on it that it's not so bad, these military drills, these smaller ones will still be the same as the big ones, but that just doesn't seem logical. >> there's no doubt this is a concession from the u.s. to the north koreans. i've been covering these very large-scale military drills for years now and every time you speak to one of the commanders at these military drills they tell you how vital they are, how important they are for the two allies to remain battle ready. now of course now they've decide they're going to be a lot smaller, they're going to be maybe unit level or some virtual training. both sides are now at pains to say they're not that necessary to have these large-scale drills and they will still be battle ready. so we're really hearing two very different things. and the skeptics say if you don't have these large-scale military drills it's very difficult to have that level of readiness that you had before. >> it doesn't make sense to say we'll get the same preparation out of these smaller drills than the big ones. then were have the big ones in the first place? paula zbrks to see you. thank you so much. appreciate it.