and endorsed him, meaning the republican candidate in north dakota, but we're raising the bar. then why would cramer, that north dakota candidate, or any republican candidate feel like they need to listen to this network if they knew we just support them anyway? >> that's a great point in many respects, but i think this story will be more interesting if they actually support democrats. or do they just stay on the sidelines? that's a big difference. if they actively support -- if they're not supporting heidi heitkamp in north dakota, that would be something far more significant. but this is kind of the nonpolitical equivalent of mommy and daddy are fighting. i think it raises serious questions for candidates like marsha blackburn, someone like that in tennessee. she has a long history of being supported by this network and also supported by the president. so what are these candidates specifically going to do if there's a tug of war between both sides? or is this going to just be a summer fight and cool off? we'll see.