buddy hal went off to war, so jean carroll rewrote their act so she could do it herself. became a solo stand-up. >> this guy ate like he was going for the chair. as for manners, you know, i've seen people eat with their hands before, but not soup. >> she got rave reviews. she was playing the same venues, as all the biggest comedians of the late 1940s, and getting bigger laughs than the guys. >> welcome to "you bet your life." say the secret word and an extra hundred dollars. it's a common word. something you always have with you. phyllis diller, i'll start with you. phyllis, what do you do to break up the monotony of housekeeping and taking care of five small gorillas. >> well, i'm really not a housewife anymore. i'm an entertainer. >> phyllis diller started comedy at 37 years old with five kids. she was cutting edge, because she was doing something that no other woman had done before. >> i love to go to the doctor!