pump, a twice that goes into the left venerycle and helps to re -- venerycle and pump more blood so he would have more energy. he walks around with this implantable device, monitoring a system attached to his side and it's battery-powered. for a lot of folks that have severe congestive heart failure this device either leads to you a heart transplant or in many cases now we're see thank if you left the device in place for let's say a year, it helps the heart sort of rejuvenate. >> really? >> that's the hope here, is that even though he's in otherwise good health, he's 69 years old, he is a candidate for a heart transplant but they're very difficult to come by. maybe with this device you let the heart rest a little bit and then it becomes a little stronger. martha: i find that fascinating. when i was reading about this, it did say as you pointed out it can be sort of a bridge device that gets you through the period until you have a --