughter] you each get a hat. You each get something that you clean screens and microfiber. That is right. And then, very handy, always needed, a pen. [applause] thank you, both, for your work promoting democracy, media, and the public sphere, which is why we are all here today, right . Today we are going to talk about political advertising in campaigns. This is from chapter 13 in our book. There is much to discuss. Something that came to mind for me is something told to bob woodward and Carl Bernstein by deep throat. Follow the . Money. Yes, follow the money. Campaign advertising and political and in campaigns are similar. Dr. Pethel, start us off. Mary ellen we are going to move to the next side and talk about the history of little ads, positive and negative ads. As we pull this up, this is out of chapter 13 in your book. If you have this handy i will be making reference to pages. Before we get started, we know early voting has started in tennessee. And in most places around the country. I have my vote yall, button on, that you can get. And if you have not yet gotten your tshirt for the debate, which is one week away. Does everybody have one of these yet . You should, vote yall, belmont university, 2020 president ial debate. Where one week from the debate and three weeks from the election. These are exciting times for democracy, media, and the public sphere. Lets talk about negative elements and how far back they go. People talk about how negative policies are these days, right . Do not worry. This has been going on since the dawn of time, since the dawn of politics. Political advertising began in the 1800s, all the way back to Thomas Jefferson and john adams. This is one of the best, weirdest lines youll ever hear. Thomas jefferson said that john adams had the idiots hermaphroditic old character which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor gentleness and since ability of a woman. Essentially, he was saying he was a hermaphrodite, attacking his manliness. In response adams cap predicted jeffersons election would bring murder, robbery, rape, adultery, and the soil would be soaked with blood and the nation blacked with crimes. So theyre going after each other hard. We will see historic ads and current ads today and you will see a lot of these same themes are the same things going back to the 1800s that we have been looking at in this country for over 200 years. Jefferson was called godless. Adams was called a tyrant. That is from page 400 in your book. This term mudslinging, have you heard the term before . It is an analogy for literally slinging mud at somebody, throwing mud, because it sticks. It is dirty. The First Campaign called a mudslinging campaign was between Andrew Jackson and john adams. The opponents claim jacksons mother was a prostitute, he was orphaned at the age of 13. He used that story to build his character and say that he was a common man who understood the pain many went through. But, not only did his opponent say his mother was a prostitute, which is a huge blow if you are already orphaned that do not have your mother, right . That cuts deep. But also made harsh claims about his marriage to rachel donelson, whom she had married. They called her a bigamist because she had previously been married. She was technically not divorced. In turn, the Jackson Campaign set of John Quincy Adams that when he was a foreign ambassador, he arranged for women to provide Sexual Services for the russian czar. Even russia has been in our elections for a very long time. This is a famous cartoon of Andrew Jackson, called the political barbecue. This is the fire of public opinion. They have Andrew Jackson. What is he look like . Yell it. He looks like a pig, right . They are doing this in an interesting way. He is half pig, half man. He even has the cloven hoof and tail, which were a little bit of a knock on his character, but also the idea of people and even religious arguments against Andrew Jackson. The cloven hooves as being a symbol of the devil. Then you have is the local adversary there, you see justice is blinded. She has the scales. Yet she is poking the fire. Then you see his Vice President ial candidate. Anybody know who jacksons Vice President ial candidate was . Van buren. There you go. There you go. He was known as that little magician. [laughter] can you tell me which figure most looks like the little magician in the cartoon . Martin van buren is floating off and represented as half pig at the tail. He is running off with the keys to the kingdom. So this is a political ad, one of the most famous. So this is a great add to look at. Abraham lincoln. You know, Abraham Lincoln is often seen as americas most beloved president. Yet he also had detractors. In this ad in 1860, he is splitting the south. You see the log, he is splitting the south which does divide the northern and Southern Democratic Party switch allows him to win and he is splitting that and it is tough to see but if you look here, this actually where he is splitting it it says, irrepressible conflict. This is a claim if he is elected, he is going to bring possible conflict. What they mean is that civil war, which does happen. The other weird thing in this cartoon, what is going on that has to do with what lincoln is doing or what he is using . He is sitting on another person. There are two more things i am looking for. I cannot really see it but perhaps yes, he is using the head of one of his political adversaries as the acts. And then one more thing . He is standing on the [indiscernible] dr. Pethel he is stepping on the constitution. The next one is an antiGrover Cleveland at running in 1884. Grover cleveland fathered a child out of wedlock. And so, they had this ad. And it turned into a Campaign Slogan for his opponent. The slogan was, ma, ma, where is my pa, talking about Grover Cleveland having father this child and abandoned the child and not claiming to be the father. [dog barking] [laughter] [indiscernible] [laughter] dr. Pethel mute the zooms, please. So that was the dogs reaction to this, ma, ma, where is pa . For those of you watching, always be prepared. And his supporters end up saying back, he has gone to the white house, ha, ha, ha. And im going to get you to advance the slide for me. Why are political cartoons so effective . The cartoon was originally a sketch for a larger work of art and this will change in 1843 when a british journalist, john leach, first used the term for a cartoon to mean a parody or caricature. That is what becomes. Cartoons reach wide audiences and it does not matter if you are formally educated or not educated, literate or not literate, especially in the 1840s were literacy rates were low. They employ humor and satire so they are, they appeal to a wide audience and are understood by a wide audience. Thomas nash takes political cartoons to the next level. Boss tweed, the main guy he took down, he said of thomas nash, i do not care so much what the papers right. My constituents cannot read. It is them damn pictures. Because even if you are illiterate, the cartoons portrayed a powerful message. Why cartoons are so successful, it is an easy vehicle for hostility to put out opposition messaging against her candidate. Second, they satisfy us as constituents, because they take often complex situations and reduce them to something that is simple and easy to understand. So, with that, im going to turn it over to professor duck, who is going to talk about the new political cartoon, aka, the meme. Jennifer how many of you have seen this in other iterations . How many of you have seen it in the political cartoon . The meme takes all of those things and it is simple and easy to digest and a goes viral. How many of you have seen memes in the 2020 Campaign Cycle . Where are using them . Instagram, twitter, facebook, tiktok. All of the above. This meme has become editorial cartoon, society, political memes. I do not need to explain much. But a first draft expert on misinformation and disinformation reminds us memes have been around since 1976. The formal definition of the term coined by biologist Richard Dawkins in 1976, is an idea or behavior that spreads person to person throughout a culture by propagating rapidly and changing over time. Now it is obviously the. Gifs we see online. How many of us laugh at memes . Theyre funny but they have sticking power. They stick with us. Even if we know they are humor, they are affecting us. There are a part of these campaigns. So they are powerful weapons of disinformation and misinformation as well, which we have talked a lot about in this class. A professor i studied with at clemson, one of my mentors, i told him, can you give me a quote on memes . He said memes remain the king of disinformation. They are more powerful than other hightech campaign influencers like deepfakes. There are so cheap to produce you can get a lot of traction without a whole lot of work. He says thank you, twitter. That was from a Washington Post article and he said that part. So they are powerful campaign ads. That is what we are seeing now with memes and campaign ads. However, tv political ads remain very, very effective. Candidates can take a positive approach but more often they take a negative attack. Negative ads criticize the opposing candidates. They also can use that dramatic production quality. We have seen those grainy images. We see the big wide shots or closeups. They target the candidate. You will see the candidate talking. They are using their own words against them. They can vary in accuracy, deceptiveness, and they really do invite viewers to draw false inferences. As you are watching your campaign ads, how many of you had a negative ad you are studying . How many had a positive one . As you go forward we will see a little bit about that. Negative ads can succeed or fail. And there is a history to this. I will have events that slide and tell us a bit. We will play a few short clips. Dr. Pethel 1958 is the first year you see campaign ads and im going to play a clip of campaign ads. This is when eisenhower is running for president as a republican against adelaide stephenson and in 1952, this is one of the very First Campaign ads you have heard a little bit of this before but i will play this ad for you. [video clips] ike for president. Ike for president. You like ike. I like ike. Everybody likes ike. We will take ike to washington. Get in step with ike. You like ike. I like ike. Everybody likes ike for president. Dr. Pethel i will stop it there but i dare you to get that song out of your head for the rest of the day. That was 1952. Now im going to play for you the first negative ad and number one rated Weirdest Campaign ad. You had a senator from ohio named robert taft called bob taft, who ran in the republican primary against eisenhower. Eisenhower wins the primary. But they had a spat. Then they made up. Was taft going to support eisenhower . This is an ad by stephensons campaign ad saying bob taft is going to overpower eisenhower. And that they have this weird relationship. Im just not going to tell you more than that except for, get ready for some of the strangest voices you have ever heard. [video clips] all right, bob. Bob. I am so glad we are friends again, bob. Yes, ike, we agree on everything. Lets never separate again, bob. Never again, ike. Bob. Ike. Bob. Ike. Will ike and bob really live happily ever after . [laughter] that is the ad. Number one, you have to wonder who came up with that concept . Whose story mapping that, who is storyboarding that and taking this is a great concept . And lets make them sound like frogs . [laughter] my point with showing you that at is that if that is the first negative ad on television, it is pretty tame. If anything, it is almost just because it is so strange. But stephenson trying to take down eisenhower and of course eisenhower is going to win in a landslide. If you look at that is one of the first major negative ads, that is called the ike and bob ad. It starts to set up negative advertising in the United States after that. We are going to start with the jfk assassination, nationwide unrest, Political Party realignment. Something on the previous slide, 25 percent of advertisements were negative in 1952. If you count ike and bob as one of those, that is pretty tame. By the early 1960s, you have nine in 10 households who have a television. This is where you see the first major job. In 1964, 59 of ads are negative. A huge jump, in part because tv audiences are there. In the technology to create Campaign Commercials begins to shift it is not just about doorknocking and going from town to town and shaking hands. It is not communicating with audiences that go straight into their home, and it is visual now. It was beyond what the radio could do and what newspapers could do and what political cartoons can do. This is going to be, bring up, maybe the most famous or infamous ad that happens in 1964. It was called daisy girl. It was one of the most and remains one of the most studied campaign ads. It was so controversial it was pulled quickly. It did not play for very long. This will be our first group and we are going to have them introduced and we have a prerecorded presentation we will watch together. It is prerecorded so we put into our slides. Audrey bridget, sally and sierra, stand up. This presentation is brought to you by audrey, bridget, ellie, sally, and sierra. Do you have a few words to say about daisy girl, any quick thoughts and we will get into your slides now. Was it surprising . Pretty intense. I was not super surprised. Prof. Duck we are going to have everyone watch this and you can decide. This is a presentation by the team one on daisy girl. Hello, everyone we are going to talk about johnsons 1964 political ad. One, 2, 3, four, five, six, seven, six, 6, 8, nine. [chirping] 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, zero. [blastoff] these are the stakes, to make a world in which all of gods children can live, to go into the garden. We must either love each other, or we must die. Vote for president johnson on november 3. Very funny. What was the message . That his republican opponent, if he was elected president , he would end up starting a nuclear war. This was a fear already present in the public eye but this ad amplified it to a greater extent. Is this effective . The style was effective and this is a powerful ad effective in scaring the public and spreading fear of a nuclear war. The campaign ad sucha revolutionize the campaign ad saw to revolutionize the style in switching the focus onto emotional appeal. Johnson won by a landslide. You can see he won the state 446 in electoral votes 48652. The good and bad that came out of this ad. For johnsons party, the good thing is it secured the election for johnson and if you believe in his platform and helped avoid the nuclear warfare. On the negative side it did change political ads forever by adding an emotional element, notably fear that we still see today and ushered in a new era of negative ads that was not prevalent then that we often see today. The truth lies in the fallacies. There is not really a direct quote or claims made in the video. But it is implied. The message is more vote johnson or you are going to die. The truth was no clear warfare was a real concern in the 1960s with the cold war and u. S. Soviet relations. But the statement that we must love each other or we must die or vote johnson and i is definitely a lie exaggeration. This at played upon the black white fallacy, that a vote for johnson is a clearcut life or death choice which is just not true. A false dilemma or false dichotomy, like what sarah was saying earlier. This oversimplifies the range of options. Johnson was giving the message you either voted for him and spread love or america, the people of america would die from nuclear warfare. That was my fault. I was trying to turn up the volume. [laughter] i will get you back. Hello, everyone. All right. Compassion. Pity for emotional manipulation. The picking daisies was not strict irrelevant at all to the issue of nuclear warfare. But because johnson used that in his ad, he was playing on the emotions of the American People, which ended up distracting them from the factual evidence behind the argument presented. The daisy ad was created by the doyle dane burbach at companies who are sponsor for most of johnsons ads during the 1964 campaign. The firm was recognized as revolutionary. The ad had an impact on the election even though it only ran once. Distilling information known by voters and the emotional trigger that could be elicited, which then became the standard of ads up into the present. So, the second ad we are going to be comparing it to, was one of Hillary Clintons ads released in 2016. [video clip] i spent many years as a Nuclear Missile launch officer. If the president gave the order we had to launch the missiles, that would be it. I prayed that call would never come. Selfcontrol may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. The[beep] out of them. I want to be unpredictable. The thought of donald trump scares me to death and should scare everyone. Im Hillary Clinton and i approve this message. We chose this ad because it has a similar message to johnsons daisy girl at ad, that voting for the other opponent will result in nuclear war. Hillary clinton used the former launch officer of the missile site to gain favor with voters. A key difference here is the use of pathos versus ethos. Ad he used pathos. It played on the emotions and values of American People to vote for a world where all of gods children can live. Whereas clinton uses ethos. She doesnt necessarily have an emotional or a pity appeal like johnson did. But bruce blair is more of a figure the American Public can trust. He is credible, he is experienced, and he confirms that message clinton is trying to send here. So, the similarities in the two is both ads use fear mongering about nuclear bombs. They are trying to make people really afraid so they do vote for them. They want to put the American People in a place where they have to make a decision, either you live and you choose either hillary or johnson, or you die and vote for the other side. The difference in these two ads is that hillarys ads used his opponents words against him. She used clips of donald trump in rallies and speeches against him, unlike johnson who did not exactly outright attack is opponent. The fallacies in both of them hominem, which is criticizing a persons point of view using their own character and personality. A false dilemma, which is presenting complex issues in terms of two inherently opposite sides, which is, choose life or choose death with nuclear bombs. And the hasty generalization, which is drawing expensive conclusions based on inadequate evidence. Which is basically saying, if you vote for this one person, they are going to be the reason why the end of civilization occurs. In the context of both of these the context of both of these ads is people are afraid of nuclear war and do not want to die. So the politicians were using that fear to gain favor with the American People. We hope you enjoyed our presentation. And that is all. Lets give them a big hand. [applause] that was great. I would prefer not to die also. [laughter] good call there. Sorry about the technical difficulties on that. We also uploaded it to my youtube page. Dr. Pethel trying to work on the volume. That brings us to the 1970s. We know that the 1970s were coming after the 1960s mariah . That is not too tough. [laughter] thanks. It took me a while to put that together. The 1970s are an extension in some ways, but also several issues become even more intense. Particularly when you are talking about watergate, vietnam, antiwar protests. So you really have both parties that are fighting to become the moral party. I also mention here, Political Party realignment. We talked about this earlier in the semester. From the 1930s, but especially in the 1950s, 1960s and 1970s, you see that. Johnsons election they showed in 1964, that was one of the last major landslide elections. You do have one also with reagan. So, the south is realigning politically, the west, the north. And the democratic and republican parties are changing roles also. That is part of why you see in the 1970s and 1980s, a lot of messy messaging and both parties jockeying to be this moral party of the everyday american. We chose a rarely seen and ad by gerald ford for one group to show how each party is trying to establish this position in politics. To let you know, it does continue with Ronald Reagan. We are not going to play it in this class, but maybe the most ous Ronald Reagan and is ad is called morning in america. Has anybody seen that ad . Morning in america, everybody is getting up, theyre raising the flag, they are going to work. It is a very positive and. It is reinforcing a lot of the values that reagan and the Republican Party are embracing by the 1980s. In some ways they win that argument, but we have talked about law in order in this class and watching the documentary 13th and not being a big part of and that being a big part of it too. With that, we want to go ahead and bring up group two, which will do a live presentation. Gabby, jordan, savannah, and marissa. Not the price is right, but come on down. You can use the clicker if you want. Just keep going forward. Or you can use the mouse. We are going to continue this conversation about political ads. We are first going to look at a political ad by president ford for the 1976 election. [video clip] listen to pastor w. A. Criswell. A week ago, along with other men of the faith, i was invited to visit with the president in the white house. And in our conversation with him, we asked him, mr. President , if Playboy Magazine were to ask you for an interview what would you do . ,[laughter] and the president replied, i was asked by Playboy Magazine for an interview and i declined with an emphatic no. And i like that. [applause] ok, great. [laughter] the point being made there , obviously, is oops. Here we go. Back here. The point being made there , obviously, is ford declined to do an interview with Playboy Magazine, which apparently made him more of an honest, like a man with integrity, which was superimportant to the election in 1976, because this was happening postwatergate. So one of the big things candidates wanted to focus on was that they were honest, good, trustworthy men, that the American People could rely on. So that was one of the angles taken here. But it was not effective enough. Ford did not win that election. However, it was impactful. The moral majority, a republican he pioneered religious organization the highlighted the moral and traditional views of the religious right. This campaign ad used a strategy appealing to christian voters in the south. That goes with the themes that thel was talking about. So, there were obviously pros and cons to this ad. Some of the pros are that southern voters appreciated the moral compass of ford, declining this playboy offer he cant. Because jimmy carters campaign was really hurt by the fact he did a playboy article. And he also, like we said, inspired the moral majority as well and kind of rebirth the southern strategy, which focused on the conservative ideal of, we are christians, we have sexual restraint. And it was not just racial segregation, as had happened in the past. Ok. So, im going to talk about the fallacies used in fords ad. The first one was hasty generalization, which is when you take one fact and use it to draw a whole conclusion. Statement is not enough evidence to promote and support that ford would be a good president , just because he did this one thing. Another fallacy used would be moral equivalence. So, that is like saying that one action of somebody is just as bad as an action of somebody else. So, they are directly attacking carter because he did do a playboy interview. Thatare trying to show ford, because he did not do it, and carter, because he did do it, he is doing something more heinous than he has done. Last, anecdotal evidence. There is no real proof that ford was even offered an interview by playboy and that he declined it. So this is all purely anecdotal. What ford had told criswell and what criswell decided to tell his whole church. All right, so we are going to play a more recent ad. Clip] i grew up in the church. I attended a private christian high school. You look at the way someone lives their life and he believed them. Your son. I was taught that we should love our neighbors as ourselves. White power. When he used force to clear Lafayette Park and stand in front of st. Johns. Bludgeon and gas people and protesters for a ridiculous photo op. The moment that he held up that bible, he revealed this president is using us christians have to resist being used to justify things jesus would ever justify. Very fine people on both sides. Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not boast. I am the chosen one. Not do evil but rejoices in the truth. We cannot allow this man to be reelected. Ok, so before we examine that, we are going to look at where President Trump curtly stands with more religious and christian voters. President trump and his Reelection Campaign have largely centered their platform around winning over the christian, perhaps more religious, votes. Republicans are also appealing to voters of faith claiming democrads have unfairly criticized Supreme Court nominee judge Amy Coney Barrett for her catholicism, although so far no democratic senator has brought up the issue of her religion. In that ad, what is the message . In the 2016 election, eight selfidentified bornagain evangelical christians say they voted for President Trump. Whereas 16 voted for clinton. During the 2016 election and the current election, President Trump has largely centered his Campaign Around attempting to win over the religious voter. In fact, eric trump said last week that his dad, President Trump, literally saved christianity. And added that the Democratic Party has become the party of atheists, and they want to attack christianity. To swayis an attempt away the religious voter from voting for President Trump. Some current parallels we are seeing more recently. Most recently, a newspaper attack called not our faith, which includes a past faith advisor from former president barack obama is designed to chip away at support for President Trump. They released one specific ad that has not been released publicly, but was shown to the associated press. According to ap, one of the ads claims that President Trump has used christianity for his own purposes. And christian voters do not need trump to save them. The truth is trump needs christians to save his flailing campaign. Ad we are seeing christian values are being used for political gain and political purposes, rather than being practiced. So, like marissa said, these are similar because they showcase the christian vote and how these candidates want to gain that piston vote, because in america 70. 6 of people are christian. Again, huge part of the vote, and if you get the christian vote it seems youre going to win. And then these ads differ, because in fords ad, he shows what we think or his own beliefs in an anecdotal way. And by his refusal to be in the playboy ad, he was part of the moral majority. Kind of trumps ad shows his lack of understanding of christian beliefs. And i am sure they put that purposefully in there. It hinders him getting the vote of the moral majority that ford set up. Some fallacies in both ads, they both use hasty generalization. So, the ad is saying trump is second not a real christian, because he continuously done things that are not christlike. And that does not necessarily give enough information to say he would be a bad president. Also moral equivalence. The first one i already mentioned that they are saying carter is bad for doing that playboy interview, and ford is good for not doing the playboy interview. In the antitrump ad saying that because trump is faking being a christian, he is unfit for office, which is not necessarily correlated. Thats all we have. [applause] one thing that is interesting about the ford ad, is the fact that he was running against asmy carter, who is known being a very a man of deep faith. A southern baptist. So it was interesting he did that playboy interview. All right, lets get us back. Prof. Duck if you look at the interview, he did talk about his faith and it was an indepth interview. But because it was in playboy , that was the big controversy. I noticed the group put rick Rick Perlstein up there. He has a new book about reagan conservatism and it talks about jimmy carter. I put that podcast in your syllabus to look over as additional listening or reading, but just to kind of understand that story more. It breaks it down. Dr. Pethel that brings us to the 1980s. Here we are, the 1980s. You notice there is a similar theme in the title of some things going on. What is the word . War. Different kinds. You do see a lot of tension happening in the 1980s. Military, political, cultural. You have the culture wars, the war on drugs, the end of the cold war. As we set up in the slide and as the group so articulately explained in their presentation, the Republican Party emerged as the moral majority in the 1980s as the nation fought over a host of culture war issues. The Political Party realignment is also pretty much in place by the 1980s. We may be seeing some Political Party realignment right now. The tectonic plates may be shifting under us as we speak. But, until the last over the last 40 years, the Political Party realignment between states that are traditionally democratic and states that are traditionally republican is set, for the most part, by the 1980s. The south has gone from the Democratic Party in the 1930s , 19 40s, and 1950s, to the Republican Party the 1980s and 1990s. Many African Americans are going to remain democrats. You do have people in the middle who vote for both parties, but that is the general realignment. You have a group known as the reagan democrats. Many white workingclass men and women, who lead to the landslide elections. Since johnson, reagan is going to be the next one. In 1984, you have that morning in america commercial, which is a very famous, positive ad. We are not going to look at that in class, but i do encourage you to watch it. You have a very noticeable shift to negative ads in 1988, when w. Bush is running against michael dukakis. I want to point out, and you have read this, from page 410414 in your book, it does a n entire case study of the ad featured in this last presentation, that is known as the Willie Horton ad. With that, youre going to introduce the last group, who also has a prerecorded presentation. I will have you stand, caleb, rachel, hayden, and sidney. Lets go ahead and give them a hand anyway. [applause] yeah. Thank you, take a bow. Is there anything about this ad that surprised you or you found interesting as you were analyzing it . It is really short. It is 30 seconds, but it was still really impactful to the general publics perception of dukakis. 30 seconds of being uncomfortable. [laughter] and the Willie Horton ad is still referenced a lot. So, with that, do you want to take it away . Hi. This is our analysis of campaign ads through history. We are going to talk about george h. W. Bush versus donald trump. This is by rachel, sidney, caleb and aiden. A quick introduction. In 1988, the stage was set for one of the most bitter president ial elections. The candidates were george h. W. Bush versus Massachusetts Governor michael dukakis. Dukakis had different views when it came to policies in health care, education, and housing. The Bush Campaign said that while bush supports the Death Penalty, dukakis opposes the Death Penalty and he allows murderers to have weekend passes, when referring to dukakiss furlough policies. The ad demonizes prison furloughs. A black man, Willie Horton, hishad escaped during prison furlough, was used as the ads center. By using a black man on an ad about how bush was harsh on crime and his opponent, dukakis, this plays on the racist ideal that black americans are considered criminals. This pushes a racist agenda. This release was considered a hail mary for the Bush Campaign , because ahead of the ads release dukakis was leading bush by a large margin. After this, bush went on to win the presidency. Decisionsyed voters greatly. [video clip] bush and dukakis on crime. Bush supports the Death Penalty for first degree murderers. Dukakis not only opposes the Death Penalty he allowed murderers to have weekend passes from prison. One was Willie Horton, who murdered a boy, stabbing him 19 times. Horton received 10 weekend passes from prison. He fled, kidnapped a couple, stabbing the man and raping his girlfriend. Weekend prison passes, dukakis on crime. Now that we have seen the ad, lets take a look at some back story and context. Willie horton was arrested along with three men for the robbery of a gas station. While they were there, one of the men stabbed a boy working at the time. No one admitted to the murder , and continually pointed fingers at each other until the detectives decided to blame horton. He denied it, but was sentenced to life in prison. He was given 10 weekend process and on the 10th he ran. He was found miles away after breaking into a young couples home and assaulting them. One interesting thing is, he never went by willie. As for michael dukakis, he was the governor of massachusetts where horton was convicted of robbery and murder. He opposed the Death Penalty and promoted furlough programs to ease tensions and provide felons a gradual iteration back into gradual integration back into society. The ad was funded and released independent group of bush supporters, not the Bush Campaign. On cable networks, it did not get traction until much later. It was eventually taken down and ad that did not feature the mug shot of horton or mention him by name. The ad makes strong use of pathos. It takes advantage of the general fear of Violent Crime and the desire for safety. By striking fear into the American People, bush was able to discredit dukakis and race much of the trust the public have for him, giving bush the edge in we see two fallacies the election. Here. First, the false dichotomy fallacy or two opposing options are presented as the only options were outcomes. In this case, the ad claims either the public elects dukakis, which will allow crime to run rampant, or they will opposessh, who not only we can passes, he promotes the Death Penalty for firstdegree murderers, allowing for a safer environment across the country. Second, the slippery slope fallacy, where the cause and effect change is exaggerated. Ad, we see the following progression. Dukakis opposes the death and supports weekend passes. Therefore, Willie Horton got a pass and assaults a couple. Therefore, weekend passes are a cause of violence. Dukakis did support passes and horton did use his to commit Violent Crimes. However, not all prisoners who use weekend prison passes followed hortons example. These passes were typically awarded for good behavior. Ad created widespread fear and anxiety about having a president who supported prison passes. As a result, it turned the tide in bushs favor. This ad was a low blow to his opponents campaign and went when dukakis failed to respond, bush sealed his victory. Released july 15, 2020, and what relatively went relatively unnoticed. 2020 viceugust 26th, president mike pence said in an interview, you will not be saved in joe bidens america, which is the name and idea behind the ad. His statement gained traction and the Trump Campaign pushed the ad harder. This ad was a direct response to black lives matter protests covered heavily in the media in june and july, making it a perfect time for the Trump Campaign to promote the ad. It also is strikingly similar to ad we viewed earlier. Both ads use pathos. They are both attempts to make the other candidate look incompetent to keep the citizens safe. Specifically, their attempt at making the other candidate look incompetent at keeping citizens safe. Was showed mostly to centrists. 41 likebe video has a to dislike ratio. It is important to keep in mind it is a political ad, and this is relatively common. The comments on the video of, this is what is happening trumps america, not Bidens Bidens america. It is arguable that any publicity is good publicity. Strengthsly has both and weaknesses, which i will let aiden point out. First, im going to play the ad. [video clip] the radical leftwing mobs agenda . Take over cities, defund police, pressure more towns to follow, and joe biden stands with them. Cutting Police Funding . Yes, absolutely. Eliminating cash bail, letting criminals back on the street, violent, exploding, innocent children shot. Who will be there to answer the call when your children are not safe . I am donald j. Trump and i approve this message. Both the ads use similar strategies. Bushs ad focused on the fear of letting criminals free from prison, while trumps ad focused on the black lives matter movement. Both attempted to discredit the opposing candidate, and i adieve oshas ad bushs some more success while trump. While trump said gained traction amongst supporters, it has been discreditingin biden and gaining traction outside of trumps supporters. The scenarios are different. Bush was fighting to become a new president. Trump is fighting to remain president , which takes away from the fear of living in bidens america, because right now america is so divided under trumps presidency. To conclude, trumps advertisement used a historically successful strategy that appealed to the public s the black lives matter concern over safety regarding movement, rioting, looting, and defunding to police. Times have since changed. This allowed for more unfiltered media to reach the public and inform educated opinions about social issues in america, rather than a new source. In comparison to the 1988 election, the bush advertisement, which brought new information about dukakis, trumps advertisement did not bring anything new about joe biden, which is important when youre trying to make an advertisement that is against the opposing candidate. Public opinion on social issues are different right now. We really are focusing america will he is focusing on the black lives matter movement, because it is important to stop the unjust killings of black people by cops. Also, political advertisements today are no longer the largest factor in influencing a persons vote. Really, it is the small tidbits of information we pick up during social media, and occasionally on the news. So, really, his advertisement was not successful in changing the viewers opinion about which candidate theyre going to vote for. All right, so lets give a hand to group three. [applause] so, how many of you, after watching all of these ads, are uncomfortable . Me too. And they are negative, right . So, there are some limitations to these ads. But why should we study these . Why is important to see them, and try to understand the ads . Because of my try to manipulate viewers. It is good to be able to come from an objective perspective, and break it down in a way other people may not consider and not let it take advantage of you or manipulate you. Prof. Duck yes, because the se are forms of the advertisements can be seen as forms of propaganda. They are one sides highly edited clips. Both sides coming out this in that way where media can be used. Group three did a great job with the social media aspect. Memes we talked about, and other things are spreading. We dont know, necessarily, where it is coming from. We are going to break down the pacs and super pacs as well. You guys brought those up. They are uncomfortable. I was like, they are. This has been going on, the history of these go back. It is not just this election cycle. You all are tuning in for the firsttime voters, you are probably tuning in for the first time, but to know that this has a history going back to the 50s is important to understand. So, they may not the limits of the negative ads they may not change or affect partisan attitudes they may not reach the target audience, but they could also be too below the belt, they can be too nasty. That is something we can see that can turn voters off. Do you think that has anything to do with voter turnout . You guys are nodding a lot. You think people are just like explain, who wants to talk about that . See the too below the belt ads as messy and are like, i dont want to get in on this anymore. Politics seem a little too personal for me as a person to go vote on it. But why should we vote . Why should we ignore that uncomfortable part of it . It is part of i think it is a lot of there is a mix of the structures in place that are really oppressing so many peoples voices, and when we do have access to the polls, we should be able to use that in the best way we can. A lot of those structures are not just systemic, they are also narratives that are used, and also the candidate that are presented. It is that feeling of, when you have your right to vote, it is the feeling of why should i . That is part of the tactics being used to silence people and i think signing against that is important. Gabby, you had your hand up, why should we go out and vote, even if we feel disheartened . At this point, if we are talking about having a democracy and wanting a democracy so bad, part of having a democracy is wanting to make your voice heard. Right now the only way to do that is vote. Because i am not sitting on the senate floor right now, i dont have that say, so my say is to is who i vote for to be that voice for me. Prof. Duck thats a good anyone else on going up to vote . Point. Beginning oft the class that the lines can be long. Early voting just started this week for us, i think that is encouraging, no matter what side you are on. I am nonpartisan, but it is encouraging to know people are using that voice, despite the mudslinging, despite the negativity. People are coming out and that is why we vote, right . Back to the ads. They could also rally that base. They can mobilize that base. People remember those negative ads, so they can have a big influence, and some get more press attention. Some are turned into memes, then they go viral. These are ways that the ads are used. In terms of how to correct the misconceptions, one way is to flood the zone. How many of you play sports . Flood the zone, right . You just, basically you use more speech to combat the speech. If you ignore the attacks, sometimes that increases the credibility of the attack. Ignoring it is not necessarily the answer. It just depends on the case. Sometimes that can be a good one. Fact checking. I always encourage Fact Checking. We will go over in a minute how you can factcheck as consumers of these ads. It is usually very good, Fact Checking is good. But if the news media is using it on an ad that maybe no one has seen before, you are amplifying it, may be to the point where it would not have been seen as much, but now that you are talking about it, it is going to get out there more. You have to see if it has that reach. One thing social media does is show us the accounts. It shows us maybe who is watching this and why the record needs to be corrected, but that is just thing in media. One here are some Fact Checking sites, that if you have taken a class with me before you have seen, these are things you can use and i encourage you to use. We talk about media, we talk about news media, we trust reliable sources, we trust journalists. We can go to the New York Times code of ethics, their page, and see all their standards and ethics and we can trust that they are abiding by those x. There are procedures in place, there are editors. And every network i worked at it was the same way. One of the sources is the. Ssociated press they have a factcheck. Factcheck. Org can sometimes help with these ads, and other things you are seeing that you want clarity on. That last point is important, reliable and trusted journalists who abide by journalism codes of ethics. We know the difference between a tabloid and a Real News Organization that abides by the codes of ethics. That is something to keep in mind as you are looking at these ads, as you are navigating these waters in the Campaign Season , because it can be very confusing, right . Lets get to social media. This is advertising and the social dilemma. Happened, as you can see up here, what has happened in the past few weeks that has made a lot of headlines with facebook . They are stopping posting political ads on election day. Yeah, so why would they do that after the election . That i dont get. What have we talked about with mailin ballots, absentee ballots . If the election is close, we might not have the result right away. What they are doing is stopping the advertisements now. Said they arelso going to block any tweets from either campaign if they tried to falsely claim. Right. Social media is stepping in and trying to combat this now. Does anybody know in 2016 what happened with advertisement on social media . How did it affect if you remember the Cambridge Analytica . That is something you all can look into, but that is something that is stemming from this and now they are doing it. A lot are saying why arent they banning them now because they are very influential, so we will get into that as well. It was some headline for the past week where facebook is going to boycott these after the election. Starting november 4. So, we want to get into pacs. They are something that are pretty easy to break down, in the way we put it here. In your book they do a good job. In 2016, proximally 2. 83 b on billion with a was spent on tv political advertising for different elections. Relying on news and social media, that was free advertising. President trump spent less than clinton in 2016. So how does that work to his advantage . What were they playing so he did not really have these advertisements as much . They just used his clips, and he used them as free advertisement. Yeah, so a rally would be taken live. Clinton was not doing as much, so there was not as much taken live. There was criticism in the media on if there is equal coverage. That is something that has been talked about as well. This term it is very hard to make a comparison to 2016 because of the pandemic, but we do see a lot of rallies happening, we are having two debates aight, debate on our campus. The thing i want to get into is that advertising is pacs and super pacs. Super pacs can raise as much money as they want. They can raise it from associations and they can use it for their political candidates. That is different than a regular pac. Super pacs are prohibited from donating money directly to political candidates, but as of october 7, 2020, 2150 groups organized as a super pacs have of oned total receipts point 4 billion again with a b and total independent one of more than 1 billion in the 2020 cycle. This is what super pacs, they can make all of this money from outside groups and fund these ads. You saw one of those ads it says not endorsed, but i endorse this message by the candidate. That is a pac, but a super pac is an outside group that can get a lot of this going. Imagine the negative ads out right now due to the super pacs. That brings us to the conclusion , really, of our lecture. We have just got a couple more slides. Im like why am i on here . [laughter] prof. Duck it is something about me, every time i start talking. There is a dog barking. Alright so, a great conversation about the super pacs, because that is something we will talk about more in the coming weeks. How the financial structure of elections has changed. As professor duck mentioned, super pacs have been taken to a whole other level. You did not have super pacs or regular packs in the 1950s and 60s, so i just wanted to show you a little bit of the difference here. With 1960, about 20 million was spent, total. This is not counting for inflation, but, 1980 it was up 2000, 306lion, million. Then the court case that is going to change everything. That is Citizens United versus the fec in 2010 which reverses the finance restrictions and enabled corporations through super pacs, as long as they are not directly coordinating with the campaign unlimited amounts , to raise of money, which is going to give corporations essentially a voice in politics. They are able to spend unlimited funds, and this decision is going to complicate campaign finances, raise a lot of concerns about transparency, there is still controversy about this court case. You want to know what the total is of this next election . 10. 8 billion. We went from a few Million Dollars 2, 10 . 8 billion is expected to be spent in the 2020 campaign, smashing records. October 1, 2020. And this is the last slide here, and the end of our lecture, and we want to thank all of you for your participation and for your willingness to answer questions and to present. We want to thank cspan and professor duck and i have really enjoyed this experience. But, to wrap up this presentation, in the end president ial elections are about persuasion. And persuasion is not equivalent to truth. That as we go forth. We have one more thing to give you. We do want to give you truth. You,t just one or two of but this time, we really are oprah with the constitution, we are going to make it rain. [laughter] you get a constitution. Everybody gets a cspan constitution, come get it as you walk out the door. Have a great day, watch the debate, vote. See you. Each week American History america brings you context for the questions of the day. This week, three films to mark veterans day. There is a preview. Africanamerican women answered the call to serve. From europe to north africa, to new guinea, to here at home, a servant work to win the war. The Army Nurse Corps has 48 africanamerican nurses. Be 220 blacke will army nurses. Africanamerican females in the Womens Army Corps also have an uphill battle. Theity atoms commanded central postal directory battalion. Wacs had been serving over years for two years. May thought the blacks trouble or, blacks can do what others are doing. Overseas commanders did not want black women to come over. I guess, if there is anything i remember about the second world war, it was the fact that i was a member of the central postal directory. It was the first and only battalion of black men to serve overseas during the second world war. And i am very, very proud of that. Stationed in birmingham, england, and later france. Six aaa eagerly awaited packages to americans throughout europe. Their job was directing mail that had one attempted delivery based on the last address people back at home had. And more times, remove fast. Our job was not exciting, it was necessary. It was necessary for the morale of the troops. Wars end, the navy had commissioned six black female officers and had enlisted 70 waves. The coast guard had accepted a few black men in its reserve program. The spars. For civilian africanamerican women, the war brings challenges and opportunities. 600,000 out of one million americans who entered paid employment during the war are women. The arsenal at dover, new jersey needed more workers to make ammunition for our forces. The appeal was to harlem. Route er fast factory worker summed it up when she declared lincoln may have freed the slaves, but hitlers was the one who got us out of the white folks kitchens. She lived a life completely stripped of luxuries, and yet in asked for no more luxury a patients smile. She agi rations, the same as the rest of the army. The hours were long and the demands never ending. As a result, the nurse learned to make use of every moment of her offduty time. She might not have chosen agi helmet to wear to kid sisters wedding, but it made up for its lack of style by its versatility. Laundry,beauty parlor, alling pot, washbasin rolled into one. A Little Community in size seven. The island complexes known as pangu might, and serve as ideal steppingstones for a communist invasion. Kinmen is surrounded on three sides by the mainland. Wi is the secondlargest village. In recent years, the government has been in a position to eliminate the ancient specters abilities of disease and unemployment, and is establishing Better Health and sanitation practices. These bombed out buildings currently use the train chinese soldiers were destroyed by artillery fire from the communist mainland in 1958, one half a million rounds blasted the island, and an invasion was repelled. Now abutments protect the population, as well as visiting military. Learn more about veterans day through archival films, sunday at 4 00 p. M. Eastern, one 1 00 p. M. Pacific, here on American History tv. A panel of scholars discusses the impact of kenneth gibson, elected as new works first black mayor and the first black mayor of any northeastern city. They examine the impact this had on the broader civil rights movement, and how gibson did and did not meet the expectations of voters. This is part of the association for the study of africanamerican life and historys annual conference. They provided the video. Mr. Blackmer good morning, everyone. Thank you for joining us for what promises to be a timely and illuminating roundtable discussion, looking back on the 50th anniversary of the struggle to elect newarks first black mayor, kenneth gibson

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