it's a great window on the personality of who the president is. >> michael, let me challenge you. between the two of you, you've written six of these great epical speeches there is a sameness to all of them. i hate to say it to someone has tried to give speeches occasionally, the pundits are all built up. two days later people have forgotten it. how often is there that memorable phrase that actually captures the public imagination? >> i think david could answer that question because he is famous for the most famous phrase. >> the phrasing is the least of it. the question is have you succeeded in forcing the priorities of your administration. here is where michael is right. it's a forcing mechanism for the executive branch of the government. if you can mobilize people and discipline them and force them to think, and force them to do -- there was actually the era of big government is over was a clinton phrase, and that was very powerful, and for a while true. >> david, you are either famous or infamous for the words "axis of evil" in one of george bush's