among the most innovative ever. actually put it into second place. just to remind you how huge it is, what happens, stuff falls, everything explodes. ultimately it was all one shot. >> that's the thing. i was going to say, was this one take? >> one shot. >> it was one shot. i think it was maybe the second take. all the time to set this up. >> oh, my gosh. >> modern art on you tube. managed all over the world. here's one from brancos bardo, a film student in the university of arts in bucharest. it was a project that he did for his degree. he set up these shots. he's basically lying there, but he tells a story in all these pixels, more than 5,400 photographs were shot using a mix of stop-animation techniques. when you watch it, i'm looking at it. he's got a bike. >> that's very cool. i was having a hard time figuring out what i was seeing before, the imagery. this i get.